Cairo Team Charter

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Cairo Team Charter Back on Track Program

1. Our team goal is to get homeless people back on their feet, offering a back on track

program. Our mission statement is “Sometimes all it takes is a little kindness to get you

back on track.”

2. Team Tasks:

 Madison: PowerPoint slides 1-3

 Moriah: PowerPoint slides 4-7

 Ryan: Charter and Synopsis

 Andrew: Charter and Synopsis

 Teamwide tasks: Each member will be involved in the planning and review process

of each portion of the project. This involves team meetings via Zoom each Tuesday at

5 PM to discuss the project. Before anybody began working, we all shared our ideas

regarding how we would like our non-profit organization to look and what we wanted

to emphasize. During our weekly team meetings each member of the team must

present what they have worked on to the rest of the group. Afterwards all team

members gave their input, and we decided together whether changes are needed.

3. Project Milestones:

 Project Charter rough draft discussion: September 6th

 Andrew and Ryan present Project Charter for group discussion: September 13th

 Project Charter completion: September 16th

 Team discussion about how the synopsis should look: September 20th

 Madison’s slides (1-3) will be finished and discussed: September 20th

 Moriah’s slide’s (4-7) will be finished and discussed: September 20th

 Madison and Moriah incorporate feedback given to produce final PowerPoint:

September 27th

 Andrew and Ryan utilize team feedback to write the team synopsis: September 27th

 Final team meeting. During this meeting we will present the PowerPoint and the

Synopsis to see if anybody would like to change the project before we turn it in:

October 4th

 Final PowerPoint and the Synopsis will be submitted: October 4th

4. There are a few behavioral norms that we have set as a group from the start. We made

sure to foster a polite but honest environment where all the team members feel

comfortable sharing their ideas. Next, we wanted to promote participation by every team

member by checking in weekly and allowing each member to give feedback about every

phase of the project. Most importantly, the team wanted to set a high standard for the

quality of our work from the start. Every member of the team has produced solid, detailed

ideas that have been key to our success.

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