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 Get input from user

 Find weather as per input
 Print answer as per input
So ,the weather details details can be acquired from application called
API’S(application programming interface): it is the basic way in which services
comunicate.the data that is required will be getting needed for this via an API.

1. POST : create a new resource Ex : if we want to create a message
2. GET : read a resource EX: if iam supposing to read a message or wtch a video
3. PUT : update a resource ex : updating entire thing in the email .
4. PATCH : update parts of resource ex : updating a name in already existing
email account not creating email ,but updating na5. DELETE : delete a resource
ex : deleting a part of resource is called as delete.
 JSON (java script object notation ) is format of most of the API’s.
 In this project,we are using get due to we want to get the inputs that are
required for the project.
 JSON used that while using mobile application or web app we
will be having a server up somewhere in cloud or central server.
 To talk to that servers we need a uniform format across all the
platforms we have JSON. (ios or windows or chrome).
 We have JSON in the format of key-valued dictionary ,which is
having unique key in is to be that it should be
converted in to a string and then into a dictionary.
 SERIALIZATION : It convert into dictionary into a string .
How to do :
1.import json
2. define a dictionary
3. ex : we use syntax json_string=dumps(data , indent=4).
 DESERIALIZATION : Taking a string and converting back into a
 How to do :
 Decoded = json.loads (json_string)
 Print(decoded).
 Json.dumps : convert dictionary to string
 Json.loads : convert JSON string to dictionary
 Json .dump : converts dictionary to json and writes to a file.
 Json.load : reads data from json file and returns a dictionary.
 Requests library to get or acquire data.
Pandas is another powerful library which helps to deal with
tabular format with in python.
Import pandas as pd
Df= pd.dataframe(marks). To get mean of marks
 Python does not have json ,but it is having the dictionary
and the requests format will convert it into a json string .

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