Structural Frame 1

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1) Briefly restate your situation from Module 1 and your role.

The situation at hand will be the forming of our corporation.My co-founder and Principal

filed us as a corporation without seeking my advice or opinion. Which isn’t the biggest

deal in the world but he doesn’t have as much of a financial and business background

as I do. On top of that filed for us in California, CA has some of the worse tax codes and

requires the most documentation to stay compliant with the state. We don’t want to be

filed in CA as we will be taxed at a much higher rate. I am now left with having to go

about fixing this. I need to move our corp to my preferred home state DE and seek legal

advice to see if a C-Corp is even right for us. In my current position at Vently, I am a

Co-Founder and serve as the CFO. My responsibilities include creating business

models, identifying target markets, pursuing funding opportunities, establishing the

corporate structure, and leading a team of developers to produce a Minimum Viable

Product (MVP).

2) Describe how the structure of the organization influenced the situation.

(Insert 2 Long Paragraph Description Here to Earn Excellent)

The structure that Vently encompasses is a very traditional hierarchy. With our Principal

at the top and our CTO and I in the middle and the bottom being our operations guys

and developers. This style of structure heavily impacted the decision making process

that went into making us a C-corp. The fact is that he is in a position to make decisions

without consulting anyone else and it is not the same for anyone else on the team.

Which if not handled correctly could result in more issues for use down the line.
My co-founder ultimately made this decision entirely on his own, showing our lack of

communication and collaboration in our organizational structure. Alongside filing in

California will affect how we run this business overall. Depending on how strict all of

their laws are regarding C-corps, documentation requirements, and tax codes. If we

perhaps had a better line of communication or a different business structure this

problem could have been avoided all together. If our principal was better with delegation

of tasks and playing to the team's strengths I would have handled this from the start.

3) Recommend how you would use structure for an alternative course of action

regarding your case.

(Insert 2 Long Paragraph Recommendation Here to Earn Excellent)

To start off, a more collaborative and communication based approach to future decision

making within the organizational structure is essential. Putting together a system of

checks and balances will be necessary in order to prevent our principal from making

similar mistakes. Discussing these problems fully will prepare us for other decisions we

will have to make such as corporate structure and launch locations, rather than our

principal just deciding these things.

Incorporating a strict decision making process and checks and balances between

board members will be crucial in the future for our corporation. Taking steps such as

seeking out professional or legal assistance, discussing with our advisor board, and

involving key stakeholders. Doing so allows us to make decisions that are more inclined

with the company's goals and well being. Making sure we have well thought out
solutions for probable problems that come up will be important. Without this structure

change it will be quite difficult to do so especially if the communications lines are not


4) Reflect on what you would do or not do differently given what you have learned

about this frame.

In hindsight, after pondering the situation, I’d emphasize the necessity for effective

communication and collaborate in the organizational framework going forward. I will

press the measure of creating a decision making protocol and a system of checks and

balances to insure thorough discussion among the co-founders before making

significant moves.

I would also advise in seeking professional and legal advice early on in the process,

particularly when it involves legal or financial matters. If we would have seeked legal

advice on where, when and how to form a corporation we would have circumnavigated

this entire situation.

Lastly I would enhance my role as a leader by emphasizing an environment where our

team is able to communicate freely and voice their opinions and concerns. Open lines of

communication and more direct dialogue can contribute to more informed and better

planned out decisions. This could also prevent possible problems from arising as

different perspectives and minds can come up with different outcome possibilities. This
experience highlighted the importance of communication for me. Along with the need for

decision making protocol and a system of checks and balances.

Works Cited:
Bolman, L. G., & Deal, T. E. (2021). Reframing organizations: Artistry, choice, and leadership,
7th edition (7th ed.). McGraw Hill-Ascent Audio. 2024,

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