Year 9 Biology Spring 1 2024 Checklist

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Year 9 Biology Spring 1 2024 Checklist

1. Eyepiece lens - The part of the microscope you look down.

2. Magnification - How much bigger something appears compared with its actual
3. Objective lens - The part of the microscope that is closest to the specimen.
4. Resolution - Smallest change that can be measured by an instrument. For example,
in a microscope it is the smallest distance between two points that can be seen as
two points and not blurred into one point.
5. IAM equation – to calculate the magnification of an image, you divide the image
size by the actual size.
6. Cell (surface) membrane - It controls what goes into and out of a cell. It is often
called the cell surface membrane because eukaryotic cells contain other structures
with membranes.
7. Cell wall - A tough layer of material around some cells, which is used for protection
and support. It is stiff and made of cellulose in plants. In Bacteria it is flexible.
8. Chloroplasts - A green disc containing chlorophyll, found in plant cells. Where the
plant makes glucose, using photosynthesis.
9. Nucleus – the cellular structure that contains the DNA/chromosomes in a
eukaryotic cell (sometimes called the ‘control centre’).
10.Ribosome - Tiny sub-cellular structure that makes proteins.
11.Respiration – a series of reactions in all living cells where glucose is broken down
to release energy
12.Photosynthesis – a series of reactions that take place in the green part of plants
where carbon dioxide and water combine to form glucose and oxygen. It requires
energy from sunlight
13.Biotic factor – Living components in an ecosystem, including plants, animals,
14.Abiotic factor – Non-living components in an ecosystem, such as temperature,
light and space
15.Adaptation – the features of an organism (eg plant/animal) that enable it to
survive or do a certain function
16.Variable – something that needs to be controlled during practical investigations in
order to produce valid and comparable data
17.Flagellum – a tail-like structure found on many bacteria (and sperm cells) to help
them move
18.Prokaryotic – a cell which does NOT have a nucleus (or any membrane-bound
19.Enzyme – a biological catalyst, a molecule that speeds up reactions in living cells
20.Biuret test – the test for proteins; add potassium hydroxide and copper sulfate
solution to food. Colour changes from blue to purple if protein is present
21.Asexual reproduction – producing new organisms from one parent only; offspring
are genetically identical to the parent
22.Growth – a permanent increase in the number and/or size of cells in an organism
23.Diploid – cells with 2 sets of chromosomes (2 copies of each chromosome). In
humans, diploid number is 46
24.Metaphase – the stage in mitosis where chromosomes line up on spindle fibres
across the middle of the cell
25.Cancer – disease caused by uncontrolled cell division in the body

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