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Good morning everyone, My name is Pailew.

I’m a second year of IBM at Stamford International

University in HuaHin. Today the topic I would to share is the stereotype form my brothers experience. I
will only take your time less than 10 min for my speech.
Before we start, I want you to know that my brother he doesn’t live in Thailand. Let me clarify, my
brother is an asian boy who lives in Norway.
Let me start………
The first year when my brother moved from Thailand to Norway, He couldn’t understand Norwegian
and his English was so bad. What happened was at that time no one talked to him. He need to be alone
at that time but the worst thing it not topic. Pay attention to this…….. my brother was bullied by native
children here a lot. First time when he brought Thai lunch food box to school most of classmate see and
laugh at him, there had few boy come in to talk with him that “ Ewww Thai food, smelly, dirty” Did you
eat dog? After that, he never took the food box to school again.
First year is school was like hell for him because he needed to adapt himself and learn 2 new languages
very hard. He was also teased and bullied all the time.
Let me give you few example, when he walked alone somedays there was some one who yelled at him
“Go back to your country” sometime he gets hit by something and 2 years ago was so bad, He was
pushed by someone when he was walking to go home, it made him fall and roll form the hills in the
snow time. He was bleeding that time. When I know I’m very angry that boy, if I seem him J want to
punch him. But the fun fact is, we don’t know her and every time there has a group work. No one want
my brother to join or if it’s necessary to join the group. No one listen to his opinion, they choose a side.
Last summer, I went to Norway for spend my time with my family. There had one day, his school went
to hiking and I go with him. When I arrived and all the time I can felt it. There was someone looking at
me and gossiping about me because they know I’m Krist sister. Suddenly there had 3 big boys come to
talk with me. There are the ones who likes to bully my brother. They asked me “ Are you Krist sister?”
How old are you? When I answered, they turn back speak Norwegian and laughed at me and they said “
Why are you so short” You look like 12 years old. I replied them I know thanks. They go back to their
friends and tell everyone that Kirst sister. She 19 everyone laughed at me but I don’t care.
For the past 3 months I stayed in Norway, I taught a lot of life lessons to him. For example, How to
protect yourself, How to dress and me try to do everything to make him love himself more and make
him more confident. It so difficult because now he has lost his confidence and positive thinking
.But I think it better now. Let me tell you why…
Last month, there was the one who bullied my brother. He talked to my brother that “ Your mom is Thai
right?” Is she a hoe? My brother was angry and punch his face and tell him “ You can bully me
anywhere but not my mom” After that happened, the situation around my brother is get better. I’m so
proud of him .

The bottom line is : He learn how to be alone and focus to people who love him. He has thick skin!!!

If you have any question, I will be happy to answer them. Thank you for your attention today.

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