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Cepre-UNI 2017-2 SEMANA 4 JUNI aa INGLES SEMANA N° 4 TEMA: PRESENT CONTINUOUS: AFFIRMATIVE, NEGATIVE AND QUESTION FORMS. LIKE / LOVE / HATE + VERB ING. POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS. VOCABULARY: VACATION Present Continuous Presente continuo ‘A: Are you buying shoes? ‘A: Usted esta comprando zapatos? B: No, I'm not. 'm buying A, _| B: No, no lo estoy. Estoy comprando some food alimentos. A: And you? A: cY usted? B: Yes, lam. 'm also lo estoy. También estoy buying books. comprando libros Use of the Present Progressive Uso del presente continuo Actions happening at the moment of speaking ~ Past Present Future Peter is reading a book now. Acciones ocurridas en el momento de hablar Peter esta leyendo un libro ahora. | Fixed plan in the near future x Part Dresent Pate We are going to Tumbes on Saturday. / Plan fijo en un futuro proximo Vamos a Tumbes el sabado. : Temporary actions 1am working in Rome this month. ‘Acciones temporarias Estoy trabajando en Roma este mes. ‘Actions happening around the moment of speaking (longer actions). My friend is making lunch. ‘Acciones que suceden alrededor del momento de hablar A (acciones mas largos). a 7 soft Mi amigo esta preparando PA 3 el almuerzo. fo: SE ‘Manual de practicas y evaluacién, Prohibida su reproduccién sin permiso. Humanidades 1 Cepre-UNI 2017-2 SEMANA 4 Trends More and more people are using their computers to listen to music. Tendencias Cada vez mas personas estan utilizando sus computadoras para escuchar musica. Repeated actions which are irritating to the speaker (with always, constantly, forever). Andrew is always coming late. Repetidas acciones que son irritantes para el locutor (con siempre, constantemente, para siempre). Andrew esta siempre Ilegando tarde. Signal words: Palabras que lo indican. Form ‘Now / at the moment / Look! / Listen! (Ahora en este momento Mira! Escuchal) be (am, are, is) + Infinitive + -ing Estructura Examples: You are watching TV. Are you watching TV? Affirmative Afirmativo Translation Traduccién ‘Subject + Be + verb ing + complement _|Sujeto + verbo + ing + complemento 1 am Yo estoy He El She is Ella esta It singing |now. Esto(a) cantando | ahora. We Nosotros(as) |estamos You are Ustedes —_estn They Ellos(as) _estan Negative Negativo Transtation Traduecién [Subject + be + nott verb ing + complement |Sujeto + no + verbo + ing + complemento I am not Yo no estoy He EI IShe is not Ella no esta it singing _|now. Esto(a) cantando ahora. We Nosotros(as) (no estamos You are not Ustedes no estan [They Ellos(as) _[no estan ‘Manual de practicas y evaluacién, Prohibida su reproduccién sin permiso. _ Humanidades 2 Cepre-UNI 2017-2 SEMANA 4 Interrogative Interrogativo Translation Traduccion Be+ subject + verb ing + complement | Sujelo_+ + verbo + ing + complemento Am 1 Esto no estoy he Is she Esta no esta it singing | now? cantando | ahora? we Estamos | nosotros Are you Estan ustedes they Estan ellos REMEMBER Non-Continuous Verbs/ Mixed Verbs Non-Continuous Verbs cannot be used in any continuous tenses. RECUERDE Verbos / Verbos no continuos mixtos Los verbos no continuos, no se pueden utilizar en cualquier tiempo continuo. Non-continuous Verbs Feeling: hate, like, love, prefer, want, wish Senses: appear, feel, hear, see, seem, smell, sound, taste Communication: agree, deny, disagree, mean, promise, satisfy, surprise Thinking: believe, imagine, know, mean, realize, recognize, remember, understand Other states: be, belong, concern, depend, involve, matter, need, owe, own, possess Verbos no continuos Sensaci6n de odio, como, amor, prefieran, quiero, deseo Sentidos: aparecer, sentir, oir, ver, parecer, oler, oir, saborear Comunicacién: acordar, negar, estar en desacuerdo, significar, prometer, satisfacer, sorprender El pensamiento: pensar, imaginar, conocer, querer decir, darse cuenta, reconocer, recordar, comprender Otros estados: Ser/estar, pertenecer, preocupar, depender, implicar, importar, necesitar, deber, poseer, poser. Exercises 1 Choose the correct option 1) My lovely sister's children ..... too much! A) working B) works C) work D) is working 2) You must listen to rock and roll. Itis the best. |..... to my favorite band right now. Ajis listening B)listen C)‘mlisten D) ‘m listening 3) | live with my parents, but this | with my aunt and uncle. A) stay B) staying C)am staying D) ‘am staying 4) Sharmely and Neysha___on time. A)come —_ B) are coming C) coming D) comes ‘Manual de practicas y evaluacién, Prohibida su reproduccién sin permiso. Humanidades 3 Cepre-UNI 2017-2 SEMANA 4 Exercise 2 REMEMBER: Verb + ING Verb+ ing: read- reading Choose the correct spelling. do- doing -eting: halt coving (-e) 1. see: A) seeing _B) seing C) seeeing make- making . 2. die: A)dieing B) ding C) dying Pitts rie 1 consonant: 3.have: A) haveing B)having —_C) haveing ‘swim-swimming 4.know: A) knowing B) know C) knowwing 5.listen: A)listening B) listen _) listening “yt ing: enjoy-enjoying, LIKE / LOVE / HATE + VERB ING. 6. water’ A) watering B) waterring C) water Love ©© Example: Like © +verb_I | like eating out with my family. may like. ea Because | don’t like cooking. Examples: Ejemplos: She is toving this chocolate ice Ella es amando este helado de chocolate. cream. Incorrect Incorrecto She loves this chocolate ice cream. Correct | Le gusta mucho el helado de chocolate. Correcto I want a coffee. Quiero un café. not Lam-wanting-a coffee, no Estoy queriendo un café. Does this pen belong to you? ZEste boligrafo te pertenece? not Is-this-pen-belonging-to- you? No zEsta pluma te esta perteneciendo? POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS PRONOMBRE POSESIVO Possesive pronouns aren't used with another noun. | This is my book. (Este es mi libro.) (Los pronombres posesivos no son usados con otro _| This book is mine. (Este libro es mio.) sustantivo. SUBJECT PRONOUN POSSESIVE ADJECTIVE POSSESIVE PRONOUNS I my mine (mio) you your yours (tuyo) he his his (suyo) she her hers (suyo) it its we our ours (nuestro) they their theirs (suyo) ‘Manual de practicas y evaluacién, Prohibida su reproduccién sin permiso. Humanidades 4 Cepre-UNI 2017-2 SEMANA 4 Vacation: aa Plane (avi Vacaciones: (bicicleta) Hotair balloon (globo acrostatico) Motor hone (casa rodante) Horse (caballo) ‘Motorcycle (motocicleta) Packing (empacar) Canoeing (eanotaje) Villaje Sea villa) (mar) anges jumping (puenting) Snorkeling (buceo superficial) Floating (Hlotante) Caavan (caravans) Countryside (campo) ‘Mountains (rmontaiias) 2 Forest Hotel (bosque) (hotel) vavimg. tent (Wend de ‘acampar) Taking pictures (comas foros) Barbecue (parrillada) Suriing (navegar) ‘Manual de practicas y evaluacién, Prohibida su reproduccién sin permiso. Humanidades 5 Cepre-UNI 2017-2 SEMANA 4 EVALUATION 1, Choose the correct answer. (Elija la respuesta correcta). “A: Does Axel like singing?” “B: No, he A) does not B)donot — C) don’t D)'s—_E) does 2. Choose the correct answer. “A: Why .......... Sunglasses?” “B: Because itis sunny.” A) do you wear B) are you wearing C) do you wearing D) does you wear E) are you wear 3. Choose the correct verb. (Elija el verbo correcto). .. pets? A) do you have B) are you having C) are you have D) do you having E) don't you having 4. Choose the correct adverb. (Elija el adverbio correcto) Hey! You on my foot. A) stand B) standing C)'s standing D) are standing E) are stand 5, Circle the correct answer. (Haga un circulo a la respuesta correcta). A: Where's John? B: He's in the park. He .........:.4 the dog for a walk A) take B)is takes C) ‘te take D)is taking E) is take 6. Circle the correct answer. A: ... ... the food? B: Yes, very much, thank you. A) Are you likeing B) Do you like C) Are you like D) Do you liking E) Liking 7. Circle the correct answer. is Cesar. He lives in Pasco, Peru. A)My B) His C)He D) Her E) He's 8. Choose the correct answer. (Elija la respuesta correcta). Its not___. She has her bag in her hand. A) my. B) our C) hers D) them E) mine ‘Manual de practicas y evaluacién, Prohibida su reproduccién sin permiso. __ Humanidades 6

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