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Practice using the Fill, Move, Search, Enter and Dump debug commands. Note that the
commands are not assembly language instructions but are used to allow inspection and
modification of memory in the Real mode of CPU operation. Assembly language programs can be
written that will perform the same functions as the debug commands, but that will be done later
in the course. For a quick reference of the format the debug commands refer to chapter 4 of
the notes.

1. Use the dump command to display the memory at segment 3000, offset 0100 to offset
01ff. Note you will have to use the dump command twice since it only dumps 128bytes
or 80h values at a time. Perform: d 3000:0100 then perform just d since the dump
command will continue displaying memory successive memory.
How many rows display each time you perform the command?
How many bytes per row display?
How can you identify what address is each byte of a row?

2. Fill a block of memory with a repetitive three data sequence: 12H, 3FH, DCH using the
fill command starting at segment 3000, offset 0100 to offset 01ff of the same segment
(note that H is not used in debug but is shown here to emphasize that the numbers are
in hex). write the command out
-f 3000:0100 01ff 12 3F DC
3. Use the dump command as in step 1 to verify that the memory is now filled with
repeated values of 12h, 3fh and DCh.

4. Use the dump command on memory location segment 4000 offset 0000. Perform the
-d 4000:0000 100
dump over 100h bytes write out the command ________________________

5. Move the data from segment 3000 offset 0100 to segment 4000 offset 0000 using the
move command (move 100h bytes since that is the length of the original fill data) write
the command out -m 3000:0100 100 4000:0000
6. Verify the move data was copied to location segment 4000 offset 0000, by performing
the dump over 100h bytes write out the command
-d 4000:0000
7. Use the search command to search for 3F from segment 4000 offset 0040 to offset 007f
(note you only have to use the segment value once in the command to the search over
the range of both offsets) write the command out
-s 4000:0040 007f 3f
How many instances of 3f did it locate in that range? ____________

8. enter the byte data : ABh, CDh, EFh using the enter command at segment 4000, offset
-e 4000:0020 AB CD EF
0020 and write the command out ____________________________
9. Verify the entered data by dumping over the entire range in one dump command that is
from 4000:0000 to 4000:0100 write out the command
-d 4000:0000 4000:0100
a. How many rows displayed? _____________________________
b. Did any partial rows display? ___________________, if so why?

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