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Innovation A to Z Team:

We have validated that there is value for the

customer, and that it’s also viable. Now the project
is ready to enter the agile development phase. All
In this phase we dive deeper into the We gained a lot of new data; it’s Time has come to diverge again Now that the critical assumptions This phase is all about going back to your Now that we have established that there is value for the users, we need to We need to test this solution on a bigger scale to the previous phases, which should happen at a fast
world of the user through research time to sort through and choose and ideate on possible solutions have been defined, it’s time to make users and gathering their feedback around the make sure it’s sustainable as well. Apply various tools to help you get understand if it’s only our neighbour and mother pace, have de-risked the chance of failure of
methods and empathy exercises. what we want to focus on. to solve the challenge at hand. them testable. solution you designed for them. more clarity on how to commercially capture value from your solution. who thinks this is a good idea. investments in the development phase.

Innovation fit Strategy fit Problem fit Solution fit Market fit

Design thinking Understand Empathize Define Ideate Prototype (Qualitative) testing (Quantitative) testing

Lean startup Build Measure Learn Build Measure Learn

Agile (SCRUM or SAFE) Plan / Sprint / Review / Retrospective

Congratulations, you've now reached

problem fit. Start obsessing over this
problem. Even if your first ideas don’t
make it through, you can always resort
to this validated problem. This could be a good Executive pitch: here you’ve
moment to share your validated user desirability,
findings! integrity and business viability.
Up to technical feasibility?

Have you Have you made a

Have you Have you Have you completed Have you low fidelity Have you mapped Have you
Do you Does the Is it a defined a user interviewed at discovered new Have you several ideation identified and Have you Have you defined prototype/MVP Has the Do you have Is the new solution out and tested all Are you sure validated your Congratulations! You’re ready to make
Do you have a understand your challenge problem group you want least 10 users from useful insights formulated a rounds and outlined the selected a your most critical to test your Have you tested solution now an understanding at least 10X better Do you have an remaining critical you haven’t solution, its Have you got this concept a reality. Work with your
clearly defined (role within the) contain a worth to solve the the user group you from the key insight to created many most promising concept that is value proposition critical the prototype/ been of the business than existing idea of the ROI business model overlooked impact and its buy-in from key- agile team to develop your solution,
challenge? ecosystem? solution? solving? problem for? identified? research? focus on? new ideas? concepts? focused enough? assumptions? assumptions? MVP with users? validated? model (options)? solutions today? you’ll achieve? assumptions? anyone? viability? stakeholders? and continue to refine it as you go.

Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes, exactly! Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Start here! 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23

No, I can’t choose! No, let the ideation begin! No No No, I am not yet sure which of No No? Plan the testing and Not yet No How do I know? No No, not validated yet. Not so sure... Not yet on a larger scale No
my assumptions are my most collect feedback from
No No Yes Not sure… No? Focus is key: dive into the No No? You might want to critical ones. users and stakeholders.
understand phase to know who consider conducting more Users overvalue the benefits of
you’d like to serve. user research. Basically it is an existing solution by a factor
recommended to go on of 3, while innovators equally

Who until you start hearing the

same insights over and
over. Remember to put quantity Your prototype is a preliminary
overvalue the pros vs. cons of
their innovation. The result is a
mismatch of nine to one, or 9x,
We’ve identified 13 archetypes of innovators within the corporate context. It
Scoping Canvas Stakeholder 3.1 Have you Don’t forget to “How Might above quality at this stage. Idea Shopping Regain focus with 1 product
or service idea, offering one
Assumption Mapper version representing a concept Business Model between what innovators think Ballpark Figures Assumption Mapper Ecosystem Go for scaled testing: you Great Pitching
Cart Time to put on paper or a single assumption to test - Kit
highlight that each phase requires a different set of skills and mindset thus Mapper interview a couple We” builder distinct killer feature. consumers desire and what Now put your remaining Mapper need to test this solution Checklist &
encouraging different archetypes of innovators to step up and lead the team. ST
Fill out the scoping canvas to
map out what you already
ST validated the of extreme users! AN Gather your team and
DE With the idea shopping EX
what needs to be true
for your concept to
the more minimal, the better EN
Identify the key
consumers really want. Aim for MA
A first guesstimate of EX business model assumptions SI on a bigger scale to EN
Pitching Canvas
Your project's success is Problem Sizing In a B2B context, cart, you ease the 10x better to make them churn. your financial ROI. on paper - what else needs to All projects impact a understand whether it’s
know versus what you’re
curious to find out more
highly influenced by your
alignment and relationship
underlying Canvas
Persona you may get to Empathy
prioritise which insights
are most interesting to Analogy selection of the best
Feedback Grid
stakeholders and values
exchanged surrounding
be true if you want your broader ecosystem. Use this
tool to make sure that you
only your mother and your These tools help you
Use the Persona tool to useful insights with concepts. Prototyping Tools business model not to fail? neighbour who think this build a winning structure
your proposed solution.
about. It’s a tool to align and
get team members onboard.
with your key stakeholder.
Map your internal/external
problem? AL Use this tool to assess the AN help you define a fewer interviews. AN Interview continue with. Use "How
might we..?” as a tool to
Thinking battlefield
Focus on your leap-of-faith
assumptions: these are the Choose the type of prototype
Capture learnings from
your user and stakeholder.
go beyond your obvious
stakeholders, and map out
is a good idea, and if your for your pitch.
size of a customer problem group based on needs. Use the Problem DE Which key success factors EX EX ballpark estimates from
stakeholders and assess how get a good starting point. Once you’ve defined a clear ones that make or break your that fits your needs the best: all those actors that are
and determine if solving it validation script to bring can we copy-paste from EX step 18 actually hold up.
ST Strategist DE Designer you need to keep them No value proposition for your value proposition when proven wireframing, landing pages, potentially impacted by your
satisfied, informed or
could produce (enough) structure to that first user successful businesses -
solution, it’s time to continue (in)validated. Focus on wizard of oz, role play…
Business Canvas projects and actions.
The one who defines the The one who generates ideas
value for your business. interview and nail it. within and outside our
engaged, depending on their We suggest you to the iteration journey of desirability and integrity, as A 1-page snapshot of your
vision & aligns it with the & defines opportunities. industry?
capabilities of the SDG Cards & level of influence and interest. keep moving
How- Now- Wow features by using this tool. most viability and feasibility EN business model to discover Ballpark Impact Experiment Picker/
through this checklist assumptions offer a your remaining assumptions
SI Social Impact Challenger
Intention and validate the matrix workaround or a plan B. and compare yourself to the
Quantify the expected Validation Guide
SI MA impact on the SDGs.
The one who makes sure that Checklist problem first. DE Place your ideas on this status quo.
EX Browse through 20+ experiment
Customer journey/ User Fragment Cards matrix and rank them types to choose the one that fits
FU Futurist social/environmental impact
Pick your impact battle. Use Opposite Feedback your needs the best. Social Impact
The one who’s able to ideas & outcomes are priorities. Ecosystem Journey Map Use the Fragment Cards based on their innova-
Vision Card Experiment Picker/
forecast changes in the
our SDG explanatory cards to
to capture the underlying Thinking tiveness and Decision Tree Wheel
get familiar with the UN Mapper AN Map out the experience of AN needs of your users. DE This tool makes you feasibility. An early-stage 1-page
Validation Guide EX SI
Use this tool to assess your
context of the organization.
EX Experimenter Sustainable Development
Goals, and define how your
All projects impact a broader
3.2 Have you your persona when using a
specific product or service. challenge your assumptions DE overview of your value EX
Browse through 20+ experiment
You’ve received customer
project’s impact on various
by imagining a different proposition and first feedback, now what? Find
The one who validates the types to choose the one that fits SDGs. You still have time to
most critical assumptions
challenge is related to them. ecosystem. Use this tool to
make sure that you go considered version of reality. business model ideas, to
increase clarity and your needs the best.
out what to do next by
using the feedback
revise your concept, make
GU Guardian via prototyping & testing. sure that it doesn’t have a
The one who protects the
beyond your obvious
stakeholders, and map out all multiple ways alignment with internal and
even external stakeholders.
decision tree.
Experiment Card negative impact on the
initiative from the corporate broader ecosystem, and
those actors that are
of solving this Use the experiment card to define even find ways for it to

antibodies. CA Catalyst potentially impacted by your
Experiment Card EX exactly how you’re going to contribute to a better
The one who makes sure
there is internal support &
projects and actions.
problem? Brainstorm Cards Use the experiment card to define
validate these critical business
model assumptions.
future for our planet and its
A collection of 52 cards, EX exactly how you’re going to habitants.
the platform to launch the
SC Scout DE inspired by various market, validate these critical assumptions.
first pilot.
No customer, technology, and
The one who explores the
regulatory trends, which will
unknown to discover “The best way to have
problems worth solving. EN Entrepreneur
9 a great idea is to have
help you brainstorm and
come up with new ideas.
The one who brings people a lot of ideas.” Park
You can use them as a
together to bring a concept A concrete instrument you your idea for now and
catalyst for smarter, more
to market. can use to find answers to engage in a couple of
AN Anthropologist unique ideation sessions.
the relevant questions of brainstorm rounds (9).
The one who observes innovation. Yes
human needs & behaviour
to translate into insights. Hurray! You can
MA Marketeer Tip 10
jump to step 10
The one who can connect &
inspire a relevant client
Additional tips & tricks. and progress with
solution validation.
Impact Ideation
AL Analyst
base. Cards
UN SDGs A set of cards inspired by
The one who can prioritize SI the UN’s Sustainable
the most valuable problems Instruments that use UN
BU Builder Development Goals, which
to solve. Sustainable Development will help you come up with
The one who develops the Goals to help you directing ideas that can positively
first solutions. your efforts toward specific impact our planet and its
global objectives. habitants.

About this tool: “Innovation A to Z” is a decision tree that guides

innovation teams through the complete process of innovation, from
opportunity scan to development.

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