The Times of League November

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National Unity Communal Amity Cultural Identity Social Justice Rule of Law Dignied Democracy


Volume : 1 Issue - 11 Dulhajj 1432 November - 2011 Pages - 8 Monthly Price : Rs. 10/Annual Subscription : Rs. 120/-

The TN IUML in the 10th place in local body election

State election commission data omits IUML name

Professor K.M.Khader Mohideen seeks justice
state election commission in its data released after the recently concluded local body elections omitted the name of the IUML party, even though , it has managed to gain the 10th place as per the seats share of the political parties. The state party President Prof. K.M. Khader Mohideen, has questioned the attitude of the state election commission in a statement released to the press.


The following is the text of his statement. IUML in the 10th place In the local body elections, the IUML has contested in 394 places on its own symbol and has won in 119 places. In the election conducted on the party lines, the IUML has won 20 municipal councillor seats, 4 panchayat union councillor seats and 17 town panchayat councillor seats. All together 41 seats. We

convey our gratitude to the voters Since it has won 41 seats, the IUML has secured 10th place among the winning parties, but our party name does not nd a place in the state election commission data. The VKC with 35 seats, Puthiya Thamizhagam with 14 seats, Rashtriya Janata with 11 seats, the All India forward bloc, the IJK and the RSP with one seat each, have their party names

mentioned in the data. Seek Justice This act of omission by the state election commission has hurt the feelings of the Muslim leaguers. It is a great injustice to the voters who have voted to us. We will appeal to the state election commission against this discrimination. We well seek justice. We hope that the state election commission will certainly give that right to us.

With TN Civic Poll IUML Spring Commences

The party wins the Election contesting on its own symbol
The Tamil Nadu IUML did away with the customary practice of contesting Election in alliance with major politica parties on their symbol, this time by contesting the local body election on its own symbol without alliance with any political party on the state level. Further the IUML won several seats unopposed, a unique and historial achievement in the annals of the IUML history in Tamil Nadu. The IUML Caders were jubiliant when its president prof. K.M. Kader Mohideen announced that the IUML would face the civic body election on its own strength and on its own symbol, and he gave the liberty to the district leaque to choose the candidates of their choice to contest the election. The respose was treamendous and the election result was encouraging. Further the result has proved that IUML is the sole representative body of the Muslim Community in India. The following is the list of IUML Candidates who won the civic body election.

Municipal Councillors
Kadayanallur 1.Sulaiha Beevi 2.Mubarak 3.K.M.Abdul Latheef 4.Mohideen Fathima 5.Muhammed Iburahim 6.K.M.Syed Masoodu Tenkasi 7.M.Syed Abil Puliyangudi 8.A.Mohideen Pichai

9.S.Al Mahathi Ramanathapuram 10.K.Shaik Dawood Nagappattinam 11.A.Sahabudeen Ambur 12.Bilal Basha 13.Athikullah 14.Iqbal Ahamed 15.Sirajun Nisha Gudiyatham 16.Amreen Mukthiyar

Kulachal 17.A.Sadiq Pernampet 18.V.Abdul Batcha 19.S.Parveen Abdul Maliq Kayalpatnam 20.K.V.A.T.Muthu Hajarah Panchayat Union Ward Members 1. Kaanai-Ameer Abbas 2. Jafrabad-Thajunisha 3. Rahmathnagar or Meenakshi puram - S.Noorjahan

Village Panchayat Presidents 1.Valuthur-Tamil Selvan 2.Vallam-Divan Oli 3.Kurnikulathupatti Devarmalai-Abdul Majid 4.Trichy Enamkulathur-Mumtaj Begam 5.Viluppuram Kanai-A.Faritha Begam 6.Ramanad Sempattaiyarkulam-S.Bilaludeen 7.Ramanad Perunali-Abdul Razak 8.Nellai Sammankulam-T.P.M.Resavu Mohamed 9.Nellai Pottalpudur-A.Hasan Bakker (See Page No. 5)

November - 2011


THE TIMES OF Monthly LEAGUE A Harmony of Hearts

Volume : 1 Issue - 11 Shawaal October - 2011 Pages - 12 Price : Rs. 10/-

TN Local body election results

Peoples verdict
Election is the basic foundation in any democracy and the local
body election in Tamil Nadu has proved that this foundation is very strong in our country. As per the data released by the state election commission the ruling AIADMK has secured rst place, the DMK second and the main opposition party DMDK third place in the local body elections. The AIADMK has captured all the ten corporations, a large number of municipalities and town panchayats. Its performance is highly remarkable. Further, this election has provided an opportunity to prove the strength of the individual political parties as almost all parties contested the election on their own strength without forging any political alliance. The IUML has contested in 394 places and has won 119 seats. Undoubtedly, it is a remarkable and historical achievement by comparing to its past performances. The result has proved beyond all reasonable doubts that the IUML is the soul representative body of the Muslim community in India. Even though the party has

Holy Quran Speaks

is He Who has sent the unlettered from a among amongst Messenger

themselves, to rehearse to them His Signs, to purify them, and to teach them the Book and Wisdom (Sunnah),- although they had been, before, in manifest error;-As well as (to confer all these benets upon) others of them, who have not already joined them: And He is exalted in Might, Wise. Such is the Bounty of Allah, which He bestows on whom He wills: and Allah is the Lord of the highest bounty. [62:2-4]

secured 10th place among the winning parties, it is hurting to note that the party does not nd a place in the state election commission data, released after the elections. The other parties, which secured lesser seats, have their names mentioned in the data. The party high command has appealed to the state election commission seeking justice against this act of omission by the state election commission. We hope justice will be rendered and our rights will be restored. The media was municent in praising the remarkable achievement by the AIADMK in the local body elections and stated that it was an endorsement of the schemes, policies and promises of Ms. Jayalalithaa. We, too, have no hesitation to join with them. But what is her answer to the Muslims queries about her poll promise to enhance their reservation quota. Is there any time frame to full the promise or will it end as a false promise? Further we hope that the government will treat all the local bodies equally by distributing the necessary funds to them without any discrimination on the party lines. We consider the election results as the peoples verdict and we welcome and appreciate it.

Sayings of Prophet Muhammed (Sal)

The Prophet sal Allahualay hiwasallam invited the believers to make salah on him. It was narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah salAllahualayhiwasallam said: Do not take your houses as graves and do not take my grave as a place of festivity (which you visit repeatedly). Send blessings upon me for your greeting will reach me no matter where you are. [Abu Dawood, Saheeh Al-Albani]

November - 2011

A Journey to the Heart of Islam

rst view of the area outside the holy mosque. A giant clock tower (second tallest building in the world) overshadows everything in its vicinity, sadly, even the house of God. Did Mecca really need it? That too so very close to the mosque. The towering hotels challenge the very principles of the pilgrimage. People with money can have the best view of the holy


Half in US support legalizing marijuana use, poll nds Half of Americans now support legalizing marijuana use, a record level, amid growing support for decriminalization that could build pressure to eventually change US laws on the drug, a Gallup poll showed on Monday. The poll showed that support was highest among liberals and adults under age 30, with more than 60 percent of respondents in those categories favoring legalization. Support was lowest, at just 31 percent, among Americans over age 65. Support for legalizing marijuana has been increasing over the past several years, rising to 50 percent today, the highest on record, a summary of the poll said. Another 46 percent said marijuana should remain illegal. If this current trend on legalizing marijuana continues, pressure may build to bring the nations laws into compliance with the peoples wishes, the summary added. Gallup said support for legalization had crept up from just 12 percent in 1969 to 30 percent in 2000 and 40 percent in 2009. Last year, a Gallup survey found 70 percent of Americans favored making it legal for doctors to prescribe marijuana to relieve pain and suffering. California in 1996 became the rst state to decriminalize medical marijuana, and a number of other US states have followed suit with their own statutes. Cannabis remains classied as an illegal narcotic under federal law. A separate national survey released last month showed that marijuana was increasingly becoming the drug of choice among young adults in the United States, with nearly 7 percent of Americans aged 12 and older having used marijuana in 2010. The Gallup poll released on Monday showed that Democrats, at 57 percent, were more likely to support legalization than Republicans, only 35 percent of whom favored such a move. Men, at 55 percent, were also more likely to back legalization than women, at 46 percent. By geography, more than half of Americans in the West, Midwest and East supported legalization while in the South, 44 percentfavored such a move. The poll was based on telephone interviews conducted between Oct. 6-9 with a random sample of 1,005 adults across the country. The poll had a margin of error of plus or minus 4 percentage points.


down from (Mount) Arafat, celebrate the praises of Allah at the Sacred Monument, and celebrate His praises as He has directed you,

mosque. What about the white Ihraam, which stands for unity in simplicity! As a Muslim you grow up prostrating in the direction of the Kaaba, ve times a day. You hear stories about prayers being realised on its rst sight. Naturally, you long to visit it one day. So when your plane touches Saudi Arabia, its this very moment you are looking forward to. When you do see it, you are speechless! You feel the closest to God and thats when he answers your prayers. Technology and spirituality

merge at the Prophets [PBUH] mosque in Medina. The beautiful pillars double as umbrellas during the day. You feel trasported to another world altogether. The mountain of Uhud in Medina is a grim reminder of hypocrites in Islam. They ed the battleeld while the Prophet [PBUH] was alive, what to talk about the state of affairs 1400 years after him. A mosque established by a prominent follower (Salman Farsi) of the Prophet [PBUH] in Medina is one of the last few old structures holding ground. Heritage has given way to grandness. Is this our legacy to the generations to follow! Jannat-ul-Baqi, Medina - the nal resting place of many members of the Prophets [PBUH] family, some of his prominent followers and other Prophets [PBUT] of Islam.

even though, before this, ye went astray.t it better to learn facts as suchForgiveness Thus saith the Lord, Verily those who are patient in adversity and forgive wrongs, are the doers of excellence. Once Muhammad was asked, O Apostle of God! How many times are we to forgive our servants faults? He was silent. Again the questioner asked, and Muhammad gave no answer. But when the man asked a third time, he said, Forgive your servants seventy times day. There is no man who woundeth and pardoneth the giver of the wound but God will exalt his dignity and dimish his faults. That man is nearest to God, who pardoneth, when he had in his power him who would have injured him.

Although the Saudi government is doing a ne job in safely handling millions of pilgrims every year but they need to strike a balance between modernity and care for Islamic heritage. For Hajj are the months well known. If any one undertakes that duty therein, Let there be no obscenity, nor wickedness, nor wrangling in the Hajj. And whatever good ye do, (be sure) Allah knoweth it. And take a provision (With you) for the journey, but the best of provisions is right conduct. So fear Me, o ye that are wise. It is no crime in you if ye seek of the bounty of your Lord (during pilgrimage). Then when ye pour

Do not say, that if the people do good to us, we will do good to them; and if the people oppress us, we will oppress them; but determine that if people do you good, you will do good to them; and if they oppress you, you will not oppress them.

November - 2011


Islam and the Question of Modernity!

Dr. Umar FaruqAbd-Allah, formerly Wymann-Landgraf, an American scholar associated with Al-Nawawi Foundation, Chicago delivered a lecture on Islam and the Question of Modernity on September 9 at Bangalore. Author of several books, Dr.Abd-Allah has taught at several universities in the US, Spain and Saudi Arabia. The lecture was organized by the Centre for Community Development (CCD). Here we present a gist of his speech: Often in general discussion the modernity is identied with secular humanism. But economic content of the modernity is neglected. In this business, science, technology, medicine etcbecome very important. It has to be borne in mind that modernity cannot succeed without religion if it is not benecial to humanity and is not long lasting. Man is known by the biological name Homo sapiens which means animals with knowledge. But man is basically Homo religosus as it is based on historical studies. They have always worshipped something. Even in Indian history there have been phases of religion and atheism. Twentieth century has been the most secular century worldover. It was an exceptional century. Religion underwent renewal and revival before the 20th century. It is said a new religious movement is born every 12 hours in the 21stcentury. This testies to the fact that humans are essentially religious. They are desperately looking for religion. Religions always reinterpret themselves. Unless they do this, they get fossilized. Ancient Rome is a ne example. It had a huge pantheon of gods. Twentieth century is a century of rivalry. Modernity has created a crisis as it was in Roman empire. Modernity is essentially a system of economy which is post agrarian. In agrarian phases, the economic system relied on land ownership and agricultural surplus. In the new economic system the corporates have an important role. East India Company made Indias transition from agrarian to industry. With new nancial system, money found new form and functions. It led to the capitalist system and a new political system of nationstate. We have to keep our eyes on the economic system. The West cast its net wide and caught all the civilization and brought them on board. Philosopher Arnold Toynbee believed that Islam was a forerunner in this aspect. Islam had all elements of civilization. He found problems with Muslims as they lacked condence, but their religion had all the element of a great civilization. The synergy between Islamic, Chinese and Mongol civilizations brought forth modernity. Muslims were the rst to usher the world into a new economic system whereby the wealth could be transferred from one to the other destination through a system akin to cheques as is the system today. A horrendous development took place in the 14thcentury. It was bubonic plague. It probably began in Swat Valley (now in Pakistan) and gripped wide swathes of land from China to Europe. The black death crippled the world economic system. It was one of the reasons for fall of the Muslim Spain. It caused a great economic recession between 14th and 15thcentury. Following decline of the Muslim world, Europe rose. It brought in its wake the corporate system and colonialism. Therefore, it is essential to understand the economic system in order to understand modernity and the challenges it poses. It is also absurd to think that the Europeans understand the economy fully. Modern democratic state is an apparatus to deal with the economic system. Today, the economy has taken a lead over political system and the United States is nothing but Democracy Incorporated. Modern Corporations are extremely powerful and inuence the governments more than the people can inuence. The challenge is how do we save democracy from the stranglehold of the corporates. A lot of confusion prevails in the Islamic world over the question, how do we apply Islam and create value system? The Western economic machine has shown that it has seeds of destruction within itself. The First World War was about who would control the colonies. The Second World War was about control of oil and energy. Some Muslims saw modernity as a threat. Some mistook modernity with Christianity. Muslims need to study the phenomenon objectively. Modernity remains a crisis for everyone. It is a spiritual challenge. The challenge is to control economic order in a way that it does not become a threat to world peace. Today we are psychologically vulnerable. (Dr.Abd-Allah suggested the following books for further reading on the topic: Islamic & European Expansion: The Forging of a Global Order [Paperback], Michael Adas, (Editor), 1993; The World System in 13th century by Janet abuLughout, How do we Save the Democracy from Corporates? By Richard Bulliet, The case for Islamo-Christian Civilisationby Richard Bulliet: Modernist Islam 1840-1940, by Charles Kruzman by Oxford University Press; Liberal Islam by Charles Kruzman by Oxford University Press. )

SC nds governments Haj policy lopsided

he Supreme Court on Tuesday found the Centres policy for facilitating and regulating Haj pilgrimage of 170,000 Muslims to Mecca and Madina in Saudi Arabia as lopsided and requested attorney general G E Vahanvati to assist it in framing a fresh one for 2012. A bench of Justices Aftab Alam and Ranjan P Desai stayed a Kerala High Court order putting some last minute spokes in the governments quota for 11,000 pilgrims but said the manner in which the pilgrimage was being organised every year left much to be desired.

The court took exception to a high-level ofcial Haj delegation that visits Saudi Arabia every year as state guests with all expenses being paid by the government. I do not comment on the political practice but it surely is bad religious practice. What kind of Haj is this? asked Justice Alam. Last year, the ofcial Haj delegation was headed by then Andhra Pradesh chief justice Nisar Ahmed Kakru, who was critical of the arrangements made by embassy ofcials in Saudi Arabia for the delegates.

Justice Alam said, We have granted stay on the Kerala HC order and it may end this litigation for this year on Haj pilgrimage but we will keep the petition pending for framing a fresh policy for 2012. This policy must respect Indian Constitution and religious ethos. Explaining the religious ethos behind Haj pilgrimage, counsel Harish Beeran said Islam allowed a Muslim to undertake Haj pilgrimage only if he had discharged his duties, was nancially able to meet the expenses and was in good health to endure the rigours of the long journey.

Of the 170,000 Haj pilgrims quota xed for India, 1.25 lakh were nominated by Haj Committee through draw of lots, 11,000 by government of India including 1,500 for Jammu and Kashmir and rest through private tour operators (PTOs). The bench was critical of the treatment meted out to pilgrims by PTOs and said the Hajis were being eeced. We have personally come across sufferings of Hajis at the hands of some unscrupulous Haj tour operators. We must have a proper policy for 2012, the bench said.

November - 2011



in general may be opposed to the creation of a separate Telangana state but analysis of region-wise employment gures for Andhra Pradesh shows that in the 10 districts of Telangana region, Muslims and OBCs have suffered the highest loss of Rs 41.50 in rural per capita income between 1993-94 and 2004-05. On the higher education front, the community remains the most backward in urban areas, with the absolute change being less than even SC/STs and OBCs, an analysis done by Sachar committee member secretary and NCAER chief economist Abusaleh Shariff showed. Shariff recently presented the ndings to Andhra Pradesh chief minister Kiran Kumar Reddy. The per capita rural income of Muslims and OBCs went down by Rs 4.10 in Rayalaseema between 1993-94 and 2004-05 and increased by Rs 57.10 in coastal Andhra. On the other hand, high caste Hindus in coastal Andhra suffered a per capita income loss of Rs 51.50 in rural areas while SC/STs saw a jump of Rs 71.60. In urban areas of the state, Muslims make only 4.2% of employees in the formal sector against 40.9% of high caste Hindus, 39.1% OBCs and 15.8% SC/STs. In rural areas, only 4.5% of the workforce in the formal
(Continue from Page 1) Village Panchayat Members Perunali 1.Gaffarkhan 2.Seeni Syed Iburahim 3.Pandaravadai-V.R.Kurshid Basher Valuthur 4.Shajahan alias Kamaldeen 5.Sabina Begam 6.Habib Gani 7.Muhammed Sherif Sakkarapalli 8.Abuthahir 9.Muhammed Ibrahim Faisal 10.Jubaitha Gani 11.Ummu Hani 12.Jainulabideen 13.G.Muhammed Ismail Pulivalam 14.M.Sadullah 15.Mangalam-H.Rabiyudeen 16.Mangalam-Ayishama 17.Taraikkudi-R.Setu 18.Narippaiyur-K.Sikkanthar


Muslims grow poorer in Telangana

sector are Muslims against 17.9% high caste Hindus, 28.5% SC/STs and 48% OBCs. The Muslim higher education gures rose by less than 2% between 2004-05 and 2009-10, against an increase of more than 12% for Hindu general category students, nearly 8% for Hindu OBCs, 2% each for SCs and STs. The gures for Muslims in the state, in fact, mimic the communitys status in the all-India scheme of higher education where it registered a similar rise. Literacy gures for the community which showed an increase of 13-14% lag behind that for Hindu general category students who showed a leap of 18% but is better than Hindu SCs and STs. On the matric front, Muslims OBCs in urban areas showed a jump of 11% and Muslim general category students were up by 8%. The gures for SCs was 13% and that for STs 14%. Shariff said the very nature of investment in higher education was such that benets to the excluded communities was very little and even new investment would help only those who already had the right opportunities or students from other states. Afrmative policies are required to change this situation, he said. (An analysis of region-wise employment gures for Andhra Pradesh shows that in the 10 districts of Telangana region, Muslims and OBCs have suffered the highest loss of Rs 41.50 in rural per capita income between 1993-94 and 2004-05.) (Courtesy : Times of India, Chennai 8th Oct 2011.
19.Selvanur-Hasina Begam 20.Valantharavai-Ummath Nisha 21.Ragunathapuram-Rajan Begam Arikesavanallur 22.P.K.Buhari 23.A.Fathima
Pambukovil Shandy

Only 4.66% Muslims in Indias Paramilitary Forces

Jawaharlal Nehru, Indias greatest Prime Minister, had noted in 1953 that in our Defence Services, there are hardly any Muslims left What concerns me most is that there is no effort being made to improve this situation, which is likely to grow worse unless checked. This concern was reiterated by MahavirTyagi, junior defence minister, who disclosed that the percentage of Muslims in the armed forces, which was 32 percent at the time of Partition, has come down to two After 60 years of Independence, the percentage of Muslims in Indias paramilitary force of 1.3 million personnel, second largest paramilitary force in the world, remains as low as 4.66% i.e. 60,517. Indian Paramilitary Forces which consist of CRPF, CISF, and BSF among others. This was revealed by Minority Affairs Minister A. R. Antulay while replying to a question in RajyaSabha recently. About 15.7% of OBCs are Muslims according to the Ministry of Minority Affairs, which also informed that Muslims constitute 1.8% of the Indian Foreign Service. Muslims make up 7.2% of the Central and State Public Sector Undertakings for the units who reported their data. The information is based on the report of the Prime Ministers High Level Committee on Social, Economic and Educational Status of the Muslim Community of India also known as Sachar Committee Report. Half of Muslim population does not have access to doctors in UP: survey Only 48.2 per cent of Muslim women have access to doctors for antenatal care, while the percentage of women having access to Auxiliary Nurse Midwife (ANM)and support of anganwadi workers for fullling their nutritional requirements is 21.3 per cent and 0.5 per cent respectively. These are the ndings of National Family Health Survey III. According to the survey, only 21 per cent of Muslim couples in UP and Uttarakhand are using contraceptives and only 32 per cent of them are aware about modern contraceptive methods. Although the United Nations recognises India as one of the key countries for achieving its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Muslims in India are still a forgotten lot. According to New Delhi-based Tehreek-E-Pasmanda Muslim Samaj and National Conference of Dalit Organisations Muslims continue to live as a marginalised community in U, despite the ndings of the Sachchar Committee,. The organisations presented their report on MDGs and Muslims in India on Saturday and will organise a conference on the issue today. Speaking on the report, president of Tehreek-E-Pasmanda Muslims Sardar Anwar said the Sachchar Committee report had assessed the real conditions of Muslims in India, but it could not attract any major policy interventions on the matter.
66.Tenkalam-Rukaiya Banu 67.Vallam-Deevan Muhideen Pichai 68.Vallam-Shamsudeen Town Panchayat Members 1.Lebbai Kudikkadu-Dawood Ali 2.Devar Solai-V.K.Hanifa Kottakuppam 3.Amina Banu 4.Jareena Begam Pallikonda 5.C.S.Kadir Ahamed 6.Tahira Mohideen Lalpettai 7.Misbahunnisha 8.Shaik Dawood 9.Sathankulam-Muhammed Ismail 10.Vasudevanallur-Aysha Beevi 11.Muthupettai-Golden Tambi Maraikkayar 12.R.S.Mangalam-Mathlub Jahan 13.Seranmadevi-B.M.Kamal Batcha 14.Nellai Eruvadi-M.Peer Muhammed 15.Melaseval-Jannath Meerammal 16.Naina Muhammed

24.S.T.Deen Oli 25.A.Ibrahim Moosa 26.Sambankulam-Kasi 27. Sambankulam-Fathima 28. Sambankulam-Sahul Hameed Ravanasamuthiram 29.Peer Muhammed,B.A.B.L 30.K.M.Aman Ali 31.Muhammed Ansari 32.Nagore Ammal Syethali Fathima 33.Kanagarampattu-Abdul Hathi 34.Esanatham-Ilampirai Siddiq Ali 35.Jameen Athur-Ammapettai-Anvar Ali 36.Palaverkadu-Abdul Wahab Nilakotta Vilangur 37.K.P.Hamza 38.K.K.Nasar 39.Pitharkodu-Zohara Beevi Serankodu 40.Umar 41.Syed Ali Moulavi

42.Sambaver Vadakarai-V.Faqrudeen 43.Auandu Valangur-K.V.Hamsa 44.Bakkala-Nasar 45.Muthaliyarpatti-Shaik Mohideen 46.Malik Nagar-Divan Pakkir Maideen 47.Mettur RahmaniyapuramHamidha Beevi 48.V.Abdul Kasim 49.V.K.Pudur-T.Kader Mohideen 50.Arulatchi-Akbar Veeranam 51.M.Abdul Muthalif 52.M.Amanullah 53.S.Muhammed Ibrahim 54.Fathi Muthu 55.Kalineer Kulam-Anisha Begam 56.Kuthukkal Valasai-M.B.Ghouse Gani 57.Theanpothai-Muhammed Hussain Pathamadai 58.Manister Muhammed 59.Syya Muhammed 60.Sajithal 61.Malikamali 62.Darmakabeer Overchery 64.K.E.Salamath Begam 65.A.M.Thameem Ansari

November - 2011



Network behind Islamophobia Uncovered

After Holocaust, Islamophobia is emerging as the second major industry for think-tanks to invest their money and energy. The Think Tanks and family foundations spent $42 million during the last 10 years to manufacture and spread fears against Islam, Muslims, Shariaetc in the United States. A small group of inter-connected foundations, think tanks, pundits, and bloggers is behind the 10year-old campaign to promote fear of Islam and Muslims in the U.S., according to a major investigative report released here by the Center for American Progress (CAP). The 130-page report, Fear, Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America, identies seven foundations that have quietly provided a total of more than $ 42 million to key individuals and organizations that have spearheaded the nationwide effort between 2001 and 2009. They include funders that have long been associated with the extreme right in the U.S., as well as several Jewish family foundations that have supported right-wing and settler groups in Israel. The network also includes what the report calls misinformation experts including: Frank Gaffney of the Center for Security Policy (CSP), Daniel Pipes of the Philadelphiabased Middle East Forum (MEF), Steven Emerson of the Investi gative Project on Terrorism, David Yerushalmi of the Society of Americans for National Existence, and Robert Spencer of Stop Islami zation of America (SIOA) who are often tapped by television news networks and right-wing radio talk shows to comment on Islam and the threat it allegedly poses to U.S. national security. Together, this core group of deeply intertwined individuals and organizations manufacture and exaggerate threats of creeping Sharia, Islamic domination of the West, and purported obligatory calls to violence against all nonMuslims by the Quran, according to the report whose main author, Wajahat Ali, described the group as the central nervous system of the Islamophobia network. This small band of radical ideologues has fought to dene
Sharia as a totalitarian ideology and legal-political-military doctrine committed to destroying Western civilization, the report said. But a scholar of Islam and Muslim tradition would not recognize their denition of Sharia, let alone a lay practising Muslim. Nonetheless, the groups messa ges receive wide dissemination by what the report calls an Islamophobia echo chamber consisting of leaders of the Christian Right, such as Franklin Graham and Pat Robertson, and some Republican politicians, such as presidential candidates Representative Michele Bachmann and former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich. Other key disseminators include media gures, especially prominent hosts on the Fox News Channel and columnists in the Washington Times the National Review; as well as grassroots groups, such asACT! For America, local Tea Party movements, and the American Family Association, which are behind current efforts by Republican-dominated state legislatures to ban Sharia in their jurisdictions. The report also cited the Middle East Media and Research Institute (MEMRI), a press-monitoring agency created here in 1998 by former ofcers in the Israel Defense Force that translates selected items from Middle Eastern print and broadcast media, as a key part of the broader network, providing it with material to bolster its claims regarding the threat posed by Islam. MEMRI, which has just been awarded a State Department contract to monitor anti-Semitism in the Arab media, has often been accused of selectively spotlighting media voices that show anti-western bias and promote extremism. Judging by recent polls, the network has proved remarkably successful, according to the report which cited a 2010 Washington Post poll that showed that 49 % of U.S. citizens held an unfavorable view of Islam, an increase of ten % from 2002. The same network also succeeded in inciting a national controversy around the proposed construction of an Islamic community center in Lower Manhattan the so-called Ground Zero Mosque which, according to Gaffney and others, was intended to celebrate the 9/11 attack on the World Trade Center and to be a permanent, in-our-face beachhead for Sharia, a platform for inspiring the triumphalist ambitions of the faithful. Its remarkable what a small number of people have achieved with a small group of committed and generous donors, said Eli Clifton, a co-author of the report and a national-security reporter at CAP, a think tank which is close to the administration of President Barack Obama, who has himself been a prime target of the Islamophobic network. The report, which was funded by the nancier George Soros Open Society Institute (OSI), comes at a particularly sensitive moment just two weeks before the tenth anniversary of 9/11 and less than a month after the murders of 76 people in Norway by Anders Breivik whose Internet manifesto not only echoed themes propagated by the key U.S. Islamophobic ideologues, but also quoted directly from their writings in dozens of passages. Indeed, Spencers blog, Jihad Watch, a program of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, another group identied by the report as part of the Islamophobic network, was cited 162 times, while Pipes and the MEF receive 16 mentions and Gaffneys CSP another eight. According to the report, Jihad Watch has been supported via the Horowitz Center primarily by the Fairbrook Foundation, which is run by Aubry and Joyce Chernik. Between 2004 and 2009, Fairbrook provided nearly $1.5 million to Islamophobic groups, including Act! For America, CSP, the Investigative Project, and MEF. The Cherniks also supported the far-right Zionist Organization of America (ZOA) and AishHatorah, a far-right Israeli group behind the U.S.-based Clarion Fund, which produced the video, Obsession: Radical Islams War Against the West that was, in turn, heavily promoted by the Islamophobic groups featured in the report. Breivik praised it in his manifesto. Some 28 million DVD copies of the Obsession lm were distributed to households in key swing states on the eve of the 2008 presidential elections in an apparent effort to sway voters against Obama. Some $ 17 million in funding for their distribution was provided by a Chicago industrialist, Barry Seid, according to a report published last year, and was channeled through Virginiabased Donors Capital Fund, which includes several prominent rightwing and neoconservative gures on its board. Donors to the Fund have also contributed $ 400,000 to the Investigative Project and 2.3 million dollars to the MEF between 2001 and 2009, according to the report. Other major donors to Islamophobic groups include several foundations controlled by Richard Mellon Scaife; including $ 2.9 million to CSP and $ 3.4 million to Horowitz Freedom Center. The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, which has often coordinated its political philanthropy with Scaifes foundations, provided some $ 300,000 to MEF, $ 815,000 to CSP and $ 3.4 million to the Freedom Center. In addition to more traditional charitable activities, both Scaife and Bradley have long been major supporters of far-right and neoconservative causes. Other major donors included the Newton D. and Rochelle F. Becker foundations, the Russell Berrie Foundation, and the Anchorage Charitable Foundation and William Rosenwald Family Fund, according to the report. In its mission statement, the Russell Berrie Foundation cited as one of its principal goals fostering the spirit of religious understanding and pluralism. The intellectual nexus of the network is well understood, said FaizShakir, CAPs vice president. We know its driven primarily by hatred against Muslims; what we dont know is what are the motivations of the funders. We dont know to what extent they are aware of what is being funded, he said. Horowitz denounced the report in a statement issued on its website, calling it a typical fascistic attempt to silence critics and scare donors from supporting their efforts to inform the American public about the threats we face from the Islamic jihad. Efforts to obtain comments from MEF and CSP were not successful.

November - 2011


UNSCs Open Debate on the Situation in the Middle East

First of all, I would like to thank you for organizing this Open Debate on the Middle East, a region witnessing momentous transformation. I would also like to thank Under Secretary General Lynn Pascoe for his comprehensive brieng on developments in the region. Madam President, Clearly, the issue of Palestine has taken a decisive turn in the history of the Middle East conict after President Mahmoud Abbas led an application with the Secretary General on 23 September 2011 for Palestines full membership to the United Nations. Speaking a day after President Abbas led the application, my Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh said in the General Assembly on 24 September 2011 that India has been steadfast in its support for the Palestinian peoples struggle for a sovereign, independent, viable and united state of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital, living within secure and recognized borders side by side and at peace with Israel, as per the relevant resolutions of this Organization, the Arab Peace Initiative and the Quartet Roadmap. The Prime Minister added that we look forward to welcoming Palestine as an equal member of the United Nations. Madam President, India recognized the PLO as the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people in 1975 and its Ofce in New Delhi was accorded full diplomatic recognition in 1980. India was the rst non-Arab country to recognize the State of Palestine in 1988. We have maintained diplomatic relations with Palestine for over two decades now. It is also pertinent to note that Palestine has been recognized by more than two-thirds of the membership of this Organization. Obviously, the State of Palestine fullls all criteria mentioned in Article 4 of the Charter for membership to this Organization. We, therefore, support Pales tines application and hope that the process will be concluded expeditiously. Madam President, During my long political career, I have had the honour to work closely

Thank you, Madam President.

Statement by H.E. Mr. E. Ahamed, Minister of State for External Affairs, Government of India New York, 24 October 2011 Palestine with a sports complex having just been completed. Madam President, While the Israeli-Palestinian conict is the most serious one in the region, we need to be mindful that resolution of this conict by itself may not result in achievement of a comprehensive and durable peace in the region. Other issues relating to Arab lands that remain under occupation are equally important. Progress in the Lebanese and Syrian tracks of the Middle East Peace Process is, therefore, necessary for comprehensive and lasting peace in the region. Developments in the Middle East since February this year underline the need for reinvigorating the search for this comprehensive peace, while the countries in the region undertake inclusive political processes and implement reforms to meet the legitimate aspirations of their people. It is important that the grievan ces of the people are addressed through dialogue and negotiations rather than resorting to arms. It is the responsibility of all countries to create conditions that enable their people to freely determine their pathways to development. This is the essence of democracy and fundamental human freedoms. No action should be taken from outside that exacerbates problems and gives space for the rise of extremism. The international community should stand ready to assist the countries in these efforts while respecting sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of all countries. As my Prime Minister said in the General Assembly on 24 September, societies cannot be reordered from outside through military force. Observance of the rule of law is as important in international affairs as it is within countries. Guided by these principles, Madam President, India stands ready to play its role in our collective endeavours to achieve a just and comprehensive peace in the Middle East. Thank you.

with the Palestinian leaders. I had met the undisputed lea der of the Palestinian people late President Yasser Arafat on 17 September 2004 at Ramallah, just a few months before he left his earthly abode. At that meeting, I had the oppor tunity to reiterate Indias solidarity with the Palestinian people and support for their cause. He had warmly recalled his close relations with Indian leaders, particularly Mrs Indira Gandhi and Mr Rajiv Gandhi, and appreciated Indias unwavering support for the cause of the Palestinian people. We have continued our interactions with the Palestinian leadership under President Abbas. He has paid state visits to India in 2008 and 2010. Madam President, As the worlds largest democracy and arguably its most diverse country, India recognizes the demo cratic aspirations of all peoples, including in the Middle East. The call of the international community for democracy and respect of fundamental rights will sound hollow if the present impasse continues and Palestinians are denied their aspirations. It is also our rm conviction that lasting peace and security in the region can be achieved only through peaceful dialogue and not through use of force. In this context, we have noted the Quartet Statement of 23 September and hope that the timelines indicated in the Statement would be realized. The biggest stumbling block to direct negotiations between the Isarelis and Palestinians remains continuing settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian

territories. We call upon Israel to stop settlement activities. This will facilitate resumption of negotiations in which all Final Status issues should be addressed. We cannot, however, make Palestines membership to the United Nations conditional upon a peace agreement for that will be legally untenable, even while we support resumption of direct talks to resolve the outstanding issues. Madame President, We welcome the recent agree ment between Israel and Hamas on exchange of prisoners. We hope this will ease tension and build condence. We also hope this would pave the way for an early and signicant easing of restrictions on movement of goods and people into the Gaza Strip, thereby addressing the dire humanitarian situation there. India on its part has continued its development support to the Palestinian Authority. From the year 2009-10, we enhanced our annual contribution to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency [UNRWA] to US$ 1 million, in addition to a special contribution of US $ 1 million to UNRWA in response to a ash appeal in 2010.

During the last two years, India has also contributed US$ 10 million annually as untied budgetary support to the Palestinian Auth ority. We are offering 100 slots to the Palestinian Authority for capacity building and human resource development under our technical and economic cooperation progra mme. We have also undertaken joint projects with our IBSA partners in

November - 2011

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