Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects

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Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 673 (2023) 131815

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Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and

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Synthesis and characterization of biodegradable gum ghatti-cl-poly

(AA-co-NIPAm)/GO based hydrogel for metformin and sodium diclofenac
combined drug delivery system
Pragnesh N. Dave a, *, Pradip M. Macwan b, Bhagvan Kamaliya a
Department of Chemistry, Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyangar 388 120, Gujarat, India
B. N. Patel Institute of Paramedical & Science (Science Division), Sardar Patel Education Trust, Bhalej Road, Anand 388001, Gujarat, India


• The synthesized nanocomposites based

hydrogel for Metformin and Sodium
Diclofenac combined Drug Delivery
• Optimized pH (7.4) for maximum
controlled metformin release using
nanocomposites hydrogel.
• The zero order, first order kinetic
models, the Korsemeyar-Peppas model,
the Higuchi model, and the Hixson-
Crowell model have all been used to
study the drug release kinetics and
• Both metformin and sodium diclofenac
medication showed a Fickian mecha­
nism at pH 7.4
• Gum ghatti-cl-poly(Acrylic acid-co-N-
isopropylacrylamide)/GO based hydro­
gel for combined Drug Delivery System.


Keywords: In the current study, we investigated whether combining metformin with diclofenac, a non-steroidal anti-in­
Drug release flammatory medicine (NSAID), would be effective in examining the complex formation and analyzing the types
Gum ghatti and intensities of complexes that may occur from interactions between metformin and diclofenac. At varied pH
Graphene oxide
levels and at body temperature, the interaction of metformin with diclofenac was examined in-vitro. FTIR
Metformin hydrochloride
spectra, FE-SEM analysis, DSC analysis, DLS analysis, and drug loading studies were used to characterize the
Sodium diclofenac
Anti-inflammatory structure, morphology, thermal analysis, and average size values of the generated hydrogel. Hydrogel was loaded
with metformin hydrochloride and sodium diclofenac (DS) as a model drug, and the drugs were released in a pH-
dependent manner. The zero-order, and first-order kinetic models, the Korsemeyar-Peppas model, the Higuchi
model, and the Hixson-Crowell model have all been used to study the drug release kinetics and mechanism.
Studies on drug release showed noteworthy behaviors in relation to physiologically modeled pH’s, with a high
release rate at pH = 7.4. However, both metformin and sodium diclofenac medication showed a Fickian

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (P.N. Dave).
Received 24 March 2023; Received in revised form 24 May 2023; Accepted 4 June 2023
Available online 7 June 2023
0927-7757/© 2023 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
P.N. Dave et al. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 673 (2023) 131815

mechanism at pH 7.4. Combination therapy may lower the single agent’s effective dosage and inhibit metabolic
rescue mechanisms. To identify potential adverse effects on people, more research is required.

1. Introduction homogeneous [14]. In response to these problems, an effort was made to

create hydrogel composites based on gum ghatti with an inter­
The technique or process used to provide pharmaceutical substances penetrating network utilizing free radical copolymerization and a cross
to achieve a therapeutic effect in people or animals is known as drug linker-initiator system comprising N, N′ -methylene-bis-acrylamide
delivery [1]. The creation of new materials or carrier systems for effi­ (MBA) and ammonium peroxydisulfate (APS) and Tetramethylethyle­
cient therapeutic drug delivery is a large area of study in the field of drug nediamine (TEMED) as an initiator.
delivery [2]. These systems are crucial in the treatment of many dis­ The most often recommended drug for the treatment of type-2 dia­
eases. A novel drug’s molecule requires expensive and time-consuming betes (T2DM) is metformin (Fig. S1) (1,1-dimethyl biguanide hydro­
development. The adoption of diverse methods, including dosage titra­ chloride)[15]. Metformin hydrochloride is an oral biguanide medication
tion, individualized drug therapy, and therapeutic drug monitoring, that is extremely water-soluble (>300 mg/ml at 25 C; pKa = 2.8 and
improve the safety efficacy ratios of older drugs [3]. Drug distribution 11.5) and belongs to BCS class III (high solubility and low permeability)
may be regulated, targeted, or constant. Understanding drug in­ [16]. It was discovered that the biguanide drug has antineoplastic
teractions may help in early detection and avoidance of negative effects. properties in addition to its anti-diabetic and indirect hypoglycemic
The capacity of stimuli-responsive hydrogels made of natural polymers actions and may lower the incidence of numerous cancer forms in dia­
to drastically alter their volume and other characteristics in response to betic individuals [17]. Human glioblastoma (GBM) lines [18] and
minute changes in stimuli like temperature, pH, and specific chemicals glioma-initiating cells both showed anti-proliferative and anti-migratory
has recently gained a lot of interest [4]. Due to their exceptional qual­ effects in in vitro experiments [19,20]. The respiratory chain’s
ities, including hydrophilicity, biocompatibility, biodegradability, and complex-I is inhibited by metformin to cause its effects [21]. According
good water absorption capacity, they have been extensively employed in to a recent study by Seliger et al. [22], using metformin to treat T2DM is
biomedical domains [5,6]. not substantially related to a lower incidence of glioma. Therapeutic
The capacity of natural polysaccharides to be fermented in the large effects, such as those that have anti-proliferative and anti-migratory
intestine by microbial enzymes, which produce physical and diffusion effects on tumor cells, may have distinct modes of action and must be
barriers and result in prolonged release, has led to their consideration as separated from those that may have a dubious preventive impact on the
prospective candidates for colon-specific drug delivery in recent years incidence of gliomas.
[7]. Hovgaard and Brondsted evaluated the most recent uses of poly­ Diclofenac (Fig. S2), a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug pri­
saccharides for the administration of colon-specific medications [8]. marily used for its analgesic properties, may prevent tumor cells from
Many polysaccharides, including sodium alginate, chitosan, guar gum, undergoing glycolysis [16]. It belongs to the Biopharmaceutics Classi­
xanthan gum, pectin, and gellan gum, have been employed in the cre­ fication System (BCS) class II (low solubility and high permeability) and
ation of tissue engineering techniques, biomedical implants, and drug is only marginally water-soluble (pKa = 4). Menstrual discomfort, mild
delivery systems up to this point. pH-sensitive hydrogels have been to severe post-operative or post-traumatic pain, endometritis, and other
employed often to create drug delivery systems among these hydrogels. conditions are frequently treated with it. For the treatment of chronic
Because it affects how the human gastrointestinal (GI) tract works, the illnesses such as rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, chronic pain,
pH plays a significant role in physiological media. Starting with the ankylosing spondylitis, and actinic keratosis, extended-release diclofe­
stomach’s acidic pH (pH 2–3), it gradually increases in the small intes­ nac formulations are necessary [16]. According to epidemiological
tine (pH 6.5–7) and colon (pH 6.5–7) (pH > 7). An efficient method is to research, COX-2 inhibitors may somewhat lower the risk of certain
graft synthetic polymers onto the backbones of natural polymers to cancer types linked to chronic inflammatory processes [23]. Diclofenac
create interpenetrating network architectures. According to a report, is investigated as a potential inhibitor of the outward transport of lactate
cross-linked hydrogels feature multiple ionizing groups that are sensi­ in addition to other COX-dependent and independent modes of action
tive to a variety of bodily stimuli, including pH, ionic strength, tem­ [24]. As a result, mitochondrial and glycolytic ATP synthesis is sup­
perature, etc [8]. pressed, and glucose absorption is decreased [25].
Numerous biodegradable hydrogels have been employed for the Combining knowledge of the mechanism of drug interaction with the
regulated distribution of proteins to skin wounds and bone deformities identification of high-risk patients and drugs with a limited therapeutic
so far [9–11]. The main benefit of using biodegradable polymers as drug index will result in the most thorough understanding of clinically
delivery vehicles is that they may be employed in controlled release important drug interactions. Drug interaction issues can be resolved
systems and can remain inside the patient because of their biocompat­ partially by altering the chemical pattern, blocking the molecule’s
ibility. Gg is a naturally occurring polymer that has generated a lot of reactive site, altering the dosing schedule, or by avoiding the simulta­
research interest in the pharmaceutical and other sectors because of its neous application of interacting drugs [26]. However, it is important to
low cost, nontoxicity, biodegradability, biocompatibility, and high vis­ understand the nature of interaction before taking any action to handle
cosity [12]. The atomic structure of Gg consists of chains of 1 → 6 the interaction difficulties. Before a new medicine is used in a thera­
connected β-D-galactopyranose links, which are often single L-arabino­ peutic setting, we should be aware of potential interactions. Interaction
furanose residues, as well as 4-O- and 2-O-substituted α-D-mannopyr­ studies are crucial for medications that are now prescribed traditionally
anose units. Gg has just received GRAS (generally recognized as safe) to identify any potential issues. Gerthofer et al. investigated whether
material approval in the United States. It has replaced synthetic food treating BTICs (BTIC-8, − 11, − 13, and − 18) and tumor cell lines with
additives consequently, improving the quality of numerous food items. metformin and diclofenac simultaneously might have additive or even
The mechanical and drug release characteristics of several synergistic effects (TCs, U87, and HTZ349). So, they looked at the
polysaccharide-based hydrogels have been enhanced by adding GO. metabolic impacts, such as oxygen consumption and extracellular
These GO-based polymer composites do in fact combine GO and lactate levels, the functional effects, such as proliferation and migration,
hydrogel characteristics. The regulated drug release profile of the drugs and the effects on the protein level, such as signaling cascades [25].
has also been enhanced using GO-based composite hydrogels [13]. The The main goal of the current study was to investigate complex for­
oxygen-containing groups of GO form strong connections with the mation and analyze the kind and intensity of complexes that can result
polymers, resulting in composites that are simple to mix and are from metformin and diclofenac interactions.

P.N. Dave et al. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 673 (2023) 131815

Table 1
Optimized quantities used for the preparation of hydrogels.
Sample code Gum ghatti NIPAm AA APS MBA TEMED GO H2O
(gm) (gm) (ml) (mg) (mg) (ml) (mg) (ml)

GGNAGO-0 0.5 0.2 1.0 50 50 0.1 0 10

GGNAGO-1 0.5 0.2 1.0 50 50 0.1 1 10
GGNAGO-2 0.5 0.2 1.0 50 50 0.1 2 10
GGNAGO-3 0.5 0.2 1.0 50 50 0.1 3 10
GGNAGO-4 0.5 0.2 1.0 50 50 0.1 4 10
GGNAGO-5 0.5 0.2 1.0 50 50 0.1 5 10

2. Materials and methods composite hydrogels were rinsed with deionized water and dried in an
oven at 50 ◦ C to a consistent weight. Using a UV-Visible spectropho­
2.1. Materials tometer, the amounts of metformin and sodium diclofenac were deter­
mined (Shimadzu-1800). The drug entrapment efficiency (EE) of the
Gum ghatti (Gg), acrylic acid (AA), Ammonium persulfate (APS), hydrogel was determined using Eq. 1 shown below [30].
Tetramethyl ethylenediamine (TEMED) and N, N′ - Methyl­ ( ) ( )
enebisacrylamide (MBA) were purchased from LobaChemie (Mumbai, DL % = × 100 (1)
India). N-isopropylacrylamide (NIPAm) was purchased from TCI. Gra­
phene oxide was purchased from Sigma Aldrich (Munich, Germany).
Where WD is the total amount of drug in solution after loading and W0 is
Metformin hydrochloride (CAS Number:1115–70–4) was purchased
the total amount of drug in solution before loading.
from Himedia and Sodium diclofenac (SD) (CAS Number: 15307–79–6)
was purchased from Sigma Aldrich.
2.4.2. In-vitro drug release study
The release profiles of model drugs from the drug-loaded hydrogel
2.2. Synthesis of Gum ghatti-cl-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-acrylic
(powder type) were studied in distilled water, at pH 1.2 buffer (simu­
lated gastric fluid), pH 7.4 buffer (simulated intestinal fluid), and pH 9.2
(borate). The calibration curves of the drugs were prepared in distilled
Gg-cl-Poly(NIPAm-co-AA)/GO hydrogels were synthesized according
water, in pH 1.2 buffer, in pH 7.4 buffer, and in pH 9.2 buffer solutions
to the reported method [27–30]. In the typical procedure, adding 0.5 g
at 232 nm for metformin, at 276 nm for sodium diclofenac using UV-
Gg to 10 ml of distilled water in a 100 ml beaker and kept rest for 24 h
Visible spectrophotometer (Shimadzu-1800). The release experiments
for better dissolution of the biopolymer in water. The composition was
were performed by immersing drug-loaded hydrogels in 100 ml PBS
sonicated for 40 min and after that GO (0–5 mg) to biopolymer solution
buffer (pH = 7.4), HCl (pH = 1.2), and Borax (pH = 9.2) solution. The
was added. The beaker was then filled with 0.2 gm of NIPAm and the
release studies were performed at a physiological temperature of 37 ◦ C
required amounts of APS, TEMED, and MBA were added as shown in
in an incubator at 100 rpm. A small volume of the release medium
Table 1. In the final phase, 1 ml of AA was added with continuous
(5.0 ml) was withdrawn at scheduled time intervals to determine the
stirring. The beaker was left undisturbed at 50 ◦ C for 3hrs. After 3 hrs,
drug concentration using a UV-Visible spectrophotometer and an iden­
the beaker was allowed to cool at room temperature. The formed
tical volume of fresh medium was added.
homo-polymer was extracted using consecutive acetone extractions. The
hydrogel was allowed to dry gradually at 50 ◦ C for 48 h and ground into
2.4.3. Mechanism of drug release
a powder with a mortar and pestle.
The release data was fitted in the well-known Korsmeyer-Peppas
equation shown below to describe the drug release process [31,32].
2.3. Characterization of hydrogel
= ktn (2)
Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra of materials were recor­ M∞
ded on the Perkin Elmer instrument using the KBr plate method in the
range of 400–4000 cm− 1. X-ray diffraction (XRD) of materials was car­ where k is a release rate constant typical of the structure and geometry
ried out on Rigaku; miniflex 600, Japan with CuKα radiation (λ = of the drug delivery device, n is the diffusion exponent characteristic of
1.5418). The SEM images were taken on Philips, Netherland’s instru­ the release mechanism, and Mt/M∞ is the proportion of the drug
ment, and NT-MDT, Ntegra Aura respectively. DSC was performed to released at the time ’t’[33–35]. The values of n and k are obtained from
characterize hydrogel for thermal stability. DSC was done in the DSC the slope and intercept of the log Mt/M∞ plot and the log t plot,
unit (DSC model 7000x, HITACHI). The samples were heated at a tem­ respectively. Depending on the relative rates of water diffusion into the
perature of 10 ◦ C to 300 ◦ C in a close aluminum pan at the rate of 10 ◦ C/ polymer matrix and the rate of polymer chain relaxation, there are three
min under nitrogen flow (10 ml/min). The particle size analyser of different ways that drugs can be released from drug-loaded polymers.
samples was studied in a Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) instrument, For the sample, n = 0.89 relates to case II diffusion (the release mech­
Zetasizer, model: SZ100 nanopartica, supplied by Horiba Instruments anism is relaxation controlled), n = 0.45 relates to Fickian diffusion (the
Ltd., Japan. In each case, 20 mg hydrogel as a dispersant was added to 2 release mechanism is diffusion controlled), and n between 0.45 and 0.89
ml of distilled water. relates to non-Fickian diffusion (a mixture of Fickian diffusion and
polymer chain relaxation) [36].
2.4. Drug loading study
2.4.4. Kinetics of drug release
The best fit of the curves to several kinetic models, including the
2.4.1. Loading of metformin and sodium diclofenac onto the hydrogel
zero-order model (Eq. 3), the first-order model (Eq. 4), the Higuchi
Model drugs sodium diclofenac and water-soluble metformin were
model (Eq. 5), the Korsmeyer-Peppas model (Eq. 6) and the Hixson-
introduced into hydrogel using a swelling-diffusion method [12]. A 100
Crowell model (Eq. 7) was used to determine the kinetics of drug
ml solution of metformin (1.0 mg/ml) and sodium diclofenac (1.0
release from the hydrogel [34].
mg/ml) was poured into the dried hydrogels (1.0 g), and they were then
incubated at 37 ◦ C for 24 h. After being taken out of the solutions, the

P.N. Dave et al. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 673 (2023) 131815

Scheme 1. Possible mechanism for Gum ghatti-cl-poly (NIPAm-co-AA)/GO.

Mt 3. Results and discussion

= k0 t (3)
( ) 3.1. Synthesis mechanistic aspect
log = k1 t (4)
M∞ In the first step, the Gum ghatti and GO were mixed in water. In this
( ) mixture, the hydrophilic groups of Gg such as hydroxyls can interact
Mt 1
= k2 t2 (5) with hydrophilic groups (hydroxyl and carboxylic acid groups) on GO
M∞ via hydrogen bonding or electrostatic interactions to make a complex
( ) (GO-Gg-OH). Furthermore, this complex can form via a nucleophilic
= k3 tn (6) attack of hydroxyl groups of Gg polysaccharide on the epoxide ring of
M∞ GO via a ring-opening reaction. Crosslinking and graft copolymerization
√ ̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ √̅̅̅̅̅̅ of poly (acrylic acid and N-isopropyl acrylamide) onto the backbone of
M0 − 3 Mt = k4 t (7) Gg in the proximity of GO (GO-Gg-OH) was carried out in an aqueous
In the above-stated model Mt/M∞ is the cumulative fraction of drug medium using APS and TEMED as a radical initiator and MBA as a
release, ‘t′ is the release time, ‘n′ is the release exponent, M0 is the crosslinker. The persulfate decomposes on heating (at 50 ◦ C) and pro­
amount of drug loaded in the hydrogel, Mt is the amount of drug release duces sulfate radical anions, which abstract hydrogen from the Gg
at a time ‘t′ and k0, k1, k2, k3, and k4 are the release rate constants [35]. backbone (from OH or anomeric CH) to form corresponding radicals.
This persulfate saccharide radical system can radically initiate the
polymerization of AA and NIPAm monomers and lead to a graft copol­
ymer. Since the MBA is a crosslinking agent, and GO is accessible in the
system, the copolymer (GNAGO) comprises a cross-linked

P.N. Dave et al. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 673 (2023) 131815

Fig. 1. FT-IR spectra for (a) pure Gum ghatti (Gg), (b) pure graphene oxide
(GO), (c) GNAGO-0 hydrogel, (d) GNAGO-3 hydrogel, (e) GNAGO-0 drug-
loaded hydrogel and (f) GNAGO-3 drug-loaded hydrogel.

nanocomposite structure (Scheme 1) [37].

3.2. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR Spectroscopy)

Gum ghatti showed a wide absorption band at 3340.70 cm− 1

(Fig. 1a) because of the presence of -OH in galactopyranose and gluco­
pyranose rings, a peak at 2910.58 cm− 1 arises because of the C-H
stretching mode of the -CH2 group, and peak at 1610.56 cm− 1 is because
of the C–– O stretching vibrations[38]. It was determined that the py­
ranose rings of polysaccharides’ C-O and C-C stretching vibrations were
responsible for the absorption peaks between 1026.13 cm− 1 and
1323 cm− 1. The peaks at 1310 cm− 1 and 1210 cm− 1 were caused by
stretching vibrations of the C-O-C [39]. The FTIR spectra of GO (Fig. 1b)
revealed a strong and wide O-H stretching vibration at 3410 cm− 1, ar­
omatic C– – C stretching at 1610 cm− 1, carbonyl/carboxyl C– – O stretch­
ing at 1724 cm− 1 [40], and alkoxy C-O stretching vibration at
1050 cm− 1 [41].
The O-H stretching from the carboxylic group is responsible for the
conspicuous peak at 3363 cm− 1. The peak at 3178 cm− 1 is caused by N-
H bending vibration from the NIPAm-CONH2 group. Furthermore, the
distinctive peak at 1735 cm− 1 is due to the C–– O stretching of the car­
boxylic acid group of PAA, and the peak at 1612 cm− 1 is due to NIPAm
C–– O stretching [42]. The aromatic C–– C stretching vibration causes the
peak at 1450 cm− 1, whereas the C-N stretching vibration causes the
peak at 1280 cm− 1. The results show that a Gum ghatti-cl-poly
(NIPAm-co-AA) hydrogel was formed. The small alterations in the FTIR
spectra with the addition of GO, the broad peak around
3400–3200 cm− 1 (Fig. 1c-d) indicates the establishment of a hydrogen
bonding between hydrogels and graphene oxide [43].
The spectrum of GNAGO-0 and GNAGO-3 hydrogel containing
metformin hydrochloride and Sodium diclofenac (Fig. 1e-f) shows the Fig. 2. FE-SEM images for (a) pure graphene oxide, (b) GNAGO-0 hydrogel and
characteristics peak of N-H stretching bands of metformin hydrochloride (c) GNAGO-3 hydrogel.
at 3348 cm− 1; additionally, the spectrum bands at 2923 cm− 1 and
942 cm− 1 cans be assigned to C-H stretching and C-O stretching vibra­ and MET. Thus, it demonstrates the drug loading in hydrogels [47].
tions, respectively. It can be observed that the vibration bands of Gum
ghatti overlap with other bands in the region 1689–1018 cm− 1 [44]. The
high vibration at 1735 cm− 1 corresponds to the C– – O stretch of GNAGO 3.3. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
and was transferred to the SD of GNAGO at 1689 cm− 1. After loading,
the band allocated to the C-O-C stretch was moved from 1164 cm− 1 to Fig. 2 displays SEM images of hydrogels made from gum ghatti-cl-
1157 cm− 1 [45] of Metformin and sodium diclofenac [46]. The devel­ poly(NIPAm-co-AA), graphene oxide (GO), and gum ghatti-cl-poly
opment of new bonds between polymer, SD, and MET might explain the (NIPAm-co-AA)/GO. Due to abrasion and disassembly, the GO has a
shifting of the absorption bands. Furthermore, the spectra revealed ab­ multi-layered, disordered structure, as shown in Fig. 2(a), as well as a
sorption bands at 3448 cm− 1 that were ascribed to the N-H group of DCF pleated sheet-like structure [48]. The surface morphology of the

P.N. Dave et al. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 673 (2023) 131815

This suggested that GO was responsible for causing the scattered phase
to agglomerate.

3.4. Thermal analysis (DSC)

The thermogram of GNAGO-0 (Fig. 3a) indicated an initial endo­

thermic peak at 101.2 ◦ C (with an enthalpy of − 132.18 J/g) owing to
absorbed moisture and an endothermic peak due to decomposition at
245.2 ◦ C (with an enthalpy of − 195.62 J/g). The Thermogram of
GNAGO-3 (Fig. 3b) indicated an early endothermic peak at 102.3 ◦ C
(with an enthalpy of − 14.18 J/g) owing to moisture loss, as well as
endothermic peaks at 207.23 ◦ C (with an enthalpy of − 8.33 J/g) and
251.20 ◦ C (with an enthalpy of − 62.58 J/g). This effect might be
induced by the existence of free protonated amine groups in NIPAm for
interaction with carboxylic groups in AA. Fig. 3c and d reveal a strong
endothermic peak at 178.67 ◦ C (with an enthalpy of − 6.99 J/g and
− 6.08 J/g) and an endothermic peak at 260.12 ◦ C (with an enthalpy of
− 50.61 J/g and − 50.95 J/g), indicating drug breakdown. The existence
Fig. 3. DSC profile for (a) GNAGO-0 hydrogel, (b) GNAGO-3 hydrogel, (c) of a drug peak indicates that the drug is not interacting with the
GNAGO-0D drug loaded hydrogel and (d) GNAGO-3D drug loaded hydrogel. hydrogel formulation’s polymers and is present in its intact form in the
hydrogel matrix [49].
hydrogel without graphene oxide seems rough, but it gets smooth with
graphene oxide. The graphene oxide particles may operate as a nucle­ 3.5. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) investigations
ating center over which the polymer develops at a constant rate [43].
The agglomerated structures were formed because of the addition of GO. According to Fig. 4, the GG and GO intensity-average size values

Fig. 4. DLS plots for (a) pure gum ghatti (Gg), (b) pure graphene oxide (GO), (c) GNAGO-0 hydrogel and (d) GNAGO-3 hydrogel.

P.N. Dave et al. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 673 (2023) 131815

Table 2
Percentage drug loading of GNAGO-0 and GNAGO-3 hydrogels at fixed tem­
perature and fixed pH values.

± 0.0014

± 0.0021

Sample Temp. pH Metformin drug Sodium Diclofenac drug
code (◦ C) loaded (%) loaded (%)

GNAGO-0 30 6.8 46.53 93.33




GNAGO-3 30 6.8 46.34 99.16


± 0.00266

± 0.0031






± 0.01484

± 0.03527

Metformin and Sodium diclofenac drug release kinetics of GNAGO-0 and GNAGO-3 at different pH values (pH = 1.2, pH = 7.4 and pH = 9.2).





± 8.19157E-4
Fig. 5. Cumulative drug release against time (hrs) plots for metformin loaded

± 0.00318

GNAGO-0 and GNAGO-3 hydrogels at pH = 1.2, pH = 7.4 and pH = 9.2 and
37 ◦ C temperature.

(sonicated under similar circumstances for the process of preparing






GNAGO) in pure water were about 1.87 nm (81.67 %) and 1.15 nm


(3.68 %) and 72.87 nm (2.20 %). These values indicate the Gum ghatti
amorphous nature and for GO the particle gets distributed after soni­
cation in water [41]. After the polymerization of hydrogels GNAGO-0
and GNAGO-3 intensity-average sizes, nanocomposites were to be
± 0.00333

± 0.00394

64.5 nm (4.92 %) and 93.2 nm (80.6 %) demonstrating a significant

increase in the average particle size of GO upon complexation with






3.6. Drug loading efficiency


The model drug of metformin and sodium diclofenac loaded onto

hydrogel (GNAGO-0 and GNAGO-3) is depicted in Table 2 below.
± 0.01416
± 0.0127

From the above table (Table 2) it can be seen that the drug loading

Sodium Diclofenac

efficiency of the synthesized GNAGO-0 and GNAGO-3 hydrogel is 46.53

% and 46.34 % for metformin while for sodium diclofenac drug for the


same hydrogel is 93.33 and 99.16 % at a temperature at 30 ◦ C and pH of








3.7. In-Vitro Drug release study

log(Mt/M∞) vs

log(Mt/M∞) vs
Mt/M∞ vs t1/2

Mt/M∞ vs t1/2
Mt vs t

Mt vs t
log Mt vs t

log Mt vs t

3.7.1. Effect of pH on Metformin drug release

The effect of pH on metformin and sodium diclofenac release
Mt vs t

Mt vs t

M0 −

M0 −


log t

log t

behavior through Gg-cl-poly(AA-co-NIPAm) and Gg-cl-poly(AA-co-




NIPAm)/GO (3 mg) has been studied. From Fig. 5 it is evident that for
the hydrogels GNAGO-0 and GNAGO-3 the cumulative drug release was


found to be about 40.87 % and 38.78 % at a pH of 1.2. While for the



same hydrogel samples, the drug release was found to be 90.58 % and





93.61 % in more basic media at pH = 7.4 while the release reached the

Table 3

value of 79.90 % and 82.36 % at pH = 9.2. The environment of the

gastrointestinal tract (GIT) was reproduced by employing the buffer

P.N. Dave et al. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 673 (2023) 131815

Fig. 6. Scattered plots of metformin drug release data in different models.

change approach to carry out the in vitro release of metformin HCl from 82.36 % of the loaded drug were released after 24 h, respectively. The
the optimized hydrogel. Only 40.87 % of the loaded drug was released at carboxyl groups of the graft copolymer (GNAGO), used for the drug-
the end of the first 24 h, as shown in Fig. 5, indicating low drug release loaded hydrogel, remain united at acidic pH and favor the formation
over the first 24 h in 0.1 N HCl solution (pH 1.2). Contrarily, the drug of hydrogen bonding between carboxyl groups of GNAGO in an acidic
was easily released at higher pH (pH 7.4), where up to 93.61 % and solution, which may account for the pH-dependent release of metformin

P.N. Dave et al. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 673 (2023) 131815

Table 4 These outcomes supported the hydrogel compositions Fickian behavior

Korsmeyer-Peppas model drug release mechanism. (n < 0.45, Table 4).
Exponent (n) Drug release mechanism
3.7.3. Effect of pH on sodium diclofenac drug release
n ≤ 0.45 Fickian diffusion (Case I diffusional)
0.45 < n < 0.89 Anomalous (non-Fickian) diffusion Fig. 7 shows the drug release profile of GAGO-0 and GNAGO-3
n = 0.89 Zero order release (Case II transport) hydrogels at pH 1.2, 7.4, and 9.2 buffer solutions at 37 ◦ C. Results
n > 0.89 Super case II transport indicated that the rate and the percentage of drug release from the
GNAGO-0 and GNAGO-3 was higher at pH= 7.4 than that of pH= 1.2.
These results were consistent with the swelling rates of the hydrogel,
which was higher at basic pH than that of acidic medium. After 2 hr, the
cumulative release of DS at pH 1.2, 7.4 and 9.2 were obtained ca.3.79 %
and ca.90.35 % and 83.91 for GNAGO-0. While the cumulative release of
DS at pH 1.2, 7.4 and 9.2 were obtained ca.3.91 % and ca.94.46 % and
84.36 for GNAGO-3 after 2 hrs. The probable reason for the higher
release rate of the drug at the basic media might be due to the
neutralization of carboxylate groups in acrylic acid monomer and gra­
phene oxide filler. The repulsion forces between carboxylate groups
leads to increase the pore size and subsequently, the diffusion of drug
occurs easily. In contrast, the low release of drug from hydrogels are
arisen from referring to (a) low solubility of DS in acidic media [51] and
(b) probably protonation the carboxylate groups and decrease in pore
size due to the decreased swelling capacity. In fact, the drug release was
consistent with the swelling of beads in buffer solutions [52].

3.7.4. Mathematical model for drug release study (Sodium diclofenac)

Different kinetic models are fitted using the release data. These
models’ operational equations are listed in Table 3. The effectiveness of
these models in fitting the kinetic data is seen in Fig. 8. Table 3 presents
pertinent regression values and release exponents. The findings are in
Fig. 7. Cumulative drug release against time (hrs) plots for sodium diclofenac line with the Korsmeyer-Peppas (K-P) model, as evidenced by this with
loaded GNAGO-0 and GNAGO-3 hydrogels at pH = 1.2, pH = 7.4, and pH = 9.2 R2 value 0.9982. This suggests that drug release from hydrogel is mainly
and 37 ◦ C temperature.
driven by Fickian diffusion and/or polymeric matrix erosion. To find the
best fit model, release profiles of the drug-loaded hydrogels produced by
HCl from GNAGO-3 based hydrogel. The hydrogel segments become stiff GNAGO were examined (Fig. 8). The values of the release constant and
as a result, which reduces swelling, makes it harder for drugs to release, the correlation coefficient (R2) were discovered. The optimal R2 value
and limits water absorption. On the other hand, at an alkaline pH, the for a best fit model is one that is closer to 1. First-order release kinetics’
GNAGO hydrogel’s carboxyl groups ionize and enhance the repulsion R2 values, which ranged from 0.8585 to 0.9433 and 0.8438–0.9644,
between the resulting carboxylate ions (COO-), which causes the were found to be lower than those for zero-order kinetics. R2 scores in
copolymer chains to relax, resulting in swelling and a spectacular drug the Higuchi model ranged from 0.0.9448 to 0.9935, revealing diffusion-
release. For the carboxyl groups in the grafted copolymer, the pro­ controlled drug release. In contrast, the diffusion exponent (n) value in
portions of glucuronic acid, galacturonic acid, and uronic acid in pure the Korsemeyer-Peppas model varied from 0.0540 to 0.3549, while the
GG are responsible. However, at basic pH, the methyl ester of acrylic correlation coefficient (R2) was between 0.9357 and 0.9982. The cor­
acid (AA and graphene oxide) also ionizes to produce additional relation coefficient (R2) for the Hixson-Crowell model is in the range of
carboxylate ions (COO-), increasing the grafted copolymer’s sensitivity 0.8307–0.9556 [49]. These outcomes supported the hydrogel compo­
to pH [50]. sitions’ Fickian behavior (n < 0.45, Table 4).
With the help of the release data, various kinetic models are fitted.
3.7.2. Mathematical model for drug release study (Metformin) Table 3 lists the operating equations for these models. Fig. 8 illustrates
Different kinetic models are fitted using the release data. These how well these models fitted the kinetic data. Relevant regression results
models’ operational equations are listed in Table 3. The effectiveness of and release exponents are shown in Table 3. The results support the
these models in fitting the kinetic data is seen in Fig. 6. Table 3 presents Korsmeyer-Peppas (K-P) model, as shown by the R2 value of 0.9982. This
pertinent regression values and release exponents. implies that Fickian diffusion and/or polymeric matrix degradation are
The findings are in line with the Korsmeyer-Peppas (K-P) model, as primarily responsible for the drug release from hydrogel. Release pro­
evidenced by this with an R2 value of 0.970. This suggests that drug files of the medication-loaded hydrogels made by GNAGO were inves­
release from hydrogel is mainly driven by Fickian diffusion and/or tigated to determine the model that suited the data the best (Fig. 8). The
polymeric matrix erosion. To find the best-fit model, release profiles of correlation coefficient (R2) and release constant values were found. A
the drug-loaded hydrogels produced by GNAGO were examined (Fig. 6). best fit model’s ideal R2 value is one that is closer to 1. R2 values for first-
The values of the release constant and the correlation coefficient (R2) order release kinetics were 0.8585–0.9433 and 0.8438–0.9644,
were discovered. The optimal R2 value for a best-fit model is one that is respectively, and were found to be less than for zero-order kinetics. The
closer to 1. First-order release kinetics’ R2 values, which ranged from Higuchi model’s R2 values, which indicated diffusion-controlled drug
0.8604 to 0.9902 and 0.8889–0.9937, were found to be lower than those release, varied from 0.0.9448 to 0.9935. In comparison, the Korsemeyer-
for zero-order kinetics. R2 scores in the Higuchi model ranged from Peppas model’s diffusion exponent (n) ranged from 0.0540 to 0.3549,
0.9573 to 0.9974, revealing diffusion-controlled drug release. In while the correlation coefficient (R2) ranged from 0.9357 to 0.9982. The
contrast, the diffusion exponent (n) value in the Korsemeyer-Peppas Hixson-Crowell model’s correlation coefficient (R2) lies between 0.8307
model varied from 0.0228 to 0.1787, while the correlation coefficient and 0.9556 [12]. These results confirmed the Fickian behavior of the
(R2) was between 0.8807 and 0.9760. The correlation coefficient (R2) hydrogel compositions (n < 0.45, Table 4).
for the Hixson-Crowell model is in the range of 0.8703–0.9917 [49].

P.N. Dave et al. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 673 (2023) 131815

Fig. 8. Scattered plots of sodium diclofenac drug release data in different models.

4. Conclusion • Instrumental techniques like FTIR, FE-SEM, DSC and DLS were
employed for the analysis of the synthesized hydrogels.
• In the current study, GO was grafted onto Gg-cl-poly(AA-co-NIPAm) • The drug release study was performed at different pH’s and these
chains and copolymerized using N, N′ -methylene-bis-acrylamide revealed that the drug release was more favored at a pH value of 7.4
(MBA), ammonium persulfate (APS) and TEMED as a crosslinker, as the graft copolymer (hydrogel) employed to make the drug-loaded
initiator system in an aqueous solution to create the hydrogel gum hydrogel’s carboxyl groups maintain their homogeneity at acidic pH
ghatti-cl-poly(AA-co-NIPAm)/GO. and facilitate the formation of hydrogen bonds between them in

P.N. Dave et al. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 673 (2023) 131815

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