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END TERM EXAMINATION [DEC: 2016] SEVENTH SEMESTER [B.TECH] SOFTWARE TESTING AND QUALITY ASSURANCE [ETCS-403] Time: 3 hrs. MM. :75 Tit Note: Attempt all quesions as directed. Internat choice is indicated. Q.1: (a) What are the building blocks of total quality management. .__ Ams: A core definition of total quality management (TQM) describes a management ‘approach to long-term suctess through customer satisfaction. In a TQM effort,:al] be members of an organization participate in improving processes, products, services, and 4¢. the culture in which they work. ae e » (a) Ethics. (b) Integrity. - tin \, ©xTrust. : cs 3 \@) Training. (©) Teamwork, (f) Leadership. (g) Recognition. (h) Communication. Q.1. (6) Whatis the role of Quality Assurance in software development. How is it different from Quality contro]. = ‘Ans: The Quality Assurance (QA) role is'the role responsible for guaranteeing a Jevel of quality for the end client, and to help the software development team to identify, problems early in the process. It is not surprising that people in this-role are often ft known as “testers”. ’ 3 * The difference is that QA is process oriented and QC is product oriented. Testing, therefore is product oriented and thus is in the QC domain. ‘Testing for quality isn't assuring quality, it’s controlling it. Quality Assurance makes sure you are doing the right things, the right way. } Q.1. (c), What are the measures of software quality Ans: 1. Reliability: The system or software should be able to maintain its performance level under given conditions. Reliability can be defined as the ability ofthe. software product to perform its required functions under stated conditions for a specified period of time or for a specified number of operations. Reliability can be measured | using Mean Time Between’ Failure (MTBF), which is the average of time between successive failures. A similar measure to MTBF is Mean Time To Repair (MTTR) which is the average time taken to repair the machine after a failure occurs. MTBF can be combined with Mean Time To Failure (MTTF), which describes how long the software | can be used to calculate MTBF, that is, MTBF = MTIF+MTIR, 2. Correctriess: Asystem or software must function correctly. Correctness can be defined as the degree to which software performs its specified function, Itcan be meas in terms of defects per KDLOC. For quality assessment, defects are counted over # specified period of time, ; ( LP. University-(B/Tech}-Akach Books "9016-7 ~~ Maintainability: In software engineering, fi i # soft i is one of the most posive endl tinie-constuming activities, Meintainabilite re te dete intainability can be defined as the ease dified to correct errors, to meet new ane ier, or adapt to the changed environment. ‘ ‘ct, 2) 48 assessed by using indirect measures like Mean ime to Change (MTTC), which can be defined as-the time taken to analyze change req changes, testing, and distribute changes to quest, design modifications, implement al ll users. Generally, it has been observed that programs having lower MITC are easier ‘maintain. = 8, Integrity: In the age of eyber-terrori i ee ecome an important factor oe thee ererism and hacking, software integrity has ‘ fhe software development. Software integrity can be jefined as the degree to which eed eiead to the ‘componente of software (program, data, and documents) can be controlled, For measuring integrity of software, attributes such as threat-and security are sed. Threat can be defined as the probability of a particular attack at a given point of imé. Security is the probability of repelling an attack, if it occurs, Using these two attributes, integrity can be calculated by using the following equation. integrity = 2/1(threat*(1-security))] : _ 4. Usability: Software, which is easy to uriderstand and’easy to use is always preferred by the user. Usability can be defined as the capability of the software tobe understood, learned, and used under specified conditions. The software, which mplishes all the user requirements but is not easy’ to tse, is often destined to fail. _ j-* In addition to the afore-mentioned measures, lack of conformance to software requirements should be avoided as these form the basis of measuring software quality. Q.1. (d) Why is functional testing also known as black box testing. Discuss ith the help of examples, ° 4 lack-box testing is a method of software testing that examines the functionality of an application without peering into its internal structures or workings. ‘This method of test can be applied virtually to every level of software testing: unit, integration, system and acceptance. It typically comprises most if not all higher level “testing, but can also embody unit testing. - Functional testing is a quality assurance (QA) process and a type of black-box testing that bases its test cases on the specifications of the software component under test. Functions are tested by feeding them input and examining the output, and internal program structure is rarely considered (unlike white-box tésting). Functional testing usually describes what the system does. : | Functional testing does not imply that you are testing a function (method) of your ‘module or class, Functional testing tests a slice of functionality of the whole system, > Q.1. (e) What is scaffolding? Why do we use stubs and drivers during unit. ‘testing, ‘ © Ans: Scaffolding is a meta-programming method of building database-backed ‘software applications. It is a technique supported by some model-view-controller frameworks, in which the programmer may write a specification that describes how the ‘application database may be used. The compiler uses this specification to generate ‘ode that the application can use to create, read, update and delete database entries, effectively treating the template as a “scaffold” on which to build a more powerful pplication, : "These dummy pieces of code are the stubs. On the other hand, Drivers are the ones, hich are the “calling” programs. Drivers are-used in bottom up testing-approach. 8-2016 Soventh Semester, Software ‘Testing and Quality Assurance Drivers are dummy code, which is used when the sub modules are ready but the majy module is still not ready. Muh eat 3 Stubs are dummy modules that are always distinguish as “called programs”, o| | you can say that is handle in integration testing (top down approach), it used when sult) programs are under construction, Drivers are also considered as the form of dummy modules which are alway, st distinguished as “calling programs”, that is handled in bottom up integration testing) * it is only used when main programs are under construction. 5 Q.1.(f) What is six sigma Ans: Six Sigma at many organizations simply means a measure of quality that|_ strives for near perfection, Six Sigma is a disciplined, data-driven approach ang methodology for eliminating defects (driving toward six standard deviations between, the mean and the nearest specification limit) in any process — from manufacturing to transactional and from product to service. . The statistical representation of Six Sigma describes quantitatively how a process] is performing. To achieve Six Sigma, a process must not produce more than 3.4 defects per million opportunities. A Six Sigma defect is defined as anything outside of customer| specifications. A Six Sigma opportunity is then the total quantity of chances for g defect. Process sigma can easily be calculated using a Six Sigma calculator. Q.1. (g) What is the purpose of Automated Test tools. F Ans: An automated testing tool is able to playback pre-recorded and predefined easily be repeated and they can be extended to perform tasks impossible with manual | _ testing. Because of this, savvy-managers have found that automated software testingis| an essential component of successful development projects. : Automated software testing has long been considered critical for big software development organizations but is often thought to be too expensive or difficult for}. smaller companies to implement. SmartBear’s Tools are affordable enough for single developer shops and yet powerful. ; Q.1. (h) What is the difference between system testing and acceptance | testing. « Ansi Acceptance testing a pure functional testing to check the system behavior using the real data. It is also calléd business user testing. Acceptance Testing is | performed by end users to check if the system is built to match the business requiremenis of the organisation. In this testing.all the interfaces are combined and the complete system is tested: The end users also execute the tests to check the usability of the | system. Various functional testing techniques used for this type of testing is boundary | value analysis, equivalence portioning, decision table making. This type of testing focuses mainly on thé validation testing of the system whereas System testing of the application is done on complete application software to check the overall compliance of | the product with the functional requirements. System testing is a type of application | testing where we do not have any real interfaces, The system testing comes under black | box software testing. So, the knowledge of internal design or structure or code is n0t required for this type of software testing. System testing can be of functional testing and non-functional testing. In this type of testing focus is more on the functionality the system as a whole. The system test cases cover the functionality of the complet? | product and are made high level test cases. The behavior of the complete application # tested to check if it meets the specified requirements. Test cases and test data sf /made_and_ the production data is not used in this type of testing. In system integratio® | : LP. University-{B/Tech}-Akash Books 2016-9 ‘spatit e integrate the di fe integrity. ifferont modules and test the interface between them to check Qu. () What is scenario test, + Scenario testi : Paige pets sofware testing activity that uses seonarios: hypothetical tor" ork through a complex problem or test system. The ideal jo test is a credibl " e feney to evaluate. ible, complex, compelling or motivating story the outcome of which Strategies to Create Good Scenarios: mt ecu anaey their actions and objectives Sa icker’s mindset and list possible scenarios of system : o rat oa oa and how does the system handle such requests. and create end-to-end tasks to check them. (6) Read about similar systems and their behaviour. - 6) Studying complaints about.competitor’s products and their predecessor : one What is verification.What are different types of verification "+ Ans: Verification is the process of evaluati “ab ohetnor they meat he peses ae cate Version make sure that the product being develop is as per the requirements and design _ specifications Following activities are involved in Verification: Reviews, Meetings and Inspections. Verification is cartied out by QA team to check whether implementation ftware is as per specification document or not. : Different type of verification techniques: i, Walkthrough ii, Inspection iii, Reviews : 3 é ” Walkthroughs are informal, initiated by the author of the s/w product to acolleague for assistance in locating defects or suggestions for improvements. They are usually unplanned. Author explains the product; colleague comes out with observations and "author notes down relevant points and takes corrective actions. Inspection is a thorough word-by-word checking of a software product with the intention of: «= Locating defects : i - Confirming traceability of relevant. ‘requirements - Checking for conformance to relevant standards atid conventions Inspections are more formal than walkthroughs. It involves 5 major roles: Author: Person who originally created the work product. "__ - Moderator Person responsible to ensure the discussions proceed on the productive lines. y : | Reader: Person responsible for reading aloud small logical units of the work product. : - Recorder: Person who records/documents all the defects that arise from the + inspection team. ’ - Inspector: All of the insp ithin the work product. ection team members who analyze and detect the defects. 10-2016 Sovonth Somostor, Software ‘Tosting and Quality Assurance Roviow is a subsoquont examination of a product for tho purpose of monitoring) carlior changes. It4s a process in which ono or more porsons check tho changed documony, or data to determine if the changes aro correct, It is also an analysis undortakon at q = fixed point in time to determino the dogroo to which stated objectivos havo beon reachog i Q.2. (a) Explain tho software procoss with respect to software qualtt assurance. ‘Ans: Software quality assurance (SQA) is a procoss that onsuros that doveloped/2 software meets and complies with dofined or standardized quality spocifications. SQA) is an ongoing process within the software devolopmont life cyclo (SDLC) that routinely}, checks the developed softwaro to onsure it moots desired quality measures. ig SQA helps ensure the development of high-quality software. SQA practices ar implemented in most typos of software development, rogardions of tho underlying) software development model being used. SQA incorporates and implements software} testing methodologies to teat software, Rather than checking for quality ater completion, |b SQA processes test for quality in each phase of development until the software is} complete, With SQA, the software development process moves into the next phase only |- once the eurrentiprevious phaso complies with the required quality standards, SQA generally works or moro industry standards that help in building eefiware quality guidelines and implementation strategies. Those standards include the ISQ 9000 and capability maturity model integration (CMMD). : - Q.2, (b) What is a software failure.Discuss the conditions of a failuro.More presence of faults may not load to failures.Lxplain with the help of an example, ‘Ans: The inability of a program to continue processing due to erroneous logic. Same as crash, bomb and abend. " ‘ i Failures can also be caused because of the other reasons also like: i Becaise of the environmental conditions as well like a radiation burst, a strong |, magnetic field, electronic field or pollution could cause faults in hardware or firmware, ‘Those faults might prevent or change the execution of software, Failures may also arise because of human error in interacting with the software, perhaps a wrong input value being entered or an output being misinterpreted. $ Finally failures may also be caused by someone deliberately trying to cause a failure in the system. i : @2. (c)When to stop testing is a crucial decision.What factors should be considered for taking such adecision. . Z ‘Ans: The most common factors that are taken into account when deciding whento stop testing are: (1) Deadlines, e.g. rélease deadlines, testing deadlines; (2) Percentage of test cases passed; : (8) ‘Test budget and rate of spending (your burn rate and the amount of runway it affords you); : (4) Amount of code, functionality, or requirements to be covered; (5) Minimum accepted bug rate; (6) Duration of beta or alpha testing periods. (a) What is the difference between testing and debugging ebugging is conducted by a programmer and the program: rtf i : mers fix the é during debugging phase. Testers never fix the errors, but. rather fined them and ret | to programmer. ‘Testing aways starts with known gesting fuses predefined methods, ition: ree predictable outcomes too. tingcan and should definitely fe planned designed, and + Etheduled. ruproves a programmers failure, tis a demonstration of error or We arent correctness, p spr’ ‘V], testing as executed should strive F obe predictable, dull, constrained, igi, and inhuman. : “Much of the testing can be done ‘without design knowledge. _ Temust be done by an insider, g, Much of test execution and design can be automated. “esting purpose is to find bug. _ Fiptie software products. Few benefits ar (1) It increases the usabi acturers. d and annual quality targets. 2. Quality Assurance Organizati ein charge of quality assurance, organi: nd manages organizations to promote qi Quality Assurance Educa fachfield, LP. University-[B.Tech|-Akash Books Q3.(6)What are the benefits of software validati Ans: The Software validation is an important tool emp Juiced failure rates, less recalls and corrective actions, less Debugging 1. Debugging starts from possibly u initial conditions and its end eannat be prodieted, apart from statistically . The procedures for, and period of, debugging eannot be so constrained. n-known 2, . It is the programmer's vindication. . Its always treated as a deductive process. 5. Debugging demands intuitive leaps, conjectues, experimentation, and some freedom also. 7 . Debugging is impos design knowledge. 7. Tt can often be done by an outsider. 8, Automated debugging is still a dream for} programmers. : ). Debugging purpose is to find cause of bug. sible without detailed ion 5 joyed to assure the quality e as under: ‘lity and reliability of the device software, resulting in ~ § liability to device E (2) It reduces the long termi costs by making it easier and Jess costly. to reliably Fpodify software and re-validate software changes. ~ (8) Ithelps to reduce the long-term cost of software by reducing the cost of validation Goreach subsequent release of the software. Q3. (c) What are the quality assurance activities to top management ‘Ans: There are six functions in our Quality Management Actions. 1. Quality Strategy Plan: This functi lity of products and business functions, ion manages the policies for improving the and also sets and disseminates the mid- ion: This function assigns a corporate officer to zes Quality Review Meetings, and establishes juality assurance. tion: This function educates all employees about ty and improves employees problem solving skills through special training targeting © 4. Quality System Standardization: This function establishes and disseminates mon rules, and also orgaiizes, disseminates, maintains, and improves the business ds suitable for each business or the product characteristics. e Uni eee. lveaty-{B-Teeh}- Aaah Books 2016-13 J whothor the wor 1@, 4 Construct the DD Graph for the cyclomatic Complesty for this? ‘Ans: indudecstio2> findudeconiod> nd Quality Ausuranco ‘ih-Akash Books triplo of positive integers (Say a, 1, Software Tosting ™ 14-2016 Seventh Som 1o ubove flow graph, henco ne goon deciding the morging of y49 Ie node. ‘DD Path Graph n Is not quades ‘Total number of Te Expected Output 25 ‘Not Quadratic 25 Real Roots 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 ° 1 49 Imaginary Roots 50 Imaginary Roots is re manually remove ‘my documents, local settings, application data and program fl ‘Methiod!: Method2: ViG)=P+1 : V(G)=6+1=7 (Nodes b,c, g,h,j & mare predicate nodes with 2 outgoing ‘Method 3: V(G) = Number of enclosed regions + 1= 6 +1=7 (Here R1, R2, R3, RA, RS & RG aro the enclosed regions and 1 corresponds to one = i ; ‘what's most Survey questions were designed to reveal how companies are defining what caer ete the parformance engineering domain. This provides glimpst into bl aa practices, as well as the value of these practices ‘user perspectives. ving ae compani jr teams and adopt a ‘they show a fair amount of agreement on the core ‘answers reveal differences in what-tasks inder the performance engineering umbrella. 5 ei rs ce aga "ig oat porferuaace testing” i a ertical task. Sixty-seven percent agreed tha ance ‘outer region) ‘V(G) =7 and is same by all the three methods. 6. Consider: a program to determine nature of roots of a quad: ‘equation.Its input is triple of positive integers in interval(0-50).The output have one of the following words: ‘Not a quadratic equation, Real roots, Imaginary roots,equalroots.Desii robust test cases for the given program. 7 oe Ee ‘Ans. Consider a program for the determination ofthe nature of roots of aquadra ‘to include peat SM i uae eon eae recon is aleoknown ae aware conte] MT raed ec a a vero angen yrare Configuration N ofthe proper nati a ae ena rua en a ene i Se poss es for ensuring qual yin software prodi SQh)isasetofeciiti nately esl in implemented, Quality Assurance in tho processes corect those wea (H-Tch}-Akauh Hooks 2016-17 hich the software ayrtom fe created Is ing modelsstandard: Balan shma concent highly lcplled grocer that help fous on developing and delivering ear perfect produsteandvevien Features of x Sigma: inate waste and inefiiency, thereby increasing by delivering what the customer is expecting. suctured methodology, and has defined roles for tho ing customer satisfaction ed profits ‘The word Sigma sa statistical torm that measures how fara given press deviates behind Six Sigma: Ifyou ea measure how many “defects" you ‘an systematically figure out how to eliminate them and get as i and specially it means a failure rate of 3.4 parts ‘Ans: Aquality eri attribute ofa quality factor tht is related to software For example, modularity is an attribute of the architecture of a software 2, Access Control : Provisions for control and protection ofthe software ing nn uly Atsurance ‘seventh Semester, Software Testi nd proven them, 20-2016 ‘ail ‘Process change management: T management 10 dently ho proceso improve qual, nereang yo cause do onefeial now technology ang goals soughtto ‘Continuo process provementis planed. in the organization's soft ndard software process and the projects defined software improv ety th oguiation perf tani because: Ta ter ad fandag ee poied fer fare poe improvenent Increment Decided 10 Excellent 10% 88 Very good 8% 194 Good 55% 695 Average 8% Below Poor 1% ‘equivalence class testing and decision table based testing. : ‘Ans: The eases generated on the basis of equivalence class Testing are: Basld . Excellent Bad ‘Very Good 19s Good 69x55 Average xe5 Poor are process improvement activities ig - LE Univrsity-{8.Teeh}-Akash Books 2016-21 ‘Test Caso No x! 1 10 6 u Excellent 86: ‘Very Good, 19 Good 4 Poor Average “a Invalid Input Invalid taput Expected Output _-_ Test Cases on the basis of Decision Table Based Testing: ‘Test Case No x View Expected Output 10" 87 15 Excellent Very Good Trnvalid Input 10% inerement {8% increment S%ineroment , Yeincrement 8% increment Invalid Invalid applicability. Q.8.(b) List various tools for ‘Generating test data Explain their purpose and e of the most important but time- ication with “real” data, Tb fill your ‘da generator. The generators will generate realistic ‘characteristics andlor based on what the user defines, List of Test Data Generation Tools © Yfsau Date [Generator » Hs Data (Generator Product Rei-Cate EMS Product ‘Vendor Kind of toot Databases lDrM Data SQLEAit QL Server [Generator DB, Oracle, [OS Data Generator | GSApps SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, MS Access Upsce Ceate realistic data based on column and table names, ‘This tility can help you simulating the database production environment «| InterBase, Firebird, © MySQL. MS SQL Server Oracle, MySQL; MS SQL, ‘eetgreSQL, DB2, Firebird. 1 Universty-0-Tech}-Akash Books 2016-23 22-2016 Datananie Data [Generator MuluDB It checks for fonctional behavior of formance ofthe system. Hence the hat te efeare product wor in otanog aloes aseton 1nd validates the output with the expected levels of testing and itcan be ether black Yasteg L Byramie ‘Siate Teaing esteg i er Peden Functonat || puncte CS fare the categories to evaluate regression test selection ‘#0 use such organization. and evaluate theve techniques because they have diferent gals Software maintenance is an activity whch includes enhancements error ecrrectons, optimization and deletion of existing features. These modifications may cause tbe ‘system to work incorrectly, Therefore, Regression Teting becomes necessary Regression ‘Testing can be earried out using following techniques: ne eg Prontzaton of | “eat Gases (6) Test Cases Quality Assurance 24-2 2010 Sovonth Somenter, Software Testing and ay Rogronnion Tost Selection tote eae of ro-oxoeuting the entire teat suite, It in bottor to, select part of test g is aoe ato soléeted can be catogorized as (1) Reusable Test Cases (2) Obsolete, 8. + Rosunablo ‘Tost cases can be used i + Obnoloto Tort Casos can’t be uséd i (8) Prioritization of Test Cases Prioritizo tho tost cases depending on business i impact, critical & resus, functionalities, He gation af tost eases based on Prior will greatly reduce the regre at sulto. in avleceeding regression cycles. n succeeding cycles. END TERM EXAMINATION [DEC. 2017] SEVENTH SEMESTER [B.TECH] SOFTWARE TESTING AND QUALITY ASSURANCE [ETCS-—4103] | Pime #3 hrs. a teneios Note: Attempt any five questions including which compulsory. @.1. (@) What should wo Test? Discuss te areas which should be focused on during testing. : - w@ ‘Ans. Basic functionality testing. Begin by making sure that every button on every - screen works. ‘ 1. Code review. 2. Static code analysis 3. Unit testing ww» 4, Single-user performance testing. - @.1. (©) Find the test cases which gives the Statement coverage, path |" coverage, and branch coverage for the following code. ae) [ABCGntx, ity é 1 ££Gc >= 0} print(MessazeX")s t else print(Message not Xx) | - i£.(y>=0) print(’Message Ys else print( Message not YY} Ans. We want to execute every st: > statement coverage. Consider the fol! program graph given in Figure. ‘#include _ #include atoment of the program in order to achieve 100% eee eee olin source code along with i= wort iy Aseoane® | er, Soeare TEE and rec) Expected Outputl sertertaee nats een ed 82 8S erdwEO>O sm graph but become asponible whe we ame combinations my be found to be dial ntcoversst 1 Avtar pe and SE ay eect Be ets Seared he aed patob eRe seal software maintenance is one of the most tainability can be defined as the ease fied to correct errors, to meet new the changed environment. irect measures ike Mean. sent to guarantee 100% branch coverag, ‘oe path coverage but it, does guaran cyber-terrorism and hacking, softw the software development. Sofware ‘access to the components can be controlled. ; Ee eware, attributes such as threat and security are used. atta pinto time. attributes, me al thee parm cn ents abot the correctness of th Software, whi xy to understand and easy to use is slways oe ae 3 preferred by the user. Usability can be defined as the eapability cof the software to be wre-mentioned measures, das thoso form the bas lataba is a technique supported by some model-viey.< logical bugs? How are they diferent from ayatax bu gical bugs effectively? ne “ a jon testing ean be doot programm Hom-up integration testing and Top-down integration testi Logical errors can be defined as need to automate so ste tome tests using test harness and automated tests lection of wofinare and vst data for testing a program ‘conditions and monitoring its behavior and outputs.) ce complete, or exhaustive, testing m ‘most of the systems, comp! eat cf the west pbase. For west a tyne. There ae both pemepgeney reales rant dram gaara] + We eS eaipet value which is valid but is not properly . #3 Fea rae ean be tery large tobe completely wed in eat 1 May not detect err inthe requirements progres + Tegmplete or mons reqicements ray leg to tadete or incorrect tating, “The design iasues may be too complex to completely tes ae ive (total) testing is impossible in present scenario. incite tmplieis design decisions and assumptions. For 2%} programmer may Tima and budget coBostraints normally require very reason ths eae a et icra rate variable to contro! Program a ste careful planning ofthe testing Ir may nu be possible to create ll possible executi ae spromise between thoroughness and budget. eed aT te roa teen the behavior -Uisetrenlis ae ued to take busines decisions for release dats TES EE contd euch ax weather exmperatere Bren t s (Q2.(c) What is the testing process? How ean’ its imitaions? 3 . “ho. Testing in a process rather than a single activity. This process starts from aczing then designing west cases, preparing for execution and evaluating. Eee vat deanre. So, we can divide the activites within'the fundamental test ean the Lliowring basic steps: isons expla (actin arena caer ae Parone Marks obtained Grade 80-100 tinction Tote Tranation Diagrams cL mes Use case Testing the structure ofa component oF system: mist arisen 2. Deriving test eases directly from the > 50.59 -Second diviston + Statement Coverage 40-49 ‘Third divisoin + Branch Coverage 039 Fail + Path Coverage ; (a) Generate BVA.and Robust tes + LCSAL Testing jwhatistheright timetocommencey,|, BVA.and Robust test cases w Q3.(0) What is Quality Assurance? (b) Generate test cases using equivalence class testing technique, (@) Develop a decision table and genrate test cases. o Ans. Boundary Value Analysis (BVA) test cases for the program determining the ivision ofa student markl | mark2 | markS | Expected Output ‘quality expetaton. i = fa: ° 50 50” Fail fives time to step up the testing environm 2 1 50 50 Plans ar written, reviewed and approved. : : Lo + 80. ‘are the differences between Quality Assurance, Quality Contro} 3 50 30 50 Q3.(¢) What and oftware Testing? 4 99 50 50 5. 100 50 50 6 50 0 50 1 50 1 50 levelop 8 50 99 50 its objestives 9. 50 300 50 E ned work 10. 50 50 ° intent of finding defects, (Note : ‘process of executing a system” includes test planning prior to the execution of uL 50 Li we Fe carina 2 2. 86 50 99 vision activities ensure that the process: wed and appropriate, Methodology 100 First Division indards development are examples of QA activities. A QA review would focus on aes BO Ys net 80 7-15 and 0s marks 100 endo: ee eigen can oar $100 (mark is ira, sarkl 5 100 and mark? > 100 and Os mass < 100) (carl is invalid and markd is valid) é a? — {oak 100 and mark2 > 100 and 0s saris < 100 (sav! is ald, invalid and marks valid) 2 100 and marks > 100) s mark? ¢ 100 and mark < 0) (markt is invalid mark <0 and mark3 <0] (All inputs are invalid) 14 mark > 100) (All inputs are invalid) ‘and mark2 <0 and mark > 100 | (All inputs areinvalid) ‘and mark2 > 100 and mark3 <0 (All inputs axe invalid) Sereesee Tritt Traits Trrirrere Trrirarde Trrrrrrre trtrrrree Prreerere Trrrrrrre vraurtrree Trtrpatee Jy ly Is axex eee xk x z ‘There ae 22 best cases corresponding to each column inthe decision table, The test : casesare ivenin Table : ‘Table 2 Test caesofthe given problem fe Test Gase [mari [mark [mark | Bapected Ontpat 2 1 a a0 30 | Tavalidmarks c 2 i | 60 Invalid mais t : wes ee valid maka y Ina arts ‘ so | an i ‘ Invalid marks 5 30 0 Tova ars 6 a0 50 Invalid acs He te tl amber of equialene clas et ass are 27 Gnput domain) +6 ; ; posible (opt main whichis 1 ‘ toni & 2 a 8 2 1 r Impose ? : 1 imposible : 6 2% 25 | Pal <__MUsrmthe Ata Beas apa 4 rember de trent fromute ean 5 5 So he var mg et tad nw es on ete sen for mi , mark’ ane, ais corat ates wir eign ee ie cr ee ese ue nsec + Hence, rule count for extended decision product of number of equivalence classes of entries having ‘do The test cases are given in Table 4. There are 11 test cases as compared to 22 test cases given in Table 2. ‘Table 4. Test cases of the given problem ‘Test Case [markt | mark2| marke | Expected Output 1. 25 25 25 Fail” 2 45 45 45 | thiraDiviss = :marl 100 =a Le Say 3, 55 385 55 ‘Second Division Ig = (D1:0Savg: + 65 | os 65 | First Division pz 5. 80 80 80" | First Division with Distinction| 6. 50 50 - Invalid marks 7. 50 50 101 | tavalia marks 8 50 ; 50 Invalid marks ‘Table extended entry decision table is giver 8. 50 jot 50 Invalid marks ‘Tablo 3, Extonded entry decision table 10. 50 50 Invalid marks 1]/2]3[4[sle][7]#][o[wlu na. 50, 50 Invalid marks ar [ar [ar | a2 | a9 for the determination of the division problem. togers (mark 1, mark 2, mark 3) & values for ai at} ar| ar] at | ar have one of the pi] pi | or] 1| or] 1 / a1 | a2] aa] - | - er} c1| cr] cr} cr] c2 | os = fee pi|p2]ps|/psfos]- | - | - |---| - rfafafala]s] 6 fw] | 45 | a5 xrval (0, 100]. The output may =P: Flow Tesing. Draw flow graph for the below code | and find all du-paths and idenitify those du-paths that are definition clear. Also find all du-paths, all users, and all-definitions and generate test cases for these paths. 1 int functionZ(inty) aXe 12 elseif (@%7=0)ll 13 @%y=D) _ ; nd Quality Ansurangs ‘Testing a NF. Univerity-t8.100h Akar Brooks alty-tH 5 o ION Fleat Division with Dist font, Division with Distinet wait 15 printhead”, 9); venth Semest 16 waxed ‘Bnd else 0) 8s azo 6 sre is prtntte\n ; a ae 1 lind fo 7 (“End of list\n™) a4) ey 20° printf’ aoe oP es 21 return 0; Snurvo code of determination o ive nee 22 )/End funtionZ {2 Tho progam gra inion of a student problem, 1 1/Bndit markl, mark2, markd, von in Figure. The variety 7 “Ann /*Program to output division ofa student based on the marks in thee, ct used inthe program are er Fincludecstdio.h> O-O-0-0-0- include ©-O-O-O--9-0-0-9-.9 9 a int marki, mark2,mark3,avg; elrserO; z printit“Enter marks of 3 subjects (between 0-100)\n"); printf“Enter marks of first subjects"); 6 7. scanf“%d", &markD; 8. printft“Enter marks of second subjects"); 9. 10. uL. seanft“‘ed", &mark2); printft‘Enter marks of third subjects"); scanft“d",&mark3); iffmarkt >100 |] mark1-<0|] mark2>100|| mark2<0 || mark3>100|] mary 2. printf(“Tavalid Marks! Please try again"); 13. ar) 15, - else { 16. avg=(mark1+mark2+mark3)/3; 17. iflavged0){ 18, printf (“Fail”); api 20, else iflavg>=40&&avg<60) ( 21... printit“Phird Diviston*r ‘The define/ use nodes for all variables are given below: 22, io. ‘Variable Defined at node |_Used at node 28, else iflavg>=508&ave<60) { markr 7 12,16 rintft“Second Division”); mark? 9 32,16 marks a 12,16 ao 16 17, 20, 28, 26 2. 1 16,17 16, 20 16,23 16,26 Ge) All du-paths, all-uses. ‘and all definitions are given below: ‘All du-paths and all-uses ‘Test cases forall du-paths an Definition cieasp ‘Yes ‘Yes ‘Yes ‘Yes ‘Yes ‘Yes commitments. B but maintain com definitions are given in Table 2. ‘cases for all du-paths and all-uses markS | Expected Output | Remarks 50 7-12 40 7-12, 15,16 | 50 9-12 80 9-12, 15,16 a testing that checks how systems function under a heavy number of 11, 12 ‘users performing transactions over a certain period of time, In other Testing aN seem te _ Sofware seventh Semeste james THere Ae LOW LYDON of yy dost popular one. ms 5 LP. University-{B-Tech. -Akash Books 2017-25, Toad testing tools Tne types or|ocuments In seat ntem may be modeled after the Baldrige National Quality S afention what are {PS 7 pends upon company fe company gy, 150 9000 standards. Every organization has 8 ce Mention WI) rest P= Prgject Plan, STS, DRS, tng 8 ‘re eipleto achieve excellence in is producte sane. Documents (pe process Peon for QA. Test ccenarion, tont seettan ey, se fontered. Tres, an integrated ayee= a promederetOT pempare Te Ct plan, all e7me® Of tnt Phan logit tsinan atuempt to continually improve and Gee eases are 2 Proreptance test PIT. chat, we will be havi 8 tog ‘employees, and other stakebolders. Se et Sey Sat, SOE ogre. Bese one te The mpage 7 a Ge doce eat ate Oe Plato fy etbent, bog rere ‘company # Sees ea wil ars AH Tua Quality anagomen) POSSE n day, Q7.(@) Explain the iL st of TQM is continual process bo crganication tobe both analytical and jmprovement. Continual im Greative in finding ways to stakeholder expectations. ‘ aerqn deers a management approac aon ta uly Manaeemens Ron, ia TOM effort all membery Oy il Go ene aU ne proc serves the ay TR < Mrocome more competitive and more effective at meeting making: In order to know how well an organization is, jance measures are necessary. TQM requires that an “ct and analyze data in order to improve decision making : Sind timeliness. otal quality managemen c ; : “Tre prncplesoftotal wally AMAT nes tho lovel of ss lemonts ra considered psn oTQM that many npn dng vioastomerfocused: The customer MATT sity improvement —traini® | qpopcrite. forinat, aa eset of core values and principles on which the organization is joes to fos : operate. 5 'Q.7. (b) What do we mean by Zero Defects? What are the pros cons of zero defects? What dc shieve? @ ‘Ans. Zero Det the approach to quality that was developed and promoted by ‘the guru Philip B. ‘a way of thinking about quality that doesn’t tolerate errors ces lefects and continually strives to improve processes and prevent errors so that work fr always done correctly without needing repetition or rework or generating waste; this srosby’s philosophy of ‘right first time”. ‘These phrases have the benefit of being unambiguous; Zero Defects’ and ‘right Sirst | time’ mean exactly what they say. the other way round; the alternative to Zero Defects is that ‘seen as normal or acceptable, as implied by the Acceptable ‘Limit approach; Crosby took a strong line against AQLs for precisely that ‘Hom as a “commitment, before we start the job, that we will produce quer the workplace, when empowerment sand Fo ee ne ee aad ror tonsa at Fn a rh mral busines operations. Self-managed Work teams ery oe form of empowerment. oe centered fundamental part of TQM is a focus on process thinking 4 aaa) The steps required to carry out the process are defined, and performance | ‘SGearures are continuously monitored in order to detect unexpected variation. 4. Integrated aystem: Although an organization may consist of many different functional specialties often organized ically structured departments, it is the borizontal processes interconnecting tions that are the focus of TQM. Zero Defects is based on four key principles: Quality is simply conformance to requirements, not some sort of measure of ‘or ‘goodness’ always cheaper to do the job right the first time than to correct problems should be ensured through prevention, not appraisal) 3, Quality is measured in monetary terms (the price of nen-conformancs) 14. The performance standard must be Zero Defects, not “that's good enough”. objectives, and critical processes of the organizati ‘monitored and communicated continuously. LE University (B.Tech. Akash, os vo Stentor The electing en met thin agg S88 abet ote eng atone et eng tent functions, variables etes iter ete een it and only 2011-27 botween a teat —— : js controvers ave a target of £0 wines een Cone Zee Defoe practi to have ata of Fare that wi Inctus® 8 Fourossion teat process ital uth soe ty an ied gene heuer eet re Proraation otters attans = be; _ = expensive inspectic sion testing whenever there Ese peg er reer ormer an aN jeation and te fs 2 deca — ‘Defects is a difficult sell of the products. Zero ‘UNIT-IV. 9s (a) What is regression testing? Divo veiourehcaoron tag retest problem. the unchanged parts ofthe application. Rog, (| to increase the likelihood that ifthe test cases ig the given order, they will more closely meet some 'Y Were executed in some different order. Some e ¢ ‘ion runs regression or sanity or both, Test Case prioritization techniques are applicable for all the eases. Prioritizing test cases can Ja done on the basis of requirements, costs of bug fixing, history of the parent device ete. Prioritization of Test Cases jorformed when the functional testing is over for the changes. Tagression testing is done to ensure that enhancements or defect fixes made to hy |. software works properly and does not affect the existing functio is usually dors Guring the maintenance phase. As a software system ages, the cost of maintaining thy software dominates the overall cost of developing the software. Selecting test cases for regression testing Industry data shows that good number of the defects reported by customers were due to last minute bug fixes creating side effects and hence selecting the Test Case for ‘is not that easy. Effective Regression Tests can be done by selecting is used to determine if a modifieg new errors have been introduced. ‘would help reduce the cost of software, .ses which have frequent defects ‘+ Funetignalities which are more visible to the users ‘+ Test cases which verify core features of the product “ s Test cases of Functionalities which has undergone more and recent changes + All Integration Test Cases + All Complex Test Cases + Boundary value test cases + Sample of Successful test cases + Sample of Failure test cases (1) Corrective Regression Tes sould Serective Regression Te rrective regression testing applies when can be reused. : . cette regression tating applica whe | specications are modified and new test cases must be designed. | Strategy: The retestall strategy rouses all tests, but this strategy ied Tera are Summ a onee sondaegtamerr tet he th chang 1, Universty-8.TechJ-Akash Boke 2017-29 to understand and conduct the tee cases should be provided with ised to verify whether the methods (a procedure interacting properly with each otber. transitions among the stats of objects based upon the iden RRs od Testing: Faul-based testing Is used to determine o uncover a set of es tat inthi esting to detect te eget ae pet he Though OO parade Seas oT oo wr sat gros sense en al ny AN eee 00 AE ot the object-oriont ce tet gee “tN sees eo : nme interactions often ead to inezrect outputs tht can cause ig of come segments ofthe software. The use of senarios investing t= ng scecibing how a user might accnmplish task or achieve a goal within a aS i ane ts ext or environment. yer ere Oa the tea At | for Regression testing wo ei ions, models, and the aga sa means retesting the unchanged parts of the application. Test. cases A, sag etl gle ste Teel testing gy et ges havent introduced any new bugs This test canbe performed 9 is significant change in original functionality or even & single ication. Verifying thatthe bugs are fixed andthe newly ied i problem in provious morkingwersion of sTbvaze fn fntial tating when ne lis val fr eicaton. 6 ste the chunges ads ini exiting tonal eo ehniindal cases are well designed ayy ation then thors ned ree i ‘Bworking as expected and new changes! are integrated Ho rue because | that was working before this change. Regression | ante ae ‘areca est satin. eres tangs dees not contain ab, ina aan of changes or new functionality. But thisisnotthecase always. a aM a adi the iy est 72 ‘aking month to complete, regression tests must be incorporat test ty raresion feat can be perfrmed when fretional testing ise" forthe changes. opression Testing Tots: Automated Regression Testingisthetestingaren were ing efforts. We run ‘eats des tet casein hs et eesldencamas special atures a0 that they ay ‘edith betel envionment. The pints be noted wile eigen cetcreld envionment ; ey pel theta wih lit Bold te, 1 ape cn hl end Please ine os 4, Exteral conditions thatTshould exist while conducting a test shot 8 nds on the number 1 a a at ald be depends ” ue ire ely Bp rt canes are varying ‘Atamation of regression procedure willbe the waste of time. J) soso the regression est tools are reord.and playback tye, You wil esa te Bp axcases by navigating through the AUT (application under teat and verify whether epcted results are coming or not. 4 Alte cats et hati tobe tested chal be specified 30-2017 Seventh Semester, Software Testing and Quality Aggy, Fan, Regression Of GUI a} lication: It is diffi Interface) regression test ‘when GUI atructurois maodiod ae SUL Gry GUT either becomes obsolete or need to modify. Reusing the rogrons(estet wee means GUI test cases are modified according to new GUI. But the tay cumbersome if you have large set of GUI test cases. Example regression testing tools nro; * Winrunner ° QIF + AdventNet QEngine + Regression Tester © V Test + Watir + Seldhium + actiWate « Rational Functional Tester + SilkTest Q9. (c) Dynamic Slicing ‘Ans. The conventional notion of a program slice the set of affect the value of a variable occurrence is totally nineties thang aarces. Program debugging, however, involves analyzing the program behavin {he epecife inputs that revealed the bug. Dynamic Slicing (DS) identifies the“ the spose inp ong (ealled dynani slice) that had directly or transitively core tthe value ofthe variable, DS is achieved by tracking program dependences ont) The challenges ofDS lie in the cost and the large size of the produced slices, *® Dynamic information flow tracking (DIFT) tracks if confidential i ; as user password is leaked during program execution, or Senteautad informant ee ee ee DReTiCis of program execution. Technically De shares a lot of similari i i f , ._ and hence faces star ooangee it aleo relles on tracking prograin depen] END TERM EXAMINATION (NOV, DEC. 2018] SEVENTH SEMESTER [B.TECH] SOFTWARE TESTING AND QUALITY : ASSURANCE [ETCS-403] qimo:Shrs, MM.175 Note: Attempt any five questions including Q.No1is compulsory. Qu. Answer following in brief (Any five) (a) Writeanote on Reliability tosting, ochaustive testing, Alpha testing, Beta Testing, Stress Testing, Regresion Testing, Performance Testing, Acceptance Testing, : ‘Ans, Reliability testing: Itistesting thnt checks whethor the software can perform ‘a failue-free operation fora specified period of timo in a specified environment. Reliability testing in software assures that the product is faut free and is reliable for its intended purpose. Exhaustive testing: Refer toQ1.(a) of First Term 2018 ‘Stress testing: Itis testing that verifies the stability & reliability ofthe system. ‘This test mainly determines the system on its robustness and error handling under extremely heavy load conditions. It even tests beyond the normal operating point and evaluates how the system works under those extreme conditions Stress Testing is done tomake sure that the system would not erach under crunch situations. Regression testing: Its the process of testing changes to computer programs to make sure thatthe older programming still works with the new changes, Regression testing isa normal part ofthe program development process and, in larger companies, is done by code testing specialist. erformace testing: Itis defined as a type of software testing to ensure software applications wil perform well under ther expected workload, Features and Functionality supported by a software system is not the only eoncérn. A software application's performance like its response time, reliability resource usage and scalability do matter, ‘The goal of Performance Testing is not fo find bugs but to eliminate performance bottlenecks. ‘Acceptance testing: It isa level of software testing where a system is tested for "acceptability. The purpose ofthis testis to evaluate the systems compliance with the business requirements ang assess whether it is aoveptable for delivery. Alpha testing is typeof acceptdnce testing, performed toidentify all possible issues/bugs before releasing the product to everyday users r the public. The fous of this testing i o simulate real users by using a black box and white box techniques. The sms to carryout the tasks that atypical user might perform. Alpha testing is garried cut in @ lab environment and usually, the testers are internal employees of the organization. To put it as simple as posible, this kind of testing is called alpha only texans itis done early on, near the end ofthe development of the software, and before beta testing. |. Beta Testing ofa product is performed by “teal users" of the software application jee envrmment and canbe considered ae frm of external User Aceptanee ating, Beta version of the software is released to a limited number of end-users ofthe ‘duet to obtain feedback on the product quality. Beta testing reduces product failure “Sts and provides increased quality of the product through customer validation. may vith obustoat testing, ween foes onexetion offihbonefsikawa diagrams? 6 ‘Ans. Fros ier standpoint it’ prety obvious that atiining neo defects tenant posible in any sizable eomplex manuactring project. Acorn» the SuSigna andar, the defn of ero defects is defined as 84 deects per mii ppatasites (PMO) lowing fora 15-igms proces shift. The zero def _ a 018.7 Improvement Wow pin tat ie ctl one dara erie ma ny pie caatron ruta baiting sein, I nelaaly ‘Whon to usou Mahone Da ram * Won denifying pa 2 Brainstorm the jor cxtegris of ames ofthe problem. thsi ii se meric headings Meihods Machine (equipment) People (manpower) Materials Mearuraent Environment $lthatpiecearnh fn h ao {ater al ulcer ye ape? cach einen rch terse eo Cons cnt wien rer pithy ote a Ana ysis oe renee ter Contr Wi nd ree pelea Lene Stoce nda uel ts When the up ral, ona ote whee earfer a bone Diagram Example: Ths bine gam rs dora 8 tanta wt by swale prion etait The LE University (B.Tech) Akash Hon Softwaro totert oftware Titer espn fr designing ting exnarion for esa Win befor conducting tetstngtherentr anal the rats 30d le for recruiting software testing taf. He bas to ‘ried out bythe tam and identify team members who slomated teat serpta that are reusable. ntomated testing related activities are earred out as per the w ion. Atest case can have the fillowing claments, Note, however, ent toa is normaly used by companies andthe format i determined sent instantaneous events ta ey 2 se ee ‘parked with milestones ae ‘The ID ofthe tes ute to which this testcase belongs ‘The [Do the testcase. ‘The summary objective ofthe testcase ‘The Dfthe requirement this tert as relates “Any prerequisites or preconditions that must bef prio ta executing the at +The + Tecan + Tecommencenen of @.2-(a)Ditferentite verifies ‘Ans, Refer QL. (2 Firs Ter 2 Related Requirement tivity Prerequisites ity-{BToch}-Akath Hooke 18-19 4 lapientifcyele where the toftware development monly after a proper rote ception, or misunderstanding on the part of satogory of developer we inciode sofware engineers, r8. For example, Ta software PTOETEM, to eg, gbuet ing Sknown as bebuggtigst a, | of those Due fects do if ection of HE NOT that dofects donot ex FAULT: An jincorrect step, process or data definition in a computer program which causes the program to perform in an unintended or unanticipated manner. Afault is, {introduced into the software as the result of an error. lis an anomaly in the software to behave incorrectly, and not according to ita specifieation. It is the ‘A fault when executes can result in failure, One fault may lead to many failures. 2.4 (a) In path testing what is the difference between Function coverage, ‘Statement coverage and Path coverage. x wo ‘Ans. Functional: edule or component ofthe stingy, es them fe le bere Ghformation on which module /componet isbugeyo risky. a ‘+ Module/Component 2 oduterComponent B ‘+ Module/Component C \ge: This io a metric which ensures that each statement of the nee. Tt measures the number of lines executed. Tt ‘a. wource code, ce: In this. the test cases executed in such a way that every pathis Sta rule com rare ae way teal aire able- se lich is usofl for d0vel0Per feat design as they belp otters has a toa rule count of 4 ite a limited. notat ro etivantages ‘a graph? What are the disadvant ‘which are nothing but in} test cases are given in Figure. mbinati es in adecision table seris a table which ius his can be calculated using rcpertas toe tes eres compact | tester ger e eC 6 Inclusive wo & a. Scio e thecffect side ofthe cause-effect ge, | pedo ae ft gph ope hada ffs Cl They hepa | sion as per the specifica to the specification (de, Impactiis a classification of software i impacton the quality fants 78 lt Ot nde he degre ot egive ISTQB Definition components dese finput that a deft baton the development or operation ofa component or system, -effect graph. . sa tnlomae igo ge nn is issued. Se es . he defect doesnot affect funtionalltyor data. 1 oes nat even need a na oe ot impapt productivity or ecienyistaenigae neers tndth ce Example: Petty layout dacepenciespellagroeeeton ee Coding standards: : a gays 5 All the variables, functions, and methods should be assigned names that make ae er. There tro constraint exlder ands) | inecon aie are nts and mt (eowon ane, whieh as place at appropriate place in ts pk auton and enna car simsltaneualy ander nna tobe rue case fn betrue lower, here io no mul conraatenie graph iad {The names of functions should be meaningful and should describe the purpose of the function with clarity and briefncas 2nd quality of, : Fee eg aN! Wt nya Seventh Semester, Software TH ineuse nodes SNo. variable defined at ode a ear 5 All paths are definition clear. ‘Test cases: putty Areuranco ating ond Qelty ¥e 1% r 2 3. 4 5. year Om example of each typeof testing. Ans. Differentiate between black box and ‘white box by giv Black Box Testing ‘White Box Testing Back box testing is the Software testing lmethodshich is used to test the software without knowing the internal structure lofeode or program. [This type of tasting is carvied out by testers. typeof testing is carid developers. implementation Knowledge Te not required to carry out Black Box Testing. Black box testing means functional test or lexternal testing. ‘White box testing means structural tet orinterior testing. carried out ther is comput ue teats ev epee tt Fue pathin thea eae 16.for\- (count =2;count <«n;) wt

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