Ge 6 (Group-4 Painting Review)

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The Last Supper

By: Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci was a famous Renaissance artist. He was known for his most famous

and admired paintings ‘Mona Lisa and the Last Supper’. He is also a talented person and a

genius and that proves all his work.

His famous work ‘The Last Supper’ painting started in 1495 or 1496 and completed

around 1498. It pertains to the last supper of Jesus Christ and His 12 disciples. In this painting,

Jesus also mentioned, that in these 12 disciples there is one that are going to cheat Him but this

someone was really close to Him. Last supper portrays a famous scene from Holy Thursday in

which Jesus and His apostles sharing a final meal before His death and resurrection.

From this painting, we can see the intention of Leonardo da Vinci and that is he was

trying to awaken the minds of all Christians that this painting shows the suffering and death of

Jesus Christ.

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