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Postgre SQL

Course Content

a. What is the end business objective to be achieved in the project using Postgres ? (For Example, extracting
from various sources pushing to Postgres and then pushing to some cloud environment)
➢ the immediate requirement for the team is to understand the ETL part of the Postgres database and
work on generating files from DB using scripting. There may be requirements to share with cloud
based different database but not sure at this moment.
➢ The team will also need standard training on Postgres DB along with high level topics listed
b. What are the topics to be covered other than the ETL, Scripting(which Scripting is preferred)?
➢ Architecture and framework
➢ Data Security and Governance
➢ Encryption with Data
➢ Interoperability with ETL tools
➢ Access management, Roles, and permissions
➢ Store procedures
➢ Scripting options(supported scripting options and what tools can be integrated)
➢ Deployment from lower to higher environments
c. Preferred timing up to 7.00 PM IST?
➢ Start at 8:30AM IST and have a 2-hour session. Preferred option
d. Key expectation from the participants if any, for this training?
At the end of the session, I would like the team to have a better understanding on the below
➢ How does the Postgres react when it comes to Sizing
➢ What kind of Native connections are supported
➢ Cloud integration with other databases or other applications
➢ Connectivity with Snowflake to share and access data over cloud
➢ How does the backup and archival strategy work
➢ Do we have Time travel concept
➢ what is the data retrieval strategy in case of a failure or blackout
➢ How does scheduling work. Do we have internal scheduling tool to run Stored procedures
➢ Do the system tables provide any Lineage details.
➢ How is version control handled within the database
➢ How is integration with external tools like GITHUB to maintain code during deployment
➢ Is CI and CD part of the application/Database code. How is it handled
➢ On lower environment, is there integration with QA tools to automate the testing. Integration with
QTest to capture the test results.
➢ Do they have Stream options from within or across different databases both internal and external
➢ How does connectivity with external reporting tools or 3rd party tools work. Is there an internal
reporting tool that can be leveraged

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