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In today's world of modern technologies, cloud service providers have become the go-to destination for
businesses to store valuable data, run various applications, and access services over the internet. It is
defines as a third-party company that offers businesses flexible computing resources accessible on-
demand through a network. There are various types of service providers present in the current CSP
market, but Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) are known as the popular
ones.(Google Cloud, 2023).

For this project, Amazon Web Services (AWS) has been selected as the cloud service provider. AWS,
provided by Amazon, offers distributed IT resources on demand, including infrastructure (IaaS),
platforms (PaaS), and software (SaaS). It was created to provide reliable IT infrastructure to various
organizations. Its uses span across industries: a small manufacturing firm expands using AWS's IT
management, a global enterprise uses it for workforce training, an architecture consultancy benefits
from high-compute rendering, and a media company utilizes AWS to distribute diverse content globally,
like e-books and audio files (Jha, 2023). The selected cloud service model, Platform as a Service (PaaS)
via AWS, handles crucial infrastructure and environment for program operation. This allows a focus
solely on application development and management, without concerns about hardware or operating
systems. Such a setup simplifies app deployment and management by removing worries about resource
procurement, capacity planning, software maintenance, and issue resolution, typical in application
operation (aws, 2023). AWS Elastic Beanstalk is used as a development technology. It is a user-friendly
service for deploying and scaling web apps and services. It works with multiple programming languages
(like Go, Java, .NET, Node.js, PHP, Python, and Ruby). Just upload your code, and Elastic Beanstalk takes
care of everything—deploying, scaling, balancing loads, and monitoring app health (Amazon Web
Services, 2023).

Overview of cloud computing technologies

Cloud computing refers to the storage and use of data and computing resources through the internet,
without storing information on your local device. It provides on-demand access to various computer
services such as servers, storage, networking, and databases. Some of the example of cloud computing
services are AWS and Azure (Peterson, 2023).
Figure 1: Cloud computing (tatvasoft, 2020)

As cloud-computing services evolve in business and technology, companies can better utilize their
benefits. However, understanding the core and functionality of cloud computing remains crucial. The
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines cloud computing through five key

 On-demand self-service: It allows companies to access and manage additional computing

resources without direct interaction with the service provider. Through a web-based portal,
businesses can view their existing cloud services, track their usage, and easily add or remove
services as needed. This means they can scale up their storage, virtual machines, or databases
without having to directly contact the cloud service provider each time.
 Broad Network Access: Cloud resources act like tools stored online, accessible from various
devices through the internet or a local network. The speed and efficiency of using these tools
rely on the strength of the connection. This is vital for timely tasks in manufacturing, akin to
ensuring a clear road for swift operations.
 Multi-tenancy and resource pooling: Cloud resources are set up for multiple customers to share
applications or infrastructure while keeping their data private, similar to people in an apartment
building sharing the space but having their own privacy. This pooling of resources helps save
costs, but it should not affect how critical manufacturing tasks perform.
 Measured Service: In cloud computing, manufacturers pay based on usage through charge-per-
use. This means the provider tracks resources used, like servers or storage, and charges for the
exact amount consumed, similar to paying for actual electricity usage instead of a fixed rate.
 Rapid elasticity and scalability: Cloud computing lets manufacturers quickly get and remove
resources as needed. They can adjust capacity and costs without extra commitments. It is like
renting exactly what you need when you need it. This flexibility also helps in testing
manufacturing applications without big upfront costs—you pay for what you use and can stop
paying once done (NOVKOVIC, 2017).

Figure 2: Characteristics of Cloud Computing

Cloud computing service models

Cloud computing offers three primary service models, each offering varying degrees of control,
flexibility, and management. These models help you choose the right services based on your specific

The three Cloud Service Models are as follows:

 Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): IaaS offers users virtualized computing resources online, such
as servers, storage, and networking hardware. Users are not responsible for the physical
infrastructure but need to oversee operating systems, applications, and data running on it.
Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud are examples of IaaS providers
(Rosencrance, 2021).
Figure 3: Details on Iaas Cloud (salesforcetutorial, 2023)

 Platform as a Service (PaaS): PaaS offers a runtime environment where developers can easily
create, test, and deploy web applications, purchased on a usage-based model from a cloud
provider. This setup means that the provider handles the backend scalability, freeing end-users
from infrastructure management worries (javatpoint, 2023).

Figure 4: Details on PaaS cloud (Khanna, 2023)

 Software as a Service (SaaS): Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) delivers software via the cloud.
Instead of purchasing and installing software, users subscribe to it. This allows access and usage
of the application from any internet-connected device. The application operates on cloud
servers, which might be located far away from the user (cloudflare, 2023).

Figure 5: Details on Saas cloud (Anasthasiia, 2023)

 Function-as-a-Service (FaaS): It commonly referred to as FaaS, represents a cloud-based

computing approach empowering developers to design, execute, manage, and oversee software
applications as functions, free from the burden of maintaining their infrastructure. This cloud
computing solution enables users to build applications and release functionalities, incurring
charges only upon feature usage. FaaS, also known as server less computing, is commonly
utilized for launching micro services (Badkar, 2023).

Figure 6: FaaS architecture (Pellegrini, 2018)

Each of these models has its own advantages and disadvantages. IaaS provides flexibility and scalability,
demanding users to take more responsibility for managing software, data, middleware, and OS. PaaS
simplifies development but might lack scalability and lead to vendor lock-in. SaaS is user-friendly but
offers less application control compared to IaaS and PaaS. The standout feature of Function as a Service
(FaaS) is its cost-saving aspect, charging only for what you use. However, transitioning existing
applications to FaaS can be challenging, and there is a risk of being tied to a single provider
(Rosencrance, 2021).

Sustainability of these models depends on the specific needs of the business. IaaS offers adaptability
and system control, catering well to businesses with distinct needs and capabilities to handle their
system management. PaaS suits developers seeking pre-established environments for development,
testing, and deployment. SaaS is an excellent fit for businesses seeking off-the-shelf applications,
lessening the necessity for in-house software development. FaaS caters to businesses aiming to
concentrate on application development without server management obligations (Page, 2023).


Cloud computing can be deployed across diverse models, with the main categories being public, private,
and hybrid clouds. Each model comes with its distinct characteristics, benefits, and difficulties.

 Public Cloud: This is the most popular way of using cloud computing. It is like renting space on
the internet from companies like Microsoft, Amazon, or Google. These companies provide
different things like storage and computers that lots of people and businesses can use together.
The companies take care of the stuff users need, and users pay for what they use (INGENIUM
LTD , 2020).
 Private Cloud: It enables access to systems and services exclusively within a particular
organization. It operates solely within that organization, whether managed internally by the
organization or outsourced to a third party (tutorialspoint, 2023).
 Hybrid cloud: This model combines different storage, computing, and service setups, involving a
mix of private cloud services, public cloud, and on-site infrastructure, all coordinated and
managed across various platforms (Shethi, 2023).
Figure 7: Public vs private vs hybrid cloud: At a glance (Raza, 2020)


The top three cloud-computing providers are Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google
Cloud Platform (GCP). Each of these companies provides a variety of services and pricing structures,
along with different service level agreements (SLAs).

 Amazon Web Services (AWS): It is a leading provider in cloud computing, offering a wide array of
services exceeding 200. These services involve storing data, running applications, and utilizing
advanced tools such as AI. The payment model operates on a pay-as-you-go basis, and
committing to using their services for a year or more can yield discounts. AWS assures different
levels of reliability for its services and is renowned for its dependability and extensive service
options (Gil, 2023).
 Microsoft Azure competes strongly with AWS, offering a diverse range of services and robust
support for hybrid cloud setups. Azure's pricing is akin to AWS, letting users pay as they use and
providing discounts for reserved instances. Microsoft claims Azure is more cost-efficient than
AWS for Windows Server and SQL Server, potentially saving up to 71%. Azure's service level
agreements ensure commitments to keeping systems up and running smoothly (Gil, 2023).
 Google Cloud Platform: GCP stands as a major contender in cloud computing, renowned for its
powerful abilities in analyzing data and handling machine-learning tasks. GCP's payment system
operates much like AWS and Azure, allowing users to pay for what they use and granting
discounts for committed usage. It is often considered the best choice for cost-effective,
compute-focused needs. GCP assures users of consistent service, system uptime, and network
availability through its service level agreements (Gil, 2023).


Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the selected cloud provider for this project because of its extensive
service options, strong infrastructure, and support for various programming languages and technologies.
AWS offers a broad spectrum of services, covering computing, storage, machine learning, data analytics,
and networking. This variety makes it a versatile platform suitable for a wide range of applications.

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