Quiz 1 - CONPED

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Name: Edralin J. Marinas Instructor: JOMAR T. EDJAN, LPT, MAEd.

Course: BEED-ELEM Date :January 27, 2024

Direction: Answer the following using the 3-2-1 chart. Good luck students.

Topic: Theoretical/Philosophical Foundations of Mother Tongue

3 1.I’ve learned about language acquisition that shows that

3 Things I learned children learn best in their mother tongue as a prelude to and
complement of multilingual education. This is because they can
grasp concepts more easily when taught in language they
2.I’ve learned about cognitive development and cognitive skills
developed in the mother tongue can transfer to other
3.I’ve learned about literacy skills and that it is more easily
transferred from one language to another. So, a child who
becomes literate in their mother tongue can apply this skills
when learning a second language.
2 1.Cognitive skills studies have shown that children who start
2 Things I found Interesting their education in their mother tongue perform better
academically. This is because understanding new concepts is
easier in a familiar language.
2. Cultural preservation mother tongue education helps
preserve local languages and cultures. In a world where many
languages are disappearing, this is a significant benefit.

1 1. What are the roles of mother tongue in multilingual

1 Question I Still Have education.

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