Week 5 MYP 2 Integrated Science HW - Vihaan K

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Student’s Name: Vihaan Subject Group: Sciences MYP Year: 2…

Unit title: Chemistry of compounds Homework 5
Key concept: Related concept(s): Global context: Globalization and sustainability (Human
Change Interaction, impact on the environment)
Statement of Inquiry: Understanding dynamics of change and exploring how interactions between
matter and the environment may lead to consequences which actively contribute to shaping and
sustaining globalization.
ATL - Communication Skills - Use and interpret a range of discipline-specific terms and symbols.
Time assigned: 40 minutes Time Taken: Date: 19/2/24

Note: The work produced by the student for this assessment/assignment must be student's
original work and must not be plagiarised (copied from some other source) or peer

Task - 1

Salt, sodium chloride (NaCl), is a naturally occurring essential for life. Salt is one of the most
widely used and oldest forms of food seasoning. Saltiness is one of the five basic human
tastes in addition to sweetness, sourness, bitterness, and umami (a savory, meaty taste, such
as that of cooked mushrooms, cheese, or soy sauce). As salt dissolves in a solution or on
food, it breaks into its component ions: sodium and chloride (Na+ and Cl-, respectively).

In solid sodium chloride, the ions are arranged as shown in the diagram.
Solid sodium chloride does not conduct electricity.

(i) Explain why solid sodium chloride does not conduct electricity, even though it contains

Solid sodium chloride, also known as table salt, does not conduct electricity due to the
fixed arrangement of its ions. In a solid, the ions are stationary and unable to move to
facilitate the flow of electric current. It is only when sodium chloride is dissolved in water,
forming a solution, that the ions are free to move and allow for the flow of electricity.


(ii) Distinguish between cation and anion.

Cations and anions are ions, which are atoms or molecules that have gained or lost electrons
and have a positive or negative charge, respectively.

A cation is a positively charged ion. This occurs when an atom loses one or more electrons,
giving it a net positive charge. Common cations include:

• Hydrogen (H+)

• Sodium (Na+)

• Potassium (K+)

• Calcium (Ca++)

An anion is a negatively charged ion. This happens when an atom gains one or more
electrons, resulting in a net negative charge. Examples of anions are:

• Chloride (Cl-)

• Nitrate (NO3-)

• Sulfate (SO4–)

• Carbonate (CO3–)


(iii) Describe the processes that lead to the formation of ions for both metals and

Formation of Ions for Metals: Metals tend to lose electrons to achieve a stable electron
configuration, forming positively charged ions called cations. This process is known as
oxidation, where metals undergo oxidation reactions by losing electrons from their outermost
Formation of Ions for Non-Metals: Non-metals tend to gain electrons to achieve a stable
electron configuration, forming negatively charged ions called anions. This process is known
as reduction, where non-metals undergo reduction reactions by gaining electrons in their
outermost shell.


(iv) Speak with your parents and identify one health-related reason why doctors advise
lowering sodium intake in diet.

High blood pressure


(v) Identify the non-metal in common salt (sodium chloride).



(vi) State the type of bonding sodium chloride exhibits.

Ionic bonding


Task – 2

Utilize the provided help box to address the following question based on the given cations
and anions list.

Name of the cation Formula Name of the anion Formula

Sodium Na+ Fluoride F-

Magnesium Mg2+ Chloride Cl-

Potassium K+ Hydroxide OH-

Aluminium Al3+ Carbonate CO32-
Calcium Ca2+ Sulphate SO42-

Chemical Name: Potassium Chloride

Elements Present: Potassium (K), Chlorine (Cl)


Chemical Name: Sodium Hydroxide

Elements Present: Sodium (Na), Oxygen (O), Hydrogen (H)


Chemical Name: Magnesium Carbonate

Elements Present: Magnesium (Mg), Carbon (C), Oxygen (O)


Chemical Name: Calcium Sulfate

Elements Present: Calcium (Ca), Sulfur (S), Oxygen (O)


Chemical Name: Potassium Iodide

Elements Present: Potassium (K), Iodine (I)


Chemical Name: Aluminum Hydroxide

Elements Present: Aluminum (Al), Oxygen (O), Hydrogen (H)

Command Terms:

Identify Provide an answer from a number of possibilities. Recognize and state

briefly a distinguishing fact or feature.

State Give a specific name, value or other brief answer without explanation or
Describe Give a detailed account or picture of a situation, event, pattern or

Write down Obtain the answer(s), usually by extracting information. Little or no

calculation is required. Working does not need to be shown.

Explain Give a detailed account of causes, reasons or mechanisms.

Distinguish Give the differences between two or more different terms.

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