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6 October 2009

It's been two years since I received my degree, but only just found a job. Do people not realize the
potential of knowing how the brain dies? I am not doing any actual testing, mostly just simulations, but
really now. I am hoping this will help me with my own research. A good place to start is with the
connection between the human mind and a computer.

Just imagine! As I continue my research, I could find ways to jump-start the brain again! I could stop
death before it fully takes affect! Now, obviously, I am not thinking of doing away with death. We all
will die at some point. But so many leave before it's their time. What if we could keep them a little
longer, so that we may know their last wishes?

Ah, if only someone had thought of this 20 years ago. Maybe Mother

25 November 2009

Well, I just got back from Neuroscience 2009. I got rejected again. I do not understand why they would
be so against me showing the process of the final stages of death for the brain. Those are really the only
ones I have very concrete data on. And even then it isn't really concrete.

But no matter!

Oh, actually, at Neuroscience 2009, there was this really interesting presentation about monkeys. We all
know we got our brains from them at some point, but apparently the females have a lot of interesting
emotions, similar to our own race!

Just imagine, being able to have "girl-talk" with a lemur! That just seems silly, but someone should
make that into a poster and send it to me, I could use some decoration in my new lab.

16 December 2009

The end of the year notes are due! I have only been here since October but they want me to organize

The last person who worked here really was very unorganized. His handwriting is like chickens just
walked all over the pages, and there is no filing system what-so-ever for this work. It is all over the
place, you would almost believe they just threw him in the river after fighting him to the death to get
out of here.

With organization like this, no wonder they needed someone new! Well, I shall not disappoint! I just
hope I can understand what “black box bad” was honestly suppose to mean. Black box methods aren't
bad. They are quite helpful!

5 January 2010

Happy New Year!

Anyway. I am looking forward to a new start. Looking at this project again, I cannot wait to continue
developing the technology.

Hm, goals. I need to set up a rough outline of what I am looking at. I believe I will first try to work on
the neural interface and see how that runs in the simulations.

That's a good place to start.

6 February 2010

I cannot get it! I am stuck! There is something I am missing, some big... Big breakthrough. The last guy
– as now I am fairly certain it was a man – was looking into some chemical connection through the
scalp. I cannot make heads or tails of it.

Granted, I am not inclined to trust too much of his research, seeing his idea of 'light reading' was a
book entitled "Naughty Neuroscience."

I mean really. At work?

It looks like I need to look at my options again. And refill my coffee. I am soooo happy they pay for
that! And it's DELICIOUS, oh, they have the best coffee I have ever tasted in this place! It is perfect for
all those late nights!


16 March 2010

I decided to try the Wada test. Thankfully, I was able to find quite a few volunteers for this test.* The
results look so interesting, but they are going to take FOREVER to analyze.

Oooh! I cannot wait! This is all so exciting! Just imagine, just over six months ago I was poking cashier
buttons for money, and here I am now! I believe I hit something. I do not know why it did not come to
me sooner! These results are so varied...

*Ani's Note: This would be a good place for live subjects, correct? If not, this could be reworded to “It
won't be quite as eloquent in a <blackbox test/simulation> as it would be on actual test subjects, but it
should suffice.” ← This would then require a few edits to future posts!

25 May 2010

I finally managed to get through most of the results. It was so crazy! My 43rd and 94th subjects were
really intriguing. After carefully looking through them again, I noticed that I had noted (… hehe notice
that I noted) a marked dis-inhibition for the subjects. Lots of anger in the successful results. Well, it
was common, at least. That probably isn't a good thing, but I am sure I will think of something. Perhaps
if I ever give myself a break, I could run a few numbers for hypothetical situations... Hm, that sounds
like a lot of fun!

8 June 2010

So I called back numbers 43 and 94. I also called in 10 new subjects so I could try testing this further. I
want to gather biomarkers on them, but we will see how this goes. Haven't found time to run those
hypothetical situations yet. Still interested to do so.

22 August 2010

I am drowning in analysis! Well, okay, I am joking, but really. I cannot figure out what to do with all of
this. It is so hard to come up with something... well, concrete. I will try and update when I finally have

5 November 2010

Neuroscience 2010 is approaching! Cannot wait to go this year. And guess what! My paper on the
information input through an EEG net made it to the second review! Ooohhh, I might actually get to
present this year!

Cannot wait!

9 December 2010

So, I have started work on the reports for this year! It is much easier than it was last year. I mean really,
my notes? So much better for organization than Naughty-Neuroscience man.

And because it was so much easier, I actually found time to run some of those hypothetical tests from
May. Weird thing, apparently with the way things were going, it would have been a catastrophic
disaster. I am certain that can be avoided, though. I may have to run these again just for fun as I get
closer to completing these tests.

14 January 2011

Eureka! I do not know what I did not look into this in the past! Blood types! It is all in the blood types!
Specifically AB negative. With a slight modification in the 14th chromosome. It results in a 4 times
better reaction to the barbituates from the Wada test! How did I not see that!? Oh, even for a scientist, I
can be so stupid sometimes!
6 February 2011

Alright! I have last month's data analyzed. Now, I am working on putting it into the field! Well, alright,
not really. I cannot wait for that moment I can, but for now I am stuck having it put into play with the
EEG transmission system from my doctoral. Everything is there, it is just ironing the rough kinks out of
the system.

I am so excited! I am be gone for a while, this is going to be a lot of coffee nights to get it working just

PS: Coffee still amazing, I swear, I am not be able to go back to normal coffee if I ever leave this place.

8 June 2011

Yes! I have my huge breakthrough for this project! I was just waiting for this to happen!

Apparently, applying a solution of Dihydrogenthiyocyanate to the subdermal tissue results in a triple

increase to the connectivity. I have to be getting close, just look at this!

Still want to run some hypotheticals, I am do that soon, coffee is not keeping me up like it use to.
Which usually means time for a break, so I may have a day off in the next couple months.

30 June 2011

I think I finally worked out all the kinks, now. That is one step closer!

4 July 2011

So, now I want to see if they will let me move out of theory. There are still a few bugs, a small glitch at
times. I will iron these out and then send my request.

29 July 2011

Hm, that took a bit longer than I thought it would, but it seems to have finally calmed to the point that I
am ready to try moving to an actual test.

Minor note to self: After sending a request for a body, see to it about cleaning up your desk. I never
realized how many bags from Pita Pit I had accumulated over the year.

14 August 2011
I was given approval but they told me it would be a while before I receive anything. So, it's the waiting

1 September 2011

Spent the last MONTH putting together everything so I can get right to it when they are able to send
me a body.

8 September 2011

I cannot wait! But, just think about what they will say at Neuroscience 2011 when I can prove I have
done all this! Perhaps I'll run another simulation or the subdermal EEG nodes....

14 September

Finally took a small break today. Ran some more of those hypothetical tests.

It still came out catastrophic. Maybe I am doing my math wrong? Though that's hard to believe when I
have aced every math class since 6th grade. Oh, maybe there's a bug in the system! I will gave that
checked out!

26 September

Ran a few more tests, still the same results. Odd.

I hope they send me it soon.. It would be nice, being able to get this up and running on the field.

Come to think of it, I do not believe I have been outside the lab since Neuroscience 2010. Whups!

6 October 2011

Odd, I was given a confirmation that I will receive the body within a week. I thought

Well, I suppose they did say it would be a while, so a week longer. At least I have a timeline now.

13 October 2011

I sent a request for a body, and when I finally received

Bodies are dead. Bodies are meant to be void of life. This is very much a person. I can still do this.

Come on, Gene, this is what you have been doing.

19 October 2011

Given the past week, everything is ready. The field test is tomorrow!

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