Staked NEAR Protocol Staking Guide 10-2020

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Staked operates highly reliable and secure staking

infrastructure for 30+ PoS protocols on behalf of

the leading crypto asset investors in the industry.

Highly Reliable and Secure

NEAR is a sharded, PoS-based layer 1 blockchain and
smart contract platform designed for high
performance and scalability.

Key Metrics
Staking Launch: 10/13/20
Annual Inflation: 5.0%
Expected Yield: 9.0% (4.5% / 50%)
Flexible Go-To-Market
Lock-Up Period: 36 hours (3 epochs)
Slashing: Progressive slashing for
double signing; 100%
slashing for ‘equivocation’
Broadest Asset Coverage
Schedule Discussion
C ontact: C ole Kennelly, Account Manager


Block-Level Reporting C alendar:

Join t he Industry Leaders

Token Supply 1BN NEAR tokens were created at genesis on April 22, 2020. There will be
57.5MM NEAR tokens in circulation when the final phase of the MainNet starts,
and all 1BN genesis tokens will be vested and in circulation by month 60.

Annual inflation of ~ 5% NEAR tokens will be issued in the first 5 years of

operation as epoch rewards for securing the network. Validators will receive
90% of the rewards (4.5%), and 10% will be allocated to the Near protocol

70% of the gas transaction fees will be burned, and 30% will be distributed to
the contract being used in the transaction. Since a large percentage of the
transaction fees will be burned, with enough transactions, the NEAR token
supply could become deflationary.

The number of validating nodes depends on the number of shards in the
Rewards network. Initially, there will be 100 nodes per shard, and 1 shard. Rewards are
earned independent of the number of nodes (or seats) a validator is operating.

Validators earn epoch rewards proportional to their stake, adjusted for

performance every epoch (12 hours). Validators need to maintain 99% uptime
to earn all of the available rewards.

After each epoch is finished, validator performance will be evaluated based on

the number of blocks and chunks produced relative to expectations. Rewards
are distributed after every epoch, automatically re-staked, and a new validator
set is chosen based on total stake.

It will take 12 - 24 hours to begin earning rewards once tokens have been
delegated to a validator.

Stakepools The NEAR protocol enables staking delegation via smart contracts (instead of
at the protocol level). NEAR has developed a reference delegation contract, or
stake pool contract, for node operators to deploy on-chain. The stake pool
contract is a non-custodial, keyless account used to pool funds. Node
operators validate on behalf of the stake pool account.

The stake pool contract allows NEAR holders who do not want to operate a
validator to delegate, or stake their tokens with a validator node by depositing
tokens into the stake pool contract. The contract can’t lose, spend or lock
NEAR tokens.

Validator rewards are distributed to the stake pool, and can be withdrawn via
an on-chain transaction net of the validator commission. There is a lock-up
period of 3 epochs, or ~ 36 hours for staked tokens.
Slashing The Near protocol imposes slashing penalties for double signing and invalid
state transitions. For double signing, progressive slashing is used. For invalid
state transitions, the entire stake will be slashed. There is no availability or
liveness slashing, but validator performance is used to determine epoch
rewards distribution.

Download the official NEAR wallet:

Instructions 1. With the NEAR wallet open, select Staking from the navigation bar.

2. Click the Select Validator button

3. Choose staked.poolv1.near

4. Confirm your choice and select Stake with Validator

5. Enter the amount of NEAR you would like to stake, and click Submit Stake

You will need to confirm two transactions. One transaction to select the
validator, and another to delegate and stake with the validator.

There is a lock-up period of 3 epochs, or ~ 36 hours for staked tokens.

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