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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Human Resource Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:

1. Describe the human resource frame

2. Apply the human resource frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

Is is important to note that each team is operated and maintain by an owner, presi-
dent (or CEO), general manager, and coach of the team. A situation that has recently been
brought up is the question of integrity of ownership. Many reports have indicated of foul
play, sexual assault, and cheating within certain NFL teams. Due to the fact that the NFL
and NFLPA work separate from these teams, a lot of investigations have occurred calling
out specific owners of each team. This has created rumors and hurtful imaging for the
NFL. viewership has not really gone down in the past years, but a lack of support for
these teams is continuing to rise due to the shady aspects of inside an NFL team.

One specific team to note is the Washington Commanders. After getting forced to
changed their former name, Washington Redskins, allegations had formed that the owner
of the team at the time had been sexually and verbally assaulting his employees and
cheerleaders. Because of these allegations, this was then taken to court to be further in-
vestigated upon. The Washington football team had been sold to new leadership and is
now undergoing more changes internally. Many more NFL teams have been looked upon
since the challenges of the Commanders. Many NFL fans believe that most teams are not
properly owned and may have some more dirty secrets to uncover. This cases study will
examine these owners more accurately to determine how much of it has been uncovered,
starting with the Arizona Cardinals, owned by Michael Bidwill

2) Describe how the human resources of the organization influenced the situation.

I believe A lack of human resources involvement is what further advanced the is-
sues within the Washington football team. However, the organization was lead at a very
hostile and authoritative leadership style. The previous owner, Dan Snyder, Implemented
fear into his organization. Multiple reports indicate that women who were harassed and
mistreated were afraid to speak up due to a fear of job less or public humiliation. Execu-
tives who were also aware were afraid to speak up as their future of the NFL would have
been in trouble. (Harrison, 2023)

Once investigations began, HR began to open up their doors for those who be-
lieved they were mistreated within the organization. As pressure around the league con-
tinued. The NFLPA, which in my eyes is the large scale HR of the NFL, stepped in to
question the players and coaches to uncover the truth behind Dan Snyder and there issues
within the organization.

3) Recommend how you would use the human resources for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

In my eyes, HR should be the ultimate advocate for the employees and personal
within the organization. However I understand that their jobs are also on the line if they
were to go against higher leadership. Creating an environment where HR and employees
can speak up is key. I also believe that allowing employees the chance to consultant their
HR reps with full confidence that they will act in the best way possible for the employees
rather than the entire organization. People should be held at the highest priority to prevent
mistreatment and horrible events to occur in these organizations, especially within one so
highly elevated such as the NFL.

The Washington Football team is an extreme case in the NFL, but many more of
these cases of mistreatment have occurred within multiple organizations. The Arizona
Cardinals have recently been accused of mistreating and lying to their employees.
(Greenberg, 2023) The Owner, Michael Bidwill, has allegedly fired his entire staff this
past week. (Alexis, 2024) A lot of speculation has arisen but no clear answer onto why
these moves were made. Nevertheless, I believe stronger HR departments need to be es-
tablish within these organizations to keep owners and general managers in check.

4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned
about this frame.

From an outside perspective, we do not truly understand the full extent of how
bad these organizations were from within, all we can go on is stories and experiences of
those who have been or where employed. Statements and accusations of mistreatment

cannot go on resolved. One thing I have learned in this situation is to ask more ques-
tions and get to the bottom line of issues quicker before letting these continue to get
worse. I believe that is how the NFL handled this issue. They turned a blind eye until
someone finally spoke up and went to the press.


Alexis, A. (2024, January 19). Arizona Cardinals Fire CFO in leadership shakeup: ESPN. CFO

Commanders investigation released; Dan Snyder fined ... (n.d.).

Greenberg, D. (2023, November 1). Arizona Cardinals owner Bidwill accused of workplace mis-
conduct. Front Office Sports.

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