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Theme: Translators of Uzbekistan

Ilmiy rahbar: Saparboyeva Gulandom


1.1 Actual Problems of Literary Translation: Study of Translation Issues from
Uzbek into
1.2 Translator from Uzbekistan became the owner of a high award………………
2.1 The history of literary translation from Uzbek into
2.2 Problems and solution of translating unique banking terms from english into
THE LIST OF USED LITERATURE………………………….………………31


As an attempt is made to include our native language in the list of

international languages among developed countries, from other foreign
languages to our native language, Uzbek, and vice versa, from Uzbek directly to a
foreign language, that is, no other translation activities without language tools are
rapidly evolving with images. In particular, for a long time in our country, the field
of translation was mainly used.
However, in recent years, due to the demand of the time, the field of
interpreting, including simultaneous and serial translation, has become widely
used.In order to improve the interaction between peoples, the study of foreign
languages is mainly an in-depth study of the field of translation, as well as
interpretation and its types. It is intended to be used on a large scale to build
modern diplomatic relations in a professional manner and to further improve
people-to-people contacts.
The relevance of the research is also seen in the fact that the process of
interpreting requires a great deal of skill and experience from the translator.
That is why the faculties and courses that train translators now face the
problem of training qualified, experienced translators.Interpretation research has
been conducted separately from other studies in applied linguistics. This is
due to methodological problems arising from the existence of many
languages and different situations.
In addition, it is provided with the practical application of the research
results required for a small number of users compared to the large field of
applied linguistics, which needs new methods of language teaching and
acquisition of oral skills.The first comprehensive study of translation was
written by professional translators who sought to provide a theoretical basis
for the training of specialists in the field.
However, although more than fifty years have passed since the first
attempts at interpreting translation, the scientific community is far from consensus

on which research paradigm of the process is more appropriate.Due to the unique
qualities of interpretation, practitioners who are faced with the difficult task
of studying it have had to come up with many different theoretical ideas.
First, the initial work focused on the use of interpretation in relation to
existing models. In particular, translation has added to the complexity of the work,
allowing for the successful oral presentation of the listening and speaking
process. Second, in the context of inguists and translators who are well
versed in the semantic andstructural differences between languages, the
possibility of an instantaneous, accurate translation of the discourse is emphasized.
Of course, a lot of research has been done on the topic, and there are many
books on the theoretical and practical issues of interpretation, but in our opinion,
this field is still an unexplored field. the issue can be considered from different
angles. In this dissertation, we have analyzed some theoretical and practical
literature and think that we have introduced some new ideas in this field of
translation and its development. We shared our valuable insights on the issues of
translation didactics, the formation of professional competence in young
translators, the formation of interpreting skills through various exercises.
Actuality of theme. At the present time it is important to learn Translators
of Uzbekistan and its features.
The object of the course work is our scientific research about Translators
of Uzbekistan that used to generate an in-depth, multi-faceted understanding of a
complex issue in its real-life context.
The subject of the work of the analyzed text implies the following scenes:
It is an established research design that is used extensively in a wide variety of
disciplines, particularly in the social sciences.
Aim of research. The aim of our scientific research is telling about What
Translators of Uzbekistan is, it is the method of conveying a thought or message to
a reader using the correct way.
The objectives of this paper are:
1. Identify types of Translators of Uzbekistan;

2. Identify elements of it;
3. Discuss the qualities of Translators of Uzbekistan; logical, language, and
4. Analyze and write it.
In the course paper following methods were used to the first steps when
Translators of Uzbekistan methodology are the same as for other types of research.
The scientific basis for this work was taken from some kinds of articles.
The practical value of the research work. Writing down a Translators of
Uzbekistan is important as it helps you better understand the topic, better organizes
your thoughts, prevents any mistakes in your method, helping you become more
familiar with it, and boosts its overall quality.
Structurally the research work consists of
• Introduction
• Chapter 1.
• Chapter 2.
• Conclusion
• List of used literature
The introduction discovers information about the basics of writing various
types of speeches. It discusses language, style, and logic as well as presents
selected speeches by various speakers locally and internationally.
The first chapter presents information about Translators of Uzbekistan. It is
a crucial skill to have in the modern information age.
The second chapter describes information about learning more about
Translators of Uzbekistan in English language and how you can help your students
become experts in FLT.
Conclusion summarizes all information of the research.
The list of used literature presents information about the books which were
used during investigating.

1.1 Actual Problems of Literary Translation: Study of Translation Issues
from Uzbek into English

The word ‘translation’ comes from a Latin term which means “to bring or
carry across”. Another relevant term comes from the Ancient Greek word of
‘metaphrasis’ which means “to speak across” and from this, the term ‘metaphrase’
was born, which means a “word-for-word translation”. These terms have been at
the heart of theories relating to translation throughout history and have given
insight into when and where translation have been used throughout the ages. It is
known that translation was carried out as early as the Mesopotamian era when the
Sumerian poem, Gilgamesh, was translated into Asian languages.
This dates back to around the second millennium BC. Other ancient
translated works include those carried out by Buddhist monks who translated
Indian documents into Chinese. In later periods, Ancient Greek texts were also
translated by Roman poets and were adapted to create developed literary works for
entertainment. It is known that translation services were utilised in Rome by
Cicero and Horace and that these uses were continued through to the 17th century,
where newer practices were developed.1
It is argued that the knowledge and findings of Greek academics was
developed and understood so widely thanks to the translation work of Arabic
scholars. When the Greeks were conquered, their works were taken in by Arabic
scholars who translated them and created their own versions of the scientific,
entertainment and philosophical understandings. These Arabic versions were later
translated into Latin, during the Middle Ages, mostly throughout Spain and the
resulting works provided the foundations of Renaissance academics. The need for

Languages University 3rd course Phone number: +998937588833 G-mail:
Research advisor: Abdusamadov Zafar Nurmatovich O’quv ishlari bo’yicha dekan muovini

translation became greater with the development of religious texts and spiritual
As religion developed, the desire to spread the word and encourage faith
means that religious texts needed to be available in multiple languages. One of the
first translated religious texts is known to have been that of the Old Testament
which was translated into Greek in the 3rd century BC. This translation refers to
the ‘Septuagint’, which was a translation of the Hebrew bible into Greek, with
Septuagint coming from the Latin word ‘Septuaginta’, which means seventy. This
text is therefore often referred to the ‘Greek Old Testament’.
Without the use of our modern practices and tools, this translation was
carried out by no less than 70 scholars who painstakingly converted the text into
Greek and this became the basis for future translations of the bible in multiple
languages. Religion played such a critical role in translation development that the
church even names Saint Jerome as the patron saint of translation. Saint Jerome
created a Latin bible in 4th century AD.
This bible became the predominant text used by the Roman Catholic
Church. With the introduction of Protestantism, the need to translate the bible and
other religious texts into European languages heightened, Through the rapid
translation and distribution of the bible during the Protestant Reformation,
Christianity had two clear paths – Roman Catholicism or Protestantism. One of the
most clear differences between these two forms of the religion was the disparity in
texts and the differences between crucial words and passages of the bible.
Translators have often been hidden characters, unnamed people who have paved
the way for some of the greatest contributions to the dissemination of ideas,
knowledge and theories throughout the ages. In some cases, working as a translator
was incredibly dangerous and some even lost their lives because of their work.2
This included famous translators such as William Tyndale, who was
executed in Holland in 1536 because he worked on translating the bible into

Languages University 3rd course Phone number: +998937588833 G-mail:
Research advisor: Abdusamadov Zafar Nurmatovich O’quv ishlari bo’yicha dekan muovini

English. Other famous translators include: Chinese monk Xuanzang who in 645
AD was credited with having translated 74 volumes on Indian Buddhist scripts into
Chinese. Constance Garnett was a British translator who translated Russian
classics including Tolstoy, Chekhov, Turgenev and Gogol into English towards the
end of the 19th Century. Gregory Rabassa was an American literary translator who
translated numerous Latin documents into English throughout the 20th Century.
Following on from the Industrial Revolution, the economy developed rapidly and
evolved into a machine with the potential for global success.
New machinery allowed for swifter production of texts and business related
materials and this means that more time could be invested in evolving a company
and translating material to enter foreign markets. Since the 18th century,
businesses have benefitted from formalised translation services but the dawn of
modern practice came with the widespread introduction of the internet. The
internet has revolutionised the ability to access, translate and understand texts and
documents from all over the world, whether they be contemporary or historical
Crucially, the need to understand the culture of the original country and that
of the target audience is further enhanced by modern tools and practices. Although
some instant translation services are capable only of metaphase translation (literal
word-forword translation), specialist firms, platforms and translators are able to
translate texts and spoken word into multiple languages whilst observing the
relevance and culture of the target receiver. In conclusion, the history of translation
has always been present in society and is essential for successful international
agreements. With it, success in foreign markets is possible. Every day people
communicate through translated services to aid them in understanding each other
despite differences in language and culture.
Today, the need for translations can even mean the difference between
financial gain and loss. Understanding how important this service is and how it
contributes to our lives and businesses should be important to all of us, especially
those seeking a path into foreign markets. If you are still wondering how to go

beyond your borders with effective translation services. Translation services have
had a remarkable impact on the world, as the practice gives people the opportunity
to understand the meaning of several languages. Consequently, studying the
history of translation has allowed society to learn a lot about cultures and
civilizations that existed many centuries ago.3
The matter of the observation of a literary linguistic text and its reproduction
in another language has long attracted the attention of translation practitioners and
theorists, and various, sometimes contradictory, scientific views on this problem
have been expressed. In particular, such well-known scholars as E.G. Etkind, I.
Kashkin, A.V. Fyodorov have made a significant contribution to the development
of this field with their works on literary translation and the problems of
reproduction of poetic and prose texts in other languages. During the years of
independence, special attention was paid to science and education, which set
researchers responsible tasks in the field of linguistics. One such task is to learn
and teach foreign languages. In the words of the first President of the Republic of
Uzbekistan I.A.Karimov, "There is no need to underestimate the importance of
perfect knowledge of foreign languages for our country, which today is striving to
take its rightful place in the world community, for our people, who are building
their great future in cooperation with our foreign partners.".
Although the practice of literary translation in Uzbekistan originated and
developed in the distant past, theoretical views on its history and peculiarities were
formed only in our time and laid the foundation for the science of translation. The
founder of the science of translation in our country is G. Salomov, well-known
scientists Sh. Sharopov, N.Komilov and with the participation of a number of
representatives of the next generation, various problems of literary translation were
widely covered. However, the study of the art of translation from other languages,
the skill of the translator and the theory of translation did not pay enough attention
to the study of translation from Uzbek to English, and even more seriously to the

Languages University 3rd course Phone number: +998937588833 G-mail:
Research advisor: Abdusamadov Zafar Nurmatovich O’quv ishlari bo’yicha dekan muovini

comparative analysis of textual structures of English and Uzbek prose no scientific
work has been created.
The word, which is the central linguistic unit of linguistics, can be
considered as a central "translation" and "methodological" unit in translation
studies and stylistics. The unit of language units in the text that has the most
complete meaning is the most important element of the language system or
structure that unites all areas of word linguistics. Translating texts simply means
changing a text in one language to a text in another based on the rules of that
language. In this case, the word is distinguished by the fact that it forms a
compound, has synonyms, has antonyms, forms phraseological units, is used in a
figurative sense. Without ignoring other language units, it can be said that a word
is a unique unit within all language areas. For example, the word is translated into
another language using morphemes, words, phrases, and sentences.
How a word is translated into another language depends on the
characteristics of the language of translation, its stylistic richness, whether the
word is plural or singular. The word chosen for translation depends on which layer
(neutral, verbal or literary) it belongs to, whether it is included in the list of active
words in the language of translation, the level of activity in compound formation
and a number of other factors. Neutral words, which form the basis of vocabulary
richness, have their own synonyms and antonyms in other layers. Of these, the
translator's use of style and meaning in the appropriate places ensures a high
quality of translation. The structure of a special dictionary, which can fully reflect
the differences between the layers in ensuring the adequacy (alternative) of
translation, serves as an invaluable resource in solving both theoretical and
practical issues of translation theory and stylistics. A dictionary that shows and is
informed about the stylistic differences of words allows us to clarify not only the
theory of translation, but also most of the issues of translation editing. In the
future, scientific research in this area will play an important role in solving current
problems of translation theory. The biggest problem with translation is knowing
the differences between cultures. Residents of a certain culture look at something

from their own point of view. Words that appear as equivalents may not be
equivalent. Different cultures have different directions. For example, in the culture
of Uzbekistan gardening, agriculture, domestic animals and everyday life are of
great importance, and in England and America, attention is paid to income, money,
sports and benefits. Some societies are more technically oriented, others less
technically oriented. This difference is reflected in the number of dictionaries that
can be used to discuss specific topics. In this case, based on the meaning, technical
and nontechnical dictionaries can be used. If the source text is from a high-tech
community, it would be difficult to translate it into a non-technical community in
another language.
When a translator sets himself the goal of translating a work in his native
language, he must first fully understand the essence of the original, and then begin
to translate it into a foreign language. If the translation does not meet the
requirement of pragmatic translation, it will confuse the reader. On the contrary, if
the work is skillfully translated, it will be possible to read our national historical
novels in foreign languages around the world. So, translation forms a new plot,
genre. New artistic means are created in the literature. For the sake of argument,
let's talk about the translation of Oybek's novel "Navoi". Oybek's works, which
have a special place in Uzbek literature, have already been translated and published
in several languages of the world. For example, the author's novel "Navoi" has
been translated into Kazakh, Turkmen, Russian, Ukrainian, French, German and
other languages. This work is widespread among the peoples of the world.
Recently, the translation of the novel from Uzbek into English has become an
important event in the practice of Uzbek translation. The reason is that Oybek's
work is still a new world for the English reader. The novel was translated into
English by Ilkhom Tukhtasinov and Omon Muminov.4

Actual Problems of Literary Translation: Study of Translation Issues from Uzbek into English Olimova
Dilafruzxon Baxtiyorjon qizi, National University of Uzbekistan Ubaydullayeva Maftunaxon Omonboy qizi,
Kokand State Pedagogical Institute named after Mukimi

1.2 Translator from Uzbekistan became the owner of a high award

The translators aimed to reflect the spirit and image of that period in the
language of translation as if it were the original. The realization of this goal
depends, of course, on the translators and their skill. Indeed, Oybek's novel
“Navoi” in English becoming as natural and effective as the original, the result of
the translators' research and artistic skills. In the novel, the writer painted a
complex picture of the history of our people in the XV century through the
interpretation of the image of the great poet. Oybek perfectly described the great
qualities of Navoi.
This artistic perfection in the novel is reflected in the scenes in which all the
stages of Navoi's life are depicted. In the process of translation, the translator must
have a deep understanding of the control and artistic features of literary creation,
pay special attention to the quality of the characters in the work.
That is why the reportrayal of such bright characters as Sultanmurad,
Arslanqul, Zayniddin, Majididdin, Tuvgonbek in the novel "Navoi" required the
author to study the life and work of the great thinker, the poet's life as a researcher
and puts the same requirements to the translator also. After all, it is natural that
Navoi's image cannot be embodied to other people without feeling his identity.
Importantly, the differences between cultures require the translator to have a deep
linguistic knowledge as well as an awareness of the cultures of the peoples.
For example, Uzbek cultural norms are undoubtedly different from
American culture. Some words or sentences found in our national works create a
pragmatic situation in the text that is unique to our nation. In order to understand
these subtleties, it is necessary to be a representative of the Uzbek nation. For
example, the only word "Borakallo!".
As can be seen from our example, even if the creator does not give any
information about who said the word, his gender, age, the reader will easily
understand that the author of the sentence is an older man. It is the real art of the
translator to convey the same situation to a foreign reader. “Barakallo, bu yerdagi
ishlardan aql hurkadi!” “Well, well! Local affairs can come in horror” Or consider
another example: “ -Faqirning ostonasini ne maqsad bilan so'radi kimyogar.” In
this example, there is the word “faqir”, which does not mean poor, but the first
person pronoun (I), which reflects Uzbek humility.5
The translator must convey this situation to the reader in the following
sense: -Why have you come to my place? – he asked slowly but with an unsatisfied
tone. In addition to the above, there are synonyms, phraseological combinations,
proverbs in the novel that enrich his style, and finding an alternative to them shows
how rich the translator's vocabulary should be. However, it should also be noted
that in some cases the translator uses lexical repetition instead of synonymous
M. Hakimov notes that lexical repetition is used to maintain consistency and
that the phenomenon is clearly visible in the sentences within a paragraph. E. A.
According to Referovskaya, the use of a certain word in a series of sentences
makes it a central element of the sentence, and thus draws the attention of both the
listener and the speaker to that word. In addition, through it, the sentences are
Proof of our opinion can be seen in the following examples: “Mana u bir
zum qotib boshini ushladi-oq salla qip-qizil qonga bo'yaldi. Olomon hayqirib
chuvvos solarkan, yarador amaldor daraxtlar orasida g'oyib bo'ldi…- Ajab voqealar
bo'lmoqda. Xalqning haqiqat talab qilgan ovozidan butun Hirot larzada,- shavq
bilan dedi Sultonmurod…- Uluska ne yomonlik qilibmiz?-beparvolik bilan so'radi
To'g'onbek.” As can be seen in the given example, synonymous words such as
crowd, people, nation were used.
However, the translation process used not the synonymous means, but the
lexical repetition technique mentioned above: “Here he paused for a moment and
grabbed his head,-his white turban was drowned in blood. The people broke cries
of joy; he was wounded, managed to hide behind trees…-There is an extraordinary

Actual Problems of Literary Translation: Study of Translation Issues from Uzbek into English Olimova
Dilafruzxon Baxtiyorjon qizi, National University of Uzbekistan Ubaydullayeva Maftunaxon Omonboy qizi,
Kokand State Pedagogical Institute named after Mukimi

thing going on outside. The people demand justice, their voices are shaking entire
Herat…- Sultonmurod said excitedly…What have I done wrong to the people?-
Togonbek asked quietly.”
While translating Oybek's Navoi, in the process we come across the author's
artistic interpretation of issues such as a just king and people, Navoi and people,
Navoi and war, Navoi and the fate of culture, Navoi and the unity of peoples. In
this case, we are tasked to try to embody the image of Navoi to foreigners through
the image of the poet, promoting the socio-philosophical views that are important
for his contemporaries and exemplary for future generations. We know that
historical works are often written in poetic form. However, many works have been
translated from verse to prose. Prose translation has its own difficulties, as does
poetic translation.
Often in poetic translation we come across the idea that the choice of a word,
its length or brevity, every vowel and consonant in its composition plays a decisive
role. However, prose translation also has its own complexities, as can be seen from
the above examples, in the process of translation, the words are consistent in
meaning and style; it is necessary to replace each other, to find alternative
expressions, to create special syntactic devices. Sometimes in translating a work,
the translator has to work with three or more languages instead of two. In
particular, in “Navoi” we find poems in the Persian-Tajik language; Hech kasro
nazdi dud naguzoshti, In du shohi gov gar har doshti. As can be seen from the
example given, this situation doubles our task.6
Now the translator is required to work only in Uzbek and English: If a
donkey had ox's horns, In would not let anybody come close to it. We can see that
it is translated into Uzbek as follows: Agar eshakni xo'kiz kabi shohlari bo'lsa,
Hech kim unga yaqinlashmasligi kerak edi. It is known that in the past the works
of Uzbek writers were translated into Russian. Oybek's novel “Navoi” is the first
experiment to be translated directly into English. The content of the work is

Actual Problems of Literary Translation: Study of Translation Issues from Uzbek into English Olimova
Dilafruzxon Baxtiyorjon qizi, National University of Uzbekistan Ubaydullayeva Maftunaxon Omonboy qizi,
Kokand State Pedagogical Institute named after Mukimi

translated correctly in all respects, but in some places there are inaccuracies,
deviations from the original. As we compared the original and translated version of
this novel, we witnessed a violation of national identity in some parts of the
For example, the original: “Mana bunda biri katta sallali boshini uzliksiz
chayqab, ko'zlarini chirt yumgan holda g'o'ng'ilab Arabiyotni yodlaydi” (p.3). In
the translation: “Here one could also see one of them with his book on his knees
learning by heart the book called “Arabiyot” with his eyes closed”. The words
“katta sallali boshini uzluksiz chayqab” (constantly shaking his head in a big
turban) in the above sentence have been dropped in the language of translation and
the meaning has changed or in fact “chuchitilgan moy va qovirilgan go'sht hidi
dimoqlariga urildi” (the smell of smoked butter and fried meat has hit the palate.)
(P. 11)
The meaning of the sentence has completely changed in the language of
translation. If we translate the phrase "They all heated the oil and fried meat" back
into Uzbek, it means: “Ular hammasi moyni qizdirdilar va go'shtni qovurdilar”. Or
in the original: “Do'st yorlar yig'ilishib chag'ir ichib musiqa va raqslar bilan tong
ottiradilar.” (p. 11) In the translation: “They gathered together with their friends
and drunk alcohol, listened to music and watched dances: in short they had a good
time,” given as. The word "chag`ir" in the above example is translated into the
language as "alcohol", the national meaning of which is lost in English.7
In addition to the original: “Uzoq kengashdan so'ng biron ma'qul chora
topilmagach yog'ochday qotgan, junsiz, taqir po'stakda xujra to'rida o'tirgan
Aloiddin Mashxadiy kichgina gavdasi bilan yengilgina qo'zg'alib uzun pechi
osilgan katta sallali boshini chayqadi” in the language of translation: “After a long
discussion they could not find any solution and then Aloiddin Mashhadiy who was
sitting on the top of the room moved and shook his head.” (p. 11). In the above
sentence, the words “Yog'ochday qotgan junsiz taqir po'stakda va kichkina gavdasi

Actual Problems of Literary Translation: Study of Translation Issues from Uzbek into English Olimova
Dilafruzxon Baxtiyorjon qizi, National University of Uzbekistan Ubaydullayeva Maftunaxon Omonboy qizi,
Kokand State Pedagogical Institute named after Mukimi

bilan yengilgina, uzin pechi osilgan katta sallali” are not reflected in the translation
and the national meaning is lost.
In the original text: “Agar qasida shoiri bo'lsam edi, hoqon ibn hoqon Sulton
Husayin Boyqaro hazratlariga bir bemisl qasida yozib, janobi oliydan shoxona
sarpolar olar edim, chunki ayni vaqti: ikki hafta muqaddam ul janobning muborak
boshlariga Xumoyun qushi qo'ndi, ko'ngillari barqaror bo'ldi. Usharoga
saxovatning yetti darvozasini ochishlariga aminmen” sentence translation: “If I
were a poet of ode I would write an ode to Sultan Husain Boyqaro and would get
royal clothes and praises, because two weeks ago he was appointed as a king and
he calmed down a lot. I am completely sure that he will praise and respect poets
now”. Comparing the Uzbek and English texts, the words “Hoqon ibr hoqon
hazratlariga, ul janobning muborak boshlariga Xumoyun qushi qo'ndi” are not
reflected in the translated language, and the Uzbek sense of respect and nationality
in the original speech is lost. Or in fact: "Butun Xirot hasratda uyg'ondi" is
translated as "All Herat woke up in the mountains" and the content has completely
In short, the skill of the translator is the most important feature, which can
also complement the level of the work. If the translator does not have enough
knowledge and experience, it will be difficult for the translation to come out fully.
If these two qualities are sufficient, it is possible to translate even a levelless work
in a level view using creative methods and fully meet the needs of the customer.
Translating a historical work like “Navoi” from Uzbek into English is not an easy
task, it is very difficult and labor-intensive.
So, this English translation of Oybek's novel "Navoi" is a great event in
today's Uzbek translation. We hope that the translators will correct some of the
errors and omissions in the translation in the next edition of the novel. Thus, it can
be concluded that the translation of national terms into Uzbek requires a certain
skill and attention to English. Therefore, we think that the translator should first of
all try to convey the national spirit of creativity. V. Golishev's opinion that "in
translation the letter is necessary as the soul is necessary" is proved by the

examples given in the scientific work. If the translation focuses only on the
dictionary, then there is no such thing as a national psyche. However, it is also
ignorant to give terms in translation without just explaining the name. It is
necessary to achieve the best translation of both, because the preservation of the
national spirit is the responsibility of the translator.
The topical issues of translation mentioned above have not always lost their
value. The more translations are made from the original into the target language,
the more criticism is made and the basis for the creation of new rules, guidelines,
recommendations for the theory of translation. At present, the works "Last Days",
"Navoi", "Shum Bola" are published in English. These works are a prelude to our
future work, and it is not surprising that they contribute to such great goals as the
delivery of classics of Uzbek literature to the world.8

Actual Problems of Literary Translation: Study of Translation Issues from Uzbek into English Olimova
Dilafruzxon Baxtiyorjon qizi, National University of Uzbekistan Ubaydullayeva Maftunaxon Omonboy qizi,
Kokand State Pedagogical Institute named after Mukimi

2.1 The history of literary translation from Uzbek into English

iticism have been developing in our country for many years. M.Rasuli, G.
Salomov, N. Kamilov, J. Sharipov and others play an important role in covering
the history of translation in Uzbekistan. Translation studies has become one of the
most interesting disciplines. One of the most famous scholars in the field of
translation studies is G. Salomov. He conducts serious research in the field of
translation studies, including the history of translation. Another such artist is Anvar
He wrote the first translations of Russian classical literature and their role in
the development of Uzbek literature. He has been studying translations from
Russian into Uzbek for more than half a century and provides valuable information
about them. Our late scholar Gaybulla Salomov, the above-mentioned translator, is
the founder of the Uzbek school of translation theory and translation. He has done
a lot of work on the theory and history of translation. emphasizes that translation
has a special place.
Translation work in Uzbekistan has grown at an unprecedented rate, both
practically and theoretically. In the chapter on the history of translation, J.
Sharipov also conducted a qualified work "On the history of translation in
Uzbekistan." He also published a book, Literary Translation and Skilled
For thousands of years, many translators have enriched our aesthetic
spirituality with Oriental works and their translations. G. Salomov, who worked
hard in the field of translation and devoted his whole life to translation studies, also
studied the history of translation, drew relevant conclusions and conducted his own

Formation Of Translation Theory In Uzbekistan Bakhadirova Dildora Azodovna and Maratova Dilbar
Shakasimovna Lecturer at the Department of Western languages Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies
Tashkent, Uzbekistan

research. When classifying translation sciences, he said that the development of
translation science can be divided into the following parts:
1. History of translation
2. Translation theory
3. Criticism of translation
4. Simultaneous translation
5. Basics of automatic translation.
G. Salomov points out several directions in criticizing the history of
translation. According to its classification, it looks like this.
1. By fields and genres. Thisincludes translation of specific humanities,
translation and lexicography (creation of bilingual and multilingual dictionaries).
2. On the principles of language. This can be, for example, Arabic-Uzbek,
Persian-Uzbek, etc., and includes bilingual translation.
3. According to historical traditions and typical signs of local conditions.
Examples include translation schools, Toledo translation school, Baghdad
translation school, etc.
4. By periods. For example, it is possible to study the ancient period, the
Middle Ages, from the I century to the X century AD, the New Age, and so on.
When studying the history of translation, it is necessary to study the creative
activity of the translator, and his path, social activity and, above all, the method,
the principle of translation, the style. A good example of this is the book
"Translation, History, Culture" by Andrei Lefever, published in London, which
describes the life, principles, methods, thoughts and views of translators from
ancient times to the present day.
In this book, the author brilliantly illustrates translators and their principles.
The book is written in English. Extensive work is being done in our country in this
regard. Since the independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan, a lot of research has
been conducted in the field of translation studies, in particular, the history of
translation, books and articles have been published. It also covers the life and
principles of translators It is difficult to analyze Gafur Gulam's translation skills in

detail. The subject of this special study, I would like to draw your attention to
another thing - literary translation was one of the means of strengthening the
friendship between our peoples for Ghafur Ghulam. and showed great zeal in
enjoying the masterpieces of world literature.
In general, when a translator is faced with the problem of translating the
image of demographic characters, he first of all seeks a name for a character in
another literature from his national literature, the dictionary of the native language.
He tries to find the most appropriate one by comparison. Kadyr Muhammedov's
contribution is that the translation was initiated by Nabi Alimuhammedov and
Erkin Vahidov. not only deeply felt the national nature of the language, the
features of expression, but also discovered its new possibilities in translation. The
real name of the main character in the novel is not specified.
He calls himself a master. The master's knowledge of foreign languages and
acquaintance with religious sources also allows the author to conclude that the
name of the main character means teacher. Realizing that he had something in
common with the ideal image, he realized that the commonality in it was important
in conveying the essence of the image to the reader, and he acted accordingly, that
is, he used oriental etiquette and appropriate phrases.
Sources on the history of translation show that there is not enough research
on the history of translation. It is well known that in both the East and the West,
most of the written sources are translated works. The traditions of translation and
literary relations go back many centuries. The translator has the task of translating
the masterpieces of the peoples of the world into their native language and making
them available to the people.10
The study of the history of the world's translation schools shows that since
ancient times, Eastern translators have been engaged in the translation of religious,
scientific, technical, literary and artistic works published in the West and used
modern principles and methods. Western scholars, in turn, introduced the teachings

Formation Of Translation Theory In Uzbekistan Bakhadirova Dildora Azodovna and Maratova Dilbar
Shakasimovna Lecturer at the Department of Western languages Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies
Tashkent, Uzbekistan

and scientific inventions of the great thinkers of the East to their peoples and took
advantage of these achievements.
We will try to gain a deeper understanding of the history of translation by
studying the relationship, history, principles and methods of the two great schools
of East and West, the Toledo and Baghdad Translation Schools. A study of the
scientific literature shows that oriental translators have played an important role in
the history of world translation. In particular, the Baghdad School of Translation's
views on artistic, scientific, and technical translation methods date back to the
ninth and tenth centuries.11
Translation has been formed in the culture and history of the peoples of the
world for many years and is one of the types of creative activities that has been
developing over the years. By translating a concept or phrase from one language
into another, people exchange ideas and learn about other people‟s cultures,
customs, and traditions. Through translation, economic, political and cultural
cooperation has been established amongst the countries of the world. This, in turn,
paved the way for the comprehensive development of states.
That is why translation and interpretation are so important in the language
industry today. Also, translation plays a significant role not only in teaching and
learning processes of language education, but also it is very important to convey
the one‟s mentality, customs and traditions which exist in their cultures. Therefore,
there is a great amount of necessity for different types of translation studies.
Knowing how the translations works can help learners to compare and understand
different aspects of the different nations and cultures. Since you are required to
understand and know, easily follow the meaning of the given text or contexts while
you are learning a foreign language. Interestingly, when you begin to investigate a
culture or deal with any foreign language learning, you will definitely have to work
with the texts and literary resources.

Formation Of Translation Theory In Uzbekistan Bakhadirova Dildora Azodovna and Maratova Dilbar
Shakasimovna Lecturer at the Department of Western languages Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies
Tashkent, Uzbekistan

As a result of that, most of translators and language providers need to face
some challenges which can be real obstacles for readers and learners of the
language which is being learned or taught. Moreover, the translated forms of
materials or resources for investigation, assist to express and understand the
meaning of the texts and literary works. Generally, a good translation is not easily
or directly translated into another language and in this process, it is required from a
translator to use appropriate methods and approaches to keep the real meaning of
the texts. Laconically, we may articulate that “translation” is a text-processing and
text-reproducing activity which comes from a source text to a resulting text.
Other types of text-processing and text-reproducing activities are
commenting the text, summarizing text, interpreting the meaning of the work,
adapting a text for a different group of addressees, transposing the text into another
medium, etc. What kind of translation from all these text-processing activities is
that translation is based on an act of creating a relation of equivalence between a
source text in one language and its cognition and translation in another
language…? The German translator, Wolfram Wilss gave and offered a good
explanation and definition to translation, according to his idea that “Translation is
a text-processing and text-re-verbalisation process which leads from a source text
to a target text that is as equivalent as possible and presupposes an understanding
of the original text in terms of content and style.
Translating is a process, which consists of two main phases. One of them is
a phase of text comprehension in which the translator analyses the source language
text with reference to its meaning and style. The following one is a phase of
linguistic reconstruction, in which the translator reproduces the source language
text which he had analysed in terms of content and style, under optimal
consideration of communicative equivalence”.12
Therefore, it is often said that keeping national-coloured words should be
used but not so frequently. What was meant by that? If you deal with translation
studies, everyone should be aware of the translation problems that are related not
Nasirov Master's student at Uzbekistan State University of World Languages

only linguistic sphere but also non-linguistic sphere too. Because while translating
the texts, you should take into consideration of the cultural aspects of the words,
expressions and sentences that are being translated into another language. As far as
the things that motivate to write this topic are concerned, we will enumerate some
of them as forethought of the initial points to write this research.
Granted, this research is one of the new topical approaches which has not
been learned yet by the majority of scholars, translators and linguists in
Uzbekistan. Furthermore, these are going to be almost new translation problems
from the Uzbek language into the English language. In addition to this, one
advantage of this kind of dissertation topics is that it will really help learners and
readers in both Uzbek and English languages understand the feelings, the ways of
life, and character of the nation.
By doing this research, we will be able to not only achieve to translate
cultural-valued books but by courtesy of being translated into English, it will assist
learners to see the rich literary heritage to the whole world and in the meanwhile, it
will also support other nations to know more about Uzbekistan and its culture. So,
it is also acknowledged as a source of strengthening the knowledge according to
“Anthropocentrism” in linguistic fields such as Translation Studies, Language
Learning and Discourse analysis.13

Nasirov Master's student at Uzbekistan State University of World Languages

2.2 Problems and solution of translating unique banking terms from English
into Uzbekistan

The translation of legal text plays a very crucial role in the globalized world,
whether in political, social, or business field. An example of globalized world
operations in the banking sector is that one single holding bank legally domiciled
in a certain country can now operate through its subsidiaries around the world. Its
services are provided around the world, too. Hence, related documents need to be
translated. One of them is terms and conditions agreements for the bank and its
clients for the services. Terms and conditions for banking services is a kind of
contract, and therefore it is a legal text. According to the functions, legal texts can
be classified into three: primarily prescriptive legal texts, laws, regulations, and
contracts; primarily descriptive and prescriptive, judicial decisions; and surely
descriptive, scholarly academic articles about law. Regarding legal text translation,
legal translation can be classified based on the TL text purposes.
The first is the normative purpose to produce authentic legal texts in two or
more languages. The second is the informative purpose to provide information to
target readers about certain legal texts with no legal power in the translation. The
third is the general legal or the judicial purpose to translate documents used in a
legal setting in courts or other settings. Terms and condition, therefore, is a
prescriptive legal text that will regulate rights and responsibilities of the parties to
the agreement and its translation should be more or less an authentic legal text,
although at the end there is a disclaimer about its constituency with the SL text. 14
Hence, the translation of such text is very critical because the errors
introduced in the target text may result in a big loss on the part of either the first
party (bank) or the second party (costumer). One of the pivotal problems in
translating legal text is translating legal terms. Hence, for the Uzbek context, it is
necessary to see how the translators solve the problem in translating English
banking terms into Uzbek. This article reports a study on how professional

translators solve the problem of finding English legal banking terms equivalent in
Uzbek. The position of terminology in legal translation is very vital, especially in
prescriptive legal texts. Mistranslation may result in a severe loss.
Globalization has created a borderless world. Businesses operate around the
world and business agreements are executed accordingly. Any written agreement is
a law. Law is special as it is closely related to cultural values and national cultures.
Therefore, legal translation tends to have more cultural-specific components. Legal
translation is a complex endeavor since it involves different legal systems, which
are rooted in the different cultural values and national cultures. Translation is
getting more complex if legal systems involved are from different legal families. In
terms of legal system, for example, Uzbek legal system is different from legal
system, from where the source text originated.
The translation of a Singaporean legal text into an Uzbek text is more
complex than of a Dutch text into Uzbek because Uzbek legal system is in one
family with Dutch legal system, but not with legal system, which is rooted in
common, law. Legal text, including terms and condition agreed by a bank and its
customers, is a language for specific purposes text. As a language for specific
purpose -text it characterized by terminology specific for it’s filed. All terms in the
terminology are important in translation as they contain concepts being explained.
Concept is a mental representation of an object. Legal concept is taken from a
moral value system referring to real life situation and the guide on how to solve the
situations. A term, then, is a technical designation of a concept. 15
It is a verbal expression of a concept belonging to the conceptual system of a
Language for specific purposes language for specific purposes, which is herein
banking service contract. A term may be a single word, a compound word (e.g.
good faith), or a phrase (e.g. free movement of persons). However, they all each
represent one concept. Legal terms can also be categorized into (a) “pure” law
terminology (called estoppel), (b) law terminology found in everyday speech (title,
‘right’), and (c) everyday words assigned a special meaning in a given legal

context. However, no classification has been made for investment and banking
terms. It seems that they are mostly everyday words assigned a special meaning.
“Call”, for example, is an everyday word, but in investment setting, it means,
“sell”. Another example, “option”, which is mere “alternative” in everyday
English, means a certain type of contract in private banking field. Terminology
equivalence means the coincidence of conceptual characteristics, which is almost
impossible in legal translation, and therefore the translator should consider the use
or context of the use.
The position of terminology in legal translation is very vital especially in
prescriptive legal text. This sets the background for the research question, how
banking terms from different legal system pose problems for English – Uzbek
translators of term and condition for banking services and how such problem is
solved. Translators can search for the target terms in many ways. Translators can
search for equivalents by (a) referring to a dictionary, (b) online tools, and (c)
discussion forums. Dictionary consists of (a) monolingual legal dictionary and (b)
bilingual legal dictionary.
Online tools include a search engine and discussion forum. Bank, as a
financial institution, now does not only provide traditional services like saving
services but also investment services. To help the bank provide the services, it
provides terms and condition to be agreed by the customers. This formal written
agreement binds the bank and the customer and therefore can be classified as a
legal text. As a legal text, terms and condition tends to be bound by the legal
system of the nation or culture of origin and, as we know, the legal system of a
nation is related to its history. It was stated at the beginning of this article that
many giant banks operate around the world through its subsidiaries and therefore
market their products around the words. Related banking terms, which are rooted
in the culture of the bank’s country of origin, should be translated.
Meanwhile, the legal system of the holding bank may be different from the
one of the local legal system in which the subsidiaries operate. The first problem
occurs if the translators do not comprehend the two legal systems because finding

equivalent, in this case, is not only a matter of identifying word equivalent in
another language but also understanding the national system of the two languages.
The second possible problem in that the translators are not familiar with the
services offered by subsidiary banks in their respective countries. The terms
represent certain concepts, which are products of a particular history, of a
particular cultural and legal tradition, with its particular institutions and system.
Banking terminologies found in the text can be divided into two main categories:
terms related to traditional banking services and non-traditional banking services.
The examples of terms related to traditional banking services are deposit
account, clearing house, currency, depository, nominee, collateral, security, and
interests. In contrast, the examples of terms related to non-traditional banking
services include currency options, currency futures, commodity futures, equity
index-linked futures, contribution cap, currency obligation, exercised option, put
currency, call currency, trustee, transaction note, and underlying financial
instrument. In relation to these categories, it was found out that many of the
nontraditional banking terms create problems for translators.16
As an example is the term private banking which was translated by the
translator into xususiy bank in Uzbek. At the surface level, this solution seems
logical. The literal Uzbek translation of private can be naturalized into xususiy. In
addition, it can also individually be translated into shaxsiy. The synonym in Uzbek
can be personal (in various contexts). Thus, the choice of shaxsiy was
understandable. However, this translation would be misleading as this type of
banking service is not a personal banking service, but a personalized banking
service with several unique service details. In fact, it is a personalized banking
service with the main characteristics of investment services.
Therefore, the editor returned the translation returned into its original.
Private banking, accordingly, private client was edited from shaxsiy mijoz into
shaxsiy bank mijozi. Other terms that posed problems for the translators were,
among others, call, put, call option, and put option. These terms are taken from

everyday language but assigned new meaning. The translation process started with
understanding the text and the banking terms, finding candidates of term
equivalents, deciding the target terms to use while finalizing the translation. The
translator will employ literal translation strategy when they thought there was no
available equivalent or synonyms of terms. However, they also, use borrowing to
avoid misunderstanding when they were not sure about the equivalent. The editor
kept the literal translation if there was no potential misunderstanding. Otherwise,
he added an extra word to avoid misunderstanding or used borrowing.17



To conclude, If in Soviet reality, due to some circumstances, each

simultaneous interpreter could interpret for more than 30 minutes, which put
a strong psychophysiological burden on many translators, now the situation
has changed for the better. Synchronist Grigory Khaustov said that conferences at
the 2014 Olympics were short and often ended unexpectedly, so the translators
agreed to work 15 minutes each. But sometimes it turned out that the second
translator got only one sentence about the end of the conference, and the translators
jokinglycalled such shifts “forty seconds”.
But in general, translators at the 2014 Olympics had to work very hard. At
the Summer School of Translation 2014, organized by the Union of Translators of
Russia I.V. Alekseeva shared the experience of the team of interpreters. Every
day, up to 5-6 events with simultaneous and consecutive interpretation could
be planned in the schedule, which took place at points remote from each other,
where it was not possible to get there on time. The work was very stressful also
given the volume of preparation materials for the translation and the
unpredictability of events.Toward the end of the 20th century, a mixed type
of simultaneous and consecutive interpretation was born -simultaneous-
consecutive, or simconsec.
It is not known who exactly put forward the idea of simultaneous
interpreting. It was first used by EU translator Michel Ferrari in March 1999 at a
press conference by Neil Kinnock, Vice President of the European
Commission. A small portable Palm-size PC was used as equipment. Later,
Ferrari conducted a series of experiments and found that the accuracy of
translation with simconsec increases, but some language combinations sound
unnatural, especially for closely related languages.
The improvement in translation quality was experimentally confirmed by
two court translators from the United States, John Lombardi and Eric Kamaid-
Freiksas.Today simultaneous translation is one of the most popular types of

translation, which is carried out not only at high-level events, but also at
conferences, seminars and lectures of a relatively small scale. The technical
equipment has reached such a level of development, none of the participants
in the situation of simultaneous interpretation is experiencing any
Today, many institutes and universities in our country have foreign
languages and translation. For example, English and a number of other
languages are taught in higher education institutions such as the University
of World Economy and Diplomacy under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,
the University of World Languages, and the Institute of Oriental Studies. We
can meet a number of foreign language institutes throughout the country. We
can also see it in the conference-interpreter training center of the University
of World Economy and Diplomacy. The university has a center for training
simultaneous and serial translators for international conferences, which trains
translators to improve and strengthen diplomatic and economic ties.


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