Giao Trinh Bien Dich - 2019

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This course-book of translation and interpretation-2 is designed to train students

how to conduct translation and interpretation. Most of the texts were taken from
updated Vietnamese and International Newspapers, VOA Learning English, CNN,
BBC… so that the students would be able to learn not only the skills for translation and
interpretation, but also knowledge of science in the world.

This course-book consists of two sections. One section is used for English-to-
Vietnamese translation and interpretation; the other is for Vietnamese-to-English
translation. It covers several topics such as technology, economics, education, tourism,
agriculture, health in order to help students obtain broad knowledge of these aspects. In
addition, the students could learn new vocabulary and structures from the good sources
of information as mentioned above.

The section of Vietnamese-to-English translation and interpretation consists of

the texts from VOA learning English that the students could learn how to translate
idioms used in contexts and sentences. This could help the students learn how to
transfer from Vietnamese sentences into English.

This course-book is designed with variety of activities to help students learn

how to understand the words, phrases or sentences used in contexts with the purpose to
help them be familiar with the content of the text before conducting translation or
interpretation. Activities for schemata (background knowledge) are also employed in
this course-book to help students learn the skills better.

After learning this course, the students are able to used broad vocabulary and
structures in both English and Vietnamese to conduct the language transfer from the
source texts into the target language.

Pham Vu Phi Ho


To the best of my knowledge, a limited number of research have delved into the
relations of roles and their synctatic functions when realized in sentences, particularly
in translation and juxtaposition, comparison and contrast of source texts and target

Systemic Functional Grammar (SFG) is a form of grammatical description typically

associated with Michael Halliday. It is part of a social semiotic approach to language
called systemic functional linguistics, which is strongly oriented to the description of
how language makes meaning in context.

SFG looks into meanings and functions of language in great depth. Texts typically
have three main meanings: ideational, interpersonal and textual meanings.

I, this book’s co-author, have applied Halliday’s SFG model into two published
research papers, which analyzes and compares a Vietnamese news article on tourism
and its English translation, and another English tourism-related text and its Vietnamese
translation. Findings have suggested analysis of translations from the perspective of
SFG provides a multidimensional, comprehensive assessment of translations in
shedding light on differences on meanings contained in target texts in comparison with
those of source texts, particularly inspecting whether the writer’s attitudes, manifested
in the interpersonal meaning, are conveyed effectively (Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Hạnh, 2018).

The application of the SFG model into the translation exercises designed in this book
will also help students specializing in Translation at Van Hien University realize
similiarities and differences between source and target texts, and decide on the best
translation strategies so as to achieve accuracy as well as smoothness in their
translations, while providing lecturers/ instructors with an effective, precise gauge of
their students’ progress.

Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Hạnh


PREFACE ..................................................................................................................... i


INTERPRETATION ..........................................................................................................1

LESSON 1. TECHNOLOGY .................................................................................... 1

ACTIVITY 1. Discussion ....................................................................................... 1

ACTIVITY 2. Translate these words/phrases onto English .................................1

ACTIVITY 3. Translation...................................................................................... 3

ACTIVITY 4. Translation...................................................................................... 3

ACTIVITY 5. Story translation .............................................................................4

ACTIVITY 6. Match the following words/ phrases (1-10) taken from the
extract below with their suitable meaning (a-k). ........................................................ 5

ACTIVITY 7. Translate the following sentences taken from the following

extract into Vietnamese ............................................................................................... 6

ACTIVITY 8. Translation...................................................................................... 8

ACTIVITY 9. Match the following English words/ phrases (1-7) taken

from the following text, ‘Google's Arts and Culture App Goes Viral,’ with
their Vietnamese meaning (a-h) ..................................................................................8

ACTIVITY 10. Translation.................................................................................. 10

ACTIVITY 11. Discussion.................................................................................... 10

ACTIVITY 12. Blank filling ................................................................................ 11

ACTIVITY 13. Translate the following words/ phrases taken from the
passage above ............................................................................................................. 11

ACTIVITY 14. Translate the whole passage above. ........................................... 13

ACTIVITY 15. Discussion.................................................................................... 14

ACTIVITY 16. Word/ Phrase traslation ............................................................. 14

ACTIVITY 17. Translation.................................................................................. 14

ACTIVITY 18. Translation.................................................................................. 16

ACTIVITY 19. INTERPRETATION .................................................................. 17

Homework ................................................................................................................ 17

LESSON 2. FINANCE, ECONOMICS .................................................................. 17

ACTIVITY 1. Discussion ..................................................................................... 17

ACTIVITY 2. Word/ Phrase traslation ............................................................... 18

ACTIVITY 3. Match the words/ phrases (1-10) taken from the extract
below from the same text with their suitable meaning ............................................. 19

ACTIVITY 4: Skimming and scanning ............................................................... 20

ACTIVITY 5. Word/ Phrase traslation ............................................................... 20

ACTIVITY 6. Translation.................................................................................... 21

ACTIVITY 7. Word/ Phrase traslation ............................................................... 22

ACTIVITY 8. Translation.................................................................................... 22

ACTIVITY 9. Discussion ..................................................................................... 23

ACTIVITY 10. Word/ Phrase traslation ............................................................. 24

ACTIVITY 11. Word/ Phrase traslation ............................................................. 25

ACTIVITY 12. Translation.................................................................................. 25

ACTIVITY 13. Skimming and scanning ............................................................. 26

ACTIVITY 14. Word/ Phrase traslation ............................................................. 26

ACTIVITY 15. Chart completion ........................................................................ 29

ACTIVITY 16. Translation.................................................................................. 30

ACTIVITY 17. Blank filling ................................................................................ 32

ACTIVITY 18. Translation.................................................................................. 33

ACTIVITY 19. Interpreting................................................................................. 36

Homework ................................................................................................................ 37

LESSON 3: EDUCATION ...................................................................................... 38

ACTIVITY 1. Word/ Phrase traslation ............................................................... 38

ACTIVITY 2. Interpreting .................................................................................. 40

ACTIVITY 3. Discussion ..................................................................................... 41

ACTIVITY 4. Sentence translation ..................................................................... 41

ACTIVITY 5. Translation ..................................................................................... 42

ACTIVITY 7. Translation.................................................................................... 43

ACTIVITY 8. Discussion ..................................................................................... 46

ACTIVITY 9. Word/ Phrase traslation ............................................................... 46

ACTIVITY 10. Translation.................................................................................. 47

ACTIVITY 11. Word/ Phrase traslation ............................................................. 48

ACTIVITY 12. Translation.................................................................................. 51

ACTIVITY 13. Interpreting................................................................................. 52

ACTIVITY 14. Interpreting................................................................................. 52

ACTIVITY 15. Interpreting................................................................................. 52

ACTIVITY 16. Role play .................................................................................... 58

Homework ................................................................................................................ 58

LESSON 4. TOURISM ............................................................................................ 58

ACTIVITY 1. Discussion ..................................................................................... 58

ACTIVITY 2. Matching ....................................................................................... 59

ACTIVITY 3. Translation.................................................................................... 59

ACTIVITY 4. Discussion ..................................................................................... 61

ACTIVITY 5. Blank filling .................................................................................. 61

ACTIVITY 6. Translation.................................................................................... 61

ACTIVITY 7. Interpreting .................................................................................. 61

ACTIVITY 8. Writing a news story in English ................................................... 63

ACTIVITY 9. Discussion ..................................................................................... 64

ACTIVITY 10. Interpreting................................................................................. 65

Homework ................................................................................................................ 66

LESSON 5. AGRICULTURE ................................................................................. 66

ACTIVITY 1. Software use. ................................................................................. 66

ACTIVITY 2. Matching ....................................................................................... 66

ACTIVITY 3. Translation.................................................................................... 67

ACTIVITY 4. Word/ Phrase traslation ............................................................... 68

ACTIVITY 5. Translation.................................................................................... 68

Homework ................................................................................................................ 71

LESSON 6. HEALTH .............................................................................................. 71

ACTIVITY 1. Word/ Phrase traslation ............................................................... 71

ACTIVITY 2. Translation.................................................................................... 72

ACTIVITY 3. Translation.................................................................................... 72

ACTIVITY 4. Matching ....................................................................................... 74

ACTIVITY 5. Translation.................................................................................... 77

ACTIVITY 6. Translation.................................................................................... 77

ACTIVITY 7. Scanning and skimming ............................................................... 77

ACTIVITY 8. Paragraph translation .................................................................. 78

ACTIVITY 9. Translation.................................................................................... 78

ACTIVITY 10. Summary writing ........................................................................ 80

ACTIVITY 11. Interpreting activities ................................................................. 80

Homework ................................................................................................................ 82


&INTERPRETATION .................................................................................................... 83

LESSON 7. ĐÁNH GIÁ THEO BỀ NGOÀI .......................................................... 83

ACTIVITY 1. Translate the following words/ phrases into English .................. 83

ACTIVITY 2. Translate the following paragraph into English ......................... 83

ACTIVITY 3. Translate the following words/ phrases into English .................. 84

ACTIVITY 4. Translate the following dialogue into English ............................. 84

ACTIVITY 5. Translate the following words/ phrases into English .................. 85

ACTIVITY 6. Translate the following dialogue into English ............................. 85

ACTIVITY 7. Listen and interpret the dialogue above ...................................... 86

Homework ................................................................................................................ 86

LESSON 8. TẤT CẢ CÁC CHI TIẾT ....................................................................... 86

ACTIVITY 1. Translate the following words/ phrases into English .................. 86

ACTIVITY 2. Translate the following paragraph into English ......................... 87

ACTIVITY 3. Look for words/ phrases with suitable meaning in the

paragraph ................................................................................................................... 87

ACTIVITY 4. Translate the following dialogue into English ............................. 87

ACTIVITY 5. Translate the following words/ phrases into English .................. 88

ACTIVITY 6. Translate the following dialogue into English ............................. 88

ACTIVITY 7. Listen and interpret the dialogue above ...................................... 89

Homework ................................................................................................................ 89

LESSON 9. YÊU MẾN MỘT NGƯỜI ................................................................... 90

ACTIVITY 1. Matching the words/ phrases (1-5) with their meaning (a –e) .... 90

ACTIVITY 2. Translate the following paragraph into English ......................... 90

ACTIVITY 3. Discussion ..................................................................................... 91

ACTIVITY 4. Translate the following dialogue into English ............................. 91

ACTIVITY 5. Translate the following words/ phrases into English .................. 92

ACTIVITY 6. Translate the following dialogue into English ............................. 92

ACTIVITY 7. Listen and interpret the dialogue above ...................................... 93

Homework ................................................................................................................ 93

LESSON 10. MỘT NGƯỜI LIỀU LĨNH ............................................................... 94

ACTIVITY 1. Discussion: Work in a group, discuss the following

questions ..................................................................................................................... 94

ACTIVITY 2. Translate these words or phrases into Vietnamese ..................... 94

ACTIVITY 3. Translate the following paragraph into English ......................... 94

ACTIVITY 4. Translate these words or phrases into English ........................... 95

ACTIVITY 5. Translate the following dialog into English ................................. 95

ACTIVITY 6. Translate these phrases into Vietnamese .................................... 96

ACTIVITY 7. Translate the following dialog into English ................................. 96

ACTIVITY 8. Listen and interpret the dialogue above ...................................... 97

Homework ................................................................................................................ 97

LESSON 11. ĂN NÓI VỤNG VỀ ............................................................................ 98

ACTIVITY 1. Discussion ..................................................................................... 98

ACTIVITY 2. Translate these phrases into English. Provide two

definitions for each. .................................................................................................... 98

ACTIVITY 3. Interpreting activities. .................................................................. 98

ACTIVITY 4. Translate these words or phrases into Vietnamese ..................... 99

ACTIVITY 5. Interpreting activities ................................................................... 99

ACTIVITY 6. Translate these words or phrases into Vietnamese ................... 100

ACTIVITY 7. Interpreting activities ................................................................ 100

Homework .............................................................................................................. 102

LESSON 12. VUI NHƯ TẾT................................................................................. 102

ACTIVITY 1. Discussion ................................................................................... 102

ACTIVITY 2. Translate these words or phrases into Vietnamese ................... 102

ACTIVITY 3. Translate the following text into English ................................... 102

ACTIVITY 4. Translate these words or phrases into Vietnamese ................... 103

ACTIVITY 5. Translate the following dialog into English ............................... 103

ACTIVITY 6. Translate these words or phrases into Vietnamese ................... 104

ACTIVITY 7. Interpreting activities ................................................................. 104

Homework .............................................................................................................. 105

LESSON 13. VIETNAMESE- ENGLISH TRANSLATION ............................... 105

ACTIVITY 1. Translation.................................................................................. 106

ACTIVITY 2. Translation.................................................................................. 106

ACTIVITY 3. Translation.................................................................................. 107

ACTIVITY 4. Discussion and translation ......................................................... 108

ACTIVITY 5. Translation.................................................................................. 109

ACTIVITY 6. Word/phrase tranlation ............................................................. 109

ACTIVITY 7. Translation.................................................................................. 110

ACTIVITY 8: Interpreting ................................................................................ 110

ACTIVITY 9. Word/phrase tranlation ............................................................. 111

ACTIVITY 10. Translation................................................................................ 112

ACTIVITY 11. Summary writing ...................................................................... 112

ACTIVITY 12. Translate the following words/ phrases into English .............. 112

ACTIVITY 13. Word/phrase tranlation ........................................................... 114

ACTIVITY 14. Translation................................................................................ 114

ACTIVITY 15. Discussion.................................................................................. 115

ACTIVITY 16. Interpreting activity ................................................................. 115

Homework .............................................................................................................. 116

LESSON 14. VIETNAMESE- ENGLISH TRANSLATION ............................... 116

ACTIVITY 1. Sentence translation ................................................................... 116

ACTIVITY 2. Translation ..................................................................................... 117

ACTIVITY 3. Word/phrase tranlation ............................................................. 118

ACTIVITY 4. Discussion ................................................................................... 119

ACTIVITY 5. Matching ..................................................................................... 119

ACTIVITY 6. Translation.................................................................................. 120

Homework .............................................................................................................. 121

SUPLEMENTARY MATERIALS ....................................................................... 121

NÓI LỘ RA CHUYỆN TRƯỚC KIA GIẤU KÍN 16/04/2019 ............................. 121

NGƯỢNG ĐỎ MẶT .............................................................................................. 125

NƯỚC ĐỔ ĐẦU VỊT, NƯỚC ĐỔ LÁ KHOAI .................................................... 129

NÓI LỘ RA ............................................................................................................ 134

REFERENCES .......................................................................................................... 139

Danh mục ký hiệu - từ viết tắt

(SFG) Systemic Functional Grammar (Ngữ pháp chức năng hệ thống)

$ U.S. Dolla (Đồng Đô La Mỹ)

VOA Voice of America (Đài phát thanh Hoa Kỳ)

PVM PVMACHINO (Công ty Cổ phần Máy - Thiết bị Dầu khí)

WTI West Texas Intermediate (Công ty trung gian Tây Texas)

CNN Cable News Network (Mạng tin tức cáp)

CNBC Consumer News and Business Channel (Kênh tin tức và kinh doanh tiêu

BBC British Broadcasting Corporation (Tập đoàn truyển thông Anh Quốc)



In this lesson, you are going to acquire basic steps in preparing for your
translation activities. Reviewing background knowledge is a pivotal step in best
preparing for your translation. Translating reports on technology also helps you
enhance your knowledge of vocabulary and grammatical structures from the texts.

ACTIVITY 1. Discussion

Discuss in groups on how to translate difficult words/ phrases taken from the text
‘Melinda Gates Launches Initiative to Reduce Poverty With New Technology’ into

1. unleash (v) ……………………….

2. navigate (v) ………………………
3. deliberate (v) ……………………..
4. venture capital (n) ……………….
5. bring sth (poverty) down: ……….
6. deregulate (v) ……………………
7. deregulation (n)………………….
8. incentive (n) ……………………..

ACTIVITY 2. Translate these words/phrases onto English

Look for English words/ phrases with suitable meaning from the following

1. kiểm soát/ khai thác 6. ngành chế tạo người máy

2. sự nghèo khó 7. nhà sáng lập

3. nhà từ thiện 8. hội đồng/ ủy ban

4. doanh nhân 9. sai lầm

5. quỹ từ thiện/ tài trợ 10. viễn thông


VOA Learning English

Melinda Gates has launched a high-level international commission to spark new

thinking on how developing countries can best harness new technologies to reduce
poverty. The wife of Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates spoke at the
launch of the commission in Nairobi on Thursday.

The 11-member commission aims to promote use of technology

to fight poverty across Africa and provide opportunities for the poor.

Melinda Gates, co-founder of the Bill and Melinda Gates

Melinda Gates
Foundation, said the newly launched commission would create Photo courtesy:
opportunities for everyone. Melinda Gates’
“Let us unleash the opportunity here of all the amazing entrepreneurs, because
they are the ones. The markets then will scale these great ideas and so we want to make
sure that part of this world we are thinking about everybody, not just the people in the
capital cities,” she said.

The commission will be co-chaired by Mrs. Gates, Indonesian finance minister

Sri Mulyani Indrawati and Zimbabwean philanthropist Strive Masiywa.

The team with the help of researchers will deliberate new ideas like robotics, 3D
printing, nanotechnology and blockchain to reduce poverty. They will also push for
policy recommendations to help government navigate the ever changing technology.

According to the United Nations, half of the world poorest people live in Africa,
and by 2030 about 400 million people in Africa will be poor.

The United Nations estimates 10 million people in Africa every year enter the job
market. Experts note the continent needs more economic growth and employment to
bring poverty down.

Strive Masiyiwa, who is founder of Econet Group, a telecommunications

company, says Africa will have to create a better environment to benefit from the
opportunities presented by technology.

“If we create the right incentives, we can begin to create African venture
capitalists who support entrepreneurs on the ground, but they will require incentives,
the entrepreneurs themselves need support we need to open our markets constantly
deregulate. Deregulation must be a continuous process,” says Masiyiwa.

The everyday use of technology has spread in Africa, marked by an increase in

mobile money marking and greater use of the internet.

But some experts question whether this progress has enhanced economic growth
and improved people’s lives.

An earlier version of this story erroneously referred to Sri Mulyani Indrawati as

the former finance minister of Indonesia.

ACTIVITY 3. Translation

Work in a group and translate the following paragraph into Vietnamese

Melinda Gates, co-founder of the Bill and Melinda

Gates Foundation, said the newly launched commission
would create opportunities for everyone.
“Let us unleash the opportunity here of all the amazing
entrepreneurs, because they are the ones. The markets then
will scale these great ideas and so we want to make sure
that part of this world we are thinking about everybody, not
just the people in the capital cities,” she said.


ACTIVITY 4. Translation

Translate the whole passage in groups or pairs, making full use of the translated
words/ phrases in Activity 1. The lecturer will give comments and correction.

ACTIVITY 5. Story translation

Work in groups and translate difficult words/ phrases taken from the extract
below from a short story titled ‘Proof of the Pudding’ by O. Henry.

1. wink (v) 8. lenient (adj)

2. vitreous (adj) 9. pastoral (n)

3. deflect (v) 10. vegetation (n)

4. entangle (v) 11. reminiscent (adj)

5. lure (v, n) 12. pickled cucumber

6. coquette (n) 13. masterpiece (n)

7. meander (v)


By O. Henry

Spring winked a vitreous optic at Editor Westbrook, of the Minerva Magazine,

and deflected him from his course. He had lunched in his favourite corner of a
Broadway hotel, and was returning tohis office when his feet became entangled in the
lure of the vernal coquette. Which is by way of saying that he turned eastward in
Twenty-sixth Street, safely forded the spring freshet of vehicles in Fifth Avenue and
meandered along the walks of budding Madison Square.

The lenient air and the settings of the little park

almost formed a pastoral; the colour motif was green -
the presiding shade at the creation of man and
vegetation. The callow grass between the walks was the
colour of verdigris, a poisonous green, reminiscent of
the horde of derelict humans that had breathed upon the Photo courtesy:
soil during the summer and autumn.

The bursting tree-buds looked strangely familiar to those who had botanized
among the garnishings of the fish course of a forty-cent dinner. The sky above was of
that pale aquamarine tint that hallroom poets rhyme with 'true' and 'Sue' and 'coo.' The
one natural and frank colour visible was the ostensible green of the newly painted
benches - a shade between the colour of a pickled cucumber and that of a last year's
fast-back cravenette raincoat. But, to the city-bred eye of Editor Westbrook, the
landscape appeared a masterpiece. And now, whether you are of those who rush in, or
of the gentle concourse that fears to tread, you must follow in a brief invasion of the
editor's mind.

Work in pairs and draw a sketch of the scenery depicted in the extract

TIPS: Proper language style should be adopted to translate this short story. Try to
choose the target language style suitable for the context of the story. Use informal
language where necessary.

ACTIVITY 6. Match the following words/ phrases (1-10) taken from the extract
below with their suitable meaning (a-k).

1. contented (adj) c. a person who owns or works in a

2. serene (adj) shop selling newspapers or
3. newsdealer (n) magazines
4. jewel (n) d. to beg for money, especially on the
5. panhandle (v) street
6. compliment (v) e. showing or feeling satisfaction,
7. diligent (adj) especially because your life is good
8. saunter (v) f. a precious stone such as a diamond,
9. jubilant (adj) ruby
10. ragged (adj) g. calm and peaceful
h. (of clothes) old and torn
i. to walk in a slow relaxed way
a. feeling or showing great happiness j. showing care and efforts in your
b. to tell someone that you like or work or duties
admire something they have done, k. to put your arm around someone and
their appearance, etc. hold them tightly

Editor Westbrook's spirit was contented and serene. The April number of the
Minerva had sold its entire edition before the tenth day of the month - a newsdealer in
Keokuk had written that he could have sold fifty copies more if he had had 'em. The
owners of the magazine had raised his (the editor's) salary; he had just installed in his
home a jewel of a recently imported cook who was afraid of policemen; and the
morning papers had published in full a speech he had made at a publisher's banquet.
Also, there were echoing in his mind the jubilant notes of a splendid song that his
charming young wife had sung to him before he left his uptown apartment that
morning. She was taking enthusiastic interest in her music of late, practising early and
diligently. When he had complimented her on the improvement in her voice, she had
fairly hugged him for joy at his praise. He felt, too, the benign, tonic medicament of the
trained nurse,

Spring, tripping softly adown the wards of the convalescent city. While Editor
Westbrook was sauntering between rows of park benches (already filling with vagrants
and the guardians of lawless childhood) he felt his sleeve grasped and held. Suspecting
that he was about to be panhandled, he turned a cold and unprofitable face, and saw
that his captor was - Dawe - Shackleford Dawe, dingy, almost ragged, the genteel
scarcely visible in him through the deeper lines of the shabby.

ACTIVITY 7. Translate the following sentences taken from the following extract
into Vietnamese

1. While the editor is pulling himself out of his surprise, a flashlight biography of
Dawe is offered.
2. Westbrook sent a careful and conscientious personal letter with each rejected
manuscript, pointing out in detail his reasons for considering it unavailable.
3. You work up to your climax like an artist.
4. Mrs. Dawe was mainly concerned about the constituents of the scanty dishes of
food that she managed to scrape together.
5. I'm in the fight to a finish.
6. Editor Westbrook gazed through his nose-glasses with a sweetly sorrowful,
omniscient, sympathetic, sceptical expression – the copyrighted expression of the
editor beleaguered by the unavailable contributor.
7. At dinner they sat down to a dish that a hungry schoolboy could have encompassed
at a gulp.

While the editor is pulling himself out of his surprise, a flashlight biography of
Dawe is offered. He was a fiction writer, and one of Westbrook's old acquaintances. At
one time they might have called each other old friends.

Dawe had some money in those days, and lived in a decent apartment-house near
Westbrook's. The two families often went to theatres and dinners together. Mrs. Dawe
and Mrs. Westbrook became 'dearest' friends. Then one day a little tentacle of the
octopus, just to amuse itself, ingurgitated Dawe's capital, and he moved to the
Gramercy Park neighbourhood, where one, for a few groats per week, may sit upon
one's trunk under eightbranched chandeliers and opposite Carrara marble mantels and
watch the mice play upon the floor. Dawe thought to live by writing fiction. Now and
then he sold a story. He submitted many to Westbrook. The Minerva printed one or two
of them; the rest were returned. Westbrook sent a careful and conscientious personal
letter with each rejected manuscript, pointing out in detail his reasons for considering it
unavailable. Editor Westbrook had his own clear conception of what constituted good
fiction. So had Dawe. Mrs. Dawe was mainly concerned about the constituents of the
scanty dishes of food that she managed to scrape together.

One day Dawe had been spouting to her about the excellences of certain French
writers. At dinner they sat down to a dish that a hungry schoolboy could have
encompassed at a gulp. Dawe commented.

'It's Maupassant hash,' said Mrs. Dawe. 'It may not be art, but I do wish you would
do a five course Marion Crawford serial with an Ella Wheeler Wilcox sonnet for
dessert. I'm hungry.'

As far as this from success was Shackleford Dawe when he plucked Editor
Westbrook's sleeve in Madison Square. That was the first time the editor had seen
Dawe in several months.

'Why, Shack, is this you?' said Westbrook somewhat awkwardly, for the form of
this phrase seemed to touch upon the other's changed appearance.

'Sit down for a minute,' said Dawe, tugging at his sleeve. 'This is my office. I can't
come to yours, looking as I do. Oh, sit down - you won't be disgraced. Those half-
plucked birds on the other benches will take you for a swell porch-climber. They won't
know you are only an editor.'

'Smoke, Shack?' said Editor Westbrook, sinking cautiously upon the virulent
green bench. He always yielded gracefully when he did yield.

Dawe snapped at the cigar as a kingfisher darts at a sunperch, or a girl pecks at a

chocolate cream.

'I have just - ' began the editor.

'Oh, I know; don't finish,' said Dawe. 'Give me a match. You have just ten
minutes to spare. How did you manage to get past my office-boy and invade my
sanctum? There he goes now, throwing his club at a dog that couldn't read the "Keep
off the

Grass" signs.'

'How goes the writing?' asked the editor.

'Look at me,' said Dawe, 'for your answer. Now don't put on that embarrassed,
friendly-but-honest look and ask me why I don't get a job as a wine agent or a cab-
driver. I'm in the fight to a finish. I know I can write good fiction and I'll force you
fellows to admit it yet. I'll make you change the spelling of "regrets" to "c-h-e-q-u-e"
before I'm done with you.'

Editor Westbrook gazed through his nose-glasses with a sweetly sorrowful,

omniscient, sympathetic, sceptical expression – the copyrighted expression of the
editor beleaguered by the unavailable contributor.

ACTIVITY 8. Translation

 Work in groups and translate the two entire extracts above using the translated
words and phrases in Activities 6 and 7
 Reflect on the profound meaning of the story

ACTIVITY 9. Match the following English words/ phrases (1-7) taken from the
following text, ‘Google's Arts and Culture App Goes Viral,’ with their Vietnamese
meaning (a-h)

1 Go viral a ảo

2 Biometrics (n) b kết quả đặt cạnh nhau

3 facial scan c đang là mốt

4 virtual (adj) d thử nghiệm

5 trend (v) e lan truyền với tốc độ chóng mặt

6 experimental (adj) f quét khuôn mặt

7 side-by-side results g sinh trắc học


By Dorothy Gundy- VOA Learning English

This is What’s Trending Today

Google’s Arts and Culture App has been available since 2016.

But this past weekend, the app went viral.

Its popularity rose after the company launched an experimental new “selfie”
feature. The feature uses technology to compare a user’s face with a famous work of
art. The new feature asks users, “Is your portrait in a museum?”

It selects from paintings of people that hang in more than 1,000 museums around
the world. It also introduces users to the history of the painting and of the artist.

All over social media, people have been sharing

their side-by-side results. Some look similar; others
really do not. Hollywood actors and other famous
people have joined the fun.

Photo courtesy: Google While the comparison photos may be everywhere, the
face match feature itself is not. For now, it is only available in the United States. And
Google has not yet said when it will make the feature available in other countries.

It is not even available everywhere in America. For example, it is not available for
users living in the states of Illinois and Texas. Some observers say that is because the
laws in those states have restrictions on the use of biometrics. This includes facial
scans, the kind of technology the Arts and Culture app uses.

So, residents from those states send their selfie photos to friends living in other
parts of the country to see their results.

People outside the United States are looking for ways to use the face match
feature, too. Instead of waiting for Google to make it available, some people are
downloading the Arts and Culture app from iTunes or Google Play while using a VPN,
or virtual private network. If the VPN makes them appear to be in the United States,
the face match feature is available to them.

Of course, there is much more to Google’s Arts and Culture app than the face
match feature. Users can take virtual tours of famous museums, learn about the history
of art and even watch ballet and opera performances from around the world.

And that’s What’s Trending Today.


Words in This Story

1. portrait - n. a painting, drawing, or photograph of a person that usually only

includes the person's head and shoulders
2. scan - n. the act or process of using a special machine to see the inside of
something (such as a part of the body)
3. virtual - adj. existing or occurring on computers or on the Internet
4. biometrics - n. the application of statistical analysis to biological data

ACTIVITY 10. Translation

Work in groups and translate the text ‘Google's Arts and Culture App Goes Viral’
into Vietnamese. You should write your translated version into a piece of paper and
exchange it with other groups for comments and peer correction. The lecturer will give
his/her correction later.

ACTIVITY 11. Discussion

Discussion activities help you activate your background knowledge during

translation activities.

Discuss the questions below in a group

1. Brainstorm for popular social networks, and discuss strengths and weaknesses of
each network
2. Compare strengths and weaknesses of conventional news outlets and social media

ACTIVITY 12. Blank filling

Fill in the blanks with words/ phrases from the text, “News and Social
Media” with the given words below

Digital, journalism, accountable, erroneous, legitimate, manipulate, discrepancy,

outlet, suspect, vital, civil war

1. A health promotion coordinator can play a ______ role in educating/supporting

2. The _____ _____ is the central event in America's historical consciousness.
3. ______ refers to the production and distribution of reports on recent events.
4. A ______ child is one whose parents are legally married at the time of his or her
5. A ______ is a person who is believed to be guilty of a crime.
6. Companies today are rushing headlong to become more ______.
7. Tanger Mall offers 40 shopping outlet malls and more than 500 brand name factory
______stores in 22 states coast to coast and in Canada.
8. She uses her charm to ______ people.
9. They found a ______ between the first set of test results and the second, and they're
still trying to figure out why.
10. As a member of the committee you are a steward of the assets of the organisation
and ______ for the activities of the organisation.

ACTIVITY 13. Translate the following words/ phrases taken from the passage

1. Kẻ bạo tàn 6. Danh tiếng

2. Sự tàn bạo 7. Sự đau khổ
3. Hợp pháp 8. Dụ dỗ
4. Sai lầm 9. Nghĩa vụ/ bổn phận
5. Điều khiển/ thao túng 10. Sự khác nhau


VOA Learning English - Education

Today anyone with a smartphone or a laptop can spread information and video
around the world immediately.

This new-found power can play a vital role in
our understanding of events in places that have been
cut off from traditional journalism.

As in Syria where the effects of the violent civil

war are captured by citizens who are often trapped
behind the firing line. In this digital age, it is nearly Photo courtesy:
impossible for tyrants to mask their cruelty and anyone can speak about oppression to a
global audience.

But digitalization has a dark side. Social media, like Twitter and Facebook, often
release information to the public that has not been verified, or long before a legitimate
news organization would release it. So, it is possible for erroneous information to
spread quickly.

Take the case of Veerender Jubbal. Several European news outlets named the
Canadian Sikh as a possible suspect for the November 2015 Paris terror attack. They
even published a photo of him wearing a suicide bomber vest.

But Mr. Jubbal was completely innocent. Someone had manipulated a photo on
his Facebook page and posted it on social media as a joke. It quickly spread, causing
Mr. Jubbal to suffer extreme damage to his reputation and a lot of emotional distress.

This is a dramatic example but think about it. How many times have you fallen
for click bait -- those deceptive ads that lure you to click with gossip or untrue
information? For example, those ads that imply a famous celebrity has died or suffered
a terrible tragedy?

Unlike traditional journalism, social media does not have an obligation to the
truth. Its users are its reporters, and they are accountable to no one.

A smart news consumer is always aware of this discrepancy between traditional

media and social media.

Exercising news literacy is a skill like any other skill. It requires thoughtful
concentration and consideration. A literate news consumer uses the tools we have
outlined to evaluate the mounds of information we encounter every minute of every

For more on how to become a news literate citizen, go to

ACTIVITY 14. Translate the whole passage above.


ACTIVITY 15. Discussion

1. Discuss in a group strengths and weaknesses of 5G and 4G and how the Internet
has changed your social and academic life
2. In pairs or groups, work out hypernyms and hyponyms of some common hi-tech
concepts (the Internet, gadget/ digital device, etc.)

ACTIVITY 16. Word/ Phrase traslation

Work in groups and give suggested translation on difficult words/ phrases

taken from the text ‘What is 5G wireless echnology’. Find two meanings for each
word/ phrase.
1. publicity (n) 6. security risk
2. capacity (n) 7. breakdown (n)
3. deploy (v) 8. progression (n)
4. outage (n) 9. tension (n)
5. automation (n)

ACTIVITY 17. Translation

Translate the first part of the text ‘What is 5G wireless echnology’ below


By Bryan Lynn- VOANews (February 13, 2019)

There has been a lot of publicity recently surrounding 5G, the next generation of
wireless technology for the world. But what is this technology and how might it change
our lives?

What is 5G?

5G stands for fifth generation, meaning the next step in the progression of
technology to replace the current 4G system. 4G was the replacement for 3G, which
came after 2G, and so on.

These systems are wireless computer networks.

Earlier “G” systems were designed to improve mobile communication operations.

Each new technology brought major improvements in speed and greatly increased
network capacity.
The new 5G system promises more of the same. It is expected to permit more
users to do more things -- at a faster rate. Higher internet speeds and larger network
capacity should result in better performance for device users connected to 5G.

However, technology experts say there is a major way that 5G is different than the
earlier systems. It will move well beyond mobile network technology to affect many
more devices and industries than other “G” versions.

When will it be available?

Before we can all use 5G, wireless companies and phone makers will have to
complete and deploy a whole new system. New phones and communication equipment
must be built.

American wireless companies have been preparing for the new system for some
time. They have been creating new network equipment and buying broadcasting space
to carry 5G signals. They have built new 5G antennas to serve American cities and
towns. Wireless providers will invest at least $275 billion in 5G-related networks in the
United States, the industry group CTIA reported.

The first U.S. launch of 5G is expected to happen sometime this year. Industry
experts expect it will take a few more years to go nationwide. It will take even longer
to reach rural areas.

China is expected to launch 5G sometime in 2020, while European nations are

likely to build their systems more slowly over time.

In the United States, the first 5G-ready phones should be available in the first half
of this year. The first 5G iPhone, however, is not expected until 2020.

4G phones will work on 5G networks, but

not at 5G speeds.

Dave VanderWaal, Senior Vice President

of Marketing, LG Electronics USA, speaks
during 2019 International CES, Monday, Jan.
7, 2019, in Las Vegas. (Jack Dempsey/AP
Images for LG Electronics)
Photo courtesy: Irish Times
What can 5G do?

Wireless industry groups say 5G will help fuel future “smart cities” by connecting
sensor networks. Such networks will be able to control vehicle traffic and quickly
identify streetlight outages.

5G is also expected to connect self-driving cars and support new technologies

involving virtual reality. Higher 5G speeds could also permit doctors to commonly
perform remote medical operations. Factories and businesses could use 5G technology
to increase automation and improve the collection of information.

ACTIVITY 18. Translation

Translate the last part of the text ‘What is 5G wireless echnology’ above

By Bryan Lynn- VOANews (February 13, 2019)

What are the security concerns?

More data -- and many more kinds of data -- will be traveling across 5G networks.
Much of the data could contain private details about individuals, businesses or
government organizations. The increased data flow would give internet attackers a lot
more possibilities to steal and misuse data.

In addition, the wider use of a 5G wireless network means any breakdown of the
system would have more widespread and severe results. Such difficulties could affect
public safety as well as world economic activity.

Government system failures could create national security risks. A failure during
a doctor’s remotely guided operation could lead to the death of a patient. Or a network
breakdown could cause self-driving vehicles to crash.

The 5G network has caused tensions between the United States and China. The
U.S. government has urged American companies not to use Chinese technology in
communications networks because of security concerns. It has also pressed other
countries to ban Huawei, a Chinese telecom company, from building 5G networks.

U.S. officials have long suspected the Chinese government could use Huawei
network equipment to help carry out spying activities.

Huawei has rejected such accusations.


Close your book and listen to the VOA Education Report on What Is 5G Wireless
Technology? The clip will be played once for you to grasp the main idea. Then the
lecturer will play each sentence twice or thrice so that you can take notes and interpret
into Vietnamese sentence by sentence. Bonus points will be given to volunteers.


Collaborate with your group members to pre-translate all the texts in Lesson 1
into Vietnamese. Besides you are advised to use your smartphone or computer
to visit the following websites for useful
information that helps you understand technology stuff in the lesson. Research findings
from a study by Pham Vu Phi Ho (2016) indicates that reading related materials helps
you better understand a text and produce a better translation.


In this lesson, students will learn how to use appropriate words or phrases to
translate news articles related to finance and economics. The discussion questions in
Activities 1 and 2 are intended to arm students with knowledge and English terms in
different areas in finance and economics, which will facilitate their future job and may
inspire them to run their own start-up later on.

ACTIVITY 1. Discussion

1. Work in groups and look for English quotes by famous entrepreneurs. Translate
them into Vietnamese.
2. Look for hypernyms and hyponyms of different areas in business (stock, real
estate, Bitcoin, import/export, etc. in English and translate the terms into

ACTIVITY 2. Word/ Phrase traslation

Work in groups and translate words/ phrases from the text ‘Why one
billionaire says there’s ‘no way’ he’ll list his education business on the stock

a. Stock market (n) f. breadwinner (n)

b. multi-pronged (adj) g. sole (adj)
c. real estate (n) h. humble (adj)
d. stock exchange (n) i. have one’s mind set
e. culinary (adj)


By Huileng Tan- CNBC, March 29, 2019

Malaysia’s multi-pronged real estate business Sunway Group has three public
listings to its name.

But what you’ll never find listed on any stock exchange is its education arm.

That’s despite Sunway Education’s links to well-known institutions like Le

Cordon Bleu culinary institute and Australia’s Monash University.

“Right from the beginning, I had my mind set that no way I’m going to list the
company,” said Sunway Group founder and chairman, Jeffrey Cheah.

As the sixth child in a large family whose father — the sole breadwinner — drove
trucks, Cheah came from a humble background. He grew up in the small rural town of
Pusing, Malaysia, and he saw the effects of poverty on families and on the education of

ACTIVITY 3. Match the words/ phrases (1-10) taken from the extract below from
the same text with their suitable meaning

1. fortune (n) a. thị trấn/ thành phố nhỏ

2. mega (adj) b. thay đổi

3. township (n) c. vận mệnh/ tài sản

4. advocate (n) d. lớn

5. transform (v) e. người tán thành

6. livelihood (n) f. mãi mãi

7. turn someone/ something down

g. mặt tích cực

8. perpetuity (n) h. tham gia nhưng không chuyên sâu

9. upside (n) i. từ chối

10. dabble (v) j. sinh kế

k. học thuật

Cheah’s fortunes started to change when he seized the opportunity to pursue a

business degree in Australia.

Today, the 73-year-old is one of the richest men in

Malaysia, with a net worth of $1.3 billion, according to Forbes.
He is known for the building of mega townships and for
being a strong advocate of transforming livelihoods through
About a decade ago, an investment banker approached
Cheah with an offer to take the company public on a stock
exchange. Cheah turned the banker down.
“So sorry, I’ve made up my mind,” he recalls saying at Dr. Jeffrey Cheah. Photo
the time. “This is what I want to return back to society. I want courtesy: Wikipedia
to put it in a foundation, structure the thing in a proper manner
and in perpetuity. Hopefully, it will be my good legacy.”
While not listing the education unit means turning away from potentially huge
amount of funding, Cheah said the upside of his decision means the business will not
be profit-driven. He won’t be held to the demands of shareholders.
Instead, management will do whatever is best in the school’s academic and
research interests, he told Christine Tan at CNBC’s Managing Asia: Sustainable
Entrepreneurship conference in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on March 21.
Cheah said his overriding principle is that the businesses must do no societal harm
— which is why he has never dabbled in anything involved with gambling or smoking,
he said.
In fact, he turned down offers from overseas to set up casinos in Sunway’s
inaugural township in Greater Kuala Lumpur.
He had witnessed fellow townspeople addicted to gambling, he recalled — and
compromising their children’s education as a result.
“I told my people many a time, we will not go into businesses that hurt society,”
said Cheah.

ACTIVITY 4: Skimming and scanning

Read the text, then do the following tasks

 Underline all the vocabulary items or phrases unfamiliar to you
 Underline sentences which seem incomprehensible to you, if any
 Discuss with your group members for clarification
 Look them up in a printed/ online dictionary; or use a translation tool such as to learn the new words and chekf if you properly understand
these words or phrases

ACTIVITY 5. Word/ Phrase traslation

Look for English words/ phrases with suitable meaning in the extract from
the text “Saudi Arabia will ignore Trump’s ‘tolerance threshold’ for oil prices,
analyst says
1. ngưỡng chịu đựng 6. đồng minh
2. nhà phân tích 7. sản lượng
3. sắp va chạm 8. hạn ngạch
4. trụ cột 9. sự hồi phục
5. rút ngắn/ cắt giảm 10. trong tầm ngắm


By Sam Meredith, March 29, 2019

OPEC kingpin Saudi Arabia will continue to ignore President Donald Trump’s
tolerance threshold for rising oil prices, one analyst told CNBC on Friday, putting
Riyadh on a “collision course” with Washington.

Trump delivered his second warning to OPEC this year on Thursday, demanding
the producer group start pumping more oil to curtail rising crude prices.

His tweet comes at a time when OPEC and a group of allies continue to cut
production following a collapse in oil prices during the final months of 2018. The
output curbs by the so-called OPEC+ group have played a major part in the oil
market’s rebound so far this year.

“The past few weeks has taught us that President

Trump’s oil price ‘tolerance threshold’ is in the high $60s,”
Stephen Brennock, oil analyst at PVM Oil Associates, said
in a research note published Friday.

“A sustained move into the $70s basis Brent therefore Photo courtesy:
risks putting the Saudis in the firing line for a dose of ever-
increasing Trump pressure,” Brennock said.

Brent crude traded at around $68.80 on Friday, up more than 1.4 percent,
while West Texas Intermediate (WTI) stood at $60.47, over 2 percent higher.

Brent has rallied more than 21 percent this year, while WTI is up nearly 25
percent over the same period.

ACTIVITY 6. Translation

Translate the text above into Vietnamese


ACTIVITY 7. Word/ Phrase traslation

Translate the following words/ phrases from the text below into Vietnamese

1. Take it easy 6. Drain (v)

2. Administration (n) 7. Rally (n)
3. Punctuate (v) 8. Prop up (v)
4. Shrug off (v) 9. Surge (v)
5. Alliance (n) 10. Crude futures
ACTIVITY 8. Translation

Translate the following extract from the text above into Vietnamese

By Sam Meredith, March 29, 2019

 ‘We are taking it easy’

Analysts say pressure from the Trump administration last year — punctuated by a
series of Twitter attacks on OPEC — contributed to the producer group’s decision to
lift production limits in June. But in recent months, OPEC members have mostly
shrugged off Trump’s social media demands.

The OPEC+ alliance agreed to a fresh round of production cuts in December,

despite Trump calling on the group to keep pumping at high levels. Since January, the
group has aimed to keep 1.2 million barrels a day off the market in order to drain
President Donald Trump speaks to the media prior to departing on Marine One
from the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, DC, March 28, 2019, as he
travels to Michigan to hold a campaign rally before spending the weekend in Florida.
After Trump asked OPEC last month to “please relax and take it easy,” Saudi
Energy Minister Khalid al-Falih told CNBC “We are taking it easy.”

He added that he is leaning toward extending the six-month production cuts into
the second half of 2019.

Prop up prices

Last month, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said Saudi Arabia would need
oil priced at $80 to $85 a barrel to balance its budget this year.

And, while crude futures are unlikely to surge above $80 over the coming months,
Brennock said every dollar above the $70 marker would help improve Riyadh’s fiscal

For that reason, it “goes without saying” the world’s top oil exporter will continue
to prop up prices by limiting production.

Analysts at Bank of America Merrill Lynch said on Thursday that they expect
Brent crude prices to climb above $74 a barrel over the next three months.

ACTIVITY 9. Discussion

Discuss the questions below in a group

1. What is a start-up?

2. What kind of person makes a successful entrepreneur? Name some famed local and
international entrepreneurs.

3. How does a fledgling entrepreneur determine his/her startup costs and other

Design your own start-up with the information as follows

a. location
b. main products/services
c. rivals
d. target clients/markets, etc.
e. logo, slogan

ACTIVITY 10. Word/ Phrase traslation

Explain the words/phrases taken from the first part of the news story ‘Top
founders share these skills, says investor who backed Alibaba, Grab and Xiaomi’
in your own words and translate them into Vietnamese

1. back (v) 8. in a bid to

2. venture capitalist 9. objective (n)
3. reveal (v) 10. crystallize (v)
4. come down to 11. dissect (v)
5. trait (n) 12. senior management, middle
6. vision (n) management
7. giant (n)



By Karen Gilchrist, March 29 2019

What makes the perfect start-up founder?

It’s the billion-dollar question to which few, if any, know the answer.

But one woman who comes closer than most is famed venture capitalist Jenny
Lee, whose investments via Silicon Valley-headquartered GGV Capital have helped
place her among Forbes’ top tech investors globally.

Speaking recently, Lee delved into what led her to back the founders of major
Chinese and Southeast Asian start-ups Alibaba,
Xiaomi and Grab in their early days and revealed it
came down to three major traits.


First and foremost, a good founder has to have a

vision, said Lee. However, dreams of changing the
world are not enough: Investable founders must truly
know the game plan for their business. Photo courtesy:

“Your vision cannot just be to go out and change the world,” Lee, who is a
managing partner at GGV Capital, said at finance conference Money 2020 Asia in
Singapore last week.

“As a founder, your vision is going to carry you for the next five, 10, 20, 50, 100
years. It’s the core behind what drives your platform and company,” said Lee. As such,
founders need to be able to clarify their ideas into real, actionable day-to-day tasks.

Jack Ma, the founder of Chinese tech giant Alibaba — one of Lee’s most
acclaimed investments — does that with aplomb, said Lee. Ma first established the e-
commerce site in 1999 in a bid to help small and medium-sized businesses “do
business globally” and he and his team have since made that objective central to all
their growth strategies, said Lee.

“The ability to crystallize that (vision) into a very specific mission statement that
can be dissected into actionable tasks for your senior management, your middle
management, and then your guys on the ground becomes very, very important,” she

ACTIVITY 11. Word/ Phrase traslation

Find synonyms of the words/ phrases taken from the second part of the news
story ‘Top founders share these skills, says investor who backed Alibaba, Grab
and Xiaomi’ and translate them into Vietnamese

1. resilient (adj) 6. pre-eminent (adj)

2. turn one’s fortune around 7. authority (n)
3. fast-moving (adj) 8. burgeon (v)
4. make a name for oneself 9. size up an issue
5. transition (v) 10. reflect on something
ACTIVITY 12. Translation

Translate the extract in pairs/ groups. Read your translated version aloud and the
lecturer will give his/her comments.


Secondly, a strong founder must show tolerance for setbacks, noted the
Singaporean investor who is now based in Shanghai.

Lee said she had encountered many companies that were close to “going under.”
But with a little extra time the founders were able to build themselves back up and turn
their fortunes around.

“Resilience is also crucial,” said Lee. “The ability to keep going when everything
is against you ... I think that’s vital,” said Lee.


Lastly, adaptability is key if a founder is to survive today’s fast-moving business

environment, Lee said.

“As a start-up founder, you’re faced with changes every day,” said Lee, who
transitioned from jet engineer to venture capitalist in her late-twenties and has since
made a name for herself as a pre-eminent authority on China’s burgeoning tech scene.

“I think that adaptability — the ability to size up an issue immediately, reflect on it

(and) come back with a plan in a short period of time ... I would say that’s the most
important skill,” she said.

ACTIVITY 13. Skimming and scanning

Read the text, then do the following tasks

 Underline all the vocabulary items or phrases unfamiliar to you

 Underline sentences which seem incomprehensible to you, if any
 Discuss with your group members for clarification
 Look them up in a printed or online dictionary; or use a translation tool such as to learn the new words and chekf if you properly understand
these words or phrases

ACTIVITY 14. Word/ Phrase traslation

DEFINING PHRASES: Remember that it is important to choose the right definition

of a term to fix its meaning in a specific context instead of being confused by its
multiple meanings in the dictionaries.

Work with your group members to define and clarify the meaning of the
words and phrases taken from the first part of the news story ‘23 Trends That
Will Shake The Business World In 2018’ below
1. major industry shift 3. lean budget
2. top priority 4. contend with overheads
5. a telling sign 8. tend to an always-on customer
6. see performances at one's 9. at the forefront of the global
fingertips effort
7. gain momentum 10. Young Entrepreneur Council

Forbes. Jan. 10, 2018

After a new year comes and goes, every business owner has the future on their
mind. Sales projections, marketing campaigns, tax documents and other business
activities for Q1 are among the top priorities as they launch into 2018.

But on a broader scale, business owners are also thinking about major industry
shifts and new technologies that will significantly impact the way they operate in the
year ahead. We asked members of Young Entrepreneur Council to each share one trend
they believe will influence their work next year.

1. "Away" Status Functions On Instant Messaging Platforms

Before Slack, my morning routine was typically to get into the office, plan my
day, scan through emails for anything that needed immediate attention, and then get
working on my backlog of priority tasks. After Slack, I've found when I get into the
office I open Slack and, for each account, I go through all the channels with
notifications and read through each channel. Throughout the day I find myself
responding to "fires" and answering questions that I probably don't need to dedicate my
time to. In 2018, a trend that will help is using Slack more like email messaging by
turning it on only during certain times and for a certain length and then closing it.
Turning on away messages and focusing on what matters is a trend I need back. -
Michael Averto, ChannelApe

2. Greater Reliance on A Freelance Workforce

I already work with many freelancers, but as I grow, I expect that all my
workforce is going to essentially be a freelance workforce rather than any traditional
employees. This is a good thing, as it allows me to scale up and down with different
businesses I am working on, and implement projects on an on-demand basis. In turn, I
can continue to maintain a lean budget without having to contend with so many
overheads. Even if business should slow at all, I can adjust accordingly without having
to worry about letting employees go. - John Rampton, Calendar

3. Blockchain's Interruption of New Industries

Blockchain has already made a big impact on the banking industry, and this year,
it will make its way into new industries. Everything from procurement to legal
management will be looking to blockchain to increase security throughout the entire
customer experience. For business leaders like me, we’ll need to keep our eyes on the
horizon for opportunities to integrate new technology like this into our business
processes. - Stan Garber, Scout RFP.

4. Social Shopping

Social shopping seems to be on the rise. This holiday season will be a telling sign
of the growth in this trend in 2018 and beyond. It will change how we think about
selling products and services because it is a relatively new channel that requires a
different approach. There are challenges and opportunities to research, track and
respond to. - Peter Daisyme, Calendar

5. Artificial Intelligence And Machine Learning

We have been building applications for eight years.

Recently, we've started to see demands from our clients
to build apps that involve artificial intelligence and
machine learning. This had pushed us to enhance our
skills in AI and ML tools, so we can implement them in
the products we build. I anticipate that in 2018, we will
Photo courtesy: Youtube
have more demands from our clients to build apps with AI so that products are smarter
and more intelligent. - Piyush Jain, SIMpalm

ACTIVITY 15. Chart completion

Complete the chart below with the correct words forms of words taken from
the second half of the news story ‘23 Trends That Will Shake The Business World
In 2018’ below. Translate the words into Vietnamese. Some words may lack one

Nouns Verbs Adjectives Translation into











ACTIVITY 16. Translation

Translate the second half of the news story ‘23 Trends That Will Shake The
Business World In 2018’ below into Vietnamese

6. Live Video

With live streaming videos already gaining

popularity and interest from brands this past year, it
will continue to progress in 2018. With the digital era
being so instant and saturated nowadays with content
and apps, people will want to see events and
performances at their fingertips immediately. From
fireside chats and discussion panels to company
Livestreaming. Photo courtesy:
events, live video is here to stay. - Stanley Meytin, True
Film Production

7. Wellness at Work

The wellbeing trend is gaining a lot of momentum, and I anticipate it being more
and more important as people seek balance and simplicity. It’s becoming more normal
to consider working smarter not harder, and with more employees in flexible or remote
roles, there is an opportunity for great improvements here. At the same time, it’s also
important for businesses to know what’s going on and be able to hold employees
accountable. This is the downside of remote work. - Baruch Labunski, Rank Secure

8. Customer Contact by Text

Increasingly we are finding that our customers are reaching out to our customer
service team by text. Whether on the Facebook app, by iMessage or on Whatsapp, we
are finding that our customers want immediate answers and a more informal means of
communication. Ever since we installed the Facebook chat feature on our checkout, we
immediately identified the shift in tone and immediacy of what our customers are
expecting. When you have set hours for phone calls or you communicate by email, the
customer is not expecting a 24/7 experience. As soon as the customer can reach you by
text, the urgency in response and time windows increase. 2018 will be the year we will
need to figure out how to tend to an always-on customer who is comfortable with a
quick, informal response. - Diego Orjuela, Cables & Sensors

9. Chatbots

In the SAAS business, chatbots are becoming more and more prevalent.
Customers want to work with companies that deliver 24/7 customer service through
chat. They don't want to be on hold for 30 minutes to talk to someone; they would
rather open up another browser window if they have to hold. Chatbots may even help
with Google rankings as visitors will stay on the site longer, decreasing your bounce
rate. For businesses that are accustomed to having customer service calls or help
tickets, chatbots will require a change in process and new training. It's something we're
in the initial stages of implementing, but we look forward to the changes. - Syed
Balkhi, OptinMonster

10. Commoditization of Tech

Commoditization is coming for tech, especially for development. I've seen it

creeping in over the years and I think we're close to the point where commoditization is
going to reshape the agency industry. But I think if you're smart, you can get ahead of
it. The name of the game now is creating a powerful brand and differentiating your
service offering – if you can provide a white glove service and a level of value that
other people can't copy, no $8-an-hour dev team halfway across the world can ever
touch you. - Ben Lee, Neon Roots

11. Voice Search-Based Ad Personalization

The ways in which people are interacting with voice search are only going to keep
growing, and that is creating new opportunities and avenues for potential ad strategy.
Once the platforms are available, I suspect this will have a major impact on how brands
interact with people. - Nicole Munoz, Start Ranking Now

12. A Boom in Coworking

I think that coworking will become the norm for

a lot of corporations. Obviously, it's a great idea for
startups, but more established companies are also
exploring this type of environment. Coworking isn't
just about saving money and pooling resources. It is
also an amazing networking tool. Corporations that
want to get closer to their future B2B customers and
trend-spot will start establishing satellite offices in

various coworking spaces. It also allows companies to A coworking space. Photo courtesy:
be more flexible with their hiring and increase their
ability to enter newer markets. - Artem Mashkov, DEVTRIBE INC

13. Continued Shift to Standing Desks

A significant trend in the office furniture industry has been the continued shift
from traditional desks to sit-to-stand desks. Americans are more cognizant of the
importance of staying healthy, and ergonomics has transformed from an obscure,
inconspicuous subject to a topic of great interest to many. As more and more
employees have come to learn that "sitting is the new smoking," they are increasingly
requesting sit-to-stand desks from their employers. In turn, companies have been
buying standing desks for their workers and will do so at an even greater rate in 2018.
We will need to continue to offer highly-desirable sit-to-stand options and at price
points that are accessible to the mass market. - Adam Mendler, Beverly Hills Chairs

14. Hospital Consolidations

Explosive population growth has kept hospitals busy and somewhat insulated
from competitive pressures felt sooner in other markets. Now, hospitals have moved
from their traditional territories to consolidate the market. In 2015, WellStar Health
System of Marietta, Ga., bought five hospitals from Tenet Healthcare Corp. in a deal
worth $661 million. The not-for-profit system, which ended last year with $1.8 billion
in revenue, doubled the number of its hospitals with the acquisition. Atlanta seems to
be a microcosm of what’s happening nationwide: Hospitals are hustling to improve
economies of scale in purchasing, and to spread best clinical and business practices
across locations. This has been undeniably good for businesses, and great for ours. -
Ashish Advani, InPharmD

ACTIVITY 17. Blank filling

Fill in the blanks with words/ phrases taken from the last part of the news
story ‘23 Trends That Will Shake The Business World In 2018’ below. Translate
the sentences into Vietnamese.

alienate (v) sophisticated (adj)
latent (adj) automate (v)
take something seriously
filter (v, n) brick and mortar
credential (n) responsive (adj)
demographics (n)

1. Henry is a smart and ______ young man.

2. We ______ threats of this kind ______.

3. Firms have been ______ to consumer demand.

4. These children have a huge reserve of _____ talent.

5. She has great _______ as a researcher.

6. Sunlight ______ in through the curtains.

7. The factory is now fully ______.

8. Exceptional students may feel ______ from the others in their class.

9. We should try to find out more about the ______ of radio listeners and television

10. More Internet companies have been established without a lot of ________ premises
these days.

ACTIVITY 18. Translation

Translate the last part of the news story ‘23 Trends That Will Shake The
Business World In 2018’ below into Vietnamese

15. Alternative Learning Credentials

We're going to start seeing a spike in employers that begin accepting alternative
learning credentials. Right now, many employers will list a bachelor's degree as a
minimum requirement, but I think a wave of employers will start accepting Coursera,
Khan Academy, Udacity and other online courses in lieu of traditional education. As
more employers start taking these alternative learning credentials seriously, it will
motivate people to start learning again and hopefully, we'll start seeing an even
stronger list of applicants. - Jared Atchison, WPForms

16. More Intelligent Applications

When I started using computers, applications were, for the most part, a thin layer
on top of a database that presented lists of items for people to choose from (think of an
old-fashioned music player like WinAMP). Today, there’s so much information
coming at us from all angles that we can’t design applications like that anymore. We
need to have the most useful information presented to us at the right time. It’s the job
of the application to figure out what counts as useful at any moment. With the
introduction of sophisticated machine learning, low-latency mobile connections, low-
power sensors and augmented reality, we’re going to see applications get much better
at filtering and prioritizing information. Ultimately, that’ll free us to focus on
generating value. - Justin Blanchard, ServerMania Inc.

17. Growth of Automation

We're seeing the growth of automation right before our eyes, and I think we'll see
this coming into more workplaces as we move into 2018 and beyond. While we may
not see the game-changing moves happen right away (e.g. an entire role replaced), I do
think we're going to see tools being built in the SaaS space that continue to make our
work lives a little easier. Where some people may develop stress around this idea, it
will allow us to automate time-consuming tasks and focus on the big picture. Some of
my favorite instances of this are social media automation, chatbots and the quick
replies that Gmail is beginning to provide that leverage machine learning and AI. - Erin
Blaskie, L-SPARK.

18. Fractured Social Media

As many different social media platforms begin

to resemble each other more closely, they also start to
reach different demographics. An example of this is
the schism between Snapchat and Instagram users:
The recent addition of Stories and face filters from
Instagram has drawn some users away from Snapchat.

As users begin to draw lines in the sand, our focus will turn Automation. Photo courtesy:
towards picking a side as well. To make the most out of our time and resources, we
plan on committing to two or three key social media sites by creating content and
interacting with followers. It is true that by adopting one network we will be turning
our backs on an entire demographic of people. However, the scatter-shot approach just
doesn't offer the kind of return that justifies the extra effort. - Bryce Welker, Beat The

19. Augmented Reality

I’ve been impressed with some of the augmented reality applications that were
created following Apple’s release of ARKit earlier in 2017. But I think 2018 will be
the year AR goes huge. By bringing the digital and physical worlds together, AR will
touch many business processes. I’m particularly excited about the training and
educational potential. As a server and cloud hosting provider, we manage several large
data centers. AR will be great for training new staff members on our equipment and
letting them run through repair and support procedures. I’m also looking forward to
integrating AR into our monitoring systems so server administrators can locate
problematic servers and access a live overlay of server performance and issues. - Vik
Patel, Future Hosting

20. The Human Touch

A lot of people are focused on innovative

technologies like AI and blockchain, and these
have a lot of potential. But the biggest trend
that matters in 2018 and beyond is how we treat
our customers and ensure we continue to meet
their preferences. While innovations are
exciting, it can be tempting to roll out new tech
before it's ready, potentially alienating customers
Augmented reality. Photo courtesy:
and even team members in the process. This is chrp-india
why we plan to continue to invest in a world-class
customer service team staffed with humans (not chatbots), and remain responsive and
open to what our customers need from us. - Ross Cohen, BeenVerified

21. Mobile Everything

There is absolutely no question that the market is exponentially moving to

mobile-everything. Mobile usage is up immensely and everyone is scrambling to catch
up, especially retailers. Although it may be obvious to some, there are still many brick
and mortar business that refuse to believe that the internet is quickly becoming the
primary means of business. The data is there to prove it. In 2012 approximately 11% of
retail sales occurred on mobile devices. Fast forward to 2016 and 48% of consumers
are reporting that its easier to shop on their mobile phones. This is the modern
equivalent of companies like Sears not foreseeing internet retail in the early 2000s. If
you're not offering customer-centric, fluid, cross-platform experiences for your
customers, you are sure to lose. - Ali Mahvan, Sharebert

22. The Membership Experience

Working in the grooming and retail industry, my team anticipates the rise and
importance of customizing guest experiences even further in 2018. As competition
continues to grow in the grooming segment, we intend to focus on our membership
incentives. It is important to find ways to simultaneously secure annual participation
from your customer-base while also providing them with the service and pricing
incentives that only exclusive memberships offer. - Ben Davis, The Gents Place

23. A Growing Focus on Diversity

My work with Gaingels is all about diversity, specifically the importance of

driving social change through business and capital investment. Our belief is that you
drive real change by investing capital, effort, relationships and talent into projects that
reflect your values. The change we are looking for is more LGBT leaders, and more
representation for all diverse groups at the senior levels of startups and other
companies. Given the issues that have arisen over the past year, improving diversity
should be a critical issue for 2018, and we intend to be at the forefront of that global
effort. - Paul Grossinger, Gaingels.

ACTIVITY 19. Interpreting

VIDEO 1: World Economic Outlook

Watch the video clip ‘World Economic Outlook’ carefully. The clip will be
played once for you to listen for the main idea of the text. Then the lecturer will play
each sentence twice or thrice for you to take notes of details. Bonus points will be
given to those who volunteer to join the interpreting activity.


Take notes of keywords only, not the whole sentence that you can hear. If you fail
to catch all of the words, try to guess the meaning of a word/ sentence from
surrounding ones and the context.



Watch the video clip again to check your understanding and interpretation


Work with your group members to read and look up new words in
dictionaries. Then translate all reading texts in Lesson 3 before the next class.
These activities aim to help you get well prepared for your classroom activities and
improve your translation quality. The use of tools such as Google Translate is
encouraged. However, carefully check all the vocabulary items, phrases and sentences
to make your translated version comprehensible.

Do not work alone as collaborative work always helps produce a better translated

Work in groups of four. One student reads aloud their notes, and another
interprets it into English. Then reverse roles.


In this lesson, students are going to practice translating phrases and sentences
extracted from the texts. This activity is conducted in groups so students will learn from
their peers to better understand the text. Furthermore, students start practicing
interpreting skills and performing role-plays.

ACTIVITY 1. Word/ Phrase traslation

Work with your group members to translate the words/ phrases taken from
the news story ‘EU Recalls Child Smartwatch Over ‘Serious’ Privacy Risks’
below into Vietnamese. Try to choose the best definition for your translated
version from the various meanings given in dictionaries.

1. serious privacy risk 6. recall (v) (n)

2. privacy and security concern 7. location (n)

3. wireless communication device 8. retrieve (v)

4. built-in microphone 9. malicious (adj)

5. malicious user 10. surveillance (n)


VOA Learning English

The European Commission has ordered a recall of a smartwatch for children

because of what is calls a “serious” privacy risk.

The watch, called Safe-KID-One, is a product of the German electronics

manufacturer Enox. The company sells other smartwatch models, as well as televisions
and wireless communication devices.

On its website, Enox describes the Safe-KID-One as a tool for parents. The
watches have a simple, colorful design that seems appealing to children. The device
has a built-in microphone and speaker to permit two-way communication.

The company says the smartwatch can be used by parents to learn where their
children are at all times and contact them. It says this can be done with a computer
software program, or app.
The Enox website says children wearing the watch can place a telephone call with
just one touch of a number. The site claims that “only pre-listed parties” can call a
child through the device.

The Safe-KID-One smartwatch is shown in an alert published by the European

Commission, which recalled the device across Europe due to “serious” privacy risks.
(European Commission/Rapid Alert System)

The Safe-KID-One smartwatch is shown in an alert published by the European

Commission, which recalled the device across Europe due to “serious” privacy risks.
(European Commission/Rapid Alert System)

However, the European Commission (EC)

recently reported that it found major security concerns
with the Safe-KID-One system. The EC is the decision-
making body of the European Union (EU). The
warning was made public through the EC’s “Rapid
Alert System.” Commission members investigated the
device after concerns were reported by officials in
Photo courtesy:
The EC wrote that the risk level of the smartwatches
was “serious” and called for an immediate recall of the devices.

The warning said the app linked to the Safe-KID-One device can permit non-
secure communications with the system’s computer server. The server’s security issues
make it possible for people to break into the system and steal private information, the
EC said.

As a result, “data such as location history, phone numbers and serial number can
be easily retrieved and changed,” it warned.

“A malicious user can send commands to any watch - making it call another
number of his choosing - can communicate with the child wearing the device, or locate
the child through GPS,” the warning said.

The European Commission said the privacy and security risks led to its decision
to announce an immediate recall of the devices from EU members. EC officials said
the Safe-KID-One was being sold on the internet.

The founder of Enox, Ole Anton Bieltvedt, spoke to the British Broadcasting
Corporation about the EC’s decision. He said the device had met all German
government rules last year before being offered to the public. He added that the version
of the smartwatch tested by the EC was no longer being sold.

Enox plans to appeal the recall decision.

It is not the first-time privacy and security concerns have been raised about
smartwatches for children.

In 2017, German officials banned some kinds of smartwatches. The government

said the watches let parents secretly listen in to children and their environment. At the
time, no specific smartwatches were named.

Officials said the devices had microphones that let parents listen in on teachers
and school activities. The government said the system violated German laws aimed at
restricting surveillance.

Also, in 2017, a Norwegian Consumer Council report warned of the dangers of

smartwatches for children. The group said it had uncovered serious security and
privacy issues after examining and testing several smartwatch models being sold across

The report said that in a few simple steps, a stranger could easily take control of
the watches to be able to find, listen to and communicate with a child. At the time, the
council said there was an urgent need for manufacturers to increase security of the
systems or face forced recalls of the devices.

ACTIVITY 2. Interpreting

Close your book and listen to the VOA Education Report on 'EU Recalls
Child Smartwatch Over ‘Serious’ Privacy Risks'. The clip will be played once
for you to grasp the main idea. Then the lecturer will play each sentence twice
or three times so that you can take notes and interpret into Vietnamese sentence by
sentence. Bonus points will be given to volunteers.

TIPS: Discussion activities in the lesson help you activate your background
knowledge during translation.

ACTIVITY 3. Discussion

Discuss the following questions in a group:

1. Have you ever cheated in an exam so far?

2. In your opinion, is cheating a serious problem among Vietnamese students?

3. What should education authorities do to keep the nagging problem in check,

particularly in important exams, including the national high school graduation exam?

ACTIVITY 4. Sentence translation

Work in groups/ pairs and translate the following sentences into Vietnamese

1. The problem posed by essay-writing services, and academic misconduct

generally, needs to be addressed at multiple level.


2. This can be only one element in the campaign to reduce a problem highlighted by
the growing presence of touts.


3. Damian Hinds’ call is eye-catching and achieved its first purpose of getting
news coverage, coinciding with the well-received TV drama Cheat.


4. Vice-chancellors should also look closely and critically at practices in their own


5. The impact of Hinds’ initiative, if accepted, will not be evident for a while,
and more urgent action is needed.



Read and translate the whole text 'Universities’ anti-cheating efforts need an
overhaul' into Vietnamese. Make use of sentences translated in the activity above.


By David Mayall, March 25, 2019

The problem posed by essay-writing services, and academic misconduct generally,

needs to be addressed at multiple levels, writes David Mayall

Damian Hinds’ call for PayPal to block transactions

with essay-writing firms is to be welcomed (University
cheats should be reported by their peers, minister says, 20
March). However, this can be only one element in the
campaign to reduce a problem highlighted by the growing
presence of touts who, at the start of the academic year,
stand outside university property and hand out cards Photo courtesy: Cengage
advertising essay-writing services to passing students, Tech
notably targeting identifiable international students who are given flyers written in their
home languages.

The impact of Hinds’ initiative, if accepted, will not be evident for a while, and
more urgent action is needed. The primary responsibility for this has to lie with each
individual university. Vice-chancellors need to see if they can have confidence that
their own processes for dealing with the many and complex issues around academic
misconduct are robust and, importantly, whether they are being implemented. From my
long experience in the sector this is not the case, and there is certainly no consistency
between universities, and indeed even between staff in a university and between
different courses, in how the general matter of academic misconduct is managed,
understood, recorded and analysed. The problem posed by essay-writing services, and
academic misconduct generally, needs to be addressed at multiple levels. Damian
Hinds’ call is eye-catching and achieved its first purpose of getting news coverage,
coinciding with the well-received TV drama Cheat, but vice-chancellors should also
look closely and critically at practices in their own institutions.

ACTIVITY 6. Matching

Match the words/ phrases taken from the text 'Family holidays during term
time help push unauthorised school absences to record high' below with their

1. surge (v) a. đáng chú ý, đình đám

2. soar to a record high b. trốn học/ học sinh trốn học

3. high-profile (adj) c. liên tục

4. truant (v, n) d. tăng vọt

5. defy (v) e. hết sức, tột bậc

6. persistent (adj) f. tăng kỷ lục

7. paramount (adj) g. không tuân theo, bất chấp

8. society-wide challenge h. chia rẽ, phá hoại

9. drive a wedge i. chững lại (sau thời kỳ phát triển)

10. plateau (v) j. thách thức toàn xã hội

ACTIVITY 7. Translation

Translate the text 'Family holidays during term time help push unauthorised school
absences to record high' below


By Eleanor Busby, March 21, 2019

Number of families fined for their child’s poor attendance has surged

Unauthorised pupil absences have soared to a record high thanks to parents taking
children out of school for term-time holidays – despite a sharp rise in the number of
families hit with fines.

More than one in six pupils (17.6 per cent) missed at least half a day of lessons in
2017-18 for a holiday, up from 16.9 per cent the previous year, Department for
Education (DfE) statistics show.

That helped push the unauthorised absence rate in all schools in England to 1.4 per
cent, its highest since records began.

Term-time holidays taken without permission have been

increasing over the past decade, as parents defy the threat of
fines to avoid higher prices for travel and accommodation
during school breaks.

The number of penalty notices issued last year jumped 75

per cent, from 149,300 to 260,877, with family holidays the
most common reason behind their issue. Photo
The figures come after father Jon Platt lost a high-profile case at the Supreme Court
in April 2017 over taking his daughter to Disney World, Florida, during term time
without permission.

He had initially won a High Court case in May 2016, and previous figures suggest
many parents decided to take term-time holidays on the basis of the ruling.

The DfE data also suggests rising truancy has contributed to the increased
unauthorised absence rate, as more than half of all unauthorised absences are as a result
of persistent absentees.

One in nine pupils (11.2 per cent) are classified as persistently absent – where they
miss 10 per cent of more of their possible teaching sessions – compared to 10.8 per
cent the year before.

Ahead of the figures being published, education secretary Damian Hinds defended
the school exclusions system and suggested truancy had a more explicit link to knife

He said a “much bigger concern” than expulsions are those who are “persistently
absent”, which includes pupils who skip school or are off sick long term.

His comments come after London mayor Sadiq Khan and police and crime
commissioners wrote to the prime minister warning that a “broken” school exclusion
system was contributing to the issue.

Paul Whiteman, general secretary of school leaders’ union NAHT, said requests for
time off during term time could only be authorised in exceptional circumstances.

But he added: “However, the system of fines is clearly too blunt an instrument and
in many cases, it drives a wedge between schools and families.

“The real problem is holiday pricing. Neither parents nor schools set the prices of

Cllr Anntoinette Bramble, chair of the Local Government Association’s Children

and Young People Board, said: “Ensuring every child has a good school attendance is
of paramount concern for everyone working with children, including councils.

“Parents and carers have a legal responsibility to make sure children attend school
regularly while schools will monitor attendance and raise any concerns with councils.

“If required, councils will support headteachers to take any action they feel
necessary to address any issues with pupil attendance, including fining parents for
unauthorised absences.”

A DfE spokesperson said: “The education secretary has made clear, persistent
absence from school is a society-wide challenge that we all need to work together to
resolve – and while significant progress has been made, today’s data shows that has
now plateaued.

“High-quality education and pastoral care will make a real difference to children’s
life chances, and that’s particularly important for those who are most vulnerable, but
clearly key initiatives will only work if children are present.

“That’s why the rules on term-time absences are clear: no child should be taken out
of school without good reason. We have put headteachers back in control by
supporting them – and local authorities – to use their powers to deal with unauthorised

ACTIVITY 8. Discussion

Work in groups and look for Vietnam's equivalents of the games mentioned in the
text 'It's all fun and games'

Describe your favorite childhood games to your partner

ACTIVITY 9. Word/ Phrase traslation

Circle the correct meaning of the words/ phrases in bold taken from the first
half of the news story 'It's all fun and games' below and translate whole sentences
into Vietnamese

1. It's a fun, shared activity to break up a day stuck indoors during bad weather, or
to pass the torturous 23 minutes between ordering food in a restaurant and its arrival.

A. unpleasant

B. complicated

2. But games aren't just entertaining, they're developmentally beneficial, an

educational lesson disguised in playtime's clothing.

A. shown

B. hidden

3. We play over meals or in the middle of a weekend, more on vacation. It's

enjoyable, easily accessible bonding time.

A. building relationships

B. an agreement by the government or a company to pay one interest on the money

they have lent

4. We laugh and commiserate over the game, but we usually talk about real life
topics, too.

A. cry

B. show someone sympathy when they are upset or disappointed about something

5. I'll see a smile grow as she gains insight or an advantage.

A. an understanding of what something is like

B. skill

6. She's gifted at charades and Pictionary; she just needs to be whispered the clue,
given that she's preliterate.

A. reads and writes well

B. hasn't learned how to read or write yet

7. If they can manage loss now, when the stakes are low, it builds up resilience for
when the stakes are high.

A. something that you risk losing, especially money

B. money that someone invests in a company

ACTIVITY 10. Translation

Translate the first half of the text 'It's all fun and games' into Vietnamese.


By David G. Allan, CNN, January 25, 2018

(CNN) You probably already play card and board games with the children in your
care, to some degree. It's a fun, shared activity to break up a day stuck indoors during
bad weather, or to pass the torturous 23 minutes between ordering food in a restaurant
and its arrival. It's better than TV, more interactive than reading.

But games aren't just entertaining, they're developmentally beneficial, an

educational lesson disguised in playtime's clothing.

Go Ask Your Dad is parenting advice with a philosophical bent as one dad explores
what we want out of life, for ourselves and our children, through useful paradigms and
best practices. It considers old problems in new ways, and new problems that previous
generations didn't face.

Even those all-luck (read: mostly boring) preschool
games, such as Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders, that
mainly teach kids how to play games, also help them focus
for a long time on a single activity, learn to take turns and
how to cope with losing -- three crucial life skills you can
develop early. Photo courtesy:
We play a lot of games in our family. We play over
meals or in the middle of a weekend, more on vacation. It's enjoyable, easily accessible
bonding time. My older daughter, age 10, and I have breakfast together most mornings
and often while playing mancala, Uno, Connect 4 or backgammon. We laugh and
commiserate over the game, but we usually talk about real life topics, too. I watch her
think, see light bulbs go off. I'll see a smile grow as she gains insight or an advantage.
Like me, she doesn't have a face for poker.

My younger daughter is 5 years old, so some games require her to be on a team

with someone older, often relegated to throwing dice and counting moves. But we also
adapt games for her to play. She's gifted at charades and Pictionary, she just needs to
be whispered the clue, given that she's preliterate.

My daughters are amiable when they lose, as a result of experiencing a good deal of
it. I'm quick to conclude any game, no matter who wins, with something like, "That
was close! And so much fun!" pointing out some exciting part or some smart move
they made or some little lesson for future wins. We shake hands and move on. Winning
and losing is just part of games -- and life -- whether because of luck or because of a
skill still developing (in part, by losing). If they can manage loss now, when the stakes
are low, it builds up resilience for when the stakes are high.

ACTIVITY 11. Word/ Phrase traslation

Work in groups and translate the following words/ phrases taken from the
second half of the text 'It's all fun and games' into Vietnamese

1. impulse control 5. deductive reasoning

2. critical thinking 6. bottom line

3. heightened prosocial behavior 7.verbal/ non-verbal communication

4. aggressive behavior 8. back someone up (v)

9. beneficial (adj) 10. deal making

Every game has its joy and side benefits. On the learning side, games teach critical
thinking, planning ahead, learning from mistakes, predicting outcomes and probability,
improved memory, considering what's in another's mind, impulse control, finding
patterns, math, reading, communication, focus and more.

There are even studies to back me up. Chess lessons improved basic math skills for
kids with learning disabilities. College kids enhanced critical thinking skills by playing
a computer version of Mastermind. Even video games may have benefits. One study
associated video games with decreased aggressive behavior and "heightened prosocial
behavior" for girls, but only when parents played with kids. This year, I'm planning to
upgrade from my old-school Atari 2600 to an old-school Nintendo game system,
keeping our limited video game play to a simpler, less violent time.

Here are some games my family and I enjoy, each a treat (with side of vegetable
learning included). There are more great games to play than there are hours to play
them, so don't suffer any you don't like. Go fish!

Age 4 and up

Hoot Owl Hoot! (cooperation)

Race to the Treasure (cooperation and planning)

Jenga (fine motor skills)

Jigsaw puzzles (patience and patterns)

Memory (memory)

Twister (balance)

Age 5 and up

Charades (non-verbal communication and acting)

Don't Say It! (verbal communication)

Hangman (vocabulary and spelling)

Parcheesi and Sorry (counting and probability)

Pick-up sticks (fine motor skills)

Pictionary (non-verbal communication and art)

Age 6 and up

Connect 4 and checkers (patterns and offense/defense)

Uno and simple card games (probability)

Age 7 and up

Battleship (probability and patterns)

Mancala, a "count and capture" game popular in Africa and Asia (patterns and
anticipating response)

Stratego (deduction, memory and offense/defense)

Age 8 and up

Apples to Apples Junior (word association and vocabulary)

Chess (anticipating response and offense/defense)

Sequence (patterns and probability)

Age 9 and up

Backgammon (probability)

Careers (careers)

Clue (deductive logic)

Rummikub (patterns, especially if you play off others, like in Scrabble)

Scrabble and Boggle (spelling)

This Game is Bonkers! (patterns)

Yahtzee (probability)

Age 10 and up

Hearts (probability)

Mastermind (patterns and deductive reasoning)

Risk (probability and deal making)

The bottom line is that games are an easy way to enjoy time with your kids that has
benefits for you, them, and the whole family.

They are so beneficial that even if they weren't enjoyable, we'd probably make our
kids play them anyway.

ACTIVITY 12. Translation

Read carefully each sentence from the text 'It's all fun and games' above and
translate it into Vietnamese. First, write your translated version in the dotted lines
under the text. Then read aloud your translated version to the whole class for the
lecturer's and peer comments.



ACTIVITY 13. Interpreting

One member from each group will read paragraphs from the text 'It's all fun and
games' in L1 and one member from another group will interpret it into L2.

ACTIVITY 14. Interpreting

Jack Ma- How to Be Successful in Life, Amazing Interview

Watch the video clip ‘Jack Ma- How to Be Successful in Life, Amazing Interview’
carefully. The clip will be played once for you to listen for the main idea of the text.
Then the lecturer will play each sentence twice or three times for you to take notes of
key words and details. Bonus points will be awarded to those who volunteer to join the
interpreting activity.

Role play

Some students take turns playing the role of Jack Ma, while some others act as
interpreters one by one. Pronunciation and good memory are two important things to
enhance your interpreting skill.

You can also perform this activity at home to practice the native speaker’s
pronunciation. Repeating each sentence after the speaker is a good way to drill

ACTIVITY 15. Interpreting.

In this activity, each group is assigned to interpret parts of the story 'The Gift
of the Magi' . The lecturer will divide the story into smaller parts based on the
number of groups in class. Group members will take turns reading aloud the assigned
parts; another group member will do the interpreting sentence by sentence. Scores wil
be given to each individual based on how well they perform the interpreting.


By O. Henry

ONE DOLLAR AND EIGHTY-SEVEN CENTS. That was all. And sixty cents of
it was in pennies. Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the
vegetable man and the butcher until one's cheek burned with the silent imputation of
parsimony that such close dealing implied. Three times Della counted it. One dollar
and eighty-seven cents. And the next day would be Christmas.

There was clearly nothing left to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and
howl. So, Della did it. Which instigates the moral reflection that life is made up of
sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating.

While the mistress of the home is gradually subsiding from the first stage to the
second, take a look at the home. A furnished flat at $8 per week. It did not exactly
beggar description, but it certainly had that word on the look-out for the mendicancy

In the vestibule below was a letterbox into which no letter would go, and an electric
button from which no mortal finger could coax a ring. Also appertaining thereunto was
a card bearing the name 'Mr. James Dillingham Young.'

The 'Dillingham' had been flung to the breeze during a former

period of prosperity when its possessor was being paid $30 per
week. Now, when the income was shrunk to $20, the letters of
'Dillingham' looked blurred, as though they were thinking seriously
of contracting to a modest and unassuming D. But whenever Mr.
James Dillingham Young came home and reached his flat above he

was called 'Jim' and greatly hugged by Mrs. James Dillingham Photo
Young, already introduced to you as Della. Which is all very good. courtesy:
Delia finished her cry and attended to her cheeks with the powder rag. She stood by
the window and looked out dully at a grey cat walking a grey fence in a grey backyard.
To-morrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a
present. She had been saving every penny she could for months, with this result.
Twenty dollars a week doesn't go far.

Expenses had been greater than she had calculated. They always are. Only $1.87 to
buy a present for Jim. Her Jim. Many a happy hour she had spent planning for

something nice for him. Something fine and rare and sterling - something just a little
bit near to being worthy of the honour of being owned by Jim.

There was a pier-glass between the windows of the room. Perhaps you have seen a
pier-glass in an $8 flat. A very thin and very agile person may, by observing his
reflection in a rapid sequence of longitudinal strips, obtain a fairly accurate conception
of his looks. Della, being slender, had mastered the art.

Suddenly she whirled from the window and stood before the glass. Her eyes were
shining brilliantly, but her face had lost its colour within twenty seconds. Rapidly she
pulled down her hair and let it fall to its full length.

Now, there were two possessions of the James Dillingham Youngs in which they
both took a mighty pride. One was Jim's gold watch that had been his father's and his
grandfather's. The other was Della's hair. Had the Queen of Sheba lived in the flat
across the airshaft, Della would have let her hair hang out the window some day to dry
just to depreciate Her Majesty's jewels and gifts. Had King Solomon been the janitor,
with all his treasures piled up in the basement, Jim would have pulled out his watch
every time he passed, just to see him pluck at his beard from envy.

So now Della's beautiful hair fell about her, rippling and shining like a cascade of
brown waters. It reached below her knee and made itself almost a garment for her. And
then she did it up again nervously and quickly. Once she faltered for a minute and
stood still while a tear or two splashed on the worn red carpet.

On went her old brown jacket; on went her old brown hat. With a whirl of skirts
and with the brilliant sparkle still in her eyes, she fluttered out of the door and down
the stairs to the street.

Where she stopped the sign read: 'Mme. Sofronie. Hair Goods of All Kinds.' One
flight up Della ran, and collected herself, panting. Madame, large, too white, chilly,
hardly looked the 'Sofronie.'

'Will you buy my hair?' asked Della.

'I buy hair,' said Madame. 'Take yer hat off and let's have a sight at the looks of it.'

Down rippled the brown cascade.

'Twenty dollars,' said Madame, lifting the mass with a practised hand.

'Give it to me quick,' said Della.

Oh, and the next two hours tripped by on rosy wings. Forget the hashed metaphor.
She was ransacking the stores for Jim's present.

She found it at last. It surely had been made for Jim and no one else. There was no
other like it in any of the stores, and she had turned all of them inside out. It was a
platinum fob chain simple and chaste in design, properly proclaiming its value by
substance alone and not by meretricious ornamentation - as all good things should do.
It was even worthy of The Watch. As soon as she saw it she knew that it must be Jim's.
It was like him. Quietness and value - the description applied to both. Twenty-one
dollars they took from her for it, and she hurried home with the 87 cents.

With that chain on his watch Jim might be properly anxious about the time in any
company. Grand as the watch was, he sometimes looked at it on the sly on account of
the old leather strap that he used in place of a chain.

When Della reached home her intoxication gave way a little to prudence and
reason. She got out her curling irons and lighted the gas and went to work repairing the
ravages made by generosity added to love. Which is always a tremendous task, dear
friends - a mammoth task.

Within forty minutes her head was covered with tiny, closelyingcurls that made her
look wonderfully like a truant schoolboy.

She looked at her reflection in the mirror long, carefully, and critically.

'If Jim doesn't kill me,' she said to herself, 'before he takes a second look at me, he'll
say I look like a Coney Island chorus girl.

But what could I do - oh! what could I do with a dollar and eighty-seven cents?'

At seven o'clock the coffee was made, and the frying-pan was on the back of the
stove, hot and ready to cook the chops.

Jim was never late. Della doubled the fob chain in her hand and sat on the corner of
the table near the door that he always entered.

Then she heard his step on the stair away down on the first flight, and she turned
white for just a moment. She had a habit of saying little silent prayers about the
simplest everyday things, and now

she whispered: 'Please God, make him think I am still pretty.'

The door opened and Jim stepped in and closed it. He looked thin and very serious.
Poor fellow, he was only twenty-two - and to be burdened with a family! He needed a
new overcoat and he was without gloves.

Jim stepped inside the door, as immovable as a setter at the scent of quail. His eyes
were fixed upon Della, and there was an expression in them that she could not read,
and it terrified her. It was not anger, nor surprise, nor disapproval, nor horror, nor any
of the sentiments that she had been prepared for. He simply stared at her fixedly with
that peculiar expression on his face.

Della wriggled off the table and went for him.

'Jim, darling,' she cried, 'don't look at me that way. I had my hair cut off and sold it
because I couldn't have lived through Christmas without giving you a present. It'll grow
out again - you won't mind, will you? I just had to do it. My hair grows awfully fast.
Say "Merry Christmas!" Jim, and let's be happy. You don't know what a nice - what a
beautiful, nice gift I've got for you.'

'You've cut off your hair?' asked Jim, laboriously, as if he had not arrived at that
patent fact yet even after the hardest mental labour.

'Cut it off and sold it,' said Della. 'Don't you like me just as well, anyhow? I'm me
without my hair, ain't I?'

Jim looked about the room curiously.

'You say your hair is gone?' he said with an air almost of idiocy.

'You needn't look for it,' said Della. 'It's sold, I tell you - sold and gone, too. It's
Christmas Eve, boy. Be good to me, for it went for you. Maybe the hairs of my head
were numbered,' she went on with a sudden serious sweetness, 'but nobody could ever
count my

love for you. Shall I put the chops on, Jim?'

Out of his trance Jim seemed quickly to wake. He enfolded his Della. For ten
seconds let us regard with discreet scrutiny some inconsequential object in the other
direction. Eight dollars a week or a million a year - what is the difference? A
mathematician or a wit would give you the wrong answer. The magi brought valuable
gifts, but that was not among them. This dark assertion will be illuminated later on.

Jim drew a package from his overcoat pocket and threw it upon the table.
'Don't make any mistake, Dell,' he said, 'about me. I don't think there's anything in
the way of a haircut or a shave or a shampoo that could make me like my girl any less.
But if you'll unwrap that package you may see why you had me going awhile at first.'

White fingers and nimble tore at the string and paper. And then an ecstatic scream
of joy; and then, alas! a quick feminine change to hysterical tears and wails,
necessitating the immediate employment of all the comforting powers of the lord of the

For there lay The Combs - the set of combs, side and back, that Della had
worshipped for long in a Broadway window. Beautiful combs, pure tortoiseshell, with
jewelled rims - just the shade to wear in the beautiful vanished hair. They were
expensive combs,

she knew, and her heart had simply craved and yearned over them without the least
hope of possession. And now they were hers, but the tresses that should have adorned
the coveted adornments were gone.

But she hugged them to her bosom, and at length she was able to look up with dim
eyes and a smile and say: 'My hair grows so fast, Jim!'

And then Della leaped up like a little singed cat and cried, 'Oh, oh!'

Jim had not yet seen his beautiful present. She held it out to him eagerly upon her
open palm. The dull precious metal seemed to flash with a reflection of her bright and
ardent spirit.

'Isn't it a dandy, Jim? I hunted all over town to find it. You'll have to look at the
time a hundred times a day now. Give me your watch. I want to see how it looks on it.'

Instead of obeying, Jim tumbled down on the couch and put his hands under the
back of his head and smiled.

'Dell,' said he, 'let's put our Christmas presents away and keep 'em awhile. They're
too nice to use just at present. I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs.
And now suppose you put the chops on.'

The magi, as you know, were wise men - wonderfully wise men - who brought gifts
to the Babe in the manger. They invented the art of giving Christmas presents. Being
wise, their gifts were no doubt wise ones, possibly bearing the privilege of exchange in
case of duplication. And here I have lamely related to you the uneventful chronicle of
two foolish children in a flat who most unwisely sacrificed for each other the greatest
treasures of their house. But in a last word to the wise of these days, let it be said that
of all who give gifts these two were the wisest. Of all who give and receive gifts, such
as they are wisest. Everywhere they are wisest. They are the magi.

ACTIVITY 16. Role play

Form two teams for collaborative work. Work closely with your team members and
act as the characters and narrator from the story 'The Gift of the Magi' using English.
One or two students play the role of the translator(s) to render the whole play into
Vietnamese. This activity will be performed in front of the class.


Similar to homework in the previous lessons, prepare and translate all

reading texts in Lesson 4 in advance before going to class. Each group member
should do the translation on his/her own before gathering and comparing their
translated versions. When getting together, each group member should read aloud their
translation before revising and compiling for the best product. This is an effective
strategy for collaborative work to produce a good translation.

Search for information relating to tourism. List out as many words or phrases in
types of holidays, means of transport and culture as possible.


In this lesson, students are to practice some translation and interpreting strategies in
the context of tourism, which is a thriving, highly profitable industry in Vietnam and
the world over. They will also learn how to write an English news story by adopting
the inverted pyramid, a metaphor used by journalists and other writers to illustrate
how information should be prioritized and structured in a news story.

ACTIVITY 1. Discussion

Discuss the following questions in a group

1. Do you like traveling? Which countries or cities/towns in Vietnam have you been to
so far?
2. In your opinion, what benefits does tourism bring to a country?
3. Are you for or against gambling, especially among tourists? Why?

ACTIVITY 2. Matching

Match the words/ phrases taken below from the text ‘Macau tourism attractions
include more than gambling’ with its Vietnamese translation

1. colony (n) a. cờ bạc

2. autonomous (adj) b. động cơ, mục đích

3. motive (n) c. nhiều

4. gambling (n) d. nước thuộc địa

5. authority (n) e. phổ biến (động từ)

6. milestone (n) f. thế độc quyền

7. numerous (adj) g. tự trị

8. propagate (v) h. đông dân

9. monopoly (n) i. cột mốc

10. densely populated j. quan chức

ACTIVITY 3. Translation

Read the text ‘Macau tourism attractions include more than gambling’ and
translate it in a group before reading it aloud for comments from the lecturer and
your peers


By Nik Fes, Tourism Review News (April 2, 2018)

The former Portuguese colony, Macau is China’s autonomous region planning to

diversify its offer and attract more visitors. In 2017, Macau tourism authorities reported
32 million visitors. This is an increase of 5.4% compared to 2016. Considering the
city’s population of 600,000, this is a significant success that proves the possibilities of
the sector.

Macau has gained a lot of recognition in recent years. Its architecture is a great
example of the combination of Chinese and Western cultures. As a matter of fact,
Macau’s historic center is also on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

However, for most tourists, cultural heritage is not exactly the main motive of
their visit. The most densely populated region in the world heavily relies on the
popularity of a gambling destination. 40% of Macau GDP comes from this industry
and more than 70% of tax revenues are collected from casinos. Last year, Macau
reached another milestone, as it overtook Las Vegas’ weekly revenues.

While gambling remains on top of the “Macau wish-list”, the region is working
with the Chinese government on other solutions and tourism developments.

One of the hopes is that the One Belt

One Road Initiative, linking China with
numerous countries and regions, will help
Macau tourism enter new markets and
diversify its offer. Another agreement signed
to boost the tourism was signed in 2015 with
the Chinese National Tourism
Administration. As a result, the central government
Photo courtesy:
set up a committee in the region to assist the locals.

While Macau is prospering as a result of its industry focus, China could soon go
in the same direction. The country is looking to use the Hainan island as a potential
gambling destination towards the future. So far it is a hypothesis, but talks are ongoing
and top casino brands could give a big hand in development and propagation.

There is slight concern from Macau regarding this, as they attempt to keep their
current monopoly in terms of Chinese gambling. The aim of the central government is
to generate more revenues instead of taxing profits from Macau’s industry.

As a result, China could boost their already rapidly growing tourism. As already
elaborated on, casinos are a huge attraction. The Venetian casino in Macau, for
example, is one of Asia’s biggest attractions.

The rise of the industry would have a great impact on the tourism industry as a
whole. It is still soon to talk, but with the successful Macau example just around the
corner, China is surely ready to take steps in this direction.

ACTIVITY 4. Discussion

Discussion helps activate your background knowledge prior to translation activities.

Discuss the following questions in a group

1. Do you enjoy visits to a museum, especially when you visit another country? What
kinds of exhibitions are you interested in?
2. Are you fascinated at bobbleheads? Do you fancy having one of yourself and your
family members?

ACTIVITY 5. Blank filling

Fill in the blanks with one of the words taken from the text ‘Bobblehead Museum
Opens in Wisconsin’ below

asset appeal life-sized

bucket list bobblehead minute

1. A ______ is a figurine with a disproportionately large head mounted on a spring so

that it bobs up and down, often made as a caricature of a famous person.
2. A _______baby doll is exactly the same size as a real human baby.
3. Do you have a ________? Here are 101 things to do before you die, from traveling,
to finding love, to meeting a famous person, to seeing heritage sites!
4. The design has to _______ to all ages and social groups.
5. Brandon’s north country roots and experience will be a great ______to the team.

ACTIVITY 6. Translation

Read the text ‘Bobblehead Museum Opens in Wisconsin’ sentence by sentence

and translate it in a group. Read your translated version aloud for comments from the
lecturer and classmates.

ACTIVITY 7. Interpreting

Close your book and listen to the text ‘Bobblehead Museum Opens in Wisconsin’.
The clip will be played once for you to grasp the main idea. Then the lecturer will play
each sentence twice or thrice so that you can take notes and interpret into Vietnamese
sentence by sentence. Bonus points will be given to volunteers.


By Ashley Thompson, VOA Learning English,

February 10, 2019

National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum

founders Brad Novak, left, and Phil Sklar, stand near
the museum entrance at the National Bobblehead Hall
of Fame and Museum in Milwaukee.

A new museum in the American state of Wisconsin

may hold the largest collection of bobbleheads anyone has
ever seen.

Bobbleheads are small figures with abnormally large

heads. The heads, which are on springs, move up and
down. The figures are usually made to look like famous
people -- from sports champions to actors to politicians.

Phil Sklar and Brad Novak started collecting

bobbleheads 16 years ago. Then, four years ago, the two
friends decided to do something with their collections. They A bobblehead of U.S.
President Donald
quit their jobs, began making their own bobbleheads to earn Trump. Photo courtesy:
money and searched for bobbleheads at second-hand shops. Patriot Depot
Then, they decided on a physical place for a museum.

The two have more than 10,000 bobbleheads. The museum has room to show
about 6,500 at one time. They have figures that look like characters from the movies
“Star Wars” and “The Wizard of Oz.” They have the first-ever football and baseball
bobbleheads from the early 1960s. They even have a life-sized bobblehead in their

And then there are the political bobbleheads. One looks like American President
Donald Trump from his days as a television star on “The Apprentice.” The figure says
“You’re fired” with the push of a button.

Sklar and Novak are in the process of having their collection recognized as the
world’s largest by the Guinness Book of World Records. The current record is 2,396,
held by Phil Darling. The 40-year-old Canadian has gotten 500 more bobbleheads since
that official count in 2015, he says.

Darling says he will be a bit sad not to hold the record anymore. But he says he
hopes to one day make it to Milwaukee to see the collection and meet Sklar and Novak.

“It’s on my bucket list,” Darling said.

Sklar said he hopes the museum will appeal to bobblehead fans as well as “people
looking for something fun to do.” Along with the collection itself, the museum also
explains how bobbleheads are made and introduces the real people who the
bobbleheads represent.

Sklar added, “There are so many negative things going on ... we need more places
to escape and have a good time and also educate at the same time, so hopefully we will
be an asset to the community.”

ACTIVITY 8. Writing a news story in English

1. You will learn how to write a news story in English. Find out about the inverted
pyramid, a metaphor used by journalists and other writers to illustrate how
information should be prioritized and structured in a text (e.g., a news report). It
is a common method for writing news stories and has adaptability to other kinds
of texts, such as blogs and editorial columns.
2. Translate the following text ‘Travel firms, local leaders’ eye agri-tourism’ into
Vietnamese and structure it as a news story.


March 31, 2018

HÀ NỘI — Farming-focused tourism should be developed as part of the

country’s strategy for promoting agriculture and tourism, said Nguyễn Văn Tuấn,
director general of the Việt Nam National Administration of Tourism, at a conference
held on Friday in Hà Nội.

In the framework of the Việt Nam International Travel Mart (VITM) 2018, the
conference gathered many travel companies and experts. They discussed the strengths
of agri-tourism in the country and suggested ways to develop specialised products.

“As an agricultural country, Việt Nam has a big potential to develop tourism
based on agricultural products, and highlight many tours designed to help tourists
discover the beauty of flower fields in Đà Lạt City, coconut forests in Bến Tre
Province, and tea hills in Mộc Châu Plateau,” Tuấn said. “Agriculture-based tourism
products don’t just bring profits for farmers and the region, but they also help foreign
tourists understand more about Việt Nam’s society,
economy, culture, daily life and history.”

Dương Minh Bình, director of CBT Việt Nam

Company, has spent 20 years working in the field of

community-based tourism (CBT). He has established many Photo courtesy:

models of agriculture-based tourism products nationwide.

“In my opinion, community-based tourism doesn’t mean that we offer tourists

cheap service,” he said. “Tourists live, eat and work together with the local people to
discover their daily lives, but we still require the local people to provide the high-
quality service like that at resorts and hotels.”

Bình said agri-tourism can be developed based on six Es: Enable means to launch
tourism products, Engage people and authorities to join the project, Educate the
farmers to build up products, Empower the local people, Encourage them to continue
and, finally, Earn money and recognition.

Tourism expert Ngô Kiều Oanh has helped build up farm tours in Ba Vì District
on the outskirts of Hà Nội. She said it’s necessary to create attractive products based on
resources and traditions within the region.

“Some villages have interesting handicrafts, beautiful natural landscapes and

prosperous crops, that’s the first condition to build up tourism products,” she said.

“However, it’s not enough. We have to make the products become attractive and
lure tourists to spend money and stay longer. We can involve them in daily activities.”

The specialists also agreed that it’s necessary to develop a strategy to promote the
tours effectively to get tourists to participate. One solution is to link farmers, local
authorities and travel agents.

ACTIVITY 9. Discussion

Discuss in groups the following questions

1. In your opinion, how safe is Vietnamese food?

2. Is food safety a grave problem in Vietnam?

3. How can the government put an end to unhygienic food and prevent food

4. Does food safety affect tourism, especially food tours?

ACTIVITY 10. Interpreting

With your books closed, watch the video clip ‘Vietnam food safety’ carefully.
The clip will be played once for you to listen for the main idea of the text.
Then the lecturer will play each sentence twice or thrice for you to take notes of key
words and details. Bonus points will be awarded to those who volunteer to join the
interpreting activity.


Watch the video clip again to check your understanding and interpretation

Vietnam is working to meet goals for food production and food security. In doing
so, the government supports use of pesticides and other chemicals on crops. Farmers
use these substances to help crops grow and protect them from insects and other
threats. Signs along roads in Vietnam say, "Do not abuse pesticides. Think of the
buyer." But the government has few rules restricting the use of pesticides. Some
Vietnamese are so worried about the issue that they buy food only from growers they
know. There is a website that can help food shoppers. It lists stores in Hanoi that sell
safe vegetables. The Vietnamese buyers' group, Vinastas, set up the website in 2011.
Dang Kiem Hien is part of the team that runs the site. She says stores have to meet
requirements to be included on the website. For example, they must prove they get
their vegetables from farmers who do not use chemicals. Ms. Dang says a store will be
removed from the list if it does not obey the rules. Eduardo Sabio is with VECO, a
Belgian non-government agricultural group. It supports the local website. Mr. Sabio
says pesticide misuse in Vietnam is a real problem. He says there is a process to
confirm that products are free of man-made chemicals. But he says it is too costly for
farmers. Mr. Sabio says the safe food website uses what is known as the Participatory
Guidance System. It supervises food safety through quality reports from farmers'
groups, traders and local officials. The system is used in more than twenty countries
around the world. And, Mr. Sabio says Vietnamese farmers keep detailed notes about
their pesticide use.


Similar to homework in the previous lessons, prepare and translate all reading
texts in Lesson 5 in advance before going to class. Search for as many words/
phrases related to plants and crops.
Each group member should do the translation on his/her own before gathering and
comparing their translated versions. When getting together, each group member should
read aloud their translation before revising and compiling for the best product. This is
an effective strategy for collaborative work to produce a good translation.


This lesson includes several texts in agriculture and translation activities. Students
will learn how to use computer-assisted translation software and translation tools and
apply one or some of the tools in translating the texts into Vietnamese.

ACTIVITY 1. Software use.

You’ll learn how to use computer-assisted translation software and translation

tools and apply one or some of the tools in rendering the text ‘Zimbabwe has up to
seven months' supply of grain, after drought damage: official’ into Vietnamese.

ACTIVITY 2. Matching

Match the words in bold taken from the text “Zimbabwe has up to seven
months' supply of grain, after drought damage: official” with their meaning.
Translate the sentences into Vietnamese.

1. Grain used to produce the flour for bread, cakes, pasta, etc.
2. A violent tropical storm in which strong winds move in a circle
3. A supply of something available to be used in the future or when it is needed
4. To prevent something bad or dangerous from happening
5. Not noticing or realizing something
6. Forming a basic, large or important part of something
7. A long period of time when there is little or no rain

1. Zimbabwe has up to seven months' supply of grain, after drought damage.

2. Zimbabwe has up to seven months’ supply of the staple maize after drought
ravaged crops.

3. Besides the El Niño-induced drought, Zimbabwe was also hit by a cyclone, which
devastated the eastern parts of the country.
4. We are not blind to what the situation is like out there.
5. Zimbabwe’s annual maize consumption is 1.2 million tonnes and the country has
500,000 tonnes in strategic reserves.
6. The southern African nation is also struggling to import wheat due to severe
shortages of U.S. dollars.
7. It needs to start importing grain now to avert shortages.

ACTIVITY 3. Translation

Translate the text ‘Zimbabwe has up to seven months' supply of grain, after
drought damage: official’ below into Vietnamese.



By MacDonald Dzirutwe, March 29, 2019

HARARE (Reuters) - Zimbabwe has up to seven months’ supply of the staple

maize after drought ravaged crops and it needs to start importing grain now to avert
shortages, the secretary for agriculture said on Friday.

Besides the El Niño-induced drought, Zimbabwe was also hit by a cyclone, which
devastated the eastern parts of the country, sweeping away what remained of the crop
in the area.

Ringson Chitsiko said release of an official crop assessment report for 2019 had
been delayed following the cyclone but authorities were aware of the damage caused
by the drought.

“We are not blind to what the situation is like

out there. We have probably up to seven months
supply of grain, including the strategic grain reserve,”
Chitsiko told a meeting of the grain industry in the
capital Harare.

He declined to say how much of the maize was

damaged by the cyclone, which has killed at least 185 Photo courtesy:
people and left thousands homeless near the border with

Zimbabwe’s annual maize consumption is 1.2 million tonnes and the country has
500,000 tonnes in strategic reserves.

The southern African nation is also struggling to import wheat due to severe
shortages of U.S. dollars. The country has one month’s supply of locally produced
wheat, an industry official said.

Last year Zimbabwe harvested 160,000 tonnes of wheat compared with annual
consumption of 400,000 tonnes.

ACTIVITY 4. Word/ Phrase traslation

Translate the following words/ phrases into Vietnamese

1. write off debts 9. general election

2. at great expense 10. instalment
3. waive loans 11. relieve farmer distress
4. loan schemes 12. essential (n)
5. deep-rooted problem 13. small-scale farmers
6. stagnant or falling crop prices 14. eligible (adj)
7. debt relief scheme 15. critic (n)
8. loan recovery rate

ACTIVITY 5. Translation

TIPS: Try to combine the sentences rather than translating them separately. Now
translate the text ‘India election 2019: Should farmers' debts be written off?’ into
Vietnamese. Use the translated phrases in Activity 4 to make your translation more
beautiful and comprehensible.


By Saroj Singh, BBC, March 29, 2019

Many farmers in India have found themselves overwhelmed by debt - but should
those loans be written off, often at great expense?

That's a question politicians and others in India have been debating in the run-up
to nationwide elections in April.

Claim: India's Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, says waiving loans for farmers is
not really a solution, comparing it to handing out "lollipops" at election time. But the
Congress opposition says its proposed loan waivers would be an effective means of
helping farmers in need.

Verdict: The evidence from loan schemes implemented in the past suggests they
don't address the deep-rooted problems facing farmers.

Governments of all colours - both at the national and state level - have written off

Between 2014 and 2018, loan waivers were announced in 11 states, by both BJP
and Congress administrations, at a total cost of more than a trillion rupees (£10bn).

What problems do farmers face?

Over 40% of India's workforce is employed in agriculture.

Farmers sometimes borrow heavily to buy seeds, equipment and other essentials
but then struggle with debt.

Poor harvests due to bad weather can devastate crops, leading to financial disaster
and in some cases to farmers killing themselves.

One report last year said levels of debt in rural India had been rising in recent
decades, notably in those households engaged in farming.

In recent years, farmers have also seen relatively small increases in real wages
and stagnant or falling crop prices.

Does writing off debts work?

But it's far from clear whether debt relief schemes actually help farmers in

For one thing, the link between indebtedness and farmer suicide is far from

Suicide is often higher in wealthier states. And within those states, the wealthier
farmers rather than the poorest with the most debts are more likely to kill themselves.

There are other questions too about the effectiveness of debt relief schemes.
After a nationwide loan waiver in 1990, evidence emerged of a decline in the rate
of recovery of non-waived loans by financial institutions.

It suggested that loan waivers created expectations of future write-offs, leaving

borrowers with little incentive to pay back existing loans.

In one state, the loan recovery rate fell from nearly 75% to just over 40% in the
year after a loan waiver had been announced.

A further nationwide scheme - worth 515bn rupees - was announced in 2008

ahead of general elections the following year.

But a subsequent government audit concluded that it had been poorly


This included money being given to farmers who were ineligible and some
farmers who were eligible not receiving anything.

Critics of these schemes have also pointed out that many farmers borrow
informally from family, friends or local money lenders and do not therefore benefit
from the loan waivers.

Supporting the rural economy

Some farmers' groups and lobbyists have been

calling for a one-off write-off of all farmers' debts,
and then a rethink of how best to support the
agricultural economy.
Photo courtesy:
But waiving all loans could turn out to be hugely

One estimate - by former Agriculture Secretary Siraj Hussain - puts the cost of a
one-off nationwide debt relief payment as high as 3bn rupees.

"This amount could only be freed up at the expense of other welfare

programmes," he told BBC News.

Other ideas for relieving farmer distress are now being implemented.

One example is in the southern state of Telangana, where all farmers owning at
least an acre (4,000 sq m) of land receive a guaranteed subsidy each growing season.
Other states have implemented similar projects and in February this year the
federal government announced a plan to support small-scale farmers across the country
with a guaranteed annual income support of about 6,000 rupees.

Tens of millions of farmers have received the first instalment.


Similar to homework in the previous lessons, prepare and translate all

reading texts in Lesson 6 in advance before going to class. Search for as many words/
phrases related to healthcare services as possible. Each group member should do the
translation on his/her own before gathering and comparing their translated versions.
When getting together, each group member should read aloud their translation before
revising and compiling for the best product. This is an effective strategy for
collaborative work to produce a good translation.


In this lesson, students will learn how to translate new phrases and sentences from
reports/ news articles in health into Vietnamese to hone their translation skills as well
as engaging in an interpreting activity. Finally, a summary writing technique, an
integral part of translation jobs, is also introduced in this lesson.

ACTIVITY 1. Word/ Phrase traslation

Choose the best Vietnamese translation for the words in bold taken from the
first half of the news story ‘Just one cigarette a day increases heart disease and
stroke risk’ below

1. Just one cigarette a day is 'almost as dangerous as 20 – hiking your heart attack and
stroke risk by 40%.
A. Tăng B. giảm
2. The researchers looked at the risks of getting heart disease or stroke.
A. bệnh tim B. đột quỵ
3. Several reports included a warning from one doctor that heavy smokers should not
be discouraged from cutting down, as they might then go on to quit once they had
reduced their tobacco intake.
A. Điểm lấy nước vào B. liều lượng hàng ngày

4. This type of research is useful for getting an overall picture of the state of research
about a topic, pooling the evidence from many (in this case millions) of trial
A. Hồ bơi B. thu thập
5. They then looked to see how much of the excess risk of smoking 20 a day also
applied to smoking 1 to 5 cigarettes a day.
A. Tăng thêm B. dư thừa

ACTIVITY 2. Translation

Translate the following paragraph into Vietnamese

They found the risk of heart disease in people smoking 1 cigarette a day rose by
48% for men and 57% for women – around a third to a half of the extra risk of smoking
20 a day. There were similar trends for stroke. In conclusion, this study shows that, if
you really want to reduce your risk of common killers like heart disease and stroke,
you need to stop smoking altogether. Find out more about ways to help you stop

ACTIVITY 3. Translation

Translate the first half of the text ‘Just one cigarette a day increases heart
disease and stroke risk’



NHS, January 25, 2018

"Just one cigarette a day is 'almost as dangerous as 20 – hiking your heart attack
and stroke risk by 40%'," The Sun reports. A new review of 141 studies covering more
than 12 million people showed that people who think "light" smoking is relatively
harmless are wrong.

The researchers looked at the risks of getting heart disease or stroke, comparing
the risks of smoking:

no cigarettes a day

1 to 5 (so-called "light" smoking)

20 cigarettes a day
They found the risk of heart disease in people smoking 1 cigarette a day rose by
48% for men and 57% for women – around a third to a half of the extra risk of smoking
20 a day. There were similar trends for stroke.

In conclusion, this study shows that, if you really want to reduce your risk of
common killers like heart disease and stroke, you need to stop smoking altogether.
Find out more about ways to help you stop smoking.

Where did the story come from?

The study was carried out by

researchers from University College
London, the University of London, King's
College London, and the Chinese University
of Hong Kong. It was funded by Cancer
Research UK. It was published in the peer-

reviewed British Medical Journal (BMJ) Photo courtesy:

and is free to read online.

The UK media carried mostly accurate and balanced reports of the study. Several
reports included a warning from one doctor that heavy smokers should not be
discouraged from cutting down, as they might then go on to quit once they had reduced
their tobacco intake.

What kind of research was this?

The researchers carried out a systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective

cohort studies. This type of research is useful for getting an overall picture of the state
of research about a topic, pooling the evidence from many (in this case millions) of
trial participants.

What did the research involve?

Researchers used a database of medical research to look for large-scale

prospective cohort studies that investigated the risk of heart disease or stroke for people
smoking different quantities of cigarettes each day, from 1946 up to 2015. They pooled
the results to find relative risks (compared to non-smokers) of smoking 1, 5 or 20
cigarettes a day, for men and women. They then looked to see how much of the excess
risk of smoking 20 a day also applied to smoking 1 to 5 cigarettes a day.

They used several statistical checks to ensure their results were reliable. All the
studies had to include information about age and sex, as these are known to affect the
risk of heart disease and stroke. The researchers looked separately at studies which also
took account of other factors such as blood pressure and cholesterol level. They
investigated whether a number of factors could have affected their results – for
example, whether heavy smokers might have cut down over the years.

ACTIVITY 4. Matching

Match the following words taken from the second half of the news story ‘Just one
cigarette a day increases heart disease and stroke risk’ with their meaning in

1. peer-reviewed (adj) a. bệnh tim mạch

2. confidence interval b. đáng kể

3. cardiovascular disease c. xét đến

4. substantial (adj) d. bình duyệt

5. take account of e. thành kiến

6. be associated with f. khoảng tin cậy

7. bias (n,v) g. có thể thay đổi được

8. findings (n) h. có giá trị, có hiệu lực

9. variable (adj) i. kết quả (nghiên cứu)

10. valid (adj) j. được cho là liên quan đến

What were the basic results?

By Bazian

Looking at the risk of heart disease, the researchers found that, compared to non-

women who smoked 20 a day had almost 3 times the risk (relative risk (RR) 2.84,
95% confidence interval (CI) 2.21 to 3.64)

women who smoked 1 cigarette a day had 57% higher risk (RR 1.57, 95% CI 1.29
to 1.91)

men who smoked 20 a day had more than double the risk (RR 2.04, 95% CI 1.86
to 2.24)

men who smoked 1 cigarette a day had a 48% higher risk (RR 1.48, 96% CI 1.30
to 1.69)

The researchers calculated that women who smoked 1 cigarette a day had 31% of
the excess risk of those smoking 20 a day and men who smoked 1 cigarette a day had
46% of the excess risk of those smoking 20 a day.

The risk of stroke, compared to non-smokers, was:

more than double for women who smoked 20 a day (RR 2.16, 95% CI 1.69 to

31% higher for women who smoked 1 a day (RR 1.31, 95% CI 1.13 to 1.52)

64% higher for men who smoked 20 a day (RR 1.64, 95% CI 1.48 to 1.82)

25% higher for men who smoked 1 a day (RR 1.25, 95% CI 1.13 to 1.38)

Women who smoked 1 cigarette a day had 34% of the risk of those smoking 20 a
day and men who smoked 1 a day had 41% of the risk of those smoking 20 a day.

Using only data from studies which took account of factors like cholesterol and
blood pressure showed an even greater risk associated with smoking 1 cigarette a day –
more than double the risk of heart disease for women smoking 1 cigarette a day (RR
2.19, 95% CI 1.84 to 2.61) and 74% increased risk for men smoking 1 a day (RR 1.74,
95% CI 1.5 to 2.03).

The researchers said statistical tests did not uncover any likely sources of bias to
the findings.

How did the researchers interpret the results?

The researchers said their results show that smoking 1 to 5 cigarettes a day carries
a risk of cardiovascular disease "substantially higher than many health professionals or
smokers recognise."

They said the results "show clearly that no safe level of smoking exists for
cardiovascular disease at which light smokers can assume that continuing to smoke
does not lead to harm."

They went on to advise: "Smokers need to quit completely rather than cut down if they
wish to avoid most of the risk associated with heart disease and stroke."


The study adds to the evidence that

smoking increases the risk of serious
conditions like heart disease and stroke, even
if you smoke only a few cigarettes a day.

Around 7.6 million adults in the UK

smoke, around 16% of the population. The
average number of cigarettes smoked per day
is 12 for men and 11 for women.
Photo courtesy: Daily
The study was generally very strong, and researchers made efforts to check
whether potential problems – such as people wrongly reporting how much they smoke
– could have affected the results. Limitations include that the researchers were unable
to look at individual patient data and could not take account of how long people had
smoked. In addition, there was wide variability between the study types which reduces
the validity of the pooled results. However, the size of the study and the consistency of
the results suggest the overall findings are likely to be reliable.

If you smoke, the best thing you can possibly do for your health is to stop
smoking altogether. As well as reducing your risk of heart disease, stroke and cancer,
stopping smoking has many other benefits to how you feel and how you look. Find out
more about the benefits of stopping smoking.

That's not to say that there's no point in cutting down – the research did not look
at lung cancer, but previous studies have shown that your chances of lung cancer do
reduce when you cut down on cigarettes. However, heart disease and stroke are much
more common than lung cancer, so it does make sense to aim to cut cigarettes out
completely, even if you do so by cutting down first.

ACTIVITY 5. Translation

You will find out about how to translate academic research findings which adopts
more formal language than other genres of writing. Work in groups and translate the
report findings in the text ‘Just one cigarette a day increases heart disease and stroke
risk’ above.

ACTIVITY 6. Translation

Translate the following words/ phrases into Vietnamese.

1. pulse (n)

2. clinically (adv)

3. anesthesia (n)

4. response (n)

5. symptom (n)

ACTIVITY 7. Scanning and skimming

TIPS: Before translating, you need to scan and skim the reading text. Reading the
whole text before translating helps you focus on the topic, the main idea and better
understand your translation.

Work with your group members to translate the following sentences extracted
from the text ‘Powerful Magnets Can Relieve Depression’ below.

1. Depression can interfere with normal life and a person’s sense of self-worth.
2. One such treatment involves bursts of electromagnetic energy. It sends magnetic
pulses directly to the brain.
3. TMS uses a wire to send powerful magnetic pulses to the brain.

4. TMS uses a wire to send powerful magnetic pulses to the brain. During the
treatment, patients feel gentle, repeated beats on their head.
5. Basically, 50 (or) 60 percent of people who suffer from treatment resistant
depression will see a clinically meaningful response to TMS.

ACTIVITY 8. Paragraph translation

Translate the following paragraph into Vietnamese (By Carol Pearson)

Depression is more than just feeling sad. It is a serious disease. Depression can
interfere with normal life and a person’s sense of self-worth. It can end in suicide.
Some people are helped with traditional treatments, such as medicine or talking
with mental health experts. Yet these treatments are not 100 percent effective. Luckily,
there are other methods people can try.

ACTIVITY 9. Translation

Read and translate the text ‘Powerful Magnets Can Relieve Depression’ into
Vietnamese. Make use of sentences already translated in the activity above.


By Carol Pearson, VOA Learning English

Depression is more than just feeling sad. It is a serious disease. Depression can
interfere with normal life and a person’s sense of self-worth. It can end in suicide.

Some people are helped with traditional treatments, such as medicine or talking
with mental health experts. Yet these treatments are not 100 percent effective. Luckily,
there are other methods people can try.

One such treatment involves bursts of electromagnetic energy. It sends magnetic

pulses directly to the brain.

Sonya Kibbee is from Columbia, Missouri. She works as a physical therapist.

Kibbee says she is normally active, but because of severe depression last year, she had
trouble making simple decisions.

“Just dumb little decisions that we make that we don’t even think about, I have to
think about. And then it just gets me more stressed out because every little decision is

People suffering from depression often seem to lack energy or interest in the
things around them. Depression affects how much a person eats and can interfere with

Even with medication and talking with

mental health professionals, Kibbee said, she
thought about suicide. Doctors ordered hospital
stays for her several times.

Then she heard about TMS, short for

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. TMS does not
involve doctors operating on the patient. And the
treatment usually does not require anesthesia. Photo courtesy:

TMS uses a wire to send powerful magnetic pulses to the brain. During the
treatment, patients feel gentle, repeated beats on their head. The treatment can cause
minor pain inside the head. So, before her treatments, Kibbee took pain medicine,
which reduced the sensation. After one week, she said she noticed a real difference.

“I just felt so much better.”

After more than 30 treatments, her signs of depression almost disappeared.

Doctor Muaid Ithman directs the TMS program at University of Missouri Health
Care. He says the treatment can help patients when other methods do not.

“Basically, 50 (or) 60 percent of people who suffer from treatment resistant

depression will see a clinically meaningful response to TMS. And one third of these
people will go into remission, which means that their symptoms will completely will
go away.”

The United States National Institute of Mental Health has reported on two large
studies on the safety of TMS. It said they found that most side effects, such as head
pain, were minor to moderate. However, the treatment is relatively new. The institute
added that long-term side effects are unknown, and more studies are needed.

As for Kibbee, she returned to work and some of her favorite activities.

ACTIVITY 10. Summary writing

Work with your group members to write a summary (100-120 words) of the text
above in English. Then translate your summary into Vietnamese. This activity helps
you acquire English sentence structures and learn how to use vocabulary in context.

ACTIVITY 11. Interpreting activities

 With your books closed, watch the video clip ‘Will a Major Sporting Event Help
Spread Flu?’ carefully. The clip will be played once for you to listen for the main
idea of the text. Then the lecturer will play each sentence twice or three times for
you to take notes of key words and details. Bonus points will be awarded to those
who volunteer to join the interpreting activity.
 After you have watched the video clip ‘Will a Major Sporting Event Help Spread
Flu?’ three times and taken notes, work with your group members to produce a
summary of the clip in English. Compare your summary with the transcribed
version of the clip in your book and highlight differences, if any.
 Work in groups and conduct interpretation as the lecturer plays the clip again.


VOA Learning English, February 02, 2018


The Philadelphia Eagles and the New England Patriots football teams are already
in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where they are training for the American football
championship, the Super Bowl, a game being played there Sunday.

It’s the biggest U.S. football event of the year. Millions of people will watch it on
TV at Super Bowl parties at home, and up to a million more from around the nation are
expected to attend Super Bowl-related events in Minneapolis.

Minneapolis has turned its convention center into a place where kids and adults
can test their football skills in an event called the Super Bowl Experience. There, they
can practice their throws and their kicks. They can also use special equipment to play
football-related virtual reality games.

Because of widespread flu throughout the U.S., some have compared these venues
to a giant petri dish where the flu virus can flourish and spread.

Parents like Julie Dietline, who took her son to the Super Bowl Experience, was
concerned he would pick up germs from the virtual reality goggles. Then she saw how
thoroughly volunteers were disinfecting the equipment.

“They’ve been wiping everything down, sanitizing it before the kids use it,” she

Large gatherings

Kris Ehresmann is an epidemiologist with the Minnesota Department of Public

Health. She says that while it’s possible people could pick up the influenza virus at
these events, “Anytime that you have large groups of people congregating in enclosed
spaces you know it always offers an opportunity for more efficient spread of germs.”

Dr. Jeff Kwong at the Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences in Toronto agreed.

“Even going to someone’s house to watch the game on TV, you know you’re
gathering with people, and we know that people when they’re coughing and sneezing,
and there’s a recent study that shows that just breathing you could be transmitting
viruses,” he said.

A silent risk

An infected person can transmit the virus before he realizes he is sick. He can also
be at greater risk for a heart attack.

Kwong was the lead author of a new study that shows that respiratory viruses,
especially influenza, can affect the heart, something doctors had long suspected.

“What we showed was that you’re six times more likely to have a heart attack
during the week after ... testing positive for influenza infection,” Kwong told VOA in a
Skype interview.

Those most at risk? People older than 65. People as young as 35 were included in
the study, but older adults were most at risk for heart attacks.

Kwong is hoping the study can save lives.

“If we can prove that influenza triggers heart attacks, then there’s a certain
percentage of heart attacks that could be prevented through getting flu shots,” he said.

Flu shots
Even though this year’s flu has caused schools to close, many people don’t
believe they need the vaccine. Some are unaware that influenza is a serious illness that
can lead to hospitalization and death. They think the flu is more like a bad cold.

Normally, Kwong and other doctors recommend that people be vaccinated against
the flu early in the season, but with several more weeks left in this year’s flu season in
the northern hemisphere, doctors are still urging people to get the shot.

Back in Minnesota, public health officials are telling people attending the football
game and Super Bowl events to try to avoid close contact with sick people, to wash
their hands often, and avoid touching their eyes and noses because this is the primary
way people get the flu.


Prepare and translate all reading texts in Lesson 7 at home before attending the
next class. Take the same steps in the previous lessons for group work as it
helps improve your translation. After finishing your translation, print it and hand it into
your lecturer right at the beginning of the class.



In this lesson, students are given opportunities to practice translating and

interpreting dialogues from Vietnamese into English, which is more challenging than
the other way around. This lesson also helps them put interpreting strategies needed
for this major into practice to make their target texts more beautiful, especially when
translating idioms.

ACTIVITY 1. Translate the following words/ phrases into English

1. khu thương mại lợp mái: …………………………………

2. khung trưng bầy rất đẹp mắt: …………………………….
3. hành lang: ………………………………………………..
4. hợp thời trang: ……………………………………………
5. cảm thấy bị cám dỗ: ………………………………………
6. cẩn thận trong việc tiêu tiền: ……………………………
7. một người quen cũ: ……………………………………..
8. tiệm nổi tiếng: ………………………………………….

ACTIVITY 2. Translate the following paragraph into English

Mai Lan đi tới Thương Xá Martinoburg cuối tuần trước. Đó là khu thương mại
lợp mái rất lớn. Có trên 100 cửa hàng có khung trưng bầy rất đẹp mắt và các hành
lang đầy khách mua sắm. Mai Lan thấy quần áo, giầy dép, nữ trang, đồ dùng trong nhà
rất đẹp đẽ, hợp thời trang. Cô cảm thấy bị cám dỗ lắm, nhưng cô nghĩ đến túi tiền
của cô và quyết định phải cẩn thận trong việc tiêu tiền. Cô nhìn thấy một người
quen cũ, Marianella, mang nhiều gói hàng đã mua ở mấy tiệm nổi tiếng.

ACTIVITY 3. Translate the following words/ phrases into English

1. Giàu có
2. Nói bóng
3. nghe như tôi không tốt với cô
4. (nhìn) ngắm hàng (hóa)
5. Tôi không có dịp tới chào hỏi cô ấy
6. (loại) người trọng vật chất
7. hợp nhau

ACTIVITY 4. Translate the following dialogue into English

MAI LAN: Mike, hãy đoán xem tôi đi đâu sáng nay. Nói bóng một chút. Tôi đi
đến nơi anh thường không muốn tôi tới.

MIKE: Ố ồ. Vậy là cô đi vào khu thương xá phải không? Nhưng cô nói nghe như
tôi không tốt với cô, bắt cô không được đến đó. Tôi đâu có bết bát như vậy.

MAI LAN: Xin lỗi Mike. Tôi nói đùa mà. Tôi biết là cả hai chúng mình đồng ý là
mình dễ bị dụ dỗ khi đến đó và nhiều khi mình mua các thứ mình không cần.

MIKE: Đúng như vậy. Mình có thể đến đó, đi dạo, ngắm hàng và mua cái gì
mình thực sự sẽ dùng.

MAI LAN: Có biết tôi gặp ai ở thương xá không? Một người quen cũ mà tôi
không gặp từ đã lâu. Cô ta bận rộn, mang nhiều túi hàng. Tôi không có dịp tới chào
hỏi cô.

MIKE: Cô thấy ai thế?

MAI LAN: Marianella. Cô trông vui lắm. Cô mua nhiều món hàng ở tiệm Macy's
và Nordstrom’s. Chắc là cô ta giàu lắm.

MIKE: Tôi biết Marianella và Richard, chồng cô. Đúng họ "loaded", tuy nhiên ...

MAI LAN: Anh nói "loaded" hả?

MIKE: Đúng. Tôi nói như vậy. "Loaded" L-O-A-D-E-D có nghĩa là giàu lắm. Cô
đúng, cô ta và Richard rất giàu.

MAI LAN: Anh có nghĩ là chúng mình sẽ giàu lắm một ngày nào đó không?

MIKE: Ồ. Giàu thì cũng thích, nhưng tôi mong hơn hết là được khỏe và vui.

MAI LAN: Khỏe, vui và giàu. Nghe được không?

MIKE: Mai Lan, đừng có tham lam. Mình không thể nào có đủ thứ.

MAI LAN: Ha ha ! Mike. Tôi biết anh sẽ nói như vậy. Anh không phải là người
trọng vật chất, tôi hỗ trợ, đồng ý với anh.

MIKE: Cám ơn Mai Lan. Vì vậy mà mình hợp nhau.

ACTIVITY 5. Translate the following words/ phrases into English

1. trông có vẻ giàu
2. đánh giá theo vẻ bề ngoài
3. mang nhiều món nợ
4. quần áo "xịn"
5. làm chủ thương mại
6. tiền lời cao
7. không phát triển

ACTIVITY 6. Translate the following dialogue into English

MAI LAN: Anh nói là Marianella và Richard giàu lắm, rồi anh lại nói "tuy
nhiên..." Anh định nói gì thêm vậy?

MIKE: Ồ, đúng. Họ giàu đó nhưng đừng "judge a book by its cover".

MAI LAN: Judge J-U-D-G-E a book B-O-O-K by its cover C-O-V-E-R? Anh có
ý nói "đánh giá trị một vật gì chỉ bằng vẻ bề ngoài" phải không?

MIKE: Thưa cô, vâng. Đó là điều anh của Marianella nói với tôi về cô ta và

MAI LAN: Ý anh ta nói là họ trông có vẻ giàu nhưng chưa chắc là thế à?

MIKE: Đó là ý anh ta. "Đừng đánh giá bằng bề ngoài", anh ta nói với tôi đó. Khi
tôi trông có vẻ thắc mắc, anh nói thêm: "Tụi nó có vẻ nhiều tiền, nhưng cũng mang
nhiều món nợ lắm."

MAI LAN: Không tin nổi. Marianella mặc quần áo "xịn" lắm, mua nhiều lắm
khi đi "shopping", làm sao như vậy được?
MIKE: Họ còn ở trong một biệt thự rất lớn và lái xe đắt tiền.

MAI LAN: Và họ cũng đang bị nhiều món nợ rất lớn à?

MIKE: Đó là những gì anh của Marianella nói. Cô biết không, khi người ta làm
chủ thương mại, có thể thành công mà cũng có thể thất bại. Làm thương mại không
phải dễ.

MAI LAN: Nhất là khi người ta phải vay thêm tiền, tiền lời cao. Vậy nếu
Marianella và Richard mang món vay nợ lớn mà thương mại của họ không phát triển
thì họ có thể mất mát nhiều lắm.

MIKE: Tôi phát lo khi nghe nói "đừng có xét bằng vẻ bề ngoài" áp dụng vào họ.
Tôi mong là họ cẩn thận để mà tránh thất bại.

ACTIVITY 7. Listen and interpret the dialogue above

The lecturer turns on the audio file for students to listen carefully
and interpret sentence by sentence. Students are not allowed to refer to
the text they have just studied.


Work in groups of four. One student reads aloud the introduction (at the beginning
of the dialogue) and another interprets it into English. After that, two students act as
Mai Lan and Mike, while the two others act as interpreters.


Like in Lesson 7, students continue to improve their Vietnamese-English interpreting

skills in small groups after translating words, phrases and idioms into English. This
helps them build team work spirit and gives more fun to the lesson.

ACTIVITY 1. Translate the following words/ phrases into English

1. công việc mùa hè

2. 20 tiếng một tuần
3. một người xếp
4. lời khuyên giá trị
5. nhân viên giỏi
ACTIVITY 2. Translate the following paragraph into English

Mai Lan rất vui thích với công việc mùa hè năm nay. Cô làm việc bán thời gian
tại ngân hàng Dominion Bank. Cô làm có 20 tiếng một tuần nhưng học hỏi được rất
nhiều. Cô thật may mắn có một người xếp đã huấn luyện cô thật tốt và cho cô nhiều lời
khuyên giá trị để trở thành một nhân viên giỏi.


ACTIVITY 3. Look for words/ phrases with suitable meaning in the paragraph

1. intricate details
2. grateful (a)
3. ins and outs
4. takes time to explain
5. lower position
6. be promoted
7. Such a good boss
8. Mean (a)
9. Demanding (as adj.)
10. terrific (a)

ACTIVITY 4. Translate the following dialogue into English

MAI LAN: Mike, tôi rất biết ơn cô Lorry, giám đốc điều khiển sở làm của tôi. Cô
thật tuyệt. Người xếp giỏi và cũng thật tử tế.

MIKE: Tôi rất mừng cho cô. Không phải xếp nào cũng tốt như thế. Có người rất
khó chịu, lại đòi hỏi đủ thứ.

MAI LAN: Lorry rất kiên nhẫn và tử tế. Khi tôi có câu hỏi về trách nhiệm trong
việc làm của tôi, cô ấy kiên nhẫn giải thích, chỉ rõ những gì tôi cần phải làm.

MIKE: Đó chính là những đức tính cần có của một người chỉ huy. Tôi chắc cô ta
biết tất cả những “ins and outs” của công việc ở đó.

MAI LAN: “The ins and outs”? Nghĩa là gì, Mike?

MIKE: “The ins I-N-S and outs O-U-T-S” có nghĩa là tất cả những chi tiết to, nhỏ
của một chương trình, một vấn đề.

MAI LAN: Vậy thì đúng. Lorry chắc chắn biết rõ tất cả trong ngoài các hoạt động
về ngân hàng.

MIKE: Thế cô ấy đã làm trong thương vụ này lâu chưa?

MAI LAN: Tôi nghe nói cô đã làm giám đốc ba năm và nhiều năm trong chức vụ
thấp hơn.

MIKE: Cô ta có vẻ rất thông minh, lanh lẹ nữa, phải không?

MAI LAN: Chắc chắn! Tôi nghĩ không bao lâu nữa cô sẽ được thăng chức. Tôi
không muốn thấy cô đi.

ACTIVITY 5. Translate the following words/ phrases into English

1. hợp nhau
2. nghiêm khắc
3. bằng lòng, hài lòng
4. từ chối
5. thư giới thiệu
6. làm thế là đúng
7. ca tụng
8. sa thải
9. làm việc đàng hoàng
10. tất cả mọi chi tiết

ACTIVITY 6. Translate the following dialogue into English

MIKE: Tôi chắc là cô ấy cũng không muốn cô đi khỏi đó. Hai người có vẻ hợp
nhau lắm nhỉ.

MAI LAN: Thật là may. Tôi và cô ấy hợp nhau. Nhưng có người làm cùng nói
năm ngoái, Lorry rất bực mình với một nhân viên ở đây, cô ấy nghiêm khắc lắm lúc ấy.

MIKE: Mai Lan. Cô có trách nhiệm, cô dễ thương ; vì vậy Lorry đáp lại như vậy
với cô. Nếu người kia không như cô, thì Lorry không bằng lòng. Dễ hiểu quá.

MAI LAN: Cám ơn anh. Anh biết tôi chỉ cố làm được việc. Nhưng ước gì tôi
thông minh hơn chút nữa.

MIKE: Cô là người thông minh hạng nhất. Cô chọn tôi làm bạn đặc biệt mà!

MAI LAN: Thôi mà Mike. Trở lại chuyện Lorry. Tôi nghe nói cô cho nhân viên
kia đi rất nhanh và sau đó còn từ chối viết thư giới thiệu cô kia xin việc khác.

MIKE: Lorry làm thế là đúng. Cô ta không được nói láo. Nếu một nhân viên làm
việc dở, ta không nên ca tụng người đó. Không nói gì là phải.

MAI LAN: Lorry let her go so suddenly. That’s a bit tough!

Lorry cho cô kia đi bất ngờ quá. Hơi căng đó!

MIKE: Cô muốn nói Lorry “fired” nhân viên đó quá gấp?

MAI LAN: “Fire”? Anh muốn nói là “đốt” đó hả?

MIKE: “Fire” một nhân viên nghĩa là “sa thải”, không cho làm việc nữa. Người
kia chắc là làm gì bết bát lắm, nên Lorry xa thải cô ta thật bất ngờ.

MAI LAN: Vậy là tôi phải làm việc đàng hoàng, tôi không muốn bị sa thải.

MIKE: OK Mai Lan. Cô giống như tôi. Tôi biết từ trong ra ngoài việc làm người
“bồ” tốt. Tôi hy vọng cô sẽ không bao giờ sa thải tôi!

MAI LAN: Ha ha ha!

ACTIVITY 7. Listen and interpret the dialogue above

The lecturer turns on the audio file for students to listen and
interpret sentence by sentence. Students are not allowed to refer to the
text they have just studied.


Work in groups of four. One student reads aloud the introduction (at the
beginning of the dialogue) and another interprets it into English. After that, two

students act as Mai Lan and Mike, while the two others act as interpreters. You can
create your own dialogue and take on the role of interpreters.


Like in the previous lessons, students continue to improve their Vietnamese-English

interpreting skills in small groups after translating words, phrases and idioms into
English Discussion of how to translate words/ phrases, especially the idioms taken
from the dialogue, which also requires cultural and social background knowledge on
differences between the source and target languages, takes students one step further in
improving their translation/ interpreting skills.

ACTIVITY 1. Matching the words/ phrases (1-5) with their meaning (a –e)

a. overtime work
1. nhân viên của ngân
2. trả lương b. working extra
3. Ngoài giờ c. on special
4. làm thêm giờ d. well-paid
5. trong dịp đặc biệt e. teller

ACTIVITY 2. Translate the following paragraph into English

Tim, bạn thời thơ ấu của Mike, là nhân viên của nhà ngân hàng Citizens. Thường
thường anh ta làm việc 40 giờ một tuần, nhưng trong dịp đặc biệt, anh làm thêm giờ.
Anh không quản ngại làm thêm vì được trả lương thêm rất tốt.


ACTIVITY 3. Discussion

Work in groups of four. Discuss and explain the following words/ phrases. You
should find two or three different meanings for each word/ phrase.

1. saving up
2. settle down
3. to date (v)
4. a love life
5. discreet (a)
6. to see someone
7. No wonder
8. To have eyes for some
9. To be attracted to someone
10. To set some up with (S.O)

ACTIVITY 4. Translate the following dialogue into English

MAI LAN: Mike, hồi này Tim làm việc nhiều quá. Tôi nghe nói anh đang để dành
tiền để mua nhà.

MIKE: Đúng như vậy. Anh ta nói với tôi anh sẵn sàng lập gia đình.

MAI LAN: Nhưng mà, Mike, anh ta không gập gỡ thân mật với cô nào cả. Anh ta
lấy ai?

MIKE: Đó. Không ai biết nhiều về cuộc đời tình ái của anh. Anh ta kín đáo lắm.

MAI LAN: Tôi nghe rằng chính cả cha mẹ anh cũng lo lắng. Họ sợ anh sẽ không
bao giờ lấy vợ.

MIKE: Anh ta thân mật và tử tế với tất cả mọi người, nhưng không có vẻ đặc biệt
thích cô nào.

MAI LAN: Thế mà bây giờ anh ta sẵn sàng lập gia đình? Cô nào may mắn thế?

MIKE: Cô biết không, trong nhiều năm, không ai biết anh gặp gỡ Helen.

MAI LAN: Mình có biết Helen không, Mike? Có phải cô là người cùng học lớp
Hóa với tụi mình năm ngoái không?

MIKE: Không. Đây là Helen khác. Cô ta ở tỉnh Richmond, không phải ở đây.
MAI LAN: Hèn gì không ai, từ gia đình đến bạn bè của anh, đều không biết về
chuyện này.

MIKE: Anh gặp Helen khi đi thăm một người bạn ở Richmond. anh ta nói từ ba
năm nay, anh ta chỉ "had eyes for Helen".

MAI LAN: Anh ta chỉ "had eyes for Helen"?

MIKE: Đúng thế. To have H-A-V-E eyes E-Y-E-S for someone có nghĩa là chỉ
yêu thích người đó.

MAI LAN: Vậy là anh ta "say mê" một mình Helen từ lâu rồi. Vì vậy mà bạn bè
mình mai mối anh ta với các cô dễ thương, xinh đẹp mà anh ta vẫn hững hờ.

ACTIVITY 5. Translate the following words/ phrases into English

1. say đắm
2. một người đặc biệt
3. một ngày kia
4. hợp với (ai đó)
5. hợp mắt
6. giữ bí mật
7. Tôi tưởng tôi biết hầu như tất cả
8. Tôi sẽ mừng anh
9. giữ bí mật
10. Không cho ai đó biết
11. sự gắn bó suốt đời
12. sẵn sàng cưới ai đó và có con cái

ACTIVITY 6. Translate the following dialogue into English

MIKE: Cũng như Tim, tôi cũng chỉ say đắm một người đặc biệt, cô biết ai không?

MAI LAN: Tôi không nghĩ là tôi biết. Anh nói đi.

MIKE: Một ngày kia tôi sẽ nói. Bây giờ tôi chỉ biết rằng tôi rất mến thích cô đó.
Cô ta tử tế, thông minh, rất hợp mắt. Tôi hợp với cô ấy lắm.

MAI LAN: Thế mà anh giữ bí mật với tôi trong bao lâu nay. Tôi tưởng tôi biết
hầu như tất cả về anh!

MIKE: Cô biết đúng đó, Mai Lan. Tôi rất thành thật với cô.
MAI LAN: Tôi hy vọng thế, Mike. Vậy thì khi nào anh thấy sẵn sàng thì nói cho
tôi nhé. Tôi sẽ mừng anh!

MIKE: Chắc chắn thế. Tôi sẽ rất mừng và hy vọng cô cũng vậy. Tôi sẽ không giữ
cô "in the dark" lâu đâu.

MAI LAN: “Keep me in the dark”?

MIKE: Keep K-E-E-P someone S-O-M-E-O-N-E in the dark D-A-R-K "giữ ai

trong bóng tối" có nghĩa là không cho người đó biết.

MAI LAN: Đừng giữ bí mật với tôi nhé, Mike. Đừng bắt chước Tim. Anh ta giữ
bí mật với tất cả thật lâu.

MIKE: Vâng, Ngay cả với bố mẹ anh. Anh giữ bí mật với ông bà cả 3 năm.

MAI LAN: Tôi tự hỏi tại sao. Vì anh ta e dè, hay anh ta muốn hoàn toàn chắc
chắn sẽ lập gia đình với Helen?

MIKE: Cả hai lý do đều đúng. Anh ta cẩn thận là phải. Lập gia đình với một
người là sự gắn bó suốt đời.

MAI LAN: Đúng thế. Vậy là Tim yêu thương Helen từ đã lâu. Anh ta giữ bí mật
với tất cả chúng ta.

MIKE: And now he’s telling us he’s ready to marry her and start a family. We are
so glad and wish him a lot of happiness.

Và bây giờ anh đã nói ra là sẵn sàng cưới cô ta và có con cái. Ai cũng mừng và
chúc anh ta nhiều hạnh phúc.

ACTIVITY 7. Listen and interpret the dialogue above

The lecturer turns on the audio file for the students to listen to and
interpret each sentence of the dialogue above without referring to the


Work in groups of four. One student reads out the introduction (at the beginning
of the dialogue) and another interprets it into English. Two students then act as Mai

Lan and Mike, while two others take on the role of interpreters. You can create your
own dialogue on love, relationships and marriage and act as interpreters.


In this lesson, students will practice interpreting skills in a group. Pronunciation is

emphasized so that their peers can listen to the readers easily. Discussion of related
questions adds interest to the lesson and helps students understand the lesson better.

ACTIVITY 1. Discussion: Work in a group, discuss the following questions

1. In your observation, do you think that people from the society or even in
a family are different? How many types of people do you know? Describe their
2. What types of people (characteristics) do you like to talk to or make
friends with?
3. When you go shopping, do you want to buy or not expensive items?
Explain your reasons!

ACTIVITY 2. Translate these words or phrases into Vietnamese

1. reasonably-priced (a)
2. easy-going (a)
3. extravagant (a)
4. treasure (v)
5. costly clothes
6. top-of-the-line (a)
7. noticeable (a)

ACTIVITY 3. Translate the following paragraph into English

Trong mỗi xã hội đều có những loại người khác nhau. Ngay trong mỗi gia đình ta
cũng thấy sự kiện này. Ta thấy rõ sự khác biệt trong gia đình ông bà Norton. Jack dễ
dàng vui vẻ. Em của Jack, Gary thì khác hẳn. Cậu ta xa xỉ, mua sắm các thứ rất đắt tiền
như cái I-phone mới nhất, quần áo đắt nhất và cậu ta quí chiếc xe Mercedes thượng
hạng của cậu.



ACTIVITY 4. Translate these words or phrases into English

1. mời mình đi ăn cơm 9. làm việc gì hơi mạo hiểm

2. không giản dị 10. người cùng loại
3. thích vật chất 11. (Anh ta) đánh bạc
4. Vấn đề là đó/Đó là vấn đề 12. Đúng là người liều thật
5. Xoay sở để mua 13. trả từ từ, trả làm nhiều
6. công việc trung bình lần
7. người thích liều lĩnh 14. chưa trả tiền kỳ này.
8. để đạt được mục đích của

ACTIVITY 5. Translate the following dialog into English

MIKE: Mai Lan, Jack mời mình đi ăn cơm chiều thứ Bẩy. Mình đi nhé. Cô thấy
được không?

MAI LAN: Ồ, được. Ta sẽ vui đó. Jack thật dễ thương. Gập mặt Jack là mình vui,
đúng không?

MIKE: Cô biết Gary, em của Jack không? Cậu ta khác hẳn.

MAI LAN: Thực à? Cậu ta khác như thế nào?

MIKE: Gary không giản dị như Jack. Anh ta thích vật chất, anh mua sắm những
thứ đắt tiền, quần áo, giầy dép, dụng cụ và xe hơi.

MAI LAN: Anh xoay sở thế nào để mà xa xỉ thế?

MIKE: Vấn đề là đó.

MAI LAN: Tôi không hiểu làm sao một người làm công việc trung bình mà có
thể có tiền để mà sống như cậu này.

MIKE: Gary là một risk taker.

MAI LAN: A risk taker? Đó là một người thích liều lĩnh, phải không?

MIKE: A risk R-I-S-K taker T-A-K-E-R sẵn sàng làm những việc có thể nguy
hiểm để đạt được mục đích của mình.

MAI LAN: Gary thích toàn những thứ đắt tiền. Cậu ta phải làm việc gì hơi mạo
hiểm để mà có tiền tiêu cho thỏa ý.

MIKE: Cô nói đúng.

MAI LAN: Vậy cậu ta làm gì ngoài công việc thường mà anh biết?

MIKE: Anh ta đánh bạc. Anh đã được, đã thua. Ở sòng bài anh gặp một số người
cùng loại với anh.

MAI LAN: À. Vậy là anh ta buôn bán với họ. Đúng là người liều thật.

MIKE: Cô đoán đúng. Cậu ta mua các hàng hóa, rồi bán lại cho họ với giá cao,
cho họ trả từ từ, trả làm nhiều lần.

MAI LAN: Trời ơi, nếu họ không trả đúng hạn thì sao?

MIKE: Thì Gary sẽ gặp khó khăn.

ACTIVITY 6. Translate these phrases into Vietnamese

1. pay for it out of his

2. to sue someone
3. between the devil and the deep blue sea!
4. in a dilemma
5. an undesirable situation
6. get out of trouble
7. Risk takers may strike it rich

ACTIVITY 7. Translate the following dialog into English

MAI LAN: Cái gì là món đắt nhất mà cậu ta đang buôn bán lúc này hả anh?

MIKE: Một chiếc xe Lexus thượng hạng.

MAI LAN: Làm sao cậu ta xoay sở đủ tiền để mua xe đó?

MIKE: Cậu ta bỏ hết tiền để dành và vay thêm bạn bè.

MAI LAN: Thât là liều lĩnh. Nếu người mua không trả thì sao đây?

MIKE: Rắc rối thế đấy. Cậu ta đang nhức đầu về anh chàng mua cái xe. Anh ta
chưa trả tiền kỳ này.

MAI LAN: Vậy Gary sẽ làm gì nếu anh mua xe không trả tiền? Gary sẽ bỏ tiền túi
ra hay kiện hắn?

MIKE: À. Tôi có thể nói là anh ta đang ở trong hoàn cảnh "between the devil and
the deep blue sea".

MAI LAN: “Between the devil and the deep blue sea”?

MIKE: Phải. Cậu ta trong cảnh "between B-E-T-W-E-EN the devil D-E-V-I-L
and the deep D-E-EP blue B-L-U-E sea S-E-A" có nghĩa là trong trạng thái khó xử, hai
đường đều xấu.

MAI LAN: Tôi hiểu rồi. Một bên là con quỉ, một bên là biển sâu. Cả hai đều nguy

MIKE: Đúng đó. Vậy là bây giờ anh ta chưa biết quyết định ra sao.

MAI LAN: À. Tôi chúc anh ta may mắn. Tôi hy vọng anh chàng mua xe sẽ trả
tiền đúng hạn và Gary hết bị rắc rối.

MIKE: Ồ. Gary là một tay liều lĩnh. Những người liều lĩnh có thể làm giầu hoặc
rơi vào cảnh "tránh vỏ dưa gặp vỏ dừa" như Gary vậy.

ACTIVITY 8. Listen and interpret the dialogue above

The lecturer turns on the audio file for the students to listen to and
interpret each sentence of the dialogue above without referring to the


Work in pairs. One student describes a person he/she knows about his/her
shopping styles in Vietnamese. The other plays the role of an interpreter. Then reverse
the roles.


In this lesson, students will practice interpreting skills in a group. Pronunciation is

emphasized so that their peers can listen to the readers easily. Discussion of related
questions adds interest to the lesson and helps students understand the lesson better

ACTIVITY 1. Discussion

1. What do you plan to do after graduation? Do you intend to go on a

Master’s degree program or taking a job?
2. Have you experienced any job interview? How was it? Have you
3. Have you ever received a job offer? How did you feel?

ACTIVITY 2. Translate these phrases into English. Provide two definitions for

1. Lanh lẹ
2. Khéo léo
3. Kỹ sư điện toán
4. Dự tính

ACTIVITY 3. Interpreting activities.

Work in pairs; one student read the following text

sentence by sentence, while the other interpret it into

Em họ của Mike, Johnny, là một người rất lanh

nhưng không khéo léo. Anh ta vừa đạt bằng cấp cử
Photo courtesy:
nhân về môn kỹ sư điện toán và đang tính hoặc học
lên chương trình Thạc sĩ hoặc đi làm. Anh đã dự hai
lần phỏng vấn xin việc nhưng chưa biết có được việc
làm không.

ACTIVITY 4. Translate these words or phrases into Vietnamese

1. To be in cloud
2. One phase of life
3. Tactless (adv)
4. hurts feelings
5. to be mean
6. mean-spirited
7. incident (n)
8. blurt out
9. put one’s foot in one’s mouth
10. embarrassing (adj)

ACTIVITY 5. Interpreting activities

Work in a group of four; two students play the roles of Mike and Mai Lan. Other
two conduct the interpretations. Then reverse the roles.

MAI LAN: Tôi rất mừng cho Johnny. Anh ta đã có bằng cấp. Dù học tiếp hay đi
làm, anh cũng vẫn sẽ vui.

MIKE: Tôi cũng nghĩ vậy. Anh ta đang sướng như đi trên mây!

MAI LAN: Ồ. Anh ta xứng đáng được như vậy. Bốn năm học thật mệt, một bước
trong cuộc đời. Tôi chúc mừng cho ảnh.

MIKE: Johnny khá thông minh, anh học khá giỏi, nhưng vụng về lắm.

MAI LAN: Tại sao anh nghĩ như vậy?

MIKE: Ồ. Họ hàng phàn nàn là anh hay làm mất lòng họ.

MAI LAN: À. Tôi có cảm tưởng bà con không quí anh ta, không thân cận với
anh, nhưng tôi không nghĩ anh xấu bụng.

MIKE: Cô nói đúng. Anh ta không xấu bụng nhưng như tôi nói, anh ta vụng về

MAI LAN: Thực à? Nhưng thứ bảy trước, anh ta đến dự tiệc sinh nhật chú Larry
và ai cũng có vẻ hòa hoãn với anh.

MIKE: Mai Lan, cô không nghe về việc có chuyện à?

MAI LAN: Không. Có chuyện gì thế?

MIKE: Chú Larry nói bạn chú mới mua một cái xe đua và chú cũng muốn mua
như thế.

MAI LAN: Vậy hả? Thế thì đã làm sao?

MIKE: Chỉ có là Johnny không nghe thấy là chú Larry cũng muốn như vậy, anh
ta la lên "ông già đó mua xe đua, thật là ngớ ngẩn".

MAI LAN: Để tôi nói với anh một thành ngữ mới tôi vừa học được: "he put his
foot in his mouth".

MIKE: Ối! Mai Lan, cô giỏi quá! Đúng đó. He put P-U-T his foot F-O-O-T in his
mouth M-O-U-T-H có nghĩa là anh ta nói một câu dại dột, câu gây sự khó chịu.

MAI LAN: Tôi nhớ thành ngữ này vì nghe nó tức cười quá. "Nó cho chân vào
mồm"! Đó thực là chuyện vụng về tức cười.

ACTIVITY 6. Translate these words or phrases into Vietnamese

1. vehemently (adv)
2. forgive (v)
3. Tuition (n)
4. No wonder to be upset
5. Benefactor (n)
6. Rude (adj)
7. To make peace
8. Beg (v)
9. to no avail
10. watch the words
11. miserable (adj)
12. The end of the world

ACTIVITY 7. Interpreting activities

Work in a group of four; two students play the roles of Mike and Mai Lan. Other
two conduct the interpretations. Then reverse the roles.

MIKE: Đó. Tức cười thật. Trở lại chuyện Johnny. Anh ta thấy là nói vụng quá và
thật tình xin lỗi chú Larry.

MAI LAN: Vậy là dễ thương đó. Mọi sự êm đẹp rồi, phải không?

MIKE: Không, không. Chú Larry giận lắm. Chú nói sẽ không bao giờ muốn gặp
lại Johnny nữa.

MAI LAN: Khá trầm trọng đó nhé! Hy vọng anh có thể nói chú Larry tha lỗi cho

MIKE: Hơi khó đấy vì chú Larry là người trả tiền học cho Johnny trong bốn năm.

MAI LAN: Oh! Oh! Hèn gì ông không giận. Ông không bao giờ ngờ Johnny lại
đối xử với ân nhân mình một cách thô lỗ như vậy.

MIKE: Tội nghiệp Johnny. Anh ta không có ý hỗn láo với chú Larry. Anh ta chỉ
nói về bạn của chú Larry thôi.

MAI LAN: Khi nói "ngớ ngẩn" anh ta chỉ nghĩ là mua xe đắt tiền là phí phạm và
người già lái xe đua là nguy hiểm

MIKE: Tôi đồng ý. Bây giờ Johnny cảm thấy thật là tội lỗi. Anh ta năn nỉ tôi giúp
anh làm lành với chú Larry.

MAI LAN: Cố đi, Mike.

MIKE: Tôi sẽ cố. Nhưng không dễ. Johnny nói hố nặng quá.

MAI LAN: Anh ta có cố gập chính chú Larry để xin lỗi chưa?

MIKE: Rồi, nhưng không có kết quả. Anh ta cảm thấy tội lỗi lắm.

MAI LAN: Có thể là lần này anh học được bài học từ nay giữ gìn lời nói cho cẩn

MIKE: Tôi tội nghiệp cho Johnny vì anh có vẻ khổ sở lắm. Nên tôi bảo chuyện đó
không phải là "the end of the world" và anh cần tiếp tục xin lỗi chú Larry.

MAI LAN: “The end of the world”?

MIKE: Đó không phải là "the end of the world" có nghĩa là không phải chuyện
trời sập.

MAI LAN: Đúng. Johnny nói vụng, làm buồn lòng chú Larry. Anh ta cảm thấy
khổ sở và anh tội nghiệp anh ta.

MIKE: Đúng. Tôi hy vọng đây không phải là chuyện trời sập và mọi sự sẽ đâu
vào đó.


Search for information relating to food, vegetables. List out as many words or
phrases about food or vegetables as possible.


Like in the previous lessons, students continue to improve their Vietnamese-English

interpreting skills in small groups after translating words, phrases and idioms into
English Discussion of how to translate words/ phrases, especially idioms taken from
the dialogue , which also requires cultural and social background knowledge on
differences between the source and target languages, takes students one step further in
improving their translation/ interpreting skills.

ACTIVITY 1. Discussion

1. What kind of food do you like to eat?

2. In your opinion, what kinds of food are good for health?
3. Can you tell the ways to stay healthy?

ACTIVITY 2. Translate these words or phrases into Vietnamese

1. a plant nursery
2. vegetable seedlings Tuần trước, Mai Lan và Mike đi tới
3. health-conscious (adj) một vườn ươm cây để mua cây con các
4. organic vegetables loại rau. Mai Lan và Mike đều rất để ý
5. wholeheartedly (adv) đến sức khỏe, họ ăn nhiều rau, nhất là
loại rau hữu cơ. Bố mẹ Mike hoàn toàn
ACTIVITY 3. Translate the following đồng ý, ông bà làm một vườn rau ở sau
text into English nhà. Mai Lan và Mike cung cấp các
cây con.


ACTIVITY 4. Translate these words or phrases into Vietnamese

1. snow pea
2. harvest (v)
3. green thumb
4. leafy vegetables
5. mustard green
6. source of fiber
7. digestive system

ACTIVITY 5. Translate the following dialog into English

MIKE: Mai Lan, mình không quên mua cây con các loại rau mà ba má tôi muốn

MAI LAN: Tôi không nghĩ vậy. Xem nào. mình mua các cây con: cà chua, rau bó
xôi, cà rốt, bắp cải, broccoli, đậu Hòa lan.

MIKE: Tốt. Đúng là đủ rồi.

MAI LAN: Tôi hy vọng những cây con này mọc nhanh và vài tháng nữa mình sẽ
tới hái được.

MIKE: Trước hết mình sẽ phải đến đó luôn để giúp tưới cây.

MAI LAN: Chắc chắn rồi. Mình sẽ vui với việc chăm vườn rau và hưởng kết quả
việc mình làm.

MIKE: Tôi chắc chắn là mình sẽ có nhiều rau vào mùa hè này. Cô à, ai cũng biết
má mẹ tôi có "a green thumb".

MAI LAN: Bà có "a green thumb", ngón tay cái màu xanh? Đâu có, tôi không
thấy màu xanh ở ngón tay cái của bà.

MIKE: Oh. "to have a green G-R-E-E-N thumb T-H-U-M-B" có nghĩa đặc biệt.
Má tôi "has a green thumb" nghĩa là bà có tài đặc biệt trồng cây và giữ cho cây khỏe
MAI LAN: Hoan hô! Thế là bà sẽ có một vườn rau tốt và mình sẽ có rau thực sự
hữu cơ để ăn.

MIKE: Đúng đó. Mình biết là rau tốt cho thân thể.

MAI LAN: Đúng. Tôi biết là rau rất bổ. Thí dụ các rau lá xanh như loại cải xanh,
cải kale, spinach có nhiều sinh tố A; khoai lang, cà chua, các loại đậu hột có nhiều
khoáng chất potassium.

MIKE: Đúng. Chắc chắn rau tốt cho sức khỏe.

MAI LAN: À. Còn có lý do khác nữa tại sao ta cần ăn nhiều rau ngoài chuyện rau
rất bổ dưỡng.

MIKE: Gì thế, Mai Lan?

MAI LAN: Rau rất ngon miệng, lại ít ca lo ri. Rau lại có nhiều chất xơ!

MIKE: Hay, hay! Rau thực là ngon miệng, không làm mình mập phì và chất xơ
trong rau giúp hệ thống tiêu hóa.

ACTIVITY 6. Translate these words or phrases into Vietnamese

1. as happy as a lark
2. kales in vinaigrette dressing
3. chicken broth

ACTIVITY 7. Interpreting activities

Work in pairs; one student reads the dialog while the other conduct interpretation.

MAI LAN: Tôi đang mong tới lúc hái rau vào mùa hè. Mình ăn rau ngon và khỏe
mạnh thêm.

MIKE: Và má tôi sẽ "as happy as a lark".

MAI LAN: A lark? Anh muốn nói một loại chim?

MIKE: Đúng. Lark L-A-R-K là một loài chim hót hay. Nó có giọng hát vui tươi.
Nó hát hay lắm.

MAI LAN: Vậy khi một người vui tươi, ta nói người đó vui như chim hót.

MIKE: Đó. Má tôi sẽ vui như chim hót, khi mà vườn rau của bà đầy rau cho
chúng ta hái.

MAI LAN: Tuyệt quá! Anh nói tôi nghe anh thích rau nấu như thế nào?

MIKE: À. Tôi thích ăn rau sống, sà lát, rau spinach, cà rốt, cà chua, rau cải kale
trộn dầu dấm.

MAI LAN: Như vậy rất dễ. Còn tôi thì thích các loại rau này nấu với nước cốt gà
làm súp rau.

MIKE: Thế cũng ngon. Mình sẽ nấu nhiều món ngon với những rau này. Mình
cũng đừng quên nấu cho ba má tôi nữa. Ông bà làm vất vả cho mình có rau ăn.

MAI LAN: Tôi đồng ý, Mike. Má anh có tay trồng cây, ba anh giúp tưới cây.
Chúng ta sẽ có rau ngon và sẽ nấu cho mình và ông bà ăn. Ai nấy đều vui!


Conduct a video-clip project. Work in a group of three. Two students play the
roles of Mai Lan and Mike. One student conducts interpretation. Don’t forget to use a
smartphone to film it. Submit your video clip to the lecturer. He/she will pick up the
one with good quality to show to the whole class in the next meeting.


From this lesson on, you will learn how to translate from Vietnamese into
English. First skim and scan the texts for main ideas; then read it the second time
thoroughly and underline difficult words/ phrases. Translate the underlined words/
phrases in groups/ pairs before putting them into paragraphs and the whole text. Apply
translation techniques of omission where necessary, as Vietnamese tends to be wordier
than English.

This lesson provides students with a large amount of terms in various fields such as
technology, finance and tourism as well as how to properly translate them into
English. Students will have more opportunities to practice Vietnamese-English
translation skills in groups and peer edit them before the lecturer gives his/her
comments and correction. They will also have the chance to write a summary of a
tourism-related text.

ACTIVITY 1. Translation

Work in a group and translate the following words/ phrases into English

1. điện gió (phong điện) 8. đường dây 200 kV mạch kép

2. năng lượng tái tạo 9. vào đúng tiến độ

3. trạm biến áp 10. bổ sung các dự án vào quy hoạch

4. giải tỏa công suất 11. sa thải phụ tải

5. quá tải lưới điện 12. công suất điện mặt trời

6. dự án truyền tải 13. kịch bản/ khả năng xảy ra

7. cơ chế giá ưu đãi

ACTIVITY 2. Translation

Work with your groups members to translate the first part of the text “Hàng loạt
dự án điện gió, điện mặt trời sẽ được ‘giải cứu’” on a piece of paper. Exchange your
translated versions with other groups for comments before the lecturer makes


Chí Hiếu, Thanh Niên, 02/03/2019

Theo Thứ trưởng Hoàng Quốc Vượng,

EVN sẽ đẩy nhanh đầu tư lưới điện để giải
toả cho các dự án điện gió, điện mặt trời
nhưng nếu các dự án năng lượng tái tạo này
không vào đúng tiến độ thì việc đầu tư lưới
sẽ kém hiệu quả.
Bộ Công thương đã yêu cầu Tập đoàn
điện lực VN (EVN) sớm triển khai thực hiện
việc bổ sung, điều chỉnh một số dự án lưới
điện, trạm biến áp nhằm giải tỏa công suất cho các dự Photo courtesy: 1
án điện mặt trời, điện gió tại khu vực Nam Trung bộ và đồng bằng sông Cửu Long.

Nhiều nhà đầu tư “thở phào”
Trả lời Thanh Niên cuối tháng 2, Thứ trưởng Bộ Công thương Hoàng Quốc
Vượng cho biết Thủ tướng đã có văn bản chấp thuận với đề nghị của Bộ trong việc đẩy
nhanh thực hiện một số dự án lưới điện đã có trong quy hoạch giai đoạn sau, cũng như
bổ sung, điều chỉnh nhiều dự án hạ tầng điện nhằm giải quyết bài toán quá tải lưới điện
do sự phát triển rất nhanh của các dự án điện gió, điện mặt trời.

ACTIVITY 3. Translation

Translate the following sentences taken from the last part of the text ‘Hàng loạt
dự án điện gió, điện mặt trời sẽ được ‘giải cứu’” below into English
15. Chính phủ giao Bộ Công thương và EVN thống nhất với tỉnh về giải pháp đầu tư
các công trình truyền tải để giải phóng toàn bộ công suất các dự án này từ nay đến
16. EVN sẽ đẩy nhanh đầu tư lưới điện để giải toả cho các dự án điện gió, điện mặt
17. Nếu bây giờ khởi công thì nhiều dự án đường dây phải năm sau mới vào được.
18. Nếu các dự án năng lượng tái tạo này không vào đúng tiến độ thì việc đầu tư lưới sẽ
kém hiệu quả.
19. Đáng ngại hơn là tình trạng các dự án đổ xô vào một vài địa phương.

Theo đó, để giải tỏa cho các dự án năng lượng tái tạo, điển hình như khu vực
Ninh Thuận, Bình Thuận, Chính phủ giao Bộ Công thương và EVN thống nhất với tỉnh
về giải pháp đầu tư các công trình truyền tải để giải phóng toàn bộ công suất các dự án
này từ nay đến 2020. Cụ thể, bổ sung trạm biến áp 500/200 kV Thuận Nam, đường dây
500 kV Thuận Nam - Vĩnh Tân; 2 đường dây 200 kV mạch kép Ninh Phước - Vĩnh
Tân và Ninh Phước - Thuận Nam vào danh mục đầu tư trước 2020. Cùng với đó, 4
công trình lưới điện 220 kV và 5 công trình lưới điện 110 kV vốn được duyệt đầu tư
trong giai đoạn 2021 - 2025 cũng được đẩy lên trong giai đoạn này.

Nhà nước sẽ chịu thiệt?
Theo Thứ trưởng Vượng, EVN sẽ đẩy nhanh đầu tư lưới điện để giải toả cho các
dự án điện gió, điện mặt trời nhưng nếu các dự án năng lượng tái tạo này không vào
đúng tiến độ thì việc đầu tư lưới sẽ kém hiệu quả.
Theo một chuyên gia, việc triển khai các dự án truyền tải không phải nói là làm
ngay được. “Trình tự thủ tục để thực hiện một dự án công không dễ. Nếu bây giờ khởi
công thì nhiều dự án đường dây phải năm sau mới vào được. Khi đó, nếu các nhà đầu
tư điện mặt trời, điện gió làm thật để hưởng cơ chế giá ưu đãi thì không lo chuyện
đường dây bị thừa”, chuyên gia này phân tích và cũng cho rằng từ giữa năm 2018,
trước sức nóng của các dự án điện mặt trời, Chính phủ khi ấy đã có văn bản yêu cầu Bộ
Công thương và các địa phương việc bổ sung các dự án vào quy hoạch cần được xem
xét một cách tổng thể để đảm bảo tính minh bạch trong quản lý quy hoạch, phù hợp
cung - cầu điện, khả năng đấu nối… Song, đến hết năm 2018, số dự án điện gió, điện
mặt trời được phê duyệt vào quy hoạch lên đến gần 8.000 MW, cao gấp gần 5 lần mục
tiêu 1.650 MW mà Quy hoạch điện VII hiệu chỉnh đề ra.
Đáng ngại hơn là tình trạng các dự án đổ xô vào một vài địa phương. Theo tính
toán được Trung tâm điều độ hệ thống điện quốc gia (A0) đưa ra hồi tháng 11.2018,
riêng các dự án điện mặt trời đã hợp đồng mua bán điện (PPA) và dự án đang đàm
phán PPA, thì tổng công suất điện mặt trời tại Bình Thuận lên tới 750 MW. Tại Ninh
Thuận, số dự án đã ký PPA là gần 690 MW và trên 1.000 MW đang chờ ký PPA.
Trong khi hệ thống truyền tải khu vực này chỉ đáp ứng khoảng 1/3 đến 1/2 công
Điều này dẫn tới kịch bản sẽ phải giảm đồng thời các nhà máy điện mặt trời đang
cùng được đấu vào lưới, khiến các nhà máy sẽ bị giảm sâu công suất huy động so với
thiết kế và thiệt hại là nhà đầu tư. Nhưng để ký được PPA, nhiều chủ đầu tư đã chấp
nhận bổ sung điều khoản phụ về sa thải phụ tải khi quá tải lưới. Do đó, từ chỗ 35 dự án
ký được PPA tính đến tháng 10.2018 thì chỉ 2 tháng sau đó, con số này đã gấp đôi.
“Cho nên, trong thời gian chờ đường dây, chưa có gì đảm bảo rằng nhà đầu tư sẽ hết
thiệt”, chuyên gia này nói.

ACTIVITY 4. Discussion and translation

Work with your group members to discuss the meaning of the following
words or phrases from the text “Thêm một bước cụ thể trong mục tiêu đẩy lùi tín
dụng đen”. Then translate them into English using printed dictionaries or
1. đẩy lùi tín dụng đen
2. hạn mức cho vay
3. nhu cầu vốn phục vụ sản xuất kinh doanh
4. Thống đốc Ngân hàng Nhà nước
5. tổng nguồn vốn tín dụng chính sách
6. dư nợ tín dụng
7. tỷ lệ nợ quá hạn và nợ khoanh
8. tổng dư nợ

ACTIVITY 5. Translation

Translate the first half of the text “Thêm một bước cụ thể trong mục tiêu đẩy
lùi tín dụng đen” into English


Lam Giang, VnEconomy, 24/02/2019

Thống đốc Ngân hàng Nhà nước kiêm Chủ tịch Hội đồng Quản trị Ngân hàng
Chính sách xã hội vừa ký ban hành quyết định nâng
mức cho vay và thời hạn cho vay tối đa đối với hộ
nghèo đáp ứng nhu cầu vốn phục vụ sản xuất kinh

Theo đó, kể từ ngày 1/3/2019, Ngân hàng Chính

sách xã hội nâng mức cho vay tối đa đối với hộ
nghèo từ 50 triệu đồng/hộ lên 100 triệu đồng/hộ vay
không phải bảo đảm tiền vay. Photo courtesy:

Đồng thời, quyết định trên cũng nâng thời hạn cho vay tối đa lên 120 tháng,
phù hợp với quá trình sinh trưởng và phát triển của các đối tượng đầu tư dài hạn.

Như vậy, sau định hướng Ngân hàng Nhà nước đề ra đầu năm, hệ thống các tổ
chức tín dụng Việt Nam tiếp tục có thêm một bước đi cụ thể nữa trong các giải pháp,
các bước đẩy lùi tình trạng tín dụng đen.
Trong định hướng này, Ngân hàng Chính sách xã hội cùng Ngân hàng Nông
nghiệp và phát triển nông thôn (Agribank) là hai đầu mối chính xây dựng nguồn vốn cụ
thể, chính sách và lợi thế mạng lưới phủ đến các phường xã để đẩy mạnh cho vay hỗ
trợ các hộ dân.

ACTIVITY 6. Word/phrase tranlation

Search for Vietnamese words with suitable meaning from the last part of the text
“Thêm một bước cụ thể trong mục tiêu đẩy lùi tín dụng đen” below
1. credit loan
2. poor household
3. under good control
4. hot spot
5. credit loan outstanding balance
6. bad/ outstanding debt
7. loans with high-interest rates/ black credit

ACTIVITY 7. Translation

Translate the last part of the text “Thêm một bước cụ thể trong mục tiêu đẩy
lùi tín dụng đen” below into English and write your translated version on the
board for the lecturer’s and peers’ comments.

Trước đó, Agribank cũng đã xây dựng gói tín dụng 5.000 tỷ đồng để triển khai từ
đầu năm 2019.
Có một điểm đáng chú ý, hoạt động cho vay tín chấp với các đối tượng là hộ
nghèo trên cả nước, nhưng chất lượng tín dụng tại Ngân hàng Chính sách xã hội những
năm qua vẫn được kiểm soát tốt.
Tính đến 31/12/2018, tổng nguồn vốn tín dụng chính sách tại đầu mối này đã đạt
194.420 tỷ đồng, tăng 19.038 tỷ đồng so năm 2017. Tổng dư nợ các chương trình tín
dụng đạt 187.792 tỷ đồng, tăng 16.003 tỷ đồng (9,3%) so với năm 2017, với gần 6,7
triệu hộ nghèo và các đối tượng chính sách đang được vay vốn; trong đó, dư nợ tín
dụng thực hiện theo kế hoạch Thủ tướng Chính phủ giao đạt 165.141 tỷ đồng, tăng
12.938 tỷ đồng, hoàn thành 100% kế hoạch.
Riêng trong năm 2018, tổng doanh số cho vay của Ngân hàng Chính sách xã hội
đạt 62.078 tỷ đồng với hơn 2,1 triệu lượt hộ nghèo, hộ cận nghèo và các đối tượng
chính sách khác được vay vốn.
Và đến 31/12/2018, tỷ lệ nợ quá hạn và nợ khoanh tại ngân hàng này chỉ chiếm
0,78%/tổng dư nợ, trong đó nợ quá hạn 736 tỷ đồng, chiếm 0,39%/tổng dư nợ.
Sau những bước đi cụ thể trên, được biết Ngân hàng Nhà nước đang lên kế hoạch
cùng một số tổ chức tín dụng sẽ tiến hành khảo sát trực tiếp tại một số địa bàn "điểm
nóng" của tín dụng đen thời gian qua, nắm thêm thực tế để tiếp tục triển khai các bước
trong định hướng đề ra đầu năm nay.

ACTIVITY 8: Interpreting

One group is asked to read a paragraph of the news article “Thêm một bước cụ
thể trong mục tiêu đẩy lùi tín dụng đen” while another is assigned to interpret it into
English. Each sentence should be read aloud two or three times. Books should be
closed during the interpretating activity.

ACTIVITY 9. Word/phrase tranlation

Work with your group members and underline difficult words/ phrases from the
text ‘Bitcoin chưa thoát khỏi cơn bão giảm giá’. ‘Challenge’ other groups and
generating as many suggested translations as possible before the lecturer decides
on the best ones.

1. cơn bão giảm giá

2. đồng tiền ảo
3. bốc hơi
4. xuống mức đáy mới
5. giá trị vốn hoá
6. hoảng loạn
7. đẩy ra bán tháo


Tuổi Trẻ, 07/12/2018

TTO - Giá Bitcoin và các đồng tiền ảo tiếp tục giảm mạnh những ngày gần
cuối năm 2018. Cuối ngày hôm nay, 7-12, Bitcoin bốc hơi thêm 11,57% và xuống
mức đáy mới 3.406 USD/Bitcoin.
Mức giá này thấp hơn khoảng 56 USD/Bitcoin so với mức đáy ngày 26-11. Còn
so với mức đỉnh 20.000 USD một năm trước, đồng tiền ảo có giá trị vốn hoá lớn nhất
này đã bốc hơi đến 83%.
Hiện thị trường lo ngại các khoản tiền của
nhà đầu tư tổ chức sẽ không rót vào Bitcoin. Thêm
vào đó, nhiều phân tích kỹ thuật cho thấy Bitcoin
có thể đang hướng vào vùng giá xuống. Chính
thông tin này đã khiến các nhà đầu tư hoảng loạn
và đẩy ra bán tháo.

Tính riêng trong vòng một tháng trở lại, Bitcoin đã Photo courtesy:
mất gần 50% giá trị và "tuột" từ vùng giá trên 6.000 USD/Bitcoin xuống mức 3.406
USD/Bitcoin như hiện nay. Giá trị vốn hoá theo đó cũng sụt mạnh và chỉ còn hơn 59 tỉ
Đồng tiền ảo có giá trị vốn hoá lớn thứ 2 là XRP cũng bị thổi bay 11,54% giá trị.
Giá trị vốn hoá cũng giảm xuống mức 12 tỉ USD. Ethereum giảm 16,71% và hiện chỉ
còn 85,37 USD/Ethereum, Stella mất 17,65%. Nhiều đồng tiền ảo khác cũng không
tránh khỏi cơn bão giảm giá chung.

Trong nước, trên khắp các diễn đàn tiền ảo rất nhiều phân tích bi quan khi cơn
bão giảm giá không ngưng nghỉ trong suốt một tháng qua. Vài tuần trước, nếu như các
nhận định rằng Bitcoin có thể xuống mức 3.000 USD bị "ném đá" thì hiện nay nhiều
người tin rằng mức đáy mới có thể thấp hơn nữa.
Mức giá bán Bitcoin trên sàn Remitano cuối ngày hôm nay chỉ còn hơn 80,9 triệu
đồng/Bitcoin, giá mua còn hơn 79,1 triệu đồng/Bitcoin.

ACTIVITY 10. Translation

Work with your group members and write your translation on the board for the
lecturer’s and peers’ comments. Members from other groups may give their own

ACTIVITY 11. Summary writing

Work with your group members and provide a summary (120-150 words) of the
text “'Thời khóa biểu' của resort 5 sao như đại học cổ ở Phú Quốc” in Vietnamese
before translating it into English.

ACTIVITY 12. Translate the following words/ phrases into English

1. khiến du khách mê đắm

2. đẹp đến say người
3. cái nôi giáo dục lừng danh một thời này
4. vẻ đẹp hoang sơ
5. tái sinh với diện mạo mới
6. xuống cấp
7. tình hình chiến tranh ngày càng căng thẳng
8. hớp hồn
9. thiết kế theo hướng mở
10. tạo cảm giác gần gũi


Ngân Lượng, 1/2/2018

Mang dáng dấp một ngôi trường đại học trên 100 tuổi, khu nghỉ dưỡng 5 sao
trên đảo ngọc Phú Quốc sáng tạo nên 'thời khóa biểu' đặc biệt cho du khách.

Khu nghỉ dưỡng JW Marriott Việt Nam không chỉ khiến du khách mê đắm bởi nét
kiến trúc độc đáo, đẹp đến say người mà nơi đây còn ẩn chứa câu chuyện thú vị về một

trường đại học danh tiếng. Đến đây du khách sẽ được trải nghiệm một "thời khóa biểu"
có một không hai.

Câu chuyện giả tưởng về trường Đại học Lamarck

Câu chuyện về trường đại học Lamarck giả tưởng đã được Bill Bensley kể lại
bằng ngôn ngữ độc đáo, với những khối hình sống
động. Chuyện kể rằng trường đại học đầu tiên của vùng
đất Phú Quốc thơ mộng được đặt theo tên của nhà bác
học người Pháp Jean Baptiste Lamarck. Thành lập năm
1904 bên Bãi Khem, ngôi trường đã mang đến một kho
tàng cho nền tri thức nhân loại. Với những công trình
khoa học nghiên cứu vĩ đại, Lamarck đã nhanh chóng
trở thành một trong những trường đại học hàng đầu Việt
Nam, chuyên nghiên cứu về các lĩnh vực Tự nhiên học. Photo courtesy:
Giảng đường của Lamarck đã từng đón tiếp rất nhiều
nhà khoa học lừng danh thế giới như Pasteur, Darwin và chính ông Lamarck… đến
giảng dạy và nghiên cứu tại trường. Đến những năm 1970, khi tình hình chiến tranh
ngày càng căng thẳng, Đại học Lamarck buộc phải đóng cửa, cũng từ đây ngôi trường
này xuống cấp, không còn ai quan tâm đến cái nôi giáo dục lừng danh một thời này

Cho đến một ngày, tập đoàn Sun Group cùng đối tác Marriott quyết định “khôi
phục” ngôi trường danh tiếng theo một cách hoàn toàn độc đáo, biến nó thành khu
resort đẳng cấp sang trọng. Cũng từ đây, nhà thiết kế đại tài Bill Bensley được mời đến
đảo ngọc.

Ngay từ lần đầu tiên đặt chân đến Phú Quốc, kiến trúc sư đại tài Bill Bensley đã
bị vẻ đẹp hoang sơ của đảo ngọc hớp hồn. Câu chuyện về trường đại học Lamarck giả
tưởng đã được Bill Bensley kể lại bằng ngôn ngữ độc đáo, với những khối hình sống

Năm 2017, ngôi trường được tái sinh với diện mạo mới, trở thành một thiên
đường nghỉ dưỡng JW Marriott Việt Nam có một không hai trên đảo ngọc xinh đẹp.
Khu nghỉ dưỡng gồm 233 phòng, được sắp đặt theo mô hình 18 phân khoa từ tự nhiên,
xã hội, kiến trúc, hóa học tới động vật học. Các phòng đều được thiết kế theo hướng
mở, ôm trọn vẻ đẹp thiên đường của bãi Khem và được kiến trúc sư chia nhỏ, tạo cảm
giác gần gũi và thân thuộc.

ACTIVITY 13. Word/phrase tranlation

Look for words/ phrases with suitable meaning from the last part of the 'Thời
khóa biểu' của resort 5 sao như đại học cổ ở Phú Quốc”

a. nooks and crannies

b. immerse oneself in
c. subject to change
d. unique schedule
e. fish sauce factory
f. showcase one’s skills
g. cuisine enthusiast

ACTIVITY 14. Translation

Translate the last part of the 'Thời khóa biểu' của resort 5 sao như đại học cổ ở
Phú Quốc”.

“Thời khoá biểu” độc đáo

Đến với Đại học Lamarck của thế kỷ 21, du khách sẽ được quay ngược thời gian
trở lại với sách bút, giấy mực trong không gian của một ngôi trường sang trọng. Từng
ngóc ngách của khu nghỉ dưỡng đều có kiến trúc riêng biệt, với các màu sắc khác nhau,
mang trong mình những câu chuyện rất riêng, chứa đựng kiến thức mọi ngành học về
các sự vật tự nhiên.

Điểm thú vị khiến mỗi du khách đặt chân đến

nơi đây đều thích thú chính là thời khóa biểu độc đáo
được sáng tạo khiến cho hành trình khám phá đảo
ngọc trở nên đáng nhớ hơn. Mỗi buổi sáng thức giấc
trên đảo ngọc Phú Quốc du khách có thể tham gia tiết
học yoga chào buổi sáng giúp cho ngày mới trở nên
hứng khởi và tràn đầy năng lượng.
Hộ Quốc Pagoda in Phú Quốc
Island. Photo courtesy:
Khi buổi tập yoga kết thúc là lúc tour xe đạp
khám phá đảo ngọc bắt đầu. Tại đây du khách sẽ được tự mình khám phá những điểm
đến thú vị của hòn đảo như nhà tù Phú Quốc, trại ong, lò sản xuất nước mắm, chùa Hộ

Sau hành trình khám phá Phú Quốc bằng xe đạp, du khách sẽ được quay lại
“trường” để thể hiện tài năng của mình tại tiết học cuối cùng của buổi sáng. Du khách
sẽ được thỏa sức sáng tạo, thể hiện tài năng biến những chiếc áo thun thành tác phẩm
độc đáo theo phong cách riêng của mình tại lớp học trang trí áo thun vào thứ 2, thứ 4,
thứ 6 hàng tuần. Vào thứ 3 và thứ 7 du khách sẽ được cùng các sinh viên trường đại
học Lamarck trải nghiệm sự phong phú của tiếng Việt trong lớp tiếng Việt cơ bản, hay
thể hiện năng khiếu khi tham gia vào lớp “Nghệ thuật gấp khăn” vào thứ 5 và chủ nhật
hàng tuần.

Sau bữa trưa sang trọng tại nhà hàng 5 sao, du khách sẽ được trở lại với lớp học
làm mỹ phẩm ngay tại spa của khu nghỉ dưỡng. Vào ngày cuối tuần, du khách sẽ được
tự tay tạo nên biểu tượng của phố cổ Hội An trong giờ học làm lồng đèn chiều chủ

Những tiết học đặc biệt khác phải kể đến Beer Yoga, thể dục nhịp điệu dưới nước,
hay tìm hiểu thế giới cà phê Việt Nam phong phú và học cách pha chế tại Coffee

Nếu là một người mê ẩm thực, du khách có thể tự tay vào bếp để làm những món
ăn mang đậm chất ẩm thực Việt Nam cho người mình yêu thương. Lưu ý là thời khóa
biểu của resort sẽ thay đổi tùy vào tình hình thời tiết và thời điểm diễn ra.

ACTIVITY 15. Discussion

Discuss the following questions with your group members.

Group discussion helps arouse your interest, activate your background knowledge on
the topic and facilitate your understanding before you actually interpret the text.

1. Are you a Buddist, Catholic or a follower of any other religion? How often do you
go to pagoda/ church?

2. Can you tell the difference between pagodas, churches, temples and mosques?

3. How important is religion to humans’ spiritual life?

ACTIVITY 16. Interpreting activity

Watch the video clip ‘Phân biệt Chùa, Đình, Đền, Miếu, Nghè, Điện, Phủ,
Quán, Am trong đời sống văn hóa tâm linh’ carefully.

 The lecturer will provide you with key words. The clip will be played once for you
to listen for the main idea of the text. Then the lecturer will play each sentence

twice or thrice for you to take notes of key words and do the interpretation. Bonus
points will be awarded to those who volunteer to join the interpretation activity.
 Work in groups and conduct the interpretation into English. Take turns acting as the
narrator and interpreter until all class members have a chance to do the


Conduct a video-clip project. Work in a group of four. Two students play the
role of tourists who book a double room at a luxury resort for 4 nights; one acts
as a resort staffer and the other conducts interpretation. Don’t forget to use a
smartphone to film it. Submit your video clip to the lecturer. He/she will pick up the
one with good quality to show to the whole class in the next meeting.

Prepare and translate all reading texts in Lesson 8 at home before attending the next
class. Take the same steps in the previous lessons for group work as it helps improve
your translation. After finishing your translation, print it and hand it into your lecturer
right at the beginning of the class. You will be asked to produce Vietnamese- English
translation in the next class, which is considerably more challenging than English-
Vietnamese translation, so make sure you are well prepared and attentive.


In this lesson, students will acquire more terms in economics and education and
learn how to translate them properly into English. Students will have more
opportunities to practice Vietnamese-English translation skills in groups and peer edit
them before the lecturer gives his/her comments and correction.

ACTIVITY 1: Sentence translation

Work in groups and translate the following sentences from the news article ‘Bản
tin thị trường gạo tuần 52: 2019 dự báo một năm khó khăn cho xuất khẩu gạo Việt
Nam, Thái Lan’ into English

1. 2019 dự báo một năm khó khăn cho xuất khẩu gạo Việt Nam, Thái Lan

2. Tuần thứ 52 của năm ghi nhận một tuần ảm đạm của thị trường xuất khẩu gạo.
3. Nhu cầu yếu vì giá cao và hầu hết nhà giao dịch đang trong kì nghỉ.
4. Gạo không xát, gạo xoa và gạo tấm từ Mỹ được phép nhập khẩu vào nền kinh tế lớn
thứ hai thế giới.
5. Tình hình xuất khẩu gạo cũng không mấy khả quan vì cạnh tranh gay gắt và thời
tiết khô hạn.

ACTIVITY 2. Translation

Work with your group members again and translate the first part of the text
‘Bản tin thị trường gạo tuần 52: 2019 dự báo một năm khó khăn cho xuất khẩu gạo
Việt Nam, Thái Lan’ into English, making use of the translated sentences in
Activity 1. Write your translation on the board and welcome contributions from
other groups.


Vietnambiz, 30/12/2018

Tuần thứ 52 của năm ghi nhận một tuần ảm đạm của thị trường xuất khẩu gạo, với
các dấu hiệu cho thấy thị trường gạo Việt Nam và Thái Lan sẽ gặp nhiều khó khăn
trong năm tới.
Theo đó, nhu cầu gạo trên thị trường gạo chậm lại trong giai đoạn cuối năm,
khiến giá gạo xuất khẩu tại các quốc gia xuất khẩu
chính đều giảm.
Reuters cho biết, giá gạo 5% của Ấn Độ giảm
tuần thứ hai liên tiếp xuống còn 378 - 384 USD/tấn
trong tuần này. Nhu cầu yếu vì giá cao và hầu hết nhà
giao dịch đang trong kì nghỉ, một nhà xuất khẩu tại
Kakinada, thuộc miền nam Andhra Pradesh, cho biết.
Còn tại Thái Lan, giá gạo 5% giảm còn 380 - 390 Vietnamese rice. Photo courtesy:
USD/tấn (FOB), từ mức 390 - 391 USD trong tuần Vietnam Economic Times

trước. Giá gạo xuất khẩu tại Việt Nam duy trì ở mức 385 USD/tấn.
Nhiều thương nhân cho biết vì mùa nghỉ lễ nên thị trường sẽ không khởi sắc cho
tới sau Tết Nguyên đán.
Gạo Việt Nam đã xuất khẩu sang hơn 150 quốc gia và vùng lãnh thổ, nhưng thị
trường lớn nhất của Việt Nam vẫn là Trung Quốc.
Tuy nhiên, việc Trung Quốc siết chặt hơn quản lí về chất lượng và hạn chế số
lượng các công ty Việt Nam có quyền xuất khẩu gạo sang nền kinh tế lớn thứ hai thế
giới, dấy lên lo ngại xuất khẩu sẽ giảm trong năm tới.
11 tháng đầu năm nay, xuất khẩu gạo của Việt Nam sang Trung Quốc giảm 40%
so với năm ngoái xuống còn 1,3 triệu tấn, theo ông Nguyễn Ngọc Nam, Chủ tịch Hiệp
hội Lương thực Việt Nam, cho biết.

ACTIVITY 3. Word/phrase tranlation

Translate the following words/phrases into English

1. Gạo không xát 6. Gia tăng tính cạnh tranh

2. Gạo xoa 7. Mở rộng xuất khẩu gạo
3. Gạo tấm 8. Năm tài khóa
4. Lô hàng 9. Áp thuế quan nhập khẩu
5. Đáp ứng tiêu chuẩn kiểm tra 10. Thời tiết khô hạn

Vietnambiz, 30/12/2018 (cont.)

Trong khi đó, hôm 28/12, Reuters đưa tin Trung Quốc lần đầu tiên mở cửa cho
gạo nhập khẩu từ Mỹ. Theo đó, từ ngày 27/12, gạo không xát, gạo xoa và gạo tấm từ
Mỹ được phép nhập khẩu vào nền kinh tế lớn thứ hai thế giới nếu các lô hàng đáp ứng
được tiêu chuẩn kiểm tra của Trung Quốc và đăng kí với Bộ Nông nghiệp Mỹ.
Vẫn chưa rõ lượng gạo Trung Quốc mua từ Mỹ là bao nhiêu nhưng sự xuất hiện
của gạo Mỹ cũng làm gia tăng tính cạnh tranh trên thị trường lớn này.
Ngoài ra, theo PhnomPenh Post, công ty Henan Yuguang International Economic
and Technical Cooperation (HYIETC) của Trung Quốc đã bày tỏ quan tâm đầu tư vào
các kho chứa gạo, nhằm thúc đẩy xuất khẩu gạo Campuchia lên 500.000 tấn mỗi năm.
Về tình hình xuất khẩu gạo, Liên đoàn Gạo Myanmar (MRF) cho biết quốc gia
này chỉ xuất khẩu hơn 1,5 triệu tấn gạo thường và gạo tấm trong vòng 8 tháng, tính từ
ngày 1/4 đến ngày 14/12.
Myanmar đã mở rộng xuất khẩu gạo sang các thị trường mới trong năm tài khóa
2017 - 2018 và khoảng 3,6 triệu tấn gạo đã được xuất khẩu. Con số này đã phá vỡ kỉ
lục trong hơn 50 năm.

Tuy nhiên, quốc gia này đang đối mặt với khả năng Liên minh châu Âu (EU) rút
lại chương trình ưu đãi tổng quát (GSP) trong ba năm và áp thuế quan nhập khẩu đối
với gạo xuất khẩu từ Myanmar.
Tại Thái Lan, tình hình xuất khẩu gạo cũng không mấy khả quan vì cạnh tranh
gay gắt và thời tiết khô hạn, theo Bangkok Post.
Ấn Độ trợ cấp 5% đối với xuất khẩu gạo non-basmati trong 4 tháng lên ngày
25/3/2019 và đổng rupee yếu đã thúc đẩy xuất khẩu gạo Ấn Độ, khiến chúng cạnh
tranh hơn xuất khẩu từ Thái Lan với đồng baht mạnh.
Ngoài ra, Philippines, Indonesia và Trung Quốc dự báo sẽ trì hoãn nhập khẩu gạo
từ Thái Lan trong năm 2019 sau khi nhập khẩu khối lượng tương đối lớn từ quốc gia
này trong năm nay.

ACTIVITY 4. Discussion

Discussion helps activate your background knowledge about a topic before you
actually translate a text.
1. In your opinion, are extracurricular activities, fieldwork and internships necessary
for university students? Why (not)?
2. What should universities arm students with to best prepare them for their future

ACTIVITY 5. Matching

Matching the words/ phrases below (1-5) with their meaning (a –e)

1. Doanh nghiệp a. Field trip

2. Rào cản b. Hone (skills)

3. Chuyến đi thực tế c. Enterprise/ business

4. Trau dồi d. Curriculum/ training program

5. Chương trình đào tạo e. Barrier/ hurdle

ACTIVITY 6. Translation

Work in groups to translate the news article ‘Nhà trường cần cho sinh viên đi thực
tế sớm hơn’. Compare your own translated version with computer-assisted
translated versions.


Nguyễn Thảo, Vietnamnet, 26/01/2018

Một số giải pháp giúp gắn kết doanh nghiệp (DN) và nhà trường (NT) đã được
đưa ra trong buổi tọa đàm “Gắn kết trường đại học với công giới trong đào tạo chương
trình tiên tiến, chất lượng cao và POHE” diễn ra tại ĐH Kinh tế quốc dân sáng ngày

Báo cáo tổng kết của đại diện trường đưa ra 5 rào cản khiến mối quan hệ DN-NT
xưa nay chưa được như mong đợi: Rào cản về quan điểm của lãnh đạo DN và NT -
chưa nhận thấy sự cấp thiết/ lợi ích của hợp tác và thiếu quyết tâm trong xây dựng một
mối quan hệ lâu dài, rào cản về tài chính, rào cản về nguồn lực con người và trang thiết
bị, rào cản về vấn đề niềm tin, và cuối cùng là thiếu các chính sách hỗ trợ từ phía Nhà

Đưa ra gợi ý cho các sinh viên và nhà trường,

ông Nguyễn Minh Giáp – Giám đốc Công ty TNHH
EVD Thiết bị và Phát triển chất lượng cho rằng, xưa
nay nhà trường thường tập trung vào các doanh
nghiệp lớn. Trong khi, các doanh nghiệp vừa nhỏ có
mọi thứ để sinh viên phát huy.
“Những doanh nghiệp vừa và nhỏ như chúng Photo courtesy:
tôi mặc dù thiếu người nhưng lại thiếu tự tin khi bước vào
trường. Đề nghị nhà trường tìm cách giúp các DN vừa và nhỏ tiếp cận sinh viên. Nếu
các em vào DN nhỏ, giải quyết từng góc vấn đề của họ thì có rất nhiều lợi ích ở đây”.
Ông Giáp cho rằng, Hàn Quốc là quốc gia làm rất tốt việc này. Theo ông, nếu nhà
trường chỉ đi vào các DN lớn, vấn đề rất khó giải quyết, trong vấn đề của DN nhỏ thì
có nhiều cửa để giải quyết.
Lãnh đạo doanh nghiệp này cũng đề xuất nhà trường nên cho sinh viên đi thực tế
từ sớm để xem môi trường thực tế như thế nào, DN cần những kiến thức, kỹ năng gì,
sau đó mới về trường để chủ động trau dồi, bồi dưỡng.
Một trong những giải pháp mà ông Giáp cho rằng không thể bỏ qua là nhà trường
cần cho người tham gia cùng các hiệp hội DN để nhìn thấy vấn đề của DN, đi cùng họ,
hiểu cùng họ, để họ tham gia vào việc xây dựng chương trình đào tạo.
Trình bày tham luận tại tọa đàm, bà Phạm Thị Ngọc Ánh - Phó Tổng giám đốc
Công ty EY Việt Nam – đơn vị đã có thời gian đồng hành cùng Trường ĐH Kinh tế
quốc dân nhiều năm nay trong việc phối hợp đào tạo sinh viên chất lượng cao đã có
một số chia sẻ với sinh viên.

Là người trực tiếp tham gia vào công tác tuyển dụng, theo bà, lý do mà nhu cầu
tuyển dụng của DN cao nhưng sinh viên lại khó tìm việc làm là do sinh viên chưa có
những kỹ năng mà DN cần, và không biết tại sao lại cần những kỹ năng đó. Hiện nay,
bản thân các DN cũng đang phải chuyển mình rất nhiều để đáp ứng xu hướng mới, nên
sinh viên cần chuẩn bị sớm nhất có thể để sẵn sàng bước vào DN. “Bạn có thể học, có
thể đọc sách nhưng quan trọng là ‘giờ bay’, là trải nghiệm, cọ xát thực tế. Cái đấy mới
làm nên thái độ tích cực, chuẩn bị tâm thế sẵn sàng khi vào DN.


Prepare and translate all reading texts in Lesson 9 at home before attending the
next class. Take the same steps in the previous lessons for group work as it helps
improve your translation. After finishing your translation, print it and hand it into your
lecturer right at the beginning of the class. You are required to do the interpretation for
the next class, so make sure you rehearse it several times in advance.

Apart from pre-translating all the texts in the next lesson, work with your group
members to search for information in English or Vietnamese on food safety, contagious
illnesses and distinction between religious institutions in Vietnam to best prepare for
the next lesson. Reading various texts of related topics in advance helps enhance your
translation/ interpretation skills and background knowledge of the topic.



Below is Lesson 87 - “POPULAR AMERICAN IDIOMS”- delivered by Hang

Tam and Christopher Cruise from the Voice of America.

The two idioms we’re learning today are LET THE CAT OUT OF THE BAG and

Mai Lan and Mike hadn’t seen their friend Leanne for a long time, probably four
or five years. Then last week, they ran into each other at a mutual friend’s house-
warming party.

Mai Lan và Mike không gặp bạn họ, Leanne, đã lâu, khoảng 4, 5 năm. Rồi tuần
trước, họ bất ngờ gặp lại nhau tại bữa tiệc mừng nhà mới của một người bạn chung.

MAI LAN: Mike. I’m happy about seeing Leanne last week. I think she was
reserved at first but then…

Mike. Tôi mừng là đã gặp lại Leanne tuần trước. Tôi nghĩ cô ấy lúc đầu có vẻ
ngại ngùng, nhưng rồi...

MIKE: Yeah, yeah. I think she wasn’t sure how we would treat her, friendly or

Đúng, đúng. Tôi nghĩ cô ta không biết mình sẽ cư xử với cô ra sao, thân mật hay
lạnh lùng..

MAI LAN: I’m glad we all became relaxed quickly. Despite the
misunderstanding, we’re all nice people.

Tôi mừng là ai nấy nhẹ nhàng ngay. Tuy có sự hiểu lầm, nhưng chúng ta đều là
người dễ chịu.

MIKE: I forgot why we stopped seeing each other.

Tôi quên tại sao không gặp nhau nữa..

MAI LAN: It was regrettably a misunderstanding. Leanne’s parents bought a big

house, then they lost it through foreclosure.

Đó là một chuyện hiểu lầm. Ba má Leanne mua một căn nhà lớn rồi bị mất đi.

MIKE: What? They did? That is sad. But why? They were financially
comfortable, weren’t they?

Sao? Thế à? Thật là đáng buồn. Nhưng tại sao? Họ vững vàng về tài chánh mà.

MAI LAN: Yes. But they often went to a casino for gambling and lost a lot of
money. Leanne was very sensitive about this. She didn’t want it to be known.

Đúng. Nhưng họ hay đi sòng bài đánh bài và mất nhều tiền lắm. Leanne rất bực
mình và muốn giữ kín.

MIKE: Well. Poor girl!

Ồ. Thât đáng buồn cho cô ấy.

MAI LAN: One day, she found out that her friends knew and thought I let the cat
out of the bag!

Một hôm, cô thấy là các bạn biết và nghĩ là tôi "let the cat out of the bag".

MIKE: Mai Lan, you’re using the idiom “Let L-E-T the cat C-A-T out of the bag
B-A-G”. It means reveal a fact that was previously hidden. Right?

Mai Lan. Cô dùng thành ngữ "let L-E-T the cat C-A-T out of the bag B-A-G"
nghĩa là nói ra một điều trước kia bị dấu kín. Phải không?

MAI LAN: Yes. That’s what I want to say. She thought I let the cat out of the
bag. She thought I told them about the foreclosure of their parents’ house and they had
to move out.

Đúng. Đó là điều tôi muốn nói. Cô ta tưởng là tôi "bật mí", nói ra về sự ba má cô
bị ngân hàng lấy lại nhà và phải dọn ra.

MIKE: You didn’t, did you?

Cô không nói, phải không?

MAI LAN: Of course not. I’m not the gossipy type.

Dĩ nhiên là không. Tôi đâu phải là người lắm chuyện.

MIKE: I know. Too bad Leanne thought you did.

Tôi biết. Thật đáng tiếc Leanne nghĩ thế.

MAI LAN: That’s why I said it was a misunderstanding. One day I called her and
she hung up on me. I was told later that she was upset with me because she thought I
let the cat out of the bag about her family problem.

Vì thế tôi nói đó là một sự hiểu lầm. Một hôm tôi gọi điện thoại cho cô mà cô
nhấc máy rồi bỏ xuống ngay. Sau đó tôi mới biết là cô tưởng tôi nói ra chuyện của gia
đình cô.

MIKE: I’m sorry. Then I’m really glad that Leanne and you finally made up and
are friends again.

Tôi thấy thật đáng tiếc. Tôi mừng là Leanne và cô thân mật và làm bạn lại.

MAI LAN: She was upset with me for a long time. Once I saw her at the Tyson’s
shopping mall, and came to her to say hello but she turned and walked away.

Cô ta giận tôi một thời gian dài. Một lần tôi gập cô ở khu thương mại Tyson's, tôi
đến gần để cho hỏi mà cô ta quay đi và đi luôn.

MIKE: Wow! She was that serious about it. She gave you the cold shoulder?

Ồ. Cô ta gay đến thế ấy à? Cô ta "gave you the cold shoulder".

MAI LAN: She gave me the cold shoulder? You mean…

Cô ta "gave me the cold shoulder" "cho tôi cái vai lạnh". Anh nói thế nghĩa là gì?

MIKE: “Giving someone the cold C-O-L-D shoulder S-H-O-U-L-D-E-R” means

ignoring him deliberately.

"Giving someone the cold C-O-L-D shoulder S-H-O-U-L-D-E-R" nghĩa là cố tình

lờ người đó.

MAI LAN: Yes. She gave me the cold shoulder. She avoided seeing and talking
with me for 4, 5 years.

Đúng đó. Cô ta lờ tôi đi, tránh gặp và nói chuyện với tôi cả 4, 5 năm.

MIKE: So, last week Leanne and you talked again for the first time.

Vậy là tuần trước Leanne và cô nói chuyện với nhau lần đầu.

MAI LAN: That’s right and I’m really glad. Leanne is basically a sweet, kind girl.
She was unnecessarily sensitive sometimes.

Đúng thế và tôi rất mừng. Leanne căn bản là người nhẹ nhàng, tử tế. Đôi khi cô ta
nhạy cảm một cách không cần thiết.

MIKE: So what’s going to happen next?

Rồi thì cô và cô ta sẽ như thế nào đây?

MAI LAN: First of all, I’m relieved she knows that I was not the one who let the
cat out of the bag about her family’s matter.
Trước hết tôi nhẹ mình là cô ta biết là tôi không phải là người nói ra chuyện gia
đình cô.

MIKE: And she stopped giving you the cold shoulder.

Và cô ta không lờ cô đi nữa.

MAI LAN: That’s right. Now we are friends again, I already invited her out for
lunch this week-end and she accepted. Will you join us?

Đúng thế. Bây giờ tụi tôi là bạn trở lại và tôi đã mời cô đi ăn trưa vào week end
này. Cô ta đã nhận lời. Anh đi cùng nhé.

MIKE: Well. I’ll let the two of you make up privately. I’ll join you the next time.

Ồ. Tôi để hai cô vui vẻ riêng với nhau. Lần tới ta sẽ đi cùng.



The two idioms we’re learning today are RED IN THE FACE and FEELING

Autumn in North America is beautiful. Leaves turn colors. In the summer they’re
green, richly green, then Fall slowly comes and they become light yellow, red, dark
yellow, brown... a painter palette of different hues. Tourists congregate at famous
national parks to enjoy the gorgeous sight of Fall foliage. Today, Mai Lan and Mike
are sitting in a colorful forest on the Blue Ridge Mountain.

Mùa thu ở Bắc Mỹ Châu thật đẹp. Lá đổi màu. Vào mùa hè lá xanh, xanh tươi, rồi
thu tới, lá chuyển vàng nhạt, đỏ, vàng sẩm, nâu... như bảng màu của một họa sĩ. Du
khách tấp nập ở các công viên quốc gia để thưởng thức cảnh lá mùa thu. Hôm nay Mai
Lan và Mike cũng đang ngồi trong rừng đầy mầu sắc ở núi Blue Ridge.

MAI LAN: Mike. This is incredible! Look around, it’s so beautiful here!

Mike. Không thể tưởng tượng. Anh nhìn chung quanh xem, đẹp quá xá!

MIKE: Wonderful. The sky’s blue, the leaves take on various hues of colors. This
is beyond words!

Tuyệt vời. Trời xanh, lá cây đủ sắc đủ màu. Lời nào tả nổi!

MAI LAN: I suddenly feel so thankful, thankful for this beautiful sight, thankful
for having healthy eyes to enjoy it.

Tôi chợt thấy cảm giác biết ơn, biết ơn cảnh đẹp này, biết ơn có đôi mắt tốt lành
để mà hưởng cảnh đẹp.

MIKE: Mai Lan. You’re really thoughtful. I have the same feeling. And I also
think about the colors that we use in the English language.

Mai Lan, cô thực là có ý nghĩ sâu sắc. Tôi cũng cảm thấy như thế. Và tôi cũng
nghĩ đến các màu sắc ta dùng trong Anh ngữ.

MAI LAN: Can you tell me specifically what you’re talking about?

Anh có thể nói rõ thêm về điều anh đang nêu lên không?

MIKE: Of course,yes. Do you know the expression “red in the face”?

Dĩ nhiên được. Cô có biết thành ngữ "red in the face" không?

MAI LAN: Does it mean angry?

Đó nghĩa là giận dữ phải không?

MIKE: Well. To mean getting angry, they say “seeing red” as in this sentence:
Mary saw red when Helen said she was dishonest.

À. Để nói về lên cơn giận, người ta nói dùng "seeing red" như trong câu "Mary
saw red (thấy màu đỏ) khi Helen nói là cô bất lương".

MAI LAN: Then what about “red in the face”? What does it mean?

Còn "red in the face" thì sao? Nghĩa là gì?

MIKE: Red R-E-D in the face F-A-C-E. To be red in the face means to suffer
embarrassment or shame. I was red in the face when I spilled coffee on Mrs.
Roberson’s arm at her birthday party.

Red R-E-D in the face F-A-C-E. To be red in the face có nghĩa là cảm thấy
ngượng, xấu hổ. Tôi ngượng quá khi đánh đổ cà phê vào cánh tay bà Robertson trong
tiệc sinh nhật của bà.

MAI LAN: Can I say: Ron was red in the face when he mistakenly announced the
second as the first winner of the singing contest?

Tôi có thể nói thế này được không: Ron ngượng đỏ mặt khi anh ta thông tin lầm
lẫn người thắng giải nhất thi hát với người thắng giải nhì?

MIKE: Yes. Yes. That’s correct.

Đúng, đúng. Thế là đúng đấy.

MAI LAN: Do you know any idioms with the color blue?

Anh có biết thành ngữ nào với màu xanh lơ không?

MIKE: Feeling blue! BLUE!

Cảm thấy xanh lơ, blue ! BLUE !

MAI LAN: Does that mean “hope”?

Có nghĩa là hy vọng à?

MIKE: No, no. Feeling blue means feeling sad. For example, Sarah felt blue when
her best friend Lee-Ann moved to California.

Không, không. Cảm thấy blue (xanh lơ) nghĩa là cảm thấy buồn. Thí dụ Sarah
"thấy xanh lơ" khi bạn thân của cô là Lee-Ann dọn đi California.

MAI LAN: That’s really the case.They were such close friends: they used to walk
to school together, on weekends they went to the gym together and they often shared
their confidences. It was evident that Sarah felt blue when Lee-Ann moved to

Đúng là trường hợp đó. Họ là bạn thân, họ thường hay cùng nhau đi bộ đến
trường, cuối tuần họ cùng đi tập thể dục ở phòng tập và thường hay tâm sự với nhau.
Rõ ràng là Sarah buồn khi Lee-Ann dọn đi California.

MIKE: And I felt blue when I called you up, left a message, but you didn’t call
me back the whole day!

Và tôi buồn khi gọi phone cho cô, để lại tin nhắn mà cô không gọi lại tôi nguyên
một ngày!

MAI LAN: Sorry, Mike. I forgot to check for phone messages on that day.

Xin lỗi Mike. Tôi quên xem tin nhắn trên điện thoại hôm đó.

MIKE: Sometimes, people feel blue for no reasons. They say the gloomy sky
causes them to feel blue.

Đôi khi người ta thấy buồn mà không có lý do. Họ đổ lỗi là bầu trời u ám làm họ

MAI LAN: Well, I remember we learned an idiom with “green”. Barry was green
with envy when he saw his cousin drove a new Mercedes.

À, tôi nhớ mình học một thành ngữ với màu xanh lá cây “green”. Barry xanh mặt
vì ghen tức khi thấy cậu em họ lái cái xe Mercedes mới.

MIKE: Mai Lan, you have such good memory!

Mai Lan, cô có trí nhớ tốt lắm!

MAI LAN: You see, I’m learning English, so I try to use new idioms when
there’s a chance. Idioms make a language special and interesting.

Anh à. Tôi đang học tiếng Anh mà. Vì vậy khi nào có dịp là tôi cố dùng thành
ngữ mới. Thành ngữ làm cho một ngôn ngữ thành đặc biệt và hứng thú.

MIKE: Yes. Idioms have special meanings which are mostly not deducible from
those of individual words.

Đúng. Thành ngữ có nghĩa đặc biệt, không phải dò ý nghĩa từng chữ mà hiểu

MAI LAN: When we can correctly use idioms in the English language, we feel
we have mastered this language, we use it like native speakers.

Khi ta dùng các thành ngữ đúng trong Anh ngữ, ta cảm thấy như thực sự thông
thạo ngôn ngữ này, ta nói như người sinh ra tại đây, như người bản xứ!

MIKE: Yes. That’s right. There are many more idioms with color. I can speak of a
few more. “Grey matter” for example.

Đúng, đúng đó. Có nhiều thành ngữ với màu nữa. Tôi có thể nói thêm vài từ.
"Grey matter" chẳng hạn.

MAI LAN: Grey G-R-E-Y matter M-A-T-T-E-R, which means the darker tissue
of the brain and spinal cord, figuratively it refers to the intellect, the power of thought.
Is that right?

Grey G-R-E-Y matter M-A-T-T-E-R có nghĩa là phần màu xám của óc và của
đường tủy sống. Nghĩa bóng là sự thông thái, sức mạnh của tư tưởng.

MIKE: Precisely. I say: Mai Lan has a great deal of grey matter. Mai lan is very

Đúng vậy. Tôi nói: Mai Lan có nhiều "chất xám". Mai Lan thông minh lắm.

MAI LAN: Come on, Mike. How I wish that were true.

Thôi mà, Mike. Tôi ước gì đó là sự thực.

We’ve just learned two idioms: RED IN THE FACE, which means NGƯỢNG



The two idioms we’re learning today are HAVE A SWEET TOOTH and

Mai Lan and Mike are at the Sweetwater Restaurant. This is a very popular
meeting place for young professionals where they can get good food at a reasonable
price and enjoy a friendly atmosphere.
Mai Lan và Mike đang ở trong tiệm ăn Sweetwater. Đây là nơi gặp gỡ rất đông
đúc của giới chuyên gia trẻ. Tại đây họ có thể thưởng thức ăn ngon, giá phải chăng và
không khí thân mật.

MIKE: Mai Lan. Look around, all the tables are taken. Good business for this

Mai Lan. Nhìn chung quanh xem, bàn nào cũng có khách ăn. Tiệm này làm ăn
thành công.

MAI LAN: Yes, I can tell. The environment is uplifting. Guests seem to be happy

Đúng. Tôi cũng thấy thế. Khung cảnh vui tươi, khách trông vui vẻ.

MIKE: And look at the menu, this is a good selection. I’m interested in their fresh
fish. What about you?

Xem thực đơn này. Có nhiều thứ lắm! Tôi muốn ăn món cá tươi của họ. Cô thì

MAI LAN: Ah! So many choices of salads! I’ll think I’ll have roasted salmon

À. Nhiều loại sà lát quá. Tôi nghĩ là tôi sẽ ăn món sà lát cá hồi nướng và rau.

MIKE: That’s really healthy. I’ll go for pan-seared grouper.

Đó là món ăn rất lành và tốt. Tôi thì sẽ ăn cá grouper nướng chảo.

MAI LAN: Grouper? That’s a white fish filet, right? And a side dish of

Grouper? Đó là thăn cá grouper màu trắng, đúng không? Và thêm một phần rau.

MIKE: Yes. That’s exactly what I want for lunch today.

Đúng. Đó chính là món tôi muốn ăn trưa nay.

MAI LAN: What kind of drink do you want? I think I’ll have hot tea.

Còn anh muốn uống gì? Tôi thì sẽ uống trà nóng.

MIKE: I’ll have the same. And dessert, Mai Lan?

Tôi cũng thế. Còn tráng miệng, Mai Lan?

MAI LAN: I’ll pass. You know I’m cutting down on sweets. I don’t want to gain
weight. I’ve recently put on a few pounds, don’t you notice?

Tôi thôi. Tôi đang bớt ăn ngọt, anh biết không? Tôi không muốn lên cân. Tôi mới
lên vài ký đó. Anh có thấy không?

MIKE: No, Mai Lan. To me, you’re always perfect!

Không. Đối với tôi, cô khi nào cũng tuyệt vời!

MAI LAN: Thank you. Then I’ll weigh a ton and still be perfect for you, hah?
Come on. Mike.

Cám ơn anh. Thế là tôi cân cả tấn mà vẫn là tuyệt đối với anh à? Thôi đi, Mike.

MIKE: Talking about dessert. Last week I had lunch with Larry at work. You
know what he had for dessert?

Nói về món tráng miệng. Tuần trước tôi ăn trưa với Larry ở sở. Cô có biết anh ta
ăn tráng miệng món gì không?

MAI LAN: Let me guess. He had 4 chocolate cookies?

Để tôi đoán. Anh ta ăn 4 miếng bánh chocolat?

MIKE: You’re almost right. He had 4 big chocolate cookies and a pint of vanilla

Cô nói gần đúng. Anh ta ăn 4 miếng bánh chocolat và 2 ly cà rem va ni.

MAI LAN: No. That’s way too much. Soon, he’ll add a few inches to his
waistline and many pounds on his body.

Không thể được. Thế là quá nhiều. Chẳng bao lâu anh ta sẽ thêm vòng bụng vài
phân và lên mấy cân.

MIKE: That’s not all. If he keeps on this kind of diet, he’ll end up with a lot of
health issues: overweight, high blood sugar which may lead to diabetes.

Chưa hết. Nếu anh ta tiếp tục ăn uống như thế anh sẽ bị nhiều vấn đề về sức khỏe
: mập phì, cao đường trong máu có thể đưa tới bệnh tiểu đường.

MAI LAN: He has a sweet tooth, doesn’t he?

Anh ta có sweet tooth, đúng không?

MIKE: Right. He has a sweet S-W-E-E-T tooth T-O-O-T-H, he has a great liking
for sweet tasting food.

Đúng. Anh ta có sweet S-W-E-E-T tooth T-O-O-T-H. Anh ta rất thích ăn ngọt.

MAI LAN: Well, I like sweet stuff, too. Ice cream, cookies, cakes… I like them
all, but we must practice moderation. A small amount is OK. Do you agree?

Ồ, tôi cũng thích đồ ngọt. Cà rem, kẹo, bánh, tôi thích tất cả nhưng mình phải giữ
chừng mực. Một lượng nhỏ thì được, anh đồng ý không?

MIKE: I agree. We have a sweet tooth, too. However, we eat moderately and we
do physical exercises. That’s the key.

Tôi đồng ý. Tôi cũng thích của ngọt. Nhưng tôi ăn chừng mực và tập thể dục. Đó
là điểm chính.

MAI LAN: You should tell Larry about the potential danger of eating too much
sweet stuff the next time you see him.

Lần tới khi anh gặp lại, anh nên nói với Larry là có thể nguy hiểm nếu ăn nhiều đồ

MIKE: I’ve told him more than once but it’s like water off a duck’s back.

Tôi đã nói với ảnh nhiều lần nhưng như là “water off a duck's back” vậy.

MAI LAN: Water off a duck’s back?

Water off a duck’s back?

MIKE: Right. Water W-A-T-E-R off O-F-F a duck’s D-U-C-K-‘s back B-A-C-K.
You see, when water is poured on a duck’s back, does it stick?

Đúng thế. Water W-A-T-E-R off O-F-F a duck's D-U-C-K's back B-A-C-K. Cô
xem này, nếu đổ nước lên lưng con vịt thì nước có dính vào không?

MAI LAN: No! It doesn’t stick. It flows off immediately.

Không. Nước không dính vào mà trôi tuột đi ngay.

MIKE: Likewise, a warning has no effect on the person mentioned. That is the
case with Larry.

Cũng thế. Một lời cảnh cáo không có ảnh hưởng gì với người trong cuộc. Đó là
trường hợp Larry.

MAI LAN: You mean you know Larry has a sweet tooth and he keeps on
overeating sweet stuff. Then you have warned him about the risk of consuming too
much sugar, but he doesn’t listen.

Anh muốn nói là Larry thích và ăn quá nhiều đồ ngọt. Rồi anh đã cảnh cáo anh ta
về sự nguy hiểm khi ăn nhiều đường mà anh ta không nghe.

MIKE: I have warned him more than once! He knows the risk, but he has had this
bad habit for a long time. It’s not easy to break a habit.

Tôi đã cảnh cáo anh ta nhiều lần. Anh ta biết cái nguy hiểm nhưng anh đã có thói
quen tai hại này từ lâu. Khó bỏ thói quen lắm.

MAI LAN: He doesn’t have to cut it out completely, he can reduce the sweet stuff
to half the amount and slowly build a habit of eating less sweets.

Anh ta không cần bỏ hẳn, nhưng có thể hạ xuống nửa lượng đồ ngọt và từ từ sẽ
quen ăn bớt của ngọt.

MIKE: Great idea! In short, Larry has a sweet tooth. I’ve warned him, but my
advice that he stop eating sweet stuff is like water off a duck’s back. So now I’ll tell
him to just eat less sweets. I hope he’ll listen.

Ý kiến hay. Tóm lại Larry thích đồ ngọt. Tôi cảnh cáo anh ta nhưng lời khuyên
của tôi như nước đổ đầu vịt. Vậy bây giờ tôi khuyên anh ta ăn bớt đi thôi. Hy vọng anh
ta nghe lời.

We’ve just learned two idioms: HAVE A SWEET TOOTH, which means THÍCH



The two idioms we’re learning today are SPILL THE BEANS and TURN

Mike’s friend Larry is working at the Watson Bank on Arlington Boulevard in

Falls City, he has recently been promoted to the position of Manager of this branch.
He’s well-liked by his co-workers, thanks to his mild manners and his sense of

Bạn của Mike, anh Larry làm việc ở nhà ngân hàng Watson trên đại lộ Arlington
thành phố Falls City. Anh vừa được thăng chức giám đốc chi nhánh nhà ngân hàng
này. Anh được đồng ngiệp quí mến vì tính anh nhẹ nhàng và anh có tinh thần trách

MIKE: Mai Lan, I saw Larry last weekend. You remember him, don’t you?

Mai Lan, tôi gập Larry cuối tuần trước. Cô nhớ anh ta chứ?

MAI LAN: Yes, I do. He’s tall and handsome. He’s a bit reserved but I can tell
he’s smart and kind.

Có chứ. Anh ta cao, đẹp trai. Anh có vẻ ít nói, nhưng tôi thấy anh ta thông minh
và tử tế.

MIKE: You’re so right. The guy is rather quiet, but really bright. He has excellent
ideas in term of business. As the manager of his bank, he has succeeded in bringing in
many new clients.

Cô nói đúng lắm. Anh ta hơi ít nói nhưng giỏi lắm, nhiều sáng kiến. Anh có nhiều
ý rất hay về thương mại. Làm giám đốc của chi nhánh nhà ngân hàng đó, anh đã thành
công, mang vào nhiều khách mới.
MAI LAN: I’m sure he treats his clients professionally and ensures them he’s
there to really help them.

Tôi chắc chắn là anh ta đối xử với khách hàng lịch sự và làm khách tin tưởng là
anh thật tình giúp họ.

MIKE: Yes. That’s critical in customer relationship.

Đúng. Việc đó tối quan trọng trong sự giao tế với khách hàng.

MAI LAN: I’m so impressed! He certainly deserves special recognition, either

bonuses or more promotion.

Tôi có ấn tượng tốt về anh ta. Chắc chắn ảnh xứng đáng được ghi nhận, hoặc
được tiền thưởng, hoặc được thăng chức.

MIKE: I agree. You know what, Mai Lan? There’s an interesting story about him.
I’m telling you now and let’s keep this between us.

Tôi đồng ý. Mai Lan, có một chuyện về anh ta. Tôi nói cho cô nghe nhưng giữ kín
giữa chúng ta thôi nhé.

MAI LAN: Oh, something negative about him? I hope not. I like the man and
strongly believe he is one of good characters.

Ồ. Một chuyện xấu về anh ta hả? Tôi hy vọng không phải thế. Tôi rất quí ảnh và
tin là ảnh có nhiều tính tốt.

MIKE: No, no. It’s not really bad. Just something he did in his teenage. You
know some people don’t behave properly when they were young. Well, I can say
many, in various ways.

Không, không. Chuyện không hẳn là xấu. Chỉ là một việc anh làm khi còn trẻ. Cô
biết có những người không cư xử đúng khi còn trẻ. À, tôi có thể nói là nhiều người trẻ
cư xử sai, sai nhiều kiểu.

MAI LAN: Mike. Look! I’m raising my hand. I was one. I gave my parents a lot
of headaches when I was 14, 15.

Mike, nhìn đây. Tôi đang giơ tay lên đây này. Tôi là một trong số đó. Tôi làm bố
mẹ tôi nhức đầu nhiều lắm lúc 14, 15 tuổi.

MIKE: Count me in! Please!

Xin tính cả rôi vào đấy!

MAI LAN: But what did Larry do?

Nhưng Larry làm gì thế?

MIKE: Well, Larry hung out with some bad kids and they shoplifted at the mall
and got caught. Larry was ashamed and kept the story under wraps for a long time.

À. Larry chơi với một nhóm bạn xấu, tụi nó ăn cắp đồ trong một thương xá và bị
bắt. Larry xấu hổ lắm, giữ kín chuyện này trong một thời gian dài.

MAI LAN: Poor guy! All of us make mistakes sometime in our life. So Larry kept
it under wraps, but how come you know about it?

Thương quá! Tất cả chúng ta đều từng làm lỗi trong đời. Vậy Larry giữ kín mà
sao anh lại biết?

MIKE: One of the boys Larry hung out with spilled the beans!

Một cậu trong nhóm Larry chơi "spilled the beans".

MAI LAN: “Spilled the beans”? You said “spilled the beans”?

“Spilled the beans”? Anh nói “spilled the beans”?

MIKE: Yes. To spill S-P-I-L-L the beans B-E-A-N-S means reveal secret
information about something, mostly unintentionally.

Phải. To spill S-P-I-L-L the beans B-E-A-N-S có nghĩa là nói ra một chuyện kín,
bí mật. Thường là vô tình nói ra.

MAI LAN: So he spilled the beans and the story’s known.

Vậy là anh này nói ra và có người biết chuyện.

MIKE: That’s it. Larry was quite upset. He felt very bad right after the incident,
he acknowledged he had made a bad decision to hang out with the wrong group.

Thế đó. Larry khá buồn và ân hận. Ngay sau chuyện lấy hàng ở thương xá, anh đã
nhận ra mình sai, đi nhập bọn với nhóm xấu.
MAI LAN: And he changed. I know the feelings. He didn’t intend to misbehave,
it was just a thoughtless act of a young boy. Everyone deserves a second chance.

Và rồi anh ta thay đổi. Tôi hiểu lắm. Anh không có ý làm việc xấu, đó chỉ là hành
động thiếu suy nghĩ của tuổi trẻ. Ai cũng đáng được cơ hội để sửa đổi.

MIKE: You’re right. His parents supported him heartily. They realized that he felt
bad, so didn’t penalize him.

Cô nói đúng. Ba má anh nhiệt tình nâng đỡ anh. Ông bà biết anh ân hận nên
không phạt anh.

MAI LAN: They helped him get rid of the guilty feelings, too, didn’t they?

Ông bà giúp anh phá bỏ cảm giác tội lỗi phải không?

MIKE: They did. And he completely turned over a new leaf.

Ba má anh làm thế đó. Và anh hoàn toàn "turn over a new leaf".

MAI LAN: “Turn over a new leaf” is like turn over a new page in a book, right?

"Turn over a new leaf" giống như lật sang một trang mới của cuốn sách phải

MIKE: Yes, It means start to act, to behave in a better or more responsible way.

Phải. Có nghĩa là bắt đầu đổi thay, cư xử đúng, có trách nhiệm hơn.

MAI LAN: So he turned over a new leaf. After that, he acted correctly and he
behaved responsibly. I can tell.

Vậy là anh ta lật sang trang mới! Sau chuyện đó anh sống đàng hoàng, có tinh
thần trách nhiệm. Tôi thấy rõ như vậy.

MIKE: Indeed. He turned over a new leaf. Now, all know him as a gentleman
with dignity and a businessman with a promising future.

Rất đúng. Anh ta lật sang trang mới. Bây giờ ai cũng biết anh là một người lịch
sự, có tư cách, một thương gia có tương lai đầy hứa hẹn.

We’ve just learned two idioms: SPILL THE BEANS, which means NÓI LỘ RA
and TURN OVER A NEW LEAF, which means SỬA ĐỔI.


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