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eee NOORDWES-UNIVERS|TEIT ‘RMA POTCHEFSTROOMKANP ys fs for this paper: ro — a eeyrammeervare saneneoaad! [x usranaars [| Nocprogrammable calculator = Grafiekpapier! ag ! cremenenee —L] te JBenoaiganede vir Copbeeaksame Open book exantnaionp EKSAMENTOETS KLASTOETS 1 KWALIFIKASIE) BCOM FORENSIEg; EXAMINATION/TEST: CLASS TEST1 QUALIFICATION: REKENMEESTERSKap MODULEKODE! FORP 122 TYDSDUUR! 60 mi MODULE CODE: DURATION: . MODULESESKRYWING! FORENSIESE REKENINGKUNDE Maks) 7 MODULE DESCRIPTION: FORENSIC ACCOUNTANCY MAX: EKSAMINATORE(E)| MNRCLVAN GRAAN DAT EXAMINER(S): DATE: Siosizo18 MODERATOR! MNR D ASLETT TDITIME: MODERATOR: TOTAAUTOTAL: 39 ‘FORPIZ2, TOETS 12018 SES Vraag / Question 4 - aommer en Ol rywing. SHO he nub tion. Only write gown! ‘Antwoord I “Answer (10 Punte / Marks) Pas die term by die korrekte om Match the term with the correct descr z [Ne seem 7 Ops | Term // Term a I No option som emstge | Die Reid-tegniek x 8 wanadministrasie iv. staatsinstansies, _staatsbales of The Reid technique staatsfondse te ondersoek rpose is to investigate or The main pu serious melpractices maladministration in the administration of state institutions. 'Q _| Die Ousiteur-Generaal B___| Word saam met empati gebruik binne ‘n interpersoonlike konteks. The Auditor General Is used with empathy in an interpersonal context. S| Hotts Angels [q_| Die Direktoraat vir Megsmisbruk. va onder hierdie liggaam en het die statutére mandaat om gevalle van Hell's Angels markmisbruik te ondersoek en die | bepalings teen markmisbruik in die wet toe te pas. FORP#22, TOETS 1 2018 a Term Ii Term Opsie ‘Antwoord I Answer " i No Option The Directorate of Market Abuse resorts under this body and has the statutory mandate to investigate cases of Market abuse and to enforce the prohibitions against market abuse Ni | Persoonsgesenrerde Sa | De hootdoe! is hulpverlering in die benadering identifisering van die opbrengs van onregmatige aktiwiteite en die bevegting van geldwassery aktiwiteite, : Person-centred approach The principal objective is to assist in the identification of the proceeds of unlawful activities and the combating of money laundering activities. Ns [Die Raad oP Finansiéle | Japanese mafia Dienste Japanese mafia The Financial Services | Board Ng. | Ramey ‘| Om hierdie vorm van selt-aktuasering te bereik, moet die veranderlikes van ‘empatie, kongruensie en Racketeering onvoorwaardelike aanvaarding deur die onderhoudvoerder aangewend word FORP#22, TOETS 12018 Nr. Term Term Opsi ‘Antwoord il Answer " " No Option | To achieve this form of seit. actualisation, the variables of empathy, congruency and unconditional positive regard is employed by the interviewer. -— & Finansigle intelligensiesentrum Financial intelligence centre ‘n Motorfietsbende. A motorcycle gang. P| Die Yakuza The Yakuza Word deur POCA gereguleer en sluit in dat ‘n patroon van misdadigheid teenwoordig moet wees. Is regulated by POCA and includes that a pattern of criminality should be present NQ__ | Spesiale Ondersoekeenheid Special Investigating Unit Bedien die openbare sektor in oudit- en verwante dienste. Serves the public sector with audit and related services, Ta. | Aktiowe luister Aective listening Gebaseer op nege stappe van ondervraging en word meestal vir strafregtelike doeleindes aangewend waarin die verdagte “defintiet of redelik FORPI22, TOETS 12018 5 Te rm Il Term | Opsie ‘Antwoord Il Answer ) Option ‘seker’ skuldig is. i | | | Based on nine steps op interrogation | and is mostly applied in criminal cases | | | where the suspect's guilt is deemeg [ | | ‘definite or reasonably certain” Vraag / Question 2 (6 Punte / Mark: ‘s) \s die volgende stellings waar of vals? Motiveer deurgaans: ‘Are the following statements true or false? Motivate in each case: y ‘at 181 van de Maatskappywet vestig die Cualteur-generaal ec. 181 ofthe Companies Act establishes the Auditor-general (2) Nay Die Raad op Finansiéle Dienste is daargestel om die banksektor te reguleer. bie Financial Services Board was established fo regulate the banking sector (2) Die vasstelings van die Afdwingingskomitee volgens die Financial Markets Act 19 van 2012 het die reaskrag asof dt deur die Grondwethof van Suid-AVrika gemaak is, The orders by die Enforcement Committee according to the Financial Markets Act \ct 19 of 2012 is enforceable as itis @ judgment of the Constitutional Court of South Attica ( ca (2) Vraay! i oust 3 (7 Punte / Marks) Hier volg 'n fiktiewe scenario FORP122, TOETS 1 2018 'n 'n klein dorpie, Badango, in Sentraal-Arka, waar anamisme beoeten word's daar 'N groep met die naam Hoba Ministries. Aanvanklik het dit begin 28 Bybelstudiegroep, maar binne 'n paar jaar het dit ontaard in 'n besigheid wat inwoners ‘wing om ledegeld te betaal vir beskerming teen die duiwel. Indien enigiemand weier ©M te betaal, word hulle met swepe bygedam. In emstige gevalle van wanbetaling, betaal die groep ene Ngando—'n ou toordokter — om “oortreders” te vermoor. Ngando, Wat jare lank die kuns geleer het om gifpyitjies te maak wat hy doop in die sap van die Skaars buledenya-plant, sit gewoonlik in ‘n Mopanieboom en skiet sy slagoffers in die Nek, waama hulle binne sekondes op die grond val en (skuim-om-die-mond) ster’, wat die inwoners laat glo die duiwel het wel die person se dood veroorsaak. Pogings om Hoba Ministries aan bande te lé misluk gedurig, want die Polisichoof van Badango Word deur die groep betaal om die dossier te laat “verdwyn” Bespreek of Hoba Ministries as 'n georganiseerde misdaadgroep geklassifiseer kan Word. ” Here follows a fictitious scenario: In a small town, Badango, in Central Africa, where animism is practised, a group named Hoba Ministries operate. It initially started out as a Bible Study Group, but within a couple of years it became a business that forces residents to pay money for protection against the devil. If anyone refuses to pay, they are attacked with whips. In serious cases of non-payment, the group pays a certain person named Ngando ~ an old withdoctor — to assassinate the ‘perpetrators’. Ngando, who has learned the trade of making poisoned arrows by dipping them into the sap of the scarce buledenya plant, usually sits in a mopanie tree and shoots his victims in the neck, where after they fall to the ground and die (with foam around their mouths) within seconds, making the residents believe the devil killed the person. Attempts to accost Hoba Ministries fail, FORP122, TOETS 12018 since the Head of police accepts money from the group to make the dockets ‘disappear’ Discuss whether Hoba Ministries can be classified as 2" organised crime group. (7) Vraag/ Question 4 (7 Punte / Marks) WM Bongi ondervra Vusi, 'n verdagte in sn ondersoek. Na’? uur se gesprek erken Vusi hy het die geld gesteel en begin te huil. Hy voer aan die rede vir die diefstal is omdat hy vir sy seun se studies wil betaal. Bongi reageer s00s volg: “Regtig? Ek het ook 'n .n steel mense Se geld nie!” dogter op universitet, maar ek gaan me rond e' In die bogenoemde voorbeeld ontbreek daar veral een van die elemente van Persoonsgesentreerde onderhoudvoering Watter element is dit? Motiveer. Bongi interviews Vusi, a suspect in an investigation. After an hour Vusi admits he stole the money and starts crying. He says the reason for the theft is because he wants to pay for his son's study fees. Bong! replies: ‘Really? | also have a daughter at university, ut you dont see me stealing other people's money!” In the abovementioned example, one of the elements of the Person-centred approach jack js clearly lacking. Which element is it? Motivate, : ) Behalwe vir die Persoonsgesentreerde onderhoudvoeringtegniek, bespreek kortliks di : S drie ander ondethoudvoeringstegnieke wat in die kommersiéle forensiese konteks mo ontlk toegepas kan word. 5 Pe ide a short discu: xcept for the Person-centred approach, provide liscussion regarding thy 19 three other interviewing techni i lques which may be applied in t the commercial fc forensic context. (3) FORPI22, TOETS 12018 Na Wat is die definisie van geldwassery? What is the definition of money !aun dering? (2) TOTAAL / TOTAL 30 (punte / marks) son EST UNIVERSITY MORES YA BOXONE BOPHIRIMA TSzones uNNERsTETT ‘SehrhenaartCalculaton: [ander huipmid ether resources, seamen 40 0 ts sent eeoneese, (]| | Se Be fe) eon seer fF] seem oO sant << Prosaeaie ape rie pee —— Granekpapier! sense came earn Kwalifikasier BCOM emmy MASTOETS2/LASSTEST 2 Fas Tee ee Tydsduut 60 min wots @ Duration: Modul soe: onensise REXENNGKUNDE FORENSIC ts - Mode berrige ACCOUNTANCY i sania AUBERT VANZML ost : Esme) = ~ 0 Modern) patup STEENKANE a van antwoordsritessubisson of answer SP GewoorvOrdinary nanan ‘Examinaon Assessment Instructions 1. Suter arena towed han ca phones and eat phone s=nssve, nein, btn tet rece, ne exainaton esesent enue, 2. ‘Sasens mua puthorbgsin Font of te verue 5 Students we subjects decpinay procedures shoud trey anongt fer heve boos ores” Severson ferent ung open Dok eamintns); “Tumptt seit anther sero ater ta Stance fom ay stent or ober prs ung te ‘ing othe ea awsome! aaa 4. Rostisers towed oleae a exaninaon {seeament vere ble haa hou of he 5. Neveresients we sowed'n he examen! Ne pags may be remove fom Be snawer 1. Bolsters eave examen vent seer fcfots matbe handed fenton The atendace sp. hen a serves as sn unceai {Badhre oN examination pesctotens mat oe ‘empltcd an handed iars, = 9. Sian seme win ack oe 10, Sheri nace ne meaning ot 1, Doneteop your ends work © ‘Soccmces by 1 ‘Tecwcet farce peso 27 Tfovog van dle tsar, «4 Cocbouser wedge om oe esanenhan et Geen ing vn hat vn ce ebsomenssié/ 5 SERSatar ete de sttenecanl 1 Cette rg ot de anorboee site vender 1, Tee sudet do esanen ka efas! mot eats oo Se nro comands wet 2 Bubjecergeets wexe oa Sen anode om de Tiptansg word e esate. 9. Mlsctsonan eon most tu of set nk Beano Scr wot eget on sige pode ot 0. Suteme ret ube e eis var ooing ated 11, Mone yu mane ar. FORP323 CLASS TEST 2- AUGUST 2018 / FORP323 KLASTOETS 2- AUGUSTUS 2018, Waa 11 Quesions 1 7 6) b Juestion 1 iti sm Delangrik om in onderskeid te kan treftussen de sivele reg en die stratreg. Votoci die Yekende gedeeltes soos aangedui in die onderstaande tabel. Staat (S) v Beskuldigde rivaat van aard, Partye kan self | besluit om itigasie in te stel en voort te sit in die siviele hof. | Monetére Kompensasie in die meeste gevalle verskaf. Bo redelike twyfel_ punto) Itisi 1S important fo be able to distinguish between the civil law and the criminal law, Complete ‘he missing parts as indicated in the table below. Stale v The Accused [1.1 (2 marks) 4.2 (2 marks) [Private in nature. Parties decide themselves whether to institute litigation in the civil courts, Beyond reasonable doubt | 4.3 (1 mark) a (1 mark) Monetary compensation provided most ofthe time 21 Question 2 [5] \Verduidelik wat bedoel word met die term “locus stand’, Verwys in jou antwoord na die twee toetse wat aangewend word ten einde locus standi te bepaal en beskryf elkeen van die toetse FORP323 CLASS TEST 2- AUGUST 2018 / FORP323 KLASTOETS 2- AUGUSTUS 2018 ae SS kort ; hae S-/ Explain what is meant by the term Tocus stand’: Refern Your AnSWer to the ye, hat are applied in onder to determine locus stand and briefly describe e8ch of these oye 3 Question 3 Voordat daar met siviele litigasie begin word, vind aanmaning eers plas. Verduidelix wat bedoe! word met die begrip “aanmaning’, verskillende vorme van ‘aanmaning wat aangetrer Word, en die vereistes waaraan die inhoud van h aanmaning moet voldoen. 1 Before ciy litigation commences, a demand is delivered. Explain what is meant by the term “demang the different forms of demand used, and the required content of @ demand . Vraag 4 Question 4 5 Wat is die verskil tussen h “kalender dag” en hn *hofdag" in die siviele prosesreg? Watter een van die twee begrippe word gebruik in die geval van die berekening van in voorgeskrewe tydslimietkragtens die Reals van die Hoe Hot? 1! What is the diference between a “calendar day” and a “court day’ of the law of cul procedure? Which one of the two concepts are useq when calculating a prescribed time period in terms of the Rules of the High Court? vrlaq 5 | Question 5 2 “Ten einde te bepaal watter spesifieke hof genader moet word in regsgeding hang, inter aii, ‘af van die monetére waarde van die eis. Toon aan watter tipe hof genader moet word, as algemene reel, in die geval van die volgende (halfunt elk) In order to determine what specific court should be approached in legal proceedings depends, inter alia, ofthe monetary value of the claim. Indicate what type of court should be approached, as a general rule, in case of the following (haif mark eact): 1 Else onder R12,000.00 / Claims below 12,000.00; | Eise onder R100,000,00 1! Claims below 100,000.00, Eise tussen R100,000.00 en 300,000.00 // Claims between R100,000.00 and 300,000.00, Eise bo R300,000.00 1! Claims above R300,000.00, Cae SE FORP323 CLASS TEST 2- AUGUST 2018 / FORP323 KLASTOETS 2- AUGUSTUS 2018 TET preseason Se \ uestion & 8 2" telkens aan waar betokening deur die alu moet geskied in de volgende gevaie "dicate in each instance given below, where service by the sheriff should be executed: Te Ben Maatskappy of BK IIA company or CC a Se ' Vennootskap of vryilige vereniging !A partnership or voluntary association (4) ‘83h Plaasike owetheid (munisipalitet) A local authonty (municipaity) - Ne Die Staat The State a) te Gevangenes // Prisoners (1) END OF TEST iI EINDE VAN TOETS TOTAL 1 TOTAAL = 30 FORP323 CLASS TEST 2- AUGUST 2018 / FORP323 KLASTOETS 2- AUGUSTUS 2018 ‘SmbenatrsCaleinon ‘Ander hulpmiseln0tver eno en’ Bren ean fr PT vonmevseanne (28) ris AS) Nomenows swoxnevrnanrt woehnace cn my cratetpaie ‘Saph paper ‘kwalfikasioy BCom Tipe Assessering! wast 211A88 TEST? Qualification: wae yee an ee sie orcs rormee = 3 sy omens nanen ant! wa veaumanrmns Seen i ee [ALBERT VANZYL Date: s2102018 - na “Moderatorts): PHILIP STEENKAMP ‘Time: its: GewoonOr ieission of answer Scr nhandiging van antwoordshrieSuDm ‘rarinaton/ Axsessmentstuctions 1. Students ant aloe shade ct phones area Meera, messing. but at aed Cimiece ibe emmnaton /assesmentvonse, | ‘Stern mua put abs in on te verve, 3 Stcens ar sbjet io decay proceaures shou fay among ctner nove ook of holes nto pootsneon (excep! drig open teok examination): ptt wit anche ise, 0 ang tn Smee tom any sade ore person dg the Seg othe ear assesses. 4. Nosudnt a algae ave he eaninaton [SSScrent venue ere ra an hurt he : i i i t 4 : $ Bestesuoets ome ne eamamion venue anewer its rut be hare 1 io 8 Taeanenomce nip when ato serves at an vnéeakng TE asere 9 a exaranatonpesciptons mst be mpld and nares 1 eI. 2, Rresamnaton aiwe's must writen in Back or Bue ‘Bc Sen aro akowed we pelo an ee tger sarandenerrg oe ¢Getyeonnszne. we LM earners an ge noe nu tank etn ei epst tw ye Pte Te Seton Serpe tavern to eee arco cies vn gs ret 1h. Moone yeaa ane © (casaie pon 0. Suri must lary neta ne meaning ot 11, Boca your tends war © | | t { FORP122 CLASS TEST 3 - OCTOBER 2018 / FORP122 KLASTOETS 3 - OKTOBER 2018 vi 1 Question 1 > caraek pYOLS oy M 'et verwysing na elk van de volgende stefings, dui aan of die betrokke steling waar of vals is en Motiveer jou antwoord kortik. / in respect of each of the following statements, indicate whether the BS) . SR eee Sh “BO 1h Repliserende Eedsverkiaring word deur die Respondent geliasseer. // A Replying Affidavit 4s fled by the Respondent t xz statement is true or false and motivate your answer briely. = \ . ‘Aansoeke word in die mosiehot aangehoor deur middel van mondelinge beto’ van h advokaat of prokureur. I! Applications are heard in the motion court by means of oral arguments by advocates or attomeys. a Respondent moet a si wesette beverngs gem in ie Appitant so Fundeende E4edsverkiaring erken of ontken. 1 A Respondent should sdmit or deny al! the materia! allegations made in the Applicant's Founding Affidavit w bh Hoe Hot gansoek bestaan uit h Kennagewing van Mosie tesame met hy Funderende Eedsverkiaing. 1A High Court consists of @ Notice of Motion together with @ Founding Afar ” eke word uitgerek deur die kantoor van die Grifler. 1! Applications are issued by the office ofthe Registrar a Viagg2 1 aveston2 . a Noem twee voorbeelde van regsremedies wat deur mosiehof-aansoeke gebring moet word 1) Name two examples of legal remedies that have fo be requested by way of motion proceedings. @ Noem twee voorbeelde van regsremedies waar mosiehot-aansoeke glad nie gebruik mag word nie. 1! Name two examples of legal remedies where motion proceedings may not be used. o Benewens duidelke gevalle soos na verwys in 2.1 en 2.2, is daar bepaalde omstandighede waar die applixantn keuse moet uitoefen tussen die aksie- of aansoek-prosedure. Wat is die toets wat aangewend word om hierdie keuse te kan maak en bespreek kortiks wat die toets, behels. 1) Imespective of clear cases as was referred ton 2.1 and 2.2, certain conditions may arise where the applicant has to choose either to follow the action or the application procedure, What is the testis used to make this decision and brief discuss what the test entails. (2) FORP122 CLASS TEST 3 - OCTOBER 2018 / FORP322 KLASTOETS 3 - OKTOBER 2018 / Vina Question 3 5 A die inhoud van aan ” Funderende Nem en bespreek Koriks yf algemene beginsels wae “ Eedsverklaring moet voldoen. // Name and! briefly discuss five general principles that the content of 3 Founding Afidavit sould comply with. o Vouge Il Question 4 - ewoontk aan de ede van BesonderRede Van Vordering Noem en bespreek kortiks die bedes wat o 11 Nome and brify discuss the Proves that are usuelly found at the end of aangetref word. Particulars of Claim. ® vias I Question 5 7 Verduidelik kortiks wat elk van die volgende begrippe betekervbehels: / Briefly explain what each of the folowing concepts mearvental ‘SY Spesiale Piet / Special Plea @ Q srenagrte bnsoas F Soeisl aie 6 ‘eG Preitbelet / Notice of Bar ® Yya)__Litis contestatio in UO Sa, Subpoena duces tecum » de ndetwing en pained ‘indexing and paginating 5 roy 6 1! Question 6 x die verses waaraan pry in regsgeding met vokoen wa van deskundige sew maak n'a verhoor. Discuss the requirements a party should xo use of the testimony of an expert witness during a ta (2) Bespreek getuie se getuienis gebrul ‘comply with when intending fo mat C4 undige getuie wil roep om te getuig nie aan SBR, wat sou ater inden de pat wat ae yeast veritsvldoen ie? If What would happen 2 pet that wishes 0 cal an expert wines to testi fas fo adhere fo aforementioned requirements? wat word van'n deskundige getuie verwag ten opsigte van die vereistes ter sprake by 6.12 1 Whats expected from an expert winess in respect ofthe requirements set in in 6.1? (1) END OF TEST I EINDE VAN TOETS TOTAL | TOTAAL = 30 FORP122 CLASS TEST 3 - OCTOBER 2018 / FORP122 KLASTOETS 3 - OKTOBER 2018 Qynw' cM “ain paperBeroghede vir Here aes Requirements or — tas cnce cay Arnone X | Mdscecsraare 1) [oe fzonanee Spa Fn Poet Sa pecscaata gece |_| omar Sora Saar Rotweripapier atop Powe: nt roe Mut-coice carte (AS eee ear erg were Yori 8) Mutreuseraare (AS) paseanert Daten! ee ‘Exam Opporuri1 Leall 3 Tipe Aasesneng Moviru Mars Vealnorme: Noimempune; "2 Date! Modde Cade! FORPIZ2 Pale zoreire Nesuesoce crarnetey —_-AbertvanZ-PC:Constartvan Graeme Tne ee Beomnare): PC: Iiematttene o leematirter® et van 34 era Moers) Bisieme Moder) PER LECTURER submission of answer srptfandigng von antwoordsirie: instrXSi ss exsameriokal te hanter ni, yoksamens) Stade ee 52 01 or MBH Ty oopbooht tT ar atudent of oige andor por 3% Fendarwer? MO pot af Students ‘sal aan dissiplinés * agestt' robe et mn pafuurna die BBrVNG Van de ggg. es boeke of notas in hl bes NT ag le rr ce ens Sam, Probeer om hn ander studen alte 7 Geen sent al tegeet wont om 5 Geen enerings worn esonetal eae press onan Mee Geen biadsye mag verwyder word ut le rsx an 7 Voordat ste i etsonenctal erat xudnta wort owgslaat om I Potond of De eras yg tt = ‘samen antwoorde most so, qmibar pene shite conn ee Lo Studente van af moet die betekeris van aftorngs aa! ins cet pane accessors indudng But not ag ymination ° 1. Stunts ae nat lone ohare st tenes in 2 8 a, fale ae ata ven 2 Seers mx ater as nfo A gat examinations) yould they ‘Students are subject to disciplinary PCeUes rs ayrng OP@M POS omy any student. 3.4. have books or notes in their en nessa OM TY resin hes elapsed, we cent st tne Refoe na @n rou of studentis alowed to leave No refteshments ar alowed inthe exainaon ve No pages may be removed rom he answer SOS ote handed Before stunts leave the exarnation vone, STS¥O" SRT ted, The atendance sp tat ao sees oa neh uggs ae not atowed to writs in Pencil or an erasabys All examination answers must be writen in blact Pen. seed 10. Students must cleaty indicate the meaning pbreviabons eee eee Instruksies to the ivigilator. Hierdie vraestel bestaan uit 2 afdeings en 11 wae. Beantwoord alle vrae Instructions This paper consists of 2 sections and 11 questions. Please answer al questions. NB: Please take note that English follows Afrikaans FORP122: Paper! Vraeste 1 | Exam ‘st oppfEksamen ie gel | Ful-ime/Votyas 6 a. r——C —<“< “2X CR 6Udlhlmhmdlmlrmhmlrmlrdmltrtlrh eg rs (20 Punt Har AFDELING A: Rots; Pang I Question 1 Be aN Bespreek krities die verskil tussen 'n forensies® ‘onderhoud en 'n inomes S8SPFEK tussen tog jew and an informs persone. // Critically discuss the difference between & forensic intervi informal conversation between two persons. (4) | & Verduidei wat die Raad op FinansitleDienste se Diektoraat vr MAKTISELIN.S° MAGI is volgang die Wet op Finansiele Markte,12 van 2012 (Financial Markets ‘Act? en hoe hierdie magte moontik ig ir id. it Kommersile forensiese prektisyn (FP) se werksaamnede kan ts es Se vices Board's Directorate of Market Explain what the powers are of the Financial Services Board's Dire ‘Abuse according | to the Financial Markets Act, 12of 2012, and how these powers may influence the work/operations gy commercial forensic practitioner (FP). «4 Ss Gee 'n kort uiteenseting van wat de Suid-Afkaanse Tesourie doen en hoe it van dle Reserwebang \erskl. Bespreek ook hoe die werk van FP's inpas by eersgenoemde instansie. 1! Provide a brigg outline of what the South African Treasury does and how i how the work of FP's applies to Treasury. a Yaeg2! Question 2 by Voltoo! onderstaande sinne deur die ontbrekende woorde te verskaf: !/ Complete the following cifers from the Reserve Bank: Also discusg sentences by providing the missing words: 4 Die ‘se hoofdoelwit is om staatsinstansies te oudit. // The, "5 main objective is to audit state-owned entities. a “2 Die Departement Handel en Nywerheid se hoof isn indie kabinet. 1 The Department of Trade and Industry's head is @.cabinet___. « Ne Die staan ook bekend as ‘Die Kobras” en is deur die Wet op Spesiale | COndersoekeenhede en Spesiale Tribunal, 74 van 1996, daargestel. // The is also known as "The Cobras" and is established by the Special Investigating Units and Special Tabunals Act, 74 of 1996. o Pegs! Question 3 . m Lees die onderstaande uitreksel uit nverslag en beantwoord die daaropvolgende vrae: // Read the folowing extrac rom a report and answer the questions that flow: FORP122: Paper/ Vraesiel 1 | Exam TetopplExsamen fe gel | Full-ime/Volyds 28 @ S "7 orm department hag sn ,. ? ; se It was found during the gomioianos ss ten a 7 department's cos etna, wore, disqualified, b ce aoe saul a 9 sisquaifiod, by the 3 \ Rataton commie, oh og ee ri pEmerer Me Fm contin ed ia fOr Snare he Spe OPO OE yl Evatuation Commies fornot com 79" ay gust that these bidders had indeed comple? gang HOMBRES MDE Cy secu vied for not compIyi she mga se it 79 With the Based oy ecalelton pertarned 8 om the provine, This em oa fen ete 10 mt ance se, company leg enitera for ocality, ath gol rh 769 04 PO jn aoa 3 per month. Valid reasons tr fey in the at 61 Not fe bid being awarded for an amour! bid ae was R2 not provided, TH Fon ot had scored the hi id whos? wore righest points an points. an ration wit the Prva secu eet rae warding the bid the baer scr t® NO cal 5 secuty COMPANY With the ps did comply with the mc as ao raat ary, Regulatory Auth Indust wuthor etn toe with Pr! est 0 PEDUHOY AO vy ere \SPecifications relating to the, company’s f°) unfounded.” the clarity ind ofthe txt 200¥8 cee dig leesstof. Verduldeticjou i dW Bespreek of die betrokke we eer apovementioned clanty. index indicates a Nowing ce a ® (9 veda! Question 4 - rekening wat hy 8® hy later weer sal ont 44 miljoen oor in haa & Sharon se broer, Gino, bet2al RA miloe ratewe beampte by 1 plaaslite bank en weap wn kein solaris aaminst ! die polisie in te lig van hierdie She die yaron weet Gino ver rc srron veri nie waar die geld vandaan Kom rie, Bespre corbetaling. // rer bak account and says he will withdraw it again ata yrother, Gino, payS R4 million into. rk at the local bank and doesn't ‘Sharon's br le later stage. Sharon knows Gino eas @ ‘small salary as an admin cle rom. Discuss whether Sharon 1S obligated to inform the police of this ‘know where the money come: payment. @ Wat behels strukturering (“structuring’) in terme van geldwassery? // What does structuring, in terms (1) ‘of money laundering, entail? ae Noem twee algemeen bekende m gangs. ctorfetsbendes. 1 Name two commonly known motorcycle (2) FORP122: Paper/ Vraestel1 | Exam tst opp/EKsamen te gel | Full-tmerVoltyds —— AFDELING B: Siviele Prosesreg | SECTION B: Law of Civil Procedure {70 Punte Mare ] @ Ne joem en bespreek kortlke (ak faeree beans) a oe sil Presse. nonen die doe! is om biti ———<—— © regsprosesse te verseker Name and briefy discuss eight general principles of the Law of Cv Procedure i PuPOS® OF which arg ensure fair legal processes. Mr 6! vag Question 6 ty NL Verduidelk kortiks wat die begrip locus stendi beteken 11 Briefly explain what the term locus stangi ‘means. @ ‘ea, Bespreek kort locus standin de volgende geval Briefly explain locus standi in the following instances: “a\_Insolvente persone / Insolvent persons: ke pL Trusts // Trusts; gee aX Vennootskappe i concer ee. eS a , , wa s Sslaicry eases 2 dogu Tree = “yerw > EEVUEMEME v vequeer > US5> via Overton? eiser ant: [19 : PRS. verctic wa ute van bie court process documents entail. ano Fy Rorscolindes behels. Explain what the issuing of 6 rekkng tot de betekening van prosesstukke, I/ What does Se ‘Wat behels die pligte van die balju met bet the dutios ofthe shenif entail with regard to te serving of cour process documents. © Ss Noem en bespreek kortiks vier gewone metodes van betekening OP natuurlke persone in die Hoe Het) Name and brie explain fur usual methods of service on natural persons in te High Court ® vas! Question 8 . @ Ne Verduideli wat isi “éringende aansoek’ en waarom mag dt veral van belang wees vir forensiese ondersoeke. 1! Explain what an urgent application is and why it may be of importance in forensic @) investigations. FORPIER: Paper Vraesiel 1 | Exam ist oppreKsamen te 921 | Fulrimervoryds 1 eedsverkiaring wat 'n dringenge word in ful po set out i the founding affidavit in Water iniging moet uti VEN Ts ex «) ansoek ondersteun? i What forme ‘Support of an urgent application? ty Yes 91 Question 9 oe nhosver following questions in respecy Beantwoord die volgende vrae ten sansien Y=" is fa ir wt — ext 11 BY wnt RY 1 SON POSER dingy ui a Deur watter party in n geding word ” Verweerskif mn Willa Prea be issued? sat stoide ade 2720?) word? I BR Wt moet ses inn Verweerkt angesre* eee 7 a should word?! We Wanneer moet h Verweerskrif geliasseer ( %) cial Plea and nay (P) secs dzaran. wnat S a Sp ee (4) Wat is h Spesiale Peit en nem ver YOO - examples thereof. 13 Vraatt0 / Question 10 vate roseseg? What the PUOSE Of he die svi Yet Wat is die doe! van die biootleggingsProses : ° discovery process inthe law of cil procedure rs. w the discovery Process Wor © NE sen hoe die blootleggingsproses werk. |! Explain ho 8) ‘Vra2g41/ Question 11 BK het twee lede, naamlik jou BK. Die 4y is besig met n forensiese ondersoek by Swiss Mining SUPIeS ite. Die ander ld van die BK, Heid klignt, Peter, wie verantwoordelki vice vervaariging van de produ igs , het ontdek Verantwoordelk vir de boekheuding en adminsrase van die ondermernd = : i Heidi haarself verryk het deur betaings aan spookwerkers te maak vanut die bankrekening van die BK en dan Sodanige betalings na haarself te kanalisee. Jou ondersoek is nog nie afgehandel rie. Dit biyk egter dat Heil ongeveer RS mijoen vir haarself toegesien het. Daar is nog nie ‘n dagvaarding uigerek om die gelde te verhaal nie. Heid is 'n enkelma en het diewels vanaf haar huis af gewerk. Jy is sopas inglig dat Heidi emand betaling angebied het om ‘n brand by haar huis te stig en dat sy 'n viegkaartie na Kazakstan vir haarself en haar dogtertie Snoekie, gekoop het. Beantwoord die volgende vrae: // You are busy with a forensic investigation at Swiss Mining Supplies CC. The CC has two members, namely your client, Peter, who is responsible for the manufacturing of the products. The other member of the CC, FORP%122; Paper/ Vraestel 1 | Exam Tst opp/eksamen fe gel | Full-tmeiVotyds a6 a Heidi is responsible forthe bookkeeping and administration ofthe business. Peter has discovered thay, nas encod hrf by making payments fom te bank acount the BUSHESSTO PST EMBER ayy channelled these payments to herselt. _ Your investigation has not been completed yet. te nowever appears hat HOKE PBS BOTCRte to ang, of approximately RS million from the CC. vsmane na not ya been sued geist HEM draco the money from her. Heidi often worked from home, ‘as she isa sige parent. You have just been inf = that Heidi as ofered money to» person to set ret her nase and tat Het MAS ROAR Dare tay g Kazakstan for herself and , Answer te fotowing quesbons Va} ; we we” sous Bespreck water siveagttke remediebevel tot ou sts Dest? one aes at Monti’ bewyse in a(t stig mag word wat van blag ve odes fom dle Spookwerkers idelik wat die remedierbevel benels en waarom dit al geskik isin hierdie geval Discuss what remedyorder inthe chi aw is avafeble your client in order to prevent that possinje em evidence, that may be elovatin the nvestgaton rogers the OPS. Ployees, iS destroyed in the fire. Explain what this remedy/order entails and why itis suitable particularly in this situation, @ ing is om te verhoeg “ ® Bespreek watter sivielregtelike remedie/bevel tot/ov ignt se beskikking is om te ver tHe ie Geicdvat sy na bewering onregmatigik bekom het 2) vervreem of oorplaas : haar banketening 2 chain. Vercidebk wa ie remeanbevel behels 2 WEAN iis geskkis in hierdie geval. vaiabl to your cnt in orderto prevent hat Hla dispose oy Discuss what civil law. remedy/order is a ortransfers the money hat she allegedly obained unlawfly o her bank account in Kazakstan, Expigin 1d be appropriate to use in this instance. . What this remedy/order entails and why it wou! mag wees, [END OF EXAMINATION / EINDE VAN EKSAMINERING TOTAL | TOTAAL = 100 pomesets22 ps FORPI22: Paper/ Vraestel 1 | Exam ist opplEksamen ‘Te gel | Ful-time/Voltyds oe UU VM PCFORPIZ2.1 ll Mutieusekae te (AS) Reaarremnts Tort Ba art anaaigrede vere wae oie cards (A oven Sats Mtcecenan (MD) esse Graph Pepe Atandance Sips iin Pape) SanaPaper Fresensestoies (eran) Catto! Scrap Papa! Sitetoners Rota {ap (Powe ot provide Mat cnoie cards (ASY Laeen ar ng wor ie vorion ) Duration 5 Type of Assessment wig? ciel Te ce exam Oppo urbe Maximum Marts! 109 Sm. 7 aksimu Put ‘Vegetal Nome: 7 Seta rowwnives bola Cote FORP22 Ouall Modulatooe von Graan PC: Tine! Examiners) ap van Z9PCCL| 1 on Elaamaabre) Intematnerne 7 Mosersor) P Steenkame PC External Moderators Etre Moceatort) site. ORDINARY ‘submission of ansver srt nhaniging van anode WW Nwu’ 2 ght word nl toeguat om sefone of steortdbahr msilens ors 3 Stageng Meth atte yoor nde oka plas 31ytente sal aan dissiplinés prosedures onderwerP W' eksamens)i . 2.2 Poke ofotas nha bet et atest ons oer ander siden of wigs ander person. Seen a beet om ander student te he of om AT evens va nha arangvan di tier” Stent saltoegetaat word om ie eksament Eksamen Instruksies SMT Nerverings word in eksamenokaltoegelet Geentiaaye mig eres amet as agen onan Wo dat tere se ekeameioaal vert, mat famerstt Oe teranrighen eet we Alle eksamer antwoorde moet nou of #¥at ‘isbare penne te skryf nie. 10. Studente ‘moet die betekenis van aortings wat gebruk WO" Examination istctons eexae say word, stdente word ne togelat Om In potlood of met 3K gest 5 uldelk aandui Including but not timited to Student “he examination rom and cal phone accessories ncn is are not alowed to hance cal phones in the eam 2. ShBeees ae not alowed fonts must put their bags in font othe venue Students are subject to disciplinary procedures should they. aminations)i 3-1 have books or notes in their possession (except eto any student. 3.2 tempt to asit another sient oF temp 10 ai ion gsson nas poe "No stent is alowed to eave the examination venue before Pat an hour of he No ereshments are slowed inthe amotio vere. 10 pages may be removed from the answer sorts. ee ‘The attendance sip that also serves as an undertaking must becom es Al examination snore stb ten nak ore ink, Students rent aOwe Pen. 10. Students must clearly indicate the meaning of abbr fein pencil or an erasable ions used Instruksies Hierdie vraestel bestaan ut 2 atdelngs en 14 wae Beantwoord ale wae Instructions This paper consists of 2 sections and 14 questions. Please answer all questions NB: Please take note that English follows Afrikaans FORP122: Paper /Vraestel 1 | Exam 2nd opplEksamen 2e gel | Fulliime/Voltyds 7 eee eeu usar eeu susueE enunOTTESESEIIIIETE — AEDELING WLSECTION. {90 Punte/ Marks) \Vraag 1// Question 1 7) Wy Wat is definisie van georganiseerde misdaad? // What is the definition of organised crime? ® be) Noem die vier hoofmetodes van geldwassery in besighede. // List the our main methods of money, laundering in businesses. ® | QQ Watt bevoogdhede word aan die Kommissie vir Maatskappye on Intellekuele Eiendor veg, kragtens arkels 176 tt 179 van die(Maatskappywet Yon einde die Kommissie vir Maatskappye gq, Intellektuele Eiendom in staat te stel or Gndersooke uit te voer”// What powers are provided to the Companies and intelectual Property Commission, in terms of sections 176 fo 179 of the Companies ‘Act. in order to enable the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission fo conduct investigations» (osu 4) en hoe dit van die funksie ®, Gee ‘n kort uiteensetting van die funksie van die Suid-Afrikaanse verskil. Bespreek ook op welke wys' uije. 1! Provide a brief outline of the function of the van die\ aan dig differs trom the function of the Reserve Bank. Also discuss in what way forensic practtioners can provide services to Treasury. 6) von Question 2 4 Is die volgende stellings waar of vals? Motiveer u antwoord deurgaans: // Are the following statements true or false? Motivate your answer in each case: “24 Die doe! van aie Spesiale Ondersoekeenheid (SOE) is om ernstige wanpraktyke in die privaatsektor te ondersoek. // The purpose of the Special Investigating Unit (SIU) is fo investigate serious malpractices in the private sector. 2 DAL Nigerié is bekend as de land van oorsprong van tale sogenaamde 418-bedrogskemas. 1! Nigeria is known as the country of origin of numerous so-called 419-scams. @ FORP122; Paper/Vraestel 1 | Exam 2nd opp/ksamen 2e gel | Fulltime/Voltyds od (51 3 1 Question 3 ruurder, Mar. Appetarey" -e ondersoeker. Jou bes! ndersoek te YY we 'etk by Bevonkie Bpk as ‘0 junior forensies slag na afloop van 1 Jou blootstel aan verslagskrywing en gee jou die taak om die ver nw, onthou iY sk ; TV. Na twee dae se geswoeg,is ou versiag uteindelik Kiar. Lit jou studies by die : - di Aoetretiende manier om te toets of de tzal van jou versiag bondig 6” leesbaar is - oH an om die Duidelikheidsindeks toe fe Duid, lelikheidsindeks. Bespreekstap vir stap hoe jy te werk Sal 98 P&S op jou versiag. // se Appeloroyn, wants 102x082 you gation. ‘0 report writing and gives you the task to write the report affer the completion of an invesg20" studies at the NU, YOu You a Te @ junior forensic investigator at Bevonkie Ltd. Your manager, After two days of endess struggles, you at last frish your report. From Your and easyto read the Clarity Index. Temes -mber an effective way to test whether your report is concise Dis @ ‘Cus, step-by-step, how you would apply the Clarity Index to your report: a es 4 . 14 die toepassing van die Duidetkheidsindeks op jou versiag, iS die resutaat 'n indeks van 59- Be : }espreck of jou versiag getuig van kort, bondige en leesbare taal. // Aer applying the Clarity Index t short, conck © your repor, the results an index of 59, Discuss whether your report represents is short, concise and easy to read. @ vi raag 41! Question 4 (4) mente moet 44 = Wat word bedoel met Persoonsgesentreerde Onderhoudvoering en watter drie ele teenwoordig wees met hierdie te onderhoudvoetingstegniek? // Whats does the Person-centred Approach entail and which three elements should be present with this interviewing technique? (2) Alicia ondervra Jimmy, 'n verdagte in 'n ondersoek. Na 'n uur se gesprek erken Jimmy hy het die geld ‘esteet en begin te huil. Hy voer an die rede vir ce cestl is omdat hy vi sy Seun S° studies wil betaal, Alicia reageer soos volg: “Regt? Ek het ook 'ndogter op universitet, maar ‘ek gaan nie rond en steel mense se geld nie!” In die bogenoemde voorbeeld ontbreek daar vera een van aie elemente van Persoonsgesentreerde onderhoudvoering. Watter elementis dit? Motiveer. 1 FORP122; Paper / Vraesiel 1 | Exam 2nd opp/eksamen 2e gel | Fulltime/Voltyds a7 Alicia interviews Jimmy, a suspect in an investigation. After an hour Jimmy admits he stole the money and starts crying. He says the reason forthe theft is because he wants (0 pay for his Son's study fogs Alicia replies: Really? | also have a daughter at university, but you dont see me stealing other pegayg), money!” In the abovementioned example, one of the elements of the Person-centred approach is cloany lacking. Which element is it? Motivate. 2 AEDELING B: Siviele Pr | SECTION B: Law of Cis re. [70 Punte; Marks} Vraag.3 1! Question 5 1g die stafieg, Votooi die ontbrekende Dit is belangrik om hn onderskeid te kan tref tussen die siviele reg en gedeeltes soos aangedui in die onderstaande tabel. Stat (S) v Beskuldigde (2 punte) Privat van aard. Partye kan self best om ltigasie in te stel en voortte sit in die siviele hof. Bo redelike twyfel a WF punt) = {sir Monetére Kompensasie in die meesie gevalle verskaf. {____.____s=_=| This important fo be able fo distinguish between civil law and criminal law. Complete the missing parts as indicated in the table below. State v The Accused 5-4 (2 marks) 52 (a marks) | Private in nature, Paries decide themselves whether to institute litigation in the civil courts. Beyond reasonable doubt 5.3 (1 mark) 5A (1 mark) Monetary compensation provided most of the time FORP122: Paper /Vraestel 1 | Exam 2nd opplEksamen 2e gel | Fulltime/Voltyds aT 4) 1 Question 6 Verdui van die hot Mido do lon fuk van ok van ce vous Bea Srifier van die Hoe Hot Ye (2) Balu van die Hoe Hof Explaj court: Plein che rote anc uncon of acho te fotoing rics of" 81 op (2) 'eQistrar of the High Court 82 (2) *heriff of the High Court. 112) ! Question 7 i n YS werksaam as fy forensiese ondersocker en word genadr deur Je bestuurder a 4 vi “ulWelondememing. Dit byk dat h boer wat melk lower aan dle suiwolonderneming bedrog gepleeg het deur Water oor n tydperk by die mek wat deur die boer gelewers te gook ‘Jou Kiiént wil 1 siviele aksie instel teen ‘ie boer en daarom moet julle na n prokureurgaan. Op water vrae moet le prokureur in staat te stel om de volgende te kan bewys (Jou antwoord moet ook duidelk aantoon wat met sikeen van die onderstaande begrippe bedoel word): jou kiiént voorberei wees ten einde You are employed as a forensic investigator hen you are approached by the manager of big dairy company. {t appears that a farmer that delivers mik fo the dary company commited fraud against the company over a Period by adding water tothe mik that was delivered by the farmer tothe dary company. Your client wishes {© institute civil action against the farmer and therefore you have to make use of the services of an attorney. In respect of what questions should your cfent be prepared in order for the attorney to prove the following (Your answer should also clearly indicate what is meant by each of the terms given below): S Locus standi @ Jurisdiksie // Jurisdiction " Of verjaring al moontik ingetree het? /! Whether the matter has prescribed? @ Verduidelik kortiks die onderskeid tussen aksie en aansoekprosedures. // Briefly explain the difference between action and application proceedings. @) Dink jy dat 1 aksie of aansoekprosedure in bogenoemde feitestel van toepassing gaan wees? Motiveer jou antwoord. // Do you think that an action or application procedure will be applicable in @ AGA A this set of facts? Motivate your answer. FORP122: Paper/Vreestel 1 | Exam 2nd opp/Eksamen Ze gel | Fulltme/Voliyds a a Yay Question 8 . : i Met verwysing na ek van die volgende stelings, dul aan of de betrokte staling waar of vals is en 1 Moti jou antwoord kortlks. / In respect of each of te folowing statements Indcate whether th p ah a statement is true or false and motivate your answer briefly. te Sy Die Aansoek-prosedure in sivele gedinge begin met ie uirek van'r Kennisgewing Van Mosie es, ame met in Funderende Eedsvertaring deur die eiser. // TH? Application-procedure in civil mator, commences with the issuing of a Notice of Motion together with Founding Affidavit by the plaintiy, ( : 1 (1) ta Pleitstukke moet deur die party wat dit by hho wil lat jigsseer, bebdig WOrd. 11 Pleadings yp, uch a party. lat @ party wish to file with a court, must be confirmed under oeth DY S i Sa Die totale proses in N aansoekprosedure is papier gebaseerd (geen mondelinge getuienis word dys teenodig nie), (1 The entre procedure nan apicaton procedure is paper-based (no oral evidence ig thus required). a Hoorsé getuienis is toelaatbaar in die geval van dringende aansoeke. / Hearsay evidence jg a) ‘admissible in urgent applications. wees aan ie Meester van dle betokke HOB Ho, asco, ie ie Kennisgewing van Mosie moet ger f persoon teen wie die aansoek gebring rd THe Nace of Motion must be adtessed o boty hy on against whom the application is brought, (4 Master of the relevant High Court, as well 9s the pers ‘Vea 1 Question 9 7 Beskryf wat die pligte van die Balu behels wanneer hofstukke beteken word. 1 Explain what the dues ofthe Sherif ental hen Sor? court process. ane yitiag 30 1! Question 10 8 Verduidetk wat alles uitgevoer moet word tons de sogenaarde indekseig on pacnerng van" hor, Explain what shouldbe done dring the so-called indexing and paginating of the court ie. . ee 1 Question 11 w \ if prosesse in ie sve prosesten, Verwys in jou artwoord Verduidelik die verskil tussen appel en hersiening na die gronde waarop elkeen van die prosesse gebring kan word. /! Explain the ciference between appeal and review processes in the law of civil procedure. In your answer, refer to the grounds in respect ‘of which each of these processes ‘can be brought. iramelvoryes FORPTER: Paper Viaestel 1 | Exam 2nd oppreksamen 28 ge | Fal na

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