Political Frame Worksheet Alcaraz

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OGL 481 Pro-Seminar I:

PCA-Political Frame Worksheet

Worksheet Objectives:

1. Describe the political frame

2. Apply the political frame to your personal case situation

Complete the following making sure to support your ideas and cite from the textbook and other
course materials per APA guidelines. After the peer review, you have a chance to update this and
format for your Electronic Portfolio due in Module 6.

1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

Is is important to note that each team is operated and maintain by an owner, presi-
dent (or CEO), general manager, and coach of the team. A situation that has recently been
brought up is the question of integrity of ownership. Many reports have indicated of foul
play, sexual assault, and cheating within certain NFL teams. Due to the fact that the NFL
and NFLPA work separate from these teams, a lot of investigations have occurred calling
out specific owners of each team. This has created rumors and hurtful imaging for the
NFL. viewership has not really gone down in the past years, but a lack of support for
these teams is continuing to rise due to the shady aspects of inside an NFL team.

One specific team to note is the Washington Commanders. After getting forced to
changed their former name, Washington Redskins, allegations had formed that the owner
of the team at the time had been sexually and verbally assaulting his employees and
cheerleaders. Because of these allegations, this was then taken to court to be further in-
vestigated upon. The Washington football team had been sold to new leadership and is
now undergoing more changes internally. Many more NFL teams have been looked upon
since the challenges of the Commanders. Many NFL fans believe that most teams are not
properly owned and may have some more dirty secrets to uncover.

2) Describe how the politics of the organization influenced the situation.

I think it is important to acknowledge the two different types organizations within

the overall NFL. In the grand scheme of things. The NFL is over all 32 owners and estab-

lish the standards of rules and legal matter within the NFL. These owners all have a say
in these decisions, but at the end of the day, the final vote and voice comes from the main
leading figure over the entire NFL, his name is Rodger Goodell. Although many may dis-
agree with his decision making, he has been the commissioner since 2006 and has no de-
sire of stepping down. The second type of organization within the NFL is the ownership
of each NFL team. Owners who have purchased a team or have had it passed down by
family matters have their own team members within each organization. Both of these
types of organizations have their own agendas, but in this case we will take a closer look
at within the ownership of these individual teams. Specifically the Washington Comman-

Due to the harsh leadership traits of the former NFL owner Dan Snyder, the envi-
ronment in the office was hostile and full of fear. As more and more leaked information
came across the league, Dan made it clear to salvage his reputation. There was potential
threat made by the Washington Commander’s owner that if any allegations were released
by other NFL teams, he would personally release “dirt” on all 32 owners of the league.
(SI, 2022) This created such a stir within the NFL and their owners. Eventually coming
to a favorable decision to vote to remove Dan Snyder from the team. No other “dirt” was
found on the other teams, but a lot of damage control had appeared from the top NFL ex-
ecutives as they dove deep into Organizational elevations to make sure each organization
was producing the top most quality that they can give to it’s players and employees.

3) Recommend how you would use organizational politics for an alternative course of
action regarding your case.

If I was an owner of an NFL team, I would make sure that my executives shared
the same power as me so IF ownership was to be passed on, there would not be such a
hole. That is the first thing. The Second thing would be to set boundaries within each
other NFL organization to keep the integrity of the game in the best shape. The last thing
we need is allegations of cheating or constricting between other NFL owners. My biggest
probity is to my team and it’s personnel. As more money gets pushed into the NFL , it is
key to establish a great atmosphere for all people involved to feel secure and full belief of
it’s employer.

Networking with other people is key, while Dan Snyder got involved with messy
owners of different NFL teams, I do believe in the power of coloration within the politi-
cal scope of the NFL. However, I think it should be obtained in a different manner. I fully
believe that NFL teams should focus internally within their own state and community. At
the end of the day, a team of a city/ state should focus on bringing a championship to it’s
fans and communities. Focusing on those networking relationships is vital for it’s organi-

Reference or References

Alexis, A. (2024, January 19). Arizona Cardinals Fire CFO in leadership shakeup: ESPN. CFO
Dive. https://www.cfodive.com/news/arizona-cardinals-fires-cfo-leadership-shakeup-

Commanders investigation released; Dan Snyder fined ... (n.d.).


Dan Snyder has said he has ‘dirt’ on NFL owners, officials, ... (n.d.).

Greenberg, D. (2023, November 1). Arizona Cardinals owner Bidwill accused of workplace mis-
conduct. Front Office Sports. https://frontofficesports.com/arizona-cardinals-owner-

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