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HSBC Amanah Together we thrive Simplified SME Financing Seize the opportunity for business growth No matter which stage your business is at, the right partner can help bring you further. 'ACHSBC, we understand how important working capital is for your business. From running your business daily to going into a new venture, we can support your working capital needs. Take your business to the next leve Eligibility + Applicant must be a company registered in Malaysia, ‘+ Applicant company have been operating for at least 5 years ++ Applicant company must have a minimum latest annual turnover of not less than RM1Omilion. + Applicant company must be operating profitably for the past 3 years. Documents Required + Latest 3 years audited accounts & management accounts. + Existing Bank Borrowings/Financings. + Latest 6 months’ Bank Statements + Net Worth Declaration Form from individual guarantors. + Debtors and creditors ageing lists ++ CRIS Consent Lette. Kat How To Apply Register your interest by submitting the enquiry form at by) Sritsisiness nsbe.tommyler biome business bankingleontactus call 1300-88-1128 Disclaimer These materials are fr private ciculaton to selected customers of HSBC Bank Malaysia Bethad and HSBC Amanah Malaysia Berhad ("HSBC"| ony and shallnot, be redistrbvted, produced, copies, pudkshed, stores in retreval ystem, o ansmited, m whole orn part. for any purpose whatsoever and an any frm of By ny means whether election, mechanics, photocopying, recording rather, without the prior writen permission of HSBC, “hose materials are solely for gonealincrmation and donot consttute any advice, commendation offer by HSBC. The opinions, statements and information contared in these matevale ao bared on avaeble data boleved tobe rehab, HSBC makes no representation or warranty (nether exores or immaled) of any nature whatsoever as tothe accuracy, completeness or farmess ef such opinions, statements and nfrmation ior omission fom, tnese materia ‘Any reliance placed on these mstrals shallot give rise to any chim whotscever against HSBC, and HSBC doesnot accep ability or responsiiy whatsoever for ny ect, increct or consequental oss or any damage arising fom the use of, cr reterence to, these materals {© 2020 HS8C Bank Malysia Berhad (Company No. 19840101822" {127764} and HSBC Amanah Meleysia Bethad {Company No. 200801008421 8077052 al ights reserved

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