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Life Science SCN 1207

Indika Upuli Hettiarachchi
Lecturer/Researcher/private tutor in Science

Mphil. in Zoology (University of Sri Jayewardenepura)

M.Sc. in Polymer Technology (University of Moratuwa)
B.Sc. Honours in Chemistry (upper second class,
University of Sri Jayewardenepura)

0718327798 /
Welcome dear students to the subject of Life
Keep 3 books for Life Science

Label the books...

 1. your name
 2. registration number
 3. subject code
 4. contact details
Book 1 (red cover, short notes):

Mention the lesson date

Prepare a short note of the unit (short & simple
Additional info to the note
Highlight key terms
Include diagrams, tables, images, flow charts
Book 2 (blue cover, weekly assignments):
Mention the assignment date
Write the question and then the answer

Put the date & note down the important messages
The attendance will be marked
In case of absence, make aware of the
lecturer…drop me an SMS
Be punctual!!!
Group discussions:
--A group is formed with a leader- to hold weekly Zoom
--The leader should
*plan the meetings
*create a friendly atmosphere to make the subject
more productive
*share the study tools (lessons, videos, presentations,
quizzes, etc.)
Education is the path to success!
Best wishes!

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