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1. My oldest sister is 6 years ------ me.

a. as old as b. more old than c. older than d. oldest
2. Peter: “Thank you very much for your lovely gift.” – Jane: “--------------.”
a. Not at all b. You are welcome c. Thanks d. A & B
3. I asked her ------
a. if she felt well b. where did she go last night
c. whether she can help me d. shouldn’t say such a thing.
4. The woman ------ husband you met at the party last Sunday teaches at Havard University.
a. whom b.whose c. who d. that
5. The party we held last Saturday was a great ------.
a. successful b. successfully c. succeed d. success
6. Don’t start reading a book ------ you are sure that you can read and understand it easily.
a. if b. though c. unless d. in case
7. These species are on the verge of extinction. They are ------ species.
a. danger b. endanger c. endangered d. dangerous
8. Pat has been working for this company ------ she she graduated from college.
a. until b. because c. therefore d. since
9. By the time we arrived at the airport, the plane ------.
a. will leave b has already left c. had already left d. left
10. People benefit greatly from many products that biodiversity provides, --------?
a. didn’t they b. don’t they c. aren’t they d. don’t people
11. My daughter is trying hard ------ she will have a place at university.
a. so that b. so as to c. bacause d. in order
12. The language ------ in New Zealand is English.
a. speak b to speak c. spoken d. speaking
13. Many national parks ------ throughout the world since 1990.
a. have established b. established c. have been establishedd. had established
14. I would have applied for the job if I ------ about it.
a. knew b had known c. would have known d. would know
15. You ------ touch this red button. It is very dangerous.
a. may not b. needn’t c. might not d. mustn’t
16. Can you look ------ my luggage while I am going to the toilet?
a. after b. up c. for d. at
17. ------ someone’s attention, you can use several ways of non-verbal form of communication.
a. Attracting b. Attracted c. Attract d. To attract
18. --------- a few days ago, David saw a terrible accident.
a.When drove hom b. while driving
19. We all hope ------ the coming national examination.
a. passing b passed c. to pass d. pass
20. The National Curriculum ------- in all state schools.
a. must follow b. must be following c. must be followed d. is following
21. Our academic year ------ into two terms.
a. divides b. is dividing c. is divided d. will divide
22. I had an opportunity ------ to a party with my roommate on the first weekend.
a. going b. go c. went d. to go
1. She wasted a lot of time ------ to get in touch with the police.
a. to try b. trying c. tried d. tries
2. Have you finished ------ the book I lent you?
a. to read b. read c. reading d. reads
3. I had a lot of trouble ------ to answer all the interviewer’s questions.
a. trying b. to try c. in trying d. A and C
4. We can’t help ------ about the pollution of the environment.
a. worrying b. to worry c. worry d. B & C
5. Remember ------ a letter of application and your re’sume’ to the company first.
a. sending b. sent c. to send d. to be sent
6. You should make a real effort ------ all the questions the interview asks.
a. answering b. answer c. answered d. to answer
7. It will take many years ------ the damage humans caused to the environment.
a. repaired b. to repair c. repair d. repairing
8. I am considering ------ part in the competition.
a. take b. to take c. taking d. taken
9. Are you accustomed ------ English with your friends yet?
a. speak b. to speak c. to be spoken d. to speaking
10. Defenders are not allowed ------ with the opponent’s movements.
a. to interfere b. interfered c. interfering d. interfere
11. The referee made the player ------ in the penalty box for one minute.
a. standing b. to stand c. stand d. stood
12. Do you plan ------ for the job?
a. apply b. applying c. applied d. to apply
13. This athlete is not good enough ------ the gold medal.
a. to win b. win c. winning d. for winning
14. The interviewer advised me ------my higher education.
a. to continue b. continue c. continuing d. continued
15. The coach didn’t let that defender ------ in the next match.
a. play b. playing c. to play d. played
16. The player was made ------ the match because he had committed a serious foul.
a. leaving b. leave c. left d. to leave
17. This is the most ------ film I have ever seen.
a. bored b. bore c. boring d. to bored
18. His parents encouraged him ------ part in the Southeast Asian Games.
a. to take b. taking c. took d. takes
19. The company refused ------him the job.
a. giving b. to give c. give d. to be given
20. The Vietnamese Women’s Football team was successful in ------ the title.
a. defend b. to defend c. defending d. defended
21. It is very kind of you ------ me this thriller.
a. lending b. lend c. lent d. to lend
22. I am going to have my application form ------ to the company.
a. sent b. to send c. sending d. send
1. This is the first time she ------ in the marathon.
a. runs b. has run c. ran d. is running
2. Thousands of species ------ with extinction every year.
a. threaten b. are threatened c. are threatening d. threatened
3. One of the rare and endangered animals in Vietnam ------ the tiger.
a. is b. are c. were d. have been
4. Each of the pandas in this zoo ------ 3 kilos of bamboo leaves a day.
a. eat b. has eaten c. eats d. is eating
5. We ------ a lot of progress in improving people’s lives since DOI MOI.
a. are making b. make c. made d. have made
6. The accident happened while he ------ to the interview.
a. had driven b. is driving c. drove d. was driving
7. After ------ from college, he got a good job with a big company.
a. graduate b. graduated c. graduating d. to graduate
8. Twenty six miles ------ the length of a marathon race.
a. is b. are c. was d. were
9. When he ------ tomorrow, he will tell us the truth.
a. comes b. will come c. is going to come d. will have come
10. He is the only applicant ------ the job.
a. to give b. giving c. is given d. to be given
11. My new job gives me an opportunity ------ my creativity and knowledge.
a. using b. to use c. use d. used
12. During my first year at collge, I didn’t ----- on my own.
a. used to live b. used to living c. use to live d. use to living
13. This is the most interesting science fiction book I -----.
a. never read b. am reading c. have ever read d. will read
14. At this time yesterday, I ------ a film about wildlife in Africa.
a. watched b. was watching c. had watched d. am watching
15. Neither the players nor the coach ------- with the decision of the referee.
a. agree b. have agreed c. are going to agree d. agrees
16. I am sorry, I don’t remember ------ her before.
a. met b. meet c. to meet d. meeting
17. You’d------ to the dentist every six months.
a. better go b. rather going c. better to go d. rather to go
18. The rhino is one of the species that ------ in danger of extinction.
a. is b. are c. has been d. was
19. This athlete ------ part in the SEA Games several times.
a. takes b. has taken c. is taking d. had taken
20. We hope that the next Asian Games ------ in Vietnam.
a. will hold b. was held c. will be held d. will be holding
21. Several world records ------ at the 22 SEA Games in Vietnam.
a. were broken b. broke c. are broken d. have broken
22. At present our athletes ------ hard in preparations for the next Games.
a. train b. will train c. are training d. trained
1. If we hadn’t set up this National Park, many species of animals ------ extinct.
a. would become b. would have becomec. had become d. will become
2. These animals wouldn’t survive if we ------their habitat.
a. hadn’t protect b. wouldn’t protect c. didn’t protect d. don’t protect
3. The party was very boring. He wishes he ------ .
a. didn’t go b. wouldn’t go c. doesn’t go d. hadn’t gone
4. The interviewer asked me ------.
a. if I can type b. how old was I c. to fill in the form d. show my certificate
5. The spectators were very ------ with the result of the match.
a. please b. pleasing c. pleasure d. pleased
6. I have just had my professor ------ a letter of recommendation.
a. write b. wrote c. writing d. written
7. My roommate ------ me he was looking for a job.
a. said b. asked c. told d. told to
8. If the story is ------ , I always “ swallow” it at once.
a. excite b. excited c. excitement d. exciting
9. The book is so interesting that I find it difficult ------ it down.
a. put b. to put c. putting d. to be put
10. The story book was too boring for me ------ up again.
a. to pick b. pick c. picking d. to be picked
11. We still have a lot of time, so we ------ hurry.
a. needn’t b. mustn’t c. may not d. can’t
12. The more plants we grow, ------
a. our environment becomes cleaner b. the cleaner becomes our environment
c. the more clean our environment becomes d. the cleaner our environment becomes
13. Getting a job is becoming ------.
a. difficult and difficult b. difficult and more difficult
c. more and more difficult d. more difficult and more difficult
14. How long ------ you ------ English so far?
a. have/learnt b. did/learn c. do/learn d. are/learning
15. The Vietnamese athletes ------ 158 gold medals at the 22 SEA Games.
a. were winning b. won c. were won d. have won
16. Two hours ------ the time for this test.
a. are b. were c. is d. is being
17. It took Vietnam many months ------ for the Games.
a. prepared b. preparing c. prepare d. to prepare
18. It was in 2003 ------ Vietnam hosted the 22nd SEA Games.
a. that b. which c. where d. A & B
19. Pointing at other people ------ rude.
a. are considering b. consider c. are considered d. is considered
20. The police have just recovered the ------ car.
a. stealing b. steal c. stole d. stolen
21. Fashionable wildlife products ----- all over the world .
a. should be banned b. should ban c. should be banning d. are banning
1. Jean Henri Dunant, ------ initiated the foundation of the Red Cross, was a Swiss man.
a. who b. whom c. that d. A & C
2. ------ illegal hunting is banned, the number of endangered animals continues to decrease.
a. Because b. Though c. If d. Despite
3. People have made a lot of conservation efforts ------ rare and endangered animals.
a. save b. in order to save c. so that to save d. saving
4. A football player ------ foul is serious may be sent out of the match immediately.
a. whom b. whose c. that d. who
5. Tropical forests ------ is the home of thousands of animal species must be protected.
a. which b. that c. where d. A & B
6. ------ the severe weather, few plant and animal species can exist in Australian deserts.
a. In spite of b. Because c. Since d. Due to
7. ------ many plants and animals become extinct, biodiversity may disappear forever.
a. Unless b. Though c. Because of d. If
8. It was ------ that it gave the spectators a lot of excitement.
a. such good a game b. so good game c. good game d. such a good game
9. Vietnam had made all preparations ------ the 22nd SEA Games took place.
a. after b before c. while d. during
10. ------ the destruction of forests, many animal species are on the verge of extinction.
a. Because of b. In spite of c. In case d. Since
11. The harder you work,------.
a. you gain more knowledge b. the more knowledge you gain
c. the more you gain knowledge d. more knowledge you gain
12. ------ her great efforts, she couldn’t find a suitable job.
a. Even though b Because of c. Despite d. In spite
13. Today the environmental problem is ------ that no one can ignore it.
a. too serious b. such a serious c. so serious d. serious enough
14. Peter speaks French ------ in my class.
a. better than b the best c. as well as d. best
15. Do you know the reason ------ our team lost the game?
a. that b. whom c. which d. why
16. ------ modern inventions, domestic chores are no longer a burden for women.
a. Thanks to b. In case of c. Besides d. On the other hand
17. Children from the age of 5 to16 must go to school, ------ is compulsory in our country.
a. that b. where c. what d. which
18. You should take an umbrella with you ------ it rains.
a. unless b. in case of c. owing to d. in case
19. ------ Doi Moi, our people’s lives have become better and better.
a. Because b In case c. Since d. In spite of
20. Ms Young always talks to her 10 grade students ------ they were adults.
a. such as b. like c. as d. as if
21. ------ volleyball players, footballers cannot play with their hands.
a. Unlike b. Not like c. Don’t like d. Not as
1. Today many people prefer watching TV to reading books, ------?
a. do they b. Are they c. don’t they d. don’t people
2. He didn’t apply for the job and I ------.
a. didn’t too b. wasn’t either c. didn’t neither d. didn’t either
3. It was not until 1864 ------ the Red Cross was founded.
a. that b. which c. when d. where
4. Do you know ------ the United Nations Headquarters is?
a. why b. when c. where d. whose
5. Switzerland is the country ------ the Red Cross Headquarters is located.
a. which b. where c. at which d. why
6. This book contains ------ information about wildlife in Africa.
a. many b. a few c. a lot d. a lot of
7. Both the victims ------ the Red Cross volunteers survived the disaster.
a. or b. as well as c. with d. and
8. More victims of Asian tsunami of 2004 died ------ I expected.
a. as b. more than c. than d. such as
9. ------ the weather forecast, it will be cloudy tomorrow.
a. Thanks to b. According to c. Due to d. As a result
10. Robots will do most housework. ------ , it is doubtful whether they can do the cooking.
a. So b. Therefore c. However d. Although
11. Our team is training hard, ------ we hope they will win the next game.
a. so b. but c. however d. yet
12. No player can hold the ball with both hands, ------ the goalie can.
a. but b. so c. therefore d. and
13. Our home team played much better, ------ they won the game.
a. but b. however c. therefore d. yet
14. Both he ------ his roommate went to the basketball game.
a. or b as well as c. and d. nor
15. My friend suggested ------ camping in the mountains.
a. go b. went c. to go d. going
16. It is no use ------ to apply for that job. You haven’t got the right qualifications.
a. try b. to try c. tried d. trying
17. “You can start work either this week ------ next week.” said the interviewer.
a. or b. and c. nor d. as well as
18. ------ to have some coffee?
a. Shall we b. What about c. Would you like d. Let’s
19. “------ going on a camping trip next weekend?” - That’s a good idea.
a. Do you want b How about c. Would you like d. Shall we
20. That athlete is said ------ 8 gold medals in the Olympics of 2008 in Beijing.
a. to win b. to have won c. to winning d. A & B
21. This is the Training Centre, ------ was built last year.
a. that b. which c. where d. in which
22. Everyone ------ to protect the environment.
a. is wanting b. want c. to want d. wants
1. This is the school ------- in 1970.
a. build b. building c. to built d. built
2. Do you know the man ------ to Mr. Smith?
a. talks b. talking c. talked d. who talk
3. ------ for the UN, you must have a good knowledge of English.
a. Working b. Worked c. To work d. Work
4. In times of war, many people volunteered to help ------.
a. the wounding b. wounded c. the wounded d. the wound
5. We came to the lecture ------ to that famous professor.
a. to listen b. listening c. for listening d. so that listen
6. Could you tell me the ------ hours of this office?
a. to work b. working c. work d. worked
7. The audience was ------ because the play was ------.
a. boring / bored b. boring / boring c. bored / boring d. bored / bored
8. The man thought he ------ a job soon.
a. will find b. had found c. would find d. can find
9. I believe that all of you ------ the examination next month.
a. pass b. would pass c. had passed d. will pass
10. When he ------ tomorrow, he will explain everything to us.
a. will come b is going to come c. comes d. will be coming
11. As soon as I ------ this report, I will send it to my boss.
a. am finishing b. have finished c. had finished d. will finish
12. Since we ------ school, we haven’t seen each other.
a. leave b. left c. had left d. were leaving
13. I left the house early ------ I could catch the first train.
a. in order to b so as to c. in order that d. because that
14. ------ starting late, he was on time for the train.
a. Though b. In spite c. Even though d. Despite
15. He was late for work ------ heavy traffic.
a. because of b. as c. because d. since
16. ------ you study harder, you will never pass the exam.
a. Unless b. If c. Because d. In spite of
17. The table ------ leg was broken yesterday is being repaired.
a. which b. that c. whose d. A & B
18. We had ------time at the party that nobody wanted to leave.
a. so good b. such good c. such a good d. very good
19. Mr. Allen, our new manager, gave us ------ .
a. a very good news b. a few advice c. many information d. a piece of furniture
20. ------going to the cinema?
a. How about b. Will you c. Would you like d. Let’s
21. ------ go camping this weekend.
a. Shall we b. Let’s c. Why don’t we d. All are correct
22. ------ you show me the way to the nearest station?
a. Can b. Could c. would d. All are correct
1. Don’t forget to turn ------ all the lights before you leave the house.
a. on b. off c. round d. up
2. While he was cleaning the gun, it suddenly went ------ and killed him.
a. off b. on c. away d. out
3. Would you mind looking ------ my garden while I am on holiday?
a. up b. for c. after d. forward to
4. The weather today is cold enough for you to ------ these warm clothes.
a. take off b. turn on c. turn up d. put on
5. I am so tired that I am going to ------ for a while.
a. try out b. hold up c. lie down d. go on
6. He invited all his friends to the party but only a few could turn ------.
a. on b. off c. round d. up
7. Please ------ working. I don’t want to interrupt your work.
a. get over b. go on c. hold up d. go off
8. Betty is such a lazy girl that she never ------ after meals.
a. looks up b. turns up c. washes up d. gives up
9. If you want to apply for this job, please ------ this application form.
a. look up b. fill in c. give up d. take off
10. You should ------ your hat when you enter anyone’s house.
a. take off b. turn off c. put on d. take after
11. Would you like to ------ with me tonight?
a. wash up b. go out c. get up d. hold up
12. Because of the heavy snow, the traffic was ------ for several hours this morning.
a. got over b. taken care of c. hurried up d. held up
13. Just a minute! I am ------ this new disc.
a. putting on b. trying out c. looking up d. turning on
14. It is usually considered to be rude to ------ other people.
a. wait for b. talk to c. stare at d. listen to
15. If you want to apply ------ this job, you should apply ------ the personnel manager.
a. of / to b. to / for c. for / of d. for / to
16. Do you know what the police are searching ------?
a. for b. to c. by d. of
17. The boy who threw the stone ------ the glass window will be punished.
a. in b. at c. into d. to
18. He glanced ------ his watch and hurried to the station.
a. for b. with c. of d. at
19. When are you going to leave ------ London?
a. of b for c. to d. in
20. Due to his illness, the doctor advised him to ------ drinking.
a. give away b. go on c. give up d. take off
21. It is dark in here. Can you ------ the light?
a. turn on b. turn off c. go on d. go off
22. Cong Vinh can’t take part in the game tomorrow, he hasn’t got ------ his illness yet.
a. over b. off c. on d. up
I. Choose the option ( a,b,c or d) that best expresses the same meaning or completes the
1. Peter didn’t study hard, so he failed the exam.
a. If Peter studied hard, he would pass the exam
b. If Peter studies hard, he won’t fail the exam.
c. Peter would have passed the exam if he had studied hard.
d. If Peter had studied hard, he wouldn’t fail the exam.
2. I can’t cook as well as my mother.
a. My mother can cook better than I can. b. My mother can’t cook as well as I can.
c. I can’t cook but my mother can. d. My mother is the best cook
3. This problem is too difficult for me to solve.
a. This is too difficult problem to solve. b. I can solve the problem if I try my best.
c. I can’t solve this difficult problem d. This problem isn’t difficult enough for me to
4. It was such bad weather that our flight was delayed.
a. Because the bad weather, our flight was delayed.
b. The weather was such bad that our flight was delayed.
c. Our flight was delayed owing to the bad weather .
d. The weather was too bad that our flight was delayed.
5. Despite his poor health, he attended class regularly.
a. Although his health is poor, he attended class regularly.
b. His health was poor, but he attended class regularly.
c. In spite of his poor health, but he attended class regularly.
d. Though his poor health, he attended class regularly
6. John wants to buy a new car, but he doesn’t have enough money.
a. If John had had enough money, he would have bought a new car.
b. John would buy a new car if he had enough money.
c. John will buy a new car if he has enough money.
d. Unless John had a enough money, he would buy a new car.
7. Nobody in this club plays tennis as well as James.
a. James plays tennis more better than anyone in this club.
b. Anyone in this club can play tennis as well as James.
c. Nobody in this club can’t play tennis better than James.
d. James plays tennis the best in this club.
8. People say that he is a famous scientist.
a. He says that he is a famous scientist. b. It was said that he was a famous scientist.
c. He was said to be a famous scientist. d. He is said to be a famous scientist.
9. Mary was too busy to go to my birthday party. She wishes she ------.
a. could go to my party b. went to my party
c. will go to my party d. had gone to my party
10. The man asked me ------.
a. if I remembered him b. that whether I could help him
c. when could I pay the bill d. what my name is.
1. “How do you do?” – “ ---------.”
a. I am a student. b. How do you do? c. I am fine, thanks d. I do it very well.
2. “Could you tell me how to get to the station?” – “ ------ .”
a. Yes, I could b. Yes, certainly. c. Yes, please d. Yes, that’s right
3. “Would you like something to drink?” – “-------.”
a. Yes , I would b. Yes, I would like. c. Yes, please. d. It is OK, thanks.
4. “Could I use your telephone, please?” – “ --------.”
a. Please, go ahead. b. Please, you can. c. You are welcome d. It’s my pleasure.
5. “Wow! Your new dress is beautiful.” – “----------.”
a. Do you like it? b. It is very expensive c. Yes, it is d. Thank you.
6. “How are you doing?” – “--------.”
a. I am doing exercises. b. I am a doctor.
c. I am doing very badly d. Fine, thanks. And you?
7. “Thank you for a wonderful evening.”- “--------.”
a. You are welcome. b. Thank you.
c. You needn’t thank. d. Oh! Not very wonderful
8. “Good morning! What can I do for you, Sir?” – “--------.”
a. Please, you can b. No, I needn’t
c.Yes, I’d like a pair of shoes, please d. Yes, you can do for me.
9. “I have just passed the National Examination.” – “--------.”
a. Congratulations! b. Yeah! Very good. c. OK. It is very good. d. Good luck to you.
10. “I am very sorry about my mistake” – “--------“
a. Yeah, OK. b. That’s all right
c. Yes, you made mistakes d. No, nothing is important
11. “Merry Christmas!” “--------.”
a. Cheers! b. Happy to you! c. The same to you! d. Thanks
12. “Well, I am leaving for a holiday tomorrow, bye!” – “ --------.”
a. Oh! You are lucky b. Good bye! you must be careful
c. When do you come back? d. Have a good holiday!
13. “Would you like to go to the cinema with me tonight?” – “ --------.”
a. Thanks, I’d love to b. OK, thanks
c.Thank you, I would like. d. Yes, I would.
14. “Why don’t we go on a camping trip this weekend?” – “ -------.”
a. No, we don’t b. Because we are busy
c. Yes, please go. d. That’s a good idea!
15. “Bye!” – “ --------.”
a. “See you lately” b. See you soon c. Meet you again d. See you latter
16. “What do you think of Jane?” – “--------.”
a. I don’t think of her b. No, I don’t c. She is very nice d. I think of her a lot.
17. “I think it will be fine tomorrow.” – “--------.”
a. I believe too. b. I hope so c. I think not so. d. I hope also
18. “ ------- lend me your pen for a few minutes?” – “--------.”
a. Do you b. May you c. What about you d. Could you
19. “Do you mind if I smoke here?” – “--------.”
a. Please, smoke b. That’s OK c. No, nothing d. No, I don’t mind.

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