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Consequently, a realistic assessment of the experienced situations, along with

changes in thoughts, emotions, and behaviours, allows to produce a shift in the

client’s basic dysfunctional beliefs, thus leading to a lasting improvement
(Neufeuld et al., 2020).

To accomplish this, some examples of how therapy is delivered can be through

cognitive restructuring sessions, self-guided exposition sessions, and in vivo
exposure sessions.

So what is Social Phobia or as we know it Social Anxiety Disorder;

It's normal for us to feel nervous in some social situations.
For example, right now in this given moment! giving a
presentation may cause that feeling of butterflies in your
stomach I hope we all can relate or is it just me?

Our objectives for today’s presentation would be to gain a better understanding

of what a Cognitive Behavioural Treatment Plan entails, Moreover we will
introduce you to our client Mike, who presents symptoms of social anxiety.
Further on, we will look into a step by step treatment plan while looking at the
techniques used.

what is a Cognitive Behavioural Plan?

A cognitive behaviour treatment plan consists of restructuring negative and

dysfunctional cognitions regarding social situations. The therapist aims to get
acquainted with the client while defining clients presenting problems and

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