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1. Clause 12.8 – Liquidated Damages

Liquidated Damages are not payable under the Agreement.

Liquidated Damages are payable under this Contract. In the event the Supplier fails to meet
the timelines and/or stipulated dates prescribed in the Requirement Specifications the
Company shall have the right, in relation to the delay or non-compliance to require the
Supplier to pay and if so required by the Company, the Supplier shall pay to the Company
liquidated damages equivalent to one percent (1%) of total contract value for each day of
delay (including Sundays and Public Holidays) or part thereof, subject to a maximum of
ten percent (10%) of the total contract value without prejudice to the Supplier’s obligation
or to any other liability under the Agreement and without prejudice to any other right or
remedy that the company might have.

2. Clause 15.1.5 – Spares and service availability period

Not Applicable

3. Clause 12.19 – Warranty Period (Goods)

The Warranty Period for the Goods shall be 1 year, commencing from
the date of acceptance of the Goods by the Company.
the date of successful commissioning.

4. Clause 6 – Security Deposit or Banker’s Guarantee

Security Deposit is not required by the Company

Security Deposit is required by the Company. The security deposit shall be a sum
equivalent to ______ percent of the
Contract Price.
total price payable each month to the Contractor under this Contract.
total price payable each year to the Contractor under this Contract.
The Security Deposit is to be provided to the Company within ______ days from the date
signing of this Contract.
issuance of the Company’s purchase order to the Supplier.

5. Clause 8.3 & 17.2 – Suspension & Termination

The company may terminate the Agreement or statement of work, without cause, by giving the
successful vendor(s), i.e. Supplier(s), a 30 days’ notice in writing.

6. Clause 16 & 23 – Limitation of Liability

The Supplier’s indemnification obligation under the Agreement shall be unlimited.

Name / Signature / Company Stamp / Date

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