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Title: Bulkan ng Kamindanawan

II. Date: Monday, February 2,2024

III. Proponents:

Group 6

Julius Marannon
(STE-9 Science Teacher and adviser)

IV: Abstract

V: Introduction
The Philippines is a tropical country in Asia specifically southeast
Asia, it is loved by travelling foreigners from around the world often
because of the ambiance, food and especially the tourist spots.

But it is also one of the most dangerous countries in the world

because of the volcanoes, 300 to be exact. It is because the
Philippines is actually located within the Pacific Ring of Fire where
most of the volcanoes exist also because of the big cracks under our
feet called the Continental crust, where most of volcanic and
earthquake activities happens.
Volcanoes are defined as a natural opening in the Earth where
Magma and other pyroclastic material gets ejected and Volcanic
eruptions are also one of the natural disasters that us human can't
yet determine when it is going to be triggered just like an earthquake
and it can cause massive damage to not only us human but also our
environment, the ashes can cover up the lands for miles and miles
thus causing not only agricultural activities to declines but also
making the animals within it to suffer.

These funnel-like shaped structures comes can be classified in two

ways, first is by the record of eruption, determining whether it is
active, dormant and inactive based on the time the last time it
erupted and the second is by the shape of its cone and the slope.
And also, volcanoes can erupt in 5 different ways according to the
viscosity and the temperature of the magma itself.

According to The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology

(PHILVOLCS) in which they have listed around 300 volcanoes that
exist within the Philippine Archipelago that the highest Volcano that
they have measured is the famous Mt. Apo in which has an elevation
of 2938 meters or 9693 ft which it is located at the southern region
of the Philippines at the island of Mindanao.

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