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PrepAhead Series
Daily Answer Writing+4 Full Length Test & Mentorship Program with 3X Revision
and Quizzes, 2024-25

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When will the Program Start?

● It will begin from 1st November 2023 onwards.

Q. Highlights of the program?

● The program has following components:
1. Daily Answer Writing (DAW) with Model Approach and evaluation.
2. 4 Full Length Test with Model Approach and evaluation.
3. 4 One-to-One Mentorship Sessions
4. 8 Quizzes for active recalling (covering 160 questions from entire syllabus).
5. 3X Revision plan for each paper.
6. Value Added Materials & Case Studies every Sunday during the program
7. Unlimited doubt resolution via email.
8. Answer Writing Tips Documents for continuous improvement.

Q. How this program will benefit?

● Here's how each component can contribute to the overall benefit of the program:
○ Daily Answer Writing (DAW) with Model Approach and Evaluation:
■ Helps students develop the skill of concise and structured writing.
■ Regular practice improves time management and content organization.
■ Model answers and evaluations offer guidance for improvement.
○ 4 Full-Length Tests with Model Approach and Evaluation:
■ Simulates the exam environment, helping students manage exam stress.
■ Identifies weak areas that need more attention.
■ Model answers and evaluations provide insights into better strategies.
○ 4 One-to-One Mentorship Sessions:
■ Personalized guidance and support from your anonymous educator.
■ Offers a platform for discussing individual concerns and queries.
■ Tailored advice can significantly enhance a student's preparation.

Paper 1 Anthropology playlist on Youtube - Click Here and Complete Paper 1 Notes - Click Here
Paper 2 Anthropology playlist on Youtube - Click Here and Complete Paper 2 Notes - Click Here
Complete Paper 1 & 2 Notes (Combo) - Click Here
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○ 8 Quizzes for Active Recalling (covering 160 questions from the entire syllabus):
■ Reinforces learning and aids memory retention.
■ Encourages students to engage with the material actively.
■ Allows for self-assessment and tracking of progress.
○ 3X Revision plan for each paper during 6 Breaks to Sufficiently Revise and Enjoy
■ 3X revision will keeps you way ahead in competition.
■ Scheduled breaks facilitate effective revision and consolidation of knowledge thus,
promoting a healthy study-life balance, reducing burnout.
○ Value-Added Materials & Case Studies Every Sunday:
■ Offers additional resources and context to the regular curriculum.
■ Enhances comprehension by providing real-world examples.
■ Helps you gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Q. What about Evaluation? When will I get my Evaluated copies?

● Evaluation will be done within 4 days* and detailed feedback and improvement areas will be given in
Note: * 4 day evaluation is valid only for those following the schedule. Those who will not follow the
schedule there copy checking might be delayed.

Q. What is the duration of the program?

● The program begins on 1st November 2023 and ends on 29th January 2024 with 6 revision break.

Q. What is the mode of program?

● The program will be conducted in online mode.

Q. What is the format?

For Daily Answer Writing

● Aspirants will get daily 3 questions of 10M/15M/20M from specific topics as per the day-wise schedule
mentioned below in the Annexure-I
● They needs to write the answers to the given questions and upload them in the folder specially created
by the aspirant's name and shared with them after registration.
● Detailed feedback and improvement areas will be provided for each question and evaluated copies will
be uploaded in the respective folders.
● The Model approach will be available the next day of test schedule.

For Full Length Test

● Question Paper and Question cum Answer Booklet will be shared with aspirants as per the schedule
mentioned below in the Annexure-I
● They needs to write the answers to the given questions and upload them in the folder specially created
by the aspirant's name and shared with them after registration.

Paper 1 Anthropology playlist on Youtube - Click Here and Complete Paper 1 Notes - Click Here
Paper 2 Anthropology playlist on Youtube - Click Here and Complete Paper 2 Notes - Click Here
Complete Paper 1 & 2 Notes (Combo) - Click Here
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● Detailed feedback and improvement areas will be provided for each question and evaluated copies will
be uploaded in the respective folders.
● The Model approach will be available within 7 days of test schedule.

For Quiz
● Questions along with multiple options will be shared with you on a designated platform for attempt as
per the schedule and syllabus mentioned below in the Annexure-I

Q. What are features of Mentorship session?

● During the course of daily answer writing, there will be 4 one-to-one mentorship sessions via Google
Meet with each aspirants separately.
● Aspirants have to sent request the calls based upon their need. Although there is minimum eligibility for
each call.
○ 1st Mentorship: Written Minimum 10 DAW
○ 2nd Mentorship: Written Minimum 25 DAW
○ 3rd Mentorship: Written Minimum 35 DAW+1 FLT
○ 4th Mentorship: Written Minimum 45 DAW+1 FLT
● Aspirants can clarify their subject related doubts based on the daily answer writing, discuss the
feedbacks and further take help in making strategy to keep on improving.

Q. How will aspirants get their daily questions?

● Questions will be automatically available in folder(shared with aspirants after registration), a day before
the test schedule in between 8pm-11pm.

Q. Where will Aspirants Send or Upload their Answers?

● A folder will be shared, where aspirants can upload the answer copy.
● Do it before 11 pm everyday to ensure evaluation is done within 4 days.
● Send an email on the same mail thread where you have shared the payment receipt.

Q. Will Model Approach will be provided?

● Yes, we are a great believer that smart strategy and critical thinking ability can help you tackle all the
UPSC questions.
● So, we will provide a structure for answers i.e. Model Approach that will enable you to write a good
answer with your understanding.

Q. What if I am unable to submit answer on daily basis?

● Not being able to follow the schedule might delay the evaluation and mentorship session.
● But in anyway your learning will not get impacted, if you bounce back.

Objectives of the course :

❖ Enable aspirants to get atleast 270+ marks in Anthropology optional. You can take it 300+ with extra
effort and dedication.

Paper 1 Anthropology playlist on Youtube - Click Here and Complete Paper 1 Notes - Click Here
Paper 2 Anthropology playlist on Youtube - Click Here and Complete Paper 2 Notes - Click Here
Complete Paper 1 & 2 Notes (Combo) - Click Here
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❖ Get the confidence and lead in Mains preparation.
❖ Answer writing practice on a daily basis to refine your thinking and writing skills.
❖ Facilitate the active recall of knowledge.
❖ Contribute to the improvement of note quality.

Weekday Day Date Topics Details
Wednesday Day-1 1 Nov 2023 1.1, 1.2 DAW
Thursday Day-2 2 Nov 2023 1.3 DAW
Friday Day-3 3 Nov 2023 1.4 DAW
Saturday Day-4 4 Nov 2023 1.5 DAW

Sunday 5 Nov 2023 Quiz#1 10 Questions (Topics-1.1,to 1.5)

Monday Day-5 6 Nov 2023 1.6, 1.7 DAW

Tuesday Day-6 7 Nov 2023 1.8 DAW
Wednesday Day-7 8 Nov 2023 2.1 DAW
Thursday Day-8 9 Nov 2023 2.2 DAW
Friday Day-9 10 Nov 2023 2.3 DAW
Saturday 11 Nov 2023
Sunday 12 Nov 2023
Break#1 Diwali & Revision Break
Monday 13 Nov 2023
Tuesday 14 Nov 2023
Wednesday Day-10 15 Nov 2023 2.4 DAW
Thursday Day-11 16 Nov 2023 2.5 DAW
Friday Day-12 17 Nov 2023 3 DAW
Saturday Day-13 18 Nov 2023 4 DAW

Sunday 19 Nov 2023 Quiz#2 30 Questions (Topics-1.6 to 4)

Monday Day-14 20 Nov 2023 5 DAW

Tuesday Day-15 21 Nov 2023 6 DAW
Wednesday Day-16 22 Nov 2023 6 DAW
Thursday Day-17 23 Nov 2023 7, 8 DAW
Friday Day-18 24 Nov 2023 9.1 DAW
Saturday Day-19 25 Nov 2023 9.2, 9.3 DAW

Sunday 26 Nov 2023 Quiz#3 20 Questions (Topics-5 to 9.3)

Monday Day-20 27 Nov 2023 9.4 DAW

Tuesday Day-21 28 Nov 2023 9.5, 9.6 DAW

Paper 1 Anthropology playlist on Youtube - Click Here and Complete Paper 1 Notes - Click Here
Paper 2 Anthropology playlist on Youtube - Click Here and Complete Paper 2 Notes - Click Here
Complete Paper 1 & 2 Notes (Combo) - Click Here
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Wednesday Day-22 29 Nov 2023 9.7 DAW
Thursday Day-23 30 Nov 2023 9.8, 10 DAW
Friday Day-24 1 Dec 2023 11.1,11.2,11.3 DAW
Saturday Day-25 2 Dec 2023 12 DAW

Sunday 3 Dec 2023 Quiz#4 20 Questions (Topics-9.4 to 12)

Monday 4 Dec 2023

Tuesday 5 Dec 2023 Break#2 Complete Paper 1 Revision Break
Wednesday 6 Dec 2023

Thursday Day-26 7 Dec 2023 FLT#1 Full Length Test P1

Friday 8 Dec 2023
Saturday 9 Dec 2023
Sunday 10 Dec 2023
Break#3 Revision Break
Monday 11 Dec 2023
Tuesday 12 Dec 2023
Wednesday 13 Dec 2023
Thursday Day-27 14 Dec 2023 1.1 DAW
Friday Day-28 15 Dec 2023 1.1 DAW
Saturday Day-29 16 Dec 2023 1.1 DAW

Sunday 17 Dec 2023 Quiz#5 15 Questions (Topics-1.1)

Monday Day-30 18 Dec 2023 1.2 DAW

Tuesday Day-31 19 Dec 2023 1.3 DAW
Wednesday Day-32 20 Dec 2023 2 DAW
Thursday Day-33 21 Dec 2023 3.1 DAW
Friday Day-34 22 Dec 2023 3.2 DAW
Saturday Day-35 23 Dec 2023 3.3,3.4 DAW

Sunday 24 Dec 2023 Quiz#6 15 Questions (Topics-1.2 to 3.4)

Monday 25 Dec 2023

Tuesday 26 Dec 2023
Wednesday 27 Dec 2023
Thursday 28 Dec 2023
Break#4 Christmas & Revision Break
Friday 29 Dec 2023
Saturday 30 Dec 2023
Sunday 31 Dec 2023
Monday 1 Jan 2024
Tuesday Day-36 2 Jan 2024 4 DAW

Paper 1 Anthropology playlist on Youtube - Click Here and Complete Paper 1 Notes - Click Here
Paper 2 Anthropology playlist on Youtube - Click Here and Complete Paper 2 Notes - Click Here
Complete Paper 1 & 2 Notes (Combo) - Click Here
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Wednesday Day-37 3 Jan 2024 4 DAW
Thursday Day-38 4 Jan 2024 5.1 DAW
Friday Day-39 5 Jan 2024 5.2 DAW
Saturday Day-40 6 Jan 2024 5.3 DAW

Sunday 7 Jan 2024 Quiz#7 20 Questions (Topics-4 to 5.3)

Monday Day-41 8 Jan 2024 6.1 DAW

Tuesday Day-42 9 Jan 2024 6.2 DAW
Wednesday Day-43 10 Jan 2024 6.3 DAW
Thursday Day-44 11 Jan 2024 7.1 DAW
Friday Day-45 12 Jan 2024 7.2,7.3 DAW
Saturday Day-46 13 Jan 2024 8.1,8.2 DAW
Sunday 14 Jan 2024 Quiz#8 30 Questions (Topics-6.1 to 9.3)
Monday Day-47 15 Jan 2024 9.1 DAW
Tuesday Day-48 16 Jan 2024 9.2,9.3 DAW
Wednesday 17 Jan 2024
Thursday 18 Jan 2024 Break#5 Complete Paper 2 Revision Break
Friday 19 Jan 2024

Saturday Day-49 20 Jan 2024 FLT#2 Full Length Test P2

Sunday 21 Jan 2024
Monday 22 Jan 2024
Tuesday 23 Jan 2024
Wednesday 24 Jan 2024 Complete Paper 1 & Paper 2 Revision
Thursday 25 Jan 2024 Break
Friday 26 Jan 2024
Saturday 27 Jan 2024
Sunday 28 Jan 2024

Monday Day-50 29 Jan 2024 FLT#3/4 Full Length Test P1+P2

● KINDLY FINISH ALL THE TESTS before 15th Feburary 2024 to be eligible for evaluation, feedback
and mentorship.
● Follow the Test Schedule for being eligible for 4 day evaluation.
● Incase you enroll after the starting date i.e. 1st November 2023, you can start from the particular date
to ensure timely evaluation and the DAW before you enroll can be completed before 15th Feburary
2024 but the 4-day evaluation clause is not applicable then.
● Any change in schedule or delay in evaluation will be intimated in advance.

Paper 1 Anthropology playlist on Youtube - Click Here and Complete Paper 1 Notes - Click Here
Paper 2 Anthropology playlist on Youtube - Click Here and Complete Paper 2 Notes - Click Here
Complete Paper 1 & 2 Notes (Combo) - Click Here
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Answer Submission Specific Instructions

Write down the answers in on an unruled papers leaving sufficient margin on both sides. Also, mention the
page number on every page, question number against each answer and the following details on the first page
in the given format.
DAW Test No:
Date of attempt:
Date of submission:
Email ID:
Contact No:
Time taken:

Merge the Feedback performa : Click here and Scan the pages using Adobe scanner or any other application.

Rename the file in the below format.
Name_DAW Test No_Date of Submission
E.g. Ankit_DAW 1_1st Nov 2023

Upload the renamed file in PDF format to the folder already shared with you after registration.

After Uploading, send an intimation mail on with subject line: Uploaded
DAW-1/2/3 etc.
No need to write anything in mail body. Failing to do so will result in unexpected delay in evaluation.

Note: Answer sheets without the proper guidelines given above will not be accepted for evaluation.



Paper 1 Anthropology playlist on Youtube - Click Here and Complete Paper 1 Notes - Click Here
Paper 2 Anthropology playlist on Youtube - Click Here and Complete Paper 2 Notes - Click Here
Complete Paper 1 & 2 Notes (Combo) - Click Here
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