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What Is Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

Artificial intelligence (AI), the ability of a digital computer or computer-controlled robot to perform
tasks commonly associated with intelligent beings. ( )

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in

machines that are programmed to think like humans and mimic their actions. The
term may also be applied to any machine that exhibits traits associated with a
human mind such as learning and problem-solving.

Artificial intelligence is based on the principle that human intelligence can be

defined in a way that a machine can easily mimic it and execute tasks, from the
most simple to those that are even more complex.

Algorithms often play a very important part in the structure of artificial

intelligence, where simple algorithms are used in simple applications, while more
complex ones help frame strong artificial intelligence.

AI is being tested and used in the healthcare industry for dosing drugs and
different treatment in patients, and for surgical procedures in the operating room.

Other examples of machines with artificial intelligence include computers that

play chess and self-driving cars.

Artificial intelligence also has applications in the financial industry, where it is

used to detect and flag activity in banking and finance such as unusual debit card
usage and large account deposits—all of which help a bank's fraud department.

Weak artificial intelligence embodies a system designed to carry out one

particular job. Weak AI systems include video games such as the chess example
from above and personal assistants such as Amazon's Alexa and Apple's Siri.

Strong artificial intelligence systems are systems that carry on the tasks
considered to be human-like. These tend to be more complex and complicated
systems. They are programmed to handle situations in which they may be
required to problem solve without having a person intervene. These kinds of
systems can be found in applications like self-driving cars or in hospital operating
What Is Knowledge Engineering?
Knowledge engineering is a field of artificial intelligence (AI) that creates rules to
apply to data to imitate the thought process of a human expert. It looks at the
structure of a task or a decision to identify how a conclusion is reached.


what does "Artificial Intelligence" mean? Reasoning, Problem- Solving, Perception and Analyzing,
Features and Relationship between objects and understanding Language with rules and syntax all
put together is what we call natural intelligence. By AI, we refer to the machines that integrated with
these intelligence features. John Mccarthy coined the term. But it was the paper, "Computing
Machinery and Intelligence", of Alan Turing in 1950 that gave a scope in the field of AI.

Benefits of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has taken the field of Science, Economics, Law, and many more to greater
heights. Here is what AI has benefitted in different areas.

#1. Space Exploration

Artificial Intelligence has paved the way to gather a lot of data by space exploration.

AI has helped the rovers to come to decisions without receiving any commands from the mission
control. For example, NASA has made it possible for the rovers to roam around Mars without getting

hit by any obstacles. This way, it can even determine the best path for traveling.
nceArtificial Intelligence (AI )

Artificial intelligence (AI) applies advanced analysis and logic-based

techniques, including machine learning, to interpret events, support and
automate decisions, and take actions

Artificial intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science. It involves developing computer
programs to complete tasks which would otherwise require human intelligence. AI algorithms
can tackle learning, perception, problem-solving, language-understanding and/or logical

Artificial Intelligence or sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence demonstrated by

machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals. Some of

the activities that it is designed to do is speech recognition, learning, planning and problem solving.

Since Robotics is the field concerned with the connection of perception to action, Artificial

Intelligence must have a central role in Robotics if the connection is to be intelligent. Artificial

Intelligence addresses the crucial questions of: what knowledge is required in any aspect of thinking;

how should that knowledge be represented; and how should that knowledge be used. Robotics

challenges Artificial Intelligence by forcing it to deal with real objects in the real world.



Current Uses of AI:

Although artificial intelligence evokes thoughts of science fiction,

artificial intelligence already has many uses today, for example:

● Email filtering: Email services use artificial intelligence to

filter incoming emails. Users can train their spam filters
by marking emails as “spam”.
● Personalization: Online services use artificial intelligence
to personalize your experience. Services, like Amazon
or Netflix, “learn” from your previous purchases and the
purchases of other users in order to recommend
relevant content for you.
● Fraud detection: Banks use artificial intelligence to
determine if there is strange activity on your account.
Unexpected activity, such as foreign transactions, could
be flagged by the algorithm.
● Speech recognition: Applications use artificial
intelligence to optimize speech recognition functions.
Examples include intelligent personal assistants, e.g.
Amazon’s “Alexa” or Apple’s “Siri”.
Here’s a list of top 9 Benefits of Artificial Intelligence:

1. Space Exploration

2. Healthcare Systems

3. Digital Marketing

4. Production & Manufacturing

5. AI Real-life Examples

6. Transportation

7. Education

8. Ecommerce

9. Environment Protection


What is Artificial Intelligence?

The definition of Artificial Intelligence says: “Description In computer science,

artificial intelligence, sometimes called machine intelligence, is intelligence

demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed

by humans.” Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to the induction of human

intelligence in computers which are experts to think like humans and imitate

their behavior. Additionally, the word may also refer to any computer that
displays human mind-like characteristics such as learning and

problem-solving based on that learning.

Above all, AI is the technology that makes machines “think”. Also, it

enables them to do tasks like humans do. It is not remembering data

and process it as common programs do. It is enabling machines to

think on their own and make logical decisions about things like

humans do. The common technologies or algorithms that make AI

possible are listed below. Anything that doesn’t use these high-level

algorithms can’t be regarded as AI.

● Machine Learning

● Deep Learning

● Neural Networks

● Bayesian networks

● Evolutionary algorithms

Types of Artificial Intelligence Algorithms allow computers to imitate

human-like activities. Moreover, these special algorithms are capable of

finding patterns but also coming up with a process to make a decision.

Applications of Artificial Intelligence

The following are some of the major applications of AI that are currently in


1. Knowledge reasoning
Knowledge representation and reasoning in the field of artificial intelligence

dedicated to representing information about the world in a form that a

computer system can use to solve complex tasks. Accordingly, the application

allows a computer to collect raw data in different companies, institutions, and

centers. Likewise, it then represents it in graphical forms to extract relations

and patterns in the data. A machine then finally uses this data form to take

further actions just like humans would do. The most common examples of

knowledge reasoning are medical diagnose, human-like speech, or theorem


2. AI Planning

Automated planning, commonly referred to as AI planning, is the application

of AI that deals with producing concrete steps or courses of action for a

specified task that optimize performance measures. AI planning describes

steps for a described system. These algorithms make use of the way humans

perform a task. So, they write code for machines to do the same. Common

examples include robots and autonomous systems, cognitive assistants, and

service composition.

3. Machine learning (ML)

Instead of using explicit instructions, relying on patterns and inference, ML is

the subset of AI that uses training data to make predictions about a specific

field. it is also referred to as predictive analytics as it trains on historical data

available about a domain and learns the factors that contribute to the output.
ML algorithms are available in a wide range of applications, such as email

filtering, weather prediction, and computer vision, where the creation of a

traditional algorithm to perform the task is difficult or unfeasible.

4. Natural language processing (NLP)

NLP is like a subfield of linguistics, computer science, information

engineering, and artificial intelligence. It deals with the interaction between

machines and humans. As humans use natural languages to communicate.

This field enables machines to understand these languages and respond in

the same manner. You can see the most common example in digital personal


Applications Of Natural Language Processing (NLP)

5. Computer vision (CV)

Unlike NLP which uses text to extract information, CV uses digital images or

videos to help computers gain a high-level understanding of the world. A CV

is described as a field of study aimed at developing techniques to help

computers “see” and comprehend digital media, such as photographs or

videos. However, this remains an unresolved problem based on both the

limited knowledge of biological vision and the nature of visual perception in a

physical world that is dynamic and almost variable. It is commonly used in

image processing/editing applications.

What is Computer Vision and How is it Transforming Our World?

6. Biometrics

Biometrics uses methods for unique recognition of humans based upon one

or more intrinsic physical or behavioral traits. Computer science, in particular,

uses this as a form of identity access management and control whereby it

can create personalized identity checks to prevent any mismatch or sharing

of identities. Furthermore, It is available over a wide array of industries with

many of them choosing it as their method of keeping track of employees and

their workings within the organization.

7. Virtual Agent

Probably one of the most sought after AI applications, a virtual agent is

a computer-generated, animated, artificially intelligent character that is

posed as the online customer service representative for the business. It

has the ability to not only conduct a conversation with humans but also

direct it towards particular topics on individual concerns.

Moreover, outside the world of commerce, these agents are also able to

perform non-verbal behavior and listen to humans to hold

conversations with them regarding everyday topics if need be.

8. Deep learning Platforms

Used in pattern recognition and classification (for large sets), this is a

special type f machine learning that consists of artificial neural

networks with many abstraction layers.

What this helps to do is break down the data sets and arrange them in

particular manners to aid the understanding and to help figure out any

patterns/classifications/groupings that might be possible within that one set.

All this also helps to gain insight on data repetition, data formation, and the

crossover of data on many ends.

As AI continues to grow day by day, its adoption in every sector like

robotics, agriculture, healthcare, marketing, and finance is becoming

clearer. Also, computers are a faster resource when it comes to

analytical abilities and calculations. Yet, the one drawback that keeps

computers from overtaking humans is their inability to take decisions

on their own.


1. Artificial intelligence is a type of computer technology which is concerned with

making machines work in an intelligent way, similar to the way that the human

mind works. The abbreviation AI is also used.

2. the study of the modelling of human mental functions by computer programs

3. the capacity of a computer to perform operations analogous to learning and

decision making in humans, as by an expert system, a program for CAD or CAM,

or a program for the perception and recognition of shapes in computer vision


4. Artificial intelligence is a type of computer technology which is concerned with

making machines carry out work in an intelligent way, similar to the way a human
5. Artificial intelligence is about making computers act more like humans.
6. All artificial intelligence designs are inspired by the human brain.

7. Artificial intelligence is a type of computer technology which is concerned with

making machines carry out work in an intelligent way, similar to the way a human


8. Artificial intelligence is the way in which computers can work in a similar way to
the human mind.

artificial intelligence | Definition, Examples, and Applications ... › Technology › Computers

Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence (AI) is the ability of a computer or a robot controlled by a

computer to do tasks that are usually done by humans because they require

human intelligence and discernment.


9 Powerful Examples of Artificial Intelligence in Use Today -

IQVIS Inc. › blog › 9-powerful-examples-of-a…

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the branch of computer sciences that emphasizes

the development of intelligence machines, thinking and working like humans.

For example, speech recognition, problem-solving, learning and planning


What is the work of artificial intelligence?

AI works by combining large amounts of data with fast, iterative processing and
intelligent algorithms, allowing the software to learn automatically from patterns

or features in the data. ... Cognitive computing is a subfield of AI that strives for a
natural, human-like interaction with machines.

Artificial Intelligence – What it is and why it matters › en_in › insights › analytics › what-

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