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The Real Problem with the Indian

Economy is…
Vivek Kaul tell you, for the lack of space (in expenditure, investments and net
There is too much news on TV – case of newspapers) or for a lack of exports (i.e. exports minus imports).
Anders Roslund and Börge Hellström, understanding and the unsuitability If one were to look at the
Pen 33 of the medium (in case of TV), is why expenditure way of estimating the
had this growth slowed down to the GDP, it is easy to see that the gross
And in newspapers. slowest in five quarters. fixed capital formation has fallen in
And on the internet.
A perpetual reason is agriculture. comparison to 2015. Between June
And on mobile apps. Agriculture does not grow as fast as 2015 and June 2016, the gross fixed
And in the process you miss you other sectors of the economy. It grew capital formation fell by 1.1 per cent
out on the news that matters. by 1.8 per cent in real terms during (in nominal terms).
the period. It had grown by 2.6 per Now before you start breaking
On August 31, the ministry
cent in the period between April and your head, on what is this gross
of statistics and programme
June 2015. fixed capital formation, let me define
implementation declared the gross
domestic product (GDP) numbers for And this is where most the analysis it for you. It is basically a proxy
the period between April and June stopped, unless you happened to read for investment happening in the
2016. the edit pages of a few newspapers economy. (At a more technical level it
very carefully (Now how many of measures the net increase in physical
The GDP is a measure of economic
us get around to doing that in the assets in an economy during the
rigmarole of daily life, is a question measuring period. But we need not
For the period between April and we will leave for another day). get into that).
June 2016, the real GDP growth was
The GDP is measured in various As can be seen from the chart
at 7.1 per cent in comparison to the
ways. The government of India below, the gross fixed capital
same period in 2015. The real GDP
measures it in two ways. One is formation has seen a rather slow
growth is obtained by adjusting
through estimating
nominal GDP growth for inflation. 
the size of various 'ƌŽƐƐ&ŝdžĞĚĂƉŝƚĂů&ŽƌŵĂƚŝŽŶ;ŝŶZƐĐƌŽƌĞͿ
The nominal GDP between April and
industries. ϭ͕ϭϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ

June 2016 stood at 10.4 per cent.

And another is ϭ͕ϬϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ
The rate of inflation used to adjust
by measuring ϵϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ
the nominal growth to arrive at the
expenditure. This ϴϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ
real growth is referred to as the GDP
essentially is a ϳϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ
sum of private ϲϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ
The mainstream media ran with consumption ϱϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ














the story that the GDP growth had expenditure,

been the slowest in five quarters. government
What they did not get around to Source: Centre for Monitoring Economy

The Vivek Kaul Letter

increase over the last five years. In terms). In real terms,

fact, the rate of increase between ;ŝŶZƐĐƌŽƌĞͿ the government
June 2011 and June 2016, is a rather ϱϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ expenditure has
modest 6.3 per cent (in nominal ϰϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ moved from 9.7 per
terms) per year. ϰϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ cent to around 12
If we were to adjust for inflation,
per cent.
the growth in gross fixed capital ϮϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ In fact, between
formation over the last five years has ϮϬϬ͕ϬϬϬ June 2015 and
been a little less than 3 per cent per ϭϱϬ͕ϬϬϬ June 2016, the














year. For an economy like India this is government

clearly not good enough. expenditure
Source: Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy has grown by a
In fact, look at the following chart.
It shows how the proportion of gross whopping 24 per
In nominal terms (as seen in the cent (in nominal
fixed capital formation (a proxy above chart) the growth has been a
for investment) as a proportion of terms). In real terms, the increase
whopping 18.3 per cent per year. In has been 18.8 per cent. Such an
nominal GDP, has fallen dramatically real terms (adjusted for inflation)
over the last five years. increase is not sustainable given that
the growth has been there is only so much money that a
11.3 per cent per government can spend.
ϯϳ͘ϬϬй The government also has to keep its
The trouble is fiscal deficit in mind while spending.
that even with this Fiscal deficit is the difference
huge increase in between what a government spends
expenditure over the and what it earns. In 2016-2017, the
last five years, the government is trying to achieve a
government does fiscal deficit of Rs 5,33,904 crore or
Ϯϱ͘ϬϬй not form a large 3.5 per cent of the GDP.














portion of the Indian

Between April 2016 and June

economy. Take a
Source: Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy 2016, the first three months of this
look at the following
financial year, the government had
As of June 2011, the gross fixed already reached 61.1 per cent of the
capital formation as a proportion In June 2011, the government fiscal deficit target for this year. One
of GDP stood at 35.8 per cent. Since reason for this is
then it has fallen to 28.3 per cent. In 'ŽǀĞƌŶŵĞŶƚĞdžƉĞŶĚŝƚƵƌĞͬ'W that a good portion
real terms, it has fallen from 35.4 per ϭϯ͘ϱϬй of the revenue for
cent to 29.6 per cent. the government
So how has the overall GDP comes in the second
growth (or economic growth) been ϭϭ͘ϱϬй
half of the year,
decent enough over the last five ϭϭ͘ϬϬй even though the
years, despite the slow growth in ϭϬ͘ϱϬй expenditure tends
ϭϬ͘ϬϬй to be front loaded.
Nevertheless, even
Take a look at the following chart. ϵ͘ϬϬй
:ĂŶͲϭϭ :ĂŶͲϭϮ :ĂŶͲϭϯ :ĂŶͲϭϰ :ĂŶͲϭϱ :ĂŶͲϭϲ with that factor in
It shows the government expenditure 
mind, this jump
over the last five years. Source: Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy
in government
As is clear, the government expenditure is not
expenditure over the last five years expenditure formed around 9.5 per sustainable.
has gone up at a very fast pace. cent of the GDP. In June 2016, this
stood at 12.9 per cent (in nominal Also, at around 13 per cent of the

The Vivek Kaul Letter

economy, government expenditure is

not big enough to be driving overall
economic growth, all the time. To put
is simply, an increase in government
expenditure to drive economic
growth, can be the icing on the cake,
and not the cake itself.
This basically means that
investment (or gross fixed capital
formation) needs to pick up, if the
Indian economy needs to keep
growing in the days to come. Several
factors are holding this back.
The capacity utilisation rates of
the manufacturing sector continue
to remain low. For the period January
to March 2016, the 1058 companies Source: istockphoto Note: The picture is only for representational purposes
surveyed by the Reserve Bank of
particularly impacted is the levels of growth in employment at 3.7
India, reported a capacity utilisation
construction and real estate sector per cent per year and 7.1 per cent per
rate of 74.1 per cent.
(including the construction materials year, respectively.3
This was almost unchanged from sector). Between June 2011 and June The construction sector employs
the capacity utilisation rate of these 2016, the total amount of money around 4 crore people in direct and
companies between January to March riding on outstanding projects in indirect jobs. Over and above this it
2015. This basically means that the construction has fallen by 4 per cent.1 has major forward (infrastructure,
companies aren’t fully utilising their
In June 2011, construction real estate, manufacturing) and
existing capacities, hence, there is no
projects formed around 12.9 per cent backward (steel, cement, etc.)
need for expansion. This means no
of the total outstanding projects. This linkages. This leads to a multiplier
new investments.
has come down to 9.76 per cent in effect of almost two times i.e. one
Another reason why investment June 2016.2 Indeed, this is worrying rupee spent on the sector, adds two
is not picking is because a substantial for multiple reasons. The physical rupees to the GDP. Further, the sector
part of the Indian private sector infrastructure in India continues to creates 2.7 jobs for every Rs 1 lakh
is highly leveraged (i.e. they have be appalling. For a programme like invested.4
borrowed much more than they Make in India to take off, the physical Hence, the job creation potential
are in a position to repay). Further, infrastructure needs to improve. For of the construction and related
there have been huge corporate this, the construction sector needs to sectors is huge. This in an era where
loan defaults and this has led to the pick up. the Indian economic growth is driven
public sector banking sector being in
Further, construction is a huge by less labour intensive sectors like
job creator in India’s natural area business and financial services as
As of March 31, 2016, the gross of comparative advantage, which is well as information technology and
non-performing loans (or bad loans) unskilled and low-skilled labour. In information technology enabled
of public sector banks stood at 9.32 1984, the construction sector had an services. These sectors require only
per cent of total loans. This has led to employment share of 3.1 per cent. The one or two people to produce Rs 10
a situation where these banks are not real estate sector had a share of 0.02 lakh of real value added GDP. This
interested in lending to corporates per cent. By 2010, the construction basically means that faster growth
in particular and construction sector had a share of 8 per cent in these sectors does not necessarily
companies in general. whereas the real estate sector had a translate into jobs.5 And this
One sector which has been share of 1.1 per cent of employment. contributes to what economists refer
The two sectors showed the fastest to as jobless growth.

The Vivek Kaul Letter

The question is why has borrowings. Several factors have if the government body decides to
construction activity fallen? Some of contributed to this stress e.g. in stalled challenge the award in a higher court.
the reasons like bad loans of banks I assets in infrastructure sector and high This will be done against a margin
have already explained above. In fact, levels of receivables [emphasis is free bank guarantee. An escrow
banks have an exposure of Rs 3 lakh mine] especially from the government account is essentially a third-party
crore to construction firms. Around entities.” Claims raised by contractors bank account into which money is
45 per cent of these loans are under are “pending either in the arbitration transferred.
stress.6 proceedings or in courts”.8 The CCEA estimates that “Rs
This basically means that the This leads to money for 70,000 crores is tied up in arbitration.
borrower has stopped repaying the construction firms getting blocked Over 85% of the claims raised against
loan or the bank has had to restructure and in the process there is a Government bodies are still pending
the loans. Restructuring a loan slowdown in economic activity and of which 11% is pending with the
essentially refers to a situation where the process of job creation. This Government agencies, 64% with
the borrower is given a moratorium. needs to be unclogged. On August arbitrators and 8.5% with courts.”
During this period, the borrower need 31, 2016, the Cabinet Committee on It is this money that needs to be
not repay the principal on the loan. Economic Affairs led by the prime unclogged, if the construction sector
He just needs to pay interest. The minister Narendra Modi, came up is to get going again.
idea is to help him get in a position, with a solution that is likely to give The hope is that with the
where he can repay the principal as the construction industry some fillip. government deciding to pay 75 per
well. It also involves extending the In fact, most arbitral awards go cent of the claimed amount, if an
period of repayment of the loan. against the government bodies. arbitration decision goes against it,
Another major reason for a Take the case of National Highways some money is likely to be released
slowdown in construction remains Authority of India. Out of a total of to the construction firms and the
the difficulty surrounding land 347 arbitral awards, only 38 have total amount will not be blocked.
acquisition. No construction can gone in favour of the authority.9 An estimate made by The Financial
happen without land being available. Typically, even after an Express suggests that this decision of
Over and above this, a report arbitration award has gone against the government will release Rs 20,000
commissioned by the business the government, the money is not crore to the cash starved construction
lobby CII points out other reasons released to the construction firm. companies and help them get going
for the slowdown in the sector as This is because the case then gets all over again.
well. A major reason for the debt of appealed in a higher court. The This will lead to creation of
construction companies feels CII government of India is the biggest jobs for low-skilled and unskilled
are the pending claims from various litigator in the country. This is workers, which is India’s natural
government bodies. These claims primarily because the decision to comparative advantage. It will also
amount to 150 per cent of the debt of litigate can be made at any level, but help the country cash in on some of
construction companies. The average the decision not to litigate gets made its demographic dividend.
settlement time for these claims is at the highest level. Various estimates suggest that
7.5 years. In 2014-2015, the National In fact, courts generally tend to around one million new workers are
Highways Authority of India, paid “uphold the arbitrators' decisions” entering the workforce every year.
out only 8 per cent of the claimed but “referring claims to courts leads to Demographic dividend is a situation
amount.7 delayed pay-out by about 2.5 years”. where the working population growth
As a recent press release put Taking this factor into mind, the is faster than the overall population
out by the Cabinet Committee on government has decided that in a growth. If jobs are available for the
Economic Affairs (CCEA) points out: situation an arbitration award goes individuals entering the workforce, it
“Most companies are barely able to against a government body, 75 per leads to faster economic growth. This
cover interest costs from earnings. cent of the contested amount will pulls more and more people out of
Increasing debt levels remain a critical be paid to the construction firm poverty.
issue affecting financial stability and into an escrow account. This, even The ministry of human resources

The Vivek Kaul Letter

development recently released a If India has to cash in on the 25 years—one more generation—to
document titled Some Inputs for Draft demographic dividend in the years to exploit this dividend. Demography in
National Education Policy 2016. This come, it needs to create jobs. And other words is opportunity not destiny.”
document states that: “It is estimated given the fact that we have a low- It is time we got our act right on this
that there will be 104.62 million fresh skilled and unskilled workforce, front. Trying to get the construction
entrants into the workforce by 2022.” creating jobs at the lower end becomes sector up and running again is one
This essentially means that there are exceptionally important. This means step towards that direction.
around 105 million young Indians that sectors like construction and real
who are likely to enter the workforce estate need to see a real boom. That
over the next six years. is something which isn’t happening
This means around 1.5 million currently.
Indians will enter the workforce every It is worth remembering what
month, over the next few years. This the Economic Survey of 2015-2016
number is greater than the estimate points out: “Projections suggest that Vivek Kaul
of one million Indians entering India’s working-age population share September 06, 2016
the workforce ever year, put out by will continue rising till about 2035-
several other experts. 2040, meaning that India has another

1. Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy data
2. Ibid
3. A.Amirapu and A.Subramanian, Manufacturing or Services? An Indian Illustration of a Development Dilemma, Working Paper 409,
Centre for Global Development, June 2015
4. Backgrounder: Initiatives to revive the Construction Sector, Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs(CCEA), Press Information
Bureau Release, August 31, 2016
5. D.Joshi and V.Mahambare, HIRE & LOWER--Slowdown compounds India's job-creation challenge, Crisil Research, January 2014
6. Cabinet approves Initiatives to revive the Construction Sector, CCEA, August 31, 2016
7. Backgrounder, CCEA August 31, 2016
8. Ibid
9. Cabinet approves Initiatives to revive the Construction Sector, CCEA, August 31, 2016

The Vivek Kaul Letter


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