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Original Article

Formulation, characterization and

physicochemical evaluation of amoxicillin effervescent tablets
Abolfazl Aslani, Tahereh Sharifian

Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy and Novel Drug Delivery Systems Research Center, Isfahan University of Medical
Sciences, Isfahan, Iran

Abstract Background: Amoxicillin is a semisynthetic antibiotic, which is used as an antimicrobial drug. This study
was designed to formulate amoxicillin effervescent tablets, aimed at improved patient compliance and
increased drug stability.
Materials and Methods: In this study, nine effervescent tablet formulations were prepared from amoxicillin
trihydrate. The effervescent base was comprised of various amounts of citric acid and sodium bicarbonate.
Powders and granules were evaluated for their particle size, bulk density, tapped density, compressibility
index, Hausner's ratio and angle of repose. The effervescent tablets were then prepared from powders
and granules of acceptable quality by direct compression and fusion methods. The tablets were evaluated
for weight variation, friability, pH of solution, carbon dioxide (CO2 ) content, hardness, effervescence time,
thickness, assay, content uniformity, water content and equilibrium moisture content.
Results: The results indicated better flowability of granules prepared by fusion method as compared with
the direct compression. The percent weight variation of tablets was within the acceptable limit of 0.5%.
The friability was less than 1% in all formulations. The solution pH of tablets prepared by direct compression
and fusion methods ranged from 4.55 to 5.74 and 4.74ÿ5.84, respectively. The CO2 amounts generated
by the fusion method tablets were smaller as compared to the direct compression method. The hardness
of tablets was 40.66ÿ56 for direct compression method and 60.6ÿ74.6 for fusion method. The tablets
produced by the fusion method have a larger thickness and lower water content than tablets produced by
the direct compression method.
Conclusion: Tablets prepared by the fusion method exhibited superior preÿ and postÿcompression
characteristics as compared to tablets prepared by direct compression method.

Key Words: Amoxicillin, direct compression method, effervescent tablets, fusion method

Address for correspondence:

Dr. Abolfazl Aslani, Department of Pharmaceutics, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran.
Eÿmail: aslani@pharm.mui.ac.ir
Received: 27.01.2013, Accepted: 15.05.2013

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Website: As per revised definition proposed to US Food and Drug
www.advbiores.net Administration "effervescent tablets are tablets intended to
be dissolved or dispersible in water before administration."[1]
DOI: Effervescent tablets are uncoated tablets that contain acid
10.4103/2277-9175.143252 substances (citric, tartaric, malic acid or any other suitable
acid or acid anhydrate)

Copyright: © 2014 Aslani. This is an openÿaccess article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction
in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

How to cite this article: Aslani A, Sharifian T. Formulation, characterization and physicochemical evaluation of amoxicillin effervescent tablets. Adv Biomed Res

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Aslani and Sharifian: Formulation of amoxicillin effervescent tablets

and carbonates or bicarbonates (sodium, potassium or Therefore, this study was designed to develop effervescent
any other suitable alkali metal carbonate or bicarbonate) tablets as an alternative dosage form of amoxicillin for
that react rapidly in the presence of water by releasing achieving improved patient compliance and drug stability.
carbon dioxide (CO2 ).[2] Occasionally, an active ingredient
itself could act as the acid or alkali metal component for
effervescent reaction. Effervescent tablets have some MATERIALS AND METHODS
advantages over suspension dosage forms. They are
already in solution at the time they are consumed; Thus, Chemicals
the drug absorption is faster and more complete. Faster Amoxicillin trihydrate was provided from Farabi
absorption means faster onset of action so, they are Pharmaceutical Company (Isfahan, Iran).
helpful in treating acute symptoms such as infections and Sodium bicarbonate, citric acid, tartaric acid,
pain.[3ÿ5] They are more easily transported; good stability polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), mannitol, aspartame and
is inherent with the effervescent formulations. This kind of polyethylene glycol (PEGÿ6000) were provided from Merck
drug delivery has predictable and reproducible Company (Germany).
pharmacokinetic profiles.[6] Effervescent systems provide
a pleasant taste in comparison to liquids, mixtures and Preparation of the standard curve of amoxicillin
suspensions because carbonation helps to mask the bad trihydrate
taste of drugs and effervescent tablets retain their flavor A total of 10 mg amoxicillin was added to phosphate buffer
after lengthy storages.[7] Effervescence reaction is favored pH 5 in a 100 ml volumetric flask to obtain drug
by many patients, especially children; thus, patients are concentration of 100 µg/ml. From this solution,
more likely to complete their course of treatment.[8] concentrations of 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 40 µg/ml were
made and their absorbances were determined by an
Furthermore, some pharmaceuticals such as antibiotics ultraviolet spectrophotometer at 229.8 nm against blank.
and amino acids are sensitive to changes in gastric pH This experiment was repeated for 3 days to evaluate intra
and low gastric pH can lead to their destruction, resulting and inter day variations.[15]
in their reduced activity. Effervescent products can
increase gastric pH and avoid or minimize the destruction Direct compression method
of materials, prone to gastric pH.[9ÿ11] Fine powder of amoxicillin trihydrate was prepared to slug.
Then, the slugs are crushed and passed through a sieve
Amoxicillin (ÿÿaminoÿhydroxy benzyl penicillin) is a No. 20. Other components were weighed and mixed with
semisynthetic antibiotic; belongs to ÿÿlactam family. amoxicillin granules to obtain a homogeneous powder.
Amoxicillin is effective against many different bacteria Finally, lubricant (PEG 6000) was added to the mixed
including Heamophilus influenza, Neisseria gonorrhea, powder.[5,16]
Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Proteus mirabilis,
Fusion method
Enterococci, Streptococci, Listeria, Helicobacter
Certain amounts of citric acid and sodium bicarbonate
pylori and certain strains of Staphylococci. It inhibits
crossÿlinkage between peptidoglycan polymer chains that were mixed together and heated at 54°C for about 15 min.
make up a major component of the cell walls of both The granules were dried for ½ h in the oven at 60°C.
gramÿpositive and gramÿnegative bacteria. Finally, amoxicillin dry granules and remaining ingredients
Amoxicillin is used for infections of middle ear, tonsils, of formulation were added and mixed, to which the
lubricant was added.[16,17]
upper and lower respiratory tract, urinary tract, skin and
stomach in adult and pediatric patients.[12ÿ14]
Preÿcompressional evaluation
Amoxicillin is commercially available in trihydrate form. Determination of particle size
Sieve method was used for this test. Sieves of different
Amoxicillin is used as powder for suspension at two
strengths of 125 mg and 250 mg in children. An important meshes (20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 70 and 100) were selected
disadvantage of suspensions is interÿdose variability, often and placed on top of each other. 100 g of powder was
seen when patients forget to shake the bottle before taking placed on the upper sieve. After 10 min of mild shaking
the medication. Phase separation and difficulty of the amount remaining on each sieve was collected.
reconstituting suspension are other problems of the Average diameter of powder was calculated by the following equation:[1
dosage form. The therapeutic effect of amoxicillin ÿ
suspensions may change and decline from the 1st day to d = x in
i 100
the last day of treatment. In addition, patients may avoid
carrying the medication with them when away from home,
resulting in poor compliance and the failure of therapy. xi = Average size of both the upper and lower sieve
di = Percent of the value i in that range of bulk.

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Aslani and Sharifian: Formulation of amoxicillin effervescent tablets

Bulk density fall outside the percentage limit and none of tablets differ by
A quantity of accurately weighed powder from each formula more than double percentage limit.[6,21]
was introduced in to the measuring cylinder and then the
volume was noted. Bulk density was expressed in g/ml and Friability
determined by the following formula:[20] A total of 20 tablets were weighed and placed in the friabilator
(Erweka, TAP, Germany) and then operated at 25 rpm for 4
min. The tablets were then weighed again. The difference in
m the two weights was used to calculate friability as follows:[15]
ÿ bulk=
V bulk

Friability percent = (Weight of tablets before test ÿ Weight

Tapped density after test)/(Weight of tablets before
A quantity of accurately weighed powder from each formulation test) ×100.
was introduced into a measuring cylinder.
The cylinder was hit from the height of 2.5 cm every 2 s, up pH of solution
to the volume plateau. Tapped density was calculated from One tablet was dissolved in purified water. After complete
the following formula:[20] dissolution, the solution pH was measured by a pH meter
(Metrohm, 632, Switzerland). This test was repeated 3 times
ÿ tapped = for each formulation.[19]
V tapped
Carbon dioxide content
One effervescent tablet was dissolved in 100 ml sulfuric acid
Compressibility index and Hausner's ratio
1 N and weight variation was measured before and after
These terms explain flow properties of the powders.
Compressibility index was expressed in percentage. dissolution. CO2 content was presented as mg. This
experiment was conducted on three tablets for each
They were given by the following equation:[15] formulation.[19]
[ÿ ÿtapped - bulk ]
Compressibility Index = 100 × Hardness
ÿ tapped
The tablet hardness was determined by Erweka (24ÿTB,
ÿ tapped
Hausner'sRatio =
ÿ bulk Effervescence time
A tablet was placed in a glass containing purified water and
effervescent time was measured by a stopwatch.[19]
Angle of repose
It was measured by fixed funnel method. A funnel was
secured with its tip at a given height H, above graph paper Thickness

that was placed on a flat horizontal surface. Thickness was measured using a calibrated dial caliper. 10
Granules were carefully poured through the funnel until the tablets of each formulation were evaluated.[7]
apex of the conical pile just touched the tip of the funnel. The
angle of repose (ÿ) was then calculated by measuring the
height (h) and radius (r) of the heap of the formed powder or Assays

granules and putting the values in the equation.[20] A tablet was placed in a 100 ml volumetric flask and dissolved
in phosphate buffer pH 5. After dilution, the amount of the
drug was determined by UV spectrophotometer at 229.8 nm
hight against blank. 10 tablets of each formulation were evaluated.
tan =( )0.5
Base [15,20]

Content uniformity
Where, ÿ = Angle of repose. After selecting 10 tablets randomly, the content of each tablet
was separately determined. Then, the above procedure was
Postÿcompressional evaluation followed.[15]
Weight variation
Twenty tablets were weighed individually and the average Water content
weight was calculated. The individual weights were then A total of 10 tablets of each formulation were weighed before
compared with the average weight. The tablets will pass the and after placing in a desiccator containing activated silica gel
test if not more than two tablets for 4 h. The percentage of their

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Aslani and Sharifian: Formulation of amoxicillin effervescent tablets

water content was calculated from the following equation: concentrations ranging from 10ÿ40 µg/ml. Formulations
[19] consisting of different stochiometric ratios of citric acid,
tartaric acid and sodium bicarbonate were made to
Water content = determine the pH at which amoxicillin trihydrate has a
weight before drying -weight after drying ÿ 100
greater solubility. Formulations are listed in Table 1. In
weight before drying P1 ÿP4 formulations, the amount of citric acid
and sodium bicarbonate were fixed and the amount
Equilibrium moisture content of tartaric acid was changed. In P5 ÿP9 , the amount of
Three tablets were placed in three desiccators containing sodium bicarbonate was fixed and the amount of citric
saturated saline solutions, potassium nitrate relative acid was changed according to the previous results. In
humidity (RH, 90%), sodium chloride (RH, 71%) and P10ÿP18, tartaric acid was omitted from the formulation
sodium nitrite (RH, 60%) at 18°C. After 1 and 7 days, and the amounts of citric acid and sodium bicarbonate
the percent equilibrium moisture content was determined were changed.
by the KarlÿFisher method using Autotitrator instrument
(Mettler, TOLEDOÿDL 53, Switzerland).[19,22] Table 2 shows the process of effervescent tablets of
amoxicillin, prepared by two methods of direct
compression and fusion. Tables 3 and 4 show the
RESULTS results of preÿcompression tests on the mixed powders.

The standard curve of amoxicillin trihydrate was linear Tables 5 and 6 show the postÿcompression tests results
(y = 0.026 + 0.3903 [R2 = 0.9986]) at on tablets. The percent weight variations of all
formulations were within the acceptable limits of 0.5%
Table 1: Preformulation of amoxicillin effervescent tablets of the weights. The friability was less than 1% in all
Preformulation Citric Tartaric Sodium pH *Solubility
formulations. In direct compression method, the pH was
number acid acid bicarbonate between 4.55 and 5.74 and for the fusion method was
1 88 175 298 6.6 1 between 4.74 and 5.84.
2 88 133.5 298 6.47 2 The CO2 content of the tablets produced by fusion
3 88 87.5 298 6.3 2 method was lower as compared to that of tablets
4 88 43.7 298 6.16 3 prepared by direct compression method. The hardness
5 176 175 298 5.92 3 of the tablets was found to be 40.66ÿ56 for direct
6 176 87.5 298 5.5 3 compression method and 60.6ÿ74.6 for fusion method.
7 132 87.5 298 5.43 3
The tablets produced by the fusion method were thicker.
8 44 87.5 298 5.8 3
Water content in the tablets produced by direct
9 0 87.5 298 6.88 1
compression method was higher.
10 88 ÿ

298 6.9 1
11 88 223.5 6.5 1

12 88 ÿ

149 5.9 2
13 132 298 6.48 1
Active pharmaceutical ingredients can be formulated as

14 132 ÿ

223.5 5.9 3
effervescent tablets if they have specific characteristics
15 132 ÿ

149 5.3 5
including quick aqueous dissolution and absorption in
16 176 ÿ

298 6.2 3
the gastrointestinal tract. Amoxicillin is available in the
17 176 ÿ

223.5 5.49 4
market as powder for suspension at 125 mg and 250
18 176 ÿ

149 5.17 5
*Solubility using a standard table[22] (1=Insoluble; 2=Slightly soluble; 3=Sparingly
mg/5 ml strengths for children. Furthermore, effervescent
soluble; 4=Soluble; 5=Freely soluble) tablets are attractive and better

Table 2: Composition of effervescent tablets prepared by direct compression and fusion methods
Ingredients Formulations


Amoxicillin F1 143.5 F2 143.5 F3 143.5 F4 143.5 F5 143.5 F6 287 F7 287 F8 287 287
Citric acid 176 176 132 264 132 198 220 264 330
Sodium bicarbonate 149 223.5 223.5 232.5 149 223.5 223.5 298 375.5
Mannitol 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
PVP 28 32 30 43 32 45 45 51 60
PEGÿ6000 4.4 3.8 3.6 5.5 4.4 5.8 5.8 6.4 7.3

Aspartame 15 30 30 20 10 50 50 60 80
PVP: Polyvinylpyrrolidone, PEG: Polyethylene glycol

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Aslani and Sharifian: Formulation of amoxicillin effervescent tablets

tolerated by patients and amoxicillin is not available in of citric acid, tartaric acid and sodium bicarbonate.
this form. We decided to formulate and research When tartaric acid was employed to a greater extent
amoxicillin trihydrate effervescent tablets. than citric acid, the resulting solution was turbid and a
large amount of sediment remained in the bottom of the glass.
According to European Pharmacopeia, amoxicillin When only citric acid was used as the acid ingredient,
trihydrate has a low solubility in water but good solubility the resulting solution was clear and no sediment was
in dilute acid and hydroxide solutions. remaining, but when tartaric acid was used, the resulting
Different formulations were made from the combination solution was turbid and a large amount of

Table 3: Physical characteristics of the mixed powders in direct compression method

Characteristics of Formulations
powders F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9

Bulk density (g/ml) 0.71 0.623 0.70 0.615 0.8 0.50 0.533 0.453 0.546

Tapped density (g/ml) 0.884 0.77 0.816 0.683 0.847 0.619 0.718 0.568 0.668

Compressibility index (%) 19.68 19.09 14.21 9,956 5,549 19.22 25.76 19.24 18.26
Hausner's ratio 1,245 1,236 1,119 1.10 1,059 1,238 1,367 1.22 1,223

Angle of repose 40 38.3 34.2 29.6 28.5 42.4 46.6 37.8 38.6

Table 4: Physical characteristics of the mixed granules in fusion method

Characteristics of Formulations
powders G9
G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8
Bulk density (g/ml) G1 0.62 0.610 0.641 0.587 0.791 0.489 0.518 0.432 0.533

Tapped density (g/ml) 0.762 0.697 0.732 0.643 0.830 0.595 0.688 0.536 0.642

Compressibility index (%) 18.63 12.48 12,191 8.70 4.69 17,815 22.70 18.40 16.97
Hausner's ratio 1.22 1,142 1,138 1,093 1.04 1.21 1,308 1.22 1,204

Angle of repose 37.8 33.4 32.2 26.6 25.6 34 41.7 36.6 36.9

Table 5: Physicochemical characteristics of tablets produced by direct compression method

Tablets characteristics Formulations

F8 F9

Weight variation (g) F1 0.709 F2 0.841 F3 0.758 F4 0.895 F5 0.654 F6 0.995 F7 0.998 1.10 1,324

Friability (%) 0.69 0.65 0.63 0.59 0.53 0.75 0.78 0.83 0.81

pH of solution 5.1 5.4 5.9 5.48 5.74 4.55 5.18 4.99 5.11

CO2 content (mg) 580.3 559.6 461 497.3 472 648 882.3 797.6 918

Hardness (N) 51.33 47.33 42 46 45.3 50 40.66 41.66 56

Effervescence time (sec) 90.6 95.6 93.6 100.3 96.7 102.6 117.6 111.7 114

Thickness(mm) 3.58 3.62 3.22 4.35 3.31 4.42 4.73 5.1 5.36

Assay (mg) 126.2 124.5 126.2 125.4 126.7 251.4 251.08 252.8 251.4

Content uniformity (mg) 125.4 125.5 126.0 126.2 126.3 250.8 251.9 250.3 251.8

Water content (g) 0.046 0.062 0.036 0.045 0.045 0.034 0.028 0.033 0.034

Table 6: Physicochemical characteristics of the tablets produced by fusion method

Tablets characteristics Formulations

G2 G3 G4 G5 G6 G7 G8 G9

Weight variation (g) G1 0.696 0.845 0.760 0.887 0.653 0.995 1.04 1.14 1,338

Friability (%) 0.45 0.42 0.46 0.50 0.43 0.56 0.58 0.58 0.60

pH of solution 5.19 5.45 6 5.47 5.84 4.54 5.11 4.97 5.17

CO2 content (mg) 571 519 420.3 460 400.6 619.6 517 626.3 891

Hardness (N) 63.6 68.7 64.3 60.6 68 73.6 69.3 70.6 74.6

Effervescence time (sec) 105.3 111.6 110.6 111.3 116.6 118.5 116.6 114.6 118

Thickness(mm) 3.61 3.76 3.33 4.42 3.34 4.47 4.82 5.24 5.44

Assay (mg) 125.4 126.7 126.5 125.8 125.9 250.06 249.6 251.0 250.4

Content uniformity (mg) 125.4 125.6 126.1 125.33 126.2 250.4 251.2 251.8 251.6

Water content (g) 0.014 0.020 0.014 0.025 0.015 0.015 0.014 0.013 0.015

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Aslani and Sharifian: Formulation of amoxicillin effervescent tablets

sediment was remaining. Consequently, tartaric acid than powders resulted in decreasing contact area of
was omitted from the effervescent base formulation. particles. Therefore, friction between particles decreases
Preÿformulation studies indicated that amoxicillin had and so flowability increases. Angle of repose in the
greater solubility at pHs about 5. The effervescence formulations of effervescent granules was in the range
time was also determined. Thus, formulations that of 30ÿ45, indicating acceptable to good flowability.
produced lower amounts of sediment were selected. Other studies suggested similar findings.[23,24]

The effervescence time for effervescent tablets is

directed in the British Pharmacopeia to be measured in The maximum percentage of weight variation was 5%,
200 ml water. However, the amount of water used in which was within the acceptable range of the USP.
our testing was decreasing as possible.[19] Since the Weights of tablets prepared by the two methods were
dosage forms developed were aimed at children, we not out of this range. One of the main reasons for weight
demonstrated in preÿformulation tests that an uniformity is appropriate flowability of powders.
effervescent tablet of amoxicillin trihydrate could be Tablets prepared from the effervescent granules have
dissolved in 50 ml water. Thus, the following tests were small weight variations due to their better flowability.
carried out in 50 ml water.
Actually, granules are secondary particles that are made
To increase amoxicillin solubility PVP was used. The from the primary particles and have a porous structure.
amount of PVP was increased from 1% to 6%, at which Therefore, in addition to physical changes in the primary
only a very small amount of sediment was produced particles, the physical changes in the granules provided
that was dissolved over 1 min.[23] Furthermore, water better compressibility of granules, resulting in the
temperature has a direct effect on the dissolution of production of the effervescent tablets of suitable
effervescent tablets. hardness.

The size of the solid particles in pharmaceutical products However, the hardness of tablets cannot demonstrate
is the most important factor to achieve a desired the physical strength of tablets exclusively. To evaluate
pharmaceutical product. The effervescent granules the physical strength of tablets, in addition to the
have larger particle size than that of the effervescent hardness test, the friability test was also performed.
powders. The mean diameters in F1 ÿF9 formulations Owing to the light weight of the tablets, all formulations
were 299.54ÿ392.79 µ and for G1ÿG9 formulations have friability of less than 1%. In the other studies we
were 322.63ÿ414.22 µ. All formulations have normal showed that wet granulation technique could improve
distribution. Normal distribution graphs of the formulation compressibility and flowability properties and hardness
1 for the both methods are shown in Figures 1 and 2. that the results were in agreement with this study.[23,24]
Previous studies also reported similar findings.[23,24]

Since amoxicillin showed a greater solubility at pH 5,

Bulk and tapped densities in granules due to increased the pH of all formulations was adjusted around this
porosity and decreased cohesion force were less than value. This pH increases gastric pH temporarily,
that of the powders. The results are shown in the Tables resulting in shorter gastric residence time of the dosage
4 and 5. Granulation by fusion method produced form. Therefore, drugs can be absorbed from the small
granules with lower tendency for adhesion, due to their intestine more effectively. In other studies on effervescent
lesser moisture content. On the other hand, the larger granules containing citric acid and sodium bicarbonate
particle size of granule have been done solutions pH,

Figure 1: Particle size distribution of F1 granules prepared by direct compression method Figure 2: Particle size distribution of G1 granules prepared by fusion method

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Aslani and Sharifian: Formulation of amoxicillin effervescent tablets

Table 7: Equilibrium moisture content (%) in the effervescent powder and granular mixture of the F3 and G9 at temperature 18°C
Formulations Microclimates Powder effervescent mixing 1st Variation (%w/w) Effervescent granules 1st Variation (%w/w)
(%) Day 7th Day 9.36 (0.01)* 16.5 Day 7th Day
F3 RH 90 (0.02) 5.04 (0.02) 12.70 (0.02) 4.35 43 13.31 (0.01) 20.70 (0.02) 6.97 35
RH 71 (0.01) 7.49 (0.01) 11.35 (0.01) 16.46 60 (0.01) 14.62 (0.01) 5.51 (0.02) 52
RH 60 (0.01) 8.61 (0.01) 10.67 ( 0.02) 5.19 42 8.58 (0.01) 15.64 (0.02) 28.35 35

G9 RH 90 ( 0.01) 8.88 (0.01) 31 (0.02) 11.31 (0.01) 17.74 (0.01) 44

RH 71 19 9.42 (0 .01) 12.14 (0.02) 36
RH 60 41 23
*Mean (standard deviation), n=3, The saturated salt solutions: Sodium nitrite (RH, 60%), sodium chloride (RH, 71%), and potassium nitrate (RH, 90%)

which is obtained from dissolving granules, was CONCLUSION

measured at about 5.8. It is comparable to the results
in this study.[23,24] Effervescent amoxicillin trihydrate tablets were prepared
by two methods as alternative dosage forms for
treatment of bacterial infections in children.
The CO2 content of the effervescent granules was less
than that of the effervescent powders. This difference
may be caused by the manufacturing process of the It can be concluded from the results of this study that
granules. In the fusion method, water can be released granules from the fusion method have better flowability
during the process, mediating production of CO2 due to and compressibility. Tablets of both dose strengths
prepared by the fusion method had better physical
the reaction of partial amounts of citric acid and sodium
bicarbonate present in the formulation. The amount of characteristics as compared to those prepared by the
direct compression method. Amoxicillin showed highest
gas depends on the amount of base too.
solubility at pH 5. Increasing PVP content of the
formulations increased the drug solubility. Our
Effervescence time was between 90.6 s and 114 s for preliminary studies indicate that, in general, the
effervescent formulations of amoxicillin exhibit
the direct compression method and between 105 s and
acceptable compendia characteristics and can be
118.5 s for the fusion method, these ranges were introduced as an alternative to amoxicillin suspension,
acceptable for both methods according to the British
following further investigations.
Pharmacopeia.[19] The shorter effervescence time of
tablets produced by the fusion method basically reflects ACKNOWLEDGMENT
the impact of the process employed.[24]
This study was supported by Isfahan University of Medical
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Aslani and Sharifian: Formulation of amoxicillin effervescent tablets

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8 Advanced Biomedical Research | 2014

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