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ty Code of Practice Traffic Control at Work Zone PART 1 Traffic Control and Road Safety SECTION 1 Introduction Ist June 2001 Edition Davart Transport 2: All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electrical, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise or stored in any retrieval system of any nature, without prior written permission of the Land Transport Authority. Amendments issued since publication Amendment Date of Text affected No. Amendment «9 Part 1 Section | - Introduction Effects of Road Work.. 2 Primary Objective of Traffic Control for Roadworks.. 3 Scope of the Code of Practice.. 4 Important Reasons .. 5 Improvement Process 6 Definitions 8 Control of Works on Public Streets. References... Appendix 1: Regulation 4 of BOWEC...... Appendix jection 119 of Road Traffic Act (Chapter 276) Appendix 3: Section 115 of Road Traffic Act (Chapter 276) Appendix 4: Rule 2 of Road Traffic (Traffic Signs) Rules. 18 Appendix 5: Section 17 of Street Works Act 1995... 19 Appendix 6: Regulation 4 of Street Works (Works on Public Streets) Regulations 1996 23 Appendix 7: Contract Specifications for Traffic Control 24 Appendix 8: Preliminaries. =a Code of Practice for Tr beet Part 1 Section 1 - Introduction Effects of Road Work 1. Roads are provided for the safe, smooth and efficient movement of people, goods and services. Works on or near the carriageway will affect the safety and free movement of vehicles and pedestrians. All reasonable steps shall be taken to keep any undesirable or adverse effects to a minimum, in which case, effective traffic control is most essential. Pan Island Expressway. 112 Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone Part 1 Section 1 - Introduction vial Primary Objective o: ‘trol for Roadworks 2. Traffic control and road safety involve a compromise between getting the work done as quickly and safely as possible and keeping a free flow of traffic. The primary objective is to manage the traffic as efficiently and safely as possible Jor all work conditions, Clementi Ave 6/ Commonwealth Avenue West Traffic control aims to give adequate warning and clear information to motorists about the nature of works on site and the action required in order to pass the work site safely. Proper traffic control at the same time also protects those who are carrying out the works. Where the need arises, traffic control shall include measures to safeguard the pedestrians whose safety is another aspect that cannot be neglected. Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone Part 1 Seetion 1 - Introduction ‘ope of the Code of Practice 3. This Code of Practice applies to Land Transport Authority, all utility service departments, contractors and other service providers who are involved in work on roads. It sets out the standards and procedures and provides guidance to implement the traffic control plan necessary for carrying out work activities on the road. Work activities include but are not limited to borehole exploration, excavation, construction, maintenance and utility works. 4, The Code consists of three Parts. Part 1 Traffic Control and Road Safety. Section 1 Introduction. Section 2 Fundamental Principles. Section 3. Design f Application of Traffic Control Devices. Section 4 Planning & Design of Traffic Control Plan. Section 5 Implementation, Operation & Maintenance and Close Part 2 Specifications and Drawings. Section 1 Specifications. Section 2. Dimensions of Signs. Part 3 Typical Traffic Control Plan. 14 Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone Part 1 Section 1 - Introduction MgC Teta Cachet 5. Some of the more important reasons for proper traffic control are: 1 To comply with all legal obligations e.g. a) BOWEC Regulation 4 (1999 Ed) — Employer's and contractor's safety obligations. b) Road Traffic Act Section 119 — Power to place traffic signs on public streets. ©) Road Traffic Act Section 115 (Chapter 276) Part VI — Provisions as to use of highways. 4) Road Traffic (TRAFFIC SIGNS) Rules (1990) — Prescribe traffic signs placed on or near any roads. €) Street Works Act 1995 Section 17 — Power to control works on public streets, f) Street Works (Works on Public Streets) Regulations 1996 — Application and approval to work on public streets for any person other than the Authority. Full text of the relevant Acts & Regulations are listed in the Appendix in this Section. 0. m. WV. Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone 1s To fulfill moral responsibility Every person who has direct control of roadwork is morally obliged to prevent any violation of safety. No one wants to feel responsible for an injury or death, To strive for the highest standards of safety Itshould be every organisation’s policy to strive for the highest standards of safety consistent with the best international practices, To improve public image Roadwork is most visible on site. The public will judge the organisation by the standard of traffic control and road safety it provides. Part 1 Section 1 - Intraduetion mprovement Process 6. The standard of traffic control shall be improved continually to meet the rising expectations of road users, The process involves a continuous cycle of activities as shown in the following diagram: Improvement process ~ a continuous cycle I Set New Standards: Set good standards by drawing from the experiences of developed countries in traffic control and safety practices. 1, Education: Educate all personnel involved in traffic control and road safety. Their knowledge should be commensurate with their responsibility, Educate the road users on traffic control and road safety measures so that they can be more understanding, if not forgiving. 11-6 Code of Practice for Traffie Control at Work Zone Part 1 Section 1 = Introduction I. Implementation: Review and incorporate the Code into the contract specification, Traffic control and road safety items shall be clearly priced in the contract. The recommended specification for the contract specification and preliminaries are attached in the Appendix at the end of this Section. IV. Auditing: Appoint independent and qualified persons to review and report on the design, implementation and operation of the traffic control scheme to ensure correct and consistent practice at different sites, V. Evaluation and Review: Evaluate and review current practices continually to correct mistakes and improve standards. Code of Practice for Traffle Control at Work Zone at Part 1 Section 1 - Introduction Definitions i For the purposes of this Code of Practice, the following definitions apply unless the context otherwise requires: “approved”, in relation to this Code of Practice, means approved by the Authority. “Authority” means the Land Transport Authority of Singapore established under the Land Transport Authority of Singapore Act 1995. “carriageway” means that part of the road inclusive of any shoulders constructed for use by vehicular traffic. “peak hours” means the normal hours that people are travelling to or from work which are specified by the Authority as the hours excluding on Public Holidays, from 7.30 am to 9.30 am on every Monday to Saturday, from 12.00 pm to 2.00 pm on every Saturday and from 4.30 pm to 7.00 pm on every Monday to Friday. “Professional Engineer” means a person who is a registered engincer with a valid practising certificate in the relevant discipline under the Professional Engineers Act. “qualified supervisor” means a full-time site personnel who possesses a Certificate in Pavement Construction and Maintenance issued by the Building and Construction Authority or such qualification that is recognised by the Authority to plan, design and supervise the temporary traffic control required. “road” means street as defined in the Street Works Act 1995 or any part thereof, as implied by the context. “traffic control” means the process required temporarily to regulate, warn and guide road users and advise them to traverse a section of a road in the proper manner. Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone Part 1 Section 1 - Introduction “traffic control devices” means the signs, cones, barriers, flashing lamps or other devices placed temporarily on or adjacent to a road to regulate, wam, or guide road users, “work zone” means the entire section of the road over which temporary traffic control related to the work activity is exercised. “worksite” means the space where the work is taking place and where the workers, equipment and material storage are confined. “detour” means traffic is directed to another road to bypass the closed area. iversion” means traffic is directed to a temporary road or lane placed in or next to the carriageway. Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone 119 Part 1 Section 1 - Introduction ntrol of Works on Public Streets 8. Besides this Code, anyone who carries out works on public streets shall also be aware of and comply with the relevant requirements stipulated in other rules, regulations and codes of practice of the Authority. 9, Approval shall be obtained from the Authority for carrying out road opening works on public streets, All applications shall be made on prescribed forms to the Road Management Department at 1 Hampshire Road, Block 3 #02-00, Singapore 219428. 10. Works on public streets within the Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) Railway Protection and Railway Safety Zones shall not be carried out without the clearance from the Development ft Building Control Department of the Authority at 251 North Bridge Road, Singapore 179102 11, It is obligatory to apply for approval to work in the Central Expressway (CTE) tunnels or on roads or expressways installed with the Expressway Monitoring and Advisory Systems (EMAS), TraffieScan, Junction Eyes or GLIDE system. Application forms are available from the Integrated Transport Systems Control Centre at 181 River Valley Road, Singapore 179034. 11-10 Code of Practice for Traffie Control at Work Zone Part 1 Section t - Introduction Sta caitus Road Management Department, Land Transport Authority — 1998 Code of Practice on Temporary Traffic Control. UK Department of Transport — 1993 Traffic Signs Manual Chapter 8 — Traffic Safety Measures and Signs for Road Works and Temporary Situation. U.S. Department of Transport, Federal Highway Administration — 1993 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices Part VI ~ Standards and Guides for Traffic Controls for Street and Highway Construction, Maintenance, Utility, and Incident Management Operation. U.S. Department of Transport, Federal Highway Administration — 1993 Planning and Scheduling Work Zone Traffic Control. Road and Traffic Authority, NSW Australia — 1996 Road Environment Safety — A Practitioner's Reference Guide. Road and Traffic Authority, NSW Australia — 1995 Traffic Control at Work Sites. Australian Standard AS 1742.3 — 1985 Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices Part 3 ~ Traffic Control Devices for Works on Roads. Traffic Management & Safety at Highway Work Zones — 1989 OECD. Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone hy < retell Part Section Introduction ppendix 1: Regulation 4 of BOWE! BOWEC, Regulation 4 of FACTORIES ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION) REGULATIONS, FACTORI (BUILDING OPERATIONS AND WORKS OF ACT (Chapter 104), Obligations 4 12 a) (2) It shall be the duty of every contractor and every employer, who is undertaking any of the operations or works to which these Regulations apply — (a) to comply with such of the requirements of these Regulations as affect him or any person employed, except that such requirements shall be deemed not to affect any employee if and so long as his presence in any place is not in the course of performing any work on behalf of his employer and is not expressly or impliedly authorised or permitted by his employer; and (b) to comply with such of the requirements of these Regulations as relate to any work, act or operation performed or about to be performed by any such contractor or employer. It shall be the duty of every contractor and every employer who erects or alters any scaffold to comply with such of the requirements, of these Regulations as relate to the erection or alteration of scaffolds having regard to the purpose or purposes for which the scaffold is designed at the time of erection or alteration, Every contractor and every employer, who erects, installs, works or uses any plant or equipment to which any of the provisions of these Regulations applies shall erect, install, work or use such plant or equipment in a manner which complies with those provisions. Code of Practice for Traffie Control at Wark Zone Part 1 Section 1 Introduction (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) Where a contractor, who is undertaking any of the operations or works to which these Regulations apply, appoints any artisan, tradesman or other person to perform any work or service under a contract for services, it shall be the duty of the contractor to comply with such of the requirements of these Regulations as affect that artisan, tradesman or other person. For the purpose of paragraph (4), any reference in these Regulations to an employee shall include a reference to such artisan, tradesman or other person and the contractor shall be deemed to be his employer. It shall be the duty of every employee to comply with the requirements of such of these Regulations as relate to the performance of or the refraining from an act by him to co-operate in carrying out these Regulations. No employer or contractor shall permit an employee to do anything not in accordance with the generally accepted principles of sound and safe practice. No employee shall do anything not in accordance with the generally accepted principles of sound and safe practice. No person shall wilfully do any unsafe act which may cause injury to himself or to others. Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone wena Part Section 1 Introduction Appent Mea PART VI Neu Road Traffic Act (Chapter 276) PROVISIONS AS TO USE OF HIGHWAYS Power to place traffic signs. 119 (1) (2) G) (4) The Minister may cause or permit traffic signs to be drawn, placed or erected and maintained on or near any road, and any signs so drawn, placed or er ed shall be subjected to and be in conformity with such general or special directions as he may give. Traffic signs shall be of the prescribed size, colour and type except where the Minister authorises the placing or retention of a sign of another character. No traffic signs shall be drawn or placed on or near any road except under and in accordance with subsections (1) and (2). The Minister shall by notice in writing, require the owner or occupier of any land on which there is any traffic sign or any object which so closely resembles a traffic sign that it might reasonably be taken to be such a sign to remove it and if any person fails to comply with such a notice, the Minister may cause the removal to be effected with as little damage as may be and the expense incurred in doing so may be recovered as a civil debt from the person so in default: Provided that this subsection shall not apply in the case of any sign or object which complies with subsection (2) and the retention. of which is expressly authorised by the Minister. Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone Part 1 Section 1 - Introduction (5) (6) 7 (8) The Minister may authorise the entry upon any land and the exercise of such other powers as may be necessary for the purpose of the exercise and performance of his powers and duties under this section, In this Part, “traffic sign” includes all signals, warning sign posts, directional posts, signs, lines or other devices for the guidance or direction of persons using roads, but shall not include warning signs or other devices temporarily set up by any Government department to indicate that road work is in progress. Any person wilfully and unlawfully damaging, moving, defacing, altering or otherwise interfering with any traffic sign shall be guilty of an offence, and any police officer or the Registrar or any officer authorised in writing in that behalf by the Registrar on production of his authority may without warrant arrest any person found committing such offence, The Minister may make rules to prescribe the size, colour and type of traffic signs to be drawn or placed on or near roads, Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone Lis, Part 1 Section 1 Introduction ‘Appen 11-16 PART VI Section 115 of. Traffic Act (Chapter 276) PROVISIONS AS TO USE OF HIGHWAYS. Power of Minister temporarily to prohibit or restrict traffic on roads. 115 (1) (2) GB) (4) Subject to this section, if the Minister is satisfied that traffic on any road in Singapore should, by reason of works of repair or reconstruction being required or being in progress on or under the road, be restricted or prohibited, he may restrict or prohibit the use of that road or any part thereof by vehicles or by vehicles of any particular class or descriptions to such an extent and subject to such conditions or exceptions as he may consider necessary. Subject to this section, the Minister shall, not less than 7 days before prohibiting the use of a road or part thereof under this section, cause notice thereof to be published in one or more newspapers circulating in Singapore. Every such notice shall contain a statement of the effect of the prohibition and a description of the alternative route or routes, if any, available for traffic So long as any restriction or prohibition made under this section is in force, a notice stating the effect thereof and describing any alternative route or routes available for traffic shall be kept posted in a conspicuous manner at each end of the part of the road to which the restriction or prohibition relates and at the points at which it will be necessary for vehicles to diverge from the road. Any person, authorised by name or office in writing in that behalf by the Minister, may at any time by notice restrict or prohibit temporarily the use of any road or part thereof by vehicles or by vehicles of any particular class or descriptions where, owning to Code of Practice for Traffic Contral at Work Zone Part 1 Section 4 - Introduction the likelihood of danger to the public or of serious damage to the highway, it appears to him necessary that such restriction or prohibition should come into force without delay. Any such notice shall describe the alternative route or routes, if any, available for traffic and shall be kept posted in accordance with subsection (3) and shall not continue in force for a period longer than 7 days from the date thereof; but where such a notice has been posted the Minister may, before the expiration of that period, proceed to make a restriction or prohibition under subsection (1) with respect to the same road or part thereof. (5) Any person who uses or causes or permits the use of a vehicle in contravention of any restriction or prohibition imposed under this section shall be guilty of an offence. Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone 1 Part Section 1 Introdnetion Appendix 4: Rule 2. of Road Traffic (Traffic Signs) Rules Rule 2 of ROAD TRAFFIC (TRAFFIC SIGNS) RULES [157 November 1991], ROAD ‘TRAFFIC ACT (Chapter 276, ery ections 119 and 140) Prescribed traffic signs. 2 a) Q) () Subject to any directions which the Minister may give under Section 119 of the Act, the traffic signs authorised to be drawn or placed on or near any road shall — {a) Be at least of the size, and conform to the colour and type as prescribed in the diagrams set out in the Schedule; and (b) Conform to the descriptions set out in these Rules. The dimension of the traffic signs as given in the diagrams set out in the Schedule denotes the dimension in millimetres unless otherwise stated. A traffic sign drawn or placed on or near a road shall be deemed to be a prescribed traffic sign and to have been so lawfully drawn unless the contrary is proved, and the fact that a traffic sign differs slightly in size, colour or type from that prescribed in these Rules shall not prevent the traffic sign from being a regular or lawful sign so long as the sign is not thereby misleading or its general appearance materially altered or its effectiveness impaired. Code of Practice far Traffic Control at Work Zone Part 1 Section 1 - Introduction Appendix 5: Section 17 of Street Works Act 1995 PART II PUBLIC STREETS Power to control works on public streets. 17 (1) No person shall carry out any works on any public street, public bridge or on any street which i to be declared public unless he has obtai 1ed the prior approval of the Authority, (2) An application to the Authority for its approval under subsection (1); (a) shall be made in writing and shall be accompanied by a plan in duplicate, showing the location affected by the works; and (b) may be granted by the Authority subject to such directions as may be given by the Authority under subsection (3). (3) The Authority may give written directions to the person submitting the application with regard to all or any of the following particulars: (a) compliance with this Act and any regulations made thereunder; (b) the loc: to be laid or erected; n and extent of the work and other related apparatus {c)__ the provision of footways and diversion roads and the size and specifications of such footways and diversion roads; (a) _ the design and construction method; (c) the period of the works; Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone bis Part 1 Section 1 ~ Introduction 11-20 (0 _ the provision of temporary traffic signs and other road related facilities; and (g) the reinstatement of any affected public street or public bridge or any street which is to be declared public. Where in the opinion of the Authority any works have been carried out in contravention of the provisions of this Act or any regulations made thereunder, the Authority may by order in writing require — (a) the cessation of the works; (b) the removal of any installations; (c)__ the reinstatement of any affected public street or public bridge or any street which is to be declared public; or (a) such work or alteration to be carried out as may be necessary to cause the works to comply with the provisions of this section, and in every case, the order shall specify — (i) the manner in which the removal, work or alteration specified in the order is to be carried out; (ii) _ the time within which the removal, work or alteration shall commence; (iii) the time within which the removal, work or alteration shall be completed; and (iv) that the removal, work or alteration shall be carried out with due diligence to the satisfaction of the Authority. | Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone Past 1 Section 1 - Introduction (5) An order made under subsection (4) shall be served on the owner of the works and the person carrying out the works. (6) If an order made under subsection (4) is not complied with, the Authority may — (a) demolish, remove or alter the works or cause the works to be demolished, removed or altered, or take such other steps as appear to the Authority to be necessary or expedient; and (b) recover all costs and expenses reasonably incurred by the Authority in the exercise of its powers under this section from the person in default. (7) Neither the Authority nor the Government shall be liable to make Sood any damage caused to or any loss of goods or property as a result of any work carried out under subsection (6). (8) Without prejudice to the rights of the Authority to exercise its power under subsection (6), if any person on whom an order made under subsection (4) is served fails to comply with the order, that person shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding $100,000 and, in the case of a continuing offence, to a further fine not exceeding $1,000 for every day during which the offence continues after conviction. (9) The Authority may levy a charge on the person who carries out works on public streets or public bridges or any street which is to be declared publi (10) The charge shall be determined in accordance with such rate and method of calculation as may be prescribed. Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone r > etl Part 1 Section 1 ~ Introduetion (11) The Authority may require the person who made the application under subsection (1) to make a deposit before commencing any work. (12) If the works are not executed to the satisfaction of the Authority 11-22 in any case where a deposit has been made under subsection (11), the Authority may, at any time after the service of a notice, execute or cause any works to be properly carried out and the costs and expenses of any works executed or caused to be carried out by the Authority shall be recovered from the deposit made under that subsection. Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone Pact 1 Section 1 - Introduction paNy)ailelb-al rag eiEleCOiee ay aL eK en Vg cy Ue eM atl antec) motley tae eo Part Il AUTHORIT" APPROVAL FOR WORKS ON PUBLIC STREET 4 No person shall commence or carry out, or permit or authorise the commencement or carrying out of any works on a public street unless he has obtained the approval of the Authority for the works to be carried out Code of Practice for Traffle Control at Work Zone Lea Part 1 Seetion 1 - Introduction pendix:'7: Contract Specifications Contract specification for traffic control shall be included in the tender document for the contractor to price for the work and proper implementation during the contract. The contract specification recommended shall include the following items: — (1) Introduction This contract specification applies to the temporary traffic control and road safety at construction Work Zone. The Contractor shall, with due care and diligence, erect temporary traffic control devices at the construction Work Zone to protect the public, equipment and workmen, (2) Definition Temporary work as defined in Clause 1.1 of the Conditions of Contract shall include Temporary Traffic Control of the Work Zone throughout the construction period and defects liability period. Work Zone includes the entire road between the first advanced warning sign and the last traffic control device required. (3) Contractor's General Responsibilities Unless otherwise specified, the Contractor shall provide everything necessary to plan, design, implement, operate and maintain the Traffic Control Plan in accordance with the Code of Practice for Traffic Control At Work Zone. The Contractor shall co-ordinate temporary traffic control with other contractors, Government or statutory boards working within the Work Zone. The Contractor shall be overall responsible for the temporary traffic control within the work zone. 11-24 Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone (4) (5) ” Part 1 Section 1 - Introduction Programme, Site Operation and Method of Construction The Contractor shall integrate the temporary traffic control requirement into the planning process. He shall plan his Site Operation and Method of Construction to minimise the disruption to the traffic flow. The Method Statement of the work shall include temporary traffic control and road safety precautions. The programme submitted by the Contractor shall include the temporary traffic control schemes for the safe and efficient management of traffic for all work conditions. Should the programme not conform to the requirements, the Contractor shall revise the programme until all the requirements are complied with. The Contractor may develop alternative traffic control plans for better integration into his method of construction and work programme. The Author as good as those provided in the contract specifications, may accept the alternative traffic control plan if they are Appointment of Qualified Engineer/Consultant, The Contractor shall appoint a qualified Engineer or Consultant to prepare and submit Temporary Traffic Control Plans, in detail appropriate to the complexity of the project together with the tender. The qualified Engineer/Consultant shall be competent in traffic control and road safety practices. He shall be familiar with the field of road and transportation engineering. Within 21 days after the letter of acceptance, the Contractor shall submit to the Superintending Officer (SO) a copy of the formal agreement with the qualified Engincer/Consultant that he has appointed. Appointment of the Engineer/Consultant shall not relieve the Contractor's general responsibility of proper temporary traffic control and road safety during works throughout the contract period, Code of Practice for Traffe Control at Work Zone 11-25 Part 1 Section 1 - Introduction (7) (8) 11-26 Occupation of Work Zone The Contractor shall not commence work or occupy the Work Zone until a Traffic Control Plan, in detail appropriate to the complexity of the work, had been prepared by the qualified Engineer and accepted by the SO. Any changes in the traffic lane closure shall be subjected to the approval of the SO. Temporary Traffic Control Plan The Temporary Traffic Control Plan shall show the placement and type of temporary Traffic Control Devices to be used in the Work Zone as well as information about the type of Work Zone to be used in cach phase of the work. ‘The Contractor shall give ample time for the SO and the relevant Authority to approve the Temporary Traffic Control Plan. The plan shall be submitted in advance of the commencement of work not less than 1 ‘week for short duration work, 1 month for short-term work and 3 months for long-term work, or such time that may be agreed between the Contractor and SO. The Contractor shall take note that traffic diversion that last for longer than six months shall be subjected to Project Safety Review. Contractor shalll refer to contract specification for Project Safety Review. Pricing of Traffic Control Devices The Contractor shall pi ¢ for supplying material, labour, plants and ‘equipment and everything necessary to place, maintain and remove the devices he proposed to use for the temporary Traffic Control Plans throughout the construction period. Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone Part 1 Sectlon 1 Introduction The Contractor shall submit a schedule of the type and quantity of Traffic Control Devices used for the traffic control daily to the SO or the SO's representative. The Contractor shall give full opportunity for the SO or SO's Representative to examine and confirm the quality & quantity of the devices. T T Sino | Type | TradeName | Unit | Quantity | Remark The information in the schedule is only a guide to the quantity needed for the temporary traffic control. Provision of the list does not absolve the Contractor's responsibility to provide proper control of the traffic. ‘The Contractor shall be required to increase the number of temporary traffic control devices to meet the requirement. (9) Non-Conformance to Specification/Defective Traffic Control Devices The Contractor shall use only devices of quality and specifications as per this Code of Practice for Traffic Control At Work Zone. Any new devices shall be approved and accepted by the $0. The Contractor shall remove and replace all defective or substandard devices as soon as practicable so that it will not be reused on the road. If the SO finds any of the devices to be non-conforming or defective, he may instruct the Contractor to replace or not bring to the site any of the devices within specified times, Should incompatible products be used, the Contractor shall be liable for any defects such as discolouring and peeling, cracking, shrinking or any other manufacturing defects, Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone 1127 Part 1 Section 1 - Introduction (10) 1128 If the Contractor fails to or refuses to comply with the instruction of the $0, the employer shall be entitled to employ and pay others to carry out the replacement or removal. The amount of expense, costs or damages suffered or incurred by the employer shall be recoverable from the contractor. To ensure that the sheeting used meets the minimum specification as stated, the contractor is required to submit an original Certificate of Conformance from the authorized distributor/sheeting manufacturer indicating its conformance to the specification of reflective sheeting to Land Transport Authority. The field performance readings stated in each specification shall be achieved in respect of retroreflective element at the end of the 3rd year. All measurements shall be made after sign cleaning according to the sheeting manufacturer's recommendations. All signs supplied shall be sign dated in accordance to the sign-dating specimen, These sign dating stickers indicate the effective life span of the signs/barricades, i.e, minimum 3 years. Month se Year fees iB (oon 4 ce ‘ol 8 9 [02 10 u 12 [xx XX denotes name of sheeting manufacturer/supplier Competent Personnel and Supervisor The Contractor shall appoint a person with authority to be overall responsible for the temporary traffic control of the Work Zone. This person shall prove that he has the authority to control or prohibit the progress of the work if it fails to meet the requirements. The Contractor shall appoint a full-time trained supervisor to assist the person with authority or qualified Engineer to implement, operate and maintain the Traffic Control Plan. Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone Part 1 Section 1 - Introduction ‘The qualified supervisor shall be a person competent to perform the duties as specified in the Code of Practice for Traffic Control At Work Zone and be knowledgeable in Highway Code. He shall be at least a holder of the National Certificate in Construction Supervision (NCCS) or Certificate in Pavement Construction and Maintenance awarded by CITI or such qualification that may be acceptable to the SO. He shall also preferably be a qualified site safety supervisor as defined in the BOWEC who has at least 3 years of practical experience in road construction. (11) Training of Workers ‘The Contractor shall brief all workers on basic road safety rules (Highway Code) in Singapore when they first come on site, The contractor shall train all workers on the safe work practices on roads. The contractor shall submit an updated training record to the SO monthly. The Contractor shall conduct regular briefings to update all workers, supervisors and foremen on matters related to temporary traffic control and road safety. The Contractor shall submit a monthly record to the SO within a week after each briefing. The Contractor shall appoint a team of specially trained workers conversant with the safe system of placing, operating, maintaining and removing devices to assist the supervisor to carry out the work. (12) Safety Vehicle The Contractor shall at all times protect the worker from the traffic. He shall provide a look-out to give early warning to the workers placing, maintaining, and removing traffic control devices. The Contractor shall deploy a protective vehicle mounted with a Truck-Mounted Attenuator and arrow light panel when working on expressways or high-speed roads of 70km/hr and above to protect the workers. Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone 11-29 Part 1 Section | - Introduction L130 (13) Watchman for Temporary Traffie Control ‘The Contractor shall appoint a responsible worker to control the works vehicle entering or leaving the work site. The Contractor shall continue to provide workers to inspect and maintain the devices after the workday {at night, weekends and holidays). The workers appointed shall have: © Training in safe traffic control practices. © Good physical condition, including sight and hearing. © Ability to communicate with road user. ‘ (14) Inspection Vehicle The Contractor shall deploy a designated vehicle to assist the full-time trained supervisor to operate and inspect the traffic control plan. ‘The inspection vehicle shall be painted with an approved colour. The back and the side of the vehicle shall be marked with diamond grade retroreflective tape of alternate red and white colour. The vehicle shall display amber rotating light or arrow panel light when inspection is in progress. (15) Maintenance The Contractor shall ensure that the Traffic Control Devices are clean and legible at all times. The Contractor shall clean the dirty devices daily and clean all the devices thoroughly once a month, The Contractor shall stock a minimum of 10% of the commonly used Traffic Control Devices on site for immediate replacement of damaged devices. (16) Assistance to Remove Broken-down Vehicles The Contractor shall be required to assist owners to remove broken- down vehicles causing congestion at his work site to a safe location. Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone Part 1 Section 1 - Introduction PeU Lait te ae aca thee Traffic Control and Road Safety The Contractor shall plan, design, implement, operate and maintain the temporary Traffic Control Plan (TCP) in accordance with the Code of Practice for Traffic Control At Work Zone including but not limiting to: (1) Appointment of a qualified Engineer/Consultant to plan and design the temporary TCP. (2) Submission of 3 sets of temporary TCP to the SO for approval. (3) Project Safety Review of temporary TCP longer than 6 months. (4) Provision of Traffic Control Devices. (5) Appointment of Person with Authority to be overall responsible for temporary traffic control. (6) Employment of full-time Trained Supervisor. (7) Training of Workers. (8) Provision of Safety Vehicle. (9) Watchman for temporary traffic control. (10) Provision of Inspection Vehicle. (11) Maintenance of Traffic Control Devices. (12) Assistance to remove broken-down vehicles. Code of Practice for Traffic Control at Work Zone 1a

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