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‘Time :3Hours Max. Marks 80, 1. This Question paper contains five sections A, B, C. Dand E, Eachsection is compulsory: However, there arvimternal choices in some questions Section has I8 MCQ'+ and 02 Assertion Reason based questions of I mark each. Section Bas 3 Very Short Answer (FSA)-type questions of 2 marks each Seetion C has 6 Short Answer (SA)-type questions of 3 marks each Section D has 4 Long Answer (LA)-tpe questions of § marks each ake Section Ehas 3 case based integrated ants of assessment (4 mark cach) with sub pars of values of 1, 1 and? marks each spective: SECTION-A (Multiple Choice Questions) ack question carries I mark. 1 L TheL CM ofrand 183836. I. The H.CF.ofrand I8is2, What the number?” @ 1 2 3 @s 2 the sum ofthe ross ofa quadratic equations 6 and their products 6, the equation is @ e+ b) rar (© P=66~6=0 (@ P+6r+6=0 3. For what values of will he following pair oflincar equations have infinitely many solutions? ket 3y=(k=3)"0 ay hy-k=0 @ ks @) kes © kre @ ko 4. Ifthe 22r08 ofthe polynomial f(s) "= 7x + +2, (k> 0) are recpnocal ofeach ther than vale of is w@ 2 o) 1 © @1 5. Given hat LCM.O1, 26)" 182, thea. CF.91,26)5 @ 5 ©) % or os 6 Twotrianglesaresimilarif (2) their corresponding angles are equal (©) their coresponding sides are equ (6) bothare ight timate (@) None ofthe above 7. Mtan’O~ 1~ 6%, then the value ofsec 0+ tan'0 cose Os (6) 2-0)? @ aey? 8. WintyoADEF and PQR, 2D- ZO and ZR then which eft llovingis not BEDE De EF DE DE oF RAE o Same o 9. 11P(2,5),0=(0.~7)and PQ=13, whats val of? 5 o3 os os it. thunona evans 2200—H00 ban = o,he val of ROH, ath Pap @ Fy0 oO Pe © Te © Fe 1H. In what aio doosthe point (-2, 3) divide the line segment joining the pints (3, §) and (4,-9)? @ 23 6 et @ 21 12, The figure shows two concentric circleswith centre O and radii 3S mand7 m. If 280: region 40° find the rea of the shad » 2 ns a 62 (© None tise 13, Inthe figure below (nota scale), AB= CD and [jj and CD ar produced to meet atthe pont p ILZBAC=70, then ZPis @ x9 4 os © sr 14, Theares ofa circular rng formed by wo concentric circles whose radi are'S7em and 4.3 em respectively is (take x=3.1416) @ B98qen (©) S3.07sqem © 7gom (@) 38S4sq0m 15. Themean weight ofa class of 35 students is 4Skg. Ifthe weight of teacher be included, the mean weight increases by 500 grams. Find the weight ofthe teacher. @) ekg ©) Gig, ©) étkr @) 70ke 16, Volume spherical shells given by @ ax@-r) ©) mue-P) (©) 42(R=r) (@) rR) 17, Inthe flowing distibusion ‘Monthly income range (in®) [Number of Faniies Tncome more thas €10.000, 100 Income more than €13,000, Ss Ineene mone han 16,00 @ Tncome more than € 19.000, 2 Income more than 822.000 3 Inemne more than &25,000 is the numberof families havin income range (in) 16000 19000 is os &) 16 ov @» 18, Foran event E,P(E)+ P(E}~, then @) Osgel () Ocgst © 0-421 (@) None of those (ASSERTION REASON BASED QUESTIONS) Inthe following questions, statement of Assertion (Ais followed by a statement of Reason (R). Choose the correctanswer out ofthe following choices. (@) Both A and R are true and Ris the correct explanation of A. (@) Both A and Rare true ut Ris not the correct explanation of A. fo) Aistrue bt Bis false. (@) AisfalsebutRistrue. 19, Assertion : 2— is divisible by 2 for every positive integer. Reason: J5 isnot rational number. 20, Assertion: In aright angled triangle iftan O~ 3, the greatest side the triangles 5 unis greatest side)? (hypotenuse)? (perpendicular)? + (ase SECTION-B This section comprises of very short answer ype-questions (VS) of? marks each. 21, Which ypeot equations 2y=4and 2x y= 5 will be? oR Fer what yalucof the equations 3x—y +8=Oand 6x— ky =—16 represen coincident lines? 22, Sides AB and BC and median AD of a triangle ABC are respectively proportional to sides PQ and QR and median PM of ‘wianglePOR. Provethat AARC ~ APQR. 28, Proverhat 28-8, see" L ‘an? O-1” sec" —con00"@ an = 24. Abullisin thoes postion against stp PQ.1FPQ= 1Dcmand QR 15 cm, then the diameter of theball & oR Inthe diagram, PQ and QR are tangents othe circle centre at Pand R espectively. Find the value of. Ny 25, Infigur, two concentric citcles with entre O, haveradi cm and 42 cm, If ZAOB= 60, ind the arc of the shaded region. (Use SECTION-C This section comprises of short answer type questions (SA) af 3 marks cach. 26, Provethat J5 + J5 isiational 27. Quadraticpolynomial 2? —3e-+ has zeroes asc and P: Now frm a quadratic polynomial whose eros are Ie. and 38 28, Solve the following system of equations Sosy Baayes 1 29. (A+B)= YB andtan(A—B)= Fes" mmy=b6 (@) Ares ofthe shaded region 2 Bx? Baas? 30 “7 3007 12 ae ahah as pan ) 12249 Tat Tare ©) Exterior angle ofa cyeicquadslateral is equal tots interior oppesite angle. ZBAC™ ZDCA and proceed. (@)Letthe radi of the outer and inners respectively: we have Area = aro carrey) = 18.7=43)(57 +43) 14 <10s.6m = 3.18165 145g, con. = 45,0859 lsber,andr, ind (Lethe mean weight ofaclass of35 stents be X, an that ofboth students and a teacher be 3 24S kg and 1. a. 3 aise: veivorsudens weigher Wtf tacher= Tl wight wep des Wah ofthe tencher "3, Swiss (@ Wohin cfopheral se tag Ser od sages (© Chey ember of ieshvnginomeriage tng) te - 5000-69-50 18, © = MEME =I ©) Futr=tandn=2 (0, Boh Aerio ad Reson cares and Reon SSaccomstciplaton fhe rion greats side= 3)? +4 Comparing the given equations with ax, bye, and ayxtby yey wehave (a3) 5 units a Lb ad a Pe Pes (My Here, he Ph [Mark] ab “Te equations have consistent and unique olan (UaMark) on Pair ofinesre coins sees a (vena Given tines, Beoyt8=0 and 6x-ky+16~0 Here,3, 3.0) =-1. 28 6b ey 16 (eM sing ation weave 3 3 (pantry (May 2. iat ark 26D _BC | AB_BD_AD a0W "oR * 19" OM PM AAHD~ APOM(By SSS) (Mak 2B= 20 (By corresponding angles of similar triangles) AR _ RC Now, In AABC and aPQR, AB.= BE ang z= 29 PQ” OR & AABC~ APQR (By SAS) DsMark] tan?@_|_cosec?o an OT we Ocoee os [>Mark] [>Meark] [Mark] Insight \OSP, Ors Seen5+(e- 109 SPa25-A oe 100 [smack] [Mark] = 2PSR= 20SP + ZOSR 5 Zesr= Zose 120° Sos = Z08P=20° 3 ZosP=45*| 3 20Px=o" L SZ80x + zors=90° 38 ZOSP= 99° Senor 35" 45° “Answer 45° [es 20sP=.2osR} PX isa tangent] [-s Z0PS~ 208] (1 Mark} ‘Radius of nner circle ‘Radius of outer circle, R=42 em ‘Area (ABCD)= Area ofssctor(OAB) Area ofssctor(OCD) 60 lag? = Salta) usa ob lans2inar-20) ra x2 63x21 7 £11213 = 30m (1M) ‘Area of shaded region = Area of outer circle Area af inner icle~ Area (ABCD) 6 =1142)8- 2021) -68 Bocca = 034158693 =MSen? (1M Let us assume on the contrary that «/2 + 5 is rational ‘number Thea, thre exist core positive integers. and bs that BAe tate DAMark] a. 2% {est} 3 P29 3 amb 8 = ff iserational aumber a barwinegers = wal “This comtradicts the fact that is ination. So, our assumption is wrong. Hence, 2+ 5 station (4Mark) Wa.andfarethe eres of? ~3+ 1, #3 whens P= =F ondaB= 5-5 (1 Mrkh New quartic poyomial whose rosare Scand 3s ven by (Sum ofthe routs) Proust ofthe rots =P -GBat 3B r+ 30x38 (Mark) 3). .9(2) = 230+ pee sag (3) r49f 3} oot - (Mark) Getta Far 9019) ent apenas 12? 949) ‘ Sasye7 a Btyes Sosyer 0 @ (Mar) Mulkiply equation (by (3) and equation (ipby (4) we Beayes iy 0) Subtract (i) andy), weget, “y= 1 y= Now, psting the valueof y= in equation (i) 4.2 1Mrk] 4 Liscyer om 2, 30 (1M 1 sce x andy tan(A +B) = fF Hen A+ B)=tan 60> i (0M “i Aadine (a (1 Mak Dana > And Thang). a5°4 Boor» Beis®, (I Mark ‘ond PeimterofAABC UetAQ= Som and AO=AR “ BO=8P ro) (8a creck i) (Tangent drawn froman external points are equ) [4Marky Since perimeter ofAABC=AB+BC+CA 5" Posimeterof SABC=ABYBP+PC+CA [ BC=BP+PC] (1 Mark] (AB +BQ)+(CR*CAY ftom (i) andi) [> AQ=ARFom()) [Mak] (Mark) 31 (Gane) MATHEMATICS ZAOE= ZDOF _(Nenically opposite anges) ZAEO= ZDFO~90" (Consiction) = Mor=Anor (ayAASentaey) (1 Mack 40 ae 1 Do” DF O (aig “Total number of outcomes on throwing pair of dice™= 6* 6-36 (Let betheevent of ting aprime number on each de, So, favourable outcomes =12.2,,, BIEN [Number of fivourable outcomes =9 ‘Then, PE)= 224 36 “Therefore the probability of geting a prime number ove eis wins (@)LetP be the event of ging ttl of9 011 So, favourable outcomes 18,6104, 5)(5.4.(6, 9465.5) (6,5) ‘Number of vourable outcomes = 6 Thus, P(P)= © 3 Hence thereby ofgstingataatef¥or Its ([14Marks] on “The posible cutcomes of tossing three coins together (HHH, HHT, HTH, THH, HTT, THT, TTH.TTT} > Total numberof outcomes =¥ (© Outeomes of getting exactly two heads (HHT, HTH and THA} Favourable numberof outcomes =3 Probability (gesting exactly two heads (Outcomes of getting at Least wo heads ‘= (HI, 11, 1TH and'TH) Favourable numberof outcomes = 4 Probability (geting stleast two heads i) Outeomes of getting at least two tals (= (HTT, THT, TTHandTTT} Favourable numberof outcomes Probability (gesting atleast two tls) = (1M) 3. ROLPO.AZLPQ = AZ i10 2 M20 AYOZisarecunele TWANZO, 21+ 2-90" 6) InAPZX, 23+ 24=90" 4) AQLPR=> 2+ A=00 Fremeqs. (and i Aad From esi) snd a APR AXZQ (AA simlrity) Pz AZ i) (1 Mars [15 Masks] D Mars] InAVOA and VOC (Mark) o an30° = 2 and tn 30° = vo vo" Als ag bee Fr EA ey 10 5228 ands we Mars] eS ‘olume ofsmall cone 2,10 p= 22x19 me 2200 cs [2Marks} or 4 eight of yinder= 28cm = “erm Radius of eyindee = 2.1 on fas? + [2Marks} 8. (=o According to question a conical eavity of same height and diameters hollowed out. Now, TS.Aofremaining slid C-S.Aofeone+CS.A0t iinder » Area ofbase of evlinder 2+ Sahn em hee (Mark s.3652= 1Dar (a=) 0 436) (a°=) [+ Dab dae] Mack] 1 (a == [1 Mark] Lat i2h_ ah caer aoe (2Maris} Henee,e=6 (Ma) or The given equation is 294543220 Put x!¥my, then 32+ y=2— soy ezyay=2=0 (Mark SY FD=1G42=0 y=1)G2)-0 sires nt Sar te x= (Ior x= (272-8 (Mark) itachi porate iin waa Fees [a var | 6 | ise | ee var (1 Mark], se Beste Sx, Matin chs oe canst rete toMy Median = 13857 [2 Marks} (=) Gane) 70 MATHEMATICS 36.) Giventhat = a sa00 Production during fist year™ 5000 [1 Mak) ()Pradtion diring 8 yeas +74) sho 220209 (Ne (0) Prduson dre Sant 0980 [ears] seo s(n-1amcetea 9-120 ns 31. posse 37m 20, since = snensnarZ zea (Nak) Zornes cet Oca a= 80° oar (sey 0 (39 tna BB = 1e3t Fo 183m [2Marks) on Sia = it" [2 Marks) aieter 38) Conoidof AEH with E2, 1) HE2,4) 8 4-2,-2)is ‘Coordinates of centroid are leteea) (2 52 )-(F2) vay (0) eh cds tobe at cg dns A, and Giicsyach in A ad Gaelic en sccm pan tA 341 649) (3 svcmonsrite(2 °C) 6(23) Merk) (it Letthe point on x-axis quidstat fom 1, 1jand FQ, )be(a,0)ten aa OA rae) Sox ensiadpins(!0) ey oR Letthe coordinates ofthe position ofa player Q such that his distance fom K(-4,1) is twice is distance fram E,1) beOKs.9) TheakQ: QE=2:1 Ofsy)e{ 2D 20) 9 yams)

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