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CDC Signoff using SDC

Ravindra Nibandhe
Rangarajan Govindan
July 2018

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 1


Clock Domain Crossing (CDC) analysis methodology overview

CDC analysis with Synopsys Design Constraints (SDC) – challenges and solutions

Running SpyGlass CDC analysis with SDC

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 3

CDC Signoff Methodology

CDC Analysis
Identify clock domains
Identify CDC paths Setup
Identify synchronizers
Persistent Interactive
Database Advanced CDC Checks
Divergence / Re-convergence

Reset Check

CDC Reporting Report

TCL Debug GUI Debug

(Design & CDC query) (violation browser, Schematic)

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 4

Defining CDC Setup

• CDC analysis requires all flops to be receiving clock attributes

• Remove unwanted violations due to converging clocks

• Complete CDC analysis for reset synchronization and Reset Domain Crossing flops with
async reset to receive reset attributes

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 5

Defining CDC Setup
Missing Clock Definitions


Missing clock definitions!

Reported by rule Clock_info03a

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 6

Why Constrain Clock MUXes?
MUX *not* configured for specific operational mode

• Source of crossing drives a merged domain, ‘domain1,domain2’

• Merged domain will never match destination domain ‘domain1’
• Will always produce “unsynchronized” violation!

Ac_unsync01 flags unsynchronized

Clock_info05 flags clocks converging on

Unconstrained clock MUXes prevent CDC closure

Debug Data confirms Source flop

drives merged domain

Debug Data shows clocks propagate

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 7 individually to Source flop
Why Constrain Clock MUXes?
MUX configured for specific operational mode

• Operational mode (scenario) #1 • Operational mode (scenario) #2

– MUX selects ‘clk2’  Ac_unsync01 violation – MUX selects ‘clk1’  no violation

set_case_analysis -name ffsel_reg.Q -value 1 set_case_analysis -name ffsel_reg.Q -value 0

Constrained clock MUXes enable CDC closure

Debug Data confirms Source Debug Data confirms Source domain

domain does *not* match matches destination domain  no
destination domain  crossing
unsynchronized crossing

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 8

Defining CDC Setup
Missing Reset Definitions



Missing reset definitions!

Reported by rule Reset_info09a. Ability to report common reset.

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 9

Defining CDC Setup
Defining quasi static signals

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CDC analysis methodology overview

CDC analysis with SDC – challenges and solutions

Running SpyGlass CDC analysis with SDC

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 11

CDC Analysis With SDC Is Very Attractive

• Ensures consistency and maintains design intent across tools

– Same SDC for many tools – PrimeTime, Design Compiler and SpyGlass CDC

• Robust use model

– Describes clock relationships easily and flexibly
– Uses rich set of design query commands for streamlined programmatic constraining

• Very familiar across design community

– Represents industry standard
– Uses TCL shell

Ensures reuse of constraints across various stages!

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 12

SDC for CDC has challenges!

• SDC clock paradigm is different than in SGDC

• SDC missing commands for CDC analysis
– Constraints for resets, quasi-static signals, glitchy and convergent sources, control and data synchronization, etc.
– Constraints for boundary condition attributes – synchronizers, combinational logic, etc.
• SDC contains many commands that are not pertinent to CDC
– Maintaining and using SDC for CDC becomes unnecessarily complex
• SDC often available later in design cycle – fine for subsystem, bad for block-level analysis
• SDC typically written and maintained for gate-level netlists, not RTL

Challenges? Here is the guidance!

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 13

Considerations on using SDC for CDC

SDC Reading


Name Mapping

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 14

CDC analysis with SDC – challenges and solutions

Understanding Clock Relationship

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 15

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Paradigms
SDC clocks vs. SGDC clocks

SDC assumes synchronous clocks SGDC assumes asynchronous clocks

• Must define *asynchronous* exceptions • Must define *synchronous* exceptions
set_clock_groups, set_false_path clock -domain
• Two asynchronous clocks … • Two synchronous clocks …
block.sdc block.sgdc
create_clock -name c1 [get_pin c1]
clock -name c1; #assumed domain c1
create_clock -name c2 [get_pin c2]
clock -name c2; #assumed domain c2

• … will be mistakenly assumed synchronous • … will be mistakenly assumed asynchronous

without the following command without the following additions
block.sdc block.sgdc

clock -name c1 -domain d0
set_clock_groups -async \
clock -name c2 -domain d0
-group c1 -group c2
Ensure that ALL asynchronous clock relationships are
explicitly defined in SDC when used for CDC analysis!
© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 16
Understanding Clock Relationship

• set_false_path across clocks will enable the CDC analysis

• set_false_path across flops is not supported

Use set_clock_group –async instead of false paths (Consistent results)

Examine the Clock Matrix to see “synchronous” clocks to make sure nothing is missed

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 17

Understanding Clock Relationship
Logically Exclusive Clocks

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 18

Understanding Clock Relationship

• Be careful of clock_sense since it can cause missed violations

– This constraint will stop a clock from propagating
– It is often used on clock muxes to stop a test clock instead of using
– But a PT user could use it to stop other async clocks by accident

CKSGDCInfo.rpt from CDC analysis will list all clock_sense constraints

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 19

CDC analysis with SDC – challenges and solutions

Name Mapping

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 20

Pin Name Mismatch for Inferred Registers
• Register pin names in an SDC constraint are typically given to
the associated pin names in the target technology library (.lib file)
• Consider, the clock pin for all flip-flops in the .lib file are known to
be CLK
• SpyGlass, however, has its own set of conventions, including the
clock pin of an inferred RTL register to be “CP”, so that the
following constraint will fail:
set_false_path –from i_gen_clk/CLK

In order for SpyGlass to understand you’ll need to add the

SGDC command mapped_pin_map.
– See the documentation for mapped_pin_map to see all of the pin
names that may be modified.

mapped_pin_map –clock CLK

mapped_pin_map –out q

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 21

SDC Mismatch Violations
• How to determine what SpyGlass thinks instances are called
inside the SDC context
– Sometimes this is different than SGDC context 
– Example: SpyGlass can’t find an object that exists in SDC file
set_false_path –from mid/myregs/q_out[3]/CP

• Debug Steps
– Use Instance Browser of SpyGlass GUI.
– The hierarchy or pin name could be different
– Or Add the following to your SDC file and capture the stdout
– Replace the non-alphanumeric characters with wildcards to more likely
achieve a match.
set myinst [get_cell mid/myregs/q_out*]
sdc_puts “\n\n####### instance names are:\n”
sdc_puts “$myinst\n\n\n########\n\n”

• For faster turn around you can create a goal that only
contains the rule SDCPARSE

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 22

Escaped Names in Verilog

• Names that are escaped by necessity in Verilog (and SpyGlass) should not be escaped in the

• For example, suppose in instance i1 one has the following instantiation:

mymod \mycell[0] (.A(la), .Z(lz));

• The temptation would be to write the constraint as below with a space after the bracket.
set_false_path –from i1/\mycell[0]{space} /Z

• The correct form is (without using renaming – more on this later)

set_false_path –from i1/mycell[0]/Z

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 23

SytemVerilog vs. V2K Unlabeled Generate Blocks
For generated blocks, such as the below:
generate begin • Labels are pre-pended to the instance name, separated by “.”. Each
if (1) begin : g01 begin/end pair inside is considered a “labeled” block, either implicitly
flop u0 (.d(d[0]), .q(q[0]), .ck(ck)); or explicitly
end • In the example shown here, the outer begin/end pair has an implicit
end label
endgenerate • The 2nd begin/end pair has an explicit label, “g01”

• For Verilog 2K only the explicit label is • For SystemVerilog, an implicit label is produced in
part of the instance name the form “genblk#”. Where # is the number of the
– So the example shown above will have an
generated block in the module.
instance that looks like: g01.u0
• In this case, the generated instance name will be:

The “.” is NOT a hierarchy separator. It is part of the instance name.

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 24

May be incorrect or missing Defines characters in object name
that distinguish base from index
test.v global.tcl
wire [3:0] mydata; current_design test
reg [3:0] myreg; set bus_naming_style %s_%d test.sdc
always @(posedge ck) current_design
set_false_path test
–from myreg_reg_3/CP
myreg <= mydata; set_false_path –from myreg_reg_3/CP

Enables SpyGlass to successfully

match object names in
subsequent SDC commands
Sometimes specified in separate file  may be
accidentally omitted when reading SDC in SpyGlass

current_design test
sdc_data –file test.sdc

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 25

change_names Create a Tcl file to be read before SDC file
A more generalized renaming method - Define a name rule that specifies allowed
Create a Tcl characters in object
file to be read names
before SDC file
- Define
- Define a replacement
a name character
rule that specifies for
Create a resulting
Tcl file
characters in to be read
object before
names SDC file
In project file, enable change_names with - - Define
Apply aname
name rulesothat
replacement specifies
character allowed
for match
no (GuideWare default) or supermode Create a Tcldisallowed
resulting file
in to
names be
object read before
within SDC SDC file

test.prj global.tcl
read_file test.v current_design test
read_file –type sgdc test.sgdc define_name_rule myrule \
current_methodology\ –allowed {a-z A-Z 0-9 _} \
$SPYGLASS_HOME/GuideWare/latest/block/rtl –replacement_char “%”
_handoff change_names –rules myrule -hierarchy
set_parameter pt supermode

test.sgdc test.sdc
current_design test current_design test
sdc_data –file global.tcl –file test.sdc set_false_path –from myreg_reg%3%/CP

In SGDC file, specify Tcl

change_names file and SDC file
© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 26
CDC analysis with SDC – challenges and solutions

Constraints Interpretation

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 27

PrimeTime vs. DC Style Constraints
• Parameter pt

• Certain commands, options, and legal points of application are different depending on whether
one is writing constraints for PrimeTime (STA) vs. Design Compiler (synthesis)
– For e.g.- The change_names command in SDC may only be applied in Design Compiler but not in

• To accommodate users who wish to have the more strict enforcement of PrimeTime but also
allow the change_names command, yet another mode is available for this parameter:
“supermode” - This will enforce PT strictness yet allows change_names

Parameter pt value Behavior

No DC mode, change_names accepted

Yes PT mode, change_names rejected, strict enforcement of SDC

Supermode PT mode, change_names accepted, strict enforcement of SDC

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 28

Handling Unsupported Design Queries in SDC

• Example of missing DC/PT attribute support in SpyGlass

– Both DC and PT support attribute direction
– Only DC supports attribute name
– SpyGlass only supports attribute direction with pt=yes
– SpyGlass only supports attribute name with pt=no
set div_clk_pin [get_pins -of [get_net clkDividerN2*] -filter "direction == out"]
set_case_analysis 1 [get_pins -of_objects u_myflop -filter "name=~o_*"]

Attribute pt = no pt = yes/supermode
direction Not Supported Supported
name Supported Not Supported

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 29


CDC analysis methodology overview

CDC analysis with SDC – challenges and solutions

Running SpyGlass CDC analysis with SDC

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 30

Specifying SDC file(s)
• Specify the SDC file using the SGDC file
current_design test
sdc_data –file test.sdc

• Specifying multiple SDC files

– Do NOT use multiple sdc_data commands, do it all on a single line
– Each sdc_data is run as a separate process so there is no communication or transfer of data/knowledge between
current_design test
sdc_data –file setup.sdc –file case_analysis.sdc –file clocks.sdc –file timing_exceptions.sdc
sdc_data –file setup.sdc case_analysis .sdc clocks.sdc timing_exceptions.sdc

• There can be a top level single SDC file sourcing separate SDC files for setup, clocks, case analysis etc
– Specify the top level SDC file as shown below:
current_design test
sdc_data –file top.sdc

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 31

SDC2SGDC flow with SpyGlass
• Design constraints available in form of SDC or TCL can be used for SpyGlass CDC analysis
• SDC2SGDC helps in reusing the set of constraints available for synthesis or timing analysis

• List of SDC commands useful for CDC analysis:

SDC Command Translated SGDC command

create_clock clock
clock or generated_clock depending on parameters sdc_generated_clocks and
set_case_analysis set_case_analysis
set_clock_groups Used for inferring domain relation of the clocks.
Only clock to clock false path commands are used for inferring asynchronous domain relation.
All flop to flop false path commands are ignored.
set_clock_sense clock_sense
set_input_delay abstract_port
set_output_delay abstract_port

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 32

Mixing SDC and SGDC

• Since SDC doesn’t contain all the constructs necessary for CDC analysis it becomes
necessary to augment the SDC with SGDC

• This works fine except for creating clocks

• Since clock relationships are defined with the set_clock_group command in SDC, if you create
a NEW clock in SGDC, there is no way to say it is synchronous to any of the existing clocks
– The domain names assigned in the SDC could change based on a change in the SDC file

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 33

Managing Noise from Unused SDC Commands
• To reduce noise around the SDC commands which are not relevant for CDC analysis:
• In a text file, say ‘ignored_sdc_commands.txt’, list the SDC commands to be ignored
• Syntax: Single SDC command on each line for ignoring during the SDC2SGDC usage
• Specify this text file using necessary parameter between current_methodology and
current_goal commands as shown below:
current_methodology $SPYGLASS_HOME/GuideWare/latest/block/rtl_handoff
set_parameter tc_ignored_commands ./ignored_sdc_commands.txt
set_parameter tc_stop_parsing_ignored_commands yes; # To stop parsing of the nested/auxiliary
commands present in the SDC commands which are ignored

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 34

SDC2SGDC Recommended Setup
read_file –type sgdc test.sgdc #SGDC file that contains the sdc_data constraint
set_option sdc2sgdc yes; #Enables sdc2sgdc (Fatal if no SDC is provided)
set_option sdc_generate_cfp yes; #To enable generation of cdc_false_path commands
set_option support_sdc_style_escaped_name yes; #To allow non-escaped names used in SDC
set_option sdc2sgdcfile ./<design-name>.sdc2sgdc.out; #(Optional) specify name of the translated SGDC file

current_methodology $SPYGLASS_HOME/GuideWare/latest/block/rtl_handoff
set_parameter sdc_domain_mode sta_compliant; #(Optional) default value. Recommended parameter.
set_parameter pt no; #To allow names of design objects to be changed. This is
helpful to reduce noise present for design objects present
under generate blocks
set_parameter show_all_sdc_violations yes; #To enable reporting of all issues for the SDC
set_parameter tc_ignored_commands ./ignored_sdc_commands.txt
set_parameter tc_stop_parsing_ignored_commands yes; # To stop parsing of the nested/auxiliary commands
present in the SDC commands which are ignored
set_parameter sdc_generated_clocks yes; #To have the generated clock definitions translated to
clock constraint
set_parameter enable_generated_clocks yes; #To have the generated clock definitions translated in
uncommented format

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 35

Advantages Challenges
• Use same SDC for many tools PT, DC and • Assumes all clocks are synchronous
CDC – Good for Worst case Timing analysis
– Ensures consistency and maintains the design • Built for Sync designs, so commands for
intent CDC are not in language
• Easy to describe clock relationships • Many constructs contained in SDC are not
• Verilog Standard on escaped names is applicable to CDC
relaxed – Makes reading file unnecessarily complex
• Industry Standard so it is very familiar • Can come late in design schedule
• Design Query to help automatically create • Written and updated for Gate level and not
commands can add to productivity (clocks, RTL
configuration registers)

Search Solvnet for: SDC2SGDC - Recommended Setup and Debug Steps

© 2018 Synopsys, Inc. 36

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