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Introductory Overview of Shaykh Faheem’s “Defense against Disaster” Reviewed 1-

49 of 463 pages. [Page references are from my phone on Everand]

Page 17

“We must realize that we can only achieve honour and success through Islam. The
Muslim generations of yesteryear had taken total cognisance of this matter, and
civilization thus bore testimony to the golden age of Muslim knowledge and
academic excellence. Due to their commitment to Islam, Muslims had excelled in
every known facet of religious, moral and social life. The contemporary age should
be grateful to Islam, which gave the Muslims whatever they required, in order to
surpass the limits of normal human capacity,
in areas of spirituality (Tasawwuf), philosophy, science, mathematics, astronomy,
geography, medicine, and language, amongst many other areas of expertise. Only a
revival of a true Islamic spirit will allow Muslims to rise out of the ashes.”
-Mohammad Farouk Soofie

My Response: Some secularists desire to time travel to the “Roman days,” and the
same with some Russians who want to go back to the USSR “golden years,” or
Islam and some of its Muslims who want to “return to the past.” Perhaps, this
Islamic mindset of the “golden age” and wanting to return to the past, making
them blind to the present [along with its own sectarian wars that’s been going on
for 1,400 years] is, hence, why Muslims aren’t “rising out of the ashes.”

Page 23

“This systematic demonization and vilification of Islam and Muslims can potentially
‘convert’ ignorant peacekeepers into arrogant terrorists.”

My Response: Many terrorists aren’t ignorant, as they have college degrees, and
believe the only assurance at paradise is to, in their eyes, “die a martyr for Islam.”

Quran 3:157- And if you are killed in the cause of Allah or you die, the forgiveness
and mercy of Allah are better than all that you amass.

Al-Bukhari 1:2:35 “The person who participates in (Holy battles) in Allah's

cause . . . and nothing compels him to do so except belief in Allah and His
Apostles, will be recompensed by Allah either with a reward, or booty (if he
survives) or will be admitted to Paradise (if he is killed in the battle as a
martyr). Had I not found it difficult for my followers, then I would not remain
behind any sariya going for Jihad . . . and I would have loved to be martyred in
Allah's cause and then made alive, and then martyred and then made alive,
and then again martyred in His cause.”
Men can also receive 72 virgins:
Jamií al-Tirmidhi, 4:21:268

Page 24
“Where is the logic in fighting over who has earned the greater love and favour of
God Almighty when universities teach our children that humankind has evolved
from apes and are thus the product of ‘chance’, therefore there is no such thing as a

My Response: Good, at least Shaykh Faheem doesn’t believe we evolved from

ape-like animals. I agree, based on Genesis, that preceded the Quran.
“Likewise, since there is an exponential rise of Islamophobia globally, and since
numerous ‘negative’ opinions are being propagated, it follows that a negation of
those adverse views be exhibited first, thus allowing the ‘positive’ truths to be given
a viable chance at contemplation instead of its rejection based on false intelligence.”
My Response: Oppression? Islam and some of its promoters have oppressed
Christians and others, way more than Christians have oppressed Muslims, if
we’re calculating it by its persecutions, torture, rape and murder. There’s no need
to state all the facts, as the facts are self-evident, if anybody opens a newspaper,
instead of buries their head in the sand. Not to mention, Sunni and Shia
oppressing each other, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Yemen and more. These Islamic civil
wars have been going on for 1,400 years!
Page 30

“The cunning methodology of the Quraysh was to primarily accuse him, with hope
that those who had not yet responded to his call, begin to associate some form of neg
ative view about him. This systematic vilification was done out of ‘fear’ of the growt
h of his religion.”…….” Resuming the discussion, thus the motive of such aggressive
vilification is that once a person is viewed upon by others in a negative light, then
his message will also be viewed with the same preconceived bias. At every
allegation made in a negative light, then his message will also be viewed with the
same preconceived bias. At every allegation made
against the Prophet by the disbelievers, the Qur’ān responded in negation to their co
nspiratorial ways. Akin to the slithery schemes of the Pagan Arabs, a similar tactic
has been employed presently by the enemies of Islam in their attempt to globally
demonize its name and values.”
My Response: The Quraysh knew some of Muhammad’s tales of the ancients [Q:
6:25, 8:31, 27:68, 46:17] and weren’t impressed. The Quran [18:83-102] does allude to
some of those tales, i.e. the Alexander Legend transplanted into the Quran.1 Or, the
Companions of the Cave [18;9-27], which hijacked the Syrian version of the story.2
Even Jews in Medina knew Muhammad was an impostor, brought a different
message than the OT, and didn’t do any miracles. The slaughter of 500-100 Banu
Qurayza is the fear that Muhammad put into people, not their fear into

The Alexander Legend in the Quran 18:83-102. Chapter 8, The Quran in its Historical Context.
Christian Lore and the Arabic Quran, Chapter 5, The Quran in its Historical Context.
Muhammad. Q 33:26 in reference to this. While it doesn’t list numbers, why
would it? The Quran is a low context book.

Page 35
Key Reasons for Misconceptions:
1. Lacking insight into the Arabic.
My Response: Muslims always appeal to “you don’t Arabic” argument. Even
though, majority of Muslims in the world don’t, therefore, apparently, they,
including most Muslims aren’t allowed to argue a whole lot. If translators are
generally not reliable, why do they translate various of works from Arabic into
English, especially the Quran?

Page 37
5. Unaware of Context

My Response: In how many Christian/Muslim debates do Muslims cite Bible

verses with no context and interpretation? It’s a constant problem. Later on,
Faheem quotes the Gospel of Mark without any attempt at a Biblical
interpretation. Apparently, he’s unaware of context too. It’s okay for Muslims to
be unaware of Biblical context, but if a Christian gets a Quranic context wrong,
that’s not okay. Double standards by Faheem, and yet his “logic, unto him, by the
way he writes and magnifies his own ego, is impeccable.”

Page 40

“………..Society continues to ‘bury’ Muslims for crimes they have not committed
due to ignorance on the other hand. This blatant global illogical discrimination of
Islam and Muslims has given rise to hatred which then breeds violence. A prime
example of this is the terrorists attack in New Zealand on the 15th of Marth
2019….went on to kill 50 worshippers in preparation for prayer.”

My Response: Society isn’t trying to bury Muslims for crimes they committed in
the past. Nor does society hate all Muslims, but its ideology and certain
interpretations of the Quran and Hadith have led to, not only in history, but
modern-day, groups such as: Boko Haram, ISIS, AL Qaeda, Hamas, Houthis,
Hezbollah, etc. These groups are the instigators, the active terrorists, and passive
society, like Christians, secularists or even other Muslims get attacked. That’s not
discrimination, but reality. Many more attacks by Islamic ideology on Westerners
could be multiplied over. These groups are being consistent with the rise of Islam,
Muhammad, the assassination of the Qurayza and others, the Rida Wars, and the
rise of the Umayyad throughout the Levant and Northern Africa for starters. Sure,
most Muslims aren’t terrorists, thankfully. But also, many Muslims don’t speak
out against terrorism, which doesn’t help the cause against it.
Page 41
“Another appropriate example of this, – and by no surprise against Muslims as
well – was the U.S.A’s invasion of Iraq. What a shambles indeed! The
news media was up in a frenzy reporting that Iraq was in possession of WMD
(Weapons of Mass Destruction).”

My Response: The WMD was wrong and/or a lie. Bush and others messed that up.
I agree.
Page 42
There’s a list of evils, deceptions in the world, etc.
“We are currently located in an age whereby humankind aims to conquer space in
search of ‘alien’ life, when human life is taken without flinching, all in the name of
“Any sane reader will agree that if we are indeed living in the most ‘knowledgeable’
era in human history, then why does there exist such atrocious behaviour within
society? After all, if knowledge cannot be applied to better oneself and the people
around you, then what is the purpose of that knowledge?”

My Response: The reason why there are evils in the world is because of sin. Yet,
Muslims reject Jesus as their redeemer. Muslims may attempt to reform their
behaviour, but there is still sin, no justification and no hope, unless they come to
Jesus by grace through faith alone, in Jesus alone. They must be ‘born from above’
to truly fight sin, according to God’s standards.

I agree, the search for aliens is futile [because people suppress the truth in
unrighteousness, Romans 1], and even more so, because of the problems going on
in this world with real people.

“Knowledge to better oneself,” is the religion of man, i.e. Islam too. Man must be
born from above, if he wants to enter the kingdom of God, John 3, it’s a gift of

Page 46

“This ignorance about Islam and the beliefs it espouses is the root cause for
the prevalence of hatred, prejudice and violence against Islam and Muslims.”

My Response: Shaykh Faheem can repeat the “ignorance” slogan all he wants.
The more he says it, the more it begs a question: whether he really convicted of
Islam or trying to convince himself more than anybody whether he really believes
it. Speaking the truth about various views, interpretations of Islam, its
problematic history and present terrorists groups is not hatred, it’s simply the
truth. If Muslims like Shaykh Faheem want to call the truth a hatred against them,
so be it. There is no need to bow down to superficial claims.

“Education then, is the remedy for ignorance, and if one cannot find the means to
educate him or herself on a matter which they are unaware of, then what is the use
of bragging about the technological advancement when it cannot supply one with
basic, yet authentic information regarding the second largest religion in the world?”

My Response: By “education” it sounds like only Shaykh Faheem and other like-
minded like him are the educated. And if we should listen to only people like
him, then it’s not education, but indoctrination. However, I agree, more people
should study and understand Islam, but this also goes towards many nominal
Muslims too. If they studied Islam, many of them wouldn’t be Muslim. Or, if
some of them lived in a democracy, many of them also wouldn’t be Muslim.
Apparently, the rest of us who don’t agree with Shayk Faheem aren’t educated. I
didn’t know Islam was so monolithic, did you? Islam is the second largest religion
in the world, which, isn’t shocking because it’s derivative of the largest religion,
Christianity. In any case, while I’m a Christian, being largest doesn’t make it true,
although it is. Truth is truth regardless of how many people believe it. Shayk
Faheem might have mentioned Islam as second largest for a pragmatic reason so
others might study it. And again, people should study it, and also see Muhammad
for the pragmatists that he was also.

Page 49

“If Muslims do not rise above this issue to recognize the seriousness of the threat
from the enemies of Islam, then un- fortunately, the New Zealand massacre will be
only the start of what is a seemingly disastrous time ahead of us!”

My Response: Earlier Shaykh Faheem said, “Quraysh vilified Muhammad out of

fear of growth of his religion.” Now, who’s the one who attempts to put fear into
Muslims? Shaykh Faheem. Christians, Jews and secularists should not endorse
the New Zealand terrorism, it was perverse evil. But don’t worry Shaykh, there’s
no reason to think it’s going to start a “global shockwave” of attacks towards
Muslims. Muslims attacking Muslims is a bigger problem. Clean your own house
first, before you educate the world on your superb education.

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