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HES Department Project Close Out Plan

30 October 2007
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A 30 October 2007 Draft Brendan Craker

Revision Date Revision Description Prepared By Checked by Approved by

Site Specific HES Procedures
HES Department Project Close Out Plan
30 October 2007
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Plan Purpose and Scope:

The purpose of this plan is to provide guidelines for the Tripatra Fluor HES Department as to how to
ensure Fluor, Tripatra and Client requirements are met at time of project close out and to ensure that
adequate resources are available for the close out process. The plan will provide advice for the close out
team as to what documentation is required and where the documentation may be located within the
Tripatra Fluor system.

Project HES close out will be completed by meeting the following requirements:
1. Return of company assets provided to HES Department personnel.
2. Close out of current inspections, investigations, and training and assessment programs.
3. Demobilization of HES department personnel.
4. Providing statistical data or information to the Project Manager as required by Fluor Project
Close Out Report 000.100.F0681
5. Compiling all HES records and documentation for storage and shipping as required per Fluor
procedure 995.853.8145 – HSE Records Management and Document Control.
6. Preparation of the Fluor Project HSE Closeout Report as per approved format.
7. Preparation of final HSE Report to client.
8. Removal of Fluor intellectual property from site.
9. Removal and collection of project awards.

It is expected that the following manhours estimate will be required to complete the project closeout.

Position Number of Positions Manhours Required Per Position

Manager 1 120
Area Superintendent 2 128
Compliance Superintendents 7 296
Compliance Coordinator 30 552
Technical Assistants 6 256

Total 1352

1. Return of Company Assets

On completion or termination of HES personnel individual work contracts, all company assets are to be
returned to the respective suppliers of the assets prior to completion of their final work day. Return of
company assets is to include:

Site Specific HES Procedures
HES Department Project Close Out Plan
30 October 2007
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 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) – returned to HR Department.

 Cellular phones (supplied to Superintendents) – returned to HR Department.
 Motor vehicles – returned to Transport Department
 Digital Cameras – returned to HES Department
 Personal computers – returned to IT Department
 Personal Fall Protection Equipment – returned to HES Department.

The current HES Department Cell Phone and Digital Camera Register is included in this plan.

2. Close Out of Current Inspections, Investigations, and Training and Assessment Programs.

On completion of last work day in the field, compliance coordinators shall complete all current
inspection reports and submit to their respective superintendents, technical assistants and users as per
standard practice. All ongoing investigations must also be completed and written up and all records of
HSE training submitted to the HSE technical assistant and superintendents.

Training section compliance coordinators will be responsible for ensuring all training records are
updated for recent training and submitting these records to their technical assistant and superintendent.

3. Demobilization of Personnel.

Personnel shall be demobilized on completion of the requirements of this plan. Estimated time required
for the various positions within the org chart to complete project close out requirements are estimated
in the PCO Timeline included in this plan.

Prior to demobilization, it is essential that all personnel have their timesheets completed and signed by
their respective users.

4. HSE Requirements per 000 100 F0681

A report containing the following requirements for the completion of Fluor Form 000.100.F0681
(included in this plan) will be supplied to the Project Manager:
 A listing of Fluor HSE personnel with positions, responsibilities, and durations.
 An overview of the HSE program.

Site Specific HES Procedures
HES Department Project Close Out Plan
30 October 2007
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 First aid, safety, and security statistics / performance

 Reports of any problems and recommendations relating to HSE performance.
 Lessons Learned: – Public HSE Lessons that have been submitted to Knowledge On Line, listed
by title only.
 Lessons Learned: - Private: Details of all “private” HSE lessons learned that are not included in
the “public” records, yet should be shared with SBU management or made part of the
permanent file.

Note: There is a difference in the classification of two (2) incidents between Fluor and client reporting.
These incidents are:
 Bee sting incident: PT Sumi Gita Jaya 25 December 2006 – Classified as LTI for client reporting
purposes and RWC for Fluor Corporate reporting purposes.
 Bee sting incident: TJE (NDD) 24 August 2007 – Classified as MTC for client reporting purposes
and FAC for Fluor Corporate reporting purposes.
Reports to Client and Tripatra Fluor use the client classifications and reports to Fluor Corporate use the
Fluor classification.

1. HSE Records Management and Document Control

Records retention shall be completed as per Fluor Practice 995.653.8145 – HSE Records Management
and Document Control. Due to some documentation not being relevant to this project and a modified
retention requirement as approved by Regional HSE for this project is included in this plan.

Due to the set up of the Tripatra Fluor IT system, records required for documentation retention are
scattered throughout the project. Documentation is kept on servers at:
 Teladan / Ex Accounting
 Minas
 TF Main Office
 Pari.
Prior to and immediately after the completion of field monitoring activities, the individual business unit
technical assistants will commence placement of all HES related data on the Teledan / Ex accounting
server. This process will be coordinated by the Area Superintendent (South) and the HES Manager’s
Technical Assistant. Copy located on the Teladan / Ex Accounting server shall be considered official copy
and all remaining data shall be deleted from the other servers.

Equipment records required for the completion of 995.653.8145 are kept as hard copy in the CEM
document system and must be retrieved for retention in the Fluor documentation retention process.

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HES Department Project Close Out Plan
30 October 2007
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Documents marked as N/A in 995.653.8145 are not required for retention. Documents marked as “CPI
Records” are kept with the client system and as such are not required to be included in the Fluor
retention system.

2. Project HSE Close Out Report

At the start of de-mobilization of the project, the following information must be gathered for the close
out report.
 Total project number of Lost Time Injuries
 Total project number of Medical Treatment Injuries
 Total project number of First Aid Cases
 Total project number of Near Miss Incidents
 Total project Total Recordable cases (all incidents)
 Total project work hours completed for total project
 Total project Workers’ Compensation Cases – Fluor employees.
 Motor Vehicle Crash Incidents.
 Details of any environmental incidents.
A written explanation should be completed in relation to any Lost Time Injury or environmental incident
sustained during the life of the project. A graphical explanation should be made of the types of injuries
sustained, e.g., foreign bodies in eyes, hand injuries, and leg injuries. The report should have a summary
of achievements and awards received in relation to the HSE performance of the project, and shall be
inclusive of dates presented to the project.

A copy of the final MIER / MSISR (as per 995.653.8160 / 8161) is to be appended to the report as a
verification document to the statistics being presented within the report body. The check box for
“Project Closed – Final MIER” must be checked. The MIER form is included in this plan.

The HSE report shall form part of the project close-out report to the client and to Fluor HSE.

1. Final HSE Report to Client

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HES Department Project Close Out Plan
30 October 2007
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A final HSE report will be prepared and submitted to the client. This report will be the same format as
the Fluor closeout report but shall use client incident classifications. “Lessons Learned” will also not be
included in this report.

Prior to preparation of report, all incident and inspection reports will be closed out and submitted to the

2. Removal of Fluor Intellectual Property

Electronic copies of Fluor intellectual property (IP) are kept on the Minas, Teladan / Ex accounting and TF
Main Office servers. This IP includes:
 Fluor HSE Management System (may be retained by Fluor only)
 Tripatra Fluor HES Management System.
 Fluor Toolbox Topics (may be retained by Fluor only)
 Fluor Training Materials (may be retained by Fluor only)
 BBS Training Program
 SLT Training Program
 Tripatra Fluor Training Materials

All electronic copies of these materials shall be deleted from project servers at completion of project

Additional hardcopies of IP materials must also be collected and destroyed. These materials are located:
 HSE Management System – PM / CEM / HSE / QAQC Managers offices
 HSE Management System – HOOU / SLN / SLS Construction Supervision Office
 Fluor Training materials – HES Training and Development Office

3. Collection and Removal of Project Awards

HSE performance awards received by the project such as Fluor 5 Star and client recognition are to be
boxed and returned to Fluor.


Practice / Procedure # Corporate

000.100.F0681 Project Close Out Report

995.653.8145 HSE Records Management and Document Control

Project Procedures Manual Section 17: Project Close Out

995.653.8160 Monthly Incident Experience Report

Site Specific HES Procedures
HES Department Project Close Out Plan
30 October 2007
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Fluor HSE Project HSE Close Out Report

Site Specific HES Procedures

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