DLP Force Science 8 Autosaved

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 8

Prepared by: Jacildo, Jusmin Louise S.

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

A. Understand the relationship of forces and motion

B. Identify types of forces from each other

C. Demonstrate understanding of forces in activity

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Forces

B. Reference: Science 8 Learner’s Module, Google etc.

C. Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Pictures, Printed Materials, Cartolina

D. Level of Assessment: Knowledge, Understanding, and Apply

III. Procedures

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

I. Class Routine
A. Greetings
"Good morning, Class!” "Good morning, Ma'am Jusmin!”

"How are you today?” "We are good Ma'am.”

"That's great.”

B. Prayer
"Before we proceed, let’s us first seek the (Students will bow their heads and close their
guidance of our Lord through a short prayer. eyes for the prayer.)

“(Student name) please lead the prayer” "Let’s bow our heads, close our eyes, and feel
the presence of the Lord. In the name of the
Father, of the Son and the Holy Spirit.”

"Loving Father. I stand before You in the midst

of confusion and complexities of life. My future
sometimes seems distant and unknown. Guide
me. O Lord. The vision to see the path you set
before me. Grant me the courage to follow Your
way. That through the gifts and talents you have
given me. I may bring Your life and Your love
to others. I asked this through the name of Jesus
Christ. Amen”

“You may now take your sit.” (Students sit down.)

C. Health and Safety Protocols
"For our health and safety protocols…”
1. Sanitize your hand.
2.Fix your facemask.
3.Keep distance and avoid talking with your
classmate during discussion.

“Understand class?” “Yes ma’am”

“Very good!”

D. Checking of Attendance
"Miss class secretary are there any absentees
today?” "There’s no absent today ma’am”

“That’s great”

“Thank you for your active participation. Make

yourself comfortable on your sit and sit properly. “Noted, Ma'am."
Another reminder class, if you want to say
something, a question or clarification just raise
your hand so that I can recognize you.”
ENGAGE (Teaching Strategies: I’m on a HOT
II. Reviewing previous lessons or
presenting the new lesson.
"For you to test your memory about our lesson
last time, let's play a game called “I AM ON A
HOT SEAT”. First, check what is under your
chair, then for those who get the letters will stand
up and assemble the letters to form a word then
paste it on the board. Do I make myself clear?” “Yes ma’am!”
(The students will actively participate.)
“I will count One to Three and as I say go you
will look under your chair. One, Two, Three
“Matter ma’am”
“What is the word your classmates have
formed?” “Matter is anything that occupy space and has
mass ma’am.”
“What is the definition of Matter? Anyone?”

"Alright. It seems that you are still familiar with

our topic because you were able to recall the
term. Now for our next activity, I will present
four (4) pictures and you will label it as “matter
or non-matter.” The students will answer the following:
(The students will identify the picture that shows 1. Matter
either matter or non-matter.) 2. Non-Matter
3. Matter
4. Non-Matter
“Let’s now proceed to our new topic. But first
let’s read our objective for this day.”
III. Establishing the objective of the study.
At the end of the lesson you should be able to,
understand the relationship of forces and motion,
identify type of forces from each other, and
demonstrate understanding of forces in activity.
EXPLORE (Push mo ‘yan! Pull mo ‘yan!)
"I prepare here a short activity to test your prior
knowledge on what we are going to discuss
today. Let's play "Push mo ‘yan! Pull mo ‘yan!". (the students will attentively listen)
I will present five pictures and all you have to do
is to mention if the following motion is pushing
or pulling."

“Let’s begin!”
(The teacher will present five (5) pictures. After
each picture has been answered, the teacher will
give a brief explanation about it.)
The students will answer the following:

“Very good everyone! What do you think is our

lesson for today? Let’s begin with the discussion”
EXPLAIN – (Follow my Order!)
IV. Discussion of the lesson.
“Last time I asked you to search about what is “I ma’am”
Force, can anyone define force based on what (student answer may vary)
you get from the internet?”

“Yes that’s right, all of your answer are correct

but let’s go for the simple definition.”

Force is the push or pull on an object.

“In other words, it says that the force is the

ability to make an object move or change its
position. To fully understand force, let’s observe
this ball on the table.”

“Is the ball at rest?” “Yes ma’am”

“How are we going to move this ball?” “By pushing it ma’am”

“What will happen to the ball if we pushed it “The ball will move ma’am”
with enough force?”

“While it is moving, how can we make the ball “We have to stop it using our other hand,
stop?” opposite position”

“Very good observation, now let’s proceed to (the students will attentively listen to the
force magnitude, direction, point of application, discussion)
and line of action.”

“I will illustrate on the board so you could see

how force act on an object.”

Magnitude – refers to the size or strength of

Direction – points where direction goes.
Point of application – location where the force is
Line of action – is the straight line passing
through the point of application and is parallel to
the direction of force.

“Now class, let’s broaden your knowledge with


“There are two types of Force, the first one is;”

Contact Forces – forces where objects touch or
contact with each other.

“And under contact force, we have some example

of it.”

Examples of Contact Forces:

1.Applied – a force given to a person or object by
another person or object.
“Where a person or object applies a force to
another like passing it to each other. Like pushing
a wall, I apply force towards the wall as I push it.
Can you guess what is not an example of applied
force in these picture?”

“ma’am the one who’s free falling is not an

example of applied force.”

“Very good! Next”

2. Friction – is the force acting against or

opposite an object in contact with which makes
the movement of the object slowdown.

“It is a two surfaces that contact and slide past

each other, like a bike wheel towards the floor.
From these pictures given, what is not an
example of Friction force?”

“the girl who’s about to throw the ball ma’am”

“All of your answers are correct it seems you

understand the lesson easily.”

3. Normal – is the force that acts perpendicular to

the surface of the object in contact with.

“When we say perpendicular, are lines that

intersect at a 90° angle. Any object or matter that
were resting at a surface. From this set of
pictures, what is not a type of normal force?”

“the boy closing the door is not a normal force.”

4. Tension – is the force applied to string, rope,

chain or cable.

“This is where the strings, rope, chain, or cable is

getting pulled and it release tension like in tag of
war. What is not an example of tension force in
these picture?”

“Ma’am the boy helping the other is not a

tention force.”

“Excellent class! It seems that you already

understand contact forces since you were able to
identify the photo that is not belong to each
forces. Next is Non-contact Forces.”

Non-contact Forces – forces where objects do not

touch or get contact with each other. These forces
acts over a zone or area called field.

Example of non-contact forces:

1.Gravitational – is the force of attraction
between objects with mass to Earth’s surface.

“This force is where we say everything that

comes up it goes down. For example, I will leave
a hold to this ball and drop it, that’s gravitational
force because removing my hold to the ball
allows it to move on its own. Understand? Okay
give an example.”

2. Magnetic – are forces exerted on a field of

attraction or repulsion as in the case of magnets
and other magnetic materials.

“We understand that there are two magnetic

poles, can you name it?”
“North and South pole ma’am”
“That’s right, can anyone describe how the force
or the attraction and repulsion work on
“Ma’am unlike pole attract and like poles
“Yes that’s right, magnets don’t need to get in
close with other magnetic materials to make it
move or produce motion.”
V. Application
”For our activity, I already divided you into four
groups. To test your gained knowledge, I
prepared group activities for you to accomplished
within 5 minutes of our time and pick two (Students listen attentively.)
representatives to report it in front of our class.”

“Inside this brown envelop is the group activity,

Manila paper, pentel pen and guide for your
group activity. Please proceed to your designated
groups and start answering. “Yes ma’am.”

“5 minutes is done, let’s proceed with the
reporting. Post your presentation on the board
and go back to your proper seat.”

VI. Generalization
“In discussing this lesson, we understand that “The contact and non-contact forces ma’am”
Force has two types which are?”

“Great! Remember class, when we say contact

force, objects or matter has to touch or contact
with each other and non-contact force doesn’t
need to touch each other to make a motion.”

“Can anyone name and define the types of

contact forces? Yes.” “I ma’am, applied force is a force given to an
object or person.”
“Friction force is a force acting against each
“Normal force is a force that is perpendicular to
a surface.”
“Tension is a force applied to string or cable.”
“Excellent! How about the types of non-contact “Gravitational force is a force of attraction of an
forces?” object to Earth.”
“Magnetic force is a force of attraction and

"Thank you for listening class. Now let's try to
test your knowledge acquired. It is a five (5) item
quiz. Don't worry it’s a multiple choice.”

“Are you ready class?” “Yes, Ma'am.”

“You may start now.” (Students will start to answer the quiz.)

Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write
your answer on your answer sheet.
1. Which of the following describes
a. A push only
b. A pull only
c. A push or pull or both
d. Neither a push or pull
2. How do forces occur?
a. In pairs
b. In triplets
c. By themselves
d. As single quantity
3. When you move a chair across the
floor, what force must your push be
stronger than?
a. Friction
b. Magnetic
c. Normal
d. Tension
4. Which force always pull the objects to
the ground?
a. Applied
b. Friction
c. Gravitational
d. Tension
5. A leaf falls from a tree. What forces
acting on it?
a. Air resistance only
b. Gravitational force only
c. Applied force and air resistance
d. Air resistance and gravitational
"Seems like everyone did really learn today
because you all got great scores. But let's give a
round of applause for those who got perfect
VII. Assignment
“Search about the proponents behind forces and “Yes ma’am.”
three law of motion, we will continue our
discussion about force tomorrow.”
Checked and approved by:

Ms. Jusmin Louise S. Jacildo

Practice Teacher

Mrs. Evelyn P. Villarin

Head Teacher II

Mr. Mark John Bayaban

Cooperating Teacher

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