Module 6 Coaching Responses

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Question 1

Alanna, I appreciate you openness on the areas you see you need to work on. I know sometimes

it isn't easy to see results and learn from them. I believe in the reading, you could probably find

some resources or examples to help you along too. One thing I do at the end of shifts is I always

tell everyone thank you for their hard work and tell them to enjoy the rest of their day. I have

been told that my coworkers like that I thank and acknowledge them so much, even if sometimes

they (or I) know they didn't do the best work.

Question 3

I think overall, I need to focus more on my strengths and weakness (identifying them) as a

leader. I was recently made to step down from my leadership role at work because I wasn't able

to do what my store manager asked of me (physically or mentally). While it was a blow to my

pride, I think this will give me the opportunity to refine and reflect on my leadership skills. She

told me I was a great leader, but I just had problems with time management (which is whole

other story and not true at all, but we'll move on from that). In the end, I did what I thought I

needed to do so I could learn to grow more in my field.

I feel trusted by Alanna and I hope she feels the same when she think of me. It's easy to come to

her and ask her opinion and we communicate well. Those are the main reason why I feel that

there is mutual trust between us. It's been a while so I've been able to speak with someone so

casually without knowing them for long. Alanna is easy to talk with so I never hesitated to ask

her questions.
Next week, I want to send messages to both Alanna and Amanda (even though Amanda hasn't

been to most meetings). I understand that life is hard, even without going to school online. I want

them to know how appreciative I am for their work so I will write a short letter, and thanking

them for the things I've learn from them throughout this course. Recognition is really important

to me. It's the basis of building trust and so many other aspects. I hope that my short letters will

give them the opportunity to develop as well.

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