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Please research on the following for our discussion next meeting:

1. What is a state?
- The state is the most universal and most powerful of all social institutions. The state is
a natural institution, highest form of human association. It is necessary because it comes
into existence out of the basic needs of life. A state is a type of human association which
is distinguished from other social groups by its purpose, the establishment of order and
security; its methods, laws and enforcement; its territory, authority or geographical
boundaries; and, finally, by its sovereignty. Most broadly, the state consists of the
individual's agreement on the means by which conflicts are resolved in the form of laws.
2. Enumerate the elements of state.
1. population
2. territory
3. government
4. sovereignty

3. Define and explain the elements of state.

The elements of state is categorized into four categories, thus they are in with different bases
such as physical and political bases.
- a. physical bases of the state
1. population- people who make the state
2. territory – there can be no state without a fixed territory. People are in need of territory to
live and organize themselves socially and politically. The territory of the state includes land,
water and air-space.
b. political bases of the state
1. government- working agency of the state. It is the political organization of the state.
Each government has three organs:

(a) Legislature—which formulates the will of State i.e. performs law-making functions

(b) Executive— enforces and implements the laws i.e. performs the law-application functions

(c) Judiciary—which applies the laws to specific cases and settles the disputes i.e. performs
adjudication functions.

2. sovereignty -
“supreme” and final legal authority above and beyond which no legal power exists.
As the supreme power of the State, Sovereignty has two dimensions:

Internal Sovereignty and External Sovereignty.

(i) Internal Sovereignty

-It means the power of the State to order and regulate the activities of all the people,
groups and institutions which are at work within its territory. All these institutions always act in
accordance with the laws of the State. The State can punish them for every violation of any of
its laws.

(ii) External Sovereignty

-It means complete independence of the State from external control. It also means the
full freedom of the State to participate in the activities of the community of nations. Each state
has the sovereign power to formulate and act on the basis of its independent foreign policy.

We can define external sovereignty of the State as its sovereign equality with every other state.
State voluntarily accepts rules of international law. These cannot be forced upon the State.

4. What is the difference between state and nation?

Here’s a table I made to be able to distinguish easily the difference between a nation and a
It existed not only at present but also in the Modern phenomenon or occurrence
ancient period
It is legal political It is ethnic cultural
People organized for law within a definite People psychologically joined together with
territory common will to live together
State must be sovereign People continue as a nation even if they do
not remain sovereign
Inhabited (populated) by heterogenous Inhabited by homogenous group of people
groups of people

5. Is Philippines a state? Why or why not?

- Philippine is a state because the government has the legislative, executive and judicial

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