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Internship Report

Creative Chaos (Pvt) Ltd.

Name: Safi Uddin Razi ID No. 2009-1-26-10195 Control No. ________ Major Field: Marketing 1.1. Company where internship was served: Creative Chaos (Pvt) Ltd Duration: From 6 June 2011to 5 August 2011 1.2. Report based on (Tick) Option 1 ___________________ Option 2 _________________ Due date of the report: 19 August 2011 (2 weeks after the successful completion of internship) Report submitted on 20 August 2011 Delayed by: 1 days (if applicable) Reasons for delay: The 19th of August was a holiday (If applicable)


1.4. 1.5.


Table of Contents
Table of Contents.................................................................................................................3 Department to Which I Was Attached.................................................................................4 Functions of the department.................................................................................................4 Work Done...........................................................................................................................5 Task 1: Social Media Space in Pakistan......................................................................5 Task 2: Reporting and Analysis...................................................................................5 Task 3: Work flow at the office...................................................................................6 Task 4: Handling Clients (Pitching and Complaint Handling)....................................6 Task 5: Customer Relationship Management..............................................................7 Task 6: Research - Use of Social Media and Internet on the phone ...........................7 Relationship between Corporate Objectives and Functions of the Department..................8 Theories Learned and Their Application.............................................................................9 Business Services Department.............................................................................................9 Theories Learned in College & Applied..............................................................................9 New Concepts Learned......................................................................................................10

Department to Which I Was Attached

Department: Business Services Department Supervisors Name: Asad Memon Designation: Manager Business Services Duration: 9 Weeks

Functions of the department

The aim of the business department is to act as a bridge between the client and the company. The business department is the first point of contact thus this department plays a vital role in convincing customers and not converting potential customers into customers but also keeping current customers satisfied. Once the customers are acquired it the responsibility of the Business Service Department to keep them satisfied and also make sure the billing is done on time. There are times when customers that have been billed need to be reminded that the bill is pending. Thus, the business department works as the back bone of the business. Brain storming new ideas, impressing customers, acquiring new business is the job of the business services department. These set up the basis for a business plan and if the initial phase does not start off at the right foot then it is almost impossible to convert potential customers into customers. The company aims at providing customized solutions to its customers thus gathering requirement from the customers in a systematic manner is an important task that this department has to do. If the requirements gathered do not really match what the customer wants then a lot of resource is wasted on doing the wrong thing. Thus, probing the customers for information is something that this department does. The customer may not be as well versed in using this technology or using the right business terms involved in e-commerce, so

ensuring what the customer really wants is something that this department has to do.

Work Done
During the 9 weeks of my internship I was assigned 7 different tasks. Some of which were directly sent over to the clients while others were for the companys benefit.
Task 1: Social Media Space in Pakistan

The first task that I was assigned was to research and prepare a presentation on Digital Media Space in Pakistan. The task not only required me to study the digital media space but also compare it with what is happening around the world. This task not only broadened my horizon about the digital media space and the limitless possibilities it hold but also helped me understand what goes on in the industry and how it is done. This task also helped me in developing an understanding of how presentations are to be given in the business world.
Task 2: Reporting and Analysis

The second task that I was assigned was to work with a new analytical tool and prepare a real time report for the clients. This task was extremely fascinating as I were actually working on actual data coming from the clients and my analysis of this data was extremely important as it was sent back to the client for feedback. This task not only helped me grow in confidence but I also learned a new tool which is of extreme importance when it comes to analysis the websites that you or your company may have designed. It gives you first hand data of the traffic to your website and their activities. This is something that can be used to substantiate how well a website that you have designed is doing. I worked on 5 different clients which included: 1. Engro Rupiya 2. OKRA 3. KSBL 4. Meezan Bank 5. American Academy Casablanca

I had the best time working on this task as my work for KSBL was actually sent to the client and was met with much appreciation. This task also helped me in understanding how ecommerce works and how businesses use of combination of the analytical tools and ecommerce to improve their business and satisfy their clients.

Task 3: Work flow at the office

The next task that I were assigned was to interview personnel from the office. The main objective of this task was to help me understand the responsibilities of different individuals working in the organization. I got to learn that how important is the task that they do and what would happen if their position at the office was no longer there.

Task 4: Handling Clients (Pitching and Complaint Handling)

In the fourth week I was made responsible for was to understand how clients are dealt with and how their needs are identified. I learned that before starting a project the initial pitch is something that is of utmost importance as it not only has to do with gathering needs but also ensuring that the client is satisfied with the work that you do and believes that the job can be done better by no one else. I went to a meeting with members of the business department to New Jubilee Insurance. The aim of the meeting was to understand their requirements and the features they would require in the new website that Creative Chaos would be designing. After the meeting, I created a proposal for what changes Ill make to their website and create a Facebook page for them. In this task I learned that before going for the meeting, it is necessary to research about the company, their products and services, and what necessary questions are need to be asked. I was also part of another conference call with a Saudi based client where I was asked to research the trends in Saudi Arabia for a brand by the name of Sunquick. After I was done with the research I was asked to suggested some activities for the clients Facebook page. One of these activities that I came up with were further suggested to the client and implemented. The next research task I was assigned was to study the social media presence America and Europe banks and how they are using Social Media as a marketing tool and as a customer relationship builder. I created a presentation of the activities that were being undertaken by banks in the social media space

especially Facebook. This study not only saw how the trends have changed and how social media is actively used but I also looked at what Pakistani banks are doing and how their services can be improved using live examples from the international arena.

Task 5: Customer Relationship Management

Next I undertook a task that required me to do something that would help improve the business process at work. This was to study three CRM tools: 1. Sugar CRM 2. Sales Force 3. Nutshell Before registering for a trial of these tools I studied different tutorials and saw what CRM is all about and how it can be used to improve the overall client dealing. Later I prepared a presentation with a feature matrix comparing the positives and negatives of these CRM tools.

Task 6: Research - Use of Social Media and Internet on the phone

The final task I was assigned made me realize that the business world is not about sitting at the office and working but sometimes to understand your target audience better you need to go on field. This was the most major and the most time consuming task. I not only went on ground to conduct an analysis but I did everything from scratch. From designing the questionnaire to questioning people everything was done by me. Although there were a few challenges which included the difficulty in convincing people to answer and the situation of the city, but in the end it went well. I visited the following areas: 1. The Forum Mall 2. Zamzama 3. Gulshan-e-Iqbal 4. Gulistan-e-Johar 5. Tariq Road

6. Bahadurabad

It took me two weeks to gather the data and then compile it in an excel file. With the help of Social Media Department, I was able to get a good number of questionnaires filled through Facebook and Twitter. I compiled all the data and made the analysis of total 714 forms (400 on ground + 314 online forms) with the use of SPSS software and presented it to the Business Services Department.

Relationship between Corporate Objectives and Functions of the Department

The corporate objectives of the department mainly revolve around the companys Engagement Process which focuses on developing business leads and securing new projects in the least amount of time with basic customer requirements and needs in view. The following steps are taken by the Department to ensure that the functioning and corporate objectives are met properly: 1. 2. 3. 4. Meeting the customer to introduce our services Company presentation Over all understanding of business objectives Highlighting the scope of services based on those objectives

A second meeting with the prospective customer to 5. Gather detailed project requirements 6. Understand the business model hurdles currently experienced 7. Discuss problems with different departments involved The third and final meeting delivers the following: 8. Proposal document & presentation 9. Highlights scope of work 10. Estimated time of development & delivery 11. Associated costs to develop the solution Upon closure 12. Project is handed over to development team 13. Co-managed with project manager/leader & BD till deployment

In line with the above stated objective the business department plays a vital role and acts as a bridge between the client and the business. It has major responsibilities when it comes to understanding the scope of work and what exactly the client wants.

Theories Learned and Their Application Business Services Department Theories Learned in College & Applied
The concepts that are being applied in the business services department closely relate to the theories learned in Electronic commerce course. The nature of the service is B2B website and most of them were basically ecommerce websites especially the New Jubilee Website, thus many concepts learnt in that course were being applied. Another major concern of the clients in the Ecommerce section was that they were not really sure if they would be able to generate enough traffic on their website to justify the amount of money being spent on the website. Thus calculating their ROI was another important task. This not only used the Ecommerce theories but also made me use the financial theories I had learned in terms of calculating ROI and the time it would take. Also a lot of the concepts learned in accounting like the pay/hour system were also applied a lot during the internship especially when it was time to make an estimate for the clients. The main task here was to understand the nature of the effort that is required and how many hours the effort would take. Once this calculation was made it was to be multiplied with the set hourly rate for the service. This is something which had to be done separately for each client as

Creative Chaos aims at giving customized services to its clients thus a generic model for this could not be designed. Another concept I learned in consumer behavior was that whoever is dealing with the client needs to first put themselves in the place of the client to understand what is really required. This is exactly what is being done in Business Services department. Every action taken depends on what the consumers will think and how the action will benefit them.

New Concepts Learned

During the course of my internship I was able to develop a great understanding of how work is done at the backend. We do see the beautiful website but all the technicalities that go in the background are usually ignored. The best thing about the internship was being able to approach new customers and learning from every single one as all of them have separate requirements and thus making each a unique individual requiring separate attention. Through out the internship I was given challenging tasks that overall helped me improve my skills. All the theories learned in class mainly aim at providing in sight on how businesses calculate their profits from units sold. Working with a software house, that helped companies with their ecommerce solution I learned how you can calculate the profit for companies doing business online. This is something that does not necessarily have to involve business coming from your website but you can also use other social media sources to achieve this. I also learned that companies that do not have presence on the internet find it extremely hard to survive. With the increasing competition the use of ecommerce has increased and has companies a lot of leverage as compared to competition as marketing on the internet is much more focused as compared to using the traditional medium.


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