The Multimedia Basics II

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(i) Photo gallery:

Show your photos arranged in a nice-looking grid format.

(ii) Slideshows:
Combine your pictures with music and animate them in a slideshow.

(iii) Audio player:

Add music, podcasts, or other audio files to your website

(iii) Audio player:

Add music, podcasts, or other audio files to your website

(v) Embedded documents

Embed already existing documents from or other document sharing websites directly
into your website for easy viewing.
Example: Invisible Alligators – Children’s book by Hayes Roberts

Digitization vs Digitalization vs Digital Transformation

1. Introduction/Overview
This course gives clearer view of three important concepts in multimedia which are:
these concepts helps the students to categorize technological developments that are happening
in this world. Precise conceptions of these terms may result to accurate and efficient
communication. Accuracy in communication is one of the most critical communication skills. It
sounds so obvious and simple, yet this essential aspect of communication is often overlooked.
The impact can be massive, for better or worse. This applies to both verbal and written
communications. Accuracy in
communication puts you and your listeners on the same page. Your message is clearly and
accurately delivered. It is clearly and accurately received. The possibility of
misunderstandings, misinterpretations and even poor decisions, is radically reduced.
Consistent communications also make future conversations easier, because the definitions are
concrete, discussions about misunderstandings and ambiguities are avoided, and trust is built.
2. Learning Outcomes
At the end of this module, you should be able to:
1. Differentiate digitization, digitalization, and digital transformation to have a clearer
picture of the process in creating multimedia outputs and become efficient and competitive
practitioners in the future.
2. Analyze situations and determine whether it is digitization, digitalization, or digital
transformation in order to avoid misinterpretation and become competent communicators.
3. Formulate own visual representation of the difference between digitization, digitalization
and digital transformation in order for students to clearly categorize situations accordingly that
will help them to become competent and efficient practitioners of media or multimedia in the

3. Lesson 1-Digitization, Digitalization and Digital Transformation Explained

Many people have begun to conflate terminology either out of ignorance or for their own benefit,
which creates confusion, because suddenly we’re talking about different things but calling them
the same. Some have begun labelling digitalization as digital transformation to appease
management, get a project approved, or to make a sale. In this discussion, I hope to clarify the
terminology and attempt to bring some baseline for discussions.

Let’s start with the term digitization. Digitization refers to creating a digital representation of
physical objects or attributes. For instance, we scan a paper document and save it as a digital
document (e.g., PDF). In other words, digitization is about converting something non-digital into
a digital representation or artefact. Computerized systems can then use it for various use
cases. An example from manufacturing would be when a measurement is converted from a
manual or mechanical reading to an electronic one.
Digitization is foundational. This is the connection between the physical world and software.
This is what we been doing since the 1960s. It is an enabler for all the processes that provide
business value because of the need for consumable data.
Key benefits of digitization
· Eliminate transcription errors
· No physical limits for storage
· Integrate business systems
· Improve accessibility to information
· Increased safety of any critical data
· Integrated online resource sharing
· Reduced chances of missing data
· Many users can access a digital file at the same time
· Compatible with all modes of digital data transfer

Digitalization refers to enabling or improving processes by leveraging digital technologies and

digitized data. Therefore, digitalization presumes digitization. Examples of this could be as
simple as PLC
logic or PID control in a microprocessor-based system, sequenced logic for a batch process,
automated shutdown logic, etc. It could also be something more complex, like an error in a
transmitter generating a work order in the ERP maintenance system for a maintenance tech.
Digitalization increases productivity and efficiency while reducing costs. Digitalization improves
an existing business process or processes but doesn’t change or transform them. That is to
say, it takes a process from a human-driven event or series of events to software-driven.
The digital era brings all kinds of information to our very fingertips thanks to the centralization
and accessibility of data. For example, people now rely heavily on computers and mobile
phones with internet, which give you an immediate answer to any questions you might have.
Digitalization has also transformed our ability to communicate, with numerous apps which allow
us to send messages to each other immediately and in many different formats. For example,
mentioning someone’s name on a social media post or doing a video call.
We are also better able to communicate new ideas thanks to digitalization, which helps them to
spread more quickly. We no longer only have access to the thoughts of the wealthiest, most
powerful members of society; anybody has the ability to get their message out there now.
Digitalization has opened up a new world of opportunity when it comes to jobs, due to the
remote working that the internet has allowed for. There are now completely new job roles like
internet technology specialists, and anyone can open their own online business which is an
amazing new advantage.
Lastly, it has increased commercial competition so much that consumers now have so many
more options to choose from, which is a positive as it means that we are no longer dictated by
the biggest companies and the prices they decide to charge. The digital era is also bringing
digital currency which makes financial exchanges faster and easier, which is especially
advantageous for international trade. Cryptocurrency may become our only form of currency
soon so check out the developments in each kind, for example, Bitcoin News.
The benefits of digitalization have a flip side. The centralization of control over our wealth and
personal information means that we are putting all of our eggs in one basket. While technology
eradicates human error, it is not immune to failure so by relying on something that is not 100%
reliable, we are running the risk of losing control of our assets. Handing control over also opens
us up to digital crime like hackers, who have unknown destructive potential.
The ease of communication can have a negative impact on our real-life social skills and
weakens the strength of the community.
Easy access to information increases the chance of its misuse, for example, incorrect self-
diagnosis for health conditions, and allows the spread of false information which can be used
for manipulative purposes.
Finally, the fast-paced, shallow nature of digital exchanges could create a more passive society
that is unable to consider ideas on a deeper level or with any passion.
Digital Transformation is really business transformation enabled by digitalization. The “digital”
moniker is a little bit of a misnomer because the essence of digital transformation is the
changing of business processes enabled or forced by digitalization technologies.
Digital transformation, which Westerman says should be led by the CEO, requires cross
departmental collaboration in pairing business-focused philosophies with rapid application
development models.
Such sweeping changes are typically undertaken in pursuit of new business models and new
revenue streams, driven by changes in customer expectations around products and services.
"Customer expectations are far exceeding what you can really do," says Westerman. “That
means a fundamental rethinking about what we do with technology in organizations."

Digital transformation examples

Fearful of being outflanked by more nimble competitors, companies are seeking to accelerate
innovation, experimenting with new digital services and capabilities to augment existing
offerings or to slide into adjacent markets.
Restaurant chains such as TGI Fridays and IHOP, fearful of being rendered irrelevant by
hipper, more tech-savvy boutique brands, are experimenting with virtual assistants to facilitate
mobile ordering.
Grocery chain Albertsons is working on anything from personalized product deals and onetouch
payments for gas to AI software and robots that move product around its warehouses, says
Ramiya Iyer, general vice president of IT for omnichannel sales and services.
Startups play a critical role in many organizations’ transformation strategies. BMO Harris Bank
accelerated the loan origination process with software from startup Blend to become a preferred
digital destination for consumers, says Thomas Parrish, the bank's director of consumer lending
product management. Previously, bankers spent up to an hour drafting the loan applications
while customers waited.
"We didn't have a good user experience," Parrish says. With Blend, consumers complete
applications in minutes. Moreover, applicants can fill them out on weekends rather than be
beholden to the banker's hours.
As a result, online mortgage and home equity application volume at the bank has risen 275
percent over the same period last year, and more than 80 percent of mortgage and home equity
applications are now submitted using Blend. The technology enables BMO Harris’ bankers to
spend more time serving customers rather than filling out and filing paperwork, Parrish says. “It
keeps up cutting edge and current," says Parrish.
Transforming products into services is another key motivation. Digital twins, for example, are a
new reality in the manufacturing sector. Organizations from General Electric to Boeing and
McDermott International are creating software versions of their physical assets, ideally to
generate application revenue.

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