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Read the text and answer the questions in full sentences?

Tourist gets lost in the desert for forty days.

An American tourist walked across the Australian outback for forty days with almost no food or water.
The outback is a wild desert in north-western Australia. Even in winter, the daytime temperature is
about 32 degrees. Robert, a U.S. tourist, started his walk from Broome in July.

Two weeks later, some tourists found his bicycle by the roadside and called the police. For two weeks,
the police and local trackers looked for Robert in the outback. When they couldn't find him, they
stopped their search. Robert's parents, by now very worried, called in an American search team.

The new team used dogs and a helicopter to hunt for Robert. First, a reporter found footprints in the
sand about 230 kilometers from Broome. Two days later, a TV helicopter found Robert's camp. He had
put up a sheet to make some shade; there was a water bottle, a chocolate wrapper, and a diary filled
with Robert's writings. He sounded ll and very thirsty. Finally, they spotted him standing in a river bed.
He was dressed in dirty clothes and carrying a small daypack.

Robert spent a few days in hospital. He had lost 20 kilos and had walked about 400 kilometers. He said
he had found a little water in pools and some berries. He couldn't explain where he was going. A police
officer remarked that Robert had not behaved sensibly. 'If you go into the outback, you must tell people
where you are going.' So what as Robert doing in the outback? Probably, we will never know.

Answer these questions.

Q1: What is the Australian outback like?

Q2: For how long and how far did Robert walk?

Q3: Why do you think Robert's parents called in a second search team?

Q4: What signs of Robert did people find after he started his walk?

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