Means of Communication - Ni Putu Cherry Adelia

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Name : Ni Putu Cherry Adelia

NIM : 2261271014
Study Program: Management Semester 4
Means of Communication

Write a response paper based on the video and try to explain what is the purpose of you
learning English for Business Communication?
How would you explain English nowadays?
What makes it difficult for people to be able in speaking Englsih? What's your solution?

In the TEDx talk "Learning a language? Speak it like you’re playing a video game," Marianna
Pascal introduces a unique perspective on language learning that compares it to playing a video
game. This thought-provoking talk resonates with my own purpose of learning English for
Business Communication.

The purpose of learning English for Business Communication is to enhance my professional

skills and broaden my career opportunities. In today's interconnected world, English has
become the universal language of business. Proficiency in English enables effective
communication with colleagues, clients, and partners from diverse cultural backgrounds. It
facilitates collaboration, negotiation, and the exchange of ideas on a global scale.

English, in its current context, can be described as a gateway to success and a vital tool for
professional growth. It opens doors to international job opportunities, expands networking
possibilities, and provides access to a wealth of knowledge and resources. By mastering
English, I can position myself competitively in the global job market and establish meaningful
connections with professionals worldwide.

However, mastering English can be challenging for many individuals. One of the main
difficulties lies in the complexity of English grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. The vast
array of grammar rules and exceptions, along with the extensive vocabulary, can be
overwhelming. Additionally, the fear of making mistakes and the lack of confidence in
speaking English fluently often hinder progress.

To overcome these challenges, I believe in adopting a multifaceted approach to language

learning. Firstly, creating an immersive learning environment is crucial. Engaging in
conversations with native English speakers, practicing in real-life situations, and utilizing
interactive language learning resources can significantly improve language acquisition.
Secondly, building vocabulary through reading, listening to podcasts, and watching English
media can enhance language proficiency. Consistent practice, perseverance, and setting
achievable goals are also essential for steady improvement.

In conclusion, learning English for Business Communication serves the purpose of enhancing
professional skills and expanding career opportunities. English is the global language of
business, enabling effective communication and collaboration across borders. While mastering
English can be challenging, an immersive learning environment, exposure to the language,
consistent practice, and building confidence are key to overcoming difficulties. As an English
learner, I am committed to embracing these strategies and continually improving my English
proficiency to achieve success in my professional endeavors.

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