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Assignment No 1

Submitted By
Ali Raza
Submitted To
Hafiz Waqas Sb
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The basic principle of a boiler is to convert water into steam
with heat energy. This is done by burning fuel in a furnace,
which produces hot gasses. These gasses are then passed
through a heat exchanger, where they transfer their heat to
the water. The water is heated until it reaches its boiling
point and vaporizes into steam.Boilers are a type of heating
equipment that use heat to produce steam. The steam is
then used to generate power, heat water, or provide a source
of hot air. Boilers are used in a variety of industries,
including manufacturing, healthcare, and foodservice.
Definition of Boilers
Boilers are defined as

“Boiler is a closed vessel in which water or other liquid is

heated, steam or vapor is generated, steam is super-heated,
or any combination thereof, under pressure or vacuum, for
use external to itself, by the direct application of energy
from the combustion of fuels, from electricity or nuclear
energy. “
The boiler Is a primary part of global heating system in
power plants. ”

The boiler system functions with the heat distribution

system, heat-emitting system & control systems.
Boiler is the main working component of thermal power
Different types of boilers:
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Different types of boilers are available in the market, which
are manufactured by different manufacturers. The different
types of boilers find their use in different applications. As
the time has passed, more efficient types of boilers have
replaced the old and inefficient ones. This article
elaborates on different types of boilers and the boiler
classification. Boilers can be broadly classified as shell
tube and water tube boilers.Shell and tube boilersShell and
tube boilers are also referred to as fire tube or smoke tube
boilers. Fire tube boilers; contain long steel tubes through
which the hot gasses from a furnace pass and around which
the water to be converted to steam circulates. Fire tube
boilers, typically have a lower initial cost, are more fuel
efficient and easier to operate. Their capacities are up to
25tons/hr and 17.5 kg/ cm2.
Cornish boiler
These are the earliest form of high pressure fire tube boiler.
These consist of long horizontal cylinder with single large
flue containing fire. Fuel is added in the grate area where it
burn to produce hot gases. The hot gases transfer the heat
to the water. Water takes heat and after some time it starts
boiling to produce steam. Hot gases upon reaching at the
end of the fire tube, divided into two section and each move
into the one of two side flue which take them once again at
the front section of the boiler where they are move into the
bottom flue and bottom flue take them toward the chimney.
Chimney throws these gases out of the boiler into the
atmosphere. Maximum heat transfer is taken place at fire
tube and shell section then taken place at side flue and at
last at bottom flue.For efficiency, the boiler was commonly
encased beneath by a brick-built chamber.
Lancashire boiler
The Lancashire boiler is similar to the Cornish, but has two
large flues containing the fires. Pressure range of the boiler
is about 0.7 MPa to 2 MPa and efficiency is 65 to 70%.
Fuel in these boilers is added into the grate which heats the
gases.Hot gases enter the front section of the boiler and
leave the boiler from back and then enter the bottom flue
and start moving to front section of boiler. At front section
hot gases types of boilers are available in the market, which
are manufactured by different manufacturers. The different
types of boilers find their use in different applications. As
the time has passed, more efficient types of boilers have
replaced the old and inefficient ones. This article
elaborates on different types of boilers and the boiler
classification. Boilers can be broadly classified as shell
tube and water tube boilers.

Shell and tube boilers

Shell and tube boilers are also referred to as fire tube or
smoke tube boilers. Fire tube boilers; contain long steel
tubes through which the hot gasses from a furnace pass .
Locomotive boiler
A locomotive boiler has three main components:
1. Double-walled firebox;
2. Horizontal, cylindrical “boiler barrel” containing a
large number of small flue-tubes; and
3. Smokebox with chimney, for the exhaust gases.
Fuel is burned to produce the hot gases. Fuel is feed
through fire hole. Hot gases are diverted to fire tube with
the help of fire brick arch. Steam is collected in the steam
drum which is placed at the top of the shell. The wet steam
goes through inlet headers of super heater and after passing
through tubes, it returns to the outlet header of super heater
and is taken out for steam engine.Locomotive-type boilers
are also used in traction engines, steam rollers, portable
engines etc.On the basis of construction these can be
classified wet back boilers and dry back boilers.
Reversal Chamber:
This is the posterior portion of the combustion chamber
through which the flue gases travel from the first pass
(furnace) to the second-pass tubes
Wet Back Boilers:
In wet back boilers as the name suggests the reversal
chamber is completely surrounded by water. The
combustion reversal chamber is surrounded by water and
therefore the heat in the flue gases is optimally utilized.
Radiation losses are reduced as none of the parts of the
combustion chamber are open to atmosphere instead they
are surrounded by water. That means fewer losses, and
lesser fuel bills. Most efficient modern boilers supplied are
wetback type.
Dry Back Boilers:
The reversal chamber in dry back boilers is not completely
surrounded by water. The posterior part is exposed to the
atmosphere. This leads to the increased radiation losses, as
the radiant heat is lost to the atmosphere instead of going
to the water as in wet back boilers. Earlier generation
boilers used to be dry back.Thus wet back boilers ensure
lesser radiation losses and hence save fuel
Two pass boilers:
In two pass the combustion gases travels two times in the
boiler.Combustion gases should be cooled before entering
the reversal chamber. Excess temperature causes
overheating and cracking (1) of the tube. The heat transfer
rate is maximum at the first pass, this rate decreases with
the increasing passes.
Three pass boilers:
A three pass design provides three opportunities for heat
transfer. The stack temperature of 3 pass will be lower than.
Classification of Boiler
Boiler having only one fire tube or water tube is called a
single tube boiler. The boiler having two or more, fire or
water tubes is called multi tube boiler. Examples Single
tube boiler: (2) Cornish boiler, Vertical boiler. Multi-tube
boiler: Lancashire boiler, Locomotive boiler, Babcock and
Wilcox boiler

Blow Down
Boiler blowdown is the removal of water from a boiler. Its
purpose is to control boiler water parameters within
prescribed limits to minimize scale, corrosion, carryover,
and other specific problems. Blowdown is also used to
remove suspended solids present in the system

There are two main types of boiler blow down, surface

blow down and bottom blowdown.
Bottom Blowdown: As its name suggests, this function
happens at the bottom of the boiler commonly known as
the mud drum. ...
Surface Blowdown: Happens near the surface at the
location where the concentration of dissolved solids is
This arrangement has another advantage , when the valve
is closing , the final steam blowing across the force setup
high frictional resistance to closure of valve , this cause
boiler pressure to fall below the blow off pressure before
the valve closes.

Advantages Of System Boilers

No Cold Water Tank – A system boiler does not need a
cold water tank. This is as they can be used with
pressurised cylinders. This saves room in your home and
means that you can install a system boiler if you don’t have
a loft.
Easy To Install – System boilers are usually much easier
and quicker to install than other types of boilers. This is as
a lot of the components of the central heating and hot water
systems are built into the system boiler.
Fast Response – Built into a system boiler is a pump
which makes the boiler respond quickly.
Multiple Taps – A system boiler stores hot water in a
cylinder meaning that multiple taps or showers can be used
at once, without a reduction in water pressure.
Disadvantages Of System Boilers
Take Up Space – Although system boilers don’t need a
cold water tank they still take up more room than a combi
boiler. This is because they require a hot water cylinder,
which can take up a lot of space.
Limited Hot Water – The amount of hot water you have
is limited to how much water your hot water cylinder is.
When this runs out you will have to wait for the tank to
heat back up.
Heat Loss – A hot water tank can loose heat, making it
inefficient, if it is not insulated correctly.


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