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Propaganda / United States

Enters the War

What is propaganda and what is it used for?
Propaganda is pictures or information to impact the public's opinion on a specific
matter. A play on the viewers emotions.

It is used for 3 specific reasons:

1. Enlist in the military / patriotism

2. Buy War Bonds or give money to the government for the war effort
3. Demonize the enemy
What do you see?
1. How would you
describe this?
2. What are the types
of symbolism in
3. Who is the intended
4. What is the
message it is
Propaganda Activity

In 7 Groups of 4-5 People, you will go around to each table station and
analyze 7 other types of World War 1 Propaganda.
There you will : 4. We will rotate on time and
1. Look at and observe what the image is continue on Clockwise to the
showing (1 minute) next table station - Stay Put
2. Pick a specific color marker 5. At each new table station
you must write with a new
3. With the specific color you will write on the
marker - not using the
construction paper (2 minutes):
a. If the BLUE MARKER what the description is
previous stations color (3
b. If the RED MARKER what symbolism is visible colors twice)
c. If the GREEN MARKER who the audience is 6. Once task is completed at
d. If the BLACK MARKER what the message is each station and time allows,
fill in your analysis sheet
Jigsaw Document Activity
In your table groups, we will now learn about 5 important events that brought the
US into the War and results at the conclusion of the war.

- One Document per person

- Listeners will fill in what their
- You have 10 minutes to read
classmates are sharing
your document and fill in your
- By the end, you will have read
Jigsaw Note Guide
and learned about one event,
- After 10 minutes, each person
and listened and filled in 3
will go around and share with
their table what they have
- Now we will do one as a class
- Read Aloud with Table Groups
1. What is the context of this

2. What is the summary of this


3. What is the significance of

this event?

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