1-2 Canned

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Grade 1-2

# has become more settled in school and is learning to listen more carefully and contribute to class
# is an enthusiastic member of the class who enjoys all aspects of the work.
# has settled well into the class and is learning to listen carefully and contribute to class lessons.
# is a polite and friendly child who always tries ~ best.
# is a quiet member of the class who often takes a keen interest in the work, especially in a small group.
# is a quiet member of the class whose ability is growing to listen carefully, learn from others in class
lessons and share ~ own understandings.
# has become an enthusiastic member of the class who enjoys all aspects of the work.
# is a delightful child who finds it hard to listen carefully and learn from others in class lessons or share
his own insights.
# has settled quickly into the class and is making friends.
# is a charming child who works very well when ^ is able to choose ~ own learning activity.
^ is expert at describing what ^ has done and what ^ has found out.
^ is able to explain what ^ has done and what ^ has found out.
# is an able member of the class who ^ is always willing to contribute to class discussions and share ~ at
times perceptive and imaginative insights.
# is a friendly child who becomes enthusiastic when ^ is able to choose ~ own learning activity.
^ has a well developed imagination and a perceptive understanding of the world around us.
# is an enthusiastic member of the class who especially enjoys opportunities to choose and report back
on his own learning activities.
# has settled well into the class and is learning to listen carefully and contribute to class lessons.

Overall, ^
is progressing well.
is making steady progress.
shows good numeracy skills.
shows a fair understanding of number operations.
works carefully and accurately.
lacks confidence in approaching new concepts.
needs frequent teacher direction to consolidate new concepts.
needs support and encouragement to develop skills and understanding.
generally lacks concentration in maths activities.
frequently needs one to one support to grasp new concepts.

^ can work independently on directed tasks.
^ can work conscientiously on independent directed tasks.
^ finds it hard to work independently on directed tasks.
^ can work independently on directed tasks but can be distracted.
^ can work independently on directed tasks but is easily distracted and can distract others.
^ sometimes finds it hard to work independently on directed tasks.
^ can usually work independently on directed tasks.
^ has become more independent in working on directed tasks.
^ makes perceptive contributions to guided group activities.


# is a pleasant, easy-going pupil who has enjoyed many aspects of ~ work this year.
# is a quiet and reserved pupil who has benefited much from this year's work.
# is a boisterous pupil who has been happy in ~ work this year.

^ makes every effort to try hard and settles down immediately to do ~ work.
^ is conscientious and hardworking and keen to do ~ best.
^ lacks commitment and effort and should become more self-motivated to do work.
~ progress has been excellent in all aspects of the curriculum.
~ progress has been steady throughout the curriculum.
~ progress has been limited throughout the curriculum.

^ is a very well behaved pupil and always acts in a sensible manner.

~ behaviour is usually acceptable but there are occasions when ^ needs to be reminded to behave
There are times when ~ behaviour is not acceptable and noticeable improvement is essential.

# has a good overall attitude and approaches everything in a positive manner.

#'s approach to work is not always positive and ^ presents a varying attitude.
#'s approach can be far from positive and ^ presents a poor attitude.

^ is most attentive in class showing excellent concentration.

^ is improving ~ ability to concentrate.
^ has a tendency to day-dream when ^ should be working.

# is gaining in maturity and has steadily gained in confidence.

# has become more self assured and outgoing and has steadily gained in confidence.
# has not yet developed enough self-confidence to work independently and needs to gain in confidence.

^ is well-organised and is always correctly equipped for each day.

^ lacks organisation and often does not have the correct equipment in school.

#'s attendance has been excellent with very few or no absences.

#'s attendance has been good with some explained absences.
#'s attendance is fair with many explained absences.
There have been some absences still unexplained.
There have been many unexplained absences.
#'s attendance is poor giving serious cause for concern.

^ is always late and this gives serious cause for concern.

^ is often late and ^ must aim to be more punctual.
~ lateness is becoming too regular and ^ must aim to be more punctual.
^ is sometimes late and ^ must aim to be always punctual.
^ is usually punctual.
^ is always punctual.

# has been set targets in all aspects of ~ work and should make every effort to accomplish these.
# should make every effort to improve ~ behaviour and show a positive attitude in all ^ does.
This is a wonderful report for # and ^ must make sure that this excellent progress continues next year.
This is a good report for # and ^ must make sure that steady progress continues next year.

^ has been a pleasure to teach


I wish * all the best in the future.

^ sometimes finds it hard to pay full attention and listen carefully, especially in class lessons, and ~
shyness can make ~ reluctant to contribute to large group discussions.
^ is an able child
^ is able to listen carefully and learn from others in class lessons. ^ is also willing to share ~ own growing
understanding with the group.
^ sometimes finds it hard to listen carefully and learn from others in class lessons. This makes it difficult
for * to develop and share ~ own understandings.
^ sometimes finds it hard to listen carefully and learn from others in class lessons. ~ contributions to
class discussions, however, can be perceptive and imaginative.
^ has become more independent in group work.
^ is able to review ~ work, explaining what ^ has done and what ^ has found out.
^ is able to work independently on directed tasks
^ has become more successful at working independently on directed tasks
^ enjoys opportunities to choose and report back on ~ own learning activities.
~ shyness often inhibits ~ ability to contribute and the speed with which ^ can express ~ thoughts.
~ ability is growing to listen carefully and learn from others in class lessons. ^ has also become more able
to share ~ own growing understandings with the group.
^ is an able child whose relatively slow progress had caused some concern. Since returning from
holiday, however, ^ has leapt forwards and made good progress in all subjects.
In a smaller group, or when the subject fires ~ enthusiasm - especially science - ^ can make perceptive
and imaginative comments.
Nevertheless ^ is always willing to share ~ often perceptive insights and undertsandings.
However, ^ finds it hard to listen carefully and learn from others in class lessons.
In class lessons ^ finds it hard to sit still, listen carefully, learn from others or share ~ own insights.

The work in mathematics is aimed at developing basic skills in practical classroom tasks.

In mental and oral work #

requires frequent support and encouragement
is reluctant to use ~ mathematical skills
is usually quick and accurate
often lacks confidence
is keen and well motivated
enjoys various mathematical challenges
has an open approach to problem solving
has begun to show real signs of understanding
is enthusiastic and excited by new mathematical discoveries
is able to talk about ~ strategies using appropriate mathematical language


works hesitantly and generally lacks confidence.
often finds it difficult to concentrate in mathematical activities.

is learning to read, write and order numbers to 10.
is able to read, write and order numbers to 10.
is learning to read, write and order numbers to 20.
is able to read, write and order numbers to 20.
can add, subtract and estimate numbers up to 10.
shows a good understanding of number bonds up to 20.
shows an understanding of numbers beyond 20.
is developing ~ understanding of values up to 100.
is developing an understanding of number bonds to 100.
can solve mathematical problems dealing with numbers beyond 100.
is beginning to carry out sums using tens and units.
can do basic adding and subtracting using tens and units.
can do more complex adding and subtracting using tens and units.
is gaining understanding of multiplication in 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
is gaining an understanding of multiplication.
has successfully explored number patterns within this range.
understands the use of a symbol for an unknown number.
is developing mental strategies involving number patterns.
is developing an awareness of place value.
is able to apply knowledge of place value in recorded work.

When working with money, ^

is learning to recognise coin values.
can recognise coins to 10p and can compare values.
has had experience of simple shopping sums.
can add and subtract coins up to 10p.
is able to use money to work out change from 10p.
shows good understanding of value and finding totals.
can add coins up to ___.
can work with coins up to ___.
can recognise all the coins we use.

Numbers as labels and for coounting.
# says some numbers in familiar contexts, such as nursery rhymes.
# counts reliably up to three everyday objects.
# counts reliably up to six everyday objects.
# says number names in order.
# recognises numerals 1 to 9.
# counts reliably up to ten everyday objects.
# orders numbers, up to 10.
# uses developiing mathematical ideas and methods to solve practical problems.
# recognises, counts, orders, writes and uses numbers to 20.

# responds to the vocabulary involved in additioon and subtraction in rhymes and games.
# recognises differences in quality when comparing sets of objects.
# finds one more or one less from a group of up to five objects.
# relates addition to combining two groups.
# relates subtraction to taking away.
In practicaal activities and discussion, # begins to use the vocabulary involved in adding and subtracting.
# finds one more and one less than a number from 1 to 10.
# uses developing mathematical ideas and methods to solve practical problems.
# uses a range of strategies for addition and subtraction, including some mental recall of number bonds.

Shape, space and measures.

# experiments with a range of objects and materials showing some mathematical awareness.
# sorts or matches objects and talks about sorting.
# describes shapes in simple models, pictures and patterns.
# talks about, recognises and recreates simple patterns.
# uses everyday words to describe position.
# uses language such as 'circle' or 'bigger' to describe the shape aand size of solids and flat shapes.#
# uses language such as 'greater', 'smaller', 'heavier' or 'lighter' to compare quantities.
# uses developing mathematical ideas and methods to solve practical problems.
# uses mathematical language to describe solid (3D) objects and flat (2D) shapes.

During the year # has had the opportunity to do different kinds of writing, e.g. stories, descriptions,

In these activities, ^
requires a lot of support.
shows a general reluctance.
is showing steady improvement.
is making satisfactory progress.
is becoming more independent.
is becoming increasingly confident.
shows great enthusiasm.
works well but slowly.
is usually slow to get started.
has shown a huge improvement.

is beginning to express ~ ideas in writing.
is beginning to write ~ own sentences.
can write a simple sequence of events.
can write a simple sequence of events to make a story.
is beginning to write simple stories.
enjoys expressing ideas in writing.
has made an effort to make ~ own stories interesting.
is starting to write in more detail.
is trying to make ~ stories more imaginative.
has worked hard to write imaginative stories.
can produce a well structured sequence of events
uses a rich vocabulary when writing
can write an account of a simple series of events
is beginning to use full stops and capital letters in sentences
should try to write more quickly
needs to work to extend ~ vocabulary
needs encouragement to write more
should try to write in more detail now
must make an effort to use capital letters and full stops
needs to give ~ writing more structure


produces clear neat writing.
usually uses left to right orientation.
tends to confuse orientation.
can produce neat work when ^ tries.
forms most letters correctly.
sometimes lacks control in handwriting.
is unsure of the correct starting of some letters.
needs to work on positioning the letters on the lines.
needs to space ~ writing more carefully.
does not always use left/right orientation.

^ is beginning to use a wider range of punctuation.

^ finds letter formation difficult.
~ handwriting is sometimes too small.
~ letters are not always correctly positioned.
^ sometimes rushes ~ work.

work is always neatly and clearly organised
work shows great pride
handwriting is generally neat
letters are generally formed correctly
letter formation needs greater care
work is not always neatly presented
letters are sometimes reversed
handwriting still contains random capital letters within words
handwriting tends to be too large
letters are not always correctly proportioned


finds the physical skill of writing a problem.
is improving ^ control of a pencil.
has good fine motor skills and pencil control.
is beginning to use the joined script.
is using the joined script style of handwriting.
struggles with the joined script style of handwriting.
uses the joined script style of handwriting well.
has difficulty with pencil control and letter formation.
uses the pencil grip.
does not always use the correct pencil grip.

# is continuing to work on ~ spellings. ^

is not yet able to apply ^ knowledge of letter sounds to ~ independent attempts at word building
has a very rudimentary spelling vocabualry
is beginning to use letter sounds and patterns to help build up words
is making sound progress with ~ word building skills
has made excellent progress with word building
makes a reasonable attempt to spell common words
is beginning to use common patterns to assist spellings
shows some ability to attempt spelling by sounding out letters
has developed a bank of common words that ^ can spell independently
has made excellent attempts at independent spelling through the use of phonics


is reluctant to use the classroom resources such as the word bank and dictionaries.
finds it difficult to use classroom resources surch as word books and dictionaries.
needs to further develop ~ early word building skills.
needs to further practice to develop ~ understanding of phonics and letter patterns.
cannot interpret ~ own spellings when reading back an independent piece of work.
is developing an understanding of phonic and letter pattern rules.
can interpret ~ own spellings when reading back an independent piece of work.
is able to use classroom resources such as word books, dictionaries, word grids and word lists.
will independently use classroom resources, e.g. dictionaries, word cards, word grids and word lists.

# experiments with mark making, sometimes ascribing meaning to the marks.
# uses some clearly identifiable letters to communicate meaning.
# represents some sounds correctly in writing.
# writes own name and other words from memory.
# holds a pencil and uses it effectively to form recognizable letters, most of which are correctly formed.
# attempts writing for a variety of purposes, using features of different forms.
# uses phonic knowledge to write simple regular words and make phonetically plausible attempts at
more complex words.
# begins to form captions and simple sentences, sometimes using punctuation.
# communicates through phrases and simple sentences with some consistency in punctuating

During the year #
has experienced a degree of difficulty with the development
has been experiencing a degree of difficulty, and has needed frequent encouragement to pursue the
has shown a positive approach to the development
has made a good start to the development
has made progress with the development
has made sound progress with the development
has made good progress in the development
has made excellent progress in the development
of ~ reading skills


shows little interest in books.
enjoys looking at pictures and stories.
enjoys a range of books, including fiction, non-fiction and poetry.
is beginning to show more interest in books.
is showing a greater interest in books as ~ abilities increase.
enjoys reading books independently.
derives much pleasure from ~ books.
always tries hard.
is an enthusiastic reader.

needs further support to learn the individual letter sounds
knows the individual letter sounds
can use the letter sounds to represent the word
can use letters to represent whole or parts of words
knows initial letter sounds of a word
knows the individual letter sounds and can use these to sound out words
is beginning to word build
is beginning to sound out words
is able to use a variety of cues in ~ reading
can sound out most simple words


is able to use a variety of cues in ~ reading.
needs to work particuarly hard on recalling key words.
needs to concentrate when reading.
is becoming more confident at sounding out words.
is now able to make an attempt at reading most words.
is beginning to gain greater expression.
is a fluent and confident reader.
is becoming a fluent and confident reader.
is beginning to use a variety of cues in ~ reading.

must work harder to enhance ~ ability to recognise words
needs more practice to improve ~ sight vocabulary
recognises a number of key words
recognises an increasing number of key words
is beginning to sound out, making good attempts at recognising words
is beginning to memorise words
has worked hard to develop an early sight vocabulary
has made a good effort to learn words
uses inital sounds and picture cues to aid word recognition
has an excellent sight vocabulary

will benefit from further assistance at home.
has benefited greatly from ~ additional practice at home.
can read simple sentences with the support of adults.
can read simple sentences independently.
can read with a certain amount of fluency and expression.
is beginning to gain greater fluency and expression.
is beginning to gain greater independence.
is able to recall what has been read and can discuss characters in books.
is able to read simple books independently.
is able to read some more complex books independently.

In reading for meaning, ^

is able to recall what the story is about
can predict what might happen next
is able to express ~ likes and dislikes
can give simple reasons for ~ likes and dislikes
responds positively to ideas and questions about the stories
is able to talk about the characters in the book
will independently ask questions to seek clarification
has difficulty recalling details of the story
is reluctant to predict what might happen next
can be reluctant to express ~ likes and dislikes


has difficulty explaining reasons for ~ likes and dislikes.
finds it difficult to discuss the stories.
finds it difficult talking about the characters in the book.
does not initiate discussion.

Linking sounds and letters.

# joins in rhyming and rhythmic activities.
# shows an awareness of rhyme and alliteration.
# links some sounds to letters.
# links sounds to letters, naming and sounding letters of the alphabet.
# hears and says short vowel sounds within words.
# uses phonic knowledge to read simple regular words.
# attempts to read more complex words, using phonic knowledge.
# uses knowledge of letters, sounds and words when reading and writing independently.
# is developing an interest in books.
# knows that print conveys meaning.
# recognises a few familiar words.
# knows that, in English, print is read from left to right and top to bottom.
# shows an understanding of the elements of stories, such as main character, sequence of events and
# reads a range of familiar and common words and simple sentences independently.
# retells narratives in correct sequence, drawing language patterns of stories.
# shows an understanding of how information can be found in non-fiction texts to answer questions
about where, who, why and how.
# reads books of own choice with some fluency and accuracy.


Speak & listen
The children participate in shared reading and writing activities as well as independent and small group
work. During whole class activities, they are encouraged to participate fully.

# tries hard to express ~ thoughts to others

# has made greater effort to join in with group discussions
# is beginning to enjoy speaking to a larger group of people
# is able to express ~ ideas well
# can express ~ ideas clearly to the group
# is able to follow up what has been said in discussion
# finds it hard to speak out in group discussions
# is reluctant to speak to a group of people
# needs encouragement to join in with a group discussion
# has difficulty expressing ~ thoughts


listens attentively at all times.
has shown progress in listening skills.
is beginning to show progress in listening skills.
listens patiently to others.
generally listens to what is being said.
sometimes needs to be reminded to listen.
has a short span of concentration when listening.
frequently needs to be reminded to listen.

In the classroom situation, ^

is often inattentive and therefore has difficulty following instructions.
is sometimes inattentive and then finds it difficult to follow instructions.
listens well and responds to instructions.
listens attentively and responds well to a series of instructions.
listens carefully to instructions and will follow them accurately.
usually listens well and responds to instructions.
often appears inattentive but is able to follow instructions.
does not always follow instructions carefully.

Language for communication and thinking

# listens and responds.
# initiates communication with others, displaying greater confidence in more informal contexts.
# talks activities through, reflecting and modifying actions.
# listens with enjoyment to stories, songs, rhymes and poems, sustains attentive listening and responds
with relevant comments, questions or actions.
# uses language to imagine and recreate roles and experiences.
# interacts with others in a variety of contexts, negotiating plans and activities and taking turns in
# uses talk to organise, sequence and clarify thinking, ideas, feelings and events, exploring the meanings
and sounds of new words.
# speaks clearly with confidence and control, showing awareness of the listener.
# talks and listens confidently and with control, consistently showing awareness of the listeneer by
including relevant detail. ^ uses language to work out and clarify ideas, showing control of a range of
appropriate vocabulary.


# is an extremely able and enthusiastic member of the group, who takes a keen interest in science.
# is an able and enthusiastic member of the group who takes a keen interest in science.
# is an able and conscientious member of the group who displays a real interest in the subject.
# is a reserved member of the group who displays a quiet interest in the subject.
# has a quietly conscientious approach to ~ work in science.
# is a friendly member of the group who displays considerable interest in the subject.
^ regularly contributes to class discussion,
# has shown a positive attitude towards the subject, involving *self to the best of ~ ability,
# has worked steadily over the year,
# needs encouragement to take an interest in finding out about the world around ~ and it would be nice
to see ~ develop confidence enough to suggest ideas during class discussions.
# has approached all aspects of science work with enthusiasm and interest.
# has approached all aspects of science work with interest and enthusiasm.
# really enjoys science and has approached all aspects of our work with interest and enthusiasm.
# has really enjoyed all aspects of the science work we have covered this year and is developing good
exploratory techniques.
# has really enjoyed science and is developing good exploratory techniques.
# has shown a quiet interest in the areas we have covered in science.
# has a questioning and inquisitive mind and can offer suggestions and ideas in class discussions.
# has shown a quiet interest in the areas we have covered in science and is developing good exploratory


Level 1

# can communicate work in simple forms and can use drawings and simple charts.
^ can use ~ senses to explore.
^ has done simple investigative work.
^ can record and report on simple investigations.

Level 2
# can use given ideas to begin to develop an investigation. ^ can suggest what might happen and can
make observations.
^ use simple equipment.
^ can make observations and record them in simple forms.
^ can present results in simple drawings/tables.
^ can make simple comparisons.

Level 3
# can formulate ~ own ideas to investigate. ^ can make relevant observations and quality
^ knows when a test is fair or unfair.
^ can record observations and measurements in a variety of ways.
^ can present results in a variety of ways. Can use evidence

can record work successfully.

can make clear observations about living things.
uses drawings to record events.
is able to make a simple prediction.
can make a prediction based on previous everyday experiences.

can record and report observations to the group or class.

has observed and described events in the immediate environment.
has handled familiar materials and can describe them using appropriate language.
group work
^ has made a good effort to participate in group activities
^ participates well in a group
^ shares ideas with ~ peers
^ is becoming able to work with less adult help
^ is reluctant to share ~ thoughts with others
^ needs encouragement to talk about ideas in a group
^ still needs much adult support with practical work
^ has an enquiring mind and enjoys scientific investigations
^ has a sensible, mature approach to working in a group.
^ works very well as a member of a group.
^ works well as a member of a small group.
^ works reasonably well as part of a small group, but must try to keep his concentration on the task in
^ works co-operatively in a group situation.
^ is getting better at working co-operatively in a small group but sometimes needs to remember to listen
carefully to others' suggestions and ideas.
^works well in a group but must value the ideas and opinions of others.

life process
has experienced growing ~ own plant.
is able to recognise and name different parts of the body and plants.

Level 1
^ can name the main external parts of the body and can recognise and name the main parts of a flower.

Level 2
^ recognises that all animals need food and grow and that plants need light and water to grow.
^ can recognise similarities/differences in living things.
Through investigating our school enviroment ^ discovered different kinds of plants/animals.

Level 3
^ is beginning to understand the importance of exercise and a healthy diet.
^ can describe differences between living/non living things.
Through exploration of our school environment ^ knows that local environments can be different and
that these differences affect the kinds of animals/plants found.
has had the experience of handling different materials.
^ can identify a range of common materials and talk about some of their properties.
^ knows that if an object is pulled or pushed its direction and speed might be altered.

Level 1
^ can observe and describe a range of properties of a variety of materials.

Level 2

^ can sort materials into groups using simple properties and can recognise and name common materials.
^ knows that some materials are found naturally.
Through observation ^ can describe how materials can be changed including through heating and

Level 3
^ can sort materials in a variety of ways using their properties.
^ recognises that materials have a variety of uses based on their properties.
^ can recognise reversible & irreversible changes.

physical world
^ is beginning to understand some of the simple physical properties of the world around

^ shows a questioning approach to the world

^ notices and takes an interest in features of the world around
^ has experienced pushes and pulls as simple forces

^ really enjoyed the practical work we did building circuits and explored using different items within ~
^ enjoyed the practical work we did on building circuits and made a simple light bulb circuit.

Kevel 1
^ knows that many everyday appliances use electricity and can list items from around the home.
^ can construct a simple circuit.
^ can describe the movement of familiar things and knows that pushes/pulls are forces.
^ Knows that light comes from a variety of sources and that darkness is the absence of light

Level 2
^ can construct and compare different electrical circuits.
^ knows that forces can make things speed up/slow down/ change direction.
^ can compare loudness and pitch of sound.

Level 3
^ understands how/why simple electrical circuits work.
^understands how/why forces change the direction/speed/ shape of objects.
^ understands that sound travels away from its source/gets fainter/is heard when it enters the ear.

General Geog
# has worked well in geography and particularly enjoyed
# developed good skills in geography and worked well on
# has shown improved skills in geography through

# can name and recognise some of the physical and human features of the local area, and has suggested
ways to make the vicinity safer.


has had experience of simple map work.

knows that adults do different kinds of work.
has identified features of the local area in photographs.
knows ~ address and can state the country in which ^ lives.
has observed different sorts of weather and understands how weather is affected by the seasons.

^ is beginning to understand why people make journeys and
^ can identify materials from their natural sources and
^ has drawn a simple map of a journey and
^ has made a plan of a familiar place and
^ is interested in listening to people's experiences and asks questions and
^ has worked well on observing the weather and how it changes in relation to the seasons and
^ has experience of compass points and
^ is able to follow simple directions given by another child and
^ is able to distinguish correctly between left and right and
^ is able to draw a simple map for an imaginary place and


is able to express likes and dislikes about ~ locality.

demonstrates an awareness of the world beyond ~ locality.
has talked about places ^ has visited.
is beginning to explore the local environment with some interest.
is interested in finding out about the world around *.
is able to observe and identify a number of living things.
is developing a caring attitude to the world around *.
is able to express ~ likes and dislikes about a particular place.
# uses the correct geographic vocabulary ^ has been taught in ~ written work.
~ tries hard to use the correct geographical vocabulary to explain ~ ideas.

# is developing a geographical vocabulary, e.g. rock, road, hill.

# has employed a variety of research skills during geography sessions this year.
^ can use the information collected through research to form opinions.
# can look at and understand how people cause changes to environment.
# has learnt some of the ways Tucuaro is importance to the people of Mexico.
^ is able to use atlases and maps to locate and name major cities and countries.
^ has learned to work more confidently with maps and atlases.

# must try to pay more attention during lessons.

# must work hard on improving the standard presentation of ~ geography work.
^ must be more confident when asked to discuss geographical issues during class.
^ must concentrate on improving ~ research skills.

History Topics
# enjoyed the topics we studied in history especially
# enjoyed the topics we studied in history in particular
# showed a keen interest in the topics we have studied in history especially
# showed a keen interest in the topics we have studied in history in particular

# really enjoyed our topic on Florence Nightingale and was interested to find out more about her life.
# has studied the layout of Castles and thoroughly enjoyed looking at a Medievil Castle on our trip to
# can identify important people who have contributed in History such as Florence Nightingale.
# is able to understand the events surrounding the Fire of London.

#'s research skills have progressed well.

# can ask relevant questions to find information about History.
# has good knowledge of the History Topics studied.

# has used a variety of information sources including books, photos and artefacts to answer questions
about the topics we have studied in history.
Comment 2

^ is developing an enquiring mind in this subject and

^ has shown interest in this subject and
^ has a good understanding of the events investigated and
^ has shown a clear understanding of the topics studied and
^ is developing the rudiments of chronological awareness and

^ has shown interest and enthusiasm in this subject and

^ has a sound knowledge and understanding of the topics studied and

^ should now concentrate on writing in greater detail.

^ should now consider more closely why historical changes happened.
^ has not yet fully grasped the concept of chronology.

# should now begin to select information from more than one source.

^ has made good use of the resources available in ~ studies.

^ has good knowledge of the periods studied.

# has compared the daily lives of people in Scutari and Turkey during the Crimean War.

Comment 3

is beginning to develop an understanding of past, present and future.

has been introduced to historical events.
is showing an ability to interpret findings.
has listened to stories about historical events.
can identify differences between the past and the present.
has observed and compared artifacts from the past and present.
knows the difference between myths, fairy tales and real historical stories.
can sequence events and objects logically.
shows a real interest in stories about the past and ^ asks relevant questions.
can communicate ~ awareness and understanding of history in a number of ways.

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