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(I n order to show lIow it can be done, this lias !lotto translated in the
im ~ralive. ~ brackCled portions are Ih06C omil1ed by Donuh.)
Copyrighted material
Chapter 1
I. With 32 wondrol.l' paths of Wisdom envave Yah, Ihe lord of
Hosts, {God of lsrae~ the Livin& God , Kin, oflhe univen.e, Almi,JI1Y
God , merciful and aracious, Hi&h and Exa lted. dwelling in etemily,
whose name is Hol y. and creale His univcn.e] wilh 111m: boob, wilh
text (S,ph"l. wilh number (S,p/!ar). and wilh communication
2. Ten &firo\ o f NothinJlless plus lwcnty-\""O [foundation Jleucn:
Th roe Mot hers. $e-'cn Doubl~, and Twel ve Elcmmtals.
J, Ten Sefi rOI of NOlh inlneu: The number of Ihe len filljers, five
opposite five, wilh . sinale oo'-cnanl preciscl y in Ihe middle, like lhoe
circu mcision of the IOnl uC and thoe circumci.ion of t he membrum.
4. Ten $efirol of NOlhin,nn.s: Ten and nO{ ninc; len and nol elcvm.
Understand with Wisdom. and be wiK wilh Understandi"&- Examine
wilh them and probe from them. make I Ihina stand on it. euence,
and ma ke Ihe Creator sit on His base.
S. Ten Sefirot of Nothinsness: Thti r meaSure i, t~n whieh have no
end. A depth of besinning, a d~pth of end ; a depth of JOOd., a depth
o f evil; a depth abov~. a depth belo ....., a depth east, a depth "'fft; ,.
d~plh nonh, 1I d~Plh south . The Sinl ular Masl~r, God faithful Ki IlJ,
dominatn them an from H is holy dwell inl until eternity of
etern ities.
6. Te n Sdirot o f NOlhingr>e$!: Their vision is li ke Ihe "appearance
of lilhtnillJ, ~ their limit has no end. Hi s Word in them is ~runninl
and retu rni ns. ~ They rush to Hi! loIyinl like a whi rlwind, a nd before
Hi, throne they pn)l;trale themscl'·es.
1. Ten Sefirot nf Nothio,"",,: Their end i. imbeddM in Ih~ir be&in-
niTl& and their be&inning in Iheir tnd, like 1I flame in a bumi", 00II1.
Fo r Ihe Master is sinlular. He has no second. And before One, what
do you count?
I .Te n Scfirot of N01hin",ess: Bridle your mouth from speaki", and
your hean from thi nkins. And if your hean runs, return 10 the pl.aee,
as it ;s wrilten , "Tbe ChayOi runnintl and retuminl~ (Ez~kiel 1:1 4).
Repminl this a ro~'enanl was made.
9. Ten Sefirol of N01hin,"~,,: One is Ihe Breath o f the Livinl God,
blessed a nd benMictM be the Name of Ihe Life of "'"Orl<.b. Voi«,
Breath and Speech. This is Ihe Holy Breath (RuQ(h Hu.KodnJr).

10 . Two: Breath from Breath. With ;1 el1J!11ve and arve l"'UIy-lWO

foundation Ienen-11!1'tt MOIhen., seven Doubks. and twelve
Elementals-and one Smuh is from them.
II . Thr«: Water from Brea th. With;\ enJ!1lve and carve chaos uw;I
void, mire and clay. Enyave them like a "arden p101, carve them like
... ,... n, rover lMm like a C\";'in...
12. Four: Fire from ..... In". With il ""V"""
and carve the Throne of
Glory, Seraphim, Ophanim, holy a..yot, and Ministerinl An&e11.
From the three esUlblil.h His dwcllina. IS il is written , -He makes His
an,els of breaths. His ministers from flamin, fire- (Pulms 104:4).
I). Five: With Ihltt of 1M simple letters seal - above. · Choose thrtt
and place t!>ern in His I mll Name: YHv. With them seal Ihe six
extremities. Fate upward and IoUI it .... i\h YHv.
Six: &aJ - below." Fa« do.... n...ard and seal il wilh YV H.
Seven: x.I ·cast." Face m a i, ln .lIrad and seal ;1 wi lh HYV.
Elabl: Seat · west." Fate baci;ward and seal ;1 wilh HVY.
Nine: Seal ~$Outh. M Face- to t~ ri&hl and ~al it with VYH.
Ten: Seal Mnorih. Face: to Ihe left and se.l it wit h VHY.

14. These are the Ten Scfirot of NOIhinsncss. One is the Breath of
the li vinl God . Bn:ath [from Breath]. Waler [from Breath], Fire
[from waler. and the eXl",mit~J. up, down, eaR, " 'est, a.orth and

Chapter 2
I. T~nl y_two foundation letten: three MOthen, seven Doubles, and
Elcmenlall. Tbe three MOIhen. AMSh, Iheir foundation is the
pan of merit. the pan of li.bility. and the lonlue of d",ree decidin&
bet""""n t~m.

2. Twenty-two le\lers; Envave them, caO'e them . weiJ,h them. per-

mute them , and transfonn them , Ind with them depin the soul of all
th.t was formed and all thaI will be formed in lhe fUIUn:.
J . Twenty-two (foundation ] leurn: They are envaved with voice,
carved ... ith brtath, and placed in 11K ITIGUth in fi ve places: ACbHO.
4. T"""nly-tWO foundation Inten: They arc set in I cin:ie u 231
Gites. The ci rcle roUltes bad: and fonh . And Ihis is I siJn: There is
no ,oad hiJ,hcr Iha n d eligll\ (ONG). and tiler<: is no evil lO""tt than
pla,uc (NGO).
S. Ho w" Wei&h tMm Ind lran.p05e them, Alef wi th each one. and
each one wilh Alef; Bet wilh each one, I nd each one wilh Bel. They
r<:peai in a C)'d e. Therdore. e~rythin* formed and evcI')1 hin, spo-
ken emanau,,, in one name.
6. Form substance 01,11 of chaos and make nonexistence into exis-
tence. Carve ,",II pillars 01,11 of air 1hal cannO! be JIlIsped. This is
Ihe si",: One fOlc:Kt:S, transposes, and makes all creation and all
word. with one Name. And I sian of this: Tw<:nly-IWQ obj« u in I
sinlk body.

Chapter 3
I. Three Mothers. AM5h: Their fO!J ndalion;$ the pan of liability, the
pan of merit. and 1~ tonl"'c of dec""" de<:idinl bd ween them.
2. Three mothe", AM5h: A lIl=ll. m)'SliC<il, OOllO'aled 5t:CN:! , sealed
with si ~ rinp. And from it emana te fire and "'ller, Sotparatinl them-
seh"cs as male and female. Th...,., MOIhcf'S. AMSh, a~ Iheir founda-
liOll. and from them Ire born the Father'$, from which everylhin, wu
J . Th= MOlhel'$, AMSh. in the Univnv a~
air. water. and fi~.
Heaven wu cn:ued from fi re. carlh "''ll.S cn:aled from waleI'. and the
ai r decides between Ihe fi re a nd the water.
4. Three. mOlher'$, AMSh, in Ihe Year a~ fi~, water. a nd breath. The
hOI is cn:ated from fi~. Ihe cold is crealed from waler. and the tem_
perale from b~ath decides belween Ihem.
Th= MOlher'$, AMSh. in Ihe Soul a~ fire . ...·u er. and breath.
The head is c~ated from fire, Ihe belly is cn:ated from water, and
the chest, crealed from breath. decides between them.
S. Three Mother, AMSh : Enlrave them, (I""e them. pe""ute them,
and with them seal Ih= MOl hen in Ihe Univnv. IhTtt Mothers in
the Year. and Ihree MOIhers in the Soul, mile Ind femlle.
6. Ma ke Aid kin, oVer brellh, bind I crown to it, and combine one
with another. And w;lh them seal ai r in the Uni "e""" tile lempel'llie
in the Year. and tile chest in the Soul, the male ,..ilh AMSh . and Ihe
fe male wilh AShM.
7. Make Mem kin8 Over WIler. bind I crown 10 ii, and combine OIIe
with .noiller. And with IlIem seal carlh ;n the Univ.,""" tile cold in


the Year, and the belly in the Soul, Ihe male wilh MASh. and the
fem. k wilh MShA.
8. Make Shin kina oVer fire. bind a C'I"OY>lI 10 iI, and combine one
wilh another. And wilh them _I he.ven in the Univerw. Ihe hoi in
the Year, and the head in Ihe soul, 1M nWc [with ShAM], and the
fcmak [with ShMA].

Chapter 4
I. Seven Do..bles. BGD KPRT: Their foundation is life. peace, wil-
dam......,allh. sncc, seed, dominance. beh hiS two !IOUnds: B-Bh,
G-Gh. D-Dh. K-Kb, P-Ph, R-Rh. T-Th. [A Slr1.IC\lIT<: of] soft and
hard, II SIn.>Cture of] $\1"1)01 and weak, double ~IUC they are ll11ns-
poses. The transpOSe of life i. death, the IranlpOSe of puce il evil ,
the transpOSe of wisdom is folly, the transpose or \Io'ttIlh is poveny,
the il1lnspose of IflI(le is UJliness. Ihe transpose of seed is desolation ,
the transpose of dominantt is suhjuplion.
2. [Seven Doubln, BGD KPRT: Seven and nOI six, !le\'cn and not
eiatot. Euminc with them and probe from IlIem, make each IlIilll
stand on it! essence, and make Ihe Crealor Iii on H is base.)
3. Seven Dout>ln, BOD KPRT, paralJcllhe !iCv.,n cxl..,milies. "ll"Ine
are lhe li~ exlremilies: up, down, eUI, ...-est, lIOr1h, soulh. And the
Holy Palace prttisel y in thoe middle upholds Ihem an.
4. Seven Dout>les, BOD KPRT: EnJlll"e Ihem. carve them, combi ne
Ihem • •• pJoIReu in the Univcnc, day. in the Year, and ptes in the
Soul. From them enJlllve seven firmamcnts, seven earths, seven
weeks. Seven is tht'n':fore beloved under an the heavens,
S. [How? Make Ikt kinl over life. bind .. crown 10 it. and wilh ;1
depict Saturn in the Univcrx, Sunday in the Year. and the n,ht eye
in the Soul.
6. [Malte Oimel Itin" bind a crown 10 iI, and wilh il depict Jupiter
in the Univ<:nc. Monday in Ihe Year. and the Id\ C)1' in Ihc Soul.
7. [Make Dalel kin .. bind a crown to ii, and wilh il depict Ma~ in
Ihe Univenc, Tue-sday in Ihe Year. and Ihe ri&ht ur in the Soul.
8. (Make KIf kin" bind a CTO ...n 10 ii, .nd with il depkl the Sun in
the Univene, Wednesday in the Year, Ind the left ear in the Soul.
9. [Ma ke Pch kin&, bind a !.TOwn 10 ii, and wilh ;1 depic1 Venll5 in
the Univene , Thund~y in the Year, and the n&hl nostril in llIe

10. IMa" Resh kin&. bind a crown \0 il. and witb it depict MeTC\Iry
in Ihe Univcnc:, Friday in the Year, and the left noslril in the Soul.
II . (Make Tn king, bind a crown 10 il. and wilh it depicltlie Moon
in the Uni,-enc:, the Sabbuh in the Year, and the mOllth in 111e
Sou1. )
12. The Seven Doubles, how does OIK permute them? Two stones
build I....., Ilouses, lhlft build six houso:s. fO\l' build 24 IIolises, five
build 120 houses, six build 720 houses, and 'leV!:'O blli\d S040 hOliKI'.
From there on ,0 out and calculate thl1 .... hich Ihe mouth nonQl
speak and the ear amnot hear.
These aK the seven planets in the Universe: The Sun. Venus,
Mercury. the Moon. Saturn, Jupiter, Mars. ' These are the seven dil}~
in the Year: The seven dl~ of creation. And Ihe Seven ,,"to:s in the
Soul are the two eyes, the two ears. lite lwo "",,1riIs. and Ihe mO\llh ,
And with Ihem wac: enaraved the seven finnament', the seven
eanhs, the seven hours. Seven is the",fo", beloVC'd for every desi",
under heaven.'

Chapter 5
I. Twelve Elementals: HV ZCh TY LN SO TzQ. Their fO\lndation is
s;&hl. hearinK, smell, s!)«Ch . laste. coi1ion, action, motion, an&«,
lau&hler. thou&ht, and sleep. Their measure ;s the I...·elve diagonal
boundaries: the nonh-ea51 boundary. the soullt-N$I boundary, Ihe
up~r-cast boundary, the Iower-cast boundary, the up~r- nonh
boundary. the lower_nonlt boundary. the IiOIlth-wnl boundary, the
nonh-west boundary, Ihe up~r_weSI boundary, the lower-west
boundary, 1M upper_uti! boundary, the IowCT-tOUth boundary.
They continually spread for enr and ever, Tiley a", Ihe Arnn of the
2. Twelve Elementals: HV ZCh TY LN SO TzQ. Enarave them , (a,,'e
Ihem, weiab them, permute Ihem, IranspOSe: Ihem, and with them
depict Ihe twelve constellations in the UniVl!:iie: Arin, Taul"\Is. CXm-
ini , Cancer, Lro, Vil}O, Libra, Scorpio, Sa,.ittarius, Capricorn.
Aquarill5, and Pisces: Ihe lwelve months in the Year. NilSl.l1. IYilT,
Sivan, Tamil':, Av. Elul. Tish",i. Mar-cheshv. n, Kislev, Te>-"t:I, She-
vat, Adar: and the twelve d irtt"lOn in Ihe Soul: two hands, two feel,

two kidneys. the spleen, the liver, tile pll bladder, the hemMSS. lhe
kiva, and Ihe IwrkAioll,
[How does one I"'mtute Ihml? Make Heh kins. bind a crown to
it. and with it depict Arin in Ihe Univese. Nissan in the YHr, and
Ille ri&hl hand in the $OuI, male and (emale,
[Make v .v kin&, bind a crown 10 it, .nd with it depict Taurus
in the Unive~, Iyar in the Year, and the left hand in the Soul.
[Make layin kin" bind a crown 10 it, and with il depict ~mini
in lite Univen." Sivan in the Year, and Ihe richt (001 in the Soul.
[Make Chel kin" bind a crown 10 ii, and with il depict Canter
in the Uni\'cne. in lhe Year, and Ille IdI fOOl in Ihe Soul.
[Make TCI kina. bind a crown 10 ii , and wilh it depict Lro in tile
Universe, Av in the Year and the ri&hl kidney in the IIOIIL
[Make Yud kina. bind . C'I'OWJl 10 ii, and with il depict Yir'JO in
Ihe Univ...,.., Elul in the YHr. and tlte left kidocy in Ihe Soul.
[Make l.amed kina. bind a crown to ii, and with it depict Libra
in Ille Universe, Tilhrei in Ihe Year, and the liver in Ihe SouL
[Make Nun kina. bind a cro"'l1 10 it, and with il depici Scorpio
in the Universe, Mat-(heshvan in Ihe Year, and Ihe spleen in llle
[Make SoImekh kin" bind a crown to it, and wilh il depict Sq,il.
tarius in lite Universe, Kislev in lite Year. and the pll bladder in Ihe

"'" [Make Eyin kina. bind a crown 10 ii, and with il depict Capricorn
in the Universe, Tevel in the Year. and Ihe irm.u u in lite Soul,
[Makc Tzadi kin" bind a crown to it, and wilh il depict Aquarius
in lhe Unive~, Shevu in the Year, and Ihe Iei.all in Ihc SouL.
[Make Kuf kin" bind a crown 10 ii, and with it dcpict PiKeS in
th e Universe, Adar in the Year. and Ihe korUba" in the SouL]
), Three Mothen ...,ltich Ire three Fllhers, from which eman..e fire,
breath and ""aler. Three Mothen. seven Doubles, and Twdve
4. ThC5C are the lwenty-two !ellen which founded by tbe
Blessed Holy One {Yah. YHVH of Hosts, God of Israel. lite Livin,
God, hi&h and exalled] d_Uin, in eterni ly, ...'hOK name is Holy,
(eulted and holy is He],

Chapter 6
I . Three are the Fathen and their olTsprin,. se,'en are Ihe plaocll
and Iheir hosl, and I_lve are Ihe dillonal boundaries. And lite proof
of this, lrue witnesit'S, ate Ihe Universe, Ihc Ycar, and tl>e Soul. He
dee.ud Tw~h'e, (Ten). Seven and Thrtt. and He appointed them in
the Teli, Ihe Cycle, and the Heart. The thrtt .~ fi~, waler. and
bl'l'ath; fire above, waler IIflow, and breath, tile dt:<:ree that de<:ides
~I""un IMm . A siln of this ;s \ha\ fire upholds water.
Mcm hums, Shin hilSe$, and Alcf is Ihe decree thai decides
OOWttn them.

2. The Tdi in the Univcne is like a king on his throne. the Cycle in
til .. Year is li ke a kina in the province, Ihe Heart in the Soul is like
a kin, in bailie.
~Aho every desirt', one opposite the other was made by God

(Ettle":astes 7:1 4). c.-I opposite evil. aood from lood. evil from
evi l. Good makes evil f«OI.lIizable, and evil makes ,00<1 reco&niu-
ble. Good makes evil T«OIllizable, and evil makes good recognizable.
Good is k~1 for thelOQd, and evil is kepi for Ihe wicked.
3. Th=: each 0'"' sland~ alone. Seven are di vided, three opposite
three, with a deer« d«idillJ, between them. Twelve stand in war:
tll= who love, three ",,110 hate, three who give life, and three who
kill. The three ,,·Ito love IK Ihe hean, Ihe can Ind Ihe moulh; Ihe
three who hate Ire Ihe liver, Ihe pll bladder. and Ihe 101liue. And
God, Ihe faithful King dominal" them all. One over three. three over
seven, seven over t .... el~e, and ~II of them are bound. one 10
4. And when Abraham our father ",:.:ed. he looked. saw, dcived.
underslood. enlJ'3ved. carved, permuted and depia<'ll, and he was
l uocrslful. And the Masler of all , Blessed be He. revealed Himlelf 10
him, and look him in Hil bosom, [kiS$Cd him on the head, and called
him, -M y bclnved-j, He made a covenant wilh him beiw«n the ten
IOC$ of his feet-this is Ihe COVenant of cirrumcision-.and belween
the ten fin&ers of his hands- Ihis it tbe Cnvenant of the too&ue. He
bound the t_nty-Iwo Icllen 10 his to"*"e and revealed their fOllnda-
tioo. He drew them in water, hurned Ihem in fire, agilated Ihtm with
breath. He i&niled lhem with the sevea (planets), and di~ed them
with the twelve constellations.

'VI ate
Copyrighted material

Copyrighted material
Chapter 1
L Will, Ihiny_' ''''' mystical path. of Wisdom enpved Yah, YHVH
of Hosts, God of Israel. the Livinl God, God Almiahly, h'ah and
culted, d well;n, in eternity on biah . and His name is Holy, and He
("~aled His universe ",ilh lhrtt books, wilh le~l, wilh number, and
wilh romml.lnication. [They are] Ten Sdirol 0( Notllinaneu and
twen ty-two foundation lellers.
2. Ten Sdirotlike the number of len fiDle,." five opposite five. The
Sinlul,r covenant i. direo:tly in Ihe middle, like the circumcision of
Ih e IOlllOt in Ihe mouth. and like Ihe circumcision of the
). Ten Sefirol o(NothiolOcn: Ten and nOI nine. ICo Ind nol eleven.
U ndenll.nd wilh Wisdom, and pr<>bo: wilh Unden1J.ndina. Di~m
wilh them Ind probe from them. Make a Ihinl stlnd on its essence,
and make Ihe Creator sit on His base, fOl' He alone is the Former
and Creator, and then: is none besides Him . And His measure il ten
a nd they have no end.
4. Ten Sefirot of NothiltJD.ess: Bridle Y01,lr hean from Ihinkin" bridle
your mouth from spt."akillJ.. And if your hean nln5, re1um 10 Ihe
place. as it is written , -And the Chayol t1,InnifIA and re1umillJ.. R

Reproina Ihis a covenant has been made.

S. Ten Sefirol ofNothillJ.lless: Their end is imbedded in their beJin-
ni11J, and thrir beJinnina in Iheir end. like a flame bound 10 a bum-
ina coal. Know. tbink and depict thilt the Ma.ter i. uniLl.ry. and !he
C",atQ<" is One. IUId He ha no seoond. And bcf~ One. what do you
6. Ten Scfirot of Nothingness: Their measure il ten ...·hich have no
end: A depth of bcJinnina and a deptb of end; a depth nf sood and
a deplb of evil; a depth of above and I depth of beloW; a deJHh of
elSI and I deplh ofwesl. I depth of nonh Ind a depth of IOUth. Tbc
unique Malte!". God faithful K..i .... dominate. lhem aU from His holy
dwellin, until eternity of etemi tiel'.
7. Ten Scfirot of NothinEJIa5: Their vision is li ke Ihe Ippelrance of
lialn ni.... Ind their limit has no cnd. They speak of Ihem I S -t1,Innilll
and "'tumin" - they JIII"ue His word like I whirlwind. and befo",
Hislhrone lhey proslrate themselves.
8. Tcn Scfirol of NothlnEJIcss and Iwcnl)'-lWO foundation ktle ..:
Three MOIhe .... seven Double$. and IWl:lvc and Brealh is
in each of them .


9. Ten Sdirol of NOIhinanas.: One i. 11K Breath of 11K Livin, Ood,

His throne is established from eternity,' blessed be Ihe name of tile
life of Woods oonstanlly, fO","cr and ever: Voi-x. Breath and
Sp«ch. Spel:Ch is II>e Holy Breat h (Rlioch HuKotiu h). Its inception
hll nO beJinnin" and illiermination ha. no end.
10. Ten Sefirol ofNOIhinan~ OM is Ihe of the Livin, C)Qd,
\ .... 0 is breath from breath, thref: is wale. from breath, fOLl' is fin: from
WOller, a nd up and down, el.l and "-nt, north and ~Ih.
I I. Two is hreJ.lh fl'()lTl O..,llh. With Ihrm He ellJ.'llved and arved
the four direcl;o~'ll1s (rucllof/ of heaven: eaSI Ind We5I. north
and 5OII1h. And breath (ruoch) is in each one of them.
12. Thn:e is water from breath. With I~he enlfaved Ind carved
chaos and V'I);d . day and min:. He made tllem like. sanko bed , lie
carved them like I Will, and he covered them like I ccilina. and be
poured mow over them, and dust was made. [1 is thus written, ~ For
10 mo .... he uid. become canh (Job 37:6).

Ch.aos is an alU~' [inc Ihal lurrounds alllhe world. Void ron-

sim o f Ihe l P(lnlY' rocks thaI a~ imbedded in the ab)'ll. from
bel ...·«n .... hich ....ater emanates.'
I). Four is fire from waler. With il H e e1IVlIved and e&rved Ihe
Thronc of Glory, Serafim, Ophanim, holy Chayol , Ind ministerin,
an,cls. And from Ihrae Ihlft He founded His abode. as il is wrilten,
MHe makes his anarls of breaths. His miniSlers from flamin, fire M

14. Fi.'e: He sealed "above. He seleeted Ihrcc lellen from amona
Ihe Elementals and fixed them in His veal Nlme: YHV. Wilh tbem
He SHied the si~ direcl ions. He faced upward and sealed il wilh
SiA: He 'iealed -betow. faced downward. and ~ed it wilh

$even: He sealed easl. raced forward. and sealed il with VYH .
Eiahl: He ..,aled wnt. faced ~bllrd, and ..,aled il wilh
Nine: He ..,aled 5OUlh, faced to Hi, '-;abt, and ..,aled it with
Ten: He sealed nonh. faced to Hi. left , and sealed it wilh
Thrae a~ Ten Sefirol of NOIhinaness: One il the B~llh of the
LivillJ God. twO i. bm.lh from Brealh , thlft is water from hreath.
four i. fire from "-:Iter, above and below, CIlSI Ind ....esl. nonh and
A~I :n

Chapter 2
I. Twenty-t_ foundation letters: three Mot hers. seven Doubles. and
twe!'-e "EJ<,men tal•. And aU of them an: enpved with voice. ,,,n'ed
.... ith b""ath. and SCI in the mouth in five p!a<:a: the !enen AChHO,
GYKQ, OTLNTh. ZSTzRSh. BVMPh, They a", bound to the IOnlut
like a flame bound to II bumin, coaL ACb HO is pronouna:d wilh
the base orthe tOlliuC and the throa t BVMPh is pronounced between
the lips and " 'ith the tip of th e ton,ue. GYKQ is pronounced with
the (back) third of the tongue. DTLh'Th is pronounced wi th the tip
of the tonsue. tosethtr with the voia. ZSTzRSh is pronounced
between the tceth, " 'ith the to n,lJe Iyina flat and sp",ad out.
2. Twenty-two foundation !ellers: They a"" set in the Cycle in 231
Gat es. The eyde OK;Uates bad and ronh. And a sian for this. if in
,ood. the"" is nOthin, hisbeT than deliah l (ONG), and ifi n evil. the",
is nothinllower than the plalue (NGO).
J. Twenty-two foundation letters: He envaved them. carved them.
" 'ei&he<l them. and transposed them . Alef with them aU. And He per-
muted them. and wilh them He fO<lTlcllhe soul of aU Ihat was ever
fonned. and Ihe soul of all thaI eVtr " 'ill he fonned.
4. How'! He wci&he<l them and lransposed them. Alcf with them all.
and aU of them .... ith Alef. Bet with them all. and aU of them wilh
Bet. [rontinuina] likewise wi th all the [Ieuen]. And all of lhem oscil.
late qclicaUy. Thus. they emerce throuah 23 1 Gates. and every thin,
fonned and everythina $!lid emanates from one Nam<:.
5. from 0._ He formed .un-tan«. and He made thaI ..'h~h was
not into that wh iCh is. He carved ""al '10,," o ut of air that ,annot
be I ra'!)Cd.

Chapter 3
1. Thrtt MOlhers. AMSh: Their foundation is the pan of merit, Ihe
pan of liabi lity. lnd the ton,ue of deeRe decidillJ b':I"-cen them.
2. Th rtt Mothers. AMSh : A I""at , concealed, mystical secret. rovered
witb si _ rinas, From them emanale fi"" . ...... ter and bn:ath. They an:
d ivided ., male and fema!e. Know. think and contemplate thai fin:
suppons waler.
1. Th ree Mothers. AMSh : The Pro&eny of Ihc heavens is fin:. lhe
progen y of the air is """ath, and Ihe pfOlCny of the earth is Wlter.


Fire is abo~e and .... aler is below, and brealh is Ihe de<;rte decid;nl
between them. From them were bom Falhers. and from Ihem all
Ihinas ...·ere crealed.
4 . Three MOlMrs. AMSh . in Ihe Universe Ire breath. WIler and fire.
The Ma'·en, were created from fire, the anh was created from
wlter. and Ihe air from breath drridn bet~n them.
5. Three M othe~ AMSh. in the Year Ire the hot. the cold, and tile
temperate . The hot was created from fire. the cold from watC'!". and
the temperate from breath decides bet"'ttn them.
6. Thrte MOll1e~ AMSh, ;n the Soul ~ Ihe head, Ihe belly and Ihe
chesl. The head was created from fire, \h(: belly _. crealed from
..... Ier, and the clIest from brealh de<;ides between them.
1. Thrn: MOIllers, AMSh: He e",",ved them, carved Ihem, permuled
Illem . and Kaled wilh them Ihrte Mothcn, AMSh, in Ihe Universe.
Ihree Mothers, AMSh, ;n Ihe Year, and three MOIhers. AMSh, in tht
Soul, male and female.
8 . He mlde the ),eller Alef kirIJ over brealh. bound a crown 10 it,
permuted one ...ilh anolher, and with Ihem formed lir in the Uni·
verse. the temperate in tM Year. and Ihe chest in the Soul, maIc and
He made the lener Mem kina over "'lIler, bound a erown to it,
permuted one wilh aootller, and with IlIem formed tM eanh in \h(:
Universe, thc cold in the Year. and the belly in Iht Soul, male Ind
He made tile ktter Shin kinl nVC'!" fire. bound. crown 10 it, per_
muted one with anOiller, and with them fonned lbe heavens in the
Universe, Ihe hot in Ihe Year, and the head in tile Soul, male and
9. How did He form them? AMSh AShM, MASh MShA, ShAM
ShMA. The heaven i, fire, the. . ir is brelth. and tile anh i .....ater.
M.n', head is fire. his belly is Wiler, and hi' llean i. breath.
10. Three MOlhen AMSh. With Aid He formed brellh. ai r, the lem-
perate. the chest, the tonsue of decree bet~n them.
Wilh Mem: w'ler, tanh, the cold, the belly, Ihe pan of merit.
Wilh Shin: fire, heaven, lbe bol , the head, Iht pan of liability.
Thi s i. AMSh,

Chapter 4
I. St'·cn Doubles, BOD KPRT: Their foundation is life. peace, wis-
dom. wealth . seed. JIlIcc. and dominallCe. They fUlK1ion wilh two

loniues. the daublin. of o pposites: B Bh. G Gh . DOh. K Kh, P Ph.

R Rh . T Tit. A 51ructure of soft and hard. siron, and weak.
Thne are IMo Opposites: The o pposite o f w;$dQm ;s foolishness.
Ihe opposite of wullh is 1'O"cny, the oppos.ilc of M:W is dewl.tion,
Ihe opposite of life is dealh, Ihe opposite of domi nance is w bjup-
lion. I~ opposite of peace is war, Ih e opposite of &nee is u&liness.
2. Seven Dou bles. BGD KPRT: Seven and nOI si~, seven and not
eish!. Tiley parallellhc si ~ ribs and Ihe lix orden.. and the Holy Pal-
ace is precisely in the cen ter. KBIeu.ed be Ihe glory of God from His
Place~ (E~ck id 3:12). He is Ihe place of Ihe universe, and Ihe un i-
>"elV is not H is place. ' And He suppons them alL
3. Seven Doubles. BGD KPRT of foundation: He Cnp;ived them,
carved them. permuted them. weiahed Ihem, transformed Ihem. and
w;lh them He formed seven planets in the Uni verse, seven da~ in
Ihe Year, and seven ptes in the Soul. KVen and KVen.
4. How did He permute them? Two stones build two houses. three
stones build six houSl:s, four SlOnes build 24 hOiliiC5. five SlOnes build
120 houses. six siones build 720 houses. Sl:ven Slones build 5040
hOilSC:S. From Ihel"!' on &0 0iI1 and calculale Ihal which Ihe moulh
cannOt speak and the ear can nOI llear.
5. He made tile Jener Bel king over ,,·isdom. bound a crown 10 il.
permuted one with another. and wilh Ihem He fonned Salurn in tile
Unive~, the Sabbath in the Year, and the mOilth in the Soul, male
and femaJe .
6. He made Ihe leller G imd ki na over wealth. bound a crown to il.
permuted one with anOlher, and " 'ilh Ihem He formed Jupiler in the
Uni " erse, Sunday in the Year, and Ihe riabt eye in Ihe Soul, male
and female.
7. He made the Io:11tr Dalct lr.ina ""cr seed. bound a crov.ll to i~ permuted
~ " ith another. and with them He formed Man in the UniVCJK. Mon-
day in the Year. and lhe left ~ in the Soul. male and female.
S. He made tile leller Kaf king o~r
hfe, boun d a crown 10 iI, per-
mu ted o ne with .nother, and wilh them He fOfllled Ihe Sun in the
Universe. Tuaday in lhe Year. and the ri&ht noslril in the Soul. male
and female.
9. He made Ihe lener Peh king over dominance. bound a crown to
il. permuled one with ano lher. and with them He formed Venus in
the Universe. Wednesday in Ihe Year. and Ihe left nostril in the Soul.
male and female.

'VI ate
'"10. H~ m~fk Ihe ktler Resh kin, o'~r
peace. bound a crown to iI,
permuted one with anOlher, Ind wilh Ihem H e formed Mercury in
Ihe Universe, in the Year, and the ri&hl ear in the Soul,
male and female.
II. He made the ICller Tav kina over &JlICe. bound I crown \0 iI, per-
muted one wil li another. and with them He formed the Moon in the
Universe. Friday in Ihe Yu r, and lhe left ear in the Soul, male and
And wilh them He enaraved ""'cn firm.menll, $even earths,
ilCven selS, seven riven, seven deserts, seven dIIys, ..,ven weeD,
$even years. ..,ven sabbaticall, seven jubilen, and Ihe Holy Palace.
He therefore cnaraved the seventh for every desire under Ibe
12. Seven planets in the Universe Ire: Satum. Jupiter, Man, Sun,
Venus, Mcrtllry, Moon.
Seven days in Ihe Year If(> the seven da~ of tile week.
Sexen &alI'S in Ihe !K>ul, milk and female, are the lWO eyes, lWO
ear&, two noslrils, and Ihe mouth.
13. ~en firmamenl5 a n: Vikm, Rakia, S~hakim, Zl:V\lI, MJ,'on,
MIChon , aDd AravOl.
Seven earths are Adamill. Tevd, Neshiyall. 1'I:iylll, CI'Ialld,
Eretz, Gai.
And He made each one $Wld alone: The Univenc alone, Ihe
Soul alone, and the Year alone.
1• . Seven Doubles BGD KPRT:
With Bet He formed SlIum, tile Sabbath, tile mouth, li fe and
"". With Gimel He fOnned Jupiter, Sunday. the rialn~, peace and
With Dalet He formed Mars, Monday, tbe left eye, wisdom and
fooli.hne ....
With Kif He formed thoe Sun. Tuesday, the riJIIt nostril, weal!b
and pa.,.eny.
Wilh Peh He formed Venu5, Wednesday, ~ kft nostril , 5Ced and
With Resh He formro Mercury. Thursday. the risllt ea r. VICe
Ind uiJincu.
With T • .,. He formed the Moon, Friday, the kft elr, dominallCC'
and s.ubjuplion.
These Ire BOD K.P RT.

..,.,.., m

Chapter 5
1. Twdvc Elemcnlab, HV ZCb TY LN so 120: Their foundation is
siJ,hl, bearin" smell , speecll, laSle. ooition. mOlion, . naer, Ial,lJh1cr,
Il1ou&lll, joy, and $Ie(op.
2. ~lve Elemcntab, HV ZCb TV LN SO TzQ: Their foundation is
twelve Ind nol cleven, Iwd,'c and nOl \lIirteoen. The t_lve
bounduies peel otT IS si~ orders divided bel",,"" each direction: the
eastern lIpper boundary, the eastern northero boundary, the eaSlem
lower boundary; Ihe southern I,IPpeT boundary, the soulhera eLltem
bol,lndary, the southern 10""", boundary, the western upperboulldaT)l.
Ihe ",esl<~rn southern boundary, tile WHlem lower boundary; \he
northern upper boundary. the northern wntem boundary, the north_
ern lower boundary. ~ spread IIDlil e!cmily of eler-
nities, and ;1 is they lhl\ are the Hei"'l. of the Universe.
4. Twdvc Elementab, HV ZCb TY LN SO TzQ: He engraved them,
carved Ihem, pennulf~d Ihem, weiJh.ed them, IranslK sed them, Ind
with them He formed twelve constellations in Ihe Univerx. twelve
months in the Yellr. Ind tweh~ directo", in the Soul, male Ind
femlle. Two ~joice {Om two slander (WZ). IWO advise (ron),
two ...,joie<: (om ). And Ihey a~ the korla!bon, the teeth, tile tWO
hands and the IWO feet. He made them like a controveny, lie
arnnled Ihem like a war, one opposite the olber.
S. Seven: Th~e opposite three, and one deddinl between them.
And twelve stand in war: Three aUies, three enemies, three
lifepvers, and three killers.
Three allies are the heln. Ihe eaQ and the ~. Three enemies
are the liver. Ihe 13.11. and tile tODJUe. Three lifepven are the tWO
nostrib and the spleen. Th~e killen I~ the two orifices and the
moulh. Aod God faithful KiItJ dominates Ihem all from His holy
DwelliltJ unlil etemily of eternities.
6. One over Ihree, three over seven, seven over lwelve. AU of Ihem
are Inlched, one 10 the OIher. And I sign for th is is Ihe twenly-two
obja:IS and one body.
7. Aod these I..., the lwelve directon: two bands. two feet, IWO kid-
ney" the liver. Ihe pll. Ihe spleen , the MI'OMU, the I«xla!bon, and
Ihe ki Wlh.
8. He rtI.Ide tile lene. Heh kin, over speech, bound I crown 10 ii,
permuted them one with another. and with them He fOTlTlCd Aries in
the Univerx. Nissan in the Year. and Ihe liveT in Ihe Soul, mile and

m SEfEil Y£ntll.A.H

9. He made the kiter Va ... kin, o"cr 111001111. bound a crown \0 iI,
permuted Il'Iern one with another. and with Ihem He fonncd Tau"",
in tile Unh"cnc:, lyar in the Year, and the &all bladder in tile Soul.
male and female.
10. He made the kttcr ario kin, over mOlion, bound a CI'(\WTl 10 it,
pcnnutro Ihem one wilh anolheT. and with them He formed Gemini
in 1M Universe. Siv.n in Ihe Year. and Ihe &pittn in Ihe Soul. male
and female.
II. He made Ihe kiter Chd kin, (WeT licht, bound a cro ..m 10 it,
pennutrd them OM ",,;111 another, and with them He formed Cancer
in the Universe. Tamuz in llot Year, ar>d Ihe Mmuu in Ihe Soul,
male and fcmak.
12. He made the leller Td kin, ov~ hnrin" bo ... nd a CI"O"A'Il \0 it,
permuted them One ",-illt anotMt-. and wilh them He formed Leo in
Ihe Unh'cnc: , Av in lhe Year, and the ri&hl kidney in Ihe Soul, male
Ind female .
I 3. He made the leiter Yo.od kin, over action, bound ... crown 10 it,
permuted Ih~m one wi th anoth~r, and with them He formed ViTJO
in th~ Univ~I2, Elul in lh~ Year, and the left kidney in the Soul,
male and female.
14. He made the letter Lamed kina over COilion. bound a crown to
ii, permuled Ihem one wilh anolher, and wilh Ihem He formed lihra
in the Univel2. Ti$hr~i in th~ Yea., and the Jwrhb<ln in Ihe So"I,
male and female.
I~. He made the letter Nun )(illl o~r smell, bound a crown to il.
permuted them one with another, and "'ith Ihem He formed Scorpio
in the Univerv. Chesh,'an in the Year, and the kivaJJ in Ihe Soul.
male and female.
16, He made Ih~ lelle. Samekh )(illl OVef s!rep, bo<Ind a crown 10 il.
permuted them OM- ... ilh IJl<)lher, and ... ilh Ihem He formed Sa&ittar-
ius in the Univerv, Kislev in the Year. and the "",I hnd in the
Soul, male and female,
17, He the letter E~in kin, over . nlCr, bound a crown to ii,
permuted them one with another, a nd with them He formed Capri.
com in Ihe Univerv, Tevet in the Yaf, and the left hand in lM Soul,
mal~ . nd fern. Ie.

18, He made the letter Tradi king over tasle, bound. crown to ii,
permuted lhem one with another, . nd with them He fanned Aqua.-
ius in the Unive...." Sheval in the Yeaf, and Ihe riJhl fOO\ in the Soul,
male .nd female.

'I' ate
19. He made 1M- leiter Kuf kin, over lau&hlcr. bol.lnd • t rown 10 iI,
permuted them 0t\I' wi[h aootMr. and wilh them He formed Piscn
in th e Uni,"crsc, Adar in Ihe Year, and the left fOOl in the Soul, male
and female.
20. He divided the wilnessn and made cadi one stand alone: 1m.
Univ<'1'Soe alone. the Year alone. and the Soul alone,
21. T""clve E1ementalt: HV ZCh TY LN SO TzQ:
Willi Heh He formed Aries, Ni$Sllll, the liver, S;" " and
Wilh Vay He formed Taurus. lyaT, Ihe gall, hearin, a nd
Wilh Za yin He formed (Xmini, Sivan, th e splnn. smell and tbe
inability 10 smdl.
Wilh Chct He formed Ca ncer, Ta ml.l7, the hcmuu, speecb and
With Tel He formed Leo, "'Y , the ri&hl kidney, lasle and
With Yud He formed ViTIO. Elu l, Ihe left kidney, action and
With Lvned He formed Libra, Tim,.,;. the IwrkLoo". coition and
With Nun He formed Sro..,io, Mar-<heshVlln, the kiva, motion
and l~mcnet.S.
With Samekh He formed Sapnariu., KisJev, the right hand .
• nl('T and 1"",1< of liver.
With Eyin He fonne<! Capricorn , Tevet, the left han d. lauJ,hter
and the lack of spleen.
With Tu di He formed Aqu;lrius, SlIe""t, the ri&ht foot, tlloll&llt
.nd the lacl< of hean.
With Kllf He fonned Adar, the left foot. sleep and
These are the twelve Elementals, HV ZCh TY LN SO T:tQ. And
all o f them are alilched to the Tel i. the Cycle. and the Hean.

Chapter 6
1. Th= Mothen , AMSh ; seven Doubles. BOD KPRT; twelve Ele-
mentals, HV ZCh TY LN SO TzQ. These I K the twcnty-two ]CIICTli
wit h .... hich formed YH YHV H of Hosts. God of I....d. the livinS
God, £1 Shadd~i, hi&ll and cuhed, dwellinlJ in eternity, and His name
i. Ho ly.
"YH YHVH"- lwO (divin~) N.. m....
"Of HOSIS" (Tzar", '.n}--BttauK He is .. si", (01) in His host
(IM,'a )!
"God or !srul" (YSREL}--A prince (StlR) befo~ God (ELI,
"The Li vi n, God"-Three a~ called "Iivin,": the Livil\l God,
livin, wlten. and the lree of life.
"EI"-is h~rsh.
"SlIaddai"-BttauK (He decreed): Unlil he~ is enouJ.h (da/V·
"Hiah"-Beause He sitl in the beiahl of Ihe universe, IDd is
hiah above all Ibe hiJ.h.
"Ellaited" (Njsa) because He supports (naJa) and lusl~inllbose
on biJh and below. All tbat suppon are on tbe bottom , witb IheiT
burden below Ihem, but He is on top. ~nd His burden is below bim.
He supports and S\l$tains Ihe enli~ Universe.
"He dwells in etemily"-Bttause Hil kinldom exisli for eternily
of eternit ies, withoul intemaption.
" Holy is His Name"-BecaU:Ie He is boly. His ministers arc boly,
and 10 Him Ibey uy. "Holy, holy, holy" (Isaiah 6:3).
2. Twelve below, seven over Ihem , Ind Ihree o"er :leven. From Ille
three He founded His abode. And all of Ihem hanl from One and
stand on il. And a . i", of One, He ha, nO 5eC(ln d." He niles .. lone
in His universe. for He is One , and His name;s One. "
J. Three Falhers and their Pto&eny, seven sllbduers and ~ir hOSl,
twelve dillOnal boundaries. A proof of this. truSled witnesses., I~ Ihe
Universe. the Year. and Ihe SolI!.
4. The SefirQ{ of the Univen.e arc len Ind twelve: fire. brellll, ''''''Ier,
seven planels... nd t ...-dve ronSlell"lions.
The Sefirot orthe Year are len and lwelve: oold, hot. temperale,
seven days. and 1~lve monlhs.
The SCfirot orthe Sou.l.~ ten and twelve: the head, (hell. belly,
:leVen ptes. and t ..."clve dirtaon.
5. A rule of len. three , seven and Iwdve, .. nd He .. ppointed them in
the Teli. the Cycle. and the Hean. The Teli in the IIniverse is li ke a
kina on hi. throne. the Cy.::le in the Year a kina in the province,
and the Heart in Ihe Soul is like a kine in battle.
6. The ceneral rule i. th i", Some of theK combi ne with others, and
some are the transpose of others. Some arc opposite of others. Ind
olhers are the opposite of thes.e. If some exist, Others do DOt, and if
others exill. these do not. And all of lhem are IIlached to the Tell.
the ~Ie and the Hean.
7. Al so every desire. "'God made one opposite ~ other" (E«lniQln
7: 14). Good opposite evi l. and evil opposite JOOd. Good from JOOd,
and evil from evil. Good diSttms evil. Ind evil diSttms sood. Good
is stored a"'"lIY for Ihe &00<1. and evil is ",ored a ...... y for tile wicked.
8. And ...hen AbraIwn ourfather, ofl,!o : :1 memory, (2JJ1e, be kxWd,
saw. probed . undefllood. m&raved, carved, permuted, fanned, and
thou&I\t. and he was successfi.d. The Lord of aD. may His name be bk II: 1
fOf eternity. ~ HimsdflO him, b-ed him on the head. and ealIed
him, ~ AbraIwn My fri,:,od" (Isaiah" 1:8). He made a W 'ClWlI with him
and his teed f~. "And he 1Jelieo,~ in God. and He romiden:d ;1
ri&lltcousness" (Gene5is 15:6). The Glory of God was dru tul upon him,
as il is wrillen. - Befon: I fOt Ihat )'011 in the womb. I knew)'Oll" (Jemniah
I:S). He made a W"\'enant m..«n the ten fmzom of his bands, and ibis
;$ the Holy Ton,ue (the Hebte"'lan&uagc~ He bound \he tto"Cllty-two Jet,.
~ on his 10IlJUe. and the BWmd Holy One n:vaoIed 10 him \heir mys-
Iny. lIIem in "'"liter, ianited them ...ith fire, q:itated them with
breath, burned lhtm with \he ~ pIaneu. and dim:ted lhtm ...ith the
I",'e!\"e wnstcllaliom.
9. HeavCTl fire ileal head. Air brealh lemperale chest. Eanh waler
w Id belly. This i. AMSh.
10. ~Ium ~bbalh mouth. Jupiler Sunday I'iJ.hI eye. Man Mondlly
left eye. Sun Tuesday riaht nO$tril. Venus Wednesda y left nO$lil. Mer-
c.. ry Th .. ~ay riah l ear. Moon Friday left ear. This is IlG O KPRT.
II. And Ihne Ire Ihe t...,lve oon!lell al;ons: Aries Nissan liver siahl
bli ndnen. Tau",.s l}Car p.II hearilll deafness. Gemini Sivan spleen.
vnell inabilily 10 smell. Cancer Tamw: hemsns speed. dumbness.
Leo Av I'iJ.hI kidney USle hun&er. ViTIa Elld left kidney action paral_
ysis. Libra Tishrei kt;w~n coition impale""". Scorpio Mar-
cl!nh\'ln kio-ah molion lameness. Sqi ua rius Ki,lev ri&lllhand. IJllCr
lack of liver. Capricorn Tevel Idt hlllld la uall ler lack of splee".
AQurius Sht:vat rilllt fOOl thou&htlack ofbeln. Pisce1' Adar left foot
sleep in!oOmnil. This is HV ZCb TY LN SO TzQ.
12. "Three enemies are the ton&ue. the liver. the pU. Three allies are the
eyes. the ears. the heart. Three ijfqiven are 1M leeth, 1M nooe, and thc
SJllr ill. Three Icillers are the lwolowtr orifICeS and 1M mouth.
13. Three nOI in one', wnlrol I re hi. e)"e1', his can a nd his "ose.
ThT« &00<1 !oOllnds to the ~IT are I bleuina. cood news, praise. TIlT«
bad ti&h tS to Ihe eye are In adllltTcss, and evil eye. a rovinl eye."
Three cood sistlts are humilit)", a sood eye. a lrue C)"e. Three evil 10
the tQnl1K are lIande. , talcbcarin& sayinlone thinl wilh the moulh
and another in Ihe hean. Three aood for Ihe tonlll<: are sile""",
",-atchinllhe 10n,Ue. and lrue speech.

'YI ate
Copyrighted material
Chapter 1
I, With thirty-two mystical Paths of Wisdom envaved YH. YHVH
of Hosts. God of Israel. tile Livin& God, EI Shadai, hish and exalted.
dweltin, in (temily and Holy is His name. He CTtale<i His uni,·c~
willt \hree boob. with Knpl, number and leHina. Ten Sefiro\ of
NOlhin,1IelS. Iw(nl)'_I ...·o klters: three Basics," scven Doubles,
1"',lve Elementals.
2. Ten Sefirol of NOlhin&nen. like the number of ten finlers, Ii,'c
opposite five, with a ~nilary covenant directly in lhe middle , as lite
circumcision of Ihe conguc and mOillh. Their masu", is ten wllidt
have no cnd: A depth of be&innilll and a dcpllt of end. a depth of
plOd_nd a depth of,vil. a depth of.boyc and a depth below.• depth
cast and a depth W'l'S1. a depth north and a depth. south. And the uni·
tary Maslcr. God faithful Kin&. domin.," them .n (rom His IIoly
abode. unlil Clcrnily of eternities.
3. T,,'en ty-t wo letters, a foundation of thrtt Basics, ...,"en Doublfi,
and twd"e Elementals,
The three Basics arc AMSb. Tlleir foundation is a pan of merit,
a pan of liabi lit) , and Ihe tongue of d«ree d«idin& bet","n them.
The seven Doubles all: BGD KPRT . Their foundalion is life and
peace, wiodom and ",'ca1th, seed, grace and dominance.
TIM: I,..el~e Elementals af<: HVZChTYl NSOTrQ. Their founda-
tion is silht, llearina. W1cll, speech, taSle, coilion, action and motion,
haughtiness, laughter. lhoutVl1, and sleep.
4. Throulh them YH , YH VH of Ho.ts, God of Israel , the livinl
God , EI Shadai. H ilh and E!<ahed, dwellinl on hilh and HoI) i.
His name, enlraved three Fathers and their prOJeny. ",",,,en dire.:-
lors and their host. and twelve d ialona] bounda rieo. A proof of
Ihio, tru e wilnesses af<: the U niverse. Year an d Soul, a rule of len.
three, seven and twelve. He appoint ed t hem in the Teli, Cycle and

Chapter 2
I. Ten Sefirot of No!hinsneu: len and nOt nine. ten and nOi eleven.
Undersland with Wisdom, and IK wi$e wi th Undentanding. DiS«l'1l
with them. p~ from them, and know, Ihin k and depict. Stand a
thinl on ils e...,nee, and make the Crntor sit on His basis. And their
measure is ten Which have no end. Their vision is like an appearance

ofli&/ltning, and their limit has n.o end. His WOld in t!Km Mruns and
return ••M they punue Hi. sayirIJ li ke a .... hirl ...;nd, and before His
throne they prostrate themseh'es,
2. T went y-two Icners are a foundation of three Basics. seven Dou-
bles. and t welve Elementall. The three Buies, AMSh. arc. Ifelt.
roncn led. mystiCl1. exa lted II«ret. from wh ich emanates tire.
bruth Ind water. from which every thin, was created. The seven
Doubles function with two ton,ues: &i Bhe i. " Gimd Ghimel.
Dalel Dhalel , Kaf lUIaf. Peh Pheh, Resh Rhesh, Tav Thav. Hard
and soft. they Ire .tr0lll and ",'uk structure •. They are doublel
because th ey Ire opposites. The opposite of life il dellh , the o ppo-
.ite of peace il evil , the opposite of .... i!dom i. foolishness, the
opposite of wealth is poverty. the o pposite of seed is desolation.
the opposite of 1""« is u,liness. Ihe opposite of domi n.n« 11
) . Seven Doubles. BOD KPRT: Seven and n01 six, SC>.U and I\Ot
eish!. Six ribs for si x orders, ""ith the Holy Palace precisely in Ihe
centCT'. Blessed by God from His pla«. His il the place of the uni-
verse. and the universe il not His pla« .
• . r-lve Elemental s: Twelve and nOi eleven, twelve and not thir·
teen. The twelve dillonlli !)ttl orr
10 six orders, separalinl betwttn
one d irection and IIlOthCT: an east ItOnh boundary, In east uJlPl'r
boundary. I nd east lower boundary; a nonh west bouodlf)', a ItOrtb
upper boundary, I nonh lower boundary; a wat ,""th boundary. a
west upper boundary, I west Io_r boundary; I §OUth eHt boundary,
I south upper boundary. a south lo.... er boundary.
5. Wit h them YH. YHVH of Hosll. God of Israel. the Li vinl God.
EI Shadai. Hi lh and Eulted. dwellinl on hilh and Holy il Hi.
name. enlflved t""enty-Iwo leners and set them in the Sphere. He
oscillated the Sphere back and fonh, and Ih e Sphere (cont inues
to) oscilli le bad and fonh .....s a siln of this. there is nOlhinl
hilher than delilht ( ONG). and there is nothinl more evil than
plague (NGO).
6. Proof of this. lrustwonhy .... itnesses, are the Universe. Year and
Soul. TIte $efirot of the Universe are ten; lhree are fire, breath and
water; ijCven a", the se,-en planets; twelve Ire the t_lve a)nSlell.-
tions. The Scfirot Qfthe Year are len ; three I re lite cold, lbe hOI and
the temperate; seven arc the lCVen days of creltion; twelve Ire the
twelve lunar months. The Sefirot of lbe Soul are len; three are the
ltead , chest and belly, seven are the seven ptes, twelve are the twelve

'I' ate

Chapter 3
I. Ten $efirol OrNolhilllneu: Bridle your moulh from s~akin&; bri-
dle your hean from thinkin ... And if your hean runs, relurn to the
place. for it is wrillen, "runnit\j an d retuminl- - Reaaniillllhis I rov-
enanl was made. An d their measure is ten .... hich hive DO end. Their
end is imbedded in their bqinn in" and lheir bepnnini in their end,
like I flame ItUtched 10 a bIImini 00«1. Know, think and lkpict that
the Crealor is One, Ihere is no other. and before One .... hal do you
2. The t""enty-two letteR are I foundation of three Basics. sevCD Dou-
blH, and I_lve The three Buia" AMSh, Ire fire, breath
and water. The offsprin, of heaven is fire, the offsprin, of lir is
brealh. and the offsprin, of eanh is Wiler. Fire is above, water is
below, and b.-eath is the d<:<:ree Ih.1 dC(:id.,. bct~n them. Mcm
hilmI, Shin hiues. and Alef is the decree deddit\j bctw~n them.
AMSh is sealed with six rinp and cocooned" in male and female.
Know, think Ind depict \hll fire upholds water.
1. The i1Cycn Doubles. BGD KPRT. function with two tonplCi: Bei
Bhei. Gimel Ghimel, Dalct Dhalet, KafKhaf, Peh Pheh, Rtsh Rhcs.h,
T.y ThIY. They . re soft and hard, a struct ure Ihlt is stronl and ...-eat. doubled bec.uiIC opposites. l1t( opposite of life is
death. the opposite of ~ace is evil, the opposite orwisdom is foUy,
Ihe opposite of wealth is po'"t:ny, tite opposite of seed is desolation,
tile opposite of &net' is usJinns. Ind the opposite of dominance is
4. The t.... el~ Elementals are HVZChTY LNSOTzQ. He cn .... ved
titem, carved titem , pennuted them, wei&hed them and transfonned
them . liD.... did He ~rmute them? Two stones build two houses,
three bIIikl six houses, foor build 24 hOUSCI, five build 120 hooses.
six bIIi!d 720 houses. i1Cven build S040 houses. From then: 00 ICI out
and clkulate that .... hich the mouth cannot speak and the ear cannOl
5. With IhCilC Yah, YHVH of Hosts, God of !srad, the Livin, God,
El Shaddai, Hiab and baIted, d_llin, in eternity on hijh and boIy
is His nanN:, en.... ved.
YaH: iotwo nalnC$.
YHVH is four namH.
Hostl: (T:r.avaol) means lhat He is a silll (Of) in His hosl
Israel: He i. a prince (sa,) before God (£1;.


'" EI Shadd.;: EI is hard. Shaddo.i indiealr$ thaI until he.., it is

enou,h (da;).
His)l: because He S;lS in Ihe heiJ,ht of the I.lnivcrsc, and is Iti&/!
abo>'., all lhe hi&h.
&ailed: because He upholds and sustains those on hilh and
~Io..... All others ""1\0 CI IT)' somelhin. an: on the bouorn and their
burden is abov., them, but He is on lOp. and Hi. bu.rdcn is ~low
Him. He upholds Ind sustains the entire universc.
~l1in, in flrmi ly: becauM! His killJdom nisls for eterni ty of
etern ities ....·;11>01.1\ interruption.
And Holy is His Name: Because He is I>oly, his ministcrlS an:
holy. and \0 H im they proclaim, ~ HoI y. holy. hol y.~

6. Proof of Ihis, INn""orthy witn~KS, an: the Un;ven.e. Year and

Soul. Twelve Ire belo ..... seven are above them. and \11= are .bo,·.,
the seven. From I~ thrtt He founded Hi. abode, and all of them
depend on One. As a &i"" this is a One that has no se.:ond. He is.
sinl\ll~r Kinl in His unive~, whue He is One .nd His name is One.

Chapter 4
I. Ten Sefirol of NothinJlleu: One is Ihe Brealh of!be Livi", God ,
Life of worlds, His throne is ntabliu.ed from eterni ty, blessed and
t..nedictcd is His nlme. constantly, forever and ever. This is the Holy
Brealh (Ruadr HaKodesh).
2. T ....o: Breath from Breath. Wilh it He enarued and carved four
direcl;ons (breaths) of hel~en: CIS\, wesl. north. and $Oulh. And there
is . brealh in eKh onc of Ihem.
3. The twenly-IWO IettCI10 are. foundation con.isti", of tbree Basics.
"Vcn Doublo. and t"",lve The letten are Clrved with enaraved with voice. Ind SCI in Ihe moulh in fi\"c pla".,.,
AHChO, BVMP. GY KQ. DTLI'fllt. ZSTzRSh. AHChO is pro-
nounced .... ilh Ihe base ofthc ton~.nd tbe throal. BVMP is pro-
nounced between the lips.nd with the lip oflhe lonlUC. GYKQ Uli.
lizcslbe fi rsl lhird oflhe 10001ue. DTLNTh is pronou~ wilh half
Ihc lonlue and the voice:. ZSTzRSh is pronounced,cn the leelh
.... ilb the lonlue ~eepinJ.
4. The twenly·IWO letlers: He CTIJI"lI~ed Ihem , carved them. ~nnUled
them. wciahed Ihem. lransformed them •• nd from thcm He formed
IlIlbll WIS ever fonned and all Ihal would evcr be formed. How did
He pcnnute Ihem1 Alef with Ihem aU and.1I of them .... ilh Mer: Bet
wilh Ihem Ill. I nd all of Ihem ",-ilh Bel; Gimd wilh Ihem all, and all
of Ihm! ...·ilh GimeL All of them oscillite C}'diatlty, Ind emer&e
lhroUJlt 23] Gates. As I resull, C'o'erylhi lll spoken and everything
formed emefl(S I S one Name.
S. He fonned subslan« from chaos, and made that ""hich was nol
into that which is. He carved veat pillars from ai r that (annot ~
6. Three: water from breath. With il He enaraved and carved ch_
and vo id, clay and mil"<'. He mlde them like I ,arden plot. He carved
them like a ......11, and He d«ked them like a ceiling, He pouml waler
on lhem. and it became dUSI, •• il i. wrinen, MFo, 10 ,now He 5Iid.
become eanh M(Job 37:6). Chaos i,the azure line thai , ulTOVnd,lhc
universe. Void ronsi,l, of Ihe splil nones imbedded in Ihe abyss,
from ~t,,-een " 'hi<:h ..."te, em~ ] 1 i, thus written. "He spread
over ;1 I line of Chaos Ind .Iones of Void (isaiah 34:] I).
7. Four. fire from "'''tu. With it He en&n1"ed Ind carved Ihe Throne
of OI<>l"}' Ind III the hosl on hiah. It is thus wrillen , MHe mIkes His
anlel. of breaths, and Hi. ministen of flaming firew (Pulms
8. He chose three Elementals, and IItt them in His areal name. And
wilh them He scaled Ihe six directions.
He sealed Mabove: faced upward. and sealed il with YH V.
Si~: He sealed M~I<> .....M faced down"'ard, and sealed il with
YV H .
Seven; He sealed eaSI, faced forward , and sealed il wilh HVY.
[ ilbt: He sealed "'·est. faced back'to"atd, and scaled it with
Nine: He sealed 5Outh, fattd to His rilbt, and sealed it ...-jt h
Ten: He sealed north . faced 10 Hi. left. and sealed il wilh
These Ire Ihe Ten Sefirot of Nothi nanc:ss. One is Ihe Breath of
lhe Livinl God. tWO i. breath from B...,.th, Ihree is wlter from
breath. four is fire from water: above and ~Iow, easllnd "''CSt, north
and soulh.

Chapter 5
l. He made Alef king o'"er, bound a crown to ii, permuled
one wilh Inother, and wil h it He fonned lir in Ihe Un;""I"1t, the lem_


perale in I~ Year. and the chest in the Soul. male and female. The
male w;lh AMSh•• nd Ihe female lOIilh AShM.
2. He made Mem kina o~er water. bollnd I crown 10 iI, permliled
one wilh .nother. Ind 1OI;lh il He formed eanh in Ihe Uni ~ene . Ihe
cold in Ihe Year. an d the belly in the SouL
J . He made Shin kina o~er fire, bollnd a crown 10 iI, permuled one
with .nolher. and with il He formn! ""aven in Universe. Ihe hoi ;n
Ihe Year, and the head in Ihe soul.
As male Ind femlle, how did He permule them? AMSh AShM.
MShA MASh. ShAM Sh MA. Helven is fire. lir is bmllh, earth is
water. Man's head ~ fire, his hean is breath. and his bclly is walcr.
4. The IiC~Cn ()QublC'l are BOD KPRT. He eosraved them, carved
Ihem. permU led them. ",~iahed Ihem, and transformed Ihem. With
Ihem He farmn! planetS, days and plCl.
5. He made Bet kin" bound a ero....,., 10 iI, permliled them one with
Inother, and with it He formed Salurn in the Universe, t~ Sabbath
in the Year. and lhe mouth ;n lhe Solil.
6. He made Gimd kin" bound I crown 10 it, permuted them one
wilh anolher. and with it He formed Jupiler in the Uni,·cne, Sunday
in Ihe Year. Ind lhe ri&hl ~ in the Solil.
7. He made DaICl killJ., bound a crown 10 it, permuled them one wilh
another. and with it He formed Mars in Ihe Universe. Monday in the
Year, and the left eye in the Soul.
8. He made Kaf kin" bollnd aCTO"''''' 10 il. permuled them one wilh
anOlher, Ind lOIilh il He formed the Sun in Ihe Universe, Tuesday in
the Ynr, and lhe risht nostril in Ihe Solii.
9. He made Peh kin" bound a crown to it. permuled them one witb
anolher. and ""ilh il He formed Venlls in the Uni~ersc, Wednesday
in the Year, and the left noslril in the Soul.
10. He made Resh kin" bound a crown to il. permuted lhem one
wilh another, ami wilh it He formed the Star of the Slin (Mere\lry)"
in the Universe. Th ursday in the Year. and the ri&ht ear in Ihe
II . He made Tu kinl. bound a crown to it. pennutn! thl:m one with
.nother. and wilh il He fonned Moon in the Universe, Friday in lhe
Year. and Ihe left ear in lhe Soul.
12. He separated Ihe wilneucs and stood them alone. one by onc: the
Universe .Ione. Ihe Year alone, and the Soul alone.
Chapter 6
1. ~ twelve E~men!als are HVZChTY LNSOTzQ. He envaved
them, carved them. permuted them, "'"ci&hed them and tnmsfonned
them, and with them He formed oonstell"ions, months and direc-
10rs. Two are extn:Im', two mbilize. two advise, and lWO ",joice,
They an: the korknxlllJ" Ihe \wo hands, and the two fecI. He made
Ihem like I dispule, and amm&ed them like a balllc. ~And God made
one opposite anolher- (Eoclesiasln 7:14).
2. TII=: each one is 11o~. Seven an: divided, three aaainst three,
wilh one u tile deer« decidinl MIWffO them. T ..-elve: twelve stand
in "'"ar, three aUies. three enemies. Ihl'l'l' killers, and three lirqi~rs.
All of them are altaclKd, onc 10 another. A silll of this ii '''''enly-lwo
objects In d one body.
3. How did He permute them? HV VH. ZO! ChZ, TV YT, LN NL,
SO OS, TzQ Qn.
•. He m.ade Hell kine. bound. ero ...·" 10 iI, PClllluted one wilh
Inothn, and wilh it He fo~ Aries in lite Univcl'$C, Nitan in Ihe
Year, and Ihe li'"cr in the Soul.
S. He made Vav kin., bound a crown 10 ii, ~rmuled one with
anolher. and .... ith it He formed Taurus in IN: Uni verse, lyaT in IN:
Year, and Ihe pU bladder in tN: SouL
6. He made byin kin&. bound a crown to il. ~rmuled one wilh
aROIN:r. and wilh ;1 He formed Gemini in the Universe, Sivan in IN:
Year. and Ihe ",leen in Ihe Soul.
1. He made Chet kin&. bound I crown 10 it. ~nnuled one wilh
anOlher, an d wilh it He fonne<!. Can"". in the Un iverse, Tamuz in
tN: Year, and the m~ in Ihe SouL
8. He made Tel ki n&. bound a <.T(lWn 10 ii , ~nnute<!. one wilh
anothe., Ind .... ilh il He fonned Leo in the Un iverse. Av in the YHr.
a nd IN: n&hl kidney in the So\II.
9. He made Yud kin&. bound a cro .... n 10 ii, ~nnuled one wilh
another. a nd ..ilh it He formed Virgo in Ihe Universe, Elul in the
Yelr. a nd IN: left kidney in tN: So\IL
10. He made Lamed kin&. bound a cro,""JIIO il. po:nnUled one wilh
anolN:r. and with il He fOTl1\ed Libra in Ihe Univl"1V, Tisrei in the
Year, Ind IN: i«NknJtJn in IN: Soul.

1L He ma~ N ~ n king. bo~nd a CI'O"1I to it. perm~ted one with

another. and "" ith it He formed Scorpio in the Univ~. Cheihvan
in the Year. and I,", ki"ali in the SouL
J 2. He made Samekh kin,. bound a crown 10 it. permuted one wi th
~n<)lh(T.and with it He formed Sagiltarius in the Univenc. Ki$lev
in the Year. and tile nlht hand in tile Soul.
11. He made Er in kin,. bound a crown to il. permuted one with
anotller. and with il He fonmd Capricorn in the Universe:. Tevet in
IIIe Yur. and the left hand in I,", Soul.
14 . He made Tudi kin,. bound I crown 10 it. perm uted one with
anOiller. and .... it h il He fonn-ed Aquarius in the Universe:. ~Vlt in
Ihe Year. and the rilht fOOl in the Soul.
1S. He malk Kuf kin,. bound a crown to it. permuted one with
InOlhn-. and with it He formed Pisces in the Universe:. Adar in ~
Yu r. and the left foot in the Soul.
16. He separated the witllftSCS and stood each one Iione: the Uni-
venc alone. I,", Year alone. Ind the Soul alone.

Chapter 7
I. Air. temperate. chat. Earth . cold. Nlly, Heaven. hot. head. And
Ihis i, AM Sh.
2. Saturn, Sabbolh. mouth. Jupiter. Sunday. riabt e)~. Mal'$, Monday.
left rye. Sun. T~....,j · y. nlht noslril. Venus. Wed~y. left nostril.
Sun Star (Mercury), Th ur'$day. riabt ear. Moon . Friday. left car. And
this is BGD KP RT.
3. Ari«. Niwm. liver. Taurus. [yar. pli bladder. Gemini, Sivan•
• plttn. Cancer. TamUL ' rrfft'SJI. Leo. Av, rilht kidney. Virao. Elul .
left kidney. Libra. TishK'i. J:orkma". Scorpio, Mar..::hesh van. kivalt.
Sa,;n ariu •. Ki1k~. nabt lLand. Capnrorn. Tcvel. left hand. Aquarius,
SlMovat. ri&ht fool. Pi sces. Adar. left fOOl. And tltne aK' H V Z Ch T

Chapter 8
L Wilh Aid He formed these: bK'lth. air. temperate. chat. and the
ton,UI: of d~ree. Wi th ~ [ em He formed these: water. earth. cold.
AppnwA< / 29)

belly, and tbe pan of liabilit y. With Shin He formed these: fire,
hea~m , hot , head, and the pan of ~rit.

2. With Ikt He formNlthese: Saturn, Sabbath, mouth, life and death.

With Gimcl He formed these: Jupiter. Sunday. riJht e~. peace and
evil. With Dalel He formed these: Man, Monday. left e~, wisdom
and foolishness. With KafHe formed th ~: Sun, Tl>t$day, risht nos-
lril, weallh and poverty. With Peh He formNllhnc: VenU$, Wed nn-
day. left nostril . S«d and desolation. Wilh Resh He fonncd Ihese:
Sun SliT (Mercury). Thursday. risht ear, vace and uslineu. With Tav
He formed Iheae: Moon . Friday. left ear. dominance 100
3. With Heh He formed Ihnc: Arin. Ninan, liver, li&ht and blind-
ness. With Vav He formed Ihrx: TIUl"\lS, IW, pll bladder, heann!
and deafneu. With layin He formed tline: Gemini, Sivan, spleen,
smell and inability 10 $ntell. With Oet He formed the$e: Cancer,
Tamuz , mtseU, s~h and dumbneSlo. With Tel He formed It.ese:
Lw. Av. risht kidney. IIste and hun&er. With Yud He formed IheK:
Vi""" Elul, kft kidney, coition and castration. With Lamed He
formed IheK: Libra, Tishrei , /wrkA)Q" , action aDd paraly~il. With
Nun He formed these: SroT]lio, Chcshv;ln, kil'lllr, mOtion and lame-
ness. With Samekh He formed Ihese: S.J,iltariUS, K..iskv, fi&bt hand,
anger and lack of liver. With Eyin He formed these: Capricorn.
Tev", kft hand. laUJ,hteT and lack of spleen, With Tzadi He formed
these: Aquarius. Sheval, risht foot. thousht and lack of heart, wlJ.e-re
il i, nOI. With Kuf He formed these: Pisces, Adar. left foot, sleep.
dead and lOne.
4. And all of them are anached to the Teli, Cyde and Helrt. Teli in
the Univenc is like on a throne, Cycle in the Year H like I kin! in
the province, Heart in the body;, like a kin! in banle. The &eneral
rule is this. Some permute with othe~ and othen permute wi th
theae. Some Ire with othe~ and othen are with these. Some Ire the
oppo:site of olhen, and othen are the o pposite of these.. Some Ire tbe
paralkl of Olbers, and othen are the pa ralkl of theae. If not some.
then not othen: al>(] ;f nOI othen. then nOl these, And .ll of Ihem
Ire anached 10 the TelL the C'ydc, and the Heart.
S. And When Abraham our father unden tood, Conned, permuted,
probed. thousht Ind ,.,as slICCUSful, the Ble.sed Holy One revealed
Himself to him. dttlarinllO him . "Before I formed you in the womb,
I knew YOU. and before and emelJCd from the womb, I sanctified you.
I have made you a prophet for the nations· (Jeremiah I:S). He made
him His friend, and made a ",venmt with him and his c-hildren for_
ever and unlil Clemity.

'VI ate
Copyrighted material
The Thirty-lWo Paths
of Wisdom
~ Thirty_Two Paths ofWilldom an: prnented IS different slales of
consciO<lllnen. This p~nUllion most probably dillIes from the
Gaonic period (71h- IOth ~nlurin.). and is found in I number of
K..bbalisl;c texts.' Thes.e stales an: also ",lolted \0 the 32 tima wilen:
God's name appears in the first chapter of Genesis.
Copyrighted material
,j14" did/

The Thirty-Two Paths

of Wisdom
I. Myslical Consdo ... sneu ($&:Iln Mrifla). Thi. is th~ Lisht that was
oriJinally conceived, and it iilhe First Glory.' No creature can attain
i\$ excellence.
2. Rldiant Conscio ... sness (S,kJ!tl },flU·lliT). This;s the Crown of cre-
ation and the radiance of the holl1O&eneoIIS ... nity that ~eul\$ ilXlf
above aU as the Held.·J The maslers of Kabbalah c:all ;1 the Soeond
1. Sanctified ConsciouSlleu (SAlIn M eKuJilJll). This is the fo ... nda-
lion of the OriJinal Wiidom, and il il called ·FailhfuJ Faith.·' Its
roots aTe AMeN. It is Ihe rather of failh, and from ilS power faim
4. &lIled CODsciousnCSl (~khel KQ>"Ua). 11 is called this because all
Ihe spirit .... l powcrs e~nale from il as the [moIIl] ethereal of ~m.l.Da_
lions. One emllllies from Ihe other throuah the ~r of the oriJinai
EmaDator, may He be ble$scd.'
S. Rooled Consciousneu (~klln NiJllrilJ"). II i. called thil because
il is lhe essence of the homogeneous Unity. It is unified in the euence
of Understandinl. which emanllel from Ihe dom.i n of the OriJinal
6. Transcendental Innux COlISCioulness (SAllt l Slttfa Nivda/). It il
called Ihis becuse throuah it Ihe inn ... ~ of Emanation (AI:i/lll)
increlSC$ ilXlf. II beslOWS this innux on all bleuinp, which unify
themselves in itl essence.
7. Hidden Consc10lWless (Sekirn Nistar). II is c:aIled this beca ... se ;1
is the radiance th.1 iU ... minlles the transcendental powcrs thl t Ire
KC!\ wilh the mind', eye Ind with Ihe reverie of Flilh.'

B. Perfecl Conscioume.u (snurrl Slraltm). It il called this because it

i. the Ori&inaJ Arrancemenl. There i. no root Ihrou&h whicb il can
he pond~red, eu:cpt throuah the chambers of Grealness, which eml-
nate from the essence of its pt tlilinence.
9. PYre Consciousness (SekIIeI7lzilat'). It is caUed this because;1 puri·
fies the Scfirol. IIlests the dalte of their Sll1le1UIC and the inner
el5Vlce of their unily. mati", il alow. They aTe then unified wilhoul
any cumff or separation.
10. Scintillaeina ConsciOllsneu (SekJtrl MiINOf::erz). It is called thil
because .1 elevates itself and si ts on the Ihrone of Undentandi0l- It

shinl:$ .... ilh Ih ~ radian« of all 1M luminaries, and il bestow'S an

influx of increase to th~ Prince of Ih~ Fa«.'
II. Glaring Con5Ciou$ness (5n<~el MeT!IK~IMC~). [( is called this
l> it is the esKnce of tM V~il which is ordered in the ~n&c­
ment of the system. II indicall':'S tM ,..,Ialionship of tM Paths (Mfil'Ol)
wMreby one can stand ~fo"" the Cause of C.u~.
12. Glowing Con'ICiousnes5 (SekM Baltir). Ii is called Ihis l>ec.aulC il
i. Ih~ .-ssence of the Ophan-wheel of O,..,aln_.' It is called 1M Visu_
alizer (C~atdatif), the place .... hich &ivl:$ rise la Ihe vision Ih.1 the
Seen pen:rive in an apparition.'
I). Unily Direclin& Cons.ciOUSnes5 (&/citrl Man~i8 Hailchdul). It i.
called Ihis l>ec.ause it i. the ~ssen« of Ihe Glory.'· Ii represents the
completion of the true essence of the unified spirilual beinp.
14. Illuminating Cons.ciomneM (~kJrel Mnr). It i. called th is l>ec.aulC
it is Ihe I:$",nc:e of Ihe Speakinl Silence (C.... ashmal)." Ii aives instroo-
lion ,..,,,,rdin, I~ mysteries of the holy secrets and their $\n.tC1u,..,.
U. Stabih~in& Cons.cioUIllCM (5n<hel M il'amid). It is called this
bcaiu", il 51abi lizes the ,.",nee of , ,..,.tion in the ~Glooms of Pur-
i\}. ~" The ma.t~n of lheory said that this is Ihe Gloom [at SinaiJ."
This is the meani", 0(, ~Gloom is its ,ocoon~ (Job 35:9)."
16. End ... rin. Conscioulllcso (&1<.... .., Nilzchl). II is called this because
il is the Deliaht (Edt" ) of Ihe Glory. As il is. the,.., is 1>0 Glory lo,,-cf
lhan it. It is called Ihe Garden of EMn. which i. p,..,pared for the
oftheJ saints.
17. Consciousness ohhe Senses (&/cite/ HaJlerges.... .,. TIIi. is p,..,pared
for the faithful saints so thalthe~ sllould be abk 10 clothe themselves
in Ihe spiril of hoIinetOs. In Ihe .fTlngcment of tile .upernal Entitie&,
it i. called Ihe Foundation of Beauty (}Qod Jlanf~).
18. Cons.ciousness of llIe House of Influx (SekJrf'l Bel HaSlttfa~ B~
probinl ....·ilh it, a s«ret my~tery (raz) and an allusion a,.., transmil1ed
III thoK ...·110 ~d,,'ell in its shadow· " and bind themscivel to probi",
itt substance from llIe Cause of Causes- It
19. Cons.ciousness of thl: MysI~f)'
of aU Spiritual Activities (SeIche{
S<)d lfaPaulOi lfaRuc/",iOl Kulam). 11 is called Ihis because of Ihe
innul that permeales it from Ihe hiah"'il blrsl;;1lJ :ond tile .up~me
20. Cons.ciousnes:s of Will (&/citn lIaRalum ). It i. called thit because
it is tile stn.tC1u,.., of all lhll i. formed. Throuah this state of ron-
sciousness one can kno .... Ihe «scnu IIf tile OriJ.inal Wiodom."

21. Desired and Souaht Consciousness (~MI HIlCluifu/z

I'dlaM~uka.sJl). It is called this bttause it receives the divine InfluJ
so as to bestow iu blessin, to all thinas that ui$t.
22. flithful Consciousnen (snarr! Nf" ·fflIQJI). It i, called this bttause
spiritual powers all: iocll:lsed Ihrouah ii, so Ihal Ihey can be dose to
an who -dwdl in Iheir shadow.- '·
23. Sustaini", Con!icioulnc"i (& khrl Ka)I:Im). Il is called Ihis
because it is the sustlini", pOwer for all the Sefirot.
24. App;o.riti~ Consciousness (&kIrr! DimYOlIIl It is called this
becluSl: it provides an ,pp('aran~ for all created Ipparitions. in I
fonn fi11in, their statull:.
2j. Test in, Consciousness (&kMf Nisyonillt is called this because
it is Ihe orieinal temptation throuah which God tests all of His
26. Renewin, Consciousness (&kht"/ Mt"ClrudaJlr). It is called thi$
because it is the ~.ns throuah wh ich the Blessed Holy One bnnp
aboul all ~ Ihinp which all: brouaht into beilll in His cll:ation.
27. Palpable Conseiousnns (~MI MU,.lU/t). It is called this bttause
the oonseiousness of alilhillJl cmlllcd umkr the emill: UppeI" sphcll:,
as well IS . Utlleir sensations. well: created throuah it.
28. Natural Consciousness (&UrI AlulbtJ). It is called Ihis beaUIe
the natUIl: of alltlli t uist under the spbere of the sun was compleled
throuah it
29. Physical Con..:iousnO$ (&kht l AlugJham). II is called this
because it depicts the 1I"O",h of everythin, that becomes physical
under the I)'stem of all the Iphern.
30. General Consciousness (&klrrl KriDIll l! is called Ihil be<:aU$e it
is Ihe meanS Ih""'ah which the -aeneralizers oflhe heavens' collect
their rules reprd illlthc Itars and constellitions, formin, the theory
that comprises their knowled&c of Ihe Ophan_wheels of the sphcTn.
31. Continuous Consciousneu (St"kh.rl Thmidl) . Why is it called thi.?
BcCIIux it directs the palh of the lun and moon aewrdinl to their
IIWI of natull:. elch one in its prop('r orbil.

32. Wonhiped Consciousness (&kJIrl Nf" ·t"'I'mfJ. It is called this

beause it is pll:pared so as to destroy all who enPIC in the woBhip
of the seven planets.

'VI ate
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