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Physical Education 3

Learning Objectives
At the end of this presentation students should be able to;

01 02 03
Discover the History of Ballet Understand the Nature and Perform the Fundamentals
Characteristics of Ballet and; Movements of Ballet
brief history
Ballet was taken from the Italian word “ballare”,
meaning to dance, and “ballo”, referring to dances
performed in a ballroom.
It started as a performance in the royal court
where the male servants would execute a
movement related to the course they are serving
during a court dinner.
It was in the 15th century during the Renaissance period when ballet
began in Italy.
From Italy, Catherine de Medici (Queen of France) brought it to her
country which marked the staging of ballet and further developed at
the French courts during the 16th century.
In 1672, ballet then also became a profession.
Ballet in the French courts became so popular that it spread and
influenced the entire Europe.
Many of the features that we see in ballet today began only during
the Romantic era in the 19th century.
Ballet was imported to Russia during the country’s first period of
Westernization when many European fashions, including dance, were
The end of the 19th century gave birth to classical ballet in Russia
where it rapidly grew in popularity.
Ballet and the arts in general experienced an enormous change
during the 20th century.
This was due to the Russian Revolution, World Wars, and liberation of
It was also in this time that ballet reached in the United States.
The American colonization paved the way for the introduction of
classical ballet in the Philippines.
Although ballet in the Philippines started a little later compared to
European and Western countries, it does not fall far behind when it
comes to producing world-class ballet performances.
Several ballet companies such as Ballet Philippines and Ballet Manila
have prospered and are recognized internationally. They also have
trained and produced dancers of international caliber.
Ballet today has become multifaceted and several of its forms are linked together to create what is now known as modern ballet.
Ballet acts as backbone for many other genres of dance. It was created from techniques that have been established over
centuries. It is a type of dance compelled with rigorous code of technical 7 guidelines. Considering the five fundamental positions
of the feet and legs and accompanying positions of the arms and hands, one can say that the language of ballet is objective,
specific, and fix.
Natures && characteristics
characteristics ::
❖ It requires an erect spine, turned out hips, proportioned and
balanced action, and carving fluid lines.
❖ Elevation, alignment, pointing of the foot, moving and posing of
arms (port de bras), flexibility, and lightness are the other
foundations for a ballet dancer.
❖ In classical manner, will require for an adagio (slowly), and with
male and female dancers performing together (a pas de deux) or four
(quatre) Used pantomime to clarify movement.
❖ Have the capability to convey stories that bring an audience to
another world.
Fundamental Movements:
Fundamental Movements:
Fundamental Movements:
Fundamental Movements:
Fundamental Movements:
Fundamental Movements:
Fundamental Movements:
Fundamental Movements:
Fundamental Movements:
Fundamental Movements:
basic ballet position
Ballet used to be performed with operas. A male
ballerina is called a “danseur” but in Italy are called
“ballerino”. Male ballerinas lift about 1 and a half
tons over the span of a performance! Dancers rub
resin on their shoes to prevent slipping – string
players use this too!
Thank you
Group 5
GEREÑA , KHLARYSE Bongalos, Marc
MABALAY, KRISEL mangampat , adrian

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